Suncorp - Together Queensland

Suncorp Enterprise Bargaining ... Your union has also been contacted by Suncorp to say they would like to negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement with st...

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Suncorp 11 July 2014

Suncorp Enterprise Bargaining Dear ASU Member,

You will have recently received a Notice of Representational Rights from Suncorp relating to negotiations for the new Enterprise Agreement. This Notice is a legal requirement under the Fair Work Act before negotiations commence and has been sent to all employees. Your union has also been contacted by Suncorp to say they would like to negotiate a new Enterprise Agreement with staff. As a member of the Australian Services Union (ASU) you need do nothing in response to the notice. Your membership of the ASU includes your right to have the ASU represent you in bargaining. The first EBA meeting will be held on 23 July, 2014 in Sydney (all meetings will be based in Sydney) and your union official will be participating via teleconference facilities. During this bargaining process, both the Finance Sector Union(FSU) and the Australian Services Union (ASU) are working in partnership. You may therefore receive updates from either the ASU or FSU to keep you updated directly about the ongoing progress of the negotiations. The FSU will soon send out a proposed claim for negotiations and invite you to have your say. We have agreed that as part of this process, for the purposes of bargaining we will provide the FSU with your contact details. This will allow for consistent communication and information to be shared by the unions bargaining on behalf of our members. If you do not wish your contact details to be shared with the FSU please email: [email protected] noting your objection by close of business 18 July, 2014. Yours in Union,

Julie Bignell Branch Secretary Australian Services Union Central & Southern Queensland Clerical & Administrative Branch Authorised by Julie Bignell, Branch Secretary, Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical & Services Union, Central & Southern Queensland Clerical & Administrative Branch. Together Queensland, Industrial Union of Employees is an amalgamation of the Queensland Public Sector Union, and the Australian Services Union (Clerical and Administrative) Central & Southern Queensland Branch. Together represents over 38,000 members working across Queensland. For more information about Together call 1800 177 244 or email [email protected] REF: 2537