News from the Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society CAVE RUN

embroidery may be offered for ... Holbrook Drug, Rowan County Arts Center ... had this dream of starting a symphony orchestra to serve Morehead and Ea...

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News from the Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society


[email protected]

Issue No. 3








Upcoming Concert


December 6, 2014

8:00 p.m. Morehead Conference Center "Holiday Concert" (Hometown Holidays) *Public invited at no charge* Scot Buzza, Conductor

Information related to this concert is available on the CRSO website

The September 21, 2014 concert was a wonderful success. Over 400 people attended and they loved the music. The conductor had a great rapport with the audience and the applause was sustained. T-Shirts were sold and they were a big hit. They will be sold again December 6 2014. Watch for Sharon and Jan!!!

Cave Run Symphony Orchestra “Holiday Concert” Hometown Holidays

Saturday, December 6, 2014 8 p.m. Morehead Conference Center Free Admission

Photos of the September 21, 2014 concert rehearsal and performance are available at 118109193@N02/sets/ 72157647894146801/ Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society | 606-356-0084 | |

PAGE !2 Meet the Conductor Scot Buzza has had an international performing career over the past two decades that includes solo appearances with orchestras in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland and Venezuela. In his early 20s he was appointed principal violist of the Tokyo Philharmonic, and five years later he became soloist-principal violist of the Chamber Orchestra of Barcelona, Spain. As a chamber musician Mr. Buzza has performed worldwide, and his recitals have been broadcast on Radio France, PBS, Radio Amsterdam, Tokyo NHK and Radio Catalunya (Spain). In the United States he has performed regularly with both the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Buzza is a graduate of Yale University, where he held simultaneous fellowships in both the School of Music and the Department of Slavic Languages and Linguistics. He currently teaches a full course load in Aural Skills and Music History in the Department of Music at Northern Kentucky University, and teaches in the Department of Music & Theatre at Xavier University. Buzza is the director of the KIIS Institute in Salzburg, Austria, where he has taught conducting and music history since 2009.

What’s New: 1. Acoustics in MCC will be upgraded by placing the MCC dance floor under the strings section.

2. Suggestion box for audience musical preferences being made.

3. A sculpture of the CRSO logo will be done by Stephen Tirone. Maybe will give birth to baby ones for a fund raiser?

4. Society members pre- or postdinners are proposed.

5. Governor Beshear at February concert? Hopeful!

6. A dinner dance with a jazz ensemble either February or March?

7. Nomination of Dr. Ewell Scott for NBC “Making a Difference” Segment.

8. President of MSU Student Government to publicize concerts.

9. Polo shirts with logo embroidery may be offered for sale. T-shirts were a HIT!

10. MSU Faculty will announce upcoming concerts in their classes.

11. Election of CRSO officers at February CRSO Society Meeting. The term of four officers is up. It is so important people volunteer

and members vote!!!!! Expect calls for service. Society meeting time will be announced.

““ Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society | 606-356-0084 | |

! PAGE 3 !! Answers to commonly asked questions: How is the money spent?

What does the CRSO Board of Directors do?

With the orchestra in its current state, the cost is approx. $10,000 per concert ($40,000 per season).  Expenses include professional pay for conductor and musicians; music purchase and rental; venue rental; printing of tickets and program booklets; publicity and fundraising items such as posters and brochures; advertising in print and radio; postage; and supplies for the orchestra.

  Building and sustaining a symphony orchestra is an involved endeavor for any community. It is a daunting task. The CRSO Board of Directors and many community volunteers work diligently raising money, selling tickets and advertising space; reserving venues; creating promotional and fundraising materials; recruitment of event staff volunteers. The board coordinates all CRSO activities and planning.

It is truly a team effort driven by a love of music, commitment to community, and vision.


What does the CRSO Musical Advisory Board do?

 The Cave Run Symphony Orchestra is the resident orchestra of Morehead and Eastern Kentucky and utilizes collaborative talents from professional musicians, educational faculty, and student interns. The Orchestra’s Musical Advisory Board is the engine of the Cave Run Symphony Orchestra. It provides logistical planning; contracting musicians and conductors; repertoire planning, set-up and take-down management of risers; and management of web site and social media.

!! !! !

