Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church

FAITH FORMATION Elementary Faith Formation: Sunday classes for grades K-5 resume on January 21 at 9:40 am in Kateri Center. First Penance Mini-Retreat...

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Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church February 10/11, 2018 Worship Celebrations Saturday Vigil Mass - 5:30 pm Sunday Morning Masses - 8:30 am and 11:00 am Weekday Liturgies (Monday - Friday) 9:00 am

Devotions Rosary - Monday through Friday, 8:30 am Divine Mercy Chaplet - Monday, 9:30 am Sacred Heart Novena - Friday, 9:30 am

14601 A Street South, Tacoma, WA 98444-4696 Parish Office (253) 537-3252 - Fax (253) 536-2662 Parish Office hours, Monday through Friday: 9 am - 11:30 am and 12:30 pm - 4 pm. If you have someone who is near death or who has died, please call this Emergency Answering Number (253) 922-4067 and they will contact Fr. John Wilkie directly. Website: www.ourladyqueenofheaven.org Download our App at www.myparishapp.com General email: [email protected]

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) Every Saturday at 4:30 pm or by appointment.

Sacrament of Baptism If you are expecting a baby or have an infant to be baptized, contact Sr. Joan Mikulski, 253-537-3252, ext. 115, to make an appointment for the next scheduled session. Infant Baptism classes are held 4 times a year.

Sacrament of Marriage Please call Fr. John Wilkie for an appointment at least 6 months prior to the proposed wedding date.

Marriage Preparation Please call Vida Yingling-Thomas at the parish office Or email her at [email protected]

Parish Staff Pastor Reverend John Wilkie, ext. 113

Anointing of the Sick

Baptism, RCIA, Liturgy, and Pastoral Care Sr. Joan Mikulski, ext. 115 or [email protected]

Please arrange with Fr. John to be anointed before serious procedures or hospital stays as the hospital may not always be able to provide a priest.

Blessings Faith Formation K-5, Penance, Eucharist, and Outreach Marriage Tribunal Advocate Jean Foster, ext. 116 or [email protected] Youth Faith Formation 6-12 and Youth Confirmation Sheryl Blessing, ext. 114 or [email protected]

If you are celebrating a wedding anniversary, would like your house or car blessed, or would like to celebrate a special occasion with a blessing, please call Fr. John Wilkie at the Parish Office.

Altar Server Coordinator Contact: Jay Flores: 253-278-2070 or [email protected]

Parish Bookkeeper Teresa Gildersleeve, ext 118 or [email protected]

Contact: Patricia Fox: 253-537-7053

Administrative Assistant Kimberly Peterson, ext. 117 or [email protected]

Call 253-537-5266 - Monday through Friday, from 10 am - 2 pm.

Facilities & Maintenance Supervisor Jerry Bradshaw, ext. 119 or [email protected]

Prayer Line St. Vincent de Paul Society Cub Scouts Cub Scout Pack 633 - Contact: Joseph Dom: [email protected]

OLQH Knights of Columbus Please remember Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church in your will. Thank you.

Contact: Leroy Winters at [email protected]

P arish M ission S tatement Our Lady Queen of Heaven Church is a diverse community united in the Catholic Faith. Our Vision is to be a Sign of Christ’s Love through Liturgy, Christian Education, Prayer, Sacramental Care for others, and Outreach to our neighbors and community.

February 10/11, 2018 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Weekly Calendar


Monday-February 12, 2018 -9 am Mass– Intention: OLQH Par ishioner s -40 Weeks class at 9:45 am & 7 pm in Gr eier Hall -Cub Scouts at 7 pm in Kater i Center

Tuesday - February 13, 2018 -9 am Prayer Service -Bible Study at 9:45 pm in Kater i Center -Introduction to the Bible at 7 pm in Kater i Center

Wednesday - February 14, 2018 Ash Wednesday -9 am Mass Intention: Ter r y Contr er as -7 pm Mass Intention: Kater i Wimsett -Grades 6-8 attending Ash Wednesday Mass at 7 pm

Thursday - February 15, 2018 -9 am Mass-Intention: J ames Aguigui, R.I.P. -St Vincent de Paul confer ence at 10 am St J oseph Room -Confirmation Preparation at 6:30 pm

Friday - February 16, 2018 -9 am Mass-Intention: William Str ube, R.I.P. -Stations of the Cross at 8:30 am and 7 pm -Soup Supper at 6 pm in Gr eier Hall

Saturday - February 17, 2018 -Confessions at 4:30 pm in Chur ch -Family Movie Night at 7 pm in Gr eier Hall

Sunday - February 18, 2018 -RCIA at 9:30 am in Gr eier Hall, St J oseph Room -NO Elementary Faith Formation -NO Coffee Hour -NO High School Program

Job 7:1-4, 6-7

God’s Restlessness Almost everyone experiences depression. Some people struggle with it throughout their lives. Others have days or months when life seems hopeless. No one in the Bible experienced despair as much as Job. Job lost his livestock, his servants, his children and their homes due to the forces of nature and enemy troops. In swift succession, Job lost everything that was dear to him. At first, he accepts this. Job knows he came into the world with nothing and will leave this world with nothing. What he has belongs to God. God determines whether or not Job will keep it. “The L?@A gave and the L?@A has taken away; blessed be the name of the L?@A.” But later, as the reality of his loss sinks in, Job experiences despair. “I have been assigned months of misery, and troubled nights have been allotted to me,” he says. “My days come to an end without hope. I shall not see happiness again.” When we experience those emotions we may feel far from God. The security we once felt in God’s presence departs. But Job’s raw emotions appear uncensored in the Bible and in the Sunday readings. All human experience finds its place under the mantle of God’s farseeing care. Even depression. Written by Paul Turner. Copyright © 2008, Resource Publications, Inc., 888-273-7782, www.rpinet.com. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission from Lectionary Bulletin Inserts, Y ear B: First and Second Readings.

