The Enneagram At-A-Glance

Compiled by Suzanne H. Eller, Tapestry Life Resources 2007 Sources: Conference notes, The Wisdom of the Enneagram, Personality Types, and Understandin...

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Compiled by Suzanne H. Eller, Tapestry Life Resources 2007

The Enneagram At-A-Glance Heart Center

Type Name Passion Compulsion Basic Fear

Head Center









Helper Pride To be needed Being unloved & unwanted for self Desire to be loved deteriorates into need to be needed

Individualist Envy To be special Of having no personal identity Desire to be oneself deteriorates into selfindulgence

Investigator Avarice To know Being helpless, useless, incapable Desire to be competent deteriorates into useless specialization

Loyalist Fear To be accepted Being unable to survive on own

Challenger Lust To be in control Being controlled by others Desire to protect oneself deteriorates into constant fighting

Peacemaker Sloth To be peaceful Of loss & separation

Reformer Anger To be perfect Being “bad”, defective, evil

Desire for security deteriorates into fearful following

Enthusiast Gluttony To be gratified Being deprived & trapped in pain Desire to be happy deteriorates into frenetic escapism

Desire to be at peace deteriorates into stubborn neglectfulness

Desire for integrity deteriorates into critical perfectionism



Cowardice/ Risktaking I am reliable

Planning (Intemperance) I am happy

Revenge I am strong

Indolence/ Laziness I am peaceful

“the grass is greener somewhere else” That their activities are causing pain & unhappiness

Pushing and struggling to make things happen That others are turning against them and will retaliate

Going along with others at the expense of self That reality will force them to deal with their problems

Resentment/ criticalness I am reasonable Sense of intense personal obligation That their ideas are actually wrong and counterproductive



Achiever Deceit To be a success Having no value apart from success Desire to be valuable deteriorates into arrogance and chasing success Vanity


I am caring

I am admirable

I am sensitive

I am perceptive

Wake-up Call


Doing, not being

Retreating into the mind

Looking for support outside of self

Red Flag Fear

That they are driving their friends & loved ones away

That they are failing, their claims are fraudulent

Using the imagination to intensify feelings That they are ruining their lives & wasting opportunities

That they are never going to find their place in the world

That their own actions have harmed their security

Basic Desire & Its Distortion

Belly Center


Sources: Conference notes, The Wisdom of the Enneagram, Personality Types, and Understanding the Enneagram by Don Riso & Russ Hudson; conference notes from Bill Edwards; Discovering the Enneagram by Richard Rohr; Biblical Characters and the Enneagram by Diane Tolomeo et al; What’s My Type? and My Best Self by Kathleen V. Hurley & Theodore E. Dobson; Facets of Unity by A. H. Almaas; The Enneagram by Helen Palmer.

Compiled by Suzanne H. Eller, Tapestry Life Resources 2007

The Enneagram At-A-Glance- Pt. 2 Two








By finding out others’ need & desires & creating dependencies Binging; abusing OTC meds

By charming others, adopting whatever image will “work” Workaholism; stimulant intake

By distracting & entertaining others, letting others meet their needs Most prone to addictions; tend to avoid depressants …get what you need

By making big promises, bluffing, “throwing their weight around’ Rich food & tobacco, avoid doctors, push too hard …are strong & in control of your situation

Holy Will, Holy freedom Humility

…are successful & others think well of you Holy harmony Holy Hope Honesty

By complaining, being evasive, testing others’ commitment to them Stimulants, depressants, alcohol, poor diet choices …do what is expected of you

Holy Origin

Holy Strength Holy Faith Courage

Holy Wisdom Holy Work Sobriety

Holy Truth Innocence

Right Action


Call to freedom; nurture self & others

Hope; develop self & set example for others

Truth/Mercy; stand up for self & speak your own truth

Love; bring peace & healing into one’s world

Growth; live for a higher purpose

Life Task

Freedom from false flattery & intimacy Mother Teresa; Barbara Bush, Bill Cosby, Ann Landers, Sally Jesse Raphael, Dr. McCoy (Star Trek) St. John, Ruth & Boaz

Transformation comes with aging Oprah Winfrey, Tony Robbins, Tom Cruise, Paul McCartney, Shania Twain, Michael Jordan, Madonna, Clinton Jacob, Saul, David

Develop a healthy realism

Holy Omniscience NonAttachment Wisdom; observe self & others without judgment or expectations Learn commitment

Depressants, psychotropics, alcohol, over-/ under-eating …as long as those around you are good & okay Holy Love

By correcting others, insisting others share their standards Excessive diets, anorexia/ bulimia, alcohol

…are loved by others & are close to them

By staying preoccupied, detaching emotionally from others Poor eating & sleeping, psychotropic drugs …have mastered something

By “checking out”, passivelyaggressively resisting others

Superego message (You are good or okay if you…) Holy Idea (Higher Mind) Virtue (Higher Emotion) Invitation

By being temperamental & “hard-to-get”, making others tread carefully Too many sweets, alcohol, antidepressants …are true to yourself

Learn strength of compassion

Overcome secret cynicism

To play and enjoy life

Alanis Morrisette, Jeremy Irons, Bob Dylan, Johnny Depp, Anne Rice, Edgar A. Poe Job, Mary Magdalene

Bill Gates, John Lennon, Gary Larson, Sinead O’Connor, Emily Dickinson, Kurt Cobain, Einstein, Stephen King Joseph, Nicodemus

M.L. King, Jr., FDR, LBJ, Sean Connery, Donald Trump, Roseann Barr, Courtney Love, John Wayne Samson, Martha

Lincoln, Ron Howard Reagan, George Lucas, Walt Disney, Ringo Starr, Keanu Reeves Jonah, Abraham

Gandhi, JohnPaul II, Martha Stewart, Meryl Streep, George Harrison, Celine Dion, Hilary Clinton John the Baptist, St. Paul

How each type manipulates others Eating Disorders & Addictions

Famous Examples

Biblical Example

Equanimity (Balance) Originality; let go of past & be renewed by experiences


Faith; trust in the goodness of life

Cooperation with Spirit; celebrate existence & share happiness Self-Reliance Face fear of pain & suffering Malcolm X, Speilberg, Ben Princess Diana, Franklin, Tom Hanks, Meg Leonardo Ryan, Mel DiCaprio, Liz Gibson, Julia Taylor, Jim Roberts, George Carey, Mick Bush (dad & son) Jagger JFK Timothy, St. Solomon; Peter, Woman at Well

…do what is right. Holy Perfection

Sources: Conference notes, The Wisdom of the Enneagram, Personality Types, and Understanding the Enneagram by Don Riso & Russ Hudson; conference notes from Bill Edwards; Discovering the Enneagram by Richard Rohr; Biblical Characters and the Enneagram by Diane Tolomeo et al; What’s My Type? and My Best Self by Kathleen V. Hurley & Theodore E. Dobson; Facets of Unity by A. H. Almaas; The Enneagram by Helen Palmer.