Scope and Sequence - Top Notch 3

iv *In Top Notch, the term vocabulary refers to individual words, phrases, and expressions. UNIT Vocabulary* Grammar 1 Cultural Literacy Top Notch Son...

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1 Cultural Literacy


Health Matters

3 Getting Things Done Top Notch Song: “I’ll Get Back to You”

4 Life Choices

5 Holidays and Traditions Top Notch Song: “Endless Holiday”


Conversation Strategies


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• Terms for describing manners, etiquette, and culture

• Tag questions: form • Use By the way to and social use introduce or change a • The past perfect: topic form and use • Use expressions such as Do you mind if and Would it be rude to to avoid offending some • Use Actually to politely correct someone • Begin a statement with You know,... to casually shift the focus of a conversation

• Dental emergencies • Symptoms • Medical procedures • Types of treatments and practitioners • Medications

• Begin answers with Well to announce a willingness to act • Say That’s right to confirm • Use Really? to indicate interest

Top Notch Song: “It’s a Great Day for Love”





Scope and Sequence

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Top Notch 3

• Tag questions: more practice • Verb tense review: simple present, present continuous, present perfect and present perfect continuous, simple past and past continuous, used to, past perfect

• May, might, must, and • May, might, and must: be able to: possibility, degrees of certainty conclusions, ability

• Business and non• Repeat part of a business services question to clarify • Adjectives to describe before answering services • Begin a sentence • Social events with I’m sorry but to • Steps for planning a politely insist social event • Use Sure to affirm confidently

• The passive causative • Causatives get, have, and make

• The passive causative: the by phrase • Causatives get, have, and make: more practice • Let followed by an object and base form • Causative have and past perfect auxiliary have

• Fields for work or study • Reasons for changing your mind • Skills and abilities

• Say Not bad to respond casually to a question about well-being • Use No kidding to convey pleasant surprise • Say Could be to imply that you don’t completely agree

• Future in the past: was / were going to and would • Perfect modals: meaning and form

• Review: future with will and be going to • Review: future meaning with present continuous, simple present, and modals • Regrets about the past: wish + the past perfect; should have and ought to have

• Types of holidays • Use the expression • Ways to Same to you to commemorate a acknowledge holiday well-wishes • Wedding terminology • Preface a question with Do you mind if I ask to make it less abrupt

• Adjective clauses with subject relative pronouns • Adjective clauses with object relative pronouns

• Adjective clauses: more practice • Reciprocal pronouns: each other and one another • Reflexive pronouns • By + reflexive pronouns • Adjective clauses: who and whom for formal English

*In Top Notch, the term vocabulary refers to individual words, phrases, and expressions.

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• Make small talk with • Rising and falling a stranger intonation for • Ask how someone tag questions prefers to be addressed • Get to know someone • Describe rules of etiquette • Discuss cultural changes

• Radio call-in show on etiquette Task: identify the topics discussed • People introducing themselves Task: determine how people prefer to be addressed

• Advise visitors • Flyer for an about culture and international etiquette in your language school country • Newspaper • Express your article about opinion on the recent changes importance of in Japanese etiquette culture • Survey about cultural changes

• Make an appointment • Intonation of lists • Describe dental problems and medical symptoms • Show concern and empathy • Explain preferences in medical treatments • Talk about medications

• Descriptions of dental emergencies Task: identify problems • Describing symptoms Task: check the symptoms described • Conversations between doctors and patients Task: complete patient information forms

• Create a checklist • Health advice for an international for international trip travelers • Write about the • Overview of kinds of health conventional care you use and • Complete patient nontraditional information form health treatments

• Request express service • Ask for and recommend a service provider • Describe quality of service • Plan a social event

• Emphatic stress to express enthusiasm

• Create an ad for • Recommendations for service • Service a local service provider’s providers provider website Task: identify the service • Identify hard-to• Tourist guide required find services entry on buying • Planning a social event • Write a story of a custom-made Task: order the steps and note man’s day, based clothing in who will do each step on a complex Hong Kong • Requesting express service illustration Task: describe customer needs

• Greet someone you haven’t seen for a while • Explain a change in life and work choices • Express regrets about life decisions • Discuss skills, abilities, and qualifications

• Reduction of have in perfect modals

• Conversations about changes • Work preference • Recount the work and life decisions inventory in life plans you have made Task: listen for the reasons the • Skills inventory and explain any • Magazine article people changed their minds regrets on the lifework • Interviews at a job fair • Report on the of Mahatma Task: match interviewees and life of a great Gandhi qualifications humanitarian and Albert • Conversations about regrets Schweitzer Task: infer whether there were regrets

• Ask about and describe holiday traditions • Ask for and give advice about customs • Describe holidays, celebrations, and wedding traditions

• Rhythm: “thought groups”

