Spanish Language Books -

Spanish Language Books ... 827941 Es Un Libro! (It’s A Book) ... 801903 Como El Grinch Robo La Navidad. (How The Grinch Stole Christmas)...

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Spanish Language Books Easy. Various Publishers And Ages

923648 Ardilla Miedosa. (Scaredy Squirrel) Watt............................................................................ 17.41 923655 Ardilla Miedosa Encuentra Un Amigo. (Scaredy Squirrel Makes A Friend) Watt............................... 17.41 923658 Ardilla Miedosa Por La Noche. (Scaredy Squirrel At Night) Watt................................................ 17.41 930441 Art Y Max. (Art & Max) Wiesner...................................................................................... 20.21 657978 Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo! (in Spanish) Mora ..................................................................... 13.95 664975 Busca De Freda. (Freda Is Found) Murphy.......................................................................... 13.05 664962 Carlos Escribe Su Nombre! (Write On, Carlos!) Murphy .......................................................... 12.70 949583 Conejito Knuffle. (Knuffle Bunny) Willems ......................................................................... 13.12 769511 Dragones Y Tacos. (Dragons Love Tacos) Rubin .................................................................... 13.52 827941 Es Un Libro! (It’s A Book) Smith...................................................................................... 18.11 502332 Fantasticos Libros Voladores Del Sr. Morris Lessmore. (Fantastic Flying Books Of Mr. Morris Lessmore) .20.21 Joyce 769532 Fiesta Secreta De Pizza. (Secret Pizza Party) Rubin .............................................................. 14.24 827992 Jardin Del Abuelo. (Grandpa Green) Smith......................................................................... 19.51 631002 Leo Le Gusta Bebelandia. (Leo Loves Baby Time) McQuinn ..................................................... 14.59 088522 Libro Del Oso. (Bear In The Book) Banks............................................................................ 21.61 630994 Lola Le Encantan Los Cuentos. (Lola Loves Stories) McQuinn................................................... 13.50 630997 Lola Le Lee Al Pequeno Leo. (Lola Reads To Leo) McQuinn...................................................... 13.10 635028 Mango, Abuela Y Yo. (Mango, Abuela And Me) Medina ........................................................... 13.52 119519 Mi Dragon Y Yo. (Me And My Dragon) Biedrzycki................................................................... 13.50 685705 Nancy La Elegante Y La Perrita Popoff. (Fancy Nancy And The Posh Puppy) O’Connor...................... 19.51 846951 No Interrumpas, Kika! (Interrupting Chicken) Stein............................................................... 22.31 321045 Olivia Va A Venecia. (Olivia Goes To Venice) Falconer............................................................ 20.21 321094 Olivia Y Las Princesas. (Olivia And The Fairy Princesses) Falconer............................................. 20.21 951346 Paloma Encuentra Un Perro Caliente! (Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog!) Willems..................................... 14.92 506839 Pinkalicious. (in Spanish) Kann....................................................................................... 20.21 892586 Presiona Aqui. (Press Here) Tullet.................................................................................... 18.81 091657 Sam Y Leo Cavan Un Hoyo. (Sam And Dave Dig A Hole) Barnett ................................................ 21.61 945276 Sr. Minino. (Mr. Wuffles) Wiesner. ................................................................................... 21.61 635026 Tia Isa Quiere Un Carro. (Tia Isa Wants A Car) Medina............................................................ 13.07 _____ Set S40602 of 29 books @ $493.14

Fiction. Various Publishers And Ages

040786 Con Carino, Amalia. (Love, Amalia) Ada............................................................................ 18.81 702832 Desastre & Total. (Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made) Pastis ................................................ 20.91 261467 Guerra De La Limonada. (Lemonade War) Davies ................................................................ 12.62 769155 Harry Potter Y La Camara Secreta. (Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets) Rowling.................. 14.92 700178 Junie B. Jones Y Su Gran Bocota. (Junie B. Jones And Her Big Fat Mouth) Park............................. 12.32 754938 Ladron Del Rayo. (Lightning Thief) Riordan........................................................................ 14.92 221574 Perdido Y Encontrado. (Lost And Found) Clements................................................................ 15.31 832057 Quien Sera A Estas Horas? (Who Could That Be At This Hour?) Snicket ........................................ 21.61 221594 Sin Hablar. (No Talking) Clements ................................................................................... 15.31 128812 Superfudge. (in Spanish) Blume ..................................................................................... 14.90 _____ Set S40601 of 10 books @ $161.63

