Download The Journal of Clinical Investigation. Printed by the Lancaster Press, Inc., Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Published by the. Americ...

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The Journal of Clinical Investigation Printed by the Lancaster Press, Inc., Prince and Lemon Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Published by the American Society for Clinical Investigation. Publication Office, c/o Presbyterian Hospital, 622 West 168th St., New York 32, N. Y.


The Editorial Committee of the American Society for Clinical Investigation THOMAS HALE HAM, Cleveland, 0. S. HowAR ARMSTRONG, JR., Chicago, IIl. FRANZ J. INGELFINGER, Boston, Mass. WILLIAM J. DARBY, Nashzille, Tenn. F. RAYMOND KEATING, JR., Rochester, Minn. DAVID P. EARLE, JR., New York, N. Y. JOSEPH L. LILIENTHAL, JR., Baltimore, Md. RICHARD V. EBERT, Minneapolis, Minn. JOHN A. LUETSCHER, JR., San Francisco, Calif. FRANK L. ENGEL, Durham, N. C. MACLYN MCCARTY, New York, N. Y. EUGENE B. FERRIS, JR., Cincinnati, 0. JOHN P. PETERS, New Haven, Contn. JACOB E. FINESINGER, Baltimore, Md. CHARLES H. RAMMELKAMP, Cleveland, 0.


signed for the publication of original investigations dealing with or bearing on the problems of disease in man, and it is the policy of the editors that the JOURNAL should cover the field of clinical investigation in its broadest sense. Contributions should be sent to the Editor-inChief, Dr. Stanley E. Bradley, Presbyterian Hospital, 622 West 168th St., New York 32, N. Y. In order to hasten the process of reviewing and editing it is requested that each original manuscript be accompanied by a duplicate copy. In order further to expedite the earliest possible put ication of articles submitted to the JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION they will be published in the order of final processing after review, correcting and editing rather than in the strict sequence of their receipt in this office. Papers which require much editorial change, revision of charts and tables, condensation and rewriting will be delayed according to the time required for their correction. This policy will put a premium on excellence of manuscript as well as the major consideration of content. Because of the increasing costs of printing, especially in the hand work of making tables, the editors suggest that when feasible photo-

graphs of tables be prepared. It is also requested that charts be photographed, the photographs accompanying the manuscript. The originals of the charts need not be forwarded except by special reqpest of the editors. Further information regarding the preparation of manuscripts may be obtained from the editors. Each volume will consist of 12 monthly issues appearing throughout the calendar year. The subscription price is $12 per volume, payable in advance; foreign countries also $12, payable in U. S. funds. Single copies will be sold when available at Vols. 1-28, $2; Vols. 29-31, $1.50 a copy. Authors may purchase reprints at scheduled prices. A special subscription rate of $6 per volume of 12 monthly issues is offered to medical students, interns, fellows, and residents of approved hospitals. Subscriptions are net postpaid. Remittance should be made by draft, check or postal money order, payable to The Journal of Clinical Investigation, c/o Presbyterian Hospital, 622 West 168th St., New York 32, N. Y. Claims for copies lost in the mails must be received within thirty days (domestic), ninety days (foreign), of the date of issue. Changes of address must be received at least two weeks in advance of issue..

Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in paragraph (d-2), section 34.40, P.L. & R. of 1948, authorized February 13, 1950 Entered as second-class matter September 16, 1931, at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879 Copyright, 1952, American Society for Clinical Investigation