5/16 TRAINING NAME: ___ L ADDRESS PHONE NU E-MAIL:___ In Md., stud final exam available fo real estate FEES: MD Full payme cash please fee will be a R...

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LONG & FOSTER INSTITUTTE OF REAL ES STATE Administrative Office 3901 National Drive Burtonssville, Maryland 20866 Phhone: 1-866-967 7-5563 Fax: 301-622 2-0392 Webssite: E-m mail: [email protected] 60 HOUR H CLASSRO OOM-PRINCIPL LES AND PRAC CTICE OF REALL ESTATE FOR SALESPEOPLE E - MARYLAND D This prograam is approved by b the State of Maryland M to fulfill the classroom prerequisite p for ttaking the real estate examinatioon for salespersoons. It has been n designed especially for individuals planningg a career in reaal estate. The prrogram material includes: textboook, study guide,, exams, & varioous handouts, wh hich have been designed to prepare you for the state examination. The final exxam will be admiinistered upon thhe student’s com mpletion of all reqquirements. Program attendancee does not requirre nor guaranteee affiliation with Long L & Foster Real R Estate Inc. CLASSES:: We offer Weekkday, Evening & Saturday, Weekkend and Eveninng only classes. Please see thee Schedule of Claasses to determine which classe es are offered at thhe training centeer you choose too attend. REGISTRA ATION: Full payyment is requiredd. Pay by charge card or moneyy order only, payyable to L&F Insttitute. No checkks or cash pleasse. Only pre-paid students arre guaranteed a seat in the seleccted class. Seatss are available too students as paayments are recceived, once a class is full, enrolllments will no longer be accepted for that particuular class. A $255 transfer fee will be assessed eaach time a studeent alters their chhosen class. Pleease visit our convenient online registrationn site at; click on Get Your Liccense, then selecct Instructor Led/ d/Live Classroom m for a schedule of upcoming claasses. CLASS CA ANCELLATION POLICY: Long & Foster Institutte classes are suubject to cancell ation due to lackk of enrollment. In the event a cclass is cancelled d students whho have registerred for class will be notified by email or by phonee. Students will receive a full refund or given thee opportunity to enroll at another location. INCLEMEN NT WEATHER: LONG & FOSTE ER INSTITUTE CANCELLATION C NS ARE DEPEN NDENT UPON C COLLEGE CLOS SINGS. A day claass will be cance eled when the colleges in that coounty are closedd. However, wheen colleges havee a delayed openning, Long & Fosster Institute WILLL OPEN ON TIIME. For evening g classes, if ccolleges in that county c are closeed, evening classses will be canceelled. DISABLED D STUDENTS: Please P contact thhe Training Centter in the event you y have a disabbility which requiires special accoommodation. Thhe advance noticce of special neeed will enable uss to better accom mmodate you. Thank you for youur cooperation. ENROLLM MENT POLICY: While W there are no n age requirements for entrance into the Long & Foster Institutte of Real Estatee, the state requiires a prospectivve licensee bee at least 18 years of age to activvate their real esstate license. In MD, prospectivee students who ddo not have a higgh school educaation or GED mu ust take the Woonderlic Admissions Test. Theree will be no crediit for previous traaining or experieence. **Program/ Exams must be b completed within w (1) month h from the last sccheduled class ddate. If not completed within thaat time, student m must repay tuitio on and retake entirre program to receive credit. Thee maximum num mber of hours a student can m miss and make--up is 12 hourss. Should a studdent exceed 12 hours s/hee must immediaately be dismisssed from the class. After thaat you must re-paay and re-take thhe entire program before a certifficate can be isssued. You will be given two opportunities to pass the class final exam. e Student shhould keep all doocuments regard rding enrollment & financial obliggations. Studentts who are laate or leave early will not receivve credit for thaat session. SCHOOL H HOLIDAYS: Neew Year’s Day , Martin M Luther Kinng’s Birthday, Prresident’s Day, M Memorial Day, Inndependence Day, Labor Day, R Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Thaanksgiving Day, Christmas Day