Nonfiction. Various Publishers And Ages

627722 Agua En Nuestro Mundo. (Water World) McKenzie................................................................. 13.90 573843 Caliente Y Frio. (Hot And Cold) Lilly................................................................................. 13.90 467210 Camino A La Ciudadania. (Path To Citizenship) Howell........................................................... 24.14 819090 Cayendo Hacia Arriba. (Falling Up) Silverstein .................................................................... 19.51 670307 Ciclo Del Agua. (Earth’s Water Cycle) Nelson ..................................................................... 23.44 800238 Continentes. (Continents) Sepehri................................................................................... 14.40 819115 Con Todo. (Everything On It) Silverstein ........................................................................... 19.51 729787 Descubramos Mexico. (Looking At Mexico) Pohl . ................................................................. 14.97

670340 Dia Lluvioso. (Rainy Day) Nelson..................................................................................... 23.44 670308 Dia Y Noche. (Day And Night) Nelson ............................................................................... 23.44 670306 Estaciones. (Seasons) Nelson ........................................................................................ 23.44 855992 Exploracion De Los Territorios De Estados Unidos. (Exploring The Territories Of The United States) 14.90 Thompson 684140 Families In Spanish. Nunn ............................................................................................ 18.39 068644 Huracanes. (Hurricanes) Armentrout................................................................................ 14.40 241881 Imanes. (Magnets) Cooper ............................................................................................ 13.90 467211 Inmigrantes Indocumentados. (Undocumented Immigrants) Howell .......................................... 24.14 973966 Learn Spanish Words. York ........................................................................................... 20.19 627724 Limpiando La Tierra. (Cleaning Up The Earth) McKenzie ........................................................ 13.90 773787 Liquidos. (Liquids) Mezzanotte ...................................................................................... 14.00 872791 Llegar A Ser Pedro. (Growing Up Pedro) Tavares .................................................................. 19.51 670467 Migracion. (Migration) Nelson . ...................................................................................... 23.44 809432 Montanas. (Mountains) Sheehan ..................................................................................... 14.40 230221 Mujeres En Las Ciencias. (Women In Science) Coleman ......................................................... 26.00 230219 Mujeres En Las Fuerzas Armadas. (Women In The Military) Coleman . ........................................ 26.00 800240 Oceanos. (Oceans) Sepehri ........................................................................................... 14.40 879590 Ojo De La Tormenta. (Eye Of The Storm) Thomas ................................................................ 20.35 _____ Set S41177 of 26 books @ $492.01

Series And Sets In Spanish Big Nate (In Spanish) Peirce. Lectorum. Ages 8-12

708813 Nate El Grande Ataca De Nuevo. (Big Nate Strikes Again) . ..................................................... 18.11 708816 Nate El Grande Invencible (Big Nate Goes For Broke)............................................................ 18.11 708814 Nate El Grande Sobre Ruedas. (Big Nate On A Roll)............................................................... 18.11 708812 Nate El Grande: Unico En Su Clase. (Big Nate: In A Class By Himself)......................................... 18.11 _____ Set S41166 of 4 books @ $72.44

Casas De Los Animales. (Inside Animal Homes) PowerKids. Ages 6-10

096191 Colmenas. (Inside Beehives) Bates................................................................................... 24.14 040184 Hormigueros. (Inside Anthills) Abbott............................................................................... 24.14 895100 Nidos De Aves. (Inside Bird Nests) Danielson....................................................................... 24.14 _____ Set S41170 of 3 books @ $72.42

Casa Del Arbol. (Magic Tree House) Osborne. Lectorum. Ages 5-10

693352 Buenos Dias Gorilas. (Good Morning, Gorillas) .................................................................... 12.40 693372 Bufalos Antes Del Desayuno. (Buffalo Before Breakfast)......................................................... 12.40 693483 Guerra Civil En Domingo. (Civil War On Sunday) . ................................................................ 12.42 693488 Guerra Revolucionaria En Miercoles. (Revolutionary War On Wednesday).................................... 12.42 693351 Jueves De Accion De Gracias. (Thanksgiving On Thursday) ..................................................... 12.40 693350 Maremoto En Hawai. (High Tide In Hawaii) ........................................................................ 12.40 693349 Miedo Escenico En Una Noche De Verano. (Stage Fright On A Summer Night)................................ 12.40 693489 Terremoto Al Amanecer. (Earthquake In The Early Morning)..................................................... 12.42 693490 Tornado En Martes. (Twister On Tuesday)........................................................................... 12.42 _____ Set S40598 of 9 books @ $111.68

Ciencias De La Tierra: Detectives De Nuestro Planeta. (Earth Science Detectives) Coleman.

