Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey

Thursday 06/22/17 Friday 06/23/17 Saturday 06/24/17 Sunday 06/25/17 10AM Rededication of St. John the Baptist Cathedral, Paterson...

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Our Lady of Mercy ~ Whippany, New Jersey







Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Father’s Day Diocesan Food Drive Liturgy of the Word for Children 11AM Mass



First Day of Summer OLM Golf Outing



June 11th Last Year

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Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for June SATURDAY, June 17th - Vigil Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 5:30 P.M. Robert Milazzo John Mraveak Sophie Mraveak (35th Ann) Martin Keating, Jr. Jan Birecki (15th Ann) SUNDAY, June 18th - Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ 7:30 A.M. All Fathers Living and Deceased 9:30 A.M. All Fathers Living and Deceased 11:00 A.M. All Fathers Living and Deceased MONDAY, June 19th - St. Romuald 9:00 A.M. Mary Barrett TUESDAY, June 20th 9:00 A.M. Luigi Farodiano Sr. Antonette Farodiano

Cecilia Bowe

WEDNESDAY, June 21st - St. Aloysius Gonzaga 9:00 A.M. Theresa (Terry) Garruto THURSDAY, June 22nd- St. Paulinus of Nolas, St. John Fisher & St. Thomas More 9:00 A.M. Bryan Ferretti (2nd Ann) FRIDAY, June 23rd - The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 9:00 A.M. Msgr. Frank B. Ferraioli SATURDAY, June 24th - Nativity of St. John the Baptist 9:00 A.M. George Drury Paul Gizzo SATURDAY, June 24th - Vigil 12th Sunday Ordinary Time 5:30 P.M. Monica Richardi Frank Richardi Theresa & Mary Jannelli Lenoard Salko and all Living and Deceased Members of the Salko Family SUNDAY, June 25th - 12th Sunday Ordinary Time 7:30 A.M. Bridget & John Scott Robert Brueno Patricia Class (22nd Ann) Robert, Steven and Patty Thompson 9:30 A.M. Alfred Albano John LoBello Joseph M. Peterson 11:00 A.M. Michael Sorresse Charlie Malone Catherine & Martin Mc Donnell Nell R. Lyon (29th Ann) Gaston G. Margron, Jr. Anne & Frank C. Panian

“National Leaders” - That national leaders may firmly commit themselves to ending the arms trade, which victimizes so many innocent people.

HONORING FR. SEAN All are invited to join us at the 11AM Mass on Sunday, June 25th with a reception immediately following in the Parish Ctr. Refreshments will be prepared by our own K of C Council #6904. We will honor Fr. Sean as he prepares to embark on the next step in his pastoral ministry and faith journey as pastor of St. Matthew’s Church in Randolph. Please stop by even if you cannot attend the Mass as we celebrate and remember the past 11 years that Fr. Sean has served as the Pastor of our parish family of OLM. So that we can prepare accordingly, please RSVP to Lisa no later then Wed June 21st by emailing Lisa.Dempsey@ourladyofmercyparish,com or by calling the Ministry House at 973-887-0767.

A MESSAGE FROM OUR BISHOP Dear Friends in Christ, For the last several years, I have asked all of the parishes in our Diocese to take up a collection on Father’s Day for seminarian education. I hope you will show your support for their vocation and participate this year. Currently, over 50 men are being educated for service in the priesthood for our Diocese. Most parents know the cost of one or two college tuitions. It is often a sacrifice, but one that has a benefit for both the student and society. Now imagine adding 50 more names to that bill! Our Diocese understands the enormous benefit of priestly formation to the life and future of our Church. We are blessed that so many have responded to the call. However, the costs are considerable. Your participation in this Father’s Day collection, along with the support of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal in the Fall, helps defray the expenses associated with seminarian education. As you celebrate Father’s Day in your home, please celebrate those seminarians who will one day serve your spiritual home by giving a gift toward their education. Faithfully yours in Christ, Most Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, S.T.D., S.S.L., D.D. Bishop of Paterson







