Dance Guest Pass Homecoming Dance - Mullen High School

Dance Guest Pass – Homecoming Dance ... Sports Authority Stadium at Mile High 1701 Bryant Street, Denver ... Required for every college/university stu...

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Dance Guest Pass – Homecoming Dance rd

October 3 , 2015 – 8:00-11:00 PM Sports Authority Stadium at Mile High 1701 Bryant Street, Denver 80204 | Phone: (720) 258-3000

NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE DANCE AFTER 9:00 Mullen Students may bring one guest to the dance. Guests must be under 21 years of age. Middle School or Junior High School students are not allowed to attend Mullen dances. This signed form must be turned into the Dean's office by th NOON September 30 . Upon approval, this form will be turned in to the Activities Office where the student may purchase their ticket. This form will be returned to the student when they purchase the ticket. Admission to the dance requires the Mullen student to present this form, a dance ticket, and a photo I.D. for both the student and the guest. 1. I will assume responsibility for myself and my guest. I understand that the purchase of any dance related items (dresses/tuxedos/flowers/jewelry/limousine rental/etc.) by either me or my guest prior to the approval of this guest pass is done so at my own risk. Mullen Student's signature and grade level________________________________________________ 2. I will assume responsibility for my student and his/her guest. Mullen Student's Parent or Guardian's signature____________________________________________ Phone number where Parent or Guardian may be reached during the dance ______________________

To be completed by the Guest Guest's Name__________________________________ Grade __________



3. I will abide by the rules and regulations governing this dance. Guest's signature _________________________________ 4. My student guest has my permission to attend this Mullen dance and I assume responsibility for my child Guest's Parent or Guardian's signature___________________________________________________ (REQUIRED FOR EVERY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT)

Phone number where Guest's Parent or Guardian may be reached during the dance _______________ 5. The student is in good standing at _________________________ High School Guest's School Administrator __________________________ Signature________________________ ({PRINT)

Guest's School Administrator's Phone Number ____________________ 6. Required for every college/university student and for every non-student between the ages of 18 and 20. I acknowledge that as a guest at this dance, I am legally responsible for my actions and will abide by all rules and regulations governing this dance. I recognize that the Mullen student acting as my host may face serious consequence for acts of misconduct on my part. OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Receipt_________ Approval________________

Guest's signature_______________________________________________ . 3601 South Lowell Boulevard, Denver, CO 80236 / Phone (303) 761-1764 / . Celebrating Over 80 Years of Performance With Character