Download Pemeriksaan sputum belum termasuk dalam paket pelayanan di klinik swasta. ... Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for TB treatment program. D...

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ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kontribusi pemerintah dalam pembiayaan TB tahun 2009 baru 23,4 % sehingga keterlibatan lembaga pembiayaan swasta berpotensi sebagai target advokasi yang efektif. PT. Jamsostek bersama Dirjen P2PL pada tahun 2010 telah menandatangani nota kesepahaman untuk program pengobatan TB dan DKI Jakarta merupakan daerah pilot project program tersebut. Namun kontribusi PT. Jamsostek tersebut belum diketahui bagaimana dan sejauhmana pelaksanaannya. Tujuan : Mengetahui pelaksanaan program penanggulangan TB dengan strategi DOTS yang meliputi pelatihan DOTS TB, kecukupan logistik, pembinaan pengawasan dan pelayanan TB strategi DOTS pada PPK tingkat I Jamsostek di Kacab Pulogadung Kanwil III DKI Jakarta. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan subyek penelitian sebanyak 14 orang. Hasil: Pelatihan TB telah dilaksanakan, namun sampai 2013 masih ada 23,8 % klinik swasta jamsostek belum mendapatkan pelatihan karena adanya turnover. Pasca 3 tahun pelatihan penguasaan pengetahuan TB untuk materi program penanggulangan TB dan pegobatan penderita hanya sebesar 43,4 % dan 45 %. Sehubungan kebijakan pemerintah tentang pengalihan JPK Jamsostek ke BPJS dan terkendala regulasi menyebabkan kecukupan logistik belum terpenuhi. Pembinaan dan Pengawasan belum dilaksanakan karena belum optimalnya koordinasi dan ketidaksamaan persepsi antara Jamsostek dengan Dinas Kesehatan. Klinik swasta Jamsostek di Kacab Pulogadung menemuan 122 suspek TB pada tahun 2012, namun penegakan diagnosis dan pengobatan dirujuk ke puskesmas dan rumah sakit. Pemeriksaan sputum belum termasuk dalam paket pelayanan di klinik swasta. PMO dan pencatatan belaporan juga belum terlaksana oleh klinik swasta Jamsostek. Kesimpulan: Pelaksanaan P2TB dengan strategi DOTS belum optimal terlaksana, dalam implementasinya PPK Tingkat I klinik swasta Jamsostek Kacab Pulogadung baru berperan dalam penjaringan dan penemuan kasus karena penegakan dan pengobatan TB dirujuk ke puskesmas atau rumah Sakit. Kata Kunci:, Kerjasama, Pelayanan TB strategi DOTS, PPK Tk. I Jamsostek




Background: In 2009, the Government contribution in TB financing only reached 23.4%. This fact indicates that the involvement of the private sectors to support the TB financing, are highly potential as an effective advocacy target. In partnership with P2PL General Directory, PT. Jamsostek has undersigned the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for TB treatment program. DKI Jakarta is a pilot project in that program. However it is still indicated the contribution of PT Jamsostek in the implementation. Objective: To find the implementation of TB eradication program under DOTS strategy which involve TB DOTS trainings, logistic adequency, mentoring supervision and strategic TB DOTS services in Jamsostek primary health service providers, Branch Office Pulogadung District III DKI Jakarta. Methods: The research is a descriptive research, utilizing the quantitative method with 14 respondents.  Results: TB trainings have been conducted, however until 2013 the result indicated that there are 23.8% of Jamsostek private clinics which have hot received any trainings because of the turnovers that happened. After 3 years of trainings, the TB awareness acquirement for TB eradication program and patients treatment subjects only reached 43.4% and 45%. In line with the Governement policy about the diversion of Jamsostek into BPJS and being constrained by the regulations, these caused the unfulfilment of the logistic adequency. Mentoring and supervision have not carried out because the unoptimized coordination and dissimilarity perspectives between Jamsostek and the health department. The private clinics in Branch Office Pulogadung’s record in 2012 showed 122 case findings of TB suspects. However the diagnostic implementation and medications are refered to public health center and hospitals. The sputum check is not included yet in their service package. TB treatment suppoters (PMO) and reporting records have not been carried out by Jamsostek private clinics. Conclusion: The implementation of the P2TB under DOTS strategy has not been optimized. In the implementation, Jamsostek primary private clinics in Branch Office Pulogadung only indicated significancy in case findings because of the TB diagnoses and treatments are referred to the public health center or hospitals. Keywords: Partnership, Service TB DOTS strategy, Jamsostek Primary Health
