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energies Review

Studies on Cup Anemometer Performances Carried out at IDR/UPM Institute. Past and Present Research Elena Roibas-Millan 1 1




, Javier Cubas 1,2


and Santiago Pindado 1,2, *


Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM), ETSI Aeronáutica y del Espacio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Pza. del Cardenal Cisneros 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain; [email protected] (E.R.-M.); [email protected] (J.C.) Departamento de Sistemas Aeroespaciales, Transporte Aéreo y Aeropuertos (SATAA), ETSI Aeronáutica y del Espacio, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Pza. del Cardenal Cisneros 3, 28040 Madrid, Spain Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-913-36-63-53

Received: 20 September 2017; Accepted: 9 November 2017; Published: 14 November 2017

Abstract: In the present work, the research derived from a wide experience on cup anemometer calibration works at IDR/UPM Institute (Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva”) is summarized. This research started in 2008, analyzing large series of calibrations, and is focused on two main aspects: (1) developing a procedure to predict the degradation level of these wind sensors when working on the field and (2) modeling cup anemometer performances. The wear and tear level of this sensor is evaluated studying the output signal and its main frequencies through Fourier analysis. The modeling of the cup anemometer performances is carried out analyzing first the cup aerodynamics. As a result of this process, carried out through several testing and analytical studies since 2010, a new analytical method has been developed. This methodology might represent an alternative to the classic approach used in the present standards of practice such as IEC 64000-12. Keywords: cup anemometer; wind speed measurements; calibration process; Fourier analysis; IDR/UPM Institute

1. Introduction Since 1997, the IDR/UPM Institute (Instituto Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva”) has performed high level standardized calibrations to wind speed sensors, mainly for the wind energy sector and Spanish meteorology institutions. LAC-IDR/UPM is the calibration laboratory within this research institute, which is accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025 standard and is a member of the Measuring Network of Wind Energy Institutes (MEASNET) since 2003. The line of work related to wind speed sensors calibration represents, together with space engineering [1–11], wind engineering [12–17], and different high education degree programs such as the Master in Space Systems [18–21], the core of the activities being carried out by the IDR/UPM research institute’s staff. With regard to the aforementioned wind speed sensors calibration, this line of work has produced a strong research, mainly focused on cup anemometers (see Figure 1) [22–34]. Additionally, some relevant research devoted to sonic anemometers has been carried out at IDR/UPM [35–39]. Although other wind speed sensors such as the aforementioned sonic anemometer, LIDAR, SODAR, and nacelle anemometers, have been thoroughly developed and studied in order to substitute the cup anemometer along the past decades [40–59], this old fashioned but robust and reliable instrument (see Figure 1) developed by T.R. Robinson in the 19th century [60–63], remains the most demanded and used wind sensor for meteorologists and within the wind energy sector.

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(a)cup anemometer (a) and Thies Clima 4.3350 (b) cup anemometer (b). Figure 1. Old Robinson Figure 1. Old Robinson cup anemometer (a) and Thies Clima 4.3350 cup anemometer (b).

Figure Old Robinson cup anemometer Thies Clima 4.3350 cup anemometermight (b). increase, as In addition, it 1. should be pointed out that (a) theand demand of cup anemometers the wind energy installed power has been continuously growing in the last years (see Figure 2). This In addition, it should be pointed out that demand ofcup cupanemometers anemometers might increase, asas the In addition, pointed out that thethe demand might fact also involvesit ashould huge be demand for calibration of theseofsensors because any lackincrease, of accuracy in the wind energy installed power has been continuously growing in the last years (see Figure 2). This wind energy installed power hasspeed been continuously growing in the last years (see Figure 2). This facta relation to the measured wind by an anemometer installed on a wind generator will have fact also involves a huge demand for calibration of these sensors because any lack of accuracy in also involves a huge demand for calibration of these sensors because any lack of accuracy in relation to majorrelation impacttoon economic revenue wind power third power of thethe measured wind speed (the by anextractable anemometer installed on is a proportional wind generatortowill have a the measured wind speed by an anemometer installed on a wind generator will have a major impact on the wind majorspeed). impact on the economic revenue (the extractable wind power is proportional to third power of the economic revenue (the extractable wind power is proportional to third power of the wind speed). the wind speed). 180 Installed 180 Wind Power Installed 160 [GW] Wind Power [GW]

140 120


1000 Installed1000 Wind Power. Installed Annual Wind Power. Growth Annual Growth [GW] 100

China USA China USA Germany



India Spain


UK India

China USA China USAGermany Germany Spain Spain India




100 100 80











Canada Brazil

Canada Brazil


Denmark Denmark




40 20




20 0

2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 0 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 Year 2018




0.01 2004 0.01















2014 Year




Figure 2. Installed wind power in some of the most relevant countries (a) and its annual growth (b).

Figure 2. Installed windEnergy power in some of the most relevant countries (a) and its annual growth (b). Source: Global Wind Figure 2. Installed wind powerCouncil. in some of the most relevant countries (a) and its annual growth (b). Source: Global Wind Energy Council. Source: Global Wind Energy Council. In this work, the research activities related to cup anemometer performance analysis carried out at IDR/UPM are reviewed. The work isrelated organizedcup as follows: the experimental analyses and results In In this this work, work, the the research research activities activities related to to cup anemometer anemometer performance performance analysis analysis carried carried out out based on the huge calibrations database of the LAC-IDR/UPM are described in Section 2. In Section

at are reviewed. reviewed. The The work work is is organized at IDR/UPM IDR/UPM are organized as as follows: follows: the the experimental experimental analyses analyses and and results results based on the huge calibrations database of the LAC-IDR/UPM are described in Section 2. In Section 3, based on the huge calibrations database of the LAC-IDR/UPM are described in Section 2. In Section the analytical models and procedures developed at IDR/UPM to study the cup anemometer are reviewed. Finally, conclusions are summarized in Section 4.

