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Katalog Perpustakaan Bidang Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi

Data Pendukung Dalam Rangka Akreditasi Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Sumatera Utara Tahun 2017

PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS Jalan Perpustakaan No. 1, Kampus USU, Medan 20155 Telepon : (061) 8218666, Fax: (061) 8213108 Laman: library.usu.ac.id



Ada 6 judul dari rekapitulasi buku : No Klas : 305.26 Subyek : Semua Jenis : Buku Bahasa : Semua Tahun Terbit : #1. 305.26 Sun e The economic livelihood of the aged: a case study in a village in Yogyakarta special territory, Indonesia Oleh: Sunarto, HS. Yogyakarta : Faculty of Social Sciences, Teachers Training College (IKIP), 1978 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#6. 305.260 846 Hut s Sehat & ceria di usia senja : suatu awal baru Oleh: Hutapea, Ronald Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2005 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#2. 305.26 Kar a Aging and health : biologic and social perspectives Oleh: Kart, Cary S. Menlo Park : Addison Wesley, 1978 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#3. 305.26 Ind p Pedoman pembinaan kesehatan usia lanjut bagi petugas kesehatan Oleh: Jakarta : DEPKES RI, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#4. 305.260 973 Bar a Aging, the individual and society Oleh: Barrow, Georgia m. Minneapolis : West Publishing Company, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#5. 305.260 846 Hut s Sehat dan ceria di usia senja : melangkah dengan anggun Oleh: Hutapea, Ronald Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2005 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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Dental Technicians Law

Ada 57 judul dari rekapitulasi buku : No Klas : 344.041 Subyek : Semua Jenis : Buku Bahasa : Semua Tahun Terbit :

#7. 344.041 Ste e Evidence based medical consultation Oleh: Steinberg, Daniel I. Philadelphia : Sauders Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1. 344.041 Wir p Penuntun kuliah hukum kedokteran Oleh: Wiradharma, Danny Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara, 1996 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#8. 344.041 Soe a Aspek hukum dan etika kedokteran di Indonesia Oleh: Soekanto, Soerjono Jakarta : Grafiti pers, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#2. 344.041 Wir p Penuntun kuliah hukum kedokteran Oleh: Wiradharma, Danny Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#9. 344.041 Ser d Dilema etika dan hukum dalam pelayanan medis Oleh: Seran, Marcel Bandung : Mandar Maju, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#3. 344.041 Tri p Perizinan dan akreditasi rumah sakit : sebuah kajian hukum kesehatan Oleh: Triwibowo, Cecep Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#10. 344.041 Sat k Kumpulan peraturan perundang-undangan profesi dokter Oleh: Satyo, Alfred Medan : USU Press, 2004 22 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#4. 344.041 Tin v Valuation of a medical practice Oleh: Tinsley, Reed New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1999 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#11. 344.041 Riy p Penyelesaian malpraktik medik melalui mediasi Oleh: Riyadi, Machli Surabaya : Grammatical Publishing, 2016 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#5. 344.041 Taa h Hukum kesehatan : pengantar menuju perawat profesional Oleh: Ta'Adi, Ns. Jakarta : EGC, 2009 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#12. 344.041 Riy H Hukum kesehatan kontemporer Oleh: Riyadi, Machli Malang : Akademia, 2015 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#6. 344.041 Sup h Hukum kedokteran Oleh: Supriadi, Wila Chandrawila Bandung : Mandar Maju, 2001 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#13. 344.041 Qui l Law for the medical practitioner Oleh: Quimby, Charles W. Washington D.C : Aupha Press, 1979 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 2 of 269

#14. 344.041 Par m Medicolegal issues for diagnostic professionals Oleh: Parelli, Robert J. London : CRC Press, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#15. 344.041 Oho b Bunga rampai hukum kedokteran : tinjauan dari berbagai perat uran perundangan dan UU praktik kedokteran Oleh: Ohoiwutun, Y.A Triana Malang : Bayumedia, 2007 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#16. 344.041 Lap Laporan hasil pengkajian bidang hukum kedokteran Oleh: Jakarta : Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, 1989 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#17. 344.041 Kur e Etika profesi kebidanan : dilengkapi dengan perundangan tentang kesehatan dan kebidanan Oleh: Kurnia, S. Nova Yogyakarta : Panji Pustaka, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#20. 344.041 Koe h Hukum kedokteran : studi tentang hubungan hukum dalam mana dokter sebagai salah satu pihak Oleh: Koeswadji, Hermien Hadiati Bandung : Citra Aditya Bakti, 1998 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#21. 344.041 Ind u Undang-undang RI nomor 36 tahun 2009 tentang rumah sakit Oleh: Indonesia. Peraturan dan Perundang-undangan Bandung : Citra Umbara, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#22. 344.041 Ind p Pengkajian hukum tentang aspek hukum percobaan (eksperimentasi) iptek kesehatan pada manusia Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kehakiman Jakarta : Badan Pembinaan Hukum Nasional, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#23. 344.041 Ind a Laporan tim analisa dan evaluasi hukum tentang perlindungan dan pengawasan terhadap pemakaian obat tradisional Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kehakiman Jakarta : Departemen Kehakiman, 1995 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#18. 344.041 Kon Kongres I perhimpunan untuk hukum kedokteran Indonesia (PERHUKI) Oleh: Jakarta : PERHUKI, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#24. 344.041 Guw h Hukum medik Oleh: Guwandi, J. Jakarta : FK UI, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#19. 344.041 Koe h Hukum dan masalah medik Oleh: Koeswadji, Hermien Hadiati Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1984 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#25. 344.041 Guw Hukum dan Dokter Oleh: Guwandi J Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#26. 344.041 Gre u Understanding medical law Oleh: Greene, Brendan London : Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#27. 344.041 Dav t Textbook on medical law Oleh: Davies, Michael London : Blackstone, 1998 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#28. 344.041 Bun Bunga rampai hukum dan profesi kedokteran dalam masyarakat Indonesia Oleh: Yogyakarta : Liberty, 1986 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#29. 344.041 Bla Blackstone's statues on medical law Oleh: London : Blackstone, 1992 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#30. 344.041 Bas p Penyelesaian sengketa kesehatan Oleh: Bastian, Indra Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#31. 344.041 Ame k Kapita selekta hukum kedokteran Oleh: Ameln, Fred Jakarta : Grafikatama Jaya, 1991 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#32. 344.041 Ach m Melindungi pasien dari dokter : pernik-pernik hukum kedokteran Oleh: Achadiat, Chrisdiono M. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1996 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#33. 344.041 Ach d Dinamika etika & hukum kedokteran dalam tantangan zaman Oleh: Achadiat, Chrisdiono M. Jakarta : EGC, 2007 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#34. 344.041 Abl s Standar profesi dokter dan tanggung jawab pidana Oleh: Ablisar, Madiasa Medan : FH USU, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#35. 344.041 Abl p Pertanggungjawaban dokter dalam penyembuhan pasien Oleh: Ablisar, Madiasa Medan : FH USU, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#36. 344.041 9 Pra e Euthanasia : hak asasi manusia dan hukum pidana Oleh: Prakoso, Djoko Jakarta : Ghalia Indonesia, 1984 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#37. 344.041 97 Kui k Kematian yang digandrungi : eutanasia & hak menentukan nasib sendiri Oleh: Kuitert, H. M. Bandung : Nova, 1991 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#38. 344.041 6 Und Undang-undang farmasi Oleh: Medan : FMIPA USU, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#39. 344.041 6 Str e Essentials of law and ethics for pharmacy technicians, Ed.2 Oleh: Strandberg, Kenneth M. London : CRC Press, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 4 of 269

#40. 344.041 6 Him Himpunan peraturan dan perundang-undangan kefarmasian Oleh: Jakarta : ISFI, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#47. 344.041 4 Kod k Konsep dasar keperawatan Oleh: Kodim, Yulianingsih Jakarta : Tran Info Media, 2015 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#41. 344.041 6 Fei p Pharmacy law : texbook & review Oleh: Feinberg, Debra B. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2003 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#48. 344.041 4 Afr h Hukum kesehatan (teori dan aplikasinya) dilengkapi UU kesehatan dan keperawatan Oleh: Afriko, Joni Bogor : In Media, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#42. 344.041 6 Abo p Pharmacy practice and the law, Ed.5 Oleh: Abood, Richard R. Sudbury : Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#49. 344.041 3 See l Law and ethics in dentistry Oleh: Seear, John Ozford : Wright, 1991 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#43. 344.041 5 Wah e Etika profesi kebidanan : dilengkapi hukum kesehatan dalam kebidanan sebuah pengantar Oleh: Wahyuningsih, Heni Puji Yogyakarta : Fitramaya, 2008 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#50. 344.041 3 Gra p Professional responsibility in dentistry : a practical guide to law and ethics Oleh: Graskempar, Joseph P. United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#44. 344.041 598 Sut h Hukum kesehatan : eutanasia, keadilan dan hukum positif di Indonesia Oleh: Sutarno Malang : Setara Press, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#45. 344.041 4 Pra k Kedudukan hukm perawat dalam upaya pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit Oleh: Praptianingsih, Sri Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#46. 344.041 4 Nas e Etika dan hukum keperawatan : untuk mahasiswa dan praktisi keperawatan Oleh: Nasrullah, Dede Jakarta : TIM, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#51. 344.041 2 Yan e Etika profesi dan hukum kebidanan Oleh: Yanti Yogyakarta : Pustaka Rihama, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#52. 344.041 2 Kom p Peranan informed consent dalam transaksi terapeutik : (Persetujuan dalam hubungan dokter dan pasien) suatu tinjauan yuridis Oleh: Komalawati, Veronica Bandung : Citra Aditya Bakti, 1999 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#53. 344.041 2 Guw h HAM dalam persetujuan tindakan medik (informed consent) Oleh: Guwandi, J. Jakarta : FK-UI, 1995 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 5 of 269

#54. 344.041 1 Yun h Hukum pidana malpraktik medik Oleh: Yunanto, Ari Yogyakarta : Andi, 2010 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#55. 344.041 1 Kur D Dokter mal praktek : pengakuan jujur seorang dokter atas tuduhan mal praktek Oleh: Kurniawan, Adik Yogyakarta : Pinus, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#56. 344.041 1 Jun m Mediasi dalam penyelesaian sengketa medik Oleh: Junaidi, Eddi Jakarta : Rajawali Pers, 2011 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#57. 344.041 1 Har m Medicine, malpractice and misapprehensions Oleh: Harpwood, Vivienne Canada : Routledge-Cavendish, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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Dental Care Social Service

Ada 570 judul dari rekapitulasi buku : No Klas : 362 Subyek : Semua Jenis : Buku Bahasa : Semua Tahun Terbit : #1. 362 Sim b Beberapa aspek patologi sosial Oleh: Simanjuntak, B. Bandung : Alumni, 1981 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#2. 362 Sab s Sistem informasi klinis Oleh: Sabarguna, Boy S. Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia (UI Press), 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#3. 362 Mil n The nurse manager in the emergency departement Oleh: Miller, Margareth, R. N. St. Louis, Missoun : The C. V. Mosby Company, 1983 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#4. 362 Lem Lembaga swadaya masyarakat : menyuarakan nurani menggapai kesetaraan Oleh: Jakarta : Buku Kompas, 2004 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#5. 362 Kal h Human security : reflections globalization and intervention Oleh: Kaldor, Mary United Kingdom : Polity, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#6. 362 Hea Health, culture and community : case studies of public reactions to health programs Oleh: New York : Russell Sage Foundation, 1955 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#7. 362 Duf d Development security and unending war governing the world of peoples Oleh: Duffield, Mark Cambridge : Polity, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#8. 362.94 Has n Native welfare in Australia Oleh: Hasluck, Paul Perth : Paterson Brokensha, 1953 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#9. 362.8 Har d Dari maliho o borok sampai seni sono : pilihan tandatanda zaman Oleh: Hartoko, Dick Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1992 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#10. 362.88 Yul v Viktimologi : perlindungan hukum terhadap korban kejahatan Oleh: Yulia, Rena Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#11. 362.88 Wid v Viktimologi : perspektif korban dalam penanggulangan kejahatan Oleh: Widiartana, G Yogyakarta : Cahaya Atma Pustaka, 2014 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 7 of 269

#12. 362.88 Wib p Perlindungan hukum korban amuk massa : sebuah tinjauan viktimologi Oleh: Wibowo, Adhi Yogyakarta : Thafa Media, 2013 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#18. 362.880 973 Syk n A Nation of victims : The Decay of the American character Oleh: Sykes, Charles J. New York : St. Martin, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#13. 362.88 Wal v Viktimologi : perlindungan korban & saksi Oleh: Waluyo, Bambang Jakarta : Sinar Grafika, 2014 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#19. 362.880 2 Dav v Victims of crime Oleh: Davis, Robert C. Los Angeles : Sage Publications, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#14. 362.88 Man Management of the physically and emotionally abused : emergency assesment, interventio and counseling Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1982 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#20. 362.841 1 Can The canadian ethnic mosaic : a quest for identity Oleh: Canada : The Canadian, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#21. 362.83 Pro The progress of nations : the nations of the world ranked according to their achievements in child health, nutrition, education, family planning, and progress for women Oleh: New York : UNICEF, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#22. 362.83 Mem Membisu demi harmoni : "kekerasan terhadap isteri dan kesehatan perempuan di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia" Oleh: Yogyakarta : LPKGM-FK-UGM, 2001 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#23. 362.83 Mem Membaca demi harmoni: Kekerasan terhadap isteri dan kesehatan perempuan di Jawa Tengah, Indonesia Oleh: Yogyakarta : LPKGM-FK-UGM, 2001 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#15. 362.88 Fea Fear of crime : critical vioces in an age of anxiety Oleh: Canada : Routledge, 2009 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#16. 362.88 Edi v Victimologi : kaitannya dengan pelaksanaan ganti rugi tanah Oleh: Ediwarman Bandung : Mandar Maju, 1999 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#17. 362.88 Doe v Victimology, 6th ed Oleh: Doerner, William G. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#24. 362.830 72 Bad r Risalah Penelitian Partisipasi Wanita dalam Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat Desa Oleh: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan DEPKES Jakarta : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan RI, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#25. 362.82 Pee m Manajer keluarga : meliputi strategi lengkap untuk mengelola makanan dan masakan, keuangan, manajemen waktu, rumah dan properti, proyek istimewa, anggota keluarga dan teman-teman, manajemen pribadi Oleh: Peel, Kathy Jakarta : Grasindo, 1998 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#26. 362.82 Bak a Asas Perhubungan Keluarga Oleh: Baki, Mat Saat : Lembaga Penduduk Dan Pembangunan Keluarga Negara, 1985 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#27. 362.829 2 Sua s Sosiologi keluarga Oleh: Su'adah Malang : UMM Press, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#28. 362.828 6 Wal b Bimbingan dan Konseling : Studi & Karir Oleh: Walgito, Bimo Yogyakarta : ANDI, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#29. 362.828 6 Wal b Bimbingan dan konseling perkawinan

Oleh: Walgito, Bimo Yogyakarta : Fakultas Psikologi UGM, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#30. 362.828 6 Tig 31 rahasia meraih kebahagiaan perkawinan Oleh: [s.l] : Pusta Hidayah, 2007 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#31. 362.828 6 Sya s Strategi memilih jodoh : tenteram dan damai Oleh: Syah, Djalinus Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 1990 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#32. 362.828 6 Ker k Konseling pernikahan untuk keluarga Indonesia Oleh: Kertamuda, Fatchiach E. Jakarta : Salemba Humanika, 2009 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#33. 362.828 6 Har w Wedding planner : kiat jitu menyiapkan acara, menghemat anggaran, membuat kepanitian dan persiapan pengantin, di hari istimewa anda yang unik & menarik Oleh: Hariwijaya, M. Jakarta : Edsa Mahkota, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#34. 362.828 6 Bac m Menikahlah, maka engkau akan bahagia : ao kiat membangun rumah tangga bahagia dan harmonis setiap saat Oleh: Bachtiar, Aziz Yogyakarta : Ar-ruzz Media, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#35. 362.7 Rah k Ke arah menangani penyeksaan dan pengabdian kanak - kanak Oleh: Rahman, Shafie Abd Kuala Lumpur : Edaran Ilmu Sdn, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#36. 362.7 Pen Pengaruh siaran televisi terhadap tingkah laku remaja di kota Tanjungpinang Oleh: Tanjungpinang : Proyek Pengkajian dan Pembinaan Nilai-nilai Budaya Riau, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#37. 362.7 Kek Kekerasan terhadap anak dalam wacana dan realita Oleh: Medan : Pusat Kajian dan Perlindungan Anak, 1999 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#38. 362.7 Kad c Child welfare services Oleh: Kadushin, Alfred New York : MacMillan Company, 1967 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#39. 362.7 Gen Gender and child welfare in society Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#40. 362.7 Far h High-risk teenagers : real cases and interception strategies... Oleh: Farmer, James A. Springfield : C. C.Thomas, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#41. 362.7 Cri Critical perspectives on safeguarding children Oleh: United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2009 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#42. 362.7 Bir i Indikator kesejahteraan anak 1994 Oleh: Biro Pusat Statistik Jakarta : Biro Pusat Statistik, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#43. 362.7 Aro h Health and safety in child care Oleh: Aronson, Susan S. New York : Harper Collins, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#44. 362.795 Rep Reproductive decision making and the value of children in rural Papua New Guinea Oleh: Papua New Guinea : Daser, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#45. 362.795 021 2 Ran Rangkuman analisa situasi anak dan wanita di Indonesia Oleh: Jakarta : Pemerintah Rapublik Indonesia-Unicef, 1989 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#46. 362.76 Tji u Upah, jaminan sosial, dan perlindungan anak : gagasan pengembangan sumberdaya manusia Indonesia) Oleh: Tjiptoherijanto, Prijono Jakarta : FE UI, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 10 of 269

#47. 362.76 Suy m Masalah sosial anak Oleh: Suyanto, Bagong Jakarta : Kencana, 2003 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#48. 362.76 Pel c A child called 'it' : sebuah kisah nyata perjuangan seorang anak untuk bertahan hidup Oleh: Pelzer, Dave Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#49. 362.76 Jer Jermal : kaji ulang Oleh: Medan : PKPA, 2003 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#50. 362.76 Jen c Child abuse and neglect : diagnosis, traetment, and evidence Oleh: Jenny, Carole St Louis : Saunders Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#51. 362.76 Hur c Child abuse (kekerasan terhadap anak) edisi revisi Oleh: Hurairah, Abu Bandung : Nuansa, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#52. 362.76 Cha i Identifying Emotional and Psychological Abuse : a guide for childcare professionals Oleh: O'hagan, Kieran USA : Open University Press, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#53. 362.760 2 Chi Children behaving badly? peer violence between children and young people Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#54. 362.75 Uni f A focussed study on child abuse in six selected provinces in Indonesia : laporan penelitian Oleh: United Nations Children's Fund Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1999 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#55. 362.73 Hel Helping the troubled child : interprofessional case studies Oleh: London : Harper & Row, 1980 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#56. 362.734 Zai a Adopsi : suatu tinjauan dari tiga sistem hukum Oleh: Zaini, Muderis Jakarta : Sinar Grafika, 2002 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#57. 362.734 Sju l Lembaga Pengangkatan anak (adopsi) Oleh: Sjukrie, Erna Sofwan Jakarta : Mahkamah Agung-RI, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#58. 362.734 598 Zai a Adopsi : suatu tinjauan dari tiga sistem hukum Oleh: Zaini, Muderis Jakarta : Bina Aksara, 1985 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 11 of 269

#59. 362.734 072 Int International advances in adoption research for practice Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley -Blackwell, 2009 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#60. 362.732 Eff The effects of early social-emotional and relationship experience on the development of young orphanage children Oleh: Oxford : Society for Research in CHild Development, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#61. 362.723 Pol Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional daerah istimewa Yogyakarta Oleh: Jakarta : Proyek Inventarisasi dan Pembinaan Nilainilai Budaya Depdikbud, 1990 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#62. 362.721 Pol Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional di kelurahan kebagusan daerah khusus ibu kota Jakarta Oleh: Jakarta : Proyek Inventarisasi dan Pembinaan Nilainilai Budaya Depdikbud, 1989 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#63. 362.713 Pol Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional daerah Sumatera Barat Oleh: Jakarta : Proyek Inventarisasi dan Pembinaan NilaiNilai Budaya DepDikbud R.I., 0000 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#64. 362.713 Pol Pola pengasuhan anak secara tradisional di Kalimantan Selatan Oleh: Banjarmasin : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 1994 2 eks. ----------------------------------------------------#65. 362.712 097 3 Gon d Diversity in early care and education, 5th Ed Oleh: Gonzalez-Mena, Janet Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#66. 362.708 3 Und Undestanding mother-adolescent conflict discussions : concurrent and across time prediction from youths dispositions and parenting Oleh: Oxford : Wiley Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#67. 362.708 3 Saa p Perkelahian pelajar : potret siswa SMU di DKI Jakarta Oleh: Saad, Asballah M. Yogyakarta : Galang Press, 2003 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#68. 362.702 Jou Journal of social issues : young people's perspectives on the rights of the child implication for theory, research and practice Oleh: Washington DC : SPSSI, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#69. 362.6 Nug p Perawatan lanjut usia Oleh: Nugroho, Wahjudi Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 12 of 269

