©2008 Security National Guaranty, Inc

THE ECORESORT EXPERIENCE. Beach and Dune trails Botanical and herbal gardens Green sustainable dining Panoramic views Wellness and spa center, lifesty...

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©2008 Security National Guaranty, Inc.


Ecologically Sensitive Design Understanding Site Conditions Balance for Site Capacity Restorative Approach to Site and Architecture Biodiversity Community Celebrate Historic Dunes & Marine Environment Spiritual Link to Land and Sea

©2008 Security National Guaranty, Inc.

EARTH ELEMENT: Existing Conditions

Existing Site Conditions

EARTH ELEMENT: History Former sand mine operations, 1972

Existing Site Conditions

EARTH ELEMENT: Biomimicry •29 acres of dune habitat created & restored (90% of site above high tide)

•Less than 1.5 acres of area not native vegetative cover

Fore Dune

Secondary Dune

Dune Wetlands

EARTH ELEMENT : Targeted Habitats Over 6.5 acres of dedicated habitat for sensitive species

1.4acres acMonterey 3.3 Spineflower Monterey Spine Habitat Flower

3.2 acSmith Smith Blue 1.4 acres Blue Butterfly Butterfly

acSnowy Snowy Plover 21.9 acres Plover Habitat


Form & Function

Architectural forms evocative of natural Architectural forms evocative offormations. natural dune dune formations. Integrate structure with site and provide large erosion setbacks as buffer. Integrate structure with site Nutrient & Waste Stream systems placed Nutrient & where Waste Streamnaturally systems placed processes occur on site. Respect, restore and renew where processes naturally occur onnatural site coastal resources.

Waves, Wind, & Change

EARTH ELEMENT : A Living Approach 5 acres of living roofs supporting native species Impervious surfaces reduced to 4%

Living roof habitat

Vegetated fire lane

WATER ELEMENT: Reduce & Reuse •No potable water used for irrigation •Unused rain & treated water feed wetlands & aquifer •47% reduction in water demand over prior proposal


•Zero Stormwater Runoff •Less than 5% of the site is impervious •Biological Treatment Systems

AIR ELEMENT: Windy and Clean Exposed and Protected Areas Wind energy

AIR ELEMENT: Windy and Clean Natural Ventilation Evaporative Cooling Biofiltration Living Walls

AIR ELEMENT: Natural Ventilation

LIGHT ELEMENT: Natural Daylighting Solar panels

320 days of direct sunshine/year Energy Savings of over 20% Benefits to Occupants

Vegetated Trellis

Movable Shades

LIGHT ELEMENT: Solar Energy Solar photovoltaic panels integrated into the architecture capture energy and shade day-lit interiors Solar hot water heating

Solar panels on living roof

ENERGY ELEMENT: Reducing Fossil Fuel Over 50% reduction in fossil fuel consumption Over 30% energy production from alternative fuels

ENERGY ELEMENT: Energy Diversity •Maximize passive energy use: day-

lighting and ventilation

•Maximize insulation •Mechanical systems adapt to conditions •Generate energy on-site •“Smart” Building Technology

ENERGY ELEMENT: On-Site Power •Geothermal heat pumps use earth as heat sink •Wind supplies 20% of electricity demand •Sun Power: Photovoltaics & Solar Water Heating Geothermal Energy

Wind turbine on living roof

BUILDING LIFE CYCLE Recycled Building Materials Construction Methods Intelligent Building Operation


Beach and Dune trails Botanical and herbal gardens Green sustainable dining Panoramic views Wellness and spa center, lifestyle workwshops to teach and inspire Connections to regional bike paths Access to many world class leisure activities, Big Sur, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Funding local environmental projects through The Environmental Trust


Living Pools

Cascading water feature connects entry to Wellness Center