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3 of 17 3, the analytical models and procedures developed at IDR/UPM to study the cup anemometer are reviewed. Finally, conclusions are summarized in Section 4.

2. Experimental Analyses of Cup Anemometer Performances 2. Experimental Analyses of Cup Anemometer Performances Historically, the first analyses of cup anemometer performance were carried out based on Historically, the first analyses of cup anemometer performance were carried out based on experimental results, analyzing the performances [64–67] or searching for the optimum configuration experimental results, analyzing the performances [64–67] or searching for the optimum (number of cups, size . . . ) [68–71]. A thorough review of the literature was carried out in previous configuration (number of cups, size…) [68–71]. A thorough review of the literature was carried out works [29,31]. in previous works [29,31]. In a first approach to anemometer performances, more than 3500 calibrations (performed at In a first approach to anemometer performances, more than 3500 calibrations (performed at IDR/UPM on 25 different cup anemometer models) were studied by Pindado et al. [22]. The calibration IDR/UPM on 25 different cup anemometer models) were studied by Pindado et al. [22]. The of an anemometer involves the definition of its transfer function, which relates the measured wind calibration of an anemometer involves the definition of its transfer function, which relates the speed, V, to the cup anemometer’s output frequency, f. measured wind speed, V, to the cup anemometer’s output frequency, f.

VV ==AAff ++BB..



In Inthe theabove aboveequation, equation,constants constantsAA(slope) (slope)and andBB(offset) (offset)are arethe theones onesthat thatneed needtotobe bedefined definedby by means meansofofaaproper propercalibration. calibration.However, However,ititshould shouldbe bepointed pointedout outthat thatnormally normallythe theoutput outputfrequency frequency isisnot thethe cup anemometer’s rotation frequency, fr , due to thetodifferent electronic systems used notequal equaltoto cup anemometer’s rotation frequency, fr, due the different electronic systems toused measure the rotation rate, which give a give different number of pulses, m, along turn the rotor. to measure the rotation rate, which a different number of pulses, m, one along oneofturn of the Therefore, EquationEquation (1) should referredbeto referred fr , in order thetoaerodynamic rotor. Therefore, (1)beshould to to fr, analyze in order analyze theperformances aerodynamic properly (obviously, Ar =(obviously, m·A in the A above equation). performances properly r = m·A in the above equation).

VV==AAr rffrr ++B B..

(2) (2)

InFigure Figure3,3,the theresults resultsofoftwo twodifferent differentcalibration calibrationprocedures, procedures,performed performedon onthe thesame sameThies Thies In 4.3350cup cupanemometer, anemometer, shown. first procedure, AC calibration procedure, strictly 4.3350 areare shown. The The first procedure, the ACthe calibration procedure, strictly follows follows MEASNET [72,73] requirements (13 measurement points taken within a wind speed bracket MEASNET [72,73] requirements (13 measurement points taken within a wind speed bracket from −1 to − −1), whereas the second one, the AD calibration procedure, is an internal m·s 4from m· s−41 to 16 m ·s161 ),m·s whereas the second one, the AD calibration procedure, is an internal procedure procedure performed at the IDR/UPM Institute within largerrange windand speed and with less performed at the IDR/UPM Institute within a larger windaspeed withrange less measurement − 1 measurement points taken (nine measurement points taken within a wind speed bracket points taken (nine measurement points taken within a wind speed bracket from 4 m·s to 23 mfrom ·s−1 ).4 −1 −1 m·s AD to calibration 23 m·s ). This AD calibration procedure was developed at customers’ request. This procedure was developed at customers’ request.

25 V [m s−1] 20 AC-calibration AD-calibration

15 10

V = 0.04759 f + 0.26993 R2 = 0.99998

5 0 0




400 500 f [Hz]

Figure3.3. Two different calibrations Thies Clima 4.3350 cupcup anemometer (see Figure calibrations performed performedon onthe thesame same Thies Clima 4.3350 anemometer −1 Figure 1): 1): ACAC calibration (13(13 measurement points taken (see Figure calibration measurement points takenwithin withina awind windspeed speedbracket bracketfrom from44 m·s m·s−1to − 1 −1 AD wind speed speed bracket bracketfrom from to1616m·s m·s) and ) and ADcalibration calibration(nine (ninemeasurement measurementpoints pointstaken taken within within a wind 44m ·s−−11 to to23 23m·s m·−1 s− ). The transfer function related to AC the calibration AC calibration has been included the ).1The transfer function related to the has been included in the in graph. m·s 2 , is also included in the graph graph. The coefficient of determination related this linear fitting, included in the graph (AC The coefficient of determination related to thistolinear fitting, R2, isRalso (AC calibrations require high values of this coefficient). calibrations require high values of this coefficient).