#70. 362.6 Joh e Elder mistreatment : deciding who is atrisk Oleh: Johnson, Tanya Fusco New York : Greenwood Press, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#76. 362.5 Sup s Strategi pembangunan dan kemiskinan Oleh: Supriatna, Tjahya Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2000 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#71. 362.6 Age Aging families and caregiving Oleh: New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#77. 362.5 Str k Kemiskinan dunia ketiga : menelaah kegagalan pembangunan di negara berkembang Oleh: Strahm, Rudolf H. Jakarta : Cidesindo, 1999 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#72. 362.673 Fam The Family guide to elder care : making the right choices Oleh: Milwaukee, Wisconsin : Family Service America, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#78. 362.5 Sja k Kemiskinan dan pemberdayaan kelompok Oleh: Sjafari, Agus Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#73. 362.61 Sul p Pedoman praktis bagi manusia usia lanjut Oleh: Suling, R.E.M. Jakarta : Gunung Mulia, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#79. 362.5 Sia k Kemiskinan dan solusi Oleh: Siagian, Matias Medan : Grasodno Monoratama, 2012 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#74. 362.5 Wor k Knowledge generation for poverty reduction: A benchmarking study of the world bank Indonesia country office. Oleh: Washington : World Bank, 2004 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#80. 362.5 Sea k Kemiskinan global : kegagalan model ekonomi neoliberalisme Oleh: Seabrook, Jeremy Yogyakarta : Resist Book, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#75. 362.5 Sya g Generasi muda menolak kemiskinan Oleh: Syaifullah, Chavchay Klatenq : Cempaka Putih, 2008 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#81. 362.5 Sar m Masalah penanggulangan kemiskinan : refleksi dari kawasan timur Indonesia Oleh: Sarman, Mukhtar Jakarta : Puspa Swara, 2000 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 13 of 269

#82. 362.5 Rai m Masaalah gelandangan Oleh: Rais, M. Medan : FH USU, 1980 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#83. 362.5 Pow Power, rights, and poverty : concepts and connections Oleh: Washington : The World Bank, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#84. 362.5 Pov Proverty and development: analysis and policy Oleh: DenHaag : Development Cooperation Information Department, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#85. 362.5 Pog w World poverty and human rights : cosmopolitan responsibilities and reforms, Ed.2 Oleh: Pogge, Thomas Malden : Polity, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#86. 362.5 Par m Cycle scheme model redatin parwadi, 2012 Oleh: Parwadi, Redatin Pontianak : Universitas Tanjungpura, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#87. 362.5 Myr c The challenge of world poverty : a world anti-poverty programme in outline Oleh: Myrdal, Gunnar England : Penguin Books, 1970 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#558. 362.110 68 Kun h Hospitals : facilities planning and management Oleh: Kunders, G.D. New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill Company Limited, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#559. 362.110 68 Ind p Pedoman pelayanan rumah sakit umum kelas D Oleh: Jakarta : Depkes RI, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#560. 362.110 68 Ind Indonesia Australia specialised training project phase II : Theme 7 readings Oleh: [sa] : [sn], 21 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#561. 362.110 68 Hym i Implementing institutional objectives : a guide for hospital planners Oleh: Hyman, Herbert Harvey New York : An Aspen publication, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#562. 362.110 68 Hos h Healing the Hospital Environment: Design, Management and Maintanance of Healthcare Premises Oleh: Hosking, Sarah London : Routledge, 1999 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#563. 362.110 68 Ham p Patterns of hospital ownership and control Oleh: Hamilton, James A. Minnesota : University of Minnesota Press, 1961 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#564. 362.110 68 Gra l Leans Hospitals: Improving Quality, Patient Safety, and Employee Satisfaction Oleh: Graban, Mark New York : Taylor & Francis Group, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#565. 362.110 68 Gra l Lean hospitals : improving quality, patient safety, and employee satisfaction Oleh: Graban, Mark New York : CRC Press, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#566. 362.110 68 Dun s Strategic management of health care organizations Oleh: Duncan, W. JAck Cambridge : Blackwell Business, 1995 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#567. 362.110 68 Aus i Information systems for health services administration Oleh: Austin, Charles Michigan : AUPHA, 1992 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#568. 362.110 68 Alu d Dokter sebagai manajer Oleh: Aluise, John J. Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1997 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#569. 362.110 68 Akh l Low - cost rural health care and health manpower training : an annotated bibliography with special emphasis on developing countries Volume 1 Oleh: Akhtar, Shahid Ottawa : International Development Research centre, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#570. 362.110 684 Ind p Pedoman perencanaan tingkat puskesmas Oleh: Indonesia Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 54 of 269



Ada 650 judul dari rekapitulasi buku : No Klas : 610 Subyek : Semua Jenis : Buku Bahasa : Semua Tahun Terbit : #1. 610 Yea The Year book of medicine 1983 Oleh: Chicago : Year Book Medicine, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#2. 610 Wor t Twentieth Annual Report of The Regional Director, 1 Juli 1967 s/d 1 Agustus 1968 Oleh: Washington : WHO, 1968 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#3. 610 Wir t Tindakan medis : aspek etis dan yuridis Oleh: Wiradharma, Danny Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#7. 610 Twe 2006 current consult medicine Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#8. 610 Too Toohey's medicine : A textbook for students in the health care professions Oleh: Singapore : ELBS with Churchill Livingstone, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#9. 610 Tim p Pedoman perawatan dan pengobatan berbagai penyakit Oleh: Tim pengembangan SDM Yayasan Pendidikan Haster Bandung Bandung : Pionir Jaya, 0000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#10. 610 Tex Textbook of medicine. Ed. 11, Vol. 1 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1963 14 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#4. 610 Wer a Apa yang anda kerjakan bila tidak ada dokter = where there is no doctor Oleh: Werner, David Yogyakarta : Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1995 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#11. 610 Tex A Textbook of medicine Oleh: Philadelpia : W. B. Saunders, 1961 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#5. 610 Usu Metodologi penelitian kedokteran Oleh: Medan : [s.n], 1998 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#12. 610 Tex Textbook of medicine Oleh: Edinburgh : E & S Livingstone, 1961 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#6. 610 Upd Update on general medicine Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#13. 610 Tex Textbook of medical treatment Oleh: Edinburgh : E & S. Livingstone, 1950 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 55 of 269

#14. 610 Tex Textbook of medicine Oleh: London : W. B. Sauders, 1963 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#21. 610 Sel The selection and use of essential medicines Oleh: Geneva : WHO, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#15. 610 Tex Text book of medicine. Ed. 3 Oleh: Edinburgh : Churchill - Livingstone, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#22. 610 Rut c The coming revolution in medicine Oleh: Rutstein, David D. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1967 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#16. 610 Tea Teaching and learning in medical school Oleh: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1961 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#17. 610 Sym Symposium on advanced medicine Oleh: Baltimore : Williams and Wilkins, 1965 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#24. 610 Rev Review of modern medicine : july through december 1967 Oleh: USA : Modern Medicine, 1968 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#18. 610 Spe The specialties in general practice Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1958 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#19. 610 Smi n The netter collection of medical reproductive system, Vol.1, 2nd ed Oleh: Smith, Roger P. Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#20. 610 Sib r Riwayat penyakit & pemeriksaan jasmani Oleh: Sibuea, W. Herdin Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 1996 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#23. 610 Rus r Rehabilitation medicine Oleh: Rusk, Howard A. London : Mosby, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#25. 610 Ref Reflections on research and the future of medicine : A symposium and other addresses Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1967 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------illustrations #26. 610 Rec Recent advances in medicine. Ed. 5 Oleh: London : J & A Churchill, 1968 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#27. 610 Rea m Modern medicine Oleh: Read, Alan E. London : Pitman Medical, 1975 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 56 of 269

#28. 610 Pur k Komunikasi untuk perawat Oleh: Purwanto, Heri Jakarta : EGC, 1994 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#35. 610 Pra The practice of family medicine Oleh: London : E & S Livingstone, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#29. 610. Psy Psychology for nurses and health care professionals Oleh: London : Prentice Hall, 1995 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#36. 610 Poc Pocket medicine, 2nd ed Oleh: Philadelphia : Lippincott William & Wilkins, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#30. 610 Pro Progress in fundamental medicine Oleh: Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1952 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#37. 610 Poc Pocket medicine, 3rd ed Oleh: Philadelphia : Lippincott William & Wilkins, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#31. 610 Pri Price's textbook of the practice of medicine Oleh: London : The English Language Book Society and Oxford University Press, 1973 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#38. 610 Pie k Keajaiban melatonin Oleh: Pierpaoli, Walter Solo : Dabara Bengawan, 1995 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#32. 610 Pri Principles and Practice of Primary Care and Family Medicine Oleh: New York : Radcliffe Medical, 1994 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#33. 610 Pra The practitioner Oleh: London : Bentink Street, 1959 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#34. 610 Pra Practitioners` conferences held at the New York hospital-cornell medical center Oleh: New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1955 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#39. 610 Pen Penuntun tindakan medik bagi dokter umum Oleh: Yokyakarta : FK UGM, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#40. 610 Ped Pedoman pengobatan Oleh: Yokyakarta : Andi, 1995 16 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#41. 610 Oxf Oxford textbook of medicine Oleh: [s.l] : Oxford University, 1984 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#42. 610 Med k Kumpulan naskah kursus penyegar dan penambah ilmu kedokteran kelima tahun 1980 Oleh: Medan. Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan : FK USU, 1980 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#50. 610 Lyo b Biomedical science lecture notes Oleh: Lyons, Ian United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#43. 610 Med Medicine Oleh: London : Macmillan, 1953 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#51. 610 Lim d Dokter anda berkala : memahami problema penyakit dan pengobatannya. Jil. 2 Oleh: Lim Su Min Semarang : Dahara Priza, 1989 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#44. 610 Med Textbook of medicine Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone, 1998 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#45. 610 Med Medical sciences Oleh: London : Sauders Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#52. 610 Lim d Dokter anda berkata: memahami problema penyakit dan pengobatannya. Jil. 1 Oleh: Lim Su Min Semarang : Dahara Prize, 1989 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#46. 610 Med Medicine at a glance, 3rd ed Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Balckwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#53. 610 Kit The kitasato archives of experemental medicine Oleh: Tokyo : Kitasato Insitute, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#47. 610 Mea d Doctors, people, and government Oleh: Means, James Howard Boston : Little, Brown, 1953 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#48. 610 Mar p Pengantar ke dunia profesi kedokteran Oleh: Martaadisoebrata, Djamhoer Jakarta : Yayasan Bina Pustaka Prawirohardjo, 2004 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#49. 610 Man Manual prosedur medik Oleh: Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara, 1990 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#54. 610 Key f Frontiers in medicine Oleh: Keyes, Harold B. New York : Columbia University, 1951 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#55. 610 Kel h Hubungan terapeutik perawat-klien Oleh: Keliat, Budi Anna Jakarta : EGC, 1996 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 58 of 269

#56. 610 Kap Kapita selekta kedokteran Oleh: Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#57. 610 Kap Kapita selekta kedokteran. Jil. 2, Ed.3 Oleh: Jakarta : Media Aesculapius, 2000 18 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#58. 610 Kap Kapita selekta kedokteran. Jil. 1 Oleh: Jakarta : Media Aesculapius, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#59. 610 Kap Kapita selekta kedokteran 1, Ed.3 Oleh: Jakarta : Media Aesculapius FK UI, 2001 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#60. 610 Jey b Buku ajar praktik kedokteran kerja Oleh: Jeyaratnam, J. Jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#61. 610 Jam m Medicine Oleh: James, David V New York : Prentise Hall Internasional, 1992 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#62. 610 Ind s Sistem ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran nasional dan lingkungan Oleh: Indonesia. Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Jakarta : Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#63. 610 Ill Illustrated signs in clinical medicine Oleh: Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1997 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#64. 610 Ika p Pendidikan tambahan berkelanjutan uji diri Oleh: Jakarta : Pengurus Besar IDI, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#65. 610 Hun m A Manual of tropical medicine Oleh: Hunter, George W. Japan : W.B. Saunders, 0000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#66. 610 Har The Harvey lectures : Delivered under the auspices of the Harvey Society of New York 1949-1950 Oleh: Springheld, Illinois : Charles C. Thomas, 1952 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#67. 610 Gur p A practical manual medical and biological staining techniques Oleh: Gurr, Edward New York : Intersciences, 1956 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#68. 610 Gre c Challenges to contemporary medicine Oleh: Gregg, Alan New York : Columbia University Press, 1956 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#69. 610 Gol b Basic medical science : Review manual Oleh: Goldberg, Joel S. Singapore : Sage, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 59 of 269

#70. 610 Gil m Medical state board examination review book Oleh: Gilbert, L. New York : Review Book, 1973 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#77. 610 Ess Essentials of family medicine Oleh: Philadelphia : Wolter Kluwer, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#71. 610 Gib c Creative minds in medicine : scientific, humanistie, and cultural contrabutins by physicians Oleh: Gibson, William Carleton Springfield, Illinois : Charles C thomas, 1963 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#78. 610 Don s Strong medicine Oleh: Donaldson, Blake F. New York : Doubleday, 1962 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#72. 610 Gen General clinical : skin, dental, eyes, ears, nose, and throat Oleh: Honolulu : University of Hawaii, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#73. 610 Gas s Successfully ghoosing your EMR : at grucial decisions Oleh: Gasgh, Arthur United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#74. 610 For p Penuntun tindakan medis Oleh: Ford, M. J. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#75. 610 Fle w William H. Welch and the rise of modern medicine Oleh: Fleming, Donald Boston : Little, Brown , 1954 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#76. 610 Ess Essentials of family medicine. Ed. 5 Oleh: Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer & Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#79. 610 Dav p Prinsip dan amalan perubatan Oleh: Davidson Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#80. 610 Dav p Prinsip dan amalan perubatan Oleh: Davidson Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#81. 610 Dav p Prinsip dan amalan perubatan Oleh: Davidson Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#82. 610 Dav p The principles and practice of medicine : A textbook for students and doctors Oleh: Davidson, Stanley Baltimore : Williams and Wilkins, 1967 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#83. 610 Das Dasar-dasar kedokteran keluarga Oleh: Medan : USU Press, 2005 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#84. 610 Cur Current medical diagnosis & treatment 1995 Oleh: Englewood Cliffs N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1995 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#91. 610 Cli Clinical examination, Ed.4 Oleh: London : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#85. 610 Cor m A mirror up to medicine Oleh: Corcoran, A.C. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1961 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#92. 610 Che r Rawatan kecemasan perubatan Oleh: Cheong, Izham Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#86. 610 Con Conybeare's textbook of medicine Oleh: London : E & S Livingstone, 1970 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#93. 610 Cen The centennial lectures commemorating the one hundredth anniversary of E. R. Squibb & Sons Oleh: New York : G. P. Putnam Sons, 1959 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#87. 610 Con Control communicable diseases in man. Ed. 8 Oleh: New York : The American Public Health Association, 1970 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#88. 610 Com A Companion to medical studies Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1970 18 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#94. 610 Caw m Medicine is the law : studies in psychiatric anthropology of Australian tribal societies Oleh: Cawte, John Melbourne : National Library of Australia, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#95. 610 Caw m Medicine for dental students Oleh: Cawson, R.A. Boston : Little, Brown, 1960 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#89. 610 Com Communication in healthcare settings : policy, participation and new technologies Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#96. 610 Bun Bunga rampai ilmu kedokteran Oleh: Bandung : Alumni, 1982 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#90. 610 Com Complementary and alternative medicine, Ed.2 Oleh: London : Pharmaceutical Press, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#97. 610 Bio Biochemical frontiers in medicine Oleh: Boston : Little Brown, 1963 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 61 of 269

#98. 610 Bea r Recent advances in medicine : clinical laboratory therapeutic Oleh: Beaumont, G. E. London : J. & A. Churchill, 1947 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#99. 610 Bau p The person behind the disease Oleh: Bauer, Julius New York : Grune & Stratton, 1956 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#100. 610 Bat m Mari kita tanya dokter Oleh: Batubara, D Bandung : Tjimindi, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#101. 610 Aul t Tips kesehatan keluarga Oleh: Aulia, N. Jakarta : Restu Agung, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#102. 610 And p Petunjuk modern kepada kesehatan Oleh: Anderson, Clifford R. Bandung : Indonesia Publication House, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#103. 610 And m The Multiple choice question in medicine Oleh: Anderson, John London : Pitman Medical, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#104. 610 And c Clinician's guide to holistic medicine Oleh: Anderson, Robert A. Bostin : McGraw Hill, 2001 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#105. 610 Ame u Update on general medicine : section 1, 2007-2008 Oleh: American Academy of Ophthalmology San francisco : LEO, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#106. 610 Ame m Medical knowledge self-assessment program V : multiple choice questions part 3 1980 Oleh: American College of Physicians Philadelphia, Pennsylvania : American college of Physicians, 1980 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#107. 610 Amb Ambulatory medicine : The primary care of families Oleh: London : Prentice - Hall International, 0000 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#108. 610 Amb Ambulatory medicine : the primary care of families Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2001 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#109. 610 Alt b Buku saku hitam kedokteran internasional Oleh: Alto, William A. Jakarta : Indeks, 2012 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#110. 610 Aka p Pandangan tentang strategi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan tehnologi kedokteran Oleh: Jakarta : Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Komisi Bidang Ilmu Kedokteran, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#111. 610 Aka p Pandangan tentang strategi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran Oleh: Jakarta : Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Komisi Bidang Ilmu Kedokteran, 1994 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#112. 610 Aka k Kumpulan pandangan tentang ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran ; Jakarta, Agustus 1997 Oleh: Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. Komisi Bidang Ilmu Kedokteran Jakarta : Akademi Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Komisi Bidang Ilmu Kedokteran, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#113. 610 Aka i Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi kedokteran di Indonesia Oleh: Jakarta : AIPI, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#114. 610 Adv Advanced medicine : topics in therapeutics 3 Oleh: London : Pitman Medical, 1977 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#115. 610 Adm Administrative medicine Oleh: New York : Josiah Macy, 1953 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#116. 610 Ada f Facts for life: a communication challenge Oleh: Adamson, Peter New York : UNICEF, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#117. 610.9 Tho m Medical books, libraries and collectors : a study of bibliography... Oleh: Thornton, John L. London : Andre Deutsch, 1966 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#118. 610.9 Shr d The Development of modern medicine interpretation of the social and scientific... Oleh: Shryock, Richard H. Wisconsin : The University of Wisconsin, 1979 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------



#119. 610.9 Fir First aid for the united states medical licencing examination (USMLE) step 1 : a student to 2006 student guide Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#120. 610.9 Cle s Source book of medical history Oleh: Clendening, Logan New York : Dover, 1942 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#121. 610.9 Cas h A History of medicine Oleh: Castiglioni, Arturo New York : Jason Aronson, 1975 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#122. 610.97 Pie p Pengantar psikologi untuk keperawatan Oleh: Pieter, Herri Zan Jakarta : Kencana, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#123. 610.959 57 Lee m The Medical history of early Singapore Oleh: Lee, Yong Kiat Tokyo : SEAMIC, 1978 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#124. 610.92 Sta Standar pendidikan profesi dokter Oleh: Jakarta : Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#125. 610.92 Smi p Principles of disability evaluation Oleh: Smith, Wilmer Cauthorn Philadelphia : J. B. Lipincott, 1959 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#126. 610.92 Mor d Doctors to the world Oleh: Morgan, Murray New York : Viking Press, 1958 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#127. 610.92 Irv d The donctors tale professionalism and public trust Oleh: Irvine, Donald United Kingdom : Radcliffe Medical Pres, 2003 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#128. 610.92 Bir h The house physician's handbook Oleh: Birch, C. Allan London : Churchill Livingstone, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#129. 610.926 Non The nonphysician & family health in sub-sahara Africa : proceedings of a conference Oleh: America : The Pathfinder Fund, 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#130. 610.926 126 4 Wib b Biografi ilmiah Sudraji Sumapraja perintis bayi tabung Indonesia Oleh: Wibowo, Ari Satriyo Jakarta : Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#131. 610.925 981 22 Gin p Pengaruh motivasi terhadap kinerja dokter di rumah sakit umum daerah (RSUD) Sultan Sulaiman kabupaten Serdang Bedagai Oleh: Ginting, Suku Medan : FKM USU Program Studi S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#132. 610.920 87 chi The child with a handicap Oleh: Springfield : Charles C Thomas, 1959 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#133. 610.920 25 Phy Physicians desk reference Oleh: New Jersey : Edward R. Barnhart, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#134. 610.920 16 Huf p Physicians desk reference to pharmaceutical specialist and biologicals Oleh: Huff, Barbara B. [s.l] : Medical Economics, 1970 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#135. 610.920 043 Gra s Smith's recognizable patterns of human deformation, 3rd ed Oleh: Graham, John M. Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#136. 610.907 259 8 Jac s Saham dokter dan mahasiswa kedokteran dalam kebangkitan nasionalisme dan pembebasan bangsa dari penajajahan Oleh: Jacobalis, Samsi Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2010 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#137. 610.808 066 Sus m Metodologi penelitian retrospective / ex post facto case control causal correlation : kedokteran, keperawatan, kesehatan masyarakat, kebidanan, psikologi, ilmu gizi, farmasi dan lain-lain Oleh: Susila Klaten : BossScript, 2015 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#138. 610.808 066 072 Sis m Metodologi penelitian kesehatan dan kedokteran Oleh: Siswanto Yogyakarta : Bursa Ilmu, 2013 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#139. 610.7 Wor w The world health report 2000 : Health systems : improving performance Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#143. 610.7 Tjo p Pedoman penelitian kedokteran Oleh: Tjokroprawiro, Askandar Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#144. 610.7 Sya p Peranan keluarga dalam pendidikan reproduksi Oleh: Syarifah Medan : FKM USU, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#145. 610.7 Smi e The emotional labour of nursing : its impact on interpersonal... Oleh: Smith, Pam. Houndsmills : MacMillan, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#140. 610.7 Wor i Increasing the relevance of education for health professionals Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#146. 610.7 Sev p Preparation for medical education in the liberal arts college : the report of the subcommittee on preprofessional education of the survey of medical education Oleh: Severinghaus, Aura E. New York : MacGraw-Hill book, 1953 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#141. 610.7 Wor f Foodborne disease : a focus for health education Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#147. 610.7 Set t Terapi wicara untuk praktisi pendidikan dan kesehatan Oleh: Setyono, Bambang Jakarta : EGC, 1998 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#142. 610.7 Wel f The foundation programme : the medics practical guide to thriving and surviving Oleh: Welfare, Mark London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#148. 610.7 Ser 125 tahun pendidikan dokter di Indonesia, 1851-1976 Oleh: Jakarta : Panitia Peringatan 125 tahun Pendidikan Dokter di Indonesia, 1976 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#149. 610.7 Ren Rencana penyempurnaan pendidikan kedokteran di Indonesia Oleh: Jakarta : Repro Indonesia, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#150. 610.7 Red p The process of patient education. Ed. 5 Oleh: Redman, Barbara Klug St. Louis : Mosby, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#151. 610.7 Pro Prosiding seminar nasional hasil penelitian perguruan tinggi tanggal 7 s/d 11 januari 1995 di Sawangan Bogor Oleh: Jakarta : Depdikbud, 1995 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#152. 610.7 Pri p Pengkajian fisik keperawatan, Ed.2 Oleh: Priharjo, Robert Jakarta : EGC, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#153. 610.7 Pri p Pengkajian fisik keperawatan Oleh: Priharjo, Robert Jakarta : EGC, 1996 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#154. 610.7 Pat Patient education: an inquiry into the State of the Art Oleh: New York : Springer, 1980 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#155. 610.7 Nur Nursing examination review book. Vol. 2: Psychiatric nursing Oleh: New York : Medical Examination, 1967 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#156. 610.7 Mur m Murtagh tip praktis untuk dokter, Ed.5 Oleh: Muetagh AM, John Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#157. 610.7 Mur d Desain dan ukuran sampel untuk penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif di bidang kesehatan Oleh: Murti, Bhisma Yogyakarta : Gadja Mada University Press, 2010 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#158. 610.7 Mur d Desain dan ukuran sampel untuk penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif di bidang kesehatan Oleh: Murti, Bhisma Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 2006 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#159. 610.7 Kus m Metode kualitatif dalam riset kesehatan Oleh: Kusnanto, hari Yogyakarta : UGM, 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#160. 610.7 Kom Komunikasi interpersonal dalam keperawatan : teori dan praktik Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1999 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#161. 610.7 Kin i Irresistible communication: creative skills for the health professional Oleh: King Philadelphia : B. Saunders, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#162. 610.7 Ind r Research methodology for nurses. Ed. 1 Oleh: Indrani, TK New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 66 of 269

