Ronkonkoma and the Lake Holtsville & MEDFORD NEWS ITEMS

Ronkonkoma and the Lake Mrs. B. DiTii, ROnk. S-MSO Miss Fay'ene Olsen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olseti, of Carrol! avenue is heme for two...

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Ronkonkoma and the Lake Holtsville & Farmingville Mrs. B. DiTii, ROnk. S-MSO

th. ' departm ent eenveTr.i >:* ;:'. New York city. Mrs . Jos-ph Low . un:t puhiici '.y chairman , came m ¦ -eciind with ht -v pubici '-v scrapbook. The Patchosrue Advance is on sale at I-ake Ronkonkoma Stationers. Lechowit Delicatessen and Teddy 's Luncheonette in Lake Ronkonkoma. and at the Thrift Center and Station .Market in Ronkonkoma.—A dv. The Ronkonkoma Republi can club will hold its a n n u a l picnic party in Liberty Hall or: Ocean avenue in Ronkonkoma starting at S:3l> p. m. Saturday. Danctni will lie continuous. Raphael Di Clemente is chairman and his assistants ar" Mr . and Mrs. Louis Bodanyi. Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Volkman . Mr. and Mrs. Chris Becht , Mr . ard Mrs. John Tiedeman. A r t h u r Browne, Alfn 'd Sangueldolce . John Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oiiva. Gertrude Fetting cr , David Gandolfn . Daniel Di Prospero , George Garbrant and Mr . ami Mrs. Marcial Balacio.

MEDFORD NEWS ITEMS Middle Island News Items Mr*. Mirths Theis , CKover 5-3339

The Ladies' auxiliary of the Medford Fire department met at the firehouse Thursday. Toys will he collected to be repainted and renovated for distribution among needy childre n at Christmas. Anyone wishinir to contribute used toys can give th"m to a member of the department or auxiliary . The ladies will redress the dp 'Is and renovate stuffed animals. Plans for the annual dinner will b° discussed at the August meeting and elec'ion of officers will take place . After the meetin" a stork shower was given for M'a. Wilbur Pedr'ck. who received many lovelv srifts. Refreshments and a social hour followed. Mrs . Edridge Buxton and Mrs. Jack Condon were hos t esses for the evening. The birthdays of Mrs. Helen Altrui Mrs. B"rnice Peters and Mrs. Ora Jean Connelly were celebrated. For your Insurance Needs Call Pat Raimond, YAp hank 4-3819. —Adv . Mr ind Mrs. Theodore Judd and pon . Robe '-t . of Betleroqe, Mrs. Robe rt Wa'lor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley Glinski find children. Betty . Barbara. Kathl°en and Kenneth , of Jamaica were weekend °nests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellis of O' vmnie avenue. While visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Giede at Westhamnton July 13 Mrs. Mary Beck of California avenue suffer¦ ed a broken left arm when she | fell. She was ju t recovering from I a simila r accident in which her rieht arm was broken in March. Miss Emma Silch'er and Joseph Dilato of Mountain Vernon wpre weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Pfortner . of Oregon avenue. On Jul y 12 The Pfortners entertained about 20 friends with a barbecue supper Mr. Pfortner is enioving several weeks vacation. John Henry Reinfrank. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reinfrank. of Tremont avenue was bintized Sundav at St. Sylvesters R. C. church . Godparents were Miss Joye» Gathman n of Medford and Wilfred Brown of Coram. The nrod-parents were dinner guests of the Reinfranks and a recention and buffet supper followed in the evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haas of Blue TVint: Mi"'* Nancv Tavlor and Walter Mills of Pntchogue; Mr and Mrs. Paul Williams nnd son. Bill y. Miss