Inn Maryland, you are required by law to take a claassroom program m entitled “Princciples & Practicee of Real Estate.” The tuition andd length of this program wiill vary with the institution. The program p is givenn by the Long & Foster Institute oof Real Estate, Inc. and by manyy degree-grantinng institutions an nd some comm munity colleges. This program covers c all the tecchnical aspects of o real estate-maath, law and theoory. LLong & Foster Insstitute of Real Estate offers the required Principles and Practicee of Real Estate program in varioous time periodss to suit your sch hedule and learninng pace. The proogram covers all the material reqquired by the Staate of Maryland,, as well as all thhe information yoou need to studyy for the licensing examination. Our program is principally forr those planning to take the exam mination and beecome licensed rreal estate agents; however, maany people take iti simply for their own informaation and use. U Upon completion of the required course, consideer taking our Statte Exam Review w. Whereas the licensing course gives an excelleent overview and d covers all ssubjects mandateed by the state, the State Exam Review focusess on the facts annd topics that thee state tests. In aaddition to helpinng you maximize e your study time by focusing on the information thhat is tested, wee also provide yoou with sample eexamination questions and proveen examination sstrategies as we ell as memory tecchniques to helpp you succeed. We W have helped many pass theirr real estate exaamination on the first try. Whetheer you are takingg the full examination or only the jurisdictional law w, the State Exam Review gives you an edge. O Once you pass thhe Principles Proogram and the MD M examination, you must affiliaate with a real esstate firm in ordeer to have your license activated. Should youu choose to affiliaate with Long & Foster Real Estaate Inc., you will join our post-liccense training prrogram, Launch® ®, which will teach you the practtical aspects of actually listing and a selling propeerties. Followingg the classroom and a field trainingg, you will be fullly prepared to Laaunch® into a suuccessful real esstate career. Iff you have furtheer questions, pleease call our regiistrar at 1-866-967-5563, or anyy of Long & Fosteer Real Inc. brannch managers. 5/16

LONG & FOSTER TRAINING LONG & FOSTER CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Long & Foster’s School of Career Development program includes a vast array of in-depth training programs for both new and established sales associates. Launch® is a series of classes designed to teach the newly licensed associate the basics of their new career. Before you choose a broker, take a look at the Long & Foster Career Development training program. Baltimore Center: Mount Washington Area 6115 Falls Road Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21209

College Park Center The Sterling Building 4920 Niagara Road Suite 211 College Park, MD 20740

PSI TEST CENTERS-MARYLAND Crofton Center Hagerstown Center: Morauer III Building 140 West Franklin St. 2137 Espey Court Suite A Suite 3 Hagerstown, MD 21740 Crofton, MD 21114

Lanham Center Salisbury Center: 5900 Princess Garden Pkwy 1323 Mt. Hermon Road Suite 501 Beaglin Park Plaza, Suite 2A Lanham, MD 20706 Salisbury, MD 21804

MD: State testing is administered by Psychological Services, Inc. (PSI) of Nevada. Call PSI at 1-800-733-9267 or visit for more information. The examination fee is $61.00. Maryland Fees: Tuition Books Total Cost MD Optional:

$126.55 ($49.00 Registration Fee included) $ 72.45 $199.00 Effective July 1, 2011 Study Guide (for Textbook) Guide to Passing the PSI Math Book State Exam Review Transfer Fee

Tuition Only

$126.55 ($49 Registration Fee included)

$26.25 $26.25 $31.50 $25.00 $25.00 TUITION REFUND POLICY

CANCELLATION PERIOD: All fees paid by a student will be refunded if the student chooses not to enroll in, or withdraw from, school within 7 calendar days after having signed the contract. No refund will be issued on books, materials or supplies purchased by the student at any time. All refund requests must be in writing. After 7-day cancellation period, but before the first day of class, the registration fee of $49 will be forfeited. If the student withdraws after the first day of instruction, the tuition refund will be as follows: PORTION OF PROGRAM TAKEN Up to 9% 10% to 19% 20% to 29% 30% to 39% 40% to 49% 50% or more

TUITION REFUND 90% 80% 60% 40% 20% No Refund

Any refund due a student shall be paid within 30 days from receipt of request. There will be no refund for books, materials or supplies purchased by the student. If Long & Foster Institute cancels a program, the student will receive a full refund of monies due the student. Students must satisfy all obligations, attend all classes, and pass the program final exam before the one month period is over to receive a certificate of completion. Please be aware that Long & Foster Real Estate Inc. may contact you concerning opportunities in the real estate field using the information provided on your application or from your phone call.