#163. 610.7 Hai s Self-assessment of current knowledge in internal medicine : 1200 multiple choice questions and referenced answers Oleh: Haigler, E. David New York : Medical Examination, 1973 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#164. 610.7 Gor u USMLE road map family medicine Oleh: Gordon, Paul New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#165. 610.7 Gar m Memahami penelitian kedokteran : pedoman seorang praktisi Oleh: Garb, Jane L. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1999 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#166. 610.7 Ess Essential guide to educational supervision postgraduate medical education Oleh: United Kinfodm : Wiley, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#167. 610.7 Emi k Kompetensi dokter dan lingkungan belajar klinik di rumah sakit Oleh: Emilia, Ova Yogyakarta : UGM Press, 2008 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#168. 610.7 Edu Educational commission for foreign medical Oleh: USA : Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#169. 610.7 Dah l Langkah-langkah membuat proposal penelitian bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan

Oleh: Dahlan, M. Sopiyudin Jakarta : CV. Sagung Seto, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#170. 610.7 Dah l Langkah-langkah membuat proposal penelitian bidang kedokteran dan kesehatan Oleh: Dahlan, M. Sopiyudin Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2008 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#171. 610.7 Cur w Widening horizons in medical education : a study of the teaching of social and environmental factors in medicine 1945-1946 a refort of the joint ... Oleh: Curran, Jean A. New York : Commonwealth fund, 1948 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#172. 610.7 Bas p Perawat sebagai pendidik : prinsip-prinsip pengajaran dan pembelajaran (Nurse as educator : principles of teaching and learning) Oleh: Bastable, Susan B. Jakarta : EGC, 2002 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#173. 610.7 Abc Abc of learning and teaching in medicine, 2nd ed Oleh: United Kingdom : United States, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#174. 610.79 Wol b Being a nursing assistant Oleh: Wolgin, Francie New Jersey : Prentice Hall, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#175. 610.76 Und Understanding medical education : evidence, theory and practice Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 67 of 269

#176. 610.76 Pal n Notes for the MRCGP : a curriculum based guide to the AKT, CSA and WBPA, 4th Ed. Oleh: Palmer, Keith United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#177. 610.76 Lan Lange Q & A emt-paramedic (P) self-assessment & review, 2nd ed Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#178. 610.76 Hen b Buku saku kedokteran berbasis-bukti, Ed.2 Oleh: Heneghan, Carl jakarta : EGC, 2011 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#183. 610.76 Gol l Lange practice tests USMLE step 1, 2nd ed Oleh: Goldberg, Joel S. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#184. 610.76 Gol a Appleton & Lange's outline review for the usmle step 3. Ed. 3 Oleh: Goldberg, Joel S. New York : Appleton & Lange Reviews/McGraw-Hill, 2001 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#185. 610.76 Gol a Appleton & lange practice tests : USMLE step 1 practice tests Oleh: Goldberg, Joel S New York : Appleton & Lange/McGraw-Hill, 2003 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#179. 610.76 Gre m Medical record library science examination review book : 2300 multiple choice questions and referenced answers Oleh: Gregorio, Mary Pauline New York : , 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#186. 610.76 Fol t Teaching techniques : a handbook for health professionals Oleh: Foley, Richard P. New York : McGraw Hill, 1980 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#180. 610.76 Gol l Lange outline review USMLE Step 1, 2nd ed Oleh: Golberg, Joel S. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#181. 610.76 Gol l Lange outline review USMLE STEP 2, 5th ed Oleh: Goldberg, Joel S. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#182. 610.76 Gol l Lange outline review USMLE STEP 3, 5th ed Oleh: Goldberg, Joel S. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#187. 610.76 Fir First aid for the family medicine boards Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#188. 610.76 Fir First aid for the complex Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#189. 610.760 2 Mac Macleod's clinical examination, 12th ed Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2009 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 68 of 269

#190. 610.760 26 Fir First aid for the USMLE step 1 : a student to 2009 student guide Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#197. 610.73 Wil b Buku saku diagnosis keperawatan dengan intervensi NIC dan kriteria hasil NOC, Ed.7 Oleh: Wilkinson, Judith M. Jakarta : EGC, 2006 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#191. 610.760 26 Bri l Lange Q & A USMLE step 3, 4th ed Oleh: Briscoe, Donald A. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2005 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#198. 610.73 Wil b Buku saku diagnosis keperawatan diagnosis nanda, intervensi NIC dan kriteria hasil NOC, Ed.9 Oleh: Wilkinson, Judith M. Jakarta : EGC, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#192. 610.750 26 Fir First aid for the usmle step 3 : a resident-to-resident guide Oleh: Bosotn Burr Ridge : McGraw-Hill, 2005 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#199. 610.73 Wat p Perawatan pada lansia Oleh: Watson, Roger Jakarta : EGC, 2003 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#193. 610.74 Edw m Medical museum technology Oleh: Edwards, J. J. London : Oxford University Press, 1959 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#200. 61073 Wat h Human caring science : theory of nursing Oleh: Watson, Jean Canada : Jones And Bartlett, 2012 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#194. 610.73 Yed d Delivering primary health care : nurse practitioners at work Oleh: Yedidia, Michael J. Boston : Auburn House Publishing Company, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#201. 610.73 Tue p Prinsip-prinsip merawat berdasarkan pendekatan proses keperawatan Oleh: Tueng, Yoseph Jakarta : EGC, 1993 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#195. 610.73 Wor n Nursing practice Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#202. 610.73 Tom n Nursing teorists and their work Oleh: California : Mosby, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#203. 610.73 Tay f Fudamentals of nursing :the art and science of nursing care Oleh: Taylor, Carol Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1993 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#196. 610.73 Wil h Health assessment for nursing practice. Ed. 3 Oleh: Wilson, Susan F. St. Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#204. 610.73 Tar k Kebutuhan dasar manusia & proses keperawatan, Ed.3 Oleh: Tarwoto Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2006 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#205. 610.73 Tar k Kebutuhan dasar manusia dan proses keperawatan, Ed.4 Oleh: Tarwoto Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2010 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#206. 610.73 Tar k Kebutuhan dasar manusia dan proses keperawatan. ed. 3 Oleh: Tarwoto Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#207. 610.73 Tar k Kebutuhan dasar manusia & proses keperawatan, Ed.1 Oleh: Tarwoto Jakarta : Salemba Medica, 2003 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#208. 610.73 Tal p Pengkajian keperawatan kritis. Ed. 2 Oleh: Talbot, Laura A. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 13 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#209. 610.73 Sya k Komunikasi keperawatan Oleh: Sya'diyah, Hidayatus Yogyakarta : Yogyakarta, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#210. 610.73 Swa p Pengantar kepemimpinan & manajemen keperawatan untuk perawat klinis Oleh: Swanburg, Russel C. Jakarta : EGC, 2000 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#211. 610.73 Swa p Pengembangan staf keperawatan : suatu komponen pengembangan SDM Oleh: Swanburg, Russell C. Jakarta : EGC, 2001 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#212. 610.73 Sus k Keterampilan keperawatan dasar paket 1 Oleh: Susiati, Maria Jakarta : Erlangga, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#213. 610.73 Sur k Keperawatan anak untuk siswa SPK Oleh: Suryanah Jakarta : EGC, 1996 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#214. 610.73 Sun p Psikologi untuk keperawatan Oleh: Sunaryo Jakarta : EGC, 2004 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#215. 610.73 Sum p Psikologi untuk keperawatan, Ed.2 Oleh: Sunaryo Jakarta : EGC, 2013 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#216. 610.73 Sud a Asuhan keperawatan keluarga dengan pendekatan keperawatan transkultural Oleh: Sudiharto Jakarta : EGC, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#217. 610.73 Sua m Manajemen keperawatan dengan pendekatan praktis Oleh: Suarli, S. Jakarta : Erlangga, 20 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 70 of 269

#218. 610.73 Sto w Wellness nursing diagnosis for health promotion Oleh: Stolte, Karen M. Philadelphi : Lippincott, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#219. 610.73 Sto d Diagnosa keperawatan sejahtera = wellness nursing diagnosis Oleh: Stolte, Karen M. Jakarta : EGC, 2003 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#220. 610.73 Ste i Ilmu keperawatan Oleh: Stevens, P.J.M Jakarta : EGC, 1999 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#221. 610.73 Sta b Basic nurse assisting Oleh: Stassi, Mary E. St Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Saunders, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#222. 610.73 Sta Standar perawatan pasien : proses keperawatan, diagnosis dan evaluasi. Vol. 4, Ed. 5 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1993 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#223. 610.73 Sta Standar perawatan pasien : proses keperawatan, diagnosis dan evaluasi. Vol. 1, Ed. 5 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1998 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#224. 610.73 Sta Standar perawatan pasien : proses keperawatan, dan evaluasi. Vol. 2, Ed. 5 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1998 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#225. 610.73 Sta Standar perawatan pasien : proses keperawatan, diagnosis dan evaluasi. Vol. 3, Ed. 5 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1998 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#226. 610.73 Sta Standar perawatan pasien : perencanaan klaboratif & intervernsi keperawatan, Vol.2, Ed.7 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2008 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#227. 610.73 Sta Standar perawatan pasien : perencanaan kolaboratif & intervensi keperawatan 1, Ed.7 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2008 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#228. 610.73 Spe i Introduction to nursing, 3rd ed Oleh: Spencer, May Blackwell Scientific : Balckwell Scientific Publications, 1973 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#229. 610.73 Spa p Profesional nursing : trends and adjustments Oleh: Spalding, Eugenia Kennedy London : J.B.Lippincott, 1950 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#230. 610.73 Sof i Ilmu merawat orang sakit Oleh: Sofian, Ahmad Medan : Varekamp, 1952 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#231. 610.73 Soe p Pengantar filsafat ilmu keperawatan Oleh: Soemowinoto, Sarwoko Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2008 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#232. 610.73 Smi b Buku saku prosedur klinis keperawatan, Ed.5 Oleh: Smith-Temple, Jean Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#239. 610.73 San t Tips sukses di profesi keperawatan Oleh: Santosa, Puji Raharja Jakarta : Mitra Wacana Medika, 2012 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#233. 610.73 Sme t Textbook of medical-surgical nusing 1. Ed. 8 Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanna C. : Lippincott-Raven, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#240. 610.73 Sam n Nursing center : konsep dan aplikasi Oleh: Samba, Suharyati Jakarta : EGC, 2014 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#234. 610.73 Sme n Nurses' guide to clinical procedures Oleh: Smith-Temple Philadelphia : Lippincott, 2002 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#241. 610.73 Rub b Berpikir kritis dalam keperawatan Oleh: Rubenfeld, M. Gale Jakarta : EGC, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#235. 610.73 Sit m Model praktik keperawatan profesional di rumah sakit : penataan struktur & proses (sistem) pemberian asuhan keperawatan di ruang rawat Oleh: Sitorus, Ratna ; Yulia Jakarta : EGC, 2006 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#242. 610.73 Rub b Berpikir kritis dalam keperawatan, Ed.2 Oleh: Rubenfeld, M. Gaie Jakarta : EGC, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#236. 610.73 Sim p The Protection of nurse and... Oleh: Simmonds, F. A. H. London : The Chest and Heart Ass., 1960 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#237. 610.73 Set p Panduan praktis pengkajian fisik keperawatan, Ed.3 rev Oleh: Setiawati, Santun Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2008 20 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#238. 610.73 Set k Konsep & proses keperawatan keluarga Ed. 1 Oleh: Setiadi Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2008 30 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#243. 610.73 Ros m Manajemen kepemimpinan dalam keperawatan Oleh: Rosyidi MN, Kholid Jakarta : TIM, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#244. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar keperawatan dasar. Vol. 2 edisi 10 Oleh: Rosdhal, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2014 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#245. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar keperawatan dasar vol. 3 ed.10 Oleh: Rosdhal, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#246. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar Keperawatan dasar. Vol. 5 Oleh: Rosdhal, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#253. 610.73 Rei p Pengajaran klinis dalam pendidikan keperawatan Oleh: Reilly, Dorothy E. Jakarta : EGC, 2002 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#247. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar keperawatan dasar vol. 4 ed.10 Oleh: Rosdahl, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2014 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#254. 610.73 Red p The process of patient teaching in nursing Oleh: Redman, Barbara Klug Saint Louis : Mosby, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#248. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar keperawatan dasar Vol. 1, Ed.10 Oleh: Rosdahl, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2014 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#255. 610.73 Red c Consepts and case studies in nursing: a life cycle approach Oleh: Redmond,Gertrude T. Menlo Park, California : Addison Wesley, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#249. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar keperawatan dasar vol. 3 ed.10 Oleh: Rosdahl, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#250. 610.73 Ros b Buku ajar keperawatan dasar, Vol. 2, Ed.10 Oleh: Rosdahl, Caroline Bunker Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#251. 610.73 Roh p Proses keperawatan : teori dan aplikasi dilengkapi dengan NO-NI dan aplikasi pada berbagai kasus Oleh: Rohmah, Nikmatur Jakarta : Ar-Ruzz Media, 2016 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#252. 610.73 Rid p Pendidikan keperawatan berdasarkan problem-based learning Oleh: Rideout, Elizabeth Jakarta : EGC, 2005 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#256. 610.73 Rea n The nursing school : a human relationships laboratory Oleh: Read, Katherine H. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1950 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#257. 610.73 Pro Proses keperawatan Oleh: Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia, 1990 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#258. 610.73 Pri t Tehnik dasar pemberian obat bagi perawat Oleh: Priharjo, Robert Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#259. 610.73 Pra Praktik keperawatan profesional konsep & perspektif Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2006 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#260. 610.73 Pra Praktik keperawatan berbasis bukti & pasien kanker Oleh: Jakarta : TIM, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#261. 610.73 Pra Praktik laboratorium keperawatan 1 Oleh: Jakarta : Erlangga, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#262. 610.73 Pra Praktik laboratorium keperawatan 2 Oleh: Jakarta : Erlangga, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#263. 610.73 Pot p Pengkajian kesehatan, Ed. 3 Oleh: Potter, Patricia A. Jakarta : EGC, 1996 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#264. 610 73 Pot f Fundamentals of nursing :concepts, process & practice. Ed. 3 Oleh: Potter, Patricia London : Mosby Year Book, 1992 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#265. 610.73 Pot c Clinical nursing skills techniques Oleh: Potter, Perry America : Elsivier Mosby, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#266. 610.73 Pot b Buku ajar fundamental keperawatan : konsep, proses, dan praktik, Vol.1, Ed.4 Oleh: Pooter, Patricia A. Jakarta : EGC, 2005 18 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#267. 610.73 Pot b Buku ajar fundamental keperawatan : konsep, proses, dan praktik, Vol.2, Ed.4 Oleh: Pooter, Patricia A. Jakarta : EGC, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#268. 610.73 Per k Keterampilan dan prosedur dasar Oleh: Perry, Anne Griffin Jakarta : EGC, 1999 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#269. 610.73 Per c Clinical nursing skills techniques Oleh: Perry, Anne Griffin America : Elsevier Mosby, 2006 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#270. 610.73 Per b Buku saku keterampilan & prosedur dasar, Ed.5 Oleh: Perry, Anne Griffin Jakarta : EGC, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#271. 610.73 Per Perspectives on nursing theory. Ed. 4 Oleh: Philadelphia : Lippincot Williams & Wilkins, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#272. 610.73 Pen Pendidikan kesehatan dalam keperawatan Oleh: Suliha, Usa, Herawani, Sumiati dan Yeti Resnayati Jakarta : EGC, 2002 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#273. 610.73 Pel Pelatihan paramedik tingkat nasional dalam peningkatan pemanfaatan air susu ini dan rawat gabung di rumah sakit Oleh: Jakarta : Perkumpulan Perinatologi Indonesia, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 74 of 269

#274. 610.73 Pat Patient care procedures Oleh: Honolulu, Hawaii : University of Hawaii, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#275. 610.73 Pan Panduan Diagnosa Keperawatan Nanda 2005-2006 : definisi & klasifikasi Oleh: : Prima Medika, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#276. 610.73 Pan Panduan pengalaman belajar lapangan : keperawatan keluarga, keperawatan gerontik, keperawatan komunitas Oleh: Ekasari, Mia Fatma...[et.al] Jakarta : EGC, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#277. 610.73 Pad b Buku ajar : keperawatan keluarga Oleh: Padila Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#278. 610.73 Onn e Etika perawatan Oleh: Onny B.I Jakarta : Bhratara Karya Aksara, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#279. 610.73 Nur p Pendidikan keperawatan Oleh: Nurhidayah, Rika Endah Medan : USU Press, 2009 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#280. 610.73 Nur p Pendidikan dalam keperawatan Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2008 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#281. 610.73 Nur p Proses dan dokumentasi keperawatan : konsep dan praktik, Ed.2 Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2009 20 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#282. 610.73 Nur p Proses keperawatan nanda, noc dan nic Oleh: Nurjannah, Intansari Yogyakarta : Moco Media, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#283. 610.73 Nur p Proses & dokumentasi keperawatan : konsep & praktik Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2001 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#284. 610.73 Nur m Manajemen keperawatan : aplikasi dalam praktik keperawatan profesional, Ed.2 Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2007 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#285. 610.73 Nur m Manajemen keparawatan: Aplikasi dalam praktik keperawatan profesional Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#286. 610.73 Nur m Metodologi penelitian ilmu keperawatan : pendekatan praktis, Ed.4 Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2016 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#287. 610.73 Nur m Metodologi riset keperawatan : pendekatan praktis Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 75 of 269

#288. 610.73 Nur m Manajemen keperawatan : aplikasi dalam praktik keperawatan propesional. Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2002 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#295. 610.73 Nur Nursing outcomes classification (NOC) outcomes project Oleh: America : Mosby, 2004 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#289. 610.73 Nur m Manajemen keperawatan: aplikasi dalam praktik keperawatan profesional, ed. 3 Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2011 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#296. 610.73 Nur Nursing outcomes classification (NOC) Oleh: Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, 2013 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#290. 610.73 Nur k Konsep dan penerapan metodologi penelitian ilmu keperawatan : pedoman skripsi, tesis dan instrumen penelitian keperawatan Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba, 2003 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#291. 610.73 Nur i Isda : intan's screening diagnoses assesment Oleh: Nurjannah, Intansari Yogyakarta : UGM, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#292. 610.73 Nur e English in nursing midwifery science and technology Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2010 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#293. 610.73 Nur Nursing interventions classification (NIC). Ed. 2 Oleh: St.Louis, Missouri : Mosby, 1996 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#294. 610.73 Nur Nursing ethics. Ed. 5 Oleh: Edinburgh : Elsevier, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------



#297. 610.73 Nur Nursing Interventions classification (NIC) Oleh: Singapore : Elsevier, 2016 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#298. 610.73 Nur Nursing outcomes classification (NOC) : pengukuran outcomes kesehatan Oleh: Singapore : Mosby Elsevier, 2016 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#299. 610.73 Noo s Sosiologi keperawatan Oleh: Noorkasiani Jakarta : EGC, 2009 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#300. 610.73 Net p Pedoman praktik keperawatan (Lippincott's pocket manual of Nursing practice) Oleh: Nettina, Sandra M. Jakarta : EGC, 2001 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#301. 610.73 Net l Lippincott manual of nursing practice Oleh: Nattina, Sandra M. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 76 of 269

