Minutes - floridabuilding.org

Minutes The meeting was ... Mo Madani, Ann Stanton, Pete Quintela, Ed Carson, Art Kamm, Arlene Stewart, Charles Hickey, CW Macomber, Scott Hamilton, M...

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FLORIDA BUILDING COMMISSION Joint Meeting Structural/Energy Technical Advisory Committees Orlando, Florida April 18, 2004

Minutes The meeting was convened by Chair Craig Parrino of the Structural TAC in consultation with Chair Stephen Corn of the Energy TAC at 1:05 p.m. A quorum was not achieved of both TACs until near the end of the meeting as only 4 Structural TAC members were present. Voting Members Present: Structural TAC: Craig Parrino, Jack Glenn, Ted Berman, Rusty Carroll. Late: Chris Shulte Energy TAC: Steve Corn, Steve Bassett, Ron Bailey, Bob Cochell, Joe Crum, Philip Fairey, Maury Jacobson, Jim Larsen, Roger Sanders. Others Present: Mo Madani, Ann Stanton, Pete Quintela, Ed Carson, Art Kamm, Arlene Stewart, Charles Hickey, CW Macomber, Scott Hamilton, Michael Graham, Wendell Porter. Meeting Objective: Discuss and provide recommendation on DCA03-DEC-325. Proponent described the case in question as a house in Parkland, Florida, where the space traditionally called an “attic” was planned to be air conditioned with the envelope meeting Chapter 13 of the Florida Building Code, Building. Batt insulation would be installed just below the rafters, making the space part of the conditioned envelope. Actions Taken: Because a quorum of the Structural TAC was not present, straw votes were utilized until a quorum was achieved. A letter from the City of Parkland’s Building Official was entered into the record, as were a non-binding opinion from BOAF and an email from George Wiggins. Rusty Carroll questioned why the DEC request was being heard on a house that already had a Certificate of Occupancy. Proponent stated that the DEC was specific to the house in Parkland, regardless of CO. Madani reported that Counsel had suggested hearing it. The DEC request has been waiting on other legal action since last December. • To the question, “If I insulate the roof with fiberglass batt insulation strapped to the underside of the roof sheathing with the R-value required to meet Chapter 13 of the Florida Building Code and I air-condition the space below the roof, is it still considered an attic?”, the TAC voted 12-3 that the answer to Question 1 is NO, a conditioned space located beneath an insulated roof that meets the thermal and equipment efficiency requirements of Chapter 13 of the code is not an attic. .

• To the question, “If this space is air-conditioned, do I still need to provide soffit ventilation or mechanical ventilation with outside air?”, the TAC voted 12 to 3 that the answer is NO based on the determination that the space is not at attic, section 2326.3.2 is not applicable. • To the question, “May I share the air-conditioning system that is used to air-condition the building or residence to also provide air-conditioning for this interstitial space that was once considered an attic; or, must the air-conditioning system be a separate dedicated system?”, the TAC voted 12-3 that the answer is YES, the system may be shared with the system used to air condition the building. • To the question, “”If I insulate the underside of the roof with fiberglass batt insulation to meet Chapter 13 of the Florida Building Code and I choose to ventilate the area below the roof in accordance with 2326.3.2.2, may I ventilate six (6) air changes per hour into the air conditioned house and return six (6) air changes per hour into the area under the roof deck?”, the TAC voted 12 – 3 that the question does not need to be addressed. • To the question “If the homeowner decided not to install a sheetrock ceiling such that the wood trusses were visible when the occupants looked up, could the insulation be installed on the underside of the roof deck in which case the air conditioning cooling the residence would also be cooling the truss space. Therefore, would attic ventilation be required?”, the TAC voted 12-3 that the question does not need to be addressed.

Adjourn: The TAC adjourned at 2:35 pm.