Welcome to the Sheldon United Methodist Church

Welcome to the Sheldon United Methodist Church Traditional Worship 8:30am Modern Worship 11:00amSUMC Online: 506 8th Street, Sheldon, IA 51201...

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We are honored that you have chosen to worship with us this morning. It is our sincere desire that you feel welcome here, whether you are white collar or blue collar, sinner or saint, Hawkeye or Cyclone fan, senior citizen or crying infant, BMW driver or Harley rider. We wish to find a place for everyone and to grow stronger as a diverse faith community.  

A few things you should know as you worship with us: We have a nursery available during the Modern Worship service for children ages 0-3 down the hall across from the restrooms by south entrance. Restrooms are available down the hall from the main lobby; they are the last two doors on the left-hand side, near the water fountain.

Welcome to the

Sheldon United Methodist Church

“Weed Eating”

Church Staff: Rev. Kevin Gingerich, Senior Pastor [email protected] Wil George, Worship/Youth Director [email protected] Our Vision: Tricia Meendering, Children’s Director "To open our hearts and doors to all people with [email protected] love and acceptance; inviting them into a Barb Popkes, Assimilation relationship with Christ, and each other; [email protected] encouraging and empowering them as followers of Christ to love as He loved us; and sending them Cindy Gries, Church Secretary by the power of the Holy Spirit to live the word of [email protected] God in our homes, community and world." Warren Wallinga, Church Custodian

Our Mission: “To Glorify God By Making Disciples For Jesus Christ”

Traditional Worship 8:30am Modern Worship 11:00am

Connect with SUMC Online: Website www.sheldonumc.org Audio and video sermons, bulletins, and newsletters are available on the church website.



Twitter @SheldonUMC Instagram @SheldonUMC YouVersion

Sheldon UMC

506 8th Street, Sheldon, IA 51201 Phone# 712-324-4894 [email protected]

This Week At SUMC(9/17-09/24) Sun 7:00 am UMM Breakfast 8:30 am Traditional 9:30 am Fellowship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Modern 6:00 pm Financial Peace 6:00 pm Bible Study Mon. 5:00 pm Unity Meal 7:00 pm PEO Chapel 7:30 pm Youth Comm. Mtg. Tues. 10:00 am Staff 7:00 pm Endowment Meeting Wed. 6:30 am Prayer Breakfast 9:00 am Bible Study 9:30 am Mom to Mom 2:30 pm Confirmation 6:00 pm Bells/ Pizza & Prophesy 6:15 pm Jr. Synago 8:00 pm Ad Council Mtg. 8:00 pm Sr. Synago Thu. 10:00 am Quilters 12:00 pm Men’s lunch 3:30 pm 5th Gr. Kids Club. 7:00 pm Robin’s Bible Study Sat 8:30 am Amazing Race Sun 8:30 am Traditional 9:30 am Fellowship 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Modern 6:00 pm Financial Peace 6:00 pm Bible Study

The Seven Churches of Revelation – A Sunday Night Study: We are holding a 9 week study from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. each Sunday night. We will be using the Dr. Jeremiah study of the seven churches of Revelation. This nine week course will look at the historic value for the times it was written, and also the message it contains for the church universal as we continue 2000 years later. We will be able to reflect on the prophetic significance of the letters as we look at the historic unfolding of the Christian Church. Dr. David Jeremiah unpacks the meaning of the letters at all three interpretive levels, primary, personal, and prophetic. Understanding Christ’s view of ancient churches can help our modern churches be more faithful. Come and join Roger Ruby and Pastor Kevin as we present this 9 week series.

Prayer List:

Robbie Korthals Bob Sterler Cason Johannes Darrin Klaassen Alicia Millikan Allora Santiago

Darleen Bliss Karrine Dykstra Lucy Hoppe Jim Meendering Marcelle Butler Brian Fennewald

(son in law of John & Janet Wahl) Aaliana Franco (great granddaughter of Peter and Karin Vanden Berg Granddaughter of Jerry Noack) Colleen Holtrop (Sister of Karin VandenBerg) Debbie Shatto (Sister of Karin VandenBerg) Noble Frank (son of Deanna Rowe) Bill Stroup (Uncle of Meg George) Eddie Nielsen (Uncle of Lisa Welch) Kory Alesch (brother in law of Cindy Gries)

Our military personnel and shut-ins are listed in our monthly newsletter.