#302. 610.73 Nan Nanda, noc, and nic linkages : nursing diagnoses, outcomes & interventions. Ed. 2 Oleh: Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#309. 610.73 Mor c Caring & communication : hubungan interpersonal dalam keperawatan. Ed. 2 Oleh: Morrison, Paul Jakarta : EGC, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#303. 610.73 Nab d Disaster nursing Oleh: Nabbe, Frances Crouch New Jersey : Litlefield Adams, 1963 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#310. 610.73 Mon n Nursing arts Oleh: Montag, Mildred L. London : W. B. Saunders, 1948 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#304. 610.73 Mut p Pengkajian keperawatan : aplikasi pada praktik klinik Oleh: Muttaqin, Arif Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2010 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#311. 610.73 Mon k Kepemimpinan dan manajemen keperawatan pendekatan berdasarkan pengalaman Oleh: Monica, Elaine Lynne La Jakarta : EGC, 0000 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#305. 610.73 Mur p Pengantar konsep dasar keperawatan Oleh: Murwani, Arita Yogyakarta : Fitramaya, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#306. 610.73 Mur k Keterampilan dasar praktek klinik keperawatan Oleh: Murwani, Arita Yogyakarta : Fitramaya, 2009 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#307. 610.73 Mun k Komunikasi keperawatan : aplikasi dalam pelayanan Oleh: Mundakir Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2006 25 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#308. 610.73 Mub b Buku ajar kebutuhan dasar manusia : teori & aplikasi dalam praktik Oleh: Mubarak, Wahit Iqbal Jakarta : EGC, 2007 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#312. 610.73 Med Medical surgical nursing: a conceptual approach Oleh: New York : McGraw Hill Book, 1982 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#313. 610.73 Med Medical-surgical nursing Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#314. 610.73 Mcf n Nursing Implications of Laboratory Test Oleh: Mcfarland, Mary Brambilla Canada : Delmar, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#315. 610.73 Mce t Theoretical basis for nursing. Ed. 2 Oleh: Mcewen, Melanie Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 77 of 269

#316. 610.73 Mar n Nursing documentation handbook Oleh: Marrelli, T.M ST. Louis : Mosby, 2000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#317. 610.73 Mar m Modular workbook for nursing fundamentals Oleh: Marcus, Carol R. Menlo Park, California : Addison Wesley, 1983 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#318. 610.73 Mar b Buku saku dokumentasi keperawatan Oleh: Marrelli, T.M. Jakarta : EGC, 2007 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#319. 610.73 Mar b Buku ajar berpikir kritis dalam proses keperawatan Oleh: Maryam, Siti Jakarta : EGC, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#320. 610.73 Mak Making health care decision Oleh: Washington D.C : President's Commision for the Study of Ethical Pro, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#321. 610.73 Lon m Maternal-Newborn nursing care: a workbook Oleh: London, Marcia L. Menlo Park, California : Addison Wesley, 1988 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#322. 610.73 Lic LPS (Lincensed Practical Nurse) exam review : concise rapid effective 3500 + rapid-fire questions with the correct answer only covers all topics on the NCLEX-PN exam key facts and pearls you need to know contain essential facts for exam success the best rapid, lastminute review for the LPN exam Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2006 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#323. 610.73 Lew m Medical-surgical nursing:assessment and management of clinical problems Oleh: Lewis, Sharon Mantik New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1983 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#324. 610.73 Led c Conseptual basaes of professional nursing Oleh: Leddy, Susan Kun Philadelphia : Lippincot, 1998 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#325. 610.73 Lal k Komunikasi keperawatan : metode berbicara asuhan keperawatan Oleh: Lalongkoe, Maksimus Ramses Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#326. 610.73 Lad g Guide to nursing diagnosis Oleh: Ladwig, Gail B. America : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#327. 610.73 Kus s Soft skills caring : dalam pelayanan keperawatan Oleh: Kusmiran, Eny Jakarta : TIM, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#328. 610.73 Koz t Techniques in clinical nursing Oleh: Kozier, Barbara Redwood City, California : Addison Wesley, 1989 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#329. 610.73 Koz p Professional nursing practice : concepts perspectives Oleh: Kozier, Barbara California : Addison Wesley Longman, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


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#330. 610.73 Koz p Procedures supplement for fundamentals of nursing Oleh: Kozier, Barbara Blackwood Menlo Park : Addison Wesley, 1984 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#337. 610.73 Kel p Proses keperawatan kedaruratan klien gangguan alam perasaan = mania & depresi berat Oleh: Keliat, Budi Anna Medan : , 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#331. 610.73 kol Kolaborasi perawat-dokter : perawatan orang dewasa dan lansia Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1999 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#332. 610.73 Kim d Diagnosa keperawatan = poket quide to nursing diagnoses Oleh: Kim, Mi Ja Jakarta : EGC, 1994 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#333. 610.73 Ket Keterampilan dan prosedur laboratorium keperawatan dasar Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2006 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#334. 610.73 Ket Keterampilan & prosedur laboratorium keperawatan dasar, Ed.2 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2012 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#335. 610.73 Kep Keperawatan Bencana Oleh: Banda Aceh : Palang Merah Indonesia, 2009 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#336. 610.73 Kep Keperawatan bencana Oleh: Banda Aceh : Palang Merah Indonesia, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#338. 610.73 Kel p Proses keperawatan Oleh: Keliat, Budi Anna Jakarta : EGC, 1991 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#339. 610.73 Kel d Dimensions of professional nursing Oleh: Kelly, Cordelia W. New York : Macmillan, 1968 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#340. 610.73 Kee m Medical surgical nursing : a nursing process approach Oleh: Keene, Annabelle M. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1991 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#341. 610.73 Kas t Teori keperawatan dan tokohnya Oleh: Kasron Jakarta : Trans Infor Media, 2016 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#342. 610.73 Kar p Pengantar komunikasi bagi siswa perawat Oleh: Karyoso Jakarta : EGC, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#343. 610.73 Kar p Pengantar komunikasi bagi siswa perawat Oleh: Kariyoso Jakarta : EGC, 1994 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#344. 610.73 Jum a Asuhan keperawatan perinatal Oleh: Jumiarni Jakarta : EGC, 1994 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#351. 610.73 Ilm Ilmu perawatan orang sakit. Jilid 1 Oleh: Jakarta : J.B. Wolters-Groningen, 1951 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#345. 610.73 Jam p Prinsip-prinsip sains untuk keperawatan Oleh: James, Joyce Jakarta : Erlangga, 2008 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#352. 610.73 Hut k Konsep dan dokumentasi proses keperawatan Oleh: Hutahaean, Ns. Serri Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2010 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#346. 610.73 Iye d Dokumentasi keperawatan : suatu pendekatan proses keperawatan Oleh: Iyer, Patricia Jakarta : EGC, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#353. 610.73 Hoe r Rehabilitation nursing : process, application & outcomes. Ed. 3 Oleh: Hoeman, Shirley P ST. Louis : Mosby, 2002 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#347. 610.73 Ind s Sinopsis dasar-dasar keperawatan Oleh: Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Pusat Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#354. 610.73 Hin p Physiology for nursing practice. Ed. 2 Oleh: Hinchliff, Susan M London : Bailliere Tindall, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#348. 610.73 Ind p Peralatan Medis Esensial untuk Puskemas dalam Gambar Oleh: Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan : Departemen Kesehatan, 1984 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#355. 610.73 Hid r Riset keperawatan dan teknik penulisan ilmiah. Ed. 2 Oleh: Hidayat, A. Aziz Alimul Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#349. 610.73 Imr g General nursing midwifery sciences Oleh: Imron, Ali Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2010 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#350. 610.73 Ilm Ilmu keperawatan (Verpleegkundige Zorg) Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1999 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#356. 610.73 Hid r Riset keperawatan dan teknik penulisan ilmiah. Ed. 2 Oleh: Hidayat, A. Aziz Alimul Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#357. 610.73 Hid p Pangantar konsep dasar keperawatan. Jil. 1, Ed. 2 Oleh: Hidayat, A Aziz Alimul Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2007 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#358. 610.73 Hid p Pengantar dokumentasi proses keperawatan Oleh: Hidayat, Aziz Alimul Jakarta : EGC, 2001 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#359. 610.73 Hid p Pengantar kebutuhan dasar manusia 2, Ed.2 Oleh: Hidayat, A. Aziz Alimul Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#360. 610.73 Hid p Pengantar konsep dasar keperawatan, Ed.2 Oleh: Hidayat, A. Aziz Alimul Jakarta : Salemba Medica, 2004 46 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#361. 610.73 Hid k Kebutuhan dasar manusia Oleh: Hidayat, A. aziz Jakarta : EGC, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#362. 610.73 Hid b Buku saku praktikum kebutuhan dasar manusia Oleh: Hidayat, A.Aziz Alimul Jakarta : EGC, 2005 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#363. 610.73 Hic n Nursing science : matter energy in the human body Oleh: Hicman, Ray South Melbourne : Macmillan Education Astralia, 1995 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#364. 610.73 Har k Konsep dasar keperawatan dengan pemetaan konsep (concept mapping) Oleh: Haryanto Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2007 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#365. 610.73 Han k Kecakapan pendelegasian klinis : pedoman untuk perawat Oleh: Hansten, Ruth I Jakarta : EGC, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#366. 610.73 Ham r Riset keperawatan : buku ajar Oleh: Hamid, Achir Yani S. Jakarta : EGC, 1999 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#367. 610.73 Ham p Pidato ilmiah : konstribusi ilmu keperawatan dalam pembangunan kesehatan Oleh: Hamid, Achir Yani S. Jakarta : UI, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#368. 610.73 Ham d Dasar-dasar keperawatan maternitas. Ed. 6 Oleh: Hamilton, Persis Mary Jakarta : EGC, 1995 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#369. 610.73 Ham b Buku ajar aspek spritual dalam keperawatan Oleh: Hamid, Achir Yani S Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1999 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#370. 610.73 Gro p Perioperative nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: Groah, Linda K Stamford : Appleton & Lange, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#371. 610.73 Gri n Nursing 2 : oxford english for careers Oleh: Grice, Tony New York : Oxford University Press, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 81 of 269

#372. 610.73 Gra s Scientific principles in nursing. Ed. 7 Oleh: Gragg, Shirley Hawke Saint Louis : Mosby Company, 1974 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#379. 610.73 Gib m Modern medicine for nurses Oleh: Gibson, John London : Blackwell scientific, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#373. 610.73 Gor n Nursing diagnosis: process and application Oleh: Gordon, Marjory New York : McGraw Hill, 1982 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#380. 610.73 Gaf p Pengantar keperawatan profesional Oleh: Gaffar, La Ode Jumadi Jakarta : EGC, 1999 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#374. 610.73 Goo p Panduan tindakan keperawatan klinik praktis : the nurse's survival guide : a complete clinical quick reference guide Oleh: Goodner, Brenda Jakarta : EGC, 1994 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#381. 610.73 Fun Fundamentals of nursing : collaborating for optimal health Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton & Lange, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#375. 610.73 God p Principles of administration applied to nursing service Oleh: Goddard, H.A. Geneva : WHO, 1958 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#376. 610.73 Gil m Manajemen keperawatan : suatu pendekatan sistem. Ed. 2 Oleh: Gillies, Dee Ann Philadelphia : WB Saunders, 1989 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#377. 610.73 Gig t Transcultural nursing : assessment and intervention. Ed. 2 Oleh: Giger, Joyce Newman ST. Louis : Mosby, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#378. 610.73 Gid s Student lab guide for health assessment for nursing practice. Ed. 3 Oleh: Giddens, Jean Foret St. Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#382. 610.73 Fun Fundamentals of nursing : concepts, process, and practice Oleh: : Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#383. 610.73 Fun Fundamentals of nursing : concepts, process and practice 1. Ed. 7 Oleh: New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#384. 610.73 Fun Fundamentals of nursing : concepts, process and practice 2. Ed. 7 Oleh: New Jersey : Pearson Education, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#385. 610.73 Fiv n Nursing evaluation : the problem and the process : the critical incident technique Oleh: Fivars, Grace New York : Macmillan, 1966 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 82 of 269

#386. 610.73 Fit p Prinsip dasar dan aplikasi penulisan laporan pendahuluan dan strategi pelaksanaan tindakan keperawatan (LP dan SP) : untuk 7 diagnosis keperawatan jiwa berat bagi program S-1 keperawatan Oleh: Fitria, Nita Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2009 24 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#393. 610.73 Doe r Rencana asuhan keperawatan : pedoman untuk perencanaan dan pendokumentasian perawatan pasien, ed.3 Oleh: Doenges, Marilynn E. Jakarta : EGG, 1999 17 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#387. 610.73 Fas Fast methods of formulating nursing diagnoses : for diagnostic reasoning in nursing Oleh: Yogyakarta : Moco Media, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#388. 610.73 Elk n Nursing interventions & clinical skills. Ed. 2 Oleh: Elkin, Martha Keene London : Mosby, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#389. 610.73 Eff p Pengantar proses keperawatan Oleh: Effendy, Nasrul Jakarta : EGC, 1996 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#390. 610.73 Edu Educating nurses : a call for radical transformation Oleh: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#391. 610.73 Dos h Holistic nursing : a handbook for practice Oleh: Dossey, Barbara Montgomery Burlington : Jones & Bartlett, 2016 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#392. 610.73 Dok Dokumentasi keperawatan Oleh: Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2009 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#394. 610.73 Doe p Penerapan proses keperawatan dan keperawatan Oleh: Doenges, Marilynn E. Jakarta : EGC, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#395. 610.73 Doe n Nursing care plans: guidelines for planning and documenting patient care Oleh: Doenges, Marilynn E. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, 1993 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#396. 610.73 Dem r Riset keperawatan : Buku ajar dan latihan Oleh: Dempsey, Patricia Ann Jakarta : EGC, 2002 13 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#397. 610.73 Dav Davidson's fundamentals of clinical practice Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#398. 610.73 Dan r Riset keperawatan : sejarah metodologi Oleh: Danim, Sudarwan Jakarta : EGC, 2003 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#399. 610.73 Cul m Modern Bedside nursing Oleh: Culver, Vivian M. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 83 of 269

#400. 610.73 Cre s Sains dalam keperawatan: fisika, kimia, biologi. Ed. 4 Oleh: Cree, Larie jakarta : EGC, 2005 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#407. 610.73 Car n Nursing diagnosis : application to clinical practice Oleh: Carpenito, Lynda Juall Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#401. 610.73 Cra f Fundamentals of nursing. Ed. 6 Oleh: Craven, Ruth F. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#408. 610.73 Car d Buku pegangan dosen diagnosa keperawatan : aplikasi pada praktik klinis Oleh: Carpenito, Lynda Juall Jakarta : EGC, 1999 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#402. 610.73 Con Conceptual foundations: the bridge to professional nursing practice. Ed. 3 Oleh: Creasia, Joan L. London : Mosby, 2001 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#409. 610.73 Car d Diagnosa keperawatan : aplikasi pada praktik klinis Oleh: Carpenito, Lynda Juall Jakarta : EGC, 1998 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#403. 610.73 Com p A program for the nursing profession Oleh: The Committee on the Function of Nursing New York : The Macmillan, 1950 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#410. 610.73 Car b Buku saku diagnosis keperawatan, Ed.13 Oleh: Carpenito-Moyet, Lynda Juall Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#404. 610.73 Com Complementary alternative therapies in nursing Oleh: New York : Spriger, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#411. 610.73 Cam n Nurse to nurse palliative care Oleh: Campbell, Margaret L. New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#405. 610.73 Cas s Strategies, techniques, & approaches to thinking : critical thinking cases in nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: Castillo America : Saunders Elsevier, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#412. 610.73 Buk Buku saku komunikasi keperawatan Oleh: Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2009 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#406. 610.73 Car r Rencana asuhan & dokumentasi keperawatan : diagnosa keperawatan dan masalah kolaboratif Oleh: Carpenito, Lynda Juall Jakarta : EGC, 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#413. 610.73 Buk Buku ajar praktik keperawatan klinis : Kozier and Erb, Ed.5 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 84 of 269

#414. 610.73 Buk Buku ajar fundamental keperawatan : konsep, proses, dan praktik, Vol.1, Ed.7 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#415. 610.73 Buk Buku ajar fundamental keperawatan : konsep, proses, dan praktik, Vol.2, Ed.7 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#421. 610.73 Ble w Workbook in bedside maternity nursing Oleh: Bleier, Inge J. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#422. 610.73 Bla l Luckmann and Sorensen's Medical-Surgical Nursing : a psychophysiologic approach Oleh: Black, Joyce M. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1993 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#416. 610.73 Bud k Konsep dasar keperawatan Oleh: Budiono Jakarta : Bumi Medika, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#423. 610.73 Ben f From novice to expert : excellence and power in clinical nursing practice Oleh: Benner, Patricia London : Addison Wesley, 1989 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#417. 610.73 Bro d Dasar - dasar riset keperawatan Oleh: Brockopp, Dorothy Young Jakarta : EGC, 1999 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#424. 610.73 Bel n Nursing assessment and diagnosis Oleh: Bellack, Janis P. Boston : Jones and Barlett, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#418. 610.73 Bri p Physiology of the retina and the visual pathway Oleh: Brindley, G.S. London : Edward Arnold, 1960 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#425. 610.73 Bas t Teori & praktik keperawatan: pendekatan integral pada asuhan pasien Oleh: Basford, Lynn Jakarta : EGC, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#419. 610.73 Bou i Ilmu keperawatan (Verpleegkunde ZV) Oleh: Bouwhuizen, M Jakarta : EGC, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#420. 610.73 Bou i Ilmu keperawatan (Verpleegkunde ZV) Oleh: Bouwhuizen, M. Jakarta : EGC, 1996 14 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#426. 610.73 Bas Basic Nursing Oleh: New York : The Macmillan, 1957 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#427. 610.73 Bar n Nursing theory: analysis, application, evaluation Oleh: Barnum, Barbara J. Stevens Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott Company, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 85 of 269

#428. 610.73 Bac c A colour atlas of nursing procedures : in accidents & emergencies Oleh: Bache, John B. Weert, Netherlands : Wolfe Medical, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#429. 610.73 Azi k Keperawatan lanjut usia Oleh: Azizah, Lilik Ma'rifatul Surabaya : Graha ilmu, 2011 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#430. 610.73 Att b Belajar merawat di bangsal bedah Oleh: Attre, Moira Jakarta : EGC, 1996 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#431. 610.73 Asu Asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan gangguan sistem persarafan Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1996 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#432. 610.73 Asm t Teknik prosedural keperawatan: konsep dan aplikasi kebutuhan dasar klien Oleh: Asmadi Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2008 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#433. 610.73 Asm k Konsep dasar keperawatan Oleh: Asmadi Jakarta : EGC, 2008 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#434. 610.73 Anw e Excellent service for nurses : spirit to heal, passion to serve Oleh: Anwar Bogor : In Media, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#435. 610.73 All n Nursing theory utilization & application Oleh: Alligood, Martha Raile St Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#436. 610.73 All m Memahami proses keperawatan dengan pendekatan latihan Oleh: Allen, Carol Vestal Jakarta : EGC, 1998 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#437. 610.73 Ali p Pengantar kebutuhan dasar manusia : aplikasi konsep dan proses keperawatan 2 Oleh: Alimul H., A. Aziz Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2006 22 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#438. 610.73 Ali p Pengantar pendidikan keperawatan Oleh: Alimul A. Aziz Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2002 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#439. 610.73 Ali p Pengantar kebutuhan dasar manusia : aplikasi konsep dan proses keperawatan 1 Oleh: Alimul H., A. Aziz Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2006 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#440. 610.73 Ali p Pengantar keperawatan keluarga Oleh: Ali, Zaidin Jakarta : EGC, 2009 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#441. 610.73 Ali d Dasar-dasar perencanaan keperawatan Oleh: Ali, Zaidin Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2010 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 86 of 269

#442. 610.73 Ali d Dasar-dasar dokumnetasi keperawatan Oleh: Ali, Zaidin Jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#449. 610.737 Law l Lawton and Foy's textbook for medical assistants Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#443. 610.73 Alf a Applying Nursing Process : a step by step guide Oleh: Alfaro-LeFevre, Rosalinda Pennsylvania : J.B Lippincott, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#450. 610.73 78 Hig High risk maternity nursing manual. Ed. 2 Oleh: Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#444. 610.73 Ack n Nursing diagnosis handbook : a guide to planning care, Vol.1, Ed.7 Oleh: Ackley, Betty J. St Luis : Mosby, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#451. 610.737 07 You k Kinn's the medical assitant : an applied learning approach, 9th ed Oleh: Young, Alexandra P. St Louis : Saunder, 2003 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#445. 610.73 Ack n Nursing diagnosis handbook : a guide to planning care, Vol 2, Ed.7 Oleh: Ackley, Betty J. St Luis : Mosby, 2006 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#452. 610.737 07 Esh b Buku saku untuk dokter praktik di layanan primer, Ed.2 Oleh: Esherick, Joseph S. Jakarta : EGC, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#446. 610.739 Uli p POMR : application to nursing records Oleh: Ulisse, Gael Catabia Menlo Park,Calipornia : Addison Wesley, 1978 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#447. 610.73 92 Roy r The roy adaptation model : the definitive statement Oleh: Roy, Sister Callista California : Appleton & Lange, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#448. 610.737 Sch b Being a nursing asistant. Ed. 3 Oleh: Schniedman, Rose B. Bowie, Maryland : The Robert J. Brady, 1982 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#453. 610.737 07 Car m Medical boards step 1 : made ridiculously simple Oleh: Carl, Andreas Miami : Medmaster, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#454. 610.737 069 Iss Issues in data synthesis Oleh: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#455. 610.736 Urd p Priorities critical care nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: Urden, Linda D. Philadepia : Mosby, 1996 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#456. 610.736 Tat Tatacara perawatan : untuk juru rawat pelatih dan pelajar-pelajar para -perubatan Oleh: Kuala Lumpur : Kementrian Pelajaran Malaysia, 1975 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#463. 610.736 Kam c A colour atlas of geriatric medicine Oleh: Kamal, Asif London : Wolfe Medical Publications, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#457. 610.736 Sur c Cara merawat bayi dan anak anak Oleh: Suryabudhi, Maria Bandung : Pioner Jaya, 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#464. 610.736 Jun p Pedoman pertolongan pertama yang harus dilakukan saat gawat & darurat medis Oleh: Junaidi, Iskandar Yogyakarta : Andi, 2011 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#458. 610.736 Pur k Kedaruratan Medik : Pedoman Penatalaksanaan Praktis Oleh: Purwadianto, Agus Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#465. 610.736 Ind k Konseling bagi ibu Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Jakarta : Depkes. Republik Indonesia, 2008 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#459. 610.736 Pil b Buku saku perawatan kesehatan ibu & anak Oleh: Pillitteri, Adele Jakarta : EGC, 2002 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#466. 610.736 Hol r Rujukan cepat (start facts) = keperawatan klinis Oleh: Holloway, Brenda Walters Jakarta : EGC, 2003 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#460. 610.736 Nur a Asuhan keperawatan bayi dan anak (untuk perawat dan bidan) Oleh: Nursalam Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2005 22 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#461. 610.736 Nur Nursing assesment and strategies for family at risk Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincot, 1986 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#462. 610.736 Mat b Belajar merawat di bangsal penyakit dalam = learning to care on the medical ward Oleh: Matthews, Arline Jakarta : EGC, 1995 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#467. 610.736 Har g Gawat darurat medis praktis Oleh: Hardisman Yogyakarta : Goysen, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#468. 610.736 Ebr a Air susu Ibu Oleh: Ebrahim, G.J. Yogyakarta : Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#469. 610.736 Dal r Ramuan tradisional untuk pengobatan kanker Oleh: Dalimartha, Setiawan Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya, 1999 20 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 88 of 269

