Version 1.1 1. General policy 1.1PaQS is committed to the principles of Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and endorsees the National Principles ...

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for the

Course in Advanced Safety Awareness (91437NSW)

Version 1.1

1. General policy 1.1 PaQS is committed to the principles of Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and endorsees the National Principles and Operational guidelines for RCC. 1.2 Students will be provided with information regarding the benefits of and the process for applying for RCC 1.3 All students who have applied for RCC and who are unhappy with the assessment decision may appeal the decision using the RCC Assessment Appeal Procedure 2. Definition The acknowledgement of competencies currently held by a person that have been acquired through training, work or life experience. A demonstration of current skills is matched against the competencies as part of the overall learning process in the course for which recognition is being sought. 3. Cost The fee for the application is $99.00 (GST Free) for each unit of competency for which you seek RCC. This amount must be paid either in advance or at the same time as you submit your application. The amount is non-refundable whether your application is successful or not. 4. How do I apply Read the following information and then complete an application form and submit it to the RTO Compliance Officer. -



Identify the competency unit/s which you believe you are already competent in. Prepare a portfolio of supporting evidence of current competency which supports your application You will need to match your evidence of knowledge and skills to the competency unit. This can be done by you if you have sufficient information or you can ask your trainee to direct you where you can get information on the relevant unit/s of competency If your evidence appears to support your claim for credit, complete the Application Form Send your RCC application to the RTO Compliance Officer A qualified assessor will be asked to make a judgment based on the evidence you have submitted You will receive the result of the assessment within fourteen days of your application being received. If you are unsuccessful the assessor will give an explanation to ensure that you are satisfied. If you are not satisfied with the outcome you can appeal by submitting an assessment appeal form to the RTO Compliance Officer.

Version 1.1

5. Application for RCC

You must complete the following parts of this application: Part A

Contact and Declaration details

Part B

Levels Claimed

Part C

Personal Program Progress

Part D

Assessor Outcome



Personal Details Family Name: Given Names: Address:

Home Ph:



Current Employer: Position: Work Contact Number: Declaration: I declare that the information contained I this application is a true statement of my education and experiences. Signed: _______________________________________ Dated: Version 1.1




 Appropriate box:  I have completed Level 1 of the Course in Advanced Safety Awareness. I have completed all sessions of the Level 2 training. I have completed Level 3 of the Course in Advanced Safety Awareness. I have completed Level 4 of the Course in Advanced Safety Awareness. I have completed Level 5 of the Course in Advanced Safety Awareness What are the unit/s of competency for which you are seeking recognition of current competency? Unit Code & Title

Qualifications Attached

If you are part way through Level 5 of the Course in Advanced Safety Awareness, you are required to do the following:


PERSONAL INITIATIVE AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROGRESS Attach a copy of your Personal Initiative and Continuous Improvement Program completed activities to date, to this application, and report on your progress below. Briefly describe the progress you have made toward achieving your Personal Initiative and Continuous Improvement Program:

Checklist: Version 1.1

Have you got a copy of each of the unit of competency for which you are applying for recognition of current competency Have you collected as much evidence as you can to support your application? Have you completed this Application Form in full?

YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO NOTE: ALWAYS keep a copy of your application!



Date application received:



Assessor nominated: _____________________________ Assessor’s outcome

Unit Code & Title

Assessment Outcome N or NYC

Assessor Comments: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Version 1.1