Two important conclusions were derived as a result of this work:

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The differences between the AC and AD calibration procedures were negligible in terms of both wind speed (with 2.6%, 0.88%, and 0.31% deviation at 5 m·s−1, 10 m·s−1, and 15 m·s−1 wind speed Two important conclusions were derived as a result of this work: for the Thies anemometer referred in Figure 3) and wind power generator Annual Energy Production (AEP); The differences between the AC and AD calibration procedures were negligible in terms of both −1 ,have −1 , and The slope of the curve, r, seemed (in thatatwork) relationship with wind speed (withcalibration 2.6%, 0.88%, andA0.31% deviation 5 m·sto 10 ma·sdirect 15 m·s−1 wind the cups’ center rotation radius, R rc , (that is, with the anemometer’s rotor radius). This speed for the Thies anemometer referred in Figure 3) and wind power generator Annual Energy relationship was also proven with an analytical model of the cup anemometer performance. Production (AEP);

The slope of the calibration curve, A that work) toIDR/UPM have a direct relationship with the r , seemed This last conclusion was checked with further(instudies at the Institute by Pindado et cups’ center rotation radius, R , (that is, with the anemometer’s rotor radius). This relationship rc In these works, the calibration constants were proven to be al. [24] and Sanz-Andres et al. [29]. was also with an analyticalof model the cup anemometer performance. dependent onproven geometric parameters cup of anemometer rotors, the following equations being derived: This last conclusion was checked with further studies at the IDR/UPM Institute by Pindado et al. [24] and Sanz-Andres et al. [29]. In these works, the calibration constants were proven to be dAr dAr dependent on geometric A parameters following Rofrc cup + Aanemometer Rrcrotors, − Sc ζthe +η Sc−ξ , equations being derived: (3) r = r0 =





  dAr dAr Rrc + Ar0 = Rrc − Sc ζ + ηSc−ξ , (3) dRrc dRrc dB −ψ B= Rrc + B0 = ε + φSc−γ R (4)  rc − μSc , dB B = dRrc Rrc + B0 = ε + φSc−γ Rrc − µSc−ψ , (4) dRrc where Rrc is the cups’ center rotation radius, Sc, stands for the cups front area, and Rc is the cups where Rrc is the cups’ center rotation radius, Sc , stands for the cups front area, and Rc is the cups radius radius (see Figure 4). The other terms present in the above equations: ζ η, ξ, ε, φ, γ, μ, and ψ are (see Figure 4). The other terms present in the above equations: ζ η, ξ, ε, φ, γ, µ, and ψ are parameters parameters to be extracted from experimental data. to be extracted from experimental data. Ar =





Figure 4. Sketch of a cup anemometer. The more important important dimensions dimensions of of the the rotor, rotor, the cups’ center rotation radius, Rrc rc,, and the cups radius, R c , are indicated in the figure. and the cups radius, Rc , are indicated in the figure.

In mentioned work by Pindado Pindado et et al. al. [24], [24], two two anemometers anemometers (Climatronics (Climatronics 100075 100075 and In the the mentioned work by and Ornytion 107A, see pictures in Figure 5), were calibrated several times equipped with different Ornytion 107A, see pictures in Figure 5), were calibrated several times equipped with different rotors rotors (varying theofsize the conical-shape same conical-shape cupstheir and their distance the rotation i.e.,). (varying the size the of same cups and distance to thetorotation axis, axis, i.e., R rc R rc). One of the most relevant conclusions of this study was that the slope dAr/dRrc only depends on One of the most relevant conclusions of this study was that the slope dAr /dRrc only depends on the cups shape and not on their size (see Figure 5). Furthermore, in the analysis carried out by

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Energies 2017, 10, 1860not on their size (see Figure 5). Furthermore, in the analysis carried 5 ofout 18 by the cups shape and Sanz-Andres et al. [29], another important fact was revealed. The aerodynamic force on the cups Sanz-Andres et al. [29], another important fact was revealed. The aerodynamic force on the cups is is notnot acting onon their thecenter centerofofthe thecup cup average location of the acting theircenter centerand and even even more, more, the is is notnot thethe average location of the aerodynamic center during one turn of the rotor (this has a quite important effect on the analytical aerodynamic center during one turn of the rotor (this has a quite important effect on the analytical modeling of cup anemometer performances). modeling of cup anemometer performances).






y = 0.03x − 0.4254 R² = 0.9997

y = 0.03x − 0.2955 R² = 0.9998


Rc = 25 mm Rc = 80 mm

1 0 20











B 0.8

Rc = 25 mm Rc = 80 mm

y = 0.0083x − 0.1682 R² = 0.9933


y = 0.0019x + 0.0306 R² = 0.9305

0.4 0.2 0 20










Figure 5. Climatronics 100075 with aR 30 mm and R = = 100 mm rotor (a) and Ornytion Figure 5. Climatronics 100075 with a cR= c = 30 mm and Rrcrc 100 mm rotor (a) and Ornytion 107A 107A with awith a Rc =Rc30 mm and R = 40 mm rotor (b) cup anemometers. A (c) and B (d) calibration coefficients rcrc = 40 mm rotor (b) cup anemometers. Ar (c) and r = 30 mm and R B (d) calibration coefficients (see (see Equation in relation relationtotothe thecups’ cups’ center rotation radius, Rrctwo , fordifferent two different size conical Equation (2)), (2)), in center rotation radius, Rrc, for size conical cups (Rccups (Rc = =2525mm 80mm). mm). mmand and R Rcc ==80

Additionally, both the effect of the climatic conditions during the calibration process and cup anemometer performance degradation after several months working on the field were analyzed in the works by Pindado et al. [23,25]. The results of these analyses were as follows:

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Calibration constants, A and B, are affected by changes in air density, which, on the other hand, is driven mostly by changes in air temperature; These changes have a quite relevant impact on Annual Energy Production (AEP) estimations, depending on the selected wind sensor. Deviations of AEP up to 18% and 8% at 4 m·s−1 , and 7 m·s−1 wind speeds were calculated for 0.1 kg·m−3 air density variations and first class anemometers; The anemometers degrade in large storage periods; Even showing a quite high level of wear and tear, it is quite difficult to establish degradation patterns of anemometers working on the field.