Readings & Mass Intentions for February 17/18, 2018

Reading - 1st: Genesis 9:8-15 Reading - 2nd: 1 Peter 3:18-22 Gospel: Mar k 1:12-15 Mass Intentions: Saturday 5:30 pm: Elizabeth Meno, R.I.P. Sunday 8:30 am: OLQH Par ishioner s Sunday 11am: Donicia LiFoiFoi, R.I.P.

Monday-February 19, 2018 Presidents’ Day - Our parish offices are closed -No 9 am Mass or Prayer Service -No 40 Weeks class -No Cub Scouts

WORSHIP Receiving Communion with Reverence Show your love for Jesus by your reverent reception of Eucharist. Allow your body language to reflect what is in your heart!

Lent begins - Ash Wednesday, February 14 Mass with distribution of ashes at 9 AM & 7 PM Lenten Regulations: Fasting: Catholics from 18-59 years are to fast on Good Friday, that is, to limit themselves to one full meal, with two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength and are to avoid eating between meals. Liquids, including milk and juices are permitted. Abstinence: All Catholics 14 and older are to avoid eating meat on all the Fridays of Lent, including Good Friday. Lenten Opportunities: Everyone is encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross during Lent at 8:30 am or 7 pm every Friday. You are also invited to join us as a community for Lenten Soup Suppers in Greier Hall, every Friday during Lent, (Friday, March 9 the OLQH Knights of Columbus host a Fish Fry). Soup will be served from 6-6:30 pm, thus allowing everyone to attend Stations of the Cross at 7 pm. Monetary donations will be accepted for the soup supper.

Visit us at www.ourladyqueenofheaven.org or download our app at www.myparishapp.com



Bible Study - Bible Study February 13th Tuesday morning at 9:45 am in Room 2 in Kateri Center. Introduction to the Bible: on Tuesday, Feb. 13th at 7 pm in Kateri Center. This is a one-time informal chance to “come & see” for those who want to understand the Catholic approach to the Scriptures. Beginners’ Bible Study: the study of Isaiah begins on Tuesday,

February 20 at 7 pm in Kateri Center Room 2.

Coats for Kids - sponsored by the OLQH Knights of Columbus Free winter coats for families in need. (Sizes 4 to 7) Contact Louie Fraire at 253-905-0711 between 9 am and 5 pm. Coats available until Sunday, February 10th.

Why study the Bible? It is God’s Word. “Everyone should carry a small Bible or pocket edition of the Gospels and should find at least a few minutes every day to read the word of God.” - Pope Francis

FAITH FORMATION Elementary Faith Formation: Classes for grades K-5 meet Sunday, February 11 at 9:40 am in Kateri Center. No class on Sunday, February 18th. Touching Safety for Grades K-5 will be offered during the regular class on Sunday, Feb. 25. These sexual abuse-prevention classes that have been offered in recent years as part of Catholic school curriculum will now also be offered as part of parish faith formation programs in the Archdiocese of Seattle. Parents/guardians were mailed specific information about the goals and format of these ageappropriate classes and about the opportunity to “opt out.”

OUTREACH (Love-in-Action) Bless you! Our January drive resulted in 209 pairs of socks, 60 pairs of gloves, 91 hats, and 16 sets (gloves &/or scarves with hats). That’s a lot of warm fingers, toes, and heads thanks to you! Food Bank: Thanks to all who remembered our neighbors by bringing food or household items to Mass this weekend. Help is always welcome with loading the items for transport following the 11 am Mass.

STEWARDSHIP A WAY OF LIFE Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time: In today’s second reading, St. Paul urges the Corinthians to “do all for the glory of God.” If we follow that advice in everything we do, we cannot help but be good stewards!

YOUTH CORNER Grades 6 - 8: Classes on Wednesday, Feb. 14th at 7 pm in Church for Ash Wednesday Mass. Grades 9 - 12: Class Sunday, Feb. 11th at 5 pm in Greier Hall. Adult Faith Formation/Spirituality: Forty Weeks - February 12th at 9:45 am or 7:00 pm in Greier Hall.

PARISH LIFE Please welcome our new parishioners, the families of… Danielle Armbruster, Paula Reyes, and Jason Songao. May they find the joy, peace and love of the Lord in our faith community.

STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE February 3/4, 2018 Week 32 Weekly Envelopes Holy Days Outreach Capital Fund Other Receipts Stewardship Collection

15,068.96 0.00 1,580.50 755.50 200.00 18,604.96

CCAS NW Catholic ACA Collection Catholic Community Services CCS Home Missions Spanaway Food Bank St. Vincent de Paul - Offerings Total Collection FY Budget FY Receipts Over/(Short)

55.00 2 ,864.00 10.00 310.00 180.00 295.00 22,318.96 409,173.77 418,447.74 14,780.06



The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will be taken up along with the regular collection next weekend, February 17/18. Your generosity provides catechesis, seminarian education, lay ministry training, and other pastoral programs across the United States. To learn more go to www.usccb.org/home-missions.

Annual Catholic Appeal 2017 - We have met our pledge goal of $ 96,090. However we have only received payments of $89,830 which is a shortfall of $ 6,260. This includes the special collection received last week. Now let us focus on paying off these pledges and thereby fulfilling our commitment to Archbishop Peter Sartain and the archdiocese. Thank you for your participation. Fr. John Wilkie

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