Miss Fay 'ene Olsen . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olseti , Mrs. Harold !.«»», SElden J-373S of Carrol! avenue is heme for two weeks vacation from her duties as The Holtsville-Furmingville Fire a narse at Southampton hospital. companies , Ladies ' auxiliaries and Mrs. Guido D'Orsogna was hos Drum and Bugle corps participated tess to the Contract Bridge club in the parade at West Sayville July 15 at her home on West Tuesday. Fourth street. Players were MesA Youth Ni ght dance will L J Sr., dames Harold Sorenson. heid tomorrow ni ght at the FarmCharles Browne , Francis Roesei . ingville fireball. Jennie McKane, Henry Ahner, Mr and M.s. Haro.d Leas and Loretta Edmonson . Frances Sadaughter , Loretta of First street p^enza and Clara CaseUa. Tuesday and Mrs. Doroth y Trueit of WavMrs. Ahner was hostess to the erly avenue visited Mr. and Mrs. same group in her home or. Smith Matthew Dieterle , Mr. and Mrs. road. Herman Martin and Mrs. Josep h Dr. Doroth y Finken has begun Martin and children in North Bathe practice of medicine in the bylon July 15. medical building of Dr. Walter The Ladies ' auxiliary of the Roettirger on F a r m-to-Mnrket Brookhaven Memorial hosp ital will road. Dr. Finker will specialize in me t Jul y 31 at Holtsville Commupediatrics and obstetrics. nity hall. George Bryan , adminisJeffrey and Richard Hunter of trator of Brookhaven Memorial Klmhurst are spending the sumhospital , will be pr sunt. Everyone mer with their grandparents, Mr. is welcome to attend. and Mrs. Joh n Stippel, Sr., of The Lions club and Moth ers club Patchogue road. of Boy Scouts Troo p 80 are sponMr. and Mrs. Benjamin PallaST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH soi ing a bus tri p for the boys dino are the parents of a daughNew York city Monday. They Masses in St. Joseph' s R. C. to ter born in Southside hospital will on a sightseeing trip July 8. On the same day, in Ma- church Sunday are at f>:30, 7:30, aroundgoManhatta The bus ther Memorial hospital, twins , a 8:30. 9:30, 10:30, 11:30 a. m. and will leave at 8 na.Island m. from the boy and girl, were born to Mr. 12:30 p. m. Also at 9:30, 10:30, Farmingville Post Office and the 11:30 a. m. and 12:30 p. m. in the committee will accompany and Mrs. Rob?rt Clay. the Mr. and Mrs. John J. Landey auditorium and at 9 a. m. in the boys. Merchants of Holtsville and community Holbrook hall. have moved from their home on Farmingville are donating towards Sunday the Rev. Charles Nos- the B»H avenue to Indianapolis, Ind., refreshments. Some of the baptized ser the following infants: where Mr. Landey has taken an Scouts will leave August 3 for a Barbara, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. executive position with Local 6 ot two week stay at camp. John Hanni gan . sponsors , Honora the printer's union. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Forzano and Thomas Hannigan: Kathleen. Mrs. Alfred Smith of Church daughter of Brooklyn are visiting Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs Dani . el Mrs. Anthony Zotta of Oriole place street and Bay avenue was guest of honor at a surprise stork show- Leahy, sponsors , Eileen Leahy for two weeks. and Sidney Moore ; Marv daugh, er July 12 given in the home of The Patchogue Advance is on her mother, Mrs, Everett Bowers, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Beniamin Ka- sale at Ann 's Sweet Shop, Nairn 's of Gatelot avenue. The Misses plan, sponsors, Ann Roberts and Delicatessen, Rudco Drug, BeckVeronica and Lorraine Dougherty Jo&onh Vonderheid. The Bloodmobile will be at St. er's Delicatessen and Pelleccia 's of Brooklyn were the hostesses. in Farmingville.