Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits ISO 16232 C L

Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits ISO 16232 C L A R I F I C A T I O N L I S T File-Name: Abklärungsbogen_eng page 2 of 2 HypoVereinsbank Her...

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Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits ISO 16232 CLARIFICATION LIST File-Name: Abklärungsbogen_eng

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General information:

Laboratory information: Offer No:

Customer: Contact person:



No. of analyses: Components per test lot (< 200 cm²) Surface from CAD: [cm²]

Component name, item number, drawing number:

Particle counting from size: [µm] Evaluation: [µm/Pixel]

Sampled area:

- Complete - Partial, descr.: ISO 16232:2007 and VDA 19.1:2015

Test standard, specification:

Cleaning process:

Extraction curve: Report:

Nominal pore size, Filter material:

? µm open mesh fabric

Pictures of largest particles in report:

Metal: Nonmetal: Fibres:

per 1000 cm² CCC = A coded

Cleanliness code, Cleanliness class: Rating:

- Metal particles

- mg/part - mg/1000 cm²

Gravimetric analysis:

per 100 ml CCC = V coded

per part CCC = C coded

- Nonmetal particles

2 pcs. 2 pcs. 2 pcs. per part CCC = N uncoded

- Fibres

- Test bench CTU, fan/round nozzle, flow rate? - LDG pressure rinsing, round nozzle, flow rate? - Ultrasonic, 35 kHz, ? Watt/l, - Dipping bath, ? second - Shaking (inner space), ? minute - Rinsing (tubes), ? Ø, ? ml/min - Compiled, No: E - To compile: 2 test lots required! Retention of - None, parameters by specification components: - None, first cut analysis

- Solvent cleaners, DeSolvIt 1000 - Water demin. with detergent - Propyl alcohol 50 % - Other:

- English

- E-Mail

- German


Expected shipping date:

Appointment for result:

Customer (date, name):

Laboratory (date, name):

Accredited testing laboratory according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 by DAkkS. Accreditation applies to procedures listed in the certificate. The accreditation is valid for the test method ISO 16232, part 3-7. HypoVereinsbank Herzogenaurach SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM417 Account No.: 16 904 511 IBAN: DE32 7632 0072 0016 9045 11 Bank code: 763 200 72 Register court: Amtsgericht Fürth VAT No.: DE 815330348 Commercial register-No. HRB 13281

Formular: _AAB_Clarification List_Version_8, valid from: 23.11.2015

Managing partner: Dr. Thomas Wirkner, Dipl. Chem. Christian Schad, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr. Thomas Fürst, Dipl. Chem.

- Return to sender - Scrapping

Cleanliness of components of fluid circuits ISO 16232 CLARIFICATION LIST File-Name: Abklärungsbogen_eng

page 2 of 2

Other customer information insofar relevant for the testing: Materials:

Sampled subarea:


Preservatives :




- Packaging original

- PE bag

Preparation of the components before testing:

- Packaging or container rinsing

- Isolation of areas

- Dismanting

Components after testing:

- Preservatives

- Demagnetising

- Local precleaning

Information about the test cleaning process by Analytik Aurachtal Contamination Test Unit Hydac 1000

Environment: Clean box, Holten Lamin Air, Class type II Pressure rinsing with LDG spray gun

Tank pressure:

~ 2.3 bar

Round Nozzle, Ø 2.5 mm

Fan Nozzle, Ø 1.5 mm

2 l/min

1.5 l/min


Ultrasonic extraction

Tank pressure:

1 – 2 bar

Nozzle Steel:

Round, Ø 0.41 – 2.5 mm

Flow rate:

100 – 1500 ml/min

Medium A :

CH-Solvent: DeSolvIt 1000

Medium B:

Water demin. with detergent

Medium C:

propyl alcohol 50 %

CH-Solvent: DESolvIT 1000


Sonorex RK 1050


35 kHz 15-25 Watt/l

Filtration Sartorius, pressure filtration, 200 ml Medium: clean Argon

Filter, material, nominal pore size:

Drying cabinet:: 100°C / 60 min. Exsiccator: RT / 60 min.

5 µm CN

5 µm PETEX

15 µm PETEX

20 µm PETEX

50 µm PES

membrane filter

open mesh fabric

open mesh fabric

open mesh fabric

open mesh fabric

Gravimetric analysis: Balance:

TYP Denver TB 215D

Min. contaminant mass: Blank value:

Accuracy of the balance: +/- 0.01 mg

Particle counting (APC): dhs-Cleanalizer II Professional, with polarizing filter:

0.3 mg < 0.1 mg

Standard analysis

Objektive lens


ISO 16232 (1:5)

VDA 19.1 (1:10)

AA 0.75

3.5 µm/pixel

from size class D

from size class E

AA 2.00

1.3 µm/pixel

from size class C

from size class C

AA 3.00

0.9 µm/pixel

from size class B

from size class C

AA 5.00

0.5 µm/pixel

from size class B

from size class B

Size class:









Particle size: [µm]

5 15

15 25

25 50

50 100

100 150

150 200

200 400

400 600

HypoVereinsbank Herzogenaurach Account No.: 16 904 511 Bank Code: 763 200 72 VAT No.: DE 815330348

SWIFT (BIC): HYVEDEMM417 IBAN: DE32 7632 0072 0016 9045 11 Register Court: Amtsgericht Fürth Commercial register-No. HRB 13281



600 > 1000 1000 (1500)

Managing Partner: Dr. Thomas Wirkner, Dipl. Chem. Christian Schad, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dr. Thomas Fürst, Dipl. Chem.




1500 2000

2000 3000

3000 >