KIWA was sponsored today by Judy Winkel in honor of her sister Janet’s birthday.

“A disciple is one who knows Christ, is growing in Christ, serving Christ, and sharing Christ.” #Seeallthepeople Wednesday Night – Pizza and Prophesy We will gather from 6:00 – 7:30 each Wednesday. Following the showing of the Coming Convergence, several people thought it might be good to have a time to visit about the movie we were watching, which sparked the idea of gathering on Wednesday evenings for a time of watching and discussing several current event topics as they relate to prophesy in the Bible. We will begin with another viewing of the Coming Convergence, with discussion. The following Wednesday we will begin watching a Perry Stone Prophesy Conference series. All are welcomed. Each lesson will be self-standing, so you can come any Wednesday and join in the conversations. Roger Ruby and Pastor Kevin will be leading the studies.

Mission Trip: We have a group of 34 that will be traveling to the Salt Marsh area of Jamaica on Nov. 11 – 17, 2017. If you are interested in knowing more, please contact me! If you would like to support me please make checks to We Serve and mail to Pizza Ranch Support Center 204 19th Street SE Orange City, IA 51041 or place in my mailbox. I am so thankful for my church family and their support on these trips. Sherri Morgan ALL CHARGE CONFERENCE REPORTS AND FORMS ARE DUE TO THE CHURCH OFFICE BY SEPTEMBER 25TH. Please join us on Saturday, September 16th at the Sheldon High School Track and Field for the NWIA Suicide Awareness Walk/Run called, "Breaking the Silence". This event is being held to bring awareness along with hope and healing to those who have lost loved ones to suicide. Registrations will begin that day at 4:00 pm and the event will begin at 4:30 pm. There will be a Memory/Tribute Wall at the event so you are welcome to bring along a photo of your loved one to be included. Pre-registration is $25 which includes an event t-shirt. Cost the day of is $30. To register please contact Staci Kleinhesselink at (712) 348-1572, Maria Schwartz at (712)2610868 or Rachel Kleinhesselink at (712)3483564 . All proceeds from this event will be donated to Seasons Center for Behavioral Health. In case of inclement weather, please listen to KIWA for event changes.

Benefit for Josiah Molettiere: On Saturday, October 7th there will be a 5K Hippo Hop 1 Mile/5K Run /Walk, starting at Hills Park at 9:00 am. Money raised will go to pay for hippotherapy that Josiah has. Hippotherapy is on a horse where Josiah rides to improve his strength, balance and coordination. Please run so he can ride. Please check out their Facebook page or type event name into Google to register. Benefit Bake Sale: Help Needed, Family and friends of Jim Meendering, son of the late Jim and Diana Meendering and grandson of Viola Menning, are planning a benefit on Saturday, October 7. Funds are being raised to help Jim and his family with medical and transportation costs that have been and will be accruing since Jim started chemotherapy after recently being diagnosed with sarcomatoid carcinoma (a rare form of bone cancer). There are a few different events that will be taking place that day to help with the expenses that will be popping up for the Meendering family. One of those events is a bake sale. We are looking for individuals who would be willing to donate items for this. The bake sale will be free will donation and will start at 8:00 AM at the Crossroads Pavilion in Sheldon. Items can be delivered the morning of the benefit, brought to the Pavilion the Friday night before until 8 PM, or taken to the kitchens of the Methodist Church, Crossroads Church, and First Reformed Church - all in Sheldon anytime between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM on Fri., October 6. If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Noteboom at 712-348-5874 or [email protected]. Thank you.