—Adv. The living room was decorated Joseph's auditorium tomorrow beAdrian Olson of Fairlawn , with pink and blue streamers and tween 6 and 9 p. m. The blood N.Miss spent Sunday and Monday a large stork was placed over the bank is emotv because of the at J., the home of Mr. and Mrs. guest of honor's chair. Guests great need of the parish last year. Cruger and famil y of Medwere Mesdames Frank Bowers, Anvone who forgot to sign a Fred Arthur Stephens, August Gimm- pledge card may still renort to- ford avenue. Mr. and Mrs . Harry Landahl ler, Henry Voigt, Samuel Voll- morrow to donate blood. The goal and daughter, Esther , of Long Isgraff , Byron Crawford, Charles is 200 pints of blood. Members of the Crusader club land avenue have returned from a Wagner, Richard Busick , Edward Sinram and Everett Bowers oi will meet in the auditorium at 8 10-day tri p to Belgrade Lake, Me. Sunday visitors at the home of Lake Ronkonkoma; Mrs. John Co- n. m. Sunday and will receive fone and Miss Joan Dougherty of Hol y Communion at the 10:30 Mr. and Mrs. Anton Loeffler of Cedaroaks avenue were Mr. and Brooklyn : Mesdames Walter Stet- mass the following Sunday. Mrs. Ted Batorsky and daughte r, ter and William Gimmler of CenMembers of St. Josenh's mild Patricia , of Hicksville. tereach; Mrs. Roberta Pritchard of met in the auditorium after devoSunday visitors at the home of East Meadow. After Mrs. Smith tions Monday to make final plans opened her many lovely gifts, re- for the annua l bazaar to be held on Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Mercadante, freshments were served. July 30. 31 and August 1, 2 and Sr., of Powell avenue were Mrs. T^rt,.rtfV,,r TJi,r.rt1 "Mr nnrl TVTV<3 . Robert Gustafson, who under- 3. A station waron will be award- Tony Polottazzo and childre n of went two major operations in ed the last night of the bazaar. ilaltylon, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Joh n Reinfrank and the bnbv's Brookhaven Memorial hospital , S«me of the attractions for the Mupo of College Point and Mr. sister , Lori of Medford . Many has returned to his home on Lau- children will be a merrv-go round , and Mrs. Michael Montana , Jr., of lovely gifts were received. Farnu n gvihe. relton avenue. Linda StelUe* daughter of Mr. a ferris wheel and "the whip." and Mrs. Anthony Kreutz and Mrs. William Ste'lies, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bruno of More than a half an acre of andMr.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kreutz Richmond Hill is snending two Hawkins avenue recently celebrat- land has been acouired onposite ed the 'r silver wedding anniver- , St. Joseph's church for develop- of Long Island avenue and Mrs. weks with her a'int and uncle. Otto Kaffka of Farm-to-Market Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warncke of sary. Their many fri°nds held a ' ment as a car parking field. toad attended the wedding Sunday Tremont avenue. surprise party for them at the of Anthony Kreutz ' niece , Miss Miss Ida Mede'-k. and Mrs. Joh n Lighthouse hotel at the Lake. ST. MARY'S CHURCH Christine Molfetta , daughter of Gantier of Medford Mrs. Dale Sylvester Germano of RonkonSt. Mary's Episcopal church Mr. and Mrs . Dominick Molfetta, Whitlock and fou r daught ers and koma avenue sailed for Italy on the , Queen Frederj ca July 4 to will hold two services Sundav. At of Nesconset to Donald L. Rous- Mrs. Anth on v Rudtke, Jr., and ¦visit old friends and relatives. Mr. ' the 8 a. m ^ .service there will be seau of Cente.each at St. Philip daughter.. of P«tehogu<*. snent FriGermano has been a citiieen of Holy communion and nt the 9:30 and James R. C. church in St. dav With the Rev. and Mrs. Domthe United States for many years a. m. service there will be ' Holy James and the reception at the enie Ciannella and fnmilv at SalCandlelight Inn , Ronkonkoma. taire on Fire Island. Sundav evenand this is his econd visit hack to communion and a sermon. Miss Joanne Kuchinskas, daugh- ing Miss Medeck , Mrs. Gautier , the land of his birth. The length The Rite of Confirmation was ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuchin- Mrs. Martha Theis nnd Mrs. Emof his visit will depend on the administered in St. Mary's church world situation and how. he finds Sunday with Bishop Jonathan skas, of Waverly avenue spent two ma White drove to Haupnange to weeks at the home of Mr. and attend the Marymede plavhouse, conditions in Italy. Sherman officiating. The ronfirMrs. Earl Saulpaugh of Warren mants are Joanne Marv Bedell , Mrs. George Kuchinskas , Jr , of presentation of "The Happiest avenue entered Mather ' hospital Joyce Lorraine Duck, T,pslie Grace Richmond Hill. Sunday the Frank Millionaire ". Mrs. Gautier left accompanied by her Monday and underwent a gall Garity Joan Anne KHphon , Ca- Kuchinskas family attended a fam- Monday bladder operation Tuesday. therine Irene Prisby, Cecelia Nor- ily picnic at the home of