PowerKids. Ages 8-12 230249 Que El Clima Nos Ensena Sobre La Tierra. (Using The Weather To Learn About Earth) .................... 24.14 230251 Que Los Fosiles Nos Ensenan Sobre La Tierra. (Using Fossils To Learn About Earth) ........................ 24.14 230260 Que Los Volcanes Nos Ensenan Sobre La Tierra. (Using Volcanoes To Learn About Earth) ................. 24.14 _____ Set S23999 of 3 books @ $72.42

Como Funcionan Las Maquinas Simples. (How Simple Machines Work) Mezzanotte. Weekly Reader

Early Learning Library. Ages 8-10 641118 Como Funcionan Las Palancas. (How Levers Work) ............................................................... 14.00 641156 Como Funcionan Las Poleas. (How Pulleys Work) ................................................................. 14.00 _____ Set S11100 of 2 books @ $28.00

Como Puedo Experimentar Con...? (How Can I Experiment With...?) Dalton. Rourke. Ages 6-10

255493 Electricidad. (Electricity) ............................................................................................ 14.40 255496 Fuerza Y El Movimiento. (Force And Motion) ...................................................................... 14.40 255500 Luz. (Light) ............................................................................................................. 14.40 255498 Sonido. (Sound) ........................................................................................................ 14.40 _____ Set S11109 of 4 books @ $57.60

Diario De Nikki. (Dork Diaries) Russell. Lectorum. Ages 9-13

772350 #1 Cronicas De Una Vida Poco Glamurosa. (Tales From A Not-So-Fabulous Life) ............................ 21.61 772390 #2 Cuando No Eres La Reina De La Fiesta Precisamente. (Tales From A Not-So-Popular Party Girl) ...... 21.61 772452 #3 Estrella Del Pop Muy Poco Brillante. (Tales From A Not-So-Talented Popstar) ........................... 21.61

772462 #4 Patinadora Sobre Hielo Algo Torpe. (Tales From A Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess) ....................... 21.61 773106 #5 Una Sabelotodo No Tan Lista. (Tales From A Not-So-Smart Know-It-All) ................................... 21.61 772465 #6 Rompecorazones No Muy Afortunada. (Tales From A Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker) ...................... 21.61 _____ Set S11112 of 6 books @ $129.66

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid (In Spanish) Kinney. Lectorum. Ages 8-12

519774 Diario De Greg: Dias De Perros. (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Dog Days)............................................ 17.41 519777 Diario De Greg: Esto Es El Colmo! (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw).................................. 17.41 519773 Diario De Greg: La Horrible Realidad. (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: The Ugly Truth)............................... 17.41 519779 Diario De Greg: La Ley De Rodrick. (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules)................................... 17.41 519770 Diario De Greg: Mala Suerte. (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck).............................................. 17.41 519791 Diario De Greg: Sin Salida! (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever) .............................................. 17.41 519794 Diario De Greg: Tres No Es Compania. (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Third Wheel) . ............................... 17.41 519781 Diario De Greg: Un Renacuajo. (Diary Of A Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley’s Journal).............................. 17.41 _____ Set S11111 of 8 books @ $139.28

Dr. Seuss. (In Spanish) Lectorum. Ages 5-10

801903 Como El Grinch Robo La Navidad. (How The Grinch Stole Christmas) ......................................... 18.12 802253 Hay Un Molillo En Mi Bolsillo! (There’s A Wocket In My Pocket!)................................................ 13.91 802370 Horton Escucha A Quien! (Horton Hears A Who!) ................................................................. 18.79 802422 Huevos Verdes Con Jamon. (Green Eggs And Ham) ............................................................... 14.59 802863 Un Pez, Dos Peces, Pez Rojo, Pez Azul. (One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish) .......................... 13.91 802890 Y Pensar Que Lo Vi Por La Calle Porvenir. (And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street) ............... 18.11 803310 Yo Puedo Leer Con Los Ojos Cerrados! (I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!)...................................... 13.91 _____ Set S31181 of 7 books @ $111.34