UMW Program & Salad Supper: On Tues., Sept. 26th at 6:00 p.m. there will be a Salad Supper followed with a program by Judi Blankers & Lisa Van Ess, titled “Where God Leads, We Will Follow”. Come hear about their journey as friends, as believers in Christ, as God’s witnesses who followed His leading to Africa. They will share how God prepared, provided, protected and proved to them His promise to use them in a distant land. Salads will be provided by the UMW Board. Sign the clipboard at the Friendship Center if you plan to attend. Freewill Offering will be taken.

Those serving this week—September 17th Liturgist Ushers (All Month)

Those serving this week-September 17h

8:30 am Verilyn Schilling Willis Schilling (H) Don Merley (L) Barb Merley Adam Roelfs Bob Hamilton Warren Wallinga

11:00 am Dave Groen (H) Merlyn Lode (L) Jeff Grant Jim Johnson Jo Johnson Ron Bahrenfuss

Nursery North Door Greeter South Door Greeter Worship Leader Sound Projection Acolytes (All Month)

Tricia & Zoe Koerselman Peter Vanden Berg Karin Vanden Berg

Dennis Gorter Tracy Gorter Judy Winkel Tony Haning Niki Cooper Dirk Brink

Coffee Bar Clean-Up

Duane & Georgia Wahlstrom

Brett Young Ellie Meendering Abigail Otto

Those serving next week—September 24th Liturgist Ushers (All Month)

8:30 am Robin Lawson Willis Schilling (H) Don Merley (L) Barb Merley Adam Roelfs Bob Hamilton Warren Wallinga

Nursery North Door Greeter South Door Greeter

Arlan Boone Evelyn Boone

Worship Leader Sound Projection Acolytes (All Month)

Barb Chambers Tom Thaden Sherri Morgan Dirk Brink

Coffee Bar Clean-Up

Mary Gilbert

11:00 am Dave Groen (H) Merlyn Lode (L) Jeff Grant Jim Johnson Jo Johnson Ron Bahrenfuss Andy Cardin Melanie Truitt Matt Radke Ellie Meendering Abigail Otto

8:30 am Verilyn Schilling Willis Schilling (H) Don Merley (L) Barb Merley Adam Roelfs Bob Hamilton Warren Wallinga

Liturgist Ushers (All Month)

11:00 am Dave Groen (H) Merlyn Lode (L) Jeff Grant Jim Johnson Jo Johnson Ron Bahrenfuss

Nursery North Door Greeter South Door Greeter Worship Leader Sound Projection Acolytes (All Month)

Tricia & Zoe Koerselman Peter Vanden Berg Karin Vanden Berg

Dennis Gorter Tracy Gorter Judy Winkel Tony Haning Niki Cooper Dirk Brink

Coffee Bar Clean-Up

Duane & Georgia Wahlstrom

Brett Young Ellie Meendering Abigail Otto

Those serving next week—September 24th Liturgist Ushers (All Month)

8:30 am Robin Lawson Willis Schilling (H) Don Merley (L) Barb Merley Adam Roelfs Bob Hamilton Warren Wallinga

Nursery North Door Greeter South Door Greeter Worship Leader Sound Projection Acolytes (All Month)

Arlan Boone Evelyn Boone Barb Chambers Tom Thaden Sherri Morgan Dirk Brink

Coffee Bar Clean-Up

Mary Gilbert

11:00 am Dave Groen (H) Merlyn Lode (L) Jeff Grant Jim Johnson Jo Johnson Ron Bahrenfuss Andy Cardin Melanie Truitt Matt Radke Ellie Meendering Abigail Otto

September 17th Step Up Campaign 2 Serving “Whom Do You Serve?” Matthew 6:24; Joshua 24:14-15, 1 Peter 7:7-11

September 17th Step Up Campaign 2 Serving “Whom Do You Serve?” Matthew 6:24; Joshua 24:14-15, 1 Peter 7:7-11

Next Week

Next Sunday, September 24th Step Up Campaign 3 Giving “Discovering Tithes and Offerings” Matthew19:16-26; Malachi 3:6-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Next Week

Next Sunday, September 24th Step Up Campaign 3 Giving “Discovering Tithes and Offerings” Matthew19:16-26; Malachi 3:6-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11