Mr. and daughter, -Mrs. Anthony RudtThe Ladies' auxiliary of the ma Van Norr. Helen Anne Zaka- Mrs. Stanley Kuchinskas of Ocean- ke, and grandaughter . Victoria, William Merrit Hallock unit 155. rv. Harry Hall. David Raymond side. for a tour of New England for Mr. and Mrs. James Rega and several days. of the American Legion, sponsored Hubbs. Carson Edward Lebo , Wilchildren of Brooklyn are spending a ward picnic at North port Vete- liam Vincent Murrav , Michael The Patchoguo Advance is on ran's hospital July 7. Members at- Christopher Paragone, James Hen- one week at a bungalow on Long sale at Weissenberper s. Larsen's tending were Mesdames James C. ry Purtell. Stanley Russell Specht , Island avenue. Grocery. Fessler's Stationery and July 16 visitors at the home William 's Luncheonette and StaErnest David Wetsell and Robert OsBrowne, Joseph Fish, of Mr. and Mrs. Phili p Pressgrove Hock, William LoSurto and borne Wilson. Received into the tionery Stor<» in Medford.—Adv. Charles Kurger. The meeting and fellowship of St. Mary's from of Jamaica avenue were Mrs. ElizMr. and Mrs. Willnm Gi"man luncheon of the Suffolk county other churches were Dorothy abeth Kammerer and Mrs. Gerald and dau ghter. Lora , Mrs. Philin Westfall and children all of Jacommittee of the Ladies' auxili- Westhead Kutie and Alexander Gi'lmnn of Medford road and Mr. ary was held in Bronco Charlie's Edward Prisby. After th" confir- maica and Mrs. J. Verity of Rich- and Mrs. Harold McGowan n^d restaurant H Oakdale July 12. mation service the confirmants mond Hill. children of Central Islip attended Mrs. Millard Terry, Sr., of Wav- a performance of "Son During the of the uasroadside, to the dashboard of St. Mary Episcopal church on good time. A family picnic is in tor, the Rev. John Wason will be Pond road , 'sLake and then back to tbe road Ronkonkoma. A the making for next month. the guest preacher. For any pasanead. meeting will be held August 3 Kenneth O'Came, son of Mr. and 3. Don't stop unless it is abwith a social following. Mrs. Ted O'Came, of Mount Ver. . i solutely necessary . Sudden Parents of children six years non avenue, is enjoying two weeks stops often cause rearof age or older who wish them to vacation at Camp St. Vincent in P A T C H O G U E end collisions involving attend Hebrew school in the fall Sag Harbor. many ears. BOOK SHOP may contact Herman Grackin , Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guerrasio 4- Remember that going too Ronk. 9-8138 or Helen Silverman , and sons, Mickey, Andy, Jimmy 10-12 Railroad Avenue slow also can cause trouRonk. 9-3120. and Philip, returned to their home ble. The best rule is to The Sisterhood of the Ronkon- on Oregon avenue Friday after Eves. 4-9 P.M. - Closed Tues. keep your speed about the koma Jewish Center will hold a several days visiting with Mr. and Sat. 1:30-9 P. M. same as the rest of the Shore luncheon at 1 p. m. today Mrs. Lewis E. Brandon and family traffic. at the Hilltop Nursery on Por- of Canajoharie. Mr. Guerrasio was tion road , the Lake. on vacation from his duties at Recent and Out of Print Books Plans have been made for a Island Coal and Lumber. fishing party Sunday. For reserThe Chit-Chat club met at the and Magazines Bought & Sold General Insurance vations call Dr. Seymour Schaf- home of Mrs. Stephen Pollis on Nat. Geographies on File. 152 W. Main SL Patchogue fer. Ronk. 9-9041. Oympic avenue last week with Mrs. Grace Masin reports all Mrs. John Matlat of Farmingville GR 5-0762 GRover 5-3520 the tickets for the theatre party as hostess for the evening. The to see "Oh Men , Oh Woman " or- members, accompanied by their ganized by the Ladies' auxiliary husbands and children , enjoyed ' a are sold. Another party is being day 's outing Sunday at Wild-wood planned for August 27 at the Red State park. Barn Theatre when "The Happiest The ladies of the Tuesday Night " will be the play. For Card club dined at the Candleligh t COAL and FUEL OIL ^jj ^|Jga3| ¦Millionaire reservations contact Mrs. Seymour Restau rant in Manhasset last week GROVER 5-0270 Schaffer, AN 5-3054. Proceeds and attended the Westbury Music mmm W^ m m Rider Avenue and L. I. R. R. Patehogue ^^^j ^BHBHH from both theatre parties will go Fair's performance of "Happy into the building fund. Hunting," starring Gypsy Rose