Fiestas. (Holidays) Pettiford. Bullfrog Books. Ages 4-7

713111 Dia De Los Veteranos. (Veterans Day) .............................................................................. 20.19 713110 Dia De San Valentin. (Valentine’s Day) ............................................................................. 20.19 713097 Halloween. (in Spanish) . ............................................................................................. 20.19 _____ Set S31183 of 3 books @ $60.57

Graphic Spin En Espanol. (Graphic Spin) Stone Arch Books. Ages 8-12

254286 Bella Y La Bestia. (Beauty And The Beast) Dahl................................................................... 19.37 142803 Cenicienta. (Cinderella) Bracken.................................................................................... 19.37 _____ Set S11096 of 2 books @ $38.74

Historia De Estados Unidos. (History Of America) Thompson. Rourke. Ages 10-14

855997 Construccion De Un Imperio: La Compra De Louisiana. (Building An Empire) ................................ 14.90 855996 Espanoles De La America Colonial. (Spanish In Early America).................................................. 14.90 856023 Inmigrantes De Estados Unidos. (Immigrants To America) ....................................................... 14.90 880536 Primeros Asentamientos De Estados Unidos. (America’s First Settlement)................................... 14.90 _____ Set S99460 of 4 books @ $59.60

Judy Moody. (In Spanish) McDonald. Santillana. Ages 6-10

623519 Judy Moody & Stink: La Loca, Loca Busqueda Del Tesoro. (Judy Moody & Stink: The Mad, Mad, Mad, 18.09 Mad Treasure Hunt) 623490 Judy Moody Es Detective. (Judy Moody, Girl Detective) ......................................................... 13.90 623513 Judy Moody Va A La Universidad. (Judy Moody Goes To College)............................................... 13.90 623518 Judy Moody Y Un Verano Que Promete (Si Nadie Se Entromete) (Judy Moody And The Not Bummer 13.90 Summer) _____ Set S54991 of 4 books @ $59.79

Libro De Elefante Y Cerdita (Elephant & Piggie Book) Willems. Hyperion. Ages 4-8

949565 Debo Compartir Mi Helado? (Should I Share My Ice Cream?)..................................................... 14.61 949564 Estamos En Un Libro! (We Are In A Book!).......................................................................... 14.61 949562 Hoy Volare! (Today I Will Fly!) ...................................................................................... 14.61 949618 Tipo Grande Se Llevo Mi Pelota! (Big Guy Took My Ball!) ........................................................ 14.61 _____ Set S54994 of 4 books @ $58.44

Libros Para Avanzar. Biografias. (Pull Ahead Books. Biographies) Lerner. Ages 5-8

670413 George Washington. (in Spanish) Nelson ........................................................................... 23.44 520737 Thomas Jefferson. (in Spanish) Kishel .............................................................................. 23.44 _____ Set S56097 of 2 books @ $46.88

Libros Rayo. Conoce Los Grupos De Animales. (Lightning Bolt Books. Meet The Animals)

Silverman. Lerner. Ages 4-7 818910 Sabes Algo Sobre Anfibios? (Do You Know About Amphibians?) .................................................. 25.30 818921 Sabes Algo Sobre Aves? (Do You Know About Birds?) .............................................................. 25.30 819006 Sabes Algo Sobre Insectos? (Do You Know About Insects?) ....................................................... 25.30 819048 Sabes Algo Sobre Mamiferos? (Do You Know About Mammals?) ................................................. 25.30 819070 Sabes Algo Sobre Peces? (Do You Know About Fish?) .............................................................. 25.30 819080 Sabes Algo Sobre Reptiles? (Do You Know About Reptiles?) ...................................................... 25.30 _____ Set S99455 of 6 books @ $151.80

Libros Sobre El Cuerpo Humano Para Madrugadores. (Early Bird Body Systems) Lerner. Ages 8-10

858265 Aparato Circulatorio. (Circulatory System) Storad ............................................................... 26.24 488802 Aparato Respiratorio. (Respiratory System) Jango-Cohen ....................................................... 26.24 _____ Set S56098 of 2 books @ $52.48

Lugares Extremos De La Tierra. (Earth’s Most Extreme Place) Gareth Stevens. Ages 7-10

958700 Lugares Mas Calientes De La Tierra. (Earth’s Hottest Places) Witiw . ......................................... 13.40 402091 Lugares Mas Frios De La Tierra. (Earth’s Coldest Places) Griffin ............................................... 13.40 402093 Lugares Mas Secos De La Tierra. (Earth’s Driest Places) Griffin ................................................ 13.40 _____ Set S56109 of 3 books @ $40.20