DIRECTIONS TO ONLINE REGISTRATION VIA INTERNET 1) Go to: 2) Select “Get Your License” on the left 3) Select your desired state under “Instructor Led/Live Classroom” 4) Use the drop down menus to narrow your search



Administraative Office 3901 National Drive Burtonsville, MD 20866 1-866-967--5563 Fax: 3011-622-0392

TRAINING CENTER: ___________________START DATE: _______ END D DATE: ________ DAY_____EV VE_____EVE/SA AT____WKEND_______ NAME: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LLast First MI ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Coode PHONE NU UMBER: _______________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: __XXX-XX- _______________________Last 4 num mbers E-MAIL:_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ In Md., studdents who do noot have a high scchool diploma orr GED, must takee the Wonderlic Admissions Tesst. Students musst attend all classses before taking the final exam and must pass the t final exam too obtain a certificcate. Students who w come late orr leave early willl not receive credit for that session. Books are available foor purchase through us or locallyy. No other suppplies or equipmeent are required. Course attendaance does not reequire nor guaraantee affiliation with w a real estate company.

THERE IS NO CREDIT GRANTED G FOR R PRIOR TRAIINING. FEES: MD D - 60 hours Tuition $1226.55 TTuition only forr MD: $126.55 Boo oks $ 72.45 7 (includes MD Sales Tax) Total $1999.00 Full payment is required. Only O pre-paid students are guaraanteed a seat in the t program. Paay with money orrder, Visa, Masteer Card or Discoover. No checks or cash pleasee. Seats are avaailable to studentts as payments are received. Onnce a class is fu ll, enrollments w will no longer be accepted for thaat program. A tra ansfer fee will be aassessed each time t a student alters their choseen class. REFUNDS: A full refund will be issued if the program is cloosed, canceled or o discontinued bby Long & Fosteer Institute of Reaal Estate. All feees paid by a stud dent will be refunnded if a student chooses not too enroll within 7-dday period after signing the conttract. After 7-dayy cancellation peeriod, but beforee the first day of class, the admin ffee will be forfeitted. If the studennt withdraws afteer the first day off instruction, the administrative ffee will be forfeitted and the tuitioon refund will be as follows: P Portion of prograam taken Refund LLess than 10% 90% % Refunds are prrorated on the tuuition only. 10% to 19% 80% % 220% to 29% 60% % There will be NO N refund for bbooks, materialls or supplies ppurchased by thhe student. 330% to 39% 40% % Refunds will bee paid within 30 days. 440% to 49% 20% % NOTE: No confirmation will be sent to you. You will be notifiedd ONLY if the proogram is resched 550% or more No Refund duled. Program/ E Exam must be completed c with hin (1) month froom the last scheeduled class datee. If not completed within that time, student musst repay tuition and a retake entirre program to receive credit. Stuudent should keeep all documentts regarding enroollment & financial obligations. S Students who aare late or leave early will not recceive credit for that session. No children are permitted at the training center w while you are atttending program m. I understannd that all printedd material providded during the prrogram of instrucction is copyrighhted and cannot be copied or useed other than for personal use in n connection with the program m instruction. TAPE RECORDE ERS ARE NOT PERMITTED. P I have readd and understandd the above and will receive a coopy of this agreeement and the cuurrent school caatalog at the first class. To be binding this agree ement must be siggned by all partiees and may be modified m or extennded only with written w consent oof student & schoool.

Please cirrcle one: I woould like to be contacted c by Loong and Fosterr Real Estate Innc. about a futuure associationn. YES NO I woould like to be contacted c by Loong and Foster Real Estate I nc.’s referral c ompany, Metroo Referrals. Y YES NO If neeither responsee is indicated, Long L and Fosteer Real Estate Inc. may contaact you. I enclose M Money Order #

for $

By signing below I give Lonng and Foster Institute permissioon to charge the full $

for regisstration. to myy


MC Card ____D Discover card

#____ _____ ____ ____-_____ ____ _____ ____-____ _____ ____ _____-____ ____ _____ ____Expires________/_________ CVV#______________.

Signature:: ____________________________________________________________________ Datee:_____________________________

REFERR RING MANA AGER________________________________________OFFICE________________________ 5/16