Robert S. Mirabelli


KI| gBN|

Lee. Those present were Mrs Josephine Lucas of Selden , Mrs. Anna Cuilum of East Patchogue , Mrs. Henry Haab . Mrs. Jacob Beck and Mrs. " Louis Felice of Patchogue , and Mrs. Thomas Vaug han. Sr., Mrs. Frank Carasiti , Sr , and Mrs. Ferde J. Mistier of MedfordThe Medford All-Girl Drum and Bug le corps rehearsed Monda y and Thursday evenings last week. They are planning to enter a com petition to be held in Sayville July ^6. Mrs. George G. Pollis of Waverly avenue attended a meeting of her club last Thursday. Hostess was Mrs. Stanley W. Eberhardt of Bayport. The Misses Maureen and Una Jennings , who came here from Ireland last year , recently visited their aunt , Mis Margaret Seitz , at her home on Southaven avenue. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholson and daughter , Bonnie , of O a k street were Mrs. Nicholson 's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr ;. P. W. Vaught of Johnstown, Pa. Mrs. John Petrow and children , John and Jean , of the Bronx are vacationing with Mrs. Petrow 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Connelly of Pennsylvania avenue. Mr. Petrow is spending the weekends with them. Mrs. Harry Weiss and daughters, Misses Martha and Rae, of Biooklyn are spending the summer months at their home on Waverly avenue. Mrs. Weiss' son , Josep h , visits on the weekends. Leo Johnson left Wednesday, for a new position in Fort Monmouth , N. J., after visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson of Southaven avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lorenzo and family, former residents of Brooklyn , are now living in the Onio avenue home they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. William Tobitsch. Mr. and Mrs. George Pollis and daug hter, Ava Dee, of Waverly avenue visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brauns, Sr., of Centereach. S u n d a y Mr. and Mrs. Ted O'Came and daughters, Mary Ellen and Doreen Ann , of Mount Vernon avenue, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin and son , Jimmy, of Tremont avenue motored to Westhampton, where they enjoyed a barbecue at the home of Mr. a n d Mrs. Fred O'Came. The Card party held Friday in the Youth Center, and sponsored by the Rosary Altar society for tne benefit of St. Sylvester's R. C. churcn was a success. A transistor radio was awarded to Mrs. E. D'Alsace, a carving set to William Kempster, a radio to Bryan Philhower and a permanent wave to Robert Maresco. Mr. and Mrs. George Zacharkow and son, Richard , of South Weymouth, Mass., left Sunday after spending a week visning tneir parents, Mr. and M r s . George Zacharkow, Sr., of Old Medford avenu e and Mrs. Elizabeth Condon of Forrest avenue. The Tuesday Night club met at the Jamaica avenue home of Mrs. Thomas Vaughn, Jr., last week. Saturday evening the members, their husbands and friends enjoyed an outdoor b a r b e c u e on the grounds of the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Foilmer on Oregon avenue. Mrs. M. Robert Masem of Oregon avenue came home Jul y 14 with her infant son , Peter. Mr. and Mrs. Masem have four other children, Jennifer, Matthew, Susan and Regina. Kathy Leitgeb celebrated her birthday July ±2 with a party for her family, relatives and friends at her home on Waverly avenue. Kathy is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leitgeb. The Basch home at the corner of Waverly and Ohio avenues has been pu.cnased by Mr. and Mrs. E. Wegner of Ohio avenue, who are presently renovating it. The Kaffee Klatsch and Canasta club met at the home of Mrs. Dorothy E. Ryan on Robinson avenue July 15 with Mrs. Caroline Wanamaker as hostess. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kronimus at their home on Richmond avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steinke of Pompton Lakes, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bachteler of Richmond avenue entertained at an outdoor barbecue Sunday. Among the guests were their son and daughter-in-layv, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bachteler and children, Larry, Jr , Richard and Jeanne, of Hicksville and Mrs. Dorothy Ryan of Robinson avenue, sister of the host. Miss Patricia Martin , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Martin , of North Ocean avenue will be married at 11 a. m. Saturday to Richard Sanders of Lynbrook at St. Sylvester's R. C. church.