The output signal of cup anemometers has been also thoroughly studied at IDR/UPM Institute [26,30,31,34]. In steady wind the multi-pulse signal can be translated into a periodic rotation speed that shows three accelerations (and three decelerations) per turn of the rotor (see Figure 6). Therefore, from the pulsed-signal, it is possible to decompose the rotation rate of the anemometer, ω, into a Fourier series within one rotation period (see Figure 6). ω (t) = ω0 + ω1 sin(ω0 t + ϕ1 ) + ω2 sin(2ω0 t + ϕ2 ) + ω3 sin(3ω0 t + ϕ3 ) . . . = ∞

ω0 + ∑ ωi sin(iω0 t + ϕi )



i =1

where i is the number of the harmonic term, ω i its magnitude, and φi its phase angle (or angular deviation). In the above equation, two important facts should be taken into account. First of all, the most relevant harmonic terms are the ones which are multiples of three, since due to the shape of the rotor (equipped with three cups) it accelerates three times per turn. Besides, all the other terms are noise due to turbulence or the wake downstream the anemometer’s body interaction with the rotor, with the obvious exception of the constant term, ω 0 , that gives the average rotation speed, and the first harmonic term, ω 1 , which reflects the perturbations that are repeated periodically once per turn. See the previous works by IDR/UPM Institute researchers [26,30,31]. The analysis of this first harmonic term has revealed itself as a very promising way to monitor the anemometer working condition. A quite relevant percentage of anemometers that are removed from a wind power generator for a recalibration process are damaged [74]. In Figure 7, a damaged A100 LK cup anemometer is shown, together with its calibration curve. This curve is compared to the one obtained with the anemometer equipped with a non-damaged rotor. In the top-right graph included in Figure 7, it can be observed that only a slight difference in the calibration curve is obtained, although the economic impact of this tiny deviation on a wind power plant could be huge. On the other hand, the damage is perfectly revealed by the first harmonic term (shown in the bottom-right graph of the figure). Furthermore, a damaged cup anemometer might remain in a static position, that is, not-rotating, under normal or strong winds if one of the cups is missing or severely damaged. This can be a quite relevant problem, as the anemometer could still generate a pulsed signal that might be translated by the data-logger into a wind speed. The pulsed signal is generated by a small rotor-oscillation movement produced by the wake of the anemometer’s neck interacting with the rotor. Even worse, this completely wrong signal depends linearly on the wind speed and could induce a wind power generator to work out of the maximum efficiency point in case this problem is not anticipated, as shown by Pindado et al. [32]. Finally, the harmonic distribution of the rotor movement in steady wind speed represents a signature that defines a cup anemometer. Analyzing large series of two commercial cup anemometers calibrated at IDR/UPM facility, different patterns of the first and third harmonic terms statistical distribution were observed [34] (see Figure 8). The analysis of these frequency histograms might be used for quality control processes related to cup anemometer industrial production, as the best

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7 of 17 statistical distributionwere wereobserved observed[34] [34](see (seeFigure Figure8). 8).The Theanalysis analysisofofthese thesefrequency frequencyhistograms histograms might mightbe beused usedfor forquality qualitycontrol controlprocesses processesrelated relatedtotocup cupanemometer anemometerindustrial industrialproduction, production,asasthe the best quality processes ensure a lower level of deviation among performances of different units ofofthe best quality processes ensure a lower level of deviation among performances of different units the quality processes ensure a lower level of deviation among performances of different units of the same same (that is,is,aalarger of the histograms indicates greater differences on samemodel modelis, (that largerdeviation deviation theharmonic harmonic histograms indicates greater differences on model (that a larger deviation of the of harmonic histograms indicates greater differences on the the unit’s performances). the unit’s performances). unit’s performances).


6.0 uuout out 4.5 4.5 3.0 3.0 1.5 1.5 0.0 0.0



0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4 (a)

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8


0.2 0.2

0.4 0.4 (b)

0.6 0.6

0.8 0.8



t/T t/T


1.1 1.1

ωω/ω 0 /ω 0

1.0 1.0 0.9 0.9



t/T t/T




0.1 ωω i /ω 0 i /ω0

0.0 0.0








(c) (c)