10AM Rededication of St. John the Baptist Cathedral, Paterson

For everything there is a Reason and a Time for Every Purpose under Heaven ...A Time to Heal... Pray for the sick Giuseppa Casarrubea, Pat Fusco, Ann Y., Connor Davey, Addie Cinquino, Connie Delio, Susan Nicoll, Carol, Bob Bark, Angela Cassano, Allen Lebo, Dominic Guida, John Stolfi, Giovanna Cinquino, John Jaczyinski, Jacqueline Gorman, Shane Hakes, Mike McLaughlin, Bill Van Hall, Pat Conforti, Agnes Ryan, Kip Dangler, Robert DelPurgatorio, Michael, Charles Realmonte, Roger, Linda Ann Celeste, Lucille Cocca, John Strumolo, Sr, Angela, Cara Coughlin, Shirley Smiecinski, Stephen Donnelly, Gary Y, Emma Carothers, Bob Roberts, Joseph Mascia, Mark Herkert, James Giannetti, Lisa Compas, Colton Ford Petronaci, Patrick J. Asay Jr, William Bulman, Kevin Mulligan, Russell Cassella, Jimmy Hark, Audrey Sherry, Arlene Gentile, Marylou Perrini, Michelle White, Patsy Manna, Chris Surrago, Felisa Manlapig, Richard Virgil, Ann Granziel, Paul Comerford, Pat Rue-an, Lorraine Azzinaro, Justin T., Angel Lamontagne, Melissa, Terry, Assunta Less, Stella, Neal Spickert-Fulton, Generoso Giesullo, Irene D, Joe S., Angelina Martin,Anita & Armando Geroldi, Arlene Gentile, Wagner Estivalletti, Christine McGarry, Ann-Marie Andre, Mackenzie Cunningham, Theresa Pentz, Betty Deren, Raye, John Cordova, Beverly Fresco, Audrey Safin, ML, Mary Payack Jean Marie Petrino, Elaine Gieger, Frank Mares, Michael Rado Jessica Hermans, Bridget Murray, Anthony LaFerrara, Mary Geraldine McHale, John Lenox, Belarmino Viegas and Barbara Forsythe

...A Time to Die... Pray for the dead Please pray for those buried in St. Mary’s Cemetery and for those who have died especially Anna Stalgaitis

..A Time for Peace... Pray for peace and our enemies in our world, in our homeland, and in our Church

LITURGY CORNER Today we celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist is what unites us; it is what makes us one. To use the Eucharist as something that divides us or to keep someone or some group of persons away from the Eucharist goes against the very nature of God’s greatest gift to us. When all is said and done, we only have the Eucharist and no one can take that away from us. It is the Eucharist that makes us who we are. It is the Eucharist that keeps our Church together when it seems like it’s breaking apart. We must do everything we possibly can to protect the Eucharist—the Real Presence of Jesus among us. One very important thing we must do is ensure against the Eucharist becoming irrelevant, and it will become irrelevant if we ignore its centrality in our life or if we fall into the sin of believing we can regulate this gift of God and exclude people who don’t meet our limited and often sinful



12th Sunday OT 11AM Mass for Fr. Sean Reception to follow in Parish Center

requirements. No matter what else happens in this Church, we must never abandon the Eucharist. There is nothing in the gospel that should make us believe Jesus only had certain people in mind when He preached the kingdom or certain people in mind when He gave us His Body and Blood. Jesus welcomes us all, Jesus feeds us all and Jesus satisfies us all. Imagine the great joy Jesus must feel when we are happy and satisfied with the meal He gives us to share. By the same token, it is unimaginable that Jesus would want any one left out. As we move to the table of the Lord, let us keep in mind that this is a great gift and none of us is worthy, but, all of us are invited and all of us are welcome. Today we also celebrate Father’s Day. Our God is Father. We come to know the power in that statement through the experience we have had with our own fathers. Actually, the word that Jesus used is “Abba” or “Daddy”. What an awesome task for those who are fathers: to model the very perfection of God who is Our Father. Our blessing of fathers at the end of the Liturgy today is both a thanksgiving for their example and a prayer for the power of their witness. May all our fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers, godfathers and uncles have a blessed and joy-filled day. Happy Father’s Day! Lisa

FAITH AT HOME In the Eucharist, we are fed with Christ’s Body and Blood. In the sacred meal that is the Mass, we are nourished with heavenly food in order that we might live more fully as Christ’s disciples each day. Adults: What is one thing that I can do this week, to make Christ present to others, so that they experience him through my words and actions? Children: What is one thing that I can do this week, to make my participation during Mass more meaningful to me and to my friends? A Family Perspective: Our faith teaches us that when we gather to celebrate Mass, Jesus is present to us. The bread and wine truly become the Body and Blood of Christ. This is what we mean by the word Transubstantiation: Jesus makes himself present to all who receive the Body and Blood of Christ. If there are children in your family who have already celebrated their First Holy Communion, invite them to share their memories of this special day. If there are family photos taken on this occasion, bring them out and share them together. Adults in the family may also share memories or photos that they have of their First Communion. Then read together today’s Gospel, John 6:51–58. Reflect together on what Jesus means when he calls himself the “living bread.” Recall that every time we receive the Eucharist, Jesus keeps the promise he made in today’s Gospel—“those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will remain forever connected to him”. Have a wonderful and a blessed week! Lisa

UPCOMING EVENTS AT OLM Mass for Fr. Sean 6/25 at 11AM Mass in Church. Reception to follow in the Parish Ctr.