Tickets: The December Concert is FREE but tickets for the future can be purchased at the concert, online and at the sites listed below. Concert ticket sellers to look for are: Ron and Ann Fiel, Helen Chadwell,


Jessie Koett, and Janet Bignon


Coffee Tree Book Store

Folk Art Center Holbrook Drug, Rowan County Arts Center Online: at

Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society | 606-356-0084 | |

! ! PAGE 4 Draft of the Nomination for Dr. Ewell Scott for the “NBC Making a Difference” segment: The small community of Morehead Kentucky has a 65-70 piece Symphony Orchestra. This is no small thing. Morehead in Rowan County Kentucky has a growing population of approx. 6,800 with an estimated median household income of $26,000. ! ! How is it that this small community has the Cave Run Symphony Orchestra in its midst? Well, one main reason is a gentleman named Dr. Ewell Scott. Dr. Scott is a retired MD internist who has served his community for over 40 years. Dr. Donald Grant, Chair of the Music, Dance and Theatre Dept. at Morehead State University had this dream of starting a symphony orchestra to serve Morehead and Eastern KY. Dr. Ewell Scott gladly joined this dream after asking a million questions during the first organizational meeting. And so, because of their vision, their passion and their tireless hard work the symphony orchestra became a reality.! ! ! But there is a financial cost to providing CRSO concerts to the people of Morehead/Eastern Kentucky.  With the orchestra in its current state, the cost is $10,000 per concert ($40,000 per season). Consequently, Dr. Scott pulled together the resources of Morehead’s acclaimed small regional university (Morehead State University) and other institutions and organizations to make the community aware of its potential to support a symphony orchestra. Dr. Scott and the Steering Committee recruited founding sponsors who support the symphony orchestra: Kentucky Bank, St.Claire Regional Medical Center, The Citizens Bank and Morehead State University.! ! Dr. Scott has been a determined fund raiser for the symphony orchestra. Besides recruiting founding sponsors his marketing ideas include a web site, a Facebook page, t-shirts, magnets, a newsletter, mini-get togethers before concerts, dinner dances, and sponsors of both musician chairs and concerts at various funding levels. In addition, The Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society was formed which now has over 150 contributing members. Members pay $10.00 to join and get advance notice of activities and information. ! ! Dr. Scott has made the community aware of the value of their donations and contributions by explaining what the resident symphony orchestra of Morehead and Eastern Kentucky must do to provide four concert performances a year. ! ! Expenses include professional pay to for conductor and musicians; music purchase and rental; venue rental; printing of tickets and program booklets; publicity and fundraising items such as posters and brochures; advertising in print and radio; postage; supplies for the orchestra.   The CRSO Board of Directors and many community volunteers work diligently raising money, selling tickets and advertising space; logistical planning; contracting musicians and conductors; reserving of venues; orchestra set-up and take-down; repertoire planning and procurement; creation of promotional and fundraising materials; web site and social media management; event staff. It is truly a team effort driven by a love of music, a commitment to community, and vision.! ! ! Clearly, it is daunting to start a project of this kind. But Dr. Scott has made it clear The Cave Run Symphony Orchestra is here to stay. He and Dr. Grant will make sure of it. Consequently, he has asked the local newspaper “The Morehead News” the Morehead Tourism Commission, the local school system and Good Shepard Printing to provide services at cost or reduced cost. He has recruited local graphic artists to design a logo, produce brochures, and design concert programs. As you can see, Dr. Scott has tapped the generosity and pride of this community in developing The Cave Run Symphony Orchestra.! ! To date three symphony orchestra concerts have been performed - the first one was held in conjunction with HomeTown Holidays in December 2013 had over 1000 attendees. It was free, but the next two weren’t, and still over 450 people came. I guess if you build it, they will come.! ! Consequently, I would like to nominate Dr. Ewell Scott for the NBC Making a Difference Segment. Dr. Scott is a humble humanitarian who has convinced a wide range of Morehead residents that making Morehead a better place is a good thing. He has that way about him. The fact that he has had a successful role as a healer of just about everyone in town didn’t hurt either. ! He is very deserving. He is a good guy with a driving passion to help his community. ! ! Please also view the CRSO website at and Facebook page: Cave Run Symphony Orchestra.


Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Society | 606-356-0084 | |

See you at the Cave Run Symphony Orchestra Saturday, December 6, 2014 Concert