Download 24 Feb 2015 ... Unguenti macrogoli. White petroleum ad gta quinquaginta (50,0) of each an equal amount to make 50g. M.f. unguentum. Make an...

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Extemporaneous (magistral) prescription form Latin form

English form

Prescribe local anaesthetic ointment! Rp.

Rx Lidocaini gta duo et semis (2,5) Unguenti macrogoli ad gta quinquaginta (50,0) M.f. unguentum. D.S. Ointment, topical pain reliever for extenal use

Lidocaine 2.5g Hydrophilic petroleum White petroleum of each an equal amount to make 50g Make an ointment. Label: Cream for external use only

Prescribe solution containing Trichloroacetic acid! Rp.

Rx Acidi trichloracetici gta tria (3,0) Aquae purificatae ad gta triginta (30,0) M.f.sol. D.S. For aphthous stomatitis!

Trichloroacetic acid Distillated Water to make Make a solution Label: For aphthous stomatitis

3g 30g

Prescribe antiseptic mouth rinse (mouthwash) solution containing acridin! Rp.

Rx Acriflavinii hydrochloridi cgta viginti (0,20) Aquae purificatae ad gta decem (10,0) M.f.sol. D.S. For external use, Gingivitis.

Acriflavine Distillated Water to make Make a solution

0.2g 10g

Label: For external use, Gingivitis

Prescribe Chlumsky solution! Rp.

Rx Camphorae racemicae gta sexaginta (60,0) Phenoli liquefacti gta triginta (30,0) Ethanoli 96% gta decem (10,0) M.f.sol. D.S. For extenal use. Slight local anesthetic and antimicrobial solution.

Prescribe Borax solution! Rp. Boracis gta quattuor (4,0) Glyceroli 85% ad gta viginti (20,0) M.f.sol. D.S. For external use. Candidiasis (e.g. infections, oral thrush).

Camphor 60g Phenoli liquefacti 30g 96% Ethyl alcohol 10g Make a solution Label: For extenal use. Slight local anesthetic and antimicrobial solution.

Rx Borax (sodium tetraborate) 4g 85% Glycerine to make 20g Make a solution Label: For external use. Candidiasis (e.g. infections, oral thrush).