10 10


Figure 6. 6. Voltageoutput outputsignal, signal,uuout,, from from a Climatronics 100075 100075 cup anemometer anemometer (a). The The rotation Figure Figure 6.Voltage Voltage output signal,out uout, froma aClimatronics Climatronics 100075cup cup anemometer(a). (a). Therotation rotation rate derived from that signal is included in the (b) graph, whereas the Fourier series extracted rate from that signal is included in the (b) (b) graph, whereas the Fourier seriesseries extracted fromfrom the ratederived derived from that signal is included in the graph, whereas the Fourier extracted from i/ω0, are compared (see also the rotation is included in the (c) graph, where harmonic terms, rotation raterate israte included in the where thethe harmonic terms, ωi ω /ω , are compared (see 0, are compared (seealso also the rotation is included in(c) thegraph, (c) graph, where the harmonic terms, ωi0/ω Equation (5)). (5)). Equation Equation (5)). 14

fr [Hz] 14 fr [Hz]

Damaged rotor Damaged rotor Non-damaged rotor Non-damaged rotor

10 10 6 2

6 2






10 10



ωi/ω0 3% ωi/ω2% 0 1% 1% 0% 0%


14 14 ] V [m s−1−1 V [m s ]

16 16

Damaged rotor Damaged rotor Non-damaged rotor Non-damaged rotor


(a) (a)

12 12

(b) (b)











5 (c) (c)







9 i


10 10

Figure 7. Damaged A100 LK cup anemometer after service period (a). Calibration curve of this Figure 7. Damaged A100 LK cup anemometer after service period (a). Calibration curve of this Figure 7. Damaged A100 LKone cupofanemometer after service period Calibration curve this anemometer compared to the that anemometer equipped with(a). a non-damaged rotorof(b). anemometer compared to the one of that anemometer equipped with a non-damaged rotor (b). anemometer compared to the oneaforementioned of that anemometer equipped with a non-damaged (b). Fourier series decomposition of the cup anemometer rotation rate along onerotor turn of Fourier series decomposition of the aforementioned cup anemometer rotation rate along one turn of Fourier decomposition the rotor, series see Equation (5) (c). of the aforementioned cup anemometer rotation rate along one turn of the rotor, see Equation (5) (c). the rotor, see Equation (5) (c).

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Anemometer 1: ω1/ω0



4 m/s 7 m/s 10 m/s 16 m/s








4 m/s 7 m/s 10 m/s 16 m/s




Anemometer 2: ω1/ ω0

Anemometer 1: ω3/ ω0

Anemometer 2: ω3/ ω0


4 m/s 7 m/s 10 m/s 16 m/s

4 m/s 7 m/s 10 m/s 16 m/s










Figure 8. First and third harmonic terms, ω 1 /ω 0 and ω 3 /ω 0 , histograms from large series of two Figure 8. First and third harmonic terms, ω1/ω0 and ω3/ω0, histograms from large series of two first first classclass cupcup anemometers at Instituto InstitutoUniversitario Universitario de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” anemometerscalibrated calibrated at de Microgravedad “Ignacio Da Riva” (IDR/UPM): Anemometer-1 andand Anemometer-2. (IDR/UPM): Anemometer-1 Anemometer-2. 3. Modeling Cup Anemometer Performances 3. Modeling Cup Anemometer Performances As far as the authors’ knowledge, the first analytical model developed to study cup

As far as the authors’ knowledge, the first analytical model developed to study cup anemometer anemometer performances was proposed by Chree by the end of the 19th century [75]. After that, performances by classic Chreemodel by the end the 19th [75]. After Schrenk [76] Schrenkwas [76] proposed developed the that wasof initially usedcentury by the IDR/UPM staffthat, to study the developed classic model that [22,29]. was initially usedaby theanalytical IDR/UPM staff to takes studyinto theaccount cup anemometer cupthe anemometer behavior Since 2012, new model that the forces on athe three cups of model the rotor hastakes been into developed at the IDR/UPM Institute forces behavioraerodynamic [22,29]. Since 2012, new analytical that account aerodynamic [24,27,31,33]. point, mightdeveloped be necessary underline Institute the importance of the analytical on the three cups ofAt thethis rotor hasitbeen at to IDR/UPM [24,27,31,33]. At this point, models. These models reproduce the behavior of complex processes (related to mechanics, it might be necessary to underline the importance of the analytical models. These models reproduce thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, etc.), with quite simple equations that preserve the physics of the the behavior of complex processes (related to mechanics, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, etc.), problem. In the present case, the goal is to analyze the performance of a rotor based on the cups’ with quite simple equations that preserve the physics of the problem. In the present case, the goal is to aerodynamics. analyze the performance of a rotor on the cups’ aerodynamics. The aforementioned model,based developed in our previous works, is derived from the equation that the performance, thatdeveloped is, the rotation of a cup works, anemometer. Thedefines aforementioned model, in rate, our ω, previous is derived from the equation that defines the performance, that is, the rotation rate, ω, of a cup anemometer.

dω = QA + Q f dt dω






= QA + Q f ,


where I is the moment of inertia of the rotor, QA is the aerodynamic torque, and Qf is the frictional that depends on the of airthe temperature the aerodynamic rotation rate [31]. The frictional is where I torque is the moment of inertia rotor, QAand is the torque, and Qf istorque the frictional torque that depends on theasair and the rotation ratewind [31]. speeds The frictional torque is normally normally neglected, itstemperature effect is only important at very low (out of the calibration neglected, as its effect is only important at very low wind speeds (out of the calibration range). If the three cups of the rotor are taken into account the previous equation can be rewritten as follows:

dω 1 1 = ρSc Rrc Vr2 (θ )c N (α(θ )) + ρSc Rrc Vr2 (θ + 120◦ )c N (α(θ + 120◦ ))+ dt 2 2 , 1 2 ◦ + ρSc Rrc Vr (θ + 240 )c N (α(θ + 240◦ )) 2 I


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where Vr is the wind speed relative to the cups, cN is the aerodynamic normal force coefficient, α is the wind direction with respect to the cups, and θ is the angle of the rotor with respect to a reference line (see sketch in Figure 9). The relative-to-the-cup wind speed can be expressed as: Energies 2017, 10, 1860

Vr (θ ) =


V 2 + (ωRrc )2 − 2VωRrc cos(θ ).