Mrs. Bertha

Fried. Y Ap h a n k


Miss Barbara Erhardt spent the weekend at Gloversville with her friend , Miss Eleanor Ooszarski of Miiler Place. Mr and Mrs. Eugene Carroll we.e guests Saturday ac the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charies Koehler of Swezeytown road in celebration of Mr. Carroll's twentieth birthday. Miss Beverly Wellings , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wellings , of Swezetown road , an assistant Recreation instructor at the West Middle Island school , will enter On onta State Teacher's college at Oneonta in September. The Patchogue Advance is on sale at Hoffman 's, Middle Island Grocery, Steve's Service Station and Harry Tew 's in Middle Island.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Waylan Lortie of Hines road and sons, James, Albert , Michael and William , have returned from a motor tri p th ough the Lake Ontario region. While there they attended a Lortie" family reunion of 100 at Lowville. A card party will be held at 8:30 p m. August 8 at the Coram Community hall sponsored by the moihers of Cub Pack 165. Mrs. Hugh Rhodus is chairman . Refreshments will be served. The Northside Civic association met July 19 at the firehouse on Arnold drive. Final arrangements wore made for the dance to be held August 9 at the firehouse. Patrick Hoey of North street is chairman with Mrs. Ben Lasky, Mrs. Fred Yevoli , Sam Mills and Arthur Noss on the committee. FIRE DEPARTMENT The Middle Island Fire department will hold "Tag Days" from Jul y 25 to 27. The Fire department ambulance returned Mrs. William Ostrander of Mauritz boulevard to her home from Mather Memorial hospital where she had been confined due to a leg injury. The ambulance service has answered 35 calls since January . There will be a meeting of the Drum Corps committee July 29. RECREATION PROGRAM A Kick ball game was held July 15 at the West Middle Island school with two teams under captains, Jerome Delli Bovi and-Rand y Manning. The outstanding events of the game were five runs by Jerome Delli Bovi and three by Randy Manning Captain Delli Bovi's team was the victor. In the Free-throw contest held Friday Edwaid Erhardt was first with a score of four feet 10 inches , Gary Mayham with a score of two feet 10 inches and Richard Koll with a score of two feet 10 inches. A mental test was held July 17 and there was a tie for first p lace between two of the boys ana for second place between three boys. The pre-school to third grade children made puppets , napkin holders and face masks during the week and Friday, being "Show and Tell" the children brought iu souvenirs, p i c t ur e postcards, animals and models and told a story about them. The Red and Gold girl teams competed against each other on Team day in volley ball , jump rope, relay races, dot and tic-tactoe. The red team , with Donna Fingar as captain , won by 10 points. A baseball game was held Friday afternoon on the school grounds between Cora m and West Middle Island. The home runs made by Jerome Delli Bovi , Edward Erhardt , Robert Rindes , and John Mauzakes hel ped the Middle Island team 's win of 38 to6. Harry Williams, supervisor of the recreation program , has about 50 winter drum corps uniformes to give to anyone interested in them and may be contacted at the school or at his home in Gordon Heights.