#470. 610.736 9 Wor f Fact sheets on hiv/aids for nurses and midwives Oleh: World Health Organization New Delhi : WHO, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#471. 610.736 9 Mac c Care of patients with urologic problems Oleh: McConnell, Edwina A. London : J. B. Lippincott, 1983 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#472. 610.736 99 Pri k Kebutuhan dasar keselamatan pasien Oleh: Priyoto Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#473. 610.736 98 Sto Stoma care nursing : A patient-centred approach Oleh: London : Arnold, 1996 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#474. 610.736 92 Wah k Keperawatan medokal bedah : asuhan keperawatan pada gangguan sistem respirasi Oleh: Wahid, Ns. Abd Jakarta : TIM, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#475. 610.736 92 Kel r Resperatory nursing care Oleh: Keller, Colleen Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#476. 610.736 92 Fra p Perawatan respiratori Oleh: Francis, Caia Jakarta : Erlangga, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#477. 610.736 91 Dea w Workbook to accompany intensive coronary care. Ed. 4 Oleh: Deal, Jacquelyn Bowie : Maryland Robert, 1983 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#478. 610.736 910 23 Asp b Buku ajar asuhan keperawatan kardiovaskular : aplikasi NIC & NOC Oleh: Aspiani, Reny Yuli Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#479. 610.736 8 Wil p Psychiatric nursing. Ed. 2 Oleh: Wilson, Holly Skodol Menlo Park, California : Addison Wesley, 1983 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#480. 610.736 8 Wil p Psychiatric nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: Wilson, Hally Skodol Reading, Massachusetts : Addison-Wesley, 1988 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#481. 610.736 8 Var p Psychiatric nursing clinical guide assessment tools & diagnosis Oleh: Varcarolis, Elizabeth M. Philadelpia : W.B. Saunders, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#482. 610.736 8 Tow C. Buku saku diagnosa keperawatan pada keperawatan psikiatri : pedoman untuk pembuatan rencana perawatan. Ed. 3 Oleh: Townsend, Mary C. Jakarta : EGC, 1998 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#483. 610.736 8 Stu p Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: Stuart, Gail Wiscarz ST. Louis : CV. Mosby Company, 1987 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#484. 610.736 8 Stu p Principles and practice of psychiatric nursing. Ed. 7 Oleh: Stuart, Gail W. St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby, 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#485. 610.736 8 Raw c Clinical manual of psychiatric nursing. Ed. 2 Oleh: Rawlins, Ruth Parmelee St. Louis : Mosby Year Book, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#486. 610.736 8 Okt a Asuhan keperawatan pada sistem neurobehavior Oleh: Oktavianus Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#487. 610.736 8 Men Mental health nursing : an evidence-based approach Oleh: New York : Churchill Livingstone, 2000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#488. 610.736 8 Mat p Psychiatric nursing. Ed. 6 Oleh: Matheney, Ruth V. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#489. 610.736 8 Kne h Handbook of psychosocial nursing care Oleh: Kneisl, Carol Ren Menlo Park, California : Addison-Wesley, 1984 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#490. 610.736 8 Kel g Gangguan koping, citra tubuh, dan seksual pada klien kanker Oleh: Keliat, Budi Anna Jakarta : EGC, 1998 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#491. 610.736 8 Isa p Panduan Belajar : keperawatan kesehatan jiwa dan psikiatrik. Ed. 3 Oleh: Isaacs, Ann Jakarta : EGC, 2004 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#492. 610.736 8 Hic c The clinical practice of Nerological and neurosurgical nursing Oleh: Hickey, Joanne V Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#493. 610.736 8 Hic c The clinical practice of neorological and neorosurgical nursing. Ed. 2 Oleh: Hickey, Joanne V Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1986 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#494. 610 736 8 Gil m Manual of high risk pregnancy & delivery. Ed. 2 Oleh: Gilbert, Elizabeth Stepp America : Mosby, 1998 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#495. 610.736 8 Fri p Psychiatric mental health nursing. Ed. 2 Oleh: Frisch, Noreen Cavan New York : Delmar, 2002 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#496. 610.736 8 For p Psychiatric nursing care plans. Ed. 4 Oleh: Fortinash, Katherine M. Missouri : Mosby, 2003 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 90 of 269

#497. 610.736 8 For p Psychiatric mental health nursing. Ed. 1 Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby, 2000 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#504. 610.736 8 Car m Mental health and mental handicap Oleh: Carpenter, David London : MacMillan Magazines, 1991 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#498. 610.736 8 For p Psychiatric nursing care plans. Ed. 2 Oleh: Fortinash, Katherine M. St. Louis : Mosby, 1995 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#505. 610.736 8 Can b Buku panduan kejururawatan psikiatri Oleh: Candiah, Puvaneswari Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#499. 610.736 8 Fon e Essentials of mental health nursing Oleh: Fontaine, Karen Lee California : Addison-Wesley Nursing, 1995 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#506. 610.736 8 Bar m Mental health & mental illness. Ed. 6 Oleh: Barry, Patricia Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1998 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#500. 610.736 8 Doe r Rencana asuhan keperawatan psikiatrik (psychiatric care plants : guidelines for individualizing care) Oleh: Doenges, Marilynn E. Jakarta : EGC, 2006 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#507. 610.736 8 All n Nursing care of the addicted client Oleh: Allen, Karen M. Philadephia : Lippincott, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#501. 610.736 8 Dia Diagnosis gangguan jiwa. Buku 1 Oleh: Jakarta : FK jiwa UNIKA Atmajaya, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#502. 610.736 8 Coo e Essential of mental health nursing Oleh: Cook, J. Sue Reading, Massachusetts : Addison Wesley, 1987 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#503. 610.736 8 Car m Mental health nursing : the nurse-patient journey. Ed. 2 Oleh: Carson, Verna Benner Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 2000 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#508. 610.736 808 3 Wij p Panduan lengkap praktik klinik keperawatan jiwa Oleh: Wijayaningsih, kartika Sari Jakarta : TIM, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#509. 610.736 807 Yus b Buku ajar keperawatan kesehatan jiwa Oleh: Yusuf, Ah. Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#510. 610.736 807 Obr k Keperawatan kesehatan jiwa psikiatrik : teori dan praktik Oleh: O'brien, Patricia G. Jakarta : EGC, 2013 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#511. 610.736 7 Yus k Kepentingan Obstetrik dan Ginekologi Sosial dan Klinikal Oleh: Yusof, Khairuddin Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#518. 610.736 78 Old m Maternal-newborn nursing : a family centered approach. Ed. 2 Oleh: Olds, Salyy B California : Addison Wesley, 1984 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#512. 610.736 7 Pag h Human reproduction : the care content of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatal medicine. Ed. 2 Oleh: Page, Ernest W Philadelphia : WB. Saunders Company, 1976 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#519. 610.736 78 Mel m Maternal infant health care planning. Ed. 2 Oleh: Melson, Kathryn A Pennsylvania : Springhouse Corporation, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#513. 610.736 7 Old m Maternal newborn nursing : a family-centered approach. Ed. 3 Oleh: California : Addison Wesley, 1988 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#514. 610.736 78 Won w Wong's nursing care of infants and children 1 Oleh: Wong, Donna L. St.Louis : Mosby, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#515. 610.736 78 Won w Wong's nursing care of infant and children 2. Ed. 7 Oleh: Wong, Donna L. St. Louis : Mosby, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#516. 610.736 78 Sim p Perinatal nursing. Ed. 2 Oleh: Simpson, Kathleen Rice Philadelphia : Lippincott, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#517. 610.736 78 Ree m Maternity nursing : family, newborn, and women's health care. Ed. 8 Oleh: Reeder, Sharon J. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1997 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#520. 610.736 78 Mat Maternity nursing Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#521. 610.736 78 Mat Maternity nursing Oleh: Missouri : Mosby, 1995 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#522. 610.736 78 Mat Maternal-Child Nursing Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 2000 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#523. 610.736 78 Ind s Buku 1: standar pelayanan kebidanan Oleh: Indonesia Jakarta : Depkes RI, 1999 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#524. 610.736 78 Ind m Modul inti pendidikan berkelanjutan bagi perawat : lingkup keperawatan maternitas Oleh: Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 92 of 269

#525. 610.736 78 Ibr p Perawatan kebidanan. Jil. 2 Oleh: Ibrahim, Cristina S. Jakarta : Bratara, 1993 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#532. 610.736 77 Sur Surgical treatment of the motor skeletal system. Ed. 2 Oleh: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincont, 1951 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#526. 610.736 78 Gri c Contemporary woments health Oleh: Griffith-Kenney, Janet W Menlo Park, California : Addison Wesley, 1986 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#533. 610.736 77 Smi c Care of the adult patient : medical, surgery nursing Oleh: Smith, Dorothy W. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#527. 610.736 78 Gor f Foundations of maternal-newborn nursing Oleh: Gorrie, Trula Myers Philadelphia : W.B.Saunders Company, 1998 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#534. 610.736 77 Sme b Buku Ajar Keperawatan Bedah. Ed. 8 Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanne Jakarta : EGC, 2001 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#528. 610.736 78 Bur m Maternity nursing : an introductory text. Ed. 8 Oleh: Burroughs, Arlene Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 2001 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#535. 610.736 77 Ree m Medical-surgical nursing Oleh: Reeves, Charlene J. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1999 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#529. 610.736 780 76 Tan m Mutu layanan kebidanan dan kebijakan kesehatan : dilengkapi dengan soal-soal latihan dan kasus issu etik kebidanan Oleh: Tando, Naomy Marie Yogyakarta : In Media, 2013 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#536. 610.736 77 Ree k Keperawatan medikal bedah : medical-surgical nursing. Buku 1, Ed. 1 Oleh: Reeves, Charlene J. Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2001 17 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#530. 610.736 77 Tor s Surgical nursing. Ed. 12 Oleh: Torrance, Colin London : Bailliere Tindall, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#531. 610.736 77 Swe k Keperawatan medical-bedah (Pocket guide to medicalsurgical nursing) Oleh: Swearingen, RN Jakarta : EGC, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#537. 610.736 77 Pow o Orthopaedic nursing Oleh: Powell, Mary Edinburgh : E. & S. Livingstone, 1968 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#538. 610.736 77 Per Perawatan Medikal Bedah (Suatu Pendekatan Proses Keperawatan). Buku 1,2,3 Oleh: Bandung : Yayasan IAPK, 1996 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 93 of 269

#539. 610.736 77 Mor Moroney's surgery for nurses Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#540. 610.736 77 Mar b Bedah kebidanan ed. 12. Oleh: Martius, Gerhard Jakarta : Buku Kedokteran, 1986 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#541. 610.736 77 Man Management of ocular, orbital, and adnexal trauma Oleh: New York : Raven Press, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#542. 610.736 77 Lem m Medical-surgical nursing : critical thinking in client care. Vol. 1 Oleh: Lemone, Priscilla Menlo Park : Addison-Wesley, 1996 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#543. 610.736 77 Ind m Modul inti pendidikan berkelanjutan bagi perawat : lingkup keperawatan bedah Oleh: Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#544. 610.736 77 Ily i Ilmu perawatan mata Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2004 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#545. 610.736 77 Fin f Cardiothoracic surgical nursing Oleh: Finkelmeier, Betsy A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1995 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#546. 610.736 77 Ess Essentials of medical-surgical nursing : a nursing process approach Oleh: :, 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#547. 610.736 77 Eng r Rencana asuhan keperawatan medikal-bedah (Medical-surgical nursing care plans). Vol. 3 Oleh: Engram, Barbara Jakarta : EGC, 1998 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#548. 610.736 77 Eng r Rencana asuhan keperawatan medikal-bedah. Vol. : 1 Oleh: Engram, Barbara Jakarta : EGC, 1998 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#549. 610.736 77 Dar p Perawatan mata Oleh: Darling, Vera H. Yogyakarta : Andi Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#550. 610.736 77 Boy p Pedoman penggunaan buku ajar keperawatan medikal-bedah Brunner & Suddarth. Ed. 8 Oleh: Boyer, Mary Jo Jakarta : EGC, 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#551. 610.736 77 Boy m Medical-surgical nursing Oleh: Boyd, Mildred Wernet Pennsylvania : Springhouse Corporation, 1993 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#552. 610.736 77 Bla m Medical-surgical nursing : clinical management for continuity of care. Ed. 5, Vol. 2 Oleh: Black, Joyce M Philadelphia : WB. Saunders Company, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 94 of 269

#553. 610.736 77 Bla m Medical surgical nursing : clinical management for continuity of care Oleh: Black, joyce M. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#554. 610.736 77 Bic s Surgical nursing Oleh: Bickerton, Joan London : Heinemann Nursing, 1985 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#555. 610.736 77 Bau k Keperawatan medikal bedah: buku baku dari Brunner & Suddarth Oleh: Baughman, Diane C. JAkarta : EGC, 2000 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#556. 610.736 770 7 Mut b Buku ajar asuhan keperawatan jlien gangguan sistem muskuloskeletal Oleh: Muttaqqin, Ns. Arif Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#557. 610.736 770 2 Pen Penatalaksanaan orthopedi terkini untuk dokter layanan primer Oleh: Jakarta : Mitra Wacana Media, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#558. 610.736 770 2 Oph Ophthalmic drug delivery systems Oleh: New York : Marcel Dekker, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#559. 610.736 770 2 Bla k Keperawatan medikal bedah : manajemen klinis untuk hasil yang diharapkan buku 3, Ed.8 Oleh: Black, Joyce M. Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2014 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#560. 610.736 770 2 Bla k Keperawatan medikal bedah : manajemen klinis untuk hasil yang diharapkan buku 2, Ed.8 Oleh: Black, Joyce M. Indonesia : Salemba Emban, 2009 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#561. 610.736 770 2 Bla k Keperawatan medikal bedah : manajemen klinis untuk hasil yang diharapkan buku 1, Ed.8 Oleh: Black, Joyce M. Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2009 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#562. 610.736 67 Ind p Perawatan kebidanan Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Biro Pendidikan Depkes, 1970 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#563. 610.736 67 Ind p Perawatan dan kebidanan dalam keluarga berencana Oleh: Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan RI, 1970 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#564. 610.736 5 Nug k Keperawatan gerontik Oleh: Nugroho, Wahjudi Jakarta : EGC, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#565. 610.736 5 Har g Geriatric chest disease Oleh: Harris, Luke Bristol : John Wright & Sons, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#566. 610.736 5 Han Handbook of geriatric nursing care Oleh: Pennsylvania : Springhouse Corporation, 1998 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 95 of 269

#567. 610.736 5 Asu Asuhan keperawatan geriatrik : diagnosis Nanda, kriteria hasil Noc, intervensi Nic Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2011 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#568. 610.736 505 3 Kyl b Buku ajar keperawatan pediatri : landasan keperawatan pediatri, promosi kesehatan dan asuhan anak dan keluarga (I) vol.1, Ed.2 Oleh: Kyle, Terri Jakarta : EGC, 2014 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#569. 610.736 2 Wil b Babycare : pedoman merawat bayi Oleh: Williams, Frances Jakarta : Erlangga, 2003 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#570. 610.736 2 Sur a Asuhan keperawatan pada anak. Ed. 2 Oleh: Suriadi Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#571. 610.736 2 Sur a Asuhan keperawatan pada anak. Ed. 1 Oleh: Suriadi Jakarta : Fajar Interpratama, 2001 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#572. 610.736 2 Sac p Prinsip keperawatan pediatrik = (principles of paediatric nursing) Oleh: Sacharin, Rosa M. Jakarta : ECG, 1996 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#573. 610.736 2 Rob p Paediatric intensive care : a manual for resident medical officers and senior nurses Oleh: Roberts, Keith D. London : Blackwell Scientific, 1975 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#574. 610.736 2 Pud b Bayiku sayang : petunjuk bergambar untuk merawat bayi dan jawaban atas 62 pertanyaan yang mencemaskan Oleh: Pudjiadi, Solihin Jakarta : FKUI, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#575. 610.736 2 Ped Pediatric nursing Oleh: Missouri : Mosby, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#576. 610.736 2 Mus m Panduan belajar keperawatan pediatrik Oleh: Muscari, Mary E. Jakarta : EGC, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#577. 610.736 2 Mar t Textbook of pediatric nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: Marlow, Dorothy R. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#578. 610.736 2 Lew b Belajar merawat di bangsal anak = learning to care on the paediatric word Oleh: Lewer, Helen Jakarta : EGC, 1996 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#579. 610.736 2 Keb Kebutuhan dasar & kesehatan bayi Oleh: Jakarta : Inovasi, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#580. 610.736 2 Joh h High risk parenting: nursing assessment and strategies for the family at risk Oleh: Johnson, Suzanne Hall London : J. B. Lippincott, 1986 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 96 of 269

#581. 610.736 2 Int t The 23rd International congress of pediatric : the 2nd international congress on pediatric nursing september 9-14, 2001 Beijing, China Oleh: International Congress of Pediatrics Beijing : International Congress of Pediatrics, 2001 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#582. 610.736 2 Ind m Modul inti pendidikan berkelanjutan bagi perawat : lingkup keperawatan anak Oleh: Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#583. 610.736 2 Bet b Buku saku keperawatan pediatri. Ed. 3 Oleh: Betz, Cecily L Jakarta : EGC, 2002 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#584. 610.736 2 Bet b Buku saku keperawatan pediatri, ed. 5 Oleh: Betz, Cecily Lynn Jakarta : EGC, 2009 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#585. 610.736 21 Com Comprehensive rehabilitation nursing Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saundres, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#586. 610.736 207 4 Fal a Adult health nursing : a learning guide Oleh: Falkner, Karen Menlo Park, California : Addison-Wesley, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#587. 610.736 202 3 Kyl b Buku ajar keperawatan pediatri : asuhan anak dan keluarga II, asuhan keperawatan anak dengan infeksi dan gangguan neurologis vol.2, Ed.2 Oleh: Kyle, Terri Jakarta : EGC, 2014 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#588. 610.736 1 Wri c Caring in crisis : a handbook of invention skills Oleh: Wright, Bob London : Churchill-Livingstone, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#589. 610. 736 1 Wah n Nursing care in emergency Oleh: Wahidi, Kemala Rita Jakarta : Fakultas Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#590. 610.736 1 Uni p Penatalaksanaan pasien di Intensive care unit Oleh: Universitas Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Jakarta : FK UI, 2001 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#591. 610.736 1 Rab a Agenda gawat darurat (critical care) 3 Oleh: Rab, Tabrani Bandung : Alumni, 1998 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#592. 610.736 1 Rab a Agenda gawat darurat (critical care). Jil. 2 Oleh: Rab, H. Tabrani Bandung : Alumni, 1998 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#593. 610.736 1 Rab a Agenda gawat darurat (critical care). Jil. 1 Oleh: Rab, H. Tabrani Bandung : Alumni, 1998 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#594. 610.736 1 Pro a Adult emergency nursing procedures Oleh: Proehl, Jean A. Boston : Jones and Bartlett, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#602. 610.736 1 Hud k Keperawatan kritis : pendekatan holistik ( critical care nursing : a holistic approach ). Vol. 2, Ed.VI Oleh: Hudak, Carolyn M. Jakarta : EGC, 1996 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#603. 610.736 1 Hud k Keperawatan kritis : pendekatan holistik ( critical care nursing : a holistic approach ). Vol. 1, Ed.VI Oleh: Hudak, Carolyn M. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#604. 610.736 1 Hol n Nursing the critical ill adult : applying nursing diagnosis Oleh: Hooloeay, Nancy Meyer California : Addison Wesley, 1984 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#605. 610.736 1 Hol n Nursing the critical ill adult Oleh: Holloway, Nancy Meyer California : Addison Wesley, 1988 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#606. 610.736 1 Eme Emergency nursing core curriculum. Ed. 5 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B Saunders Company, 2000 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#607. 610.736 1 Cri Critical care nursing : diagnosis and management Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby, 1997 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#608. 610.736 1 Cri Critical care nursing : a holistic approach Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott Company, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 98 of 269