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Figure 9.Figure Normal aerodynamic force coefficient, cN , ofcNthe & Joyner Type-II (conical) cups [77]. 9. Normal aerodynamic force coefficient, , of Brevoort the Brevoort & Joyner Type-II (conical) See in the sketch thein variables involved in the rotation of an anemometer cup: normal aerodynamic cups [77]. See the sketch the variables involved in the rotation of an anemometer cup: normal force on the cup, N,V,wind speed,wind V, relative wind to theVcup, Vr, rotor rotation force onaerodynamic the cup, N, wind speed, relative speed to speed the cup, rotation angle, θ, r , rotor angle, θ, speed, rotor rotational ω, and wind direction with to α. theThe cup,1-harmonic α. The 1-harmonic rotor rotational ω, and speed, wind direction with respect to respect the cup, term Fourier term Fourier series approximation (12)) to the cup has been plotted, together with series approximation (Equation (12))(Equation to the Type-II cupType-II has been plotted, together with the more the more accurate 6-harmonic terms Fourier series approximation. accurate 6-harmonic terms Fourier series approximation. Besides, the relationship between α and θ angles, previously defined by Equation (9), can be as follows: Onapproximated the other hand, it is possible to derive an equation that correlates both the wind direction 2 3 angle, α, and the position angle θ. (13) cos (α ) = η0 + η1 cos (θ ) + η2 cos (θ ) + η3 cos (θ ) ... K sin(θ ) tan(α) = . (9) K cos(θ ) − 1 where:

In the above equation, the constant K is called the anemometer factor2 and it represents the ratio −1 K 1 1 K K ; ηthe −the 2center ; η2of=the cups.; η3 = 2 − η0 =speed and . (14) between the wind 1 = speed of 2 2 2 K − 1 K − 1 1+ K 1+ K 1+ K 1+ K 2 V Ar f r + B Ar expression 1 Taking into account K the=above equations, the following  can = = . be derived from (7) in (10) ωR 2π f R 2πR rc K, to ther aerodynamic rc rc order to relate the anemometer factor, coefficients 1 − B of the rotor cups: V

 1 c1 − 1   1 c1 1 1 1 3K 2 − 4  K  0 =  1that 1 + the − − + Taking into account offset B is below 0.6 m · s for most commercial     . anemometers (15) in the  K2  2 c 0 1+ K 2  4 c 0 K  1+ K 2 K 2 −1   wind energy sector [22], it can be assumed that In Figure 10 the anemometer factor of several cases that were measured in wind tunnel (one Ar anemometer, Climatronics 100075, equipped with different rotors in which the characteristics of the





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The aerodynamic force coefficient related to the cups, cN , can be obtained, in a first approximation, from static measurements (that is, with no rotation of the cup) in wind tunnel [77]. However, this approach does not take into account the aerodynamic effect produced by the rotating flow over the cup. The aerodynamic force coefficient, cN , can be expressed in terms of Fourier series, as it is a periodic function. See in Figure 9 the 1-harmonic and 6-harmonic terms Fourier series compared to the coefficient related to a conical cup experimentally measured. If the 1-harmonic equation is considered, c N (α) = c0 + c1 cos(α). (12) Besides, the relationship between α and θ angles, previously defined by Equation (9), can be approximated as follows: cos(α) = η0 + η1 cos(θ ) + η2 cos(θ )2 + η3 cos(θ )3 . . .


where: η0 = √

−1 K 1 1 K2 K ; η1 = √ − 2 ; η2 = √ ; η3 = 2 −√ . 2 2 2 K − 1 K − 1 1+K 1+K 1+K 1 + K2


Taking into account the above equations, the following expression can be derived from (7) in order to relate the anemometer factor, K, to the aerodynamic coefficients of the rotor cups:  0=

1 1+ 2 K

1c 1 1− 1 √ 2 c0 1 + K 2

1c 1 − 1 4 c0 K

 3K2 − 4 √ + 2 . K −1 1 + K2 K


In Figure 10 the anemometer factor of several cases that were measured in wind tunnel (one Energies 2017, 10, 1860 11 of 18 anemometer, Climatronics 100075, equipped with different rotors in which the characteristics of the been varied) are compared to the above equation. equation. Results fromfrom of Equation (15) seem(15) to seem to cups have cups beenhave varied) are compared to the above Results of Equation reflect the tendencies shown by the testing results, with 13% average error [27]. reflect the tendencies shown by the testing results, with 13% average error [27]. 14

K 12 Porous h/Rc = 0.48

10 Analytical 3-cup model


Porous h/Rc = 0.38

6 Elliptical a/b = 1.166

4 Conical

Elliptical a/b = 1.920 Elliptical a/b = 1.440

2 2






c1/c0 10.of Results of the developed analytical model (Equation (15)), (15)), compared to testing results. In Figure 10. Figure Results the developed analytical model (Equation compared to testing results. In the the graph, the anemometer factors, K, measured and calculated from anemometers equipped with graph, the anemometer factors, K, measured and calculated from anemometers equipped with the the same rotor varying only the aerodynamic characteristics of the cups, are plotted as a function of same rotorthose varying only the aerodynamic characteristics of the cups, are plotted as a function of those aerodynamic characteristics c0/c1 (see Equation (12)). aerodynamic characteristics c0 /c1 (see Equation (12)).

