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THE JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY AUTHORS’ GUIDELINES FOR AAHKS SUBMISSIONS & SUPPLEMENT Manuscript Submissions VIA THE JOA EES SITE ONLY: Manuscript Submission Instructions: 1. Go to the JOA EES site at: 2. If you have not previously submitted an article via the JOA EES site, click on the ‘Register’ Link and enter the required information (name, e-mail address, etc.) 3. Login as an author with the username/password which is provided by e-mail the first time one registers on the EES site and access the Author Main Menu 4. Click on the ‘Submit New Manuscript’ link and access the manuscript submission process 5. Choose Article Type: AAHKS Article from the drop down menu and click Next 6. Enter data as requested by the system:  Article Title  Authors  Selecting a Section/Category is Required for Submission: Please choose Award Paper or, if submitting for Moderator review only, select the moderator session.  Classifications (the ‘Classifications’ step helps in the reviewer selection process.)  Answer yes or no to the three questions asked. 7. The following items are required to be attached:  A cover letter stating: This paper is being submitted for award consideration for the AAHKS Annual Meeting and is IRB approved.  Full Title page including all authors' names and professional degree letters following each of the authors' names, and corresponding author's postal address, phone and E-mail address.  The Abstract  The Manuscript with Title, Abstract and References  Manuscript pages and lines need to be consecutively numbered  A Conflict of Interest statement and a Blinded Conflict of Interest statement (same form without signature). Select the page description from the drop down box, browse to select a file, click the “Attach This File” button. An Acknowledgement page is NOT required. 8. EES then builds a PDF of the uploaded files

Manuscript Submission Requirements  

ARTICLE TYPE: AAHKS ARTICLE (Very Important) **Please note in your cover letter the name of the supplement/meeting for which the paper is being submitted. Also note IRB Approval. 1.

Full Title Page required (example enclosed). a. MAXimum of SIX (6) AUTHORS per paper (If a Writing Committee, refer to JOA Guidelines). b. Titles may not exceed 20 words.

2. Abstract should NOT EXCEED 125 words (we give leeway up to, but not beyond, 150 words).

3. Blinded Manuscript page (Title Only, no author names.). 4. Text should be a maximum of ten (10) double-spaced, typewritten pages. Include the Abstract.

5. Illustrations (figures and tables) are limited to a total of four (4). Each Figure must be numbered. a. A Figure Legend page should be included (example enclosed). 6.

References should not exceed 35.

7. Manuscripts describing research involving human subjects must have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to any review process (US submissions only). Please note the approval in the cover letter or on a separate piece of paper. If IRB approval was not necessary, please explain in the cover letter.

8. Manuscript PAGES and LINES TO BE NUMBERED. The reviewers need page and line numbers to refer to when they comment on the manuscript. TO DISPLAY LINE NUMBERS IN WINDOWS XP A. Start Word. Place curser on the first word of the first line of the manuscript. B. On the FILE menu, click PAGE SETUP. C. In the PAGE SETUP dialog box, click the LAYOUT tab, and then click LINE NUMBERS. D. Select the ADD LINE NUMBERING check box. Toward the bottom of that screen select CONTINUOUS. E. Click OK and then click OK again. Line numbers are displayed on the left side of the document. 9. JOA Conflict of Interest Statement is required (example enclosed). 10. JOA BLINDED Conflict of Interest Statement is required (same form, do not sign). 11. For additional guidelines, please refer to The Journal of Arthroplasty’s “Instructions to Authors” available in hard copy in every JOA issue or on line at . 12 Contact E-Submissions Support for Technical help: 1-888-834-7287, [email protected]. Other questions email Taylor Bowen, Managing Editor of The Journal of Arthroplasty: [email protected].

Additional Instructions BELOW.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT The Journal of Arthroplasty (Adopted from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons disclosure statement) The following form must be filled out completely and submitted by each author (example, 6 authors, 6 forms). If no discloser is required please write/type “none” at the end of each sentence.

Manuscript Title: 1.

Royalties from a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Speakers bureau/paid presentations for a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Paid employee for a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Paid consultant for a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Unpaid consultants for a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Stock or stock options in a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Research support from a company or supplier as a PI (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Other financial or material support from a company or supplier (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Royalties, financial or material support from publishers (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Medical/Orthopaedic publications editorial/governing board (The following conflicts were disclosed)


Board member/committee appointments for a society (The following conflicts were disclosed)

Each author must sign, print or type his/her name, date and submit a separate form In addition, one BLINDED Conflict of Interest form (no author names used) should be submitted per manuscript with all author disclosures. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Author Name (Print or Type) Author Signature Date



Fig 1. A photograph of a Finn Knee prosthesis.

Fig 2. Radiographs of the prosthesis five years after replacement of the proximal tibia. A. Anteroposterior view B. Lateral view C. Press-fitted tibial component. Fig 3. Radiograph of a tibial yoke breakage that occurred 10 months after implantation.


TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENTS DONE WITHOUT CEMENT AFTER ACETABULAR FRACTURES A 5 to 10 Year Follow-up Study John H. Smith, MD1 Joe. B. Day, MD2 Jane R. Doe, Ph.D.3 Robert C. Knight, MD2,3 1.

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Arthritis Institute Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX 12345


Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation Yale University School of Medicine New Haven CT 23456


The Keggi Orthopaedic Foundation 525 NE 6th Street Cleveland, OH 43251

Please address all correspondence to: John H. Smith, MD Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Arthritis Institute Baylor College of Medicine 6550 Fannin, Suite 2625 Houston, TX 77030 USA Phone: (713)555-0000 FAX: (713) 555-0011 Email: [email protected]