The Official Publication of the Rotary Club of Davis

Feb.24th Roger Salquist “Gold Standard Diagnostics...

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The Official Publication of the Rotary Club of Davis Rotary International President: Ron Burton, Oklahoma District 5160 Governor: Steve Lack Davis Rotary Club (437) President: Greg Phister, P.O. Box 185, Davis, CA 95617 Monday, Feb. 10th. 2014

Rotary Reflection “You can change your thoughts and you can change the world” -Norman Vincent Pool Weekly Program

Guests of Rotary  Bill Lusenbrick, a friend of Marilyn M.  Shawn Guzak, of West Coast Arborists. Visiting Rotarians

Feb 10th Valentine’s party Feb. 17th Presidents Holiday – No Meeting. Feb.24th Roger Salquist “Gold Standard Diagnostics” rd

March 3 Professor Jerome Suran “Interactive Presentation of Business Ethics” UCD, GSM

Meals on Wheels If you swap dates, contact Greg Gibbs at 530-758-6797 or pamandgreg@ or Dave Scheiber at 530-758-8440 . Coordinator: Greg Gibbs 2/13/14: Y. Clinton and Paul Lacoste 2/14/14: D. Macko and Anand Mamindi Coordinator: JD Denton 2/20/14: D. Labadie and Matt Neal 2/21/14: M. Peterson and B. Horsfield Coordinator: Paul Hart 2/27/14; Kay Ressler and Les Portello 2/28/14: T. Puntillo and Kemble Pope Coordinator: Don Kessler 3/6/14: Sheri Richter and M. Robinson 3/7/14: Bill Roe and Rynde Azavedo

Coming Events Feb. 20th : “Rotary Club Social” planned by the Davis Chamber of Commerce and the three Rotary Clubs of Davis at the “The Graduate” beginning at 5;30 pm. March 30th: Rotary International Ron Burton will speak at a dinner venue at the Sacramento Double Tree Hotel; doors open at 5pm and dinner begins at 6pm. Pre-registration is encouraged and the cost is $55.00 per person, If interested, contact R. Mazalewski @rlmazalewski@gmail,com or President Greg/ May 17th: Rotary BBQ, Central Park , Davis. Your help is needed!

Agrotarian Email To contact the Agrotarian co-editors, email to [email protected]

 Ute Turner, of the Woodland Luna Vista Rotary. She announced a venue be sponsored by their Club Feb. 17th at the Mondavi . Today’s Meeting And Announcemts  Bill Lusenbrick, a nonRotarian, but a friend of our Club received the First “Silver Garden Shovel” award selected by the Community Service Committee for his labors at our Club’s Garden.  Shawn Guzak, of West Coast Arborists and his efforts to supply mulch to our Rotary Garden.  Robert Mazalewski announced that RI President’s Rom Burton’s dinner in March is open for registration and sign up should be done soon since available dinner table reservations are be becoming filled quickly.  JD Denton reminded all members to check the MOW schedule on our Club’s website for their obligation as a “driver  President Greg reminded all that nominations for our Club’s’ directors is coming soon!

Draw of the Day Ute Turner, of the Woodland Luna Vista Rotary Club had the winning ticket, but fail to draw the “Joker”. The pot of $462 is being rolled over to the next “Draw of the Day”

Sergeant Steve Young “Sergeant’s Fines and Happy Bucks” Y. Clinton tossed in $20 to Happy Bucks for her daughter’s advancement in music with a “signed” contract in Las Vegas.

Gamanti J. helped added to Happy Bucks on his response of gratitude to the Davis community, and especially The Davis Enterprise for the monies raised in assistance for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. Jeannie Jones expressed her gratitude to all for kind thoughts on her recovery from her cancer treatment. Good to see you again! Other “Happy Bucks” included Allan T. for his ability to be a “grandchild sitter”; President Greg and Bob Gregiorie for property transfers in Davis that took place and were recorded and found in The Bee; M. Goodman for spending three weeks in Bali;, J. Stromberg for announcing that his new son is growing FAST!!!, and W. Schrader for discussing the new generation of instruments and that he is happy that he will not have to deal with! And there were more “Happy Bucks” ,numerous to list!

Michele Clark, CEO, Yolo County Land Trust (YLT)

Our speaker is a native Californian and has lived in Yolo County since 1993, and a Davis resident. Her career includes graduating with a law degree from Rutgers University, practiced law in Philadelphia and West Palm Beach, and a shareholder of the firm of McDonough, Holland, and Allen. Prior her involvement with Yolo land Trust, she was involved with public land preservation with the California Rangeland Trust and the Trust for Public lands. The Yolo Land Trust has a history of preserve the landscape, being farmland, rangeland, stream corridors, wetlands, and oak woodlands. The focus of the YLT is to preserve the farmland, open space, and habitat lands in Yolo County To date, the YLT has helped landowners place conservation easements on almost 10,000 acres protecting their land for future generations.