However, this model presents a drawback, as it gives a single value of K without taking into account the geometric characteristics of the rotor (that affects the anemometer performance, as However, model presents a drawback, as it observed gives a in single value of K campaigns without taking into shownthis by Equations (3) and (4)). This was already previous research at account theIDR/UPM, geometric characteristics the in which the effect of of thethe ratiorotor of the(that cups’affects radius, R c, toanemometer the cups’ centerperformance, rotation radius, as shown Rrc, defined as:

rr =

Rc , Rrc


was observed. In order to improve the model two effects were considered after an analysis campaign carried out by using Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) [78]. First of all, a phase angle δ was

Energies 2017, 10, 1860

11 of 17

by Equations (3) and (4)). This was already observed in previous research campaigns at IDR/UPM, in which the effect of the ratio of the cups’ radius, Rc , to the cups’ center rotation radius, Rrc , defined as: rr =

Rc , Rrc


was observed. In order to improve the model two effects were considered after an analysis campaign carried out by using Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) [78]. First of all, a phase angle δ was considered in relation to the aerodynamic force coefficient. c N (α) = c0 + c1 cos(α + δ) = c0 + c1 cos(δ) cos(α) − c1 sin(δ) sin(α) = c0 + c11 cos(α) − c12 sin(α)



Additionally, the aerodynamic force on the cup was not considered to be applied on the cups center, a deviation from the center (see sketch in Figure 11) being introduced in the model instead. This deviation d was also considered to be displaced a phase angle γ with respect to the cup position angle α in relation to the wind. d(α) = e sin(α + γ) = e cos(γ) sin(α) + e sin(γ) cos(α) = Rc . e11 sin(α) + e12 cos(α)


Energies 2017, 10, 1860 into account the aerodynamic forces produced by cup rotation, 12 of 18 together This approach takes with the aforementioned forces derived from the cup direction with respect to the wind (that is, This approach takes into account the aerodynamic forces produced by cup rotation, together the aforementioned aerodynamic forces measured static position). Making with the aforementioned forces derived from thein cup direction with respect to thereasonable wind (that is,assumptions, the aerodynamic forces measured position). Making reasonable this modelaforementioned was compared to testing results [33]. inAsstatic it can be observed in Figureassumptions, 11, the model was this model was compared to testing results [33]. As itaccurately, can be observed in Figure 11, the model able to predict cup anemometer performances quite taking into account thewas effect of the able to predict cup anemometer performances quite accurately, taking into account the effect of the geometric variable rr . Furthermore, it is also fair to mention that the model seems to be less accurate geometric variable rr. Furthermore, it is also fair to mention that the model seems to be less accurate for rr > 0.45, is, for in which thethe cups rotation axis (in relation to the cups forthat rr > 0.45, thatrotors is, for rotors in which cupsare are closer closer toto thethe rotation axis (in relation to the cups size).cases, In these the rotation produces higher variationson onthe the local local wind around the the cups, size). In these thecases, rotation produces higher variations windspeed speed around cups, and probably causes this deviation. and probably causes this deviation.



4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0

Aanalytica (eq. (15) Analytical (improved)


Rc = 20 mm Rc = 25 mm


Rc = 30 mm Rc = 35 mm


Rc = 40 mm

1.0 0









11. (a) Sketch the variables involved in rotation movement of an anemometer’s cup. See Figure 11. Figure (a) Sketch of theofvariables involved inthe the rotation movement of an anemometer’s cup. that the normal aerodynamic force, N, is considered to be deviated from the center of the cup. See that the normal aerodynamic force, N, is considered to be deviated from the center of the cup. (b) Anemometer factors, K, measured from anemometers equipped with different rotors (varying the (b) Anemometer factors, K, measured from anemometers equipped with different rotors (varying the cups’ radius, Rc, and the cups center rotation radius, Rrc), in relation to the geometric ratio rr = Rc/Rrc. cups’ radius, R , and center radius, Rrcdeveloped ), in relation to the(15)) geometric ratio rr = Rc /Rrc . c In the graph,the thecups results from rotation the analytical model (Equation and its improved version (Equations (17)the andanalytical (18)) are included. In the graph, the results from model developed (Equation (15)) and its improved version (Equations (17) and (18)) are included.

Going back to the cup anemometer’s signal in steady wind and bearing in mind the work carried out in [31], it should be also pointed out that its Fourier series decomposition (Equation (5)) can be introduced in the general equation of the cup anemometer (Equation (7)), generating an interesting equation that takes into account the third harmonic term.