• Magazine article • Describe in detail a • Descriptions of holidays holiday tradition in describing Task: identify the type of your country three holiday holiday and celebration traditions from • Lecture on traditional Indian around the wedding customs world Task: correct the false statements • Conversations about weddings Task: determine each topic

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6 Disasters and Emergencies Top Notch Song: “Lucky to Be Alive”

7 Books and Magazines



Conversation Strategies


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Scope and Sequence

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Top Notch 3


• Punctuation rules for • News sources • Say Will do to accede • Indirect speech: direct speech • Severe weather events to a request imperatives • Indirect speech: and other disasters • Use What a shame to • Indirect speech: say optional tense changes • Emergency demonstrate empathy and tell; tense changes preparations and • Use It says... supplies to indicate that • Terminology for information comes discussing disasters from a known source • Use Thank goodness to express relief

• Types of books • Ways to describe reading material • Some ways to enjoy reading

• Preface a request with • Noun clauses: embedded questions Do you mind if to be • Noun clauses as direct more polite objects • Use Not at all to indicate that one doesn’t mind • Say What (adjective + noun)! to express a compliment

• Mechanical inventions • Use That depends to in history indicate one needs • Ways to describe more information Inventions and innovative products • Say It can happen Technology to anyone to show empathy when responding to an Top Notch Song: apology


• Embedded questions: usage and punctuation • Embedded questions with infinitives • Noun clauses with that: after mental activity verbs • Noun clauses with that: after other expressions

• Conditional sentences: • Unless in conditional review sentences • The unreal conditional • Clauses after wish • The unreal conditional: variety of forms

“Reinvent the Wheel”

9 Controversial Issues

10 Enjoying the World


• Political terms and types of governments • Political and social beliefs • Controversial issues • Ways to disagree politely

• Non-count nouns for • Count and non-count • Use the expression nouns abstract ideas That’s a good • Gerunds and question to imply that • Verbs followed by infinitives: form objects and infinitives you are not sure of the • Review: gerunds and answer or you want infinitives after certain to avoid answering verbs • Say We’ll have to agree to disagree to politely end a disagreement with no hard feelings

• Geographical features • Provide a reason • Ways to describe to support and possible risks strengthen a warning • Dangerous animals • Use Be sure to to and insects make an enthusiastic • Positive and negative suggestion descriptions • Ways to describe the natural world

• Infinitives with too + adjective • Prepositions of place to describe locations

• Infinitives with too + adjective: more practice • Infinitives with enough • Prepositions usage • Proper nouns: capitalization • Proper nouns: use of the

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• Convey a message for • Direct and indirect speech: a third person rhythm • Offer an excuse • Report what you heard on the news • Respond to good and bad news • Discuss plans for an emergency • Describe natural disasters

Listening • Weather reports Task: identify the weather event • Emergency radio broadcast Task: correct incorrect statements and report facts, using indirect speech • News report on natural disasters Task: identify the types of disasters

• Recommend a book • Sentence stress • Descriptions of reading habits • Give and accept a Task: choose each speaker’s in short answers compliment preferences with think, • Explain where you hope, guess, or • Conversations about books learned something Task: identify the type of believe • Evaluate types of book and infer if the speaker reading materials likes it • Describe your reading habits



• Write about a • Historic news historic disaster headlines • Magazine article • Provide instructions on describing preparing for a variables disaster that affect an • Explain the factors earthquake’s that contribute to severity the severity of an earthquake

• Write about your • Online reading habits bookstore • Review a book website or other material • Magazine you’ve read article about the popularity of, and attitudes about, comic books

• Discuss whether to purchase a product • Accept responsibility for a mistake • Reassure someone • Describe a new invention • Compare important inventions

• Magazine article • Write about an • Contractions • People describing problems invention that you describing the with ‘d (would) Task: select a useful invention think had a great importance of for each person impact the invention • Discussions of new products of the printing Task: determine which press adjective best describes each product

• Ask for and give advice about acceptable conversation topics • State your opinion • Express agreement or disagree politely • Suggest solutions to global problems • Debate pros and cons

• Stress to emphasize meaning

• Warn about risks or • Voiced and dangers voiceless th • Ask and explain where a place is located • Describe a natural setting • Recommend a place for its beauty • Debate a plan for economic development

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• Describe a local • Conversations about politics • Authentic or world problem dictionary and social beliefs and offer possible entries Task: determine each solutions person’s political orientation • Magazine article defining global • Write the pros • Opinions about controversial and cons of a problems ideas controversial issue Task: infer the speaker’s opinion • People arguing their views Task: summarize arguments • Radio news program Task: identify the problems • Authentic maps • Describe a • People discussing risks spectacular natural Task: infer if the place is safe • Magazine article setting describing the • Description of a trip pros and cons of • Plan an eco-friendly Task: identify natural features development eco-tourism • Conversations about tourist • Create a tourism destinations advertisement Task: infer if the speaker recommends going