RELIGIOUS FORMATION Registrations for 2017-2018 have been sent. If you did not receive it, or would like to sign up your son/daughter, please call 973-887-0050 or [email protected] Just a reminder that your child must be enrolled in 1st & 2nd gr for First Reconciliation/Eucharist and 9th & 10th for Confirmation. PreK./Kindergarten is also available in our Sunday program. To avoid a late fee, registrations MUST be received to the Rectory by July 31, 2017.

CATECHISTS NEEDED Please consider becoming a catechist, someone who echoes OUR faith—for our Religious Formation program. Volunteer catechists are needed for all age levels for the 2017-2018 year. Sessions meet on Sunday mornings, after school and in the evening on Tuesdays. For more info contact Fr. Milton or the Rectory Office M-F 9AM - 3PM at 973-887-0050 or email [email protected] about this most important need for our parish family.

MARIAN HOME PILGRIMAGE PROGRAM This year is the 100th Anniversary of the Marian apparitions in Fatima. Have you signed up yet for our Marian Home Pilgrimage Program? A sign-up sheet can be found on the bulletin board at the back of Church. We encourage and invite each family to sign up for a week to bring Our Blessed Mother into your home. You will pick up Mary after the 11AM Mass and return her before the 5:30 PM Mass. During the week that Mary spends in your home, take the time to deepen your relationship with Jesus through His Blessed Mother. Pray the rosary together as a family, place a prayer request in the prayer journal and be drawn closer to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. Keep a rosary, scapular and pamphlet so that you can continue your journey with Mary. What a wonderful way of praying together as a family!

AFTERNOON WITH THE BISHOP On Sunday, May 5th, Bishop Serratelli met with children from our Diocese, who had received the Eucharist for the first time. Representing OLM Parish Family were Anthony Selitto, Cathryn Smith and Mackenzie Sorresse. I asked them to share about their experience: Anthony: "It was a great honor meeting the bishop. I liked hearing him talk to us kids & taking a picture with him. He gave me a wonderful gift which was a plaque of Jesus & Mary.” Cathryn: "I like that he (Bishop Serratelli) let people talk and ask questions. When he talked to us I remember he told us the greatest gift we can give someone is us and that we should write down one or two promises we make to Jesus. I liked the procession when the Bishop walked with the Eucharist under the canopy. I liked seeing friends from school and other places there. It was a special moment to be with my friends at church and getting a special blessing”. Mackenzie: She said, “I was very happy to be chosen and felt very special and important that I was able to meet the bishop!” Thank you to their parents for bringing them to St. Peter’s Church in Parsippany and representing OLM’s Parish Family.

CARING AND SHARING To my OLM Family: Thank you so much for your support during the past year. With your help we were able to raise over $3000 to help our fellow parishioners in need. A big thank you goes to all the Caring and Sharing Angels for their help with baking, fundraising, crocheting, selling raffles tickets. Special thanks also to Anthony and Sons for all the baked goods. I would like to personally thank my daughter, Nancy Goebel and my granddaughter, Christina Riviello for their help in setting up, banking, taking minutes, pictures, sending group emails. Without their support and assistance, I would not have been able to do it alone. The biggest thank you goes to Lisa for all her work and support. I'd like to take this opportunity to say adieu to Father Sean and thank you from all of us for his service and devotion for the past 11 years. Looking ahead, I am hoping to enlist your help with making next year even bigger and better. In particular, we need more volunteers. Our core group of Angels will burn out if more people don't get involved. With your help we will grow and make this ministry even more successful! Have a wonderful summer. Hope to see you at our next meeting in September. Love and prayers,Mimi Margron, Committee Chair, OLM Caring & Sharing Ministry Congratulations to Joseph Mihalko, William (Will) Wainscott and their parents on receiving their Eagle Scout Court of Honors Award at the Hanover Rec Ctr on Sun 6/4. We are very proud of both of them. Joey’s project was to complete the landscaping of the entrance to WPHS’s new football field and installed 3 benches, which improved the aesthetics of the memorial for Lcpl Christopher Cosgrove. Will’s project consisted of constructing a storage shed at Bee Meadow Pool. The shed will be used to store the floating lane dividers, preventing them from becoming damaged due to the fall and winter weather elements. We are blessed to have two such dedicated young men as members of our parish family. Good job Joe & Will! We are so very proud of you! (Is your teen preparing for their Girl Scout or Boy Scout Awards, or working on something in the community? We would love to share projects and awards of our teens with our Parish Family. Please email Lisa with any info)