3 2

I 3ω0ω3 I dω =− 3 sin ( 3ω0t + ϕ3 ) 2 2 ρ Sc RrcV dt 2 ρ Sc RrcV

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Going back to the cup anemometer’s signal in steady wind and bearing in mind the work carried out in [31], it should be also pointed out that its Fourier series decomposition (Equation (5)) can be introduced in the general equation of the cup anemometer (Equation (7)), generating an interesting equation that takes into account the third harmonic term. I

dω I3ω0 ω3 =−3 sin(3ω0 t + ϕ3 ) 2 dt ρS c Rrc V 2    1 3 1 1 = 1 + 2 (c0 + c1 (η0 + η2 )) − c1 (η1 + η3 ) . 2 K 4 K    1 2 c + 1 + 2 η3 − η2 1 cos(3θ ) K 4 K 3 2 2 ρSc Rrc V


As it is obvious, the second term at the right side of the above equation is indeed the Equation (15), which gives the average rotation speed of the cup anemometer as a function of the ratio c1 /c0 . Energies 2017,the 10, 1860 13 of 18 rate. Additionally, remaining terms give information on the third harmonic term of the rotation The following equation can then be derived:

ω3  π  ρRrc5 5  2 2 ω3= π ρRrc ( K + 12 )η − 2 Kη c r 2 ωω0 = 8 8 I I K +31 η3 − 22Kη12 r c1 rr




(20) .  π  ρR55   (20) − 1.599 −1.599   2c1 rr2 ≈≈  π   ρ Rrcrc   0.5308 0.5308 ccc110 −−11 − 0.5 − 0.5  c1rr    8  I    8  I   c0   This is an important result that suggests the existence of a theoretical minimum for this third harmonic This is an important result that suggests the existence of a theoretical minimum for this third term for c1 /c0 ≈ 2.05. harmonic term for c1/c0 ≈ 2.05. Finally, the importance of modeling cup anemometer performances should be emphasized in Finally, the importance of modeling cup anemometer performances should be emphasized in orderorder to produce new improvements thatcould couldincrease increase accuracy ofwind the wind to produce new improvementsand and designs designs that thethe accuracy of the speedspeed measurements. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the work by Dahlberg et al. [79] that produced measurements. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the work by Dahlberg et al. [79] that produced in in 2001 a new rotor design (Patent No.: US 2004/0083806 A1 [80], see Figure 12), or the one from 2001 a new rotor design (Patent No.: US 2004/0083806 A1 [80], see Figure 12), or the one from Thies (Patent No.:No.: EP 1489427 B1 [81]), the more recent development by Hong inby 2012 [82] (Patent ThiesClima Clima (Patent EP 1489427 B1or [81]), or the more recent development Hong in 2012 [82] No.:No.: US 2012/0266692 A1, seeA1, Figure (Patent US 2012/0266692 see 12). Figure 12).



Figure 12. Examples of cups anemometer rotor design. Design by Dahlberg (Patent No.: US

Figure 12. Examples of cups anemometer rotor design. Design by Dahlberg (Patent No.: 2004/0083806 A1) (a), and design by Hong (Patent No.: US 2012/0266692 A1) (b). US 2004/0083806 A1) (a), and design by Hong (Patent No.: US 2012/0266692 A1) (b).

4. Conclusions In the present work, the research on cup anemometer performances carried out at IDR/UPM has been summarized. This research has been focused on the following two aspects, although both are related: •

The analysis of the performance based on experimental results as follows:

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4. Conclusions In the present work, the research on cup anemometer performances carried out at IDR/UPM has been summarized. This research has been focused on the following two aspects, although both are related:

The analysis of the performance based on experimental results as follows: # #


Force on isolated cups; Calibrations performed on both commercial anemometers and anemometers equipped with special-design rotors; The output signal of the cup anemometers.

The analytical study of the cup anemometer performances with a new methodology developed consequently. All expertise gained with the analysis of testing results was a fundamental basis for this analytical work. It should be underlined the importance of analytical models in order to produce better sensors in the future, as by using these models, a reduction of costs (measured in time and calculation resources) can be achieved in the first stages of the designing process.

For future works, some of them being in progress at the IDR/UPM Institute, it could be interesting to analyze the performances of working-on-the-field cup anemometers, taking into account the evolution of the rotation rate harmonic terms after long service periods of the wind sensor. Besides, it should be also of great interest to understand the aerodynamic forces and pressure distribution on rotating cups by means of experimental testing and CFD analysis. Acknowledgments: The authors are indebted to Enrique Vega, Alejandro Martínez, and Luis García for the support in relation to the research work on cup anemometers. The authors are also grateful to Angel Sanz for his contributions to the analytical studies on cup anemometers and all his work to create what is today the most important wind speed sensors calibration facility in Spain. Concerning international collaboration, Santiago Pindado is grateful to Chris Lacor and Alain Wery, from Vrije Universiteit Brussel, for the support in several testing campaigns. The authors are indebted to Victor Orozco and Daniel García, from Kintech Engineering, for their support and collaboration in relation to the research on cup anemometer performance degradation. The authors are also indebted to Anna María Ballester for her kind help in improving the style of the text. The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their wise comments that helped us to improve the manuscript. Finally, the present work is dedicated to the memory of Encarnación Meseguer, our beloved colleague who was the LAC-IDR/UPM accounting manager and responsible for its quality assurance system. Thanks to her courageous attitude, LAC-IDR/UPM became the most important wind speed sensors calibration facility in Spain. We truly miss her each day. Author Contributions: All authors were equally involved in this work. Santiago Pindado selected the different works to be reviewed. Elena Roibas-Millan and Javier Cubas wrote the text. Santiago Pindado revised the work in order to organize it. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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