PES Institute of Technology-South Campus

PES Institute of Technology-South Campus ... Security risks posed by shared images, ... Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms,...

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PES Institute of Technology-South Campus Department of computer Science and engineering 14SCS12 : CLOUD COMPUTING Faculty : Dr. Sheela D

No. Of Hours: 50 Hrs

Course Objective: • • • • •

To learn how to use Cloud Services. To implement Virtualization To implement Task Scheduling algorithms To apply Map-Reduce concept to applications To build Private Cloud

Course Outcomes: • • • • • •

Class No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Demonstrate and experiment simple Cloud Applications Apply resource allocation, scheduling algorithms. Implement Map-Reduce concept. Create virtual machines from available physical resources. Setup a private cloud. Familiarize with Open Stack.

Chapter Title Topics to be covered Cloud computing, Cloud computing delivery models UNIT – I Introduction, Cloud and services Infrastructure Ethical issues, Cloud vulnerabilities OBJECTIVE : To Cloud computing at Amazon, Cloud computing the know basic concepts Google perspective on cloud computing Microsoft Windows Azure and online services models and infrastructure Open-source software platforms for private clouds Cloud storage diversity and vendor lock-in Energy use and ecological impact, Service level agreements User experience and software licensing Exercises and problems

% of portions to be covered Ref. Chap. 20%

PESIT-Bangalore South Campus – Education for the Real World – Course Information – MTech. I-Sem 12SCS12 - 1


CumulAtive 20%

Class No. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.

36. 37.

Chapter Title Topics to be covered Challenges of cloud computing UNIT – II Cloud Computing: Architectural styles of cloud computing Application Workflows: Coordination of multiple activities Paradigms Coordination based on a state machine model: The Zookeeper OBJECTIVE : To Coordination based on a state machine model: The study cloud Zookeeper application The Map Reduce programming model paradigms like social A case study: The GrepTheWeb application computing and Cloud for science and engineering digital content. High-performance computing on a cloud, Cloud computing for Biology research Social computing, digital content and cloud computing Virtualization, Layering and virtualization UNIT – III Cloud Resource Virtual machine monitors, Virtual Machines Virtualization Performance and Security Isolation Full virtualization and paravirtualization OBJECTIVE : To Hardware support for virtualization study virtualization Case Study: Xen a VMM based paravirtualization and optimization of Optimization of network virtualization network vBlades virtualization Performance comparison of virtual machines, The dark side of virtualization Exercises and problems Policies and mechanisms for resource management UNIT – IV Cloud Resource Application of control theory to task scheduling on a Management and cloud Scheduling Stability of a two-level resource allocation architecture OBJECTIVE : To Feedback control based on dynamic study policies and Thresholds mechanisms for Coordination of specialized autonomic performance resource managers, A utility-based model for cloud-based web management; services Scheduling Map Resourcing bundling: Combinatorial auctions for Reduce applications cloud resources Scheduling algorithms for computing clouds, Fair queuing

% of portions to be covered Ref. Chap. 20%

PESIT-Bangalore South Campus – Education for the Real World – Course Information – MTech. I-Sem 12SCS12 - 2




CumulAtive 40%



Class No. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

49. 50.

Chapter Title Topics to be covered Start-time fair queuing, Borrowed virtual time, Cloud scheduling subject to deadlines Scheduling Map Reduce applications subject to deadlines, Resource management and dynamic scaling Exercises and problems The top concern for cloud users, Privacy and privacy UNIT – V impact assessment Cloud Security, Cloud Application Trust, Operating system security Development Virtual machine Security, Security of virtualization Security risks posed by shared images, Security risks OBJECTIVE : To posed by a management OS study cloud security A trusted virtual machine monitor risks, security, a trust Amazon web services: EC2 instances, Connecting management service clients to cloud instances through firewalls and an application Security rules for application and transport layer development protocols in EC2 How to launch an EC2 Linux instance and connect to it, How to use S3 in java, Cloud-based simulation of a distributed trust algorithm A trust management service, A cloud service for adaptive data streaming Cloud based optimal FPGA synthesis

% of portions to be covered Ref. Chap.




Literature: Suggested References (Name of the Book, Authors, Publisher and year of Publication) Text Book: 1. Dan C Marinescu: Cloud Computing Theory and Practice. Elsevier(MK) 2013. REFERENCES: 1. Rajkumar Buyya , James Broberg, Andrzej Goscinski: Cloud Computing Principles and Paradigms, Willey 2014. 2. John W Rittinghouse, James F Ransome:Cloud Computing Implementation, Management and Security, CRC Press 2013

PESIT-Bangalore South Campus – Education for the Real World – Course Information – MTech. I-Sem 12SCS12 - 3