Speaking of


NEW COIFS—If your hair 's not naturally curly, start crunching carrots right now ! Or , better still, don 't trust to luck — have one of the nice new "light touch" permanents that will give your hair a soft, open curl. And you'll really assure your fashion future. That's the authoritative word from New York's American Hair Design institute, brought to Patchogue by Mr. Anderly, appearing as guest artist at the Bee Hive's beauty salon next week. "Yes," says Mr. Anderly, "curls are coming back — and forward, and any direction you like! Cool and airy, these new open curls ST. SYLVESTER'S CHURCH cover the head — not closely, like the old 'Poodle Cut,' but in wonSunday masses at St. Sylves- derfu l new casual arrangements ters R. C. church are at 7, 8, 9, that can be infinitely varied to 10, and 11:30 a. m., with Benedic- suit the individual." tion of the Most Blessed Sacrament following the 10 a. m. mass. REAL ESTATE SCHOOL — Weekday masses are at 8 a. m. Plans are now being completed Confessions are heard Saturday for the opening of a real estate from 4 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 8:30 and insurance brokerage p. m. The sacrament of Baptism, at the Mid-Island Shopping school Plaza are held at 3:30 p. m. Sunday. in Hicksville, J. Pohs, The Ladies' Rosary Altar so- who heads twoHerbert such schools in ciety met July 14 in the Youth Manhattan and Jamaica announced Center. Refreshments were served this week. following the meeting. The school organization known The Knights of the Altar met Pohs Institute of Insurance of Monday at the church , with Father as 132 Nassau street, New York Thomas Bannon. They are prepar- city, has been in operation since ing for the Forty hours devo- 1936 and has prepared thousands tion which will begin on July 27. of students for qualification examinations in both insurance and real estate. The Modern Trend! Select your Sessions will begin in Septemwedding invitations or announce- ber, Mr. Pohs said to qualify ments, printed, raised printed or students for state insurance exengraved at The Patchogue Ad- aminations in December, 1958 nnd vance. Wide range of type faces, March,_ 1959 and real estate exelegant paper, latest styles. Mod- aminations for salesmen and brokerately priced, quick delivery. ers in November, 1958 and Janu—Adv. ary, 1959. Course instructors.

THE CHIEF'S CORNER News of the Patchogue Fire Dept.

By Chief Charles Miller and Batt. Chief Al Rothe THE BROOKHAVEN TOWN FIRE CHIEF'S COUNCIL met Friday night at the Gordon Heights firehouse. Guest speaker was Sheriff Chailes Dominy, who spoke concerning the part his office plays in fire fig hting. , . . . .. . Citing a forest fire as an examp le, Sheriff Dominy pointed out some of the ways that his men can be of help if they are called in to assist. Most forest fires require that several departments be called to the scene and , since all fire department radios are on the same frequency, you can well imagine how jammed our ladios soon become. Should an important message need transmitting it would take time to clear our sets and this delay could have veryserious consequences. This is one of the problems the sheriff's office can take care of for us, since it has its own radio frequency and it is possible for it to always have a clear line ready for our use. The sheriff also pointed out that his men , under the direction of the fire chief in charge at the fire , will block off roads and maintain law and order , thereby relieving the fire departments of much responsibility and permitting them to do their job more efficiently. The council was congratulated by Sheriff Dominy for its efforts in helping assure greater safety for invalid persons by the distribution of the "invalid" house stickers. He asked for and received one of the emblems so that he could acquaint the members of his staff with it. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Sheriff Dominy for being our guest speaker and for answering our many questions. We would also like to thank the members of the Gordon Heights Fire department the hosts for this meeting, for their hospitality and the delicious dinner they served .






Count y Association tournament Saturday morning in Bohemia. It is regrettable that our participation in these events must be so limited, however, there are only a few of our members who do not have to work on Saturdays. The band members are more fortunate and they should be complimented for their large turn-out. » • * * WALTER TOEPEL of the engine company, had an automobile accident on Medford avenue Saturday night and was very lucky to come out of it with only slight injuries. We all wish you a speedy recovery, Walt. Bob Leon of the Van Guard Hose company, is at home convalescing after a minor operation and should be up and around soon. » » • * A REMINDER that the ambulance company is sponsoring a Donkey baseball game August 13. The tickets are going fast so if you are planning on attending we suggest you get you r tickets now. This is a perfect opportunity to support a very worthwhile cause and at the same time treat your family and yourself to an evening of fun. a


WE RECEIVED A CARD from Gus Francois, our custodian , who is vacationing in St. Petersburg, Fla. » » • * WE ARE ON THE TRAIL of the culprit who backed his car into our memorial next to the firehouse and ran over the small cedar tree we had planted. Accidents can and do happen to all of us but when they do most of us feel morall y obligated to stop and at least offer an explanation or apology for the damage we have caused . In this case the driver evidently felt no such obligati.,5 and left the scene without stopping or reporting it. This comp lete disregard for the property of others has served to rile all of us and we are determined to make every effort to find the guilty party. * * * * THERE WERE NO FIRES to report this week.


