1 ST WENCESLAUS & SACRED HEART . Fax: 402. My Dear Parishioners, If you have some sinful habits or . some temptations that you cannot . overcome then ...

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ST WENCESLAUS & SACRED HEART Emergencies Only: 402-213-7447 Fax: 402-693-2236

Phone: 402-693-2235 Pastor: Fr. Andy Phan

Jan 20th & Jan 21st, 2018

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


Sunday, Feb 25 , 2018 St. Wenceslaus Fun Fest Sponsored by St. Wenceslaus Parish & School & First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association. Do you have a special item(s) that you would be willing to donate to the Fun Fest ‘Basket Raffle’? Put your thinking cap on and come up with a theme such as: books, music, sports, a hobby, candles, cooking, or other special interest, then put it together in a basket or container, and drop it off at the school. Please label each donation with your name, theme, and the item and or items in your basket so that they can be posted on the auction/donation listing. If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Praest via email at [email protected] or phone 402-380-4183. Thank you for your support!

BLESSED BONUS WINNER $50 Jan 21st – Adam Hagedorn

Confession Schedule: By appointment, before Mass and 4:15-4:45pm on Saturday at St. Wenceslaus

e-mail: [email protected] website:

St. Wenceslaus School will be kicking off Catholic Schools week on Sunday, Jan. 28th, with the children’s choir singing for Mass and also a breakfast in the church basement sponsored by the school board. Also during Catholic Schools week we will have the annual book fair at the school. New this year, you will be able to shop for items online beginning Jan 21st at twenceslausdodge.

ONE ROSE – ONE LIFE The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring the One Rose – One Life campaign to help stop abortion. There will be Knights of Columbus members in the entrance of the church to help with your donations. This collection will be on the weekend of Saturday Jan 27th & Sunday Jan 28th. The funds raised from this drive help to end abortion in our country. The KC’s have purchased 7 ultra sound units in Nebraska and one mobile unit that travels our state. Please help us end abortion in our country. Thank you for your generousity! ST WENCESLAUS

1/20 Sat 5pm Betty Pieper 1/21 Sun 8am Olean Living & Deceased members of Daniel & Mary Ann Kluthe family 1/21 Sun 10am St Wenceslaus & Sacred Heart Parishioners 1/22 Mon 8:15am Living & Deceased members of Joe & Lena Doernemann family 1/23 Tues 8:15am Jake Hamel 1/24 Wed 8:15am Al Brune 1/25 Thurs 8:15am Living & Deceased members of Ken Kauffold family 1/26 Fri 8:15am Pat Vrba 1/27 Sat 5pm Living & Deceased members of Dodge Fire Dept & Rescue Squad 1/28 Sun 8am Olean Bob & Fran Kassmeier 1/28 Sun 10am St Wenceslaus & Sacred Heart Parishioners

St. Wenceslaus other collection totals: Fuel: $100.00 Maintenance: $249.00 First Offering: $50.00 Seminary: $180.00


Weekly: $1336.00 Cash: $125.00 Children: $16.00 Christmas: $50.00

Weekly: $162.00 Children: $2.00 Seminary: $25.00

($2,127.45 week budgeted)

($417.00 week budgeted)


Mon Jan 22 Monday’s with Mary rosary, 5:30pm at St. Wenceslaus Church Wed Jan 24 No School at St. Wenceslaus Thurs Jan 25 St Wenceslaus School Mass Sun Jan 28 St. Wenceslaus Catholic Schools Week Kickoff, Children’s Choir Sings at Mass and Breakfast in Church Basement

COF Court 1737, Olean, would like to thank everyone who donated winter clothing items for our winter clothing drive. Omaha Missions and St. Vincent DePaul were very appreciative of these donations. Thanks Again!

Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Heun is having a card party on Sunday, Feb. 4th at 1:30pm at the church. Card games being played are Taracks, Pitch and Canasta. There is a $10 fee to play. Cash prizes will be given, lunch will be served and refreshments will be offered. Sponsored by FCSLA.

The 26th annual Project Linus Quilt Marathon, sponsored by the Christian Mothers of St. Wenceslaus Church, will be held Saturday, Feb. 10, in the Parish Hall. The fun begins at 9am and continues up to Mass time at 5pm. Plan to spend the entire day making warm and cuddly quilts for needy babies and kids, or simply come at any time that is convenient. A delicious potluck lunch will be served at noon, so plan to bring your favorite dish to share with everyone. We are fortunate to have yards of donated fabric perfect for baby quilts, as well as pre-made kits for all skill levels. Everyone is welcome – no quilting experience is necessary. For more information or to make arrangements for transporting your sewing machine or other supplies, please contact Becky Stecher at 402-693-2582, Janice Ladehoff at 402-693-2464 or June Vogltance at 402-693-2574.

Valentine’s Day Dinner February 11, 5:00pm St. Benedict Center Schuyler Married couples are invited for Mass at the chapel of the Center, followed at 6:00pm, by a delicious and festive four-course Valentine’s Day Dinner prepared by Mark & Patty Bosh. Advance Reservation and Pre-payment Required. For more information, call 402-3528819 or visit

Volunteers are needed to help with our Annual Fun Fest on Sunday, February 25th. Volunteer forms are available in the back of church.

Your 2017 end of year donation report along with Fun-fest raffle tickets are now available to be picked up in the back of church. Please grab yours on the way out of church today! Men’s Retreat: Spiritual Exercises for Discipleship January 26-28, 2018 This retreat for men will introduce you to many practical tools for living as Jesus’ disciples and show you how to use them. Br. August Schaefer, OSB, Deacon Duane Karmazin, Fr. Thomas Leitner, OSB and Teresa Monaghen AO, will present various aspects of discernment. The retreat will help you, whatever your state in life, to learn the fine art of paying attention and responding deeply to God’s call. The schedule will include brief conferences, silence, Mass, Confession, fellowship, and spiritual direction. Open to all ages. Friday, Jan. 26 7:30pm to Sunday, Jan 28 3:30pm. Program Fee: $60 Room per night: Single Occ.: $44 plus tax Double Occ: $37 plus tax Meals per day: $27.15 plus tax To register contact or email [email protected] 2 or call 402-352-8819.