Maravillosos Viajes A Traves De La Ciencia. (Fantastic Science Journeys) Gareth Stevens. Ages 7-10

677351 Viaje A Traves De La Via Lactea. (Trip Through The Milky Way) Niver.......................................... 14.40 567657 Viaje Al Centro De La Tierra. (Trip To The Center Of The Earth) Levy......................................... 14.40 461411 Viaje Dentro De Un Tornado. (Trip Inside A Tornado) Honders................................................... 14.40 461412 Viaje Dentro Del Cuerpo Humano. (Trip Through The Human Body) Figorito................................. 14.40 _____ Set S99467 of 4 books @ $57.60

Mi Biblioteca De Ciencias. (My Science Library) Rourke. Ages 8-10

207354 Atomos Y Las Moleculas. (Atoms And Molecules) Maurer......................................................... 13.90 475522 Cielo Nocturno. (Night Sky) Hutmacher............................................................................. 13.90 590738 Como Funcionan Los Ecosistemas. (How Ecosystems Work) Lundgren......................................... 13.90 818883 Energia A Nuestro Alrededor. (Energy All Around) Silverman.................................................... 13.90 475552 Estudiamos La Tierra. (Studying Our Earth Inside And Out) Hutmacher....................................... 13.90 475567 Fosiles Y Las Rocas. (Fossils And Rocks) Hutmacher............................................................... 13.90 475574 Maravilloso Ciclo Del Agua. (Wonderful Water Cycle) Hutmacher.............................................. 13.90 590739 Que Comemos Y El Sistema Digestivo. (Eating And The Digestive System) Lundgren........................ 13.90 _____ Set S56106 of 8 books @ $111.20

Mi Primer Paso Al Mundo Real. Descubriendo Los Ciclos De La Naturaleza = First Step Nonfiction.

Discovering Nature’s Cycles. Nelson. Lerner. Ages 4-8 670307 Ciclo Del Agua. (Earth’s Water Cycle) .............................................................................. 23.44 670308 Dia Y Noche. (Day And Night) ........................................................................................ 23.44 670306 Estaciones. (Seasons) ................................................................................................. 23.44 670467 Migracion. (Migration) ................................................................................................ 23.44 _____ Set S99454 of 4 books @ $93.76

Pequeno Mundo De Estudios Sociales. (Little World Social Studies) Rourke. Ages 5-8

614152 Cuales Son Las Ramas De La Democracia? (What Are The Branches Of Democracy?) Matzke............... 13.90 759318 Cuales Son Las Regiones De Los E.E.U.U.? (What Are The US Regions?) Robins............................... 13.90 614153 Lectura De Los Mapas. (Reading Map) Matzke..................................................................... 13.90 758933 Mi Comunidad. (My Community) Robertson........................................................................ 13.90 650269 Mi Dinero. (My Money) Mitten........................................................................................ 13.90 053237 Mi Vida Como Inmigrante. (My Life As An Immigrant) Allen...................................................... 13.90 053755 Que Es Una Eleccion? (What’s An Election?) Allen................................................................. 13.90 529857 Tu Arbol Genealogico. (Your Family Tree) Koontz................................................................. 13.90 _____ Set S20557 of 8 books @ $111.20

Que Desastre! (It’s A Disaster!) Bearport Publishing. Ages 5-8

900982 Huracan. (Hurricane) Rudolph ....................................................................................... 20.19 400474 Inundacion. (Flood) Greenlaw ....................................................................................... 20.19 604051 Terremoto. (Earthquake) Markovics ................................................................................ 20.19 770586 Tornado. (Tornado) Rudolph .......................................................................................... 20.19 _____ Set S44491 of 4 books @ $80.76

Stink. (In Spanish) McDonald. Santillana. Ages 7-9

623658 Stink Campeonato Mundial De Luchas De Pulgares. (Stink And The Ultimate Thumb-Wrestling 13.90 Smackdown) 623692 Stink Superheroe Del Sistema Solar. (Stink, Solar System Superhero) ........................................ 13.90 623746 Stink Y Los Tenis Mas Apestosos Del Mundo. (Stink And The World’s Worst Super-Stinky Sneakers)....... 13.90 _____ Set S56107 of 3 books @ $41.70 (Prices subject to change)


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