Mr*. Edna Catalano. SElden 2-3113

The Selden Civic Association, Inc. will meet at 8:30 p. m July 31 at the Bicycle Path , school. Guests at the home , of Mr. and Mrs. William Murgola on Abinet court Friday were Mrs. Theresa Murp'ola and children and her two grandchildren , Gloria and Thomas Gilberti , all from New Hyde Park. Mr. and Mrs. Murgola are the owners of the W and D Delicatessen on Middle Country road. The Selden Fire department and its Ladies ' auxiliary paraded last Thursday at Kines p ?.rk. On August 7 they will parade at North Patchogue. The Selden Fire department will hold a carnival from August 11 to August 17 On August 13 there will be a firemen 's parade in Selden. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carroll have returned to their home in Astoria after three weeks ' vacation at their summer home on Woodmere place. Sunday guests at the home of Mr . and Mrs. Max Jeray on North Evergreen drive were The Rev. and Mrs. Ada m Gebhart from Nashville, Tenn., and Mrs. Flora Palmer . Sunday night guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Catalano on Woodmere place were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Catalano from Maspeth Friday luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Mitzie Preedy on Cedar street were Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Rapp from North Plainfield , N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dvorak of Montauk street spent the weekend at their summer home in East Marion . The Selden unit of the Brookhaven Memorial Hospita l auxiliary held a very successfu l rummage sale Saturday.

is intended to hel p the public get acquainted With our Social Security benefits. A similar meeting will be held in September under the leadershi p of Dr. Perrault of the Suffolk County Mental Health A sociation . Th- Central Suffolk Protestant Parish will hold a picnic on the grounds of the Centereach Communit y church beginning at 4 p. m. August 2 . There is enough room for all the families of the both churches. The Rev. Norman W. Minard will serve as Protestant worshi p leader *:t Camp Baiting Hollow for the Boy Scouts at 8 a. m. next Sunday and at the Riverhead jail on August 3. BAPTIST CHURCH

The Selden Baptist church holds Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., worship services at 11 a m. and Evangelistic services at 7:45 p. m. A mid-week prayer meeting is held at 8 p. m. Wednesday. ST. MARGARETS CHURCH Masses at St. Margaret of Scotland R. C. church Sunday are t 7:45, 9, 10, 11 a. m. and 12 noon in the church and 10:15 a. m. in the basement . Weekday ma:s is at 8 a. m . First Friday masses are at 8 a. m. and Hi gh mass at 7:30 p. m. Baptisms are at 1 p. m. Sundays. Confessions are heard Saturdays, Thursdays before first Fridays and eves of Holy days from 4:30 to 6 p. m. and 7:30 to 9 p. m. Devotions in honor of the Miraculous medal are at ":30 p. m. Mondays and in honor of Our Lad y of Fatima every Saturday after the S a m . mass. The Catholic Youth organization meets at 7:30 p. m. Tuesdays in the church auditorium.

Our best is your best. If you COMMUNITY CHURCH are looking for wedding invitaThe Selden Community church tions that deserve an "Oscar," see has discontinued Sunday school The Patchogue Advance.—Adv. until September 7. Worshi p service is at 10:15 a. m. The sermon Sunday was preached by the Rev. Neal A. Kuyper of Minnesota. The Rev. Normen W Minard is a counselor at the Junior Camp in Camp Westminster and will rePHARMACY ^m turn Saturday. John Tulloch and John Bausert are also at the camp. Marvin Ward will serve as a counselor at the next Junior Camp at Westminster beginning Saturday. vammou «twt ^f|A Mtoiowg.«ww» The Ladies' guild will hold a rummage sale at the church from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturday. Sanford Blumenthal , district marager of the Social Security PRESCRIPTIONS administration at Huntington , will yieak at a public meeting in the S _ lden church at 8 p. m. Jul y 30. COMPOUNDED This meeting is sponsored by the Phone Selden Deacons of the church and


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