4th ANNUAL PATERSON DIOCESE CORPUS CHRISTI FOOD DRIVE Once again this year, our Diocese will hold their annual Diocesan-wide food drive for Catholic Charities. Across our Diocese, especially over the summer months, there is a food shortage. Our designated items are any kind of cooking oil (olive, canola, vegetable) and/or canned vegetables. Can you imagine how much we could collect if everyone brought just one item! It would be such an incredible sight! The collection is this weekend. If you would like to donate but forgot your items, donations may be left at the Ministry House or Rectory no later then Monday afternoon. Please mark on the bag, “Corpus Christi Food Drive”. Thank you for helping the families in our Diocese that are in need!

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS AWARD Congratulations to Andrew Gigantino, winner of the Knights of Columbus Msgr. John J. Sheerin Assembly Scholarship Essay Contest. This contest was for graduating 8th graders attending a Catholic High School in the fall and required writing an essay on "How Can I Demonstrate Patriotism". He was one of the honorees at the Knights of Columbus communion breakfast on June 4th. Congratulations Andy! We are very proud of you!

VACATION BIBLE CAMP Notre Dame of Mount Carmel Church will hold their annual Vacation Bible Camp M-F 7/10-14 from 9-12:15pm. This year the them is “Maker Fun Factory”. Cost is $50 per child. For more info please contact Diane Byrne at 973-5381358 x111 or email her at [email protected]

SERVED BY Reverend Sean Mc Donnell....................................... Pastor [email protected]

Lisa Dempsey......................................... Pastoral Associate [email protected]

Reverend Milton Camargo............................Parochial Vicar [email protected]

Vincent LoBello .................................................... Deacon [email protected]

Elizabeth Ventola ........................................ Academy Principal

Reverend Francis Duffy ....................... Weekend Assistant

Carmen Blandino ............................... Parish Council President

Edwin Peterson ........................................................... Trustee

WE INVITE YOU TO CELEBRATE THE EUCHARIST ON… THE LORD’S DAY Saturday Evening ...................................................... 5:30 p.m.

Sunday Morning.............. 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., & 11:00 a.m.

Weekdays ................................................................. 9:00 a.m.

Saturday Morning .................................... 9:00 a.m. (Novena)

Holyday Eve.............................................................. 5:30 p.m.

Holydays .............................. 6:30 a.m. (Chapel), & 12 Noon

RECTORY & ST. MARY’S CEMETERY OFFICE 9 Parsippany Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Rectory Office is open from 9a.m—3p.m. Monday—Friday

Phone: 973-887-0050  Fax: 973-887-0991 E-Mail: [email protected]  Web: www.ourladyofmercyparish.com [email protected]

OUR LADY OF MERCY ACADEMY 90 Whippany Road, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-2611  Fax: 973-887-6629 E-Mail: [email protected]  Web: www.olmacademy.com

RELIGIOUS FORMATION 9 Parsippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-0050  Fax: 973-887-0991 E-Mail: [email protected]

LITURGICAL MINISTRIES 70 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981 Phone: 973-887-0767  Fax: 973-887-0644 E-Mail: [email protected]

YOUTH MINISTRY 70 Whippany Rd, Whippany, NJ 07981

© 2011 Bon Venture Services, LLC

Phone: 973-887-0767  Fax: 973-887-0644 E-mail: [email protected]

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Engaged couples should make arrangements with one of the priests one year in advance of the wedding date.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM The Parish Community celebrates Baptisms on all Sundays of the month at 12:00 p.m. One preparation session is required for first time parents. Parents should register by calling the Parish Office after the child’s birth.

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION The Sacrament of the Lord’s Forgiveness is celebrated Saturday afternoons at 5:00 p.m. Other times for Reconciliation are announced in the bulletin, and by making an appointment with one of the priests.

SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Parish Community celebrates this Sacrament at a Special Liturgy during the year or at home anytime.

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