#609. 610.736 1 Bos p Perawatan gawat darurat (emergency care) Oleh: Boswick, John A. Jakarta : EGC, 1989 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#616. 610.734 Lea f Fundamentals of public health nursing Oleh: Leahy, Kathleen New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1966 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#610. 610.736 181 Hut a Asuhan keperawatan dalam maternitas & ginekologi Oleh: Hutahaean, Ns. Serri Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2010 20 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#617. 610.734 Kon Konsep dasar keperawatan komunitas Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2005 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#611. 610.734 Wor a Aspects of public health nursing Oleh: Geneva : WHO, 1961 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#612. 610.734 Sta k Keperawatan komunitas dan kesehatan rumah: perangkat pengkajian, intervensi, dan penyuluhan Oleh: Stanhope, Marcia Jakarta : EGCD, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#613. 610.734 Ped Pedoman perawatan pasien Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#614. 610.734 Pan p Patent, pills and public health : can TRIPS deliver ? Oleh: Panos London : Panos, 2002 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#615. 610.734 Nat m Manual of public health nursing. Ed. 3 Oleh: New York : Macmillan, 1951 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#630. 610.734 3 Pro d The Development of operational... Oleh: Proceedings of the 6th SEAMIC Workshop Tokyo : Southeast Asian Medical Information Center, 0000 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#624. 610.734 3 Swa c Community health nursing : promoting the health of aggregates. Ed. 2 Oleh: Swanson, Janice M. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#631. 610.734 3 Kep Keperawatan komunitas : upaya memandirikan masyarakat untuk hidup sehat Oleh: Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2008 20 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#625. 610.734 3 Sta h Handbook of Community-Based and Home Health Nursing Practice : tools for assessment , intervention, and education. Ed. 3 Oleh: Stanhope, Marcia Baltimore : Mosby, 2000 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#632. 610.734 3 Ind m Modul inti pendidikan berkelanjutan bagi perawat : lingkup keperawatan komunitas Oleh: Indonesia, Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#626. 610.734 3 Sta h Handbook of public and cummunity health nursing practice : a health promotion guide Oleh: Stanhope, Marcia America : Mosby, 1997 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#633. 610.734 3 Hig c Community as a client: assessment and diagnosis Oleh: Higgs, Zana Rae Philadelphia : F.A.Davis Company, 1985 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#627. 610.734 3 Sta c Community & public health nursing. Ed. 5 Oleh: Stanhope, Marcia ; Lancaster, Jeanette St. Louis : Mosby, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#628. 610.734 3 Smi c Community health nursing : theory and practice. Ed. 2 Oleh: Smith, Claudia M. Philadelphia : W.B. Sauders, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#629. 610.734 3 Set p Penuntun praktis asuhan keperawatan keluarga Oleh: Setiawati, Santun Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2008 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#634. 610.734 3 Fre c Community health nursing practice. Ed. 2 Oleh: Freeman, Ruth B. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1981 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#635. 610.734 3 Fos f Family - centered nursing care of children Oleh: Foster, Roxie L. Romness : W. B. Saunders Company, 1989 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#636. 610.734 3 Cle c Comprehensive community health nursing: family, aggregate, & community practice Oleh: Clemen-Stone, Susan Philadelphia : Mosby, 1998 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 100 of 269

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#644. 610.734 307 2 Mub i Ilmu keperawatan komunitas 2 : konsep dan aplikasi Oleh: Mubarak, Wahit Iqbal Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#638. 610.734 3 Arm c Community based nursing: foundation for practice Oleh: Armentrout, Ginger H. Connecticut : Appleton & Lange, 1998 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#645. 610.734 307 2 Mub i Ilmu keperawatan komunitas 2 : konsep dan aplikasi Oleh: Mubarak, Wahit Iqbal Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#639. 610.734 3 All c Community Health Nursing : concepts and practice Oleh: Allender, Judith Ann Philadelphia : Lippincott, 2001 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#646. 610.734 2 Has e English in health for nurses and midwives Oleh: Hasbullah Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2010 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#640. 610.734 307 Mub p Pengantar keperawatan komunitas 1 Oleh: Mubarak, Wahit Iqbal Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2005 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#647. 610.734 07 Ilm Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat : untuk mahasiswa kebidanan Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2006 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#648. 610.734 072 2 Wid k Keperawatan komunitas dengan pendekatan praktis Oleh: Widyanto, Faisalado Candro Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2014 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#649. 610.734 02 Sta p Public health nursing : population-centered health care in the community Oleh: Stanhope, Marcia Missouri : Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#650. 610.733 022 Nur k Komunikasi keperawatan untuk smk kesehatan Oleh: Nurhasanah, Nunung Jakarta : Penerbit in Media, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 101 of 269



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#103. 614.532 Mal Malaria: epidemiologi, patogenesis, manifestasi klinis, & penanganan Oleh: Jakarta : EGG, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#104. 614.526 209 Zin r Rats, lice and history Oleh: Zinsser, Hans Boston : Atlantic Monthly, 1935 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#98. 614.542 Tub Tuberculosis problem in Asian countries Oleh: Tokyo : International Medical Foundation, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#106. 614.525 Sup s Saatnya dunia berubah Oleh: Supari, Siti Fadilah Jakarta : Sulaksana Watinsa Indonesia, 2008 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#107. 614.525 Soe f Flu burung Oleh: Soejodono, Retno D. Jakarta : Penebar Swadaya, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#108. 614.525 Ind f Flu burung ancaman dan pencegahan Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika RI Jakarta : Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika RI, 2008 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#109. 614.525 Atm k Kiat bebas flu burung Oleh: Atmawinata, Edi Bandung : Yrama Widya, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 109 of 269

#110. 614.525 Adi f Flu burung di manusia Oleh: Aditama, Tjandra Yoga Jakarta : UI Press, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#117. 614.4 Yat m Macam-macam penyakit menular pencegahannya 2 Oleh: Yatim, Faisal Jakarta : Yayasan Obor Populer, 2007 17 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#119. 614.4 Wor g A Guide for epidemiological studies manifestations of HIV infection Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------





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#124. 614.4 Sya p Pedoman otopsi kehakiman Oleh: Syarief, Nurgama Medan : FK USU, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#131. 614.4 Rya d Dasar-dasar epidemiologi Oleh: Ryadi, A.L. Slamet Jakarta : Salemba Empat, 2011 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#125. 614.4 Sut p Pengantar metode epide,iologi Oleh: Sutrisna, Bambang Jakarta : Dian Rakyat, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#132. 614.4 Rot m Modern epidemiology Oleh: Rothman, Kenneth J. Boston : Little, Brown, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#126. 614.4 Spa Spatial Analysis in Epidemiology Oleh: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#133. 614.4 Rob e Epidemiology for clinicians Oleh: Roberts, C.J Jakarta : Pitman Medical, 1978 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#127. 614.4 Soe e Epidemiologi lingkungan, Ed.3 Oleh: Soemirat, Juli Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#128. 614.4 Soe e Epidemiologi lingkungan Oleh: Soemirat, Juli Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#135. 614.4 Put Putting prevention into practice: problem solving in clinical prevention. Ed. 1 Oleh: Boston : Department of Health Care Sciences, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#129. 614.4 Sae p Prinsip-prinsip epidemiologi Oleh: Saepudin, Malik Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2011 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#130. 614.4 Sac c Clinical epidemiology: a basic science for clinical medicine. Ed. 1 Oleh: Sackett, David L. Toronto : Little, Brown, 1985 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#136. 614.4 Pug e Epidemiologic findings in United States mental hospital data Oleh: Pugh, Thomas F. Boston : Little, Brown, 1962 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#137. 614.4 Pro Proceedings of the second conference epidemiology of aging Oleh: Maryland : NIH Publication, 1980 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 111 of 269

#138. 614.4 Pri Principles and practice of public health surveillance. Ed. 2 Oleh: New York : Oxford University, 2000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#139. 614.4 Pri Principles of epidemiology : an introduction to applied epidemiology and biostatistics Oleh: Georgia : Department Of Health and Human Services, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#140. 614.4 Pri Principles of epidemiology : a self-teaching guide Oleh: New York : Aceademic Press, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#141. 614.4 Pop The population dynamics of infectious diseases : theory and applications Oleh: New York : Chapman and Hall, 982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#142. 614.4 Pet f Fundamentals of epidemiology Oleh: Peterson, Donald R. Toronto : Lexington, 1983 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#143. 614.4 Pet f Fundamentals of epidemiology Oleh: Peterson, Donald R. Toronto : Lexington, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#144. 614.4 Pan Panduan epidemiologi : bagi pengelolaan kesehatan kabupaten Oleh: Bandung : Penerbit ITB, 1993 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#145. 614.4 Noo p Pengantar epidemiologi penyakit menular Oleh: Noor, Nur Nasry Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 1997 22 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#146. 614.4 Noo d Dasar epidemiologi Oleh: Noor, N. Nasri Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 1997 16 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#147. 614.4 Noo b Bahan kuliah : epidemiolgi dasar Oleh: Noor, Nur Nasry : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI, 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#148. 614.4 Muk e Epidemiologi lingkungan = environmental epidemiology Oleh: Mukono, H. J. Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2002 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#149. 614.4 Mor u Uses epidemiology. Ed. 3 Oleh: Morris, J.N. London : Churchill Livingstone, 1975 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#150. 614.4 Mor s Screening in chronic disease Oleh: Morrison, Alan S. New York : Oxford University Press, 1985 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#151. 614.4 Mor s A study guide to epidemiology and biostatistics : including 100 multiple-choice questions Oleh: Morton, Richard F. Maryland : Aspen, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 112 of 269

#152. 614.4 Mol g The garki project : research on the epidemiology and control of malaria in the Sudan Savanna of West Africa Oleh: Molineaux, L. Geneva : WHO, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#159. 614.4 Mas e Epidemiologi penyakit tidak menular Oleh: Masriadi Jakarta : TIM, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#153. 614.4 Med Medical epidemiology : a lange medical book Oleh: London : Prentice-Hall International, 1996 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#160. 614.4 Mar b Buku saku pencegahan penularan hiv dari ibu ke bayi : penatalaksanaan di pelayanan kebidanan Oleh: Maryunani, Anik Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2009 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#154. 614.4 Med Medical epidemiology Oleh: New York : Lange Medical/McGraw-Hill, 2001 13 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#155. 614.4 Med Medical epidemiology Oleh: New York : McGraw Hill, 2005 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#162. 614.4 Mac e Epidemiology: principles and methods. Ed. 1 Oleh: MacMahon, Brian Boston : Little, Brown, 1970 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#156. 614.4 McK s Strategic communication in the HIV/AIDS epidemic Oleh: McKee, Neill New Delhi : Sage, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#163. 614.4 Mac e Epidemiologi : prinsip dan metoda Oleh: MacMahon, Brian Boston : Proyek Pengembangan FKM, 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#157. 614.4 Mau e Epidemiology: an introductory text Oleh: Mausner, Judith S. London : W.B Saunders company, 1985 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#164. 614.4 Mac e Epidemiologic methods Oleh: MacMahon, Brian Boston : Little, Brown, 1960 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#158. 614.4 Mau e Mausner & Bahn epidemology : an introductory text Oleh: Mausner, Judith S. Philadelpia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#165. 614.4 Lil f Foundations of epidemiology. Ed. 2 Oleh: Lilienfeld, Abraham M. New York : Oxford University, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#173. 614.4 Fri p Primer of epidemiology. Ed. 5 Oleh: Friedman, Gary D Australia : McGraw-Hill, 0000 13 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#167. 614.4 Lap p Pengantar prinsip dan metode epidemiologi Oleh: Lapau, Buchari Jakarta : FK UI, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#174. 614.4 Fle s Sari epidemiologi klinik Oleh: Fletcher, Robert H. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1992 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#168. 614.4 Kha b Biostatics and epidemiology Oleh: Khachatryan, Armen New York : McGraw-Hill Health Professions Division, 1998 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#175. 614.4 Fis i An introduction to epidemiology : a programmed text Oleh: Fisher, Frank David New York : Appleton-Century Crofts, 1975 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#169. 614.4 Hug e The Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in the ethnic groups of Singapore Oleh: Huges, Kenneth Japan : SEAMIC, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#170. 614.4 Han Handbook of Epidemiology Oleh: Germany : Spriger, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#171. 614.4 Fri p Prinsip-prinsip epidemiology Oleh: Friedman, Gary D. Yogyakarta : Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1986 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#172. 614.4 Fri p Prinsip-prinsip epidemiologi Oleh: Friedman, Gary D. Yogyakarta : Essentia Medika, 1993 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#176. 614.4 Far l Lecture notes : epidemiology and public health medicine Oleh: Farmer, Richard Carlton : Blackwell Publishing, 2004 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#177. 614.4 Epi Epidemiologi dasar. Buku 2 Oleh: Medan : FK USU, 1992 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#178. 614.4 Epi Epidemiology and cancer registries in the Pacific Basin Oleh: Bethesda, Maryland : U.S. Departement of Health, education, and Welfare, 1977 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#179. 614.4 Epi Epidemiology and management of diarrhoea in children of S.E. Asia Oleh: Hong Kong : Excerpta Medica, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 114 of 269

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#187. 614.4 Des Designing clinical research : an epidemiology approach. Ed. 2 Oleh: Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


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#182. 614.4 Epi Epidemiology and health risk assesment Oleh: New York : Oxford University Press, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#189. 614.4 Dat Data handling in epidemiology Oleh: London : Oxford University Press, 1970 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#183. 614.4 Epi Epidemiology, biostatistics, and preventive medicine, 3rd ed Oleh: Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#190. 614.4 Cog e Epidemiologi bagi pemula Oleh: Coggon, D. Jakarta : EGC, 1996 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#184. 614.4 Dre s Secret agents : the menage of emerging infections Oleh: Drexler, Madeline Washington D.C : Joseph Henry Press, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#185. 614.4 Dew a Aspek-aspek epidemiologi maloklusi Oleh: Dewanto, Harkati Yagyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1993 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#186. 614.4 Dev e Epidemiology in health services management Oleh: Dever, G.E. Alan Rockville, Maryland : Aspen, 1984 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#191. 614.4 Chr Chronic diseases epidemiology and control Oleh: Washington : America Public Health Association, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#192. 614.4 Cha p Pengantar prinsip dan metode epidemiologi Oleh: Chandra, Budiman Jakarta : EGC, 1996 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#193. 614.4 Bus p Pengantar epidemiologi Oleh: Bustan, M.N Jakarta : Rineka Cipta, 2012 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#206. 614.4 Ald i An Introduction to epidemology Oleh: Alderson, Michael London : Macmillan Press, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#207. 614.4 Ahl i Introduction to modern epidemiology Oleh: Ahlbom, Anders Chestnut Hill : Epidemiology Resources, 1984 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#361. 614.108 96 Gas Gas chromatography in forensic science Oleh: London : Ellis Horwood Limited, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#362. 614.107 8 Whe p Practical forensic microscopy : a laboratory manual Oleh: Wheeler, Barbara P. England : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#363. 614.107 6 Oco u Usmle step 2 secrets, 3rd ed Oleh: O'Connell, Theodore X. Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#364. 614.103 632 5 Idr p Penerapan ilmu kedokteran forensik dalam proses penyelidian Oleh: Idries, Abdul Mun im Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#365. 614.102 Con Consultancy and advising in forensic : empirical and practical guidelines Oleh: United KIngdom : BPS Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#373. 614.07 Ase Asean training awards 1975-1976 Singapore Oleh: Singapore : Asean National Secretariat of Singapore, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#374. 614.076 Pen p Public health and preventive medicine review: a comprehensive examination review for... foreign medical graduate examination in the medical sciences; flex and national boards; specialty board examinations. Ed. 2 Oleh: Penalver, Rafael A. New York : Arco, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#375. 614.073 Loe n A New approach to health research Oleh: Loedin, A.A Jakarta : National Institute of Health Research and Development, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#376. 614.072 Wib m Metodologi penelitian praktis bidang kesehatan Oleh: Wibowo, Adik Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada, 2014 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#379. 614.072 Ind a Abstrak penelitian kesehatan = Health research abstracts Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan RI Jakarta : Bagian Perpustakaan dan Informasi Penelitan, 1995 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#380. 614.072 Azw p Pengantar ilmu kedokteran pencegahan dan ilmu kesehatan masyarakat Oleh: Azwar, Azrul Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#381. 614.071 San r Rambu-rambu Pelaksanaan dan Materi Pendidikan Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Oleh: Santi Jakarta : Depdiknas, 2003 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#382. 614.071 Not p Pengantar pendidikan kesehatan dan ilmu perilaku kesehatan Oleh: Notoatmodjo, Soekidjo Yogyakarta : Andi Offset, 1993 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#377. 614.072 Uni b Buku kumpulan abstrak penelitian mahasiswa FKMUSU 1987-1992 ; 1993-1996 Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan : FKM USU, 1997 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#383. 614.071 Maa d Dasar-dasar pendidikan kesehatan dan perilaku kesehatan : rancangan kegiatan belajar-mengajar. Buku 1 Oleh: Maas, Linda Trimurni Medan : FK USU, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#378. 614.072 Ind s Studi kuantutatif pengetahuan sikap dan praktek ibuibu sasaran... Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : [s.n], 1990 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#384. 614.071 2 Ada p Pelajaran pemeliharaan kesehatan masyarakat: untuk sekolah perawat. Bag. I dan II Oleh: Adam, Sjamsunir Jakarta : Bhratara Karya Aksara, 1982 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#385. 614.068 Ind l Langkah-langkah kegiatan PKMD perkotaan: pedoman kader pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat perkotaan Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Depkes RI, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#391. 614.021 2 Int s SEAMIC health statistics 1992 Oleh: International Medical Foundation of Japan Tokyo : International Medical Foundation of Japan, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#386. 614.068 3 Uni t Training process manual : curriculum adaptation instructor preparation program management. -- 1st ed Oleh: Honolulu, Hawaii : Health Manpower Development Staff, John A. Burns School of Medicine, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#392. 614.021 2 Ant q Quantitative Health Risk Analysis Methods: modeling the Human Health Impacts of Antibiotics Used in Food Animals Oleh: Cox, Lois Anthony Colorado : Springer, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#387. 614.05 Ued r Recent trends of mortality in Asian countries Oleh: Ueda, Kozo Japan : SEAMIC, 1983 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#393. 614.016 Ind a Abstrak penelitian kesehatan seri 26 Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan RI Jakarta : Departemen Kesehatan RI, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#388. 614.021 Pro Proceedings of the 5th SEAMIC workshop : approaches to documentation and statistical information in primary health care Oleh: Tokyo : SEAMIC, 1979 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#394. 614.016 Ind Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat Oleh: Jakarta : Kementrian Kesehatan RI, 2010 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#389. 614.021 2 Jap r Recent trends in health statistics in Southeast Asia Oleh: Japan. International Medical Foundation Tokyo : SEAMIC, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#395. 614.014 1 Ind k Komunikasi Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Kesehatan Jakarta : Depkes, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#390. 614.021 2 Jap c Cancer mortality and morbility statistics Oleh: Tokyo : Japan Scientific Societies, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 130 of 269



Ada 1368 judul dari rekapitulasi buku : No Klas : 617 Subyek : Semua Jenis : Buku Bahasa : Semua Tahun Terbit : #1. 617 Zas s Step-Up to surgery Oleh: Zaslau, Stanley Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams&Wilkins, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#2. 617 You m Mind maps in surgery Oleh: Youssefi, Pouya New Jersey : World Scientific, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#3. 617 Woo s Surgery for dental students Oleh: Woodruff, Michael F.A. Oxford : Black Well, 1954 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#4. 617 Whi s Surgery in infancy and childood : a handbook for medical studens and general practitioners Oleh: White, Matthew Edinburgh : E. & S. Livingstone, 1958 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#5. 617 Wes t Transactions of the surgical association Oleh: Nashville : Baird-Ward Printing, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#6. 617 Toy c Case files surgery Oleh: Toy, Eugene C. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#7. 617 Tex Textbook of surgery Oleh: London : E & S Living stone, 1972 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#8. 617 Sur Surgical debates Oleh: Philadelphia : B. C. Decker, 1990 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#9. 617 Sur Surgery on call Oleh: London : Prentice-Hall International, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#10. 617 Sur Surgery : a concise guide to clinical practice Oleh: Boston : Little, Brown, 1961 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#11. 617 Sur Surgical pearls Oleh: Philadelphia : F.A. Davis Company, 1989 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#12. 617 Sur Surgery on call Oleh: Connecticut : Prentice Hall, 1996 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#13. 617 Sur Surgery at the district hospital: obstetrics, gynaecology, orthopaedics, and traumatology Oleh: Geneva : WHO, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 131 of 269

#14. 617 Sur Surgery on call Oleh: New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#20. 617 Sha s Surgery of the alimentry tract Oleh: Shackelford, Richard T. London : W. B. Saunders, 1955 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#15. 617 Ste f First aid for the surgery clerkship : the student to student guide succeed in the clerkship, impress on the wards high-yield topics Oleh: Stead, Latha G : , 0000 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#21. 617 Sco Scott an aid to clinical surgery Oleh: Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#16. 617 Som s The surgeon and the child Oleh: Somasundaram, K Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya, 1979 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#17. 617 Ska s Surgical anatomy and technique : a pocket manual, Ed.3 Oleh: Skandalakis, Lee John New York : Springer, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#18. 617 Ska s Surgical anatomy and technique : a pocket manual Oleh: Skandalakis, John E. New York : Springer-Verlag, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#19. 617 Ska Skandalakis surgical anatomy : the embryologic and anatomic basis of modern surgery I Oleh: Georgia : PMP (Paschalidis Medical Publications_, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#22. 617 Sad r The Recovery room : immediate postoperative management Oleh: Sadove, Max S. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1957 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#23. 617 Sac c Catatan ilmu bedah Oleh: Sachdeva, R.K Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#24. 617 Sab t Textbook of surgery : the biological basis of modern surgical practice Oleh: Sabiston, David C. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#25. 617 Sab d David-Christopher textbook of surgery Oleh: Sabiston, David C. [s.l] : [s.n], 0000 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#26. 617 Sab b Buku ajar bedah I = Sabiston's essential surgery Oleh: Sabiston, David C. Jakarta : EGC, 1992 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 132 of 269

#27. 617 Sab b Buku ajar bedah II = essentials of surgery Oleh: Sabiston, David C. Jakarta : EGC, 1994 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#28. 617 Sab Sabiston textbook of surgery : the biological basis of modern surgical practice. Vol. 2, Ed.18 Oleh: Philadelphia : Saunders & Elsevier, 2008 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#29. 617 Sab Sabiston textbook of surgery : the biological basis of modern surgical practice. Vol. 1 Oleh: : Saunders & Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#30. 617 Rob s Surgery Oleh: Robinson, James O. London : Longmans, 1965 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#31. 617 Rid k Key topics in oral and maxillofacial surgery Oleh: Riden, K. Oxford : Bios Scientific, 1998 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#32. 617 Rai b Bailey & love's short practice of surgery Oleh: Rains, A. J. Harding London : H.K. Lewis, 1977 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#33. 617 Que Questions for the NRCS (NUMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGION) vivas Oleh: London : Arnold, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#34. 617 Pur d Dasar-dasar pemberian cairan dan elektrolit pada kasus-kasus bedah Oleh: Puruhito Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1995 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#35. 617 Pri Primary surgery : non-trauma Oleh: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#36. 617 Pri Princples of surgery Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#37. 617 Pri Principles of surgery Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1969 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#38. 617 Pri Principles of basic surgical practice Oleh: New Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2000 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#39. 617 Nie p Pra operasi : persiapan mental menghadapi operasi Oleh: Nierenberg RN, Judith Semarang : Dahara Prize, 1987 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#40. 617 Nic g Get ahead surgery 250 SBAs for finals Oleh: Nicholls, Theepa London : The Royal society of Medicine Press, 2009 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#41. 617 Nea k Keterampilan pokok ilmu bedah Oleh: Nealon, Thomas F. Jakarta : EGC, 1996 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#48. 617 Lie s Synopsis of surgery Oleh: Liechty, Richard D. St. Louis : Mosby, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#42. 617 Mor Moroney's surgery for nurses Oleh: Merseyside : Elbs, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#49. 617 Lav t Tanya jawab buku ajar ortopedi dan fraktur sistem apley Oleh: Lavy, CBD Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#43. 617 Mod Modern surgery Oleh: New York : Grune & Startton, 1970 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#44. 617 Mcd a Atlas standar ilmu bedah Oleh: McDermott, William V. Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara, 1990 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#45. 617 Mat Materials for reconstructive surgery Oleh: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#46. 617 Man c Catatan kuliah bedah anak Oleh: Mantu, Farid Nur Jakarta : EGC, 1993 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#47. 617 Man Manual of surgical therapeutics Oleh: London : J. & A. Churchill, 1969 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#50. 617 Kus j Jangan segera katakan "ya" untuk operasi Oleh: Kusmawan, Eka Yogyakarta : Pohon Cahaya, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#51. 617 Kog g The general surgery sourcebook Oleh: Kogon, Brian E. New York : McGraw Hill, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#52. 617 Kai c Colorectal surgery Oleh: kaiser, Andreas M. New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2009 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#53. 617 Ian d Dental radiography : principles and techniques Oleh: Iannucci, Joen M. St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#54. 617 Hun c Clinical problems in general surgery Oleh: Hunt, Phillip Syndey : Butterworths, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#55. 617 Hos Hospital surgery : foundation in surgical practice Oleh: New Delhi : Cambridge Press, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#62. 617 Cur Current therapy in dentistry Oleh: London : Mosby, 1968 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#56. 617 Hen i Ilmu bedah untuk perawat Oleh: Henderson, M.A Yogyakarta : Essentia Medica, 1997 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#63. 617 Cur Current concepts in surgery : a clinical interpretation of basic knowledge Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1970 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#57. 617 Gra a At a glance ilmu bedah Oleh: Grace, Pierce A. Jakarta : Erlangga, 2007 21 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#58. 617 Gol s Surgical talk : surgery for finals Oleh: Goldberg, Andrew London : Imperial College Press, 1999 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#59. 617 Eva s Surgeryof the stomach,duodenum,and small intestine Oleh: Evans, Martin T. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#60. 617 Ell c The cambridge illustrated history of surgery, 2nd ed Oleh: Ellis, Harold New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#61. 617 Elk p Petunjuk penting kelainan mata Oleh: Elkington, A.R Jakarta : : E.G.C ,, 1995 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#64. 617 Col t Textbook of surgery Oleh: Cole, Warren H. New York : Appleton Century Crofts, 1963 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#65. 617 Cli Clinical surgery Oleh: London : Butterworths, 1970 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#66. 617 Cla Classics of medicine and surgery Oleh: New York : Dover Publication, 0000 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#67. 617 Chr c Christopher's textbook of surgery Oleh: Christopher Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1968 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#68. 617 Chr Christopher textbook of surgery : With 1368 illustrations on 720 figures Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1968 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 135 of 269

#69. 617 Chr Christopher's textbook of surgery Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1960 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#76. 617 Ben a Atlas bedah praktis = Atlas of office surgery Oleh: Bejamin, robert B. Jakarta : EGC, 1992 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#70. 617 Bur e Essential surgery : problems, diagnosis & management Oleh: Burkit, H. George London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#77. 617 Bed Bedah primer : trauma (primary surgery : trauma) Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2001 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#71. 617 Bur e Essential surgery : problems, diagnosis management Oleh: Burkitt, H. George Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#78. 617 Ars p Pembedahan-pembedahan : siri kesihatan keluarga Oleh: Arshat, A. Hamid Kuala Lumpur : LPPKN, 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#72. 617 Buk Buku-ajar ilmu bedah Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1997 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#73. 617 Buk Buku ajar ilmu bedah Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2005 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#79. 617 Ark r Ringkasan ilmu bedah Oleh: Arkanda, Sumitro Jakarta : Bina Aksara, 1989 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#80. 617.9 Whi t Teknik operasi : petunjuk teknik bedah umum untuk mahasiswa kedokteran = Illustrated operations notes... Oleh: Whitehead, Stephen Jakarta : EGC, 1988 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#74. 617 Bru o Operation primer laparoscopic sigmoidectomy for diverticulitis 2 Oleh: Bruch Asutralia : Springer-Verlag, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#81. 617.9 Sut l Life-threatening problems in the emergency Oleh: Sutcliffe, Anne J. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#75. 617 Bow m Medical examination review book Oleh: Bowers, Warner F. New York : Medical Examination, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#82. 617.9 Pen Penatalaksanaan bedah umum di rumah sakit Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1995 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 136 of 269

#83. 617.9 Obr p Plastic and hand surgery in clinical practice : classifications and definitions Oleh: O'brien, Mary United Kingdom : Springer, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#90. 617.980 2 Lum i Ilmu bedah anak : kasus harian UG, bangsal, & kamar operasi Oleh: Lumban Gaol, Leecario M. Jakarta : EGC, 2017 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#84. 617.9 Mon The mont reid surgical handbook, Ed.6 Oleh: Philadelphia : Saunders Elsevier, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#91. 617.980 2 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : common pediatri plastic and reconstructive diagnosis, Vol. 25 No. 4 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1998 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#85. 617.9 Kir b Basic surgical techniques, 6th ed Oleh: Kirk, RM London : Churchill Livingstone, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#86. 617.9 Gow Gowned and gloved surgery : introduction to common procedures Oleh: Roses, Robert E, Paulson, E. Carter, Kanchwala, Suhail K Philadelphia : Saunders, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#87. 617.9 Art The art of surgery Oleh: Germany : Medicon, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#88. 617.98 Swe Swenson pediatric surgery. Ed. 4 Oleh: New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1980 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#89. 617.98 Gro s The Surgery of infancy and childhood : its principles and techniques Oleh: Gross, Robert E Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1957 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#92. 617.96 Wro p Pokok-pokok anestesi : kompendium untuk praktik sehari-hari Oleh: Wrobel, Marc Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#93. 617.96 Tex Textbook of anaesthesia Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#94. 617.96 Tay s Standards of care in anaesthesia Oleh: Taylor, T. H. Oxford : Butterworth Heinemann, 1992 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#95. 617.96 SUT H HANDBOOK OF EMERGENCY ANAESTHESIA Oleh: SUTCLIFFE, ANNE J. : , 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#96. 617.96 Sut h Handbook of emergency anaesthesia Oleh: Sutcliffe, Anne J. London : Butterworths, 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 137 of 269

#97. 617.96 Sia p Pengantar anestesi Oleh: Siahaan, Oloan SM. Medan : fakultas Kedokteran UMI, 2000 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#104. 617.96 Mor c Clinical anesthesiology, 3rd ed Oleh: Morgan, G. Edward New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2002 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#98. 617.96 Sia a Anestisia Oleh: Siahaan, Oloan S. M. [s.l] : [s.n], 0000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#105. 617.96 May p Pediatric anesthesia : a guide to its administration Oleh: Mayer, Bernard W. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#99. 617.96 Rec Recent advances in anaesthesia, critical immediate care Oleh: Hongkong : Excerpta Medica, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#106. 617.96 Mac e Essentials of general anaesthesia Oleh: Macuntosh, R.R. Oxford : Blackwell, 1945 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#100. 617.96 Ped Pediatric anesthesia handbook Oleh: New York : McGraw Hill, 2002 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#107. 617.96 Lat p Petunjuk praktis anestesiologi, Ed.2 Oleh: Latief, Said A. Jakarta : FK UI Bagian Anestesiologi dan Terapi Intensif, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#101. 617.96 Ost a Anestesiologi = Anaesthetics for medical student Oleh: Ostlere, Gordon Jakarta : EGC, 1987 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#108. 617.96 Lat p Petunjuk praktis anestesiologi Oleh: Latief, Said A. Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Indonesia, 2001 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#102. 617.96 Mor c Clinical anesthesiology, 4th ed Oleh: Morgan, G. Edward Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#109. 617.96 Kem e Elementary anesthesia Oleh: Kemp, W. N. Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1948 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#103. 617.96 Mor c Clinical anesthesiology : a lange medical book Oleh: Morgan, G. Edward New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, 1996 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#110. 617.96 Har a Anaesthetic management : a rule based guide Oleh: Harrison, M. J. London : Butterworths, 1985 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#111. 617.96 Gwi l Lecture notes clinical anaesthesia Oleh: Gwinnutt, Carl United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#112. 617.96 Gwi c Catatan kuliah anestesi klinis, Ed.3 Oleh: Gwinnutt, Carl L. Jakarta : EGC, 2011 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#113. 617.96 Gwa a Anesthesia Oleh: Gwathmey, James Tayloe New York : McMillan, 1925 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#114. 617.96 Gra g Gas monitoring and pulse oximetry Oleh: Gravenstein, J.S. Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#115. 617.96 Ell p Pokok-pokok anestesi Oleh: Ellis, F.R. Jakarta : P.D. Publika, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#116. 617.96 Dob p Penuntun praktis anestesi (Anaesthesia at the district hospital) Oleh: Dobson, Michael B. Jakarta : EGC, 1994 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#117. 617.96 Dob a Anaesthesia at the district hospital Oleh: Dobson, Michael B. Geneva : World Health Organization, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#118. 617.96 Col p Principles of anesthesiology : general and regional anesthesia Oleh: Collins, Vincent J. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1993 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#119. 617.96 Chu e Essentials of anaesthesiology Oleh: Chung, David C. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1983 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#120. 617.96 Chu e Essentials of anesthesiology Oleh: Chung, David C. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#121. 617.96 But m Morgan & Mikhail's clinical anesthesiology, 5th Ed Oleh: Butterworth, John F. New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#122. 617.96 Bou a Anestesiologi ( Anaesthetics for medical student ) Oleh: Boulton, Thomas B. Jakarta : EGC, 1994 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#123. 617.96 Ane Anestesia lokal Oleh: Medan : Pustaka Widyasarana, 1994 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#124. 617.96 Ane Anestesiologi dan reanimasi modul dasar untuk pendidikan S1 kedokteran Oleh: Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2000 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 139 of 269

#125. 617.96 Ane Aneshesiology Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#132. 617.967 6 Gir c Clinical sedation in dentistry Oleh: Girdler, N.M United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#126. 617.96 Ane Aneshesiology Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2008 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#133. 617.967 51 Sno a Anesthesia in otolaryngology and opthalmology Oleh: Snow, John C. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1982 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#127. 617.968 Pen Penatalaksanaan bedah obstetri, ginekologi, ortopedi, & traumatologi di rumah sakit Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1993 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#134. 617.967 51 Smi o Ophthalmic anaesthesia Oleh: Smith, G. Barry London : Edward Arnold, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#128. 617.968 2 Gre o Obstetrics Oleh: Greenhill, J. P. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1955 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#129. 617.967 Ane Anesthesia for plastic and reconstructive surgery Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby Year Book, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#130. 617.967 6 Loc Local anaesthesia in dentistry Oleh: Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#131. 617.967 6 Hil g General anaesthesia and sedation in dentistry Oleh: Hill, C.M. Bristol : Wright, 1983 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#135. 617.967 48 Cli Clinical anesthesia in neurosurgery Oleh: Boston : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#136. 617.967 412 Ped Pediatric cardiac anesthesia Oleh: Norwalk : Appleton and Lange, 1988 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#137. 617.967 412 Chu a Anaesthesia in patients with ischaemic heart disease Oleh: Chung, David C. London : Edward Arnold, 1982 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#138. 617.966 Pet Petunjuk praktis Anestesi lokal Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1993 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#139. 617.966 Mon l Local anesthesia and pain control in dental practice Oleh: Monheim, Leonard M. St. Louis : The C. V. Mosby Company, 1957 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#146. 617.964 Pit c Conduction anesthesia Oleh: Pitkin, George P. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1946 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#140. 617.966 Mal h Handbook of local anesthesia Oleh: Malamed, Stanley F. St Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#147. 617.964 Atl Atlas operasi ilmu bedah saraf perdarahan epidural dan fraktur kompresi tengkorak Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2012 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#141. 617.966 How l Local Anaesthesia In Denstistry : dental practitioner handbook No. 14 Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey ; Whitehead, F. Ivor H London : Bristol, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#148. 617.962 Opi Opioids in anesthesia II Oleh: London : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#142. 617.966 How a Anestesi lokal = Local anaesthesia in dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#149. 617.960 92 Sar d Die rationalisierte anasthesie Oleh: Sargenti, Ang. G. Italy : Agsa Locarno Switzerland, 1957 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#143. 617.966 Ben m Monheim's local anesthesia and pain control in dental practice Oleh: Bennett, C. Richard Delhi : CBS, 1990 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#150. 617.960 76 Med Medical Examinationrevew book Oleh: New York : Medical Examination, 1967 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#144. 617.966 Ana Anaesthesia in organ transplantion Oleh: New York : Intercontinental Medical Book, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#145. 617.964 Won s Spinal and epidural anesthesia Oleh: Wong, Cynthia A. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#151. 617.960 76 Ana Anaesthesia on the move Oleh: Jakarta : Indeks, 2013 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#152. 617.960 760 2 Duk a Anesthesia secrets, 4th ed Oleh: Duke, James Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#153. 617.960 42 Wel l Local and regional anesthesia in the emergency department : made easy Oleh: Wells, Mike London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#154. 617.960 41 Ane Anesthesia and perioperative complications Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby-Year Book, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#155. 617.960 410 7 Man b Buku ajar ilmu anestesia dan reanimasi Oleh: Mangku, Gde Jakarta : Indeks, 2010 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#156. 617.960 410 7 Man b Buku ajar ilmu anestesia dan reanimasi Oleh: Mangku, Gde Jakarta : Indeks, 2009 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#157. 617.960 2 Dra p Perianethesia nursing : a critical care approach Oleh: Drain, Cecil B. St Louis : Sauder, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#158. 617.95 Wei p Plastic suegery secrets, 2nd ed Oleh: Weinzweig, Jeffrey Mosby Elsevier` : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#159. 617.95 Pla Plastic surgery : a concise to clinical practice Oleh: Boston : Little, Brown, 1968 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#160. 617.95 McG f Fundamental techniques of plastic surgery Oleh: McGregor, Ian A. London : Churchill, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#161. 617.95 May p Plastic and reconstructive surgery Oleh: May, Hans Philadelphia : F. A. Davis, 1971 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#162. 617.95 Mar f Fundamental of plastic surgery Oleh: Marks, Malcolm W. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1997 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#163. 617.95 Mar d Decision making in plastic surgery Oleh: Marsh, Jeffrey L. Philadelphia : B.C. Decker, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#164. 617.95 Man Manual of aesthetic surgery Oleh: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1985 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#165. 617.95 Lip Lipoplasty the theory and practice of blunt suction lipectomy Oleh: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#166. 617.95 Hal Hal yang perlu diketahui oleh masyarakat awam mengenai bedah plastik Oleh: Jakarta : FKUI, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 142 of 269

#167. 617.95 Gra b Body image : a surgical perspective Oleh: Grazer, Frederick M London : The C. V. Mosby Company, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#174. 617.959 02 Ann Annals of plastic surgery, Vol. 29 Oleh: Boston : Little Brown and Company, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#168. 617.95 Geo Plastic, maxillofacial and reconstructive surgery Oleh: Maryland : Williams & Wilkins, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#175. 617.959 02 Ann Annals of plastic surgery, Vol. 27 Oleh: Boston : Little Brown and Company, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#169. 617.95 Gel w Wiederherstellende und plastische chirurgie Oleh: Gelbke, Heinz Stuttgart : Georg Thieme Verlag, 1963 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#176. 617.959 02 Ann Annals of plastic surgery, Vol. 25 Oleh: Boston : Little Brown and Company, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#170. 617.95 Com Common cases in reconstructive plastic surgery Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#177. 617.954 Lub s Skin graft Oleh: Lubis, Ramona Dumasari Medan : Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Kulit dan Kelamin FK USU, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#171. 617.95 Cli Clinical organ transplantation Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1971 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#172. 617.95 Ask l Liposuction surgery and autologous fat transplantation Oleh: Asken, Saul California : Appleton & Lange, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#173. 617.95 Ana Analisis dan evaluasi hukum tentang pengaturan bedah plastik Oleh: Jakarta : Departemen Kehakiman, 1995 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#178. 617.952 92 Wee r Reconstructive facial plastic surgery : a problem solving manual Oleh: Weerda, Hilko New York : Thieme, 2001 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#179. 617.952 02 Che c Color atlas of cosmetic oculofacial surgery, Ed.2 Oleh: Chen, William PD St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#180. 617.950 7 Pro Procedures in plastic and reconsttructive surgery : how they do it Oleh: London : Little, Brown and Company, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#181. 617.950 7 Pra f FLAP : penuntun dasar dalam ilmu bedah plastik, ed.1 Oleh: Prasetyono, Theddeus O.H Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2011 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#188. 617.950 2 Gra Grabb and smith's plastic surgery, 4th ed Oleh: London : Little, Brown and Company, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#182. 617.950 702 Pla Plastic surgery : principles and practice, Vo.2 Oleh: St Louis : The C. V. Mosby Company, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#189. 617.950 2 Djo r Rekonstruktivna plasticna hirurgija knjiga 2 : tumori koze potkoznog tkiva vaskularne anomalije laseri mikrohirurgija Oleh: Djordjevic, Borko B. Beograd : Atalanta International, 1998 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#183. 617.950 5 Adv Advances in plastict and reconstructive surgery Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby Year Book, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#184. 617.950 2 Pla Plastic surgery : the head and neck 1, Vol.2 Oleh: Philadelphia : Sauder Lesevier, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#185. 617.950 2 Pla Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Vol 78 No. 1 to 6 Oleh: Maryland : The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1986 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#186. 617.950 2 Pla Plastic and reconstructive surgery, Vol 47 No. 1 Oleh: Maryland : The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1971 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#187. 617.950 2 Per Perspectives in plastic surgery, Vol. 4 No. 1 Oleh: St Louis : Quality Medical Publishing, 1990 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#190. 617.950 2 Djo r Rekonstruktivna plasticna hirurgija knjiga 3 : opekotine I rekonstrukcija lica I skalpa, UHA, Oka I nosa Oleh: Djordjevic, Borko B. Beograd : Atalanta International, 1998 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#191. 617.950 2 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : symposium on body contouring surgery, Vol. 11 No. 3 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#192. 617.950 260 2 Ins Instructional courses, Vol.3 Oleh: London : Mosby Year Book, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#193. 617.950 260 2 Ins Instructional courses, Vol.4 Oleh: London : Mosby Year Book, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#194. 617.950 260 2 Ins Instructional courses, Vol.1 Oleh: London : Mosby Year Book, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 144 of 269

#195. 617.950 260 2 Ins Instructional courses, Vol.2 Oleh: London : Mosby Year Book, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#202. 617.919 Per Perioperative medicine just the facts Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#196. 617.93 Sud m Menjahit luka supaya bekasnya susah dicari Oleh: Sudjamiko, Gentur Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#203. 617.919 2 Wic c Caring for the perioperative patient Oleh: Wicker, Paul United Kingdom : Blackwell Publishing, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#197. 617.91 Sur Surgical tips Oleh: New York : McGraw Hill, 1989 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#204. 617.919 2 Bar p Prinsip & praktik keperawatan perioperatif Oleh: Baradero, Mary Jakarta : EGC, 2005 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#198. 617.91 Ngu p Practical guide to the care of the surgical patient the pocket scalpel Oleh: Nguyen, Tom C. Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#205. 617.917 Atk b Berry & Kohn's operating room technique Oleh: Atkinson, Lucy Jo Missouri : Mosby, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#199. 617.91 Far t Textbook of operative surgery Oleh: Farquharson, Eric L. Edinburgh : English Language Book & Churchill Livingstone, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#200. 617.91 Cot k Katekismus bedah Oleh: Cotton, Leonard Jakarta : EGC, 1987 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#201. 617.91 Bod s Synopsis of common surgical procedures Oleh: Bodai, Balazs Imre Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#206. 617.917 Atk b Berry & Kohn's operating room technique Oleh: Atkinson, Lucy Jo Missouri : Mosby, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#207. 617.917 Ale o Operating room technique Oleh: Alexander, Edythe Louise St. Louis : Mosby, 1943 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#208. 617.917 8 Mac p Practical surgical management Oleh: Macgregor, A. M. C. London : E. & S. Livingstone, 1970 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#209. 617.917 807 Hap Haptics for teleoperated surgical robotic systems Oleh: new Jersey : World Scientific, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#210. 617.910 76 kar b Blueprints surgery, Ed.5 Oleh: Karp, Seth J. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#211. 617.910 1 Man Manual on control of infection in surgical patients Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B.Lippincott, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#212. 617.907 App Applied basic science for basic surgical training Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#213. 617.8 Tal h Hubungan jenis otitis media supuratif kronis (OMSK) dengan gangguan pendengaran Oleh: Tala, Sri Mella Medan : FK USU Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Bidang, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#214. 617.8 Rea c Common diseases of the ear, nose and troat Oleh: Reading, Philip London : J & A. Churchill, 1966 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#215. 617.8 Rea c Common diseases of the ear, nose and throat Oleh: Reading, Philip London : J & A Churchill, 1968 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#216. 617.8 Hum a Audiology and communication disorders : an overview Oleh: Humes, Larry E. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#217. 617.8 Hea Hearing disorders in adults : current trends Oleh: Sandiego, California : College-Hill Press, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#218. 617.8 Hal d Diseases of the nose, throat and ear : a handbook for students and practitioners Oleh: Hall, I. Simson Edinburg : Livingston, 1959 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#219. 617.8 Ess An essential guide to hearing and balance disorders Oleh: London : Lawrence Erlbaum Associaties, 2007 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#220. 617.8 Bal d Diseases of the nose, troat and ear Oleh: Ballenger, William Lincoln London : Henry Kimpton, 1947 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#221. 617.89 War a Auditory perception : an analysis and synthesis, Ed.3 Oleh: Warren, Richard M. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#222. 617.89 Sch d Digital hearing aids Oleh: Schaub, Arthur New York : Thieme, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 146 of 269

#223. 617.886 Jas t Tinnitus retraining therapy : implementing the neurophysiological model Oleh: Jastreboff, Pawel J. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#224. 617.882 Gol a Appleton & lange review of internal medicine Oleh: Goldlist, Barry J New York : McGraw Hill, 2003 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#225. 617.882 Bay i Ilmu penyakit dalam untuk profesi kedokteran gigi = Systematic disease for dental students Oleh: Bayley, T. J. Jakarta : EGC, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#226. 617.843 075 Hou o Orthodontic diagnosis Oleh: Houston, W.J.B. Bristol : Wright.Psg, 1982 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#227. 617.81 Mck e Ear, nose and throat diseases for the general practitioner Oleh: McKenzie, William Edinburgh : E. & S. Livingstone, 1952 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#228. 617.809 2 Mos e Electronics and instrumentation for audiologists Oleh: Moser, Paul James New York : Psychology Press, 2009 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#229. 617.807 Mar i introduction to audiology, Ed.10 Oleh: Martin, Frederick N. Boston : Pearson, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#230. 617.807 Dav o Otoplasty : esthetic and reconstructive techniques Oleh: Davis, Jack M.D. New York : Spinger, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#231. 617.807 Bee a Audiology : the fundamentals, Ed.4 Oleh: Bess, Fred H. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#232. 617.7 Wyb o Ophthalmology Oleh: Wybar, Kenneth London : Bailliere Tindall, 1974 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#233. 617.7 Wal c Clinical neuro-ophithalmology Oleh: Walsh, Frank B. Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#234. 617.7 Vau o Optalmologi umum = general opthalmology Oleh: Vaughan, Daniel Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1992 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#235. 617.7 Vau g General ophthalmology Oleh: Vaughan, Daniel Los Altos, California : Lange Medical, 1971 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#236. 617.7 Vau g General ophthalmology. Ed. 9 Oleh: Vaughan, Daniel Los Altos, California : Lange Medical, 1980 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#237. 617.7 Vau g General ophthalmology Oleh: Vaughan, Daniel London : Prentice Hall International, 1999 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#244. 617.7 Sch a Around the eye in 365 days Oleh: Schwartz, Gary S. New Jersey : Slack, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#238. 617.7 Vau g General ophthalmology : a lange medical book Oleh: Vaughan, Daniel London : Prentice-Hall International, 1995 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#245. 617.7 San e Eye diseases in hot climates Oleh: Sandford-Smith, John New Delhi : Elsevier, 2003 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#239. 617.7 Vau Vaughan & asbury's general ophthalmology Oleh: Singapore : McGraw-Hill, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#246. 617.7 Rio v Vaughan & asbury oftalmologi umum, Ed.17 Oleh: Riordan-Eva, Paul Jakarta : EGC, 2010 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#240. 617.7 Vau Vaughan & asbury's general ophtalmology Oleh: New York : lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#247. 617.7 Phi b Basic clinical opthalmology Oleh: Phillips, Calbert L. London : Churchill Livingstone, 1987 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#241. 617.7 Vau Vaughan & asbury's general ophthalmology Oleh: New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#248. 617.7 Par d Diseases of the eye Oleh: Parsons, J. Herbert London : J & A. Churchill, 1956 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#242. 617.7 Sma o Opthalmology notes Oleh: Small, Robert G. London : J. B. Lippincott, 1986 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#249. 617.7 Olv a At a glance oftalmologi Oleh: Olver, Jane Jakarta : Erlangga, 2005 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#243. 617.7 Sch o Diagram diagnostik oftalmologi(Ophtalmology) Oleh: Schachat, Andrew P. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#250. 617.7 Neu Neuro-ophthalmology Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#251. 617.7 Neu Neuro-ophthalmology Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#258. 617.7 Kor The Korean ophtalmological society 1947-2007 Oleh: Japan : Jin Publishing, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#252. 617.7 Neu Neuro-ophthalmology Oleh: America : The Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalm, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#259. 617.7 Kan c Clinical ophthalmology : a synopsis Oleh: Kanski, Jack J China : Butterworth Heinemann, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#253. 617.7 Moo Moorfields manual of ophthalmology Oleh: Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#254. 617.7 Min c Colour atlas of ophthalmology Oleh: Ming, Arthur Lim Siew New Jersey : World Scientific, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#260. 617.7 Kan c Clinical ophthalmology : a systematic approach, 6th ed Oleh: Kanski, Jack J. London : Elsevier, 2007 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#261. 617.7 Kan c Clinical ophtalmology : a synopsis, 2nd ed Oleh: Kancki, Jack J. China : Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#255. 617.7 Mil p Parsons' disease of the eye Oleh: Miller, Stephen J. H. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#262. 617 .7 Kan c Clinical opthalmology : a synopsis Oleh: Kanski, Jack J United Kingdom : Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#256. 617.7 Med Medical examination review book : opthalmology Oleh: Ohio : Medical Examination Publishing, 1973 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#263. 617.7 Jam l Lecture notes oftalmologi Oleh: James, Bruce jakarta : Erlangga, 2003 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#257. 617.7 Ler b Basic ophthalmology Oleh: Lerman, Sidney New York : McGraw-Hill, 1966 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#264. 617.7 Jac e The eye in general praktice Oleh: Jacson, C.R.S Edinburg and London : E & S. Livingstone, 1969 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#265. 617.7 Int International ophthalmology Oleh: AmericA : American Academy of Ophtalmology, 2005 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#272. 617.7 Ily i Ilmu penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : FK UI, 2008 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#266. 617.7 Ily p Penuntun ilmu penyakit mata, Ed.3 Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran UI, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#273. 617.7 Ily i Ilmu penyakit mata, Ed.5 Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : FK USU, 2015 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#267. 617.7 Ily p Penuntun ilmu penyakit mata, Ed.2 Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : FK UI, 2003 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#274. 617.7 Ily i Ilmu penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas, H. Sidarta Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#268. 617.7 Ily p Penyakit mata : ringkasan dan istilah Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Pustaka Utama Grafiti, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#269. 617.7 Ily p Penuntun ilmu penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas,Sidarta Jakarta : FK UI, 1998 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#270. 617.7 Ily k Klasifikasi & diagnosis banding penyakit-penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas, Ramatjandra Jakarta : FKUI, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#271. 617.7 Ily k Kedaruratan dalam ilmu penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : FK UI, 2000 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#275. 617.7 Ily d Dasar-teknik pemeriksaan dalam ilmu penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Erlangga, 0000 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#276. 617.7 Ilm Ilmu penyakit mata I: rancangan perkuliahan Oleh: Medan : FK USU, 1991 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#277. 617.7 Ilm Ilmu penyakit mata : untuk dokter dan mahasiswa kedokteran Oleh: Surabaya : Airlangga University, 1993 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#278. 617.7 Ilm Ilmu penyakit mata untuk dokter umum dan mahasiswa kedokteran, Ed.2 Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 150 of 269

#279. 617.7 Hol o Oftalmologi Oleh: Hollwich, Fritz Grogol : Binarupa Aksara, 1992 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#286. 617.7 Gar h Handbook of opthalmology Oleh: Gardner, Thomas W. California : Appleton & Lange, 1987 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#280. 617.7 Har c Clinical ophthalmic echography : a case study approach Oleh: Harrie, Roger P New York : Springer, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#287. 617.7 Fun Fundamentals and principles of ophthalmology Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#281. 617.7 Gre o Ocular pathology Oleh: Greer, C. H. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#288. 617.7 Fri m The massachusetts eye and ear infirmary illustrated manual of ophthalmology, Ed.3 Oleh: Friedman, Neil J. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2004 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#282. 617.7 Gol o Ophthalmology made ridiculously simple Oleh: Goldberg, Stephen Miami : MedMaster, 2000 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#289. 617.7 Fri e Essentials of ophthalmology Oleh: Friedman, Neil J. Philadelphia : Saundres Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#283. 617.7 Glo t Tonometry and tonography Oleh: Gloster, John Boston : Little Brown, 1965 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#290. 617.7 Det v Vertebrate photoreceptors Oleh: Detwiler, Samuel R. New York : Macmillan, 1943 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#284. 617.7 Gif g Gifford's textbook of ophtalmology Oleh: Gifford, Sanford Philadelphia : W. B. Sunders, 1957 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#291. 617.7 Dav p The phisiology of the eye Oleh: Davson, Hugh Philadelphia : The Blakiston, 1950 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#285. 617.7 Gar h Handbook of opthalmology Oleh: Gardner, Thomas W. California : Appleton & Lange, 1987 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#292. 617.7 Con Contact lens management Oleh: Boston : Little Brown, 1961 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#293. 617.7 Com Compliance issues in opthalmology Oleh: New Jersey : Slack, 2002 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#294. 617.7 Cli Clinical ophthalmology : a systematic approach, 7th ed Oleh: London : Saunder Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#295. 617.7 But m Medical examination review book : surgery specialty board review Oleh: Butner, Alferd N. New York : Medical Examination, 1973 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#296. 617.7 Bur c Clinical decisions in neuro-ophthalmology Oleh: Burde, Ronald M. St Louis : The C.V. Mosby, 1985 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#297. 617.7 Bat o Ophthalmology : an illustrated colour text Oleh: Batterbury, Mark London : Elsevier Livingstone Elsevier, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#298. 617.7 Adv Advances in ophthalmology Oleh: Sydney : S. Karger, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#299. 617.7 Adl g Gifford's,textbook of ophthalmology Oleh: Adlear, Francis Heed Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1957 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#300. 617.78 Ame o Orbit, eyelids, and lacrimal system : section 7, 20072008 Oleh: American Academy of Ophthalmology Francisco : LEO, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#301. 617.787 164 Orb Orbit, eyelids, and lacrimal system : section Oleh: America : American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#302. 617.780 2 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : symposium on orbital and eyelid surgery, Vol. 5 No. 4 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1978 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#303. 617.777 311 Mat Mata & kedaruratan mata Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2015 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#304. 617.772 07 Daw g Guide to Trachoma Control Oleh: Dawson, C. R. Geneva : World Health Organization, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#305. 617.771 Ily m Masalah kesehatan mata anda : dalam pertanyaanpertanyaan Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Balai Penerbit FKUI, 1989 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#306. 617.771 952 Ble Blepharoplasty Oleh: China : Elsevier Saunders, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 152 of 269

#307. 617.771 07 Pur c Common neuro-opthalmic pitfalls : case-based teaching Oleh: Purvin, Valerie A. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#308. 617.771 07 Ble Blepharospasm and related disorders : a historical review of etiology and treatment, Vol.4 Oleh: United States ogf America : Pergamon Press, 1985 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#309. 617.771 075 4 Dut d Diagnostic atlas of common eyelid diseases Oleh: Dutton, Jonathan J. New York : Informa, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#310. 617.768 Tro r Rapid diagnosis in ophthalmology ophthalmology Oleh: Trobe, Jonathan D. Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#311. 617.764 Lac The Lacrimal system Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#312. 617.762 Str Strabismus and ocular motility disorders Oleh: London : Macmillan, 1990 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#313. 617.762 Noo a Atlas strabismus Oleh: Noorden, Gunter K.Von Jakarta : EGC, 1988 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#314. 617.762 Kar s A systematic approach to strabismus, Ed.2 Oleh: Karlsson, Virginia C. New Jersey : Slack Incorporated, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#315. 617.75 Wol o Ophthalmic imaging Oleh: Wolffsohn, James London : Elsevier, 2008 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#316. 617.75 Phi o The optometrist's practitioner-patient manual Oleh: Philips, Anthony J London : Butterworth Heineman, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#317. 617.75 Opt Optics, refraction, and contact lenses Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#318. 617.75 Muc c Clinical medicine in optometric practice Oleh: Muchnick, Bruce St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#319. 617.75 Car e Environmental & occupational optometry Oleh: Carson, Gordon H. Philadelphia : Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#320. 617.755 Ref Refraction Oleh: Boston : Little, Brown, 1965 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#321. 617.755 077 Rei r Refraction : a programmed text Oleh: Reinecke, Robert D. Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#328. 617.750 92 Phi o The optometrists practitioner-patients manual Oleh: Phillips, Anthony J. London : Elsevier, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#322. 617.755 059 Sur Surgical techniques in ophthalmology refractive surgery Oleh: Philadelphia : Sauder Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#329. 617.750 3 Mil d Dictionary of optometry and visual science, 7th Ed. Oleh: Millodot, Michael London : Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#323. 617.752 Ben p Pengobatan alamiah : untuk pemakaian kacamata Oleh: Benjamin, Harry Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1992 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#330. 617.750 287 Sil a Automated visual field testing : techniques of examination and interpretation Oleh: Silverstone, David E. Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1986 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#324. 617.752 422 72 Int Intraocular inflammation and uveitis Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#331. 617.750 231 Mor c The complete optometric assistant Oleh: Morgan, Sarah London : Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#325. 617. 752 422 72 Int Intraocular inflamation and uveitis Oleh: America : The Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalm, 2000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#326. 617.752 3 Len Lens and cataract Oleh: Singapore : American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#327. 617.752 3 Ily k Kelainan refraksi dan kacamata : glosari sinopsis Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#332. 617.747 Ger Geriatric ophthalmology : a competency-based approach Oleh: New York : Springer-Verlag, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#333. 617.742 Wor m Management of cataract in primary health care services. -- 2nd ed. -Oleh: Geneva : WHO, 1996 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#334. 617.742 Str r Rapid diagnosis in ophthalmology pediatric opthalmology and strabismus Oleh: Strominger, Mitchell B. London : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 154 of 269

#335. 617.742 Soe t Transisi menuju fakoemulsifikasi : langkah-langkah menguasai teknik & menghindari komplikasi Oleh: Soekardi, Istiantoro Jakarta : Kelompok Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#342. 617.742 Len Lens and cataract Oleh: America : The Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalm, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#336. 617.742 Red a Atlas of cataract surgery Oleh: Reddy, K Ravi Kumar India : Jaypee Brothers McGrawHill Medical, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#343. 617.742 Ily k Katarak ( lensa mata keruh) Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : FK UI, 2003 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#337. 617.742 Mul Multifocal iols (intraocular lenses) Oleh: India : Jaypee Brothers Medical, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#344. 617.742 059 Cat Cataract surgery (7th : 1980 : Houston, Tex). Current concepts in cataract surgery : seslected proceedings of the seventh biennial cataract surgical congress Oleh: New York : Appleton Century Cropts, 1982 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#338. 617.742 Mas Mastering phaco chop techniques Oleh: New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#339. 617.742 Mas Mastering the techniques of IOL power calculations, 2nd Ed. Oleh: New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#340. 617.742 Mal e Eye essentials cataract Oleh: Malhotra, Raman London : Elsevier, 2008 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#341. 617.742 Len Lens and cataract 1997-1998 Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#345. 617.741 Sta b Becker-shaffer's diagnosis and therapy glaucomas, 8th ed Oleh: Stamper, Robert L. Philadelphia : MOsby Elsevier, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------



#346. 617.741 Pos Posterior eye disease and glaucoma A-Z Oleh: London : Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier, 2008 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#347. 617.741 Kwi g Glaucoma in infants and children Oleh: Kwitko, Marvin L. New York : Appleton - Century - Crofts, 1973 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#348. 617.741 Ily g Glaukoma (tekanan bola mata tinggi) Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : FK-UI, 2001 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 155 of 269

#349. 617.741 Gla Glaucoma ringkas dan praktis Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran USU, 0000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#356. 617.740 754 5 Rap Rapid diagnosis in ophthalmology lens and glaucoma Oleh: Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#350. 617.741 Gla Glaucoma Oleh: German : Springer-Verlag, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#357. 617.740 59 Yag Yag laser opthalmic microsurgery Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#351. 617.741 Gla Glaucoma Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#358. 617.73 Mor p Practical management of diabetic retinopathy Oleh: Morse, Peter Hodges Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton Century Crofts, 1985 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#352. 617.741 Dru Drug mechanisms in glaucoma : the gilston glaucoma symposium Oleh: Boston : Little, Brown, 1966 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#359. 617.735 Fun Fundoscopy made easy Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#353. 617.741 Ame g Glaucoma : section 10, 2007-2008 Oleh: American Academy of Ophthalmology San Francisco : LEO, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#354. 617.741 076 Cur Curbside consultation in glaucoma : 49 clinical questions Oleh: New Jersey : Slack, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#355. 617.741 059 Las Laser therapy in glaucoma Oleh: New York : Appleton Century Crofts, 1985 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#360. 617.735 746 Ret Retina and vittreous Oleh: America : American Academy Ophtalmology, 1997 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#361. 617.735 746 Ret Retina and vitreous : section 12 Oleh: America : The Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalm, 2001 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#362. 617.732 02 Opt Optic nerve disease research perspectives Oleh: New York : Nova biomedical Books, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#363. 617.730 223 Dia Diabetic retinopathy atlas Oleh: New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, 2008 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#370. 617.71 May May and worth's manual of diseases of the eye Oleh: London : Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 1959 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#364. 617.72 Led l The little eye book : a pupil's guide to understanding ophthalmology, Ed.2 Oleh: Ledford, Janice New Jersey : Slack, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#371. 617.71 Lon s Surgical techniques on phthalmology oculoplastic surgery Oleh: Long, John A. United Kingdom : Saunders Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#365. 617.720 22 Mic a A Colour atlas of uveitis diagnosis Oleh: Michelson, Joseph B. London : Wolfe, 1984 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#372. 617.71 Ist a Asuhan keperawatan klien gangguan mata Oleh: Istiqomah, Indriana N. Jakarta : EGC, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#366. 617.71 Spe o Ophtalmic pathology : an atlas and textbook Oleh: Spencer, William H. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#373. 617.719 Gra m Manual of diseases of the cornea Oleh: Grayson, Merrill London : J & A. Churchill, 1969 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#367. 617.71 Ree p Pratical ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgery Oleh: Reeh, Merrill J America : United States Of America, 1976 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#374. 617.719 Ext External disease and cornea Oleh: Singapore : American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#368. 617.71 Ocu Oculoplastic surgery Oleh: New York : Raven Press, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#369. 617.71 Mel o Ophthalmic surgery : a handbook og surgical operations on... Oleh: Meller, J. New York : The Blakiston, 1953 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#375. 617.719 Ext External disease and cornea : section 8 Oleh: America : American Academy of Ophthalmology, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#376. 617.719 Cor The Cornea : scientific foundations and clinical practice Oleh: Boston : Little Brown, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 157 of 269

#377. 617.719 Ban p Prevalensi kebutaan akibat kelainan kornea di kabupaten langkat tahun 2009 Oleh: Bangun, Christina YY Medan : FK USU Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#384. 617.712 Sar p Prevalensi kebutaan akibat trauma mata di kabupaten Langkat Oleh: Sari, Kaherma Medan : FK USU Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Mata, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#378. 617.715 Tho o Oral and dental dianosis : with suggestions for treatment Oleh: Thoma, Kurt H. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1960 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#385. 617.712 Pen Pencegahan kebutaan pada anak Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1998 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#379. 617.715 Oph Ophthalmic pathology and intraocular tumors Oleh: London : American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2007 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#380. 617.715 Ful p Presurgical evaluation of eyes with opaque media Oleh: Fuller, Dwain Gordon New York : Grune & Stratton, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#381. 617.715 4 Kan s Signs in ophtalmology : causes and differencial diagnosis Oleh: Kanski, Jack J United Kingdom : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#382. 617.713 Eag e Eye injures : an illustrated guide Oleh: Eagling, Elizabeth M. London : Butterworths, 1986 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#383. 617.712 Wor s Strategies for the preventionof blindness in national programmes : a primary health care approach Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : World Health Organization, 1997 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#386. 617.712 Nug b Buta warna dan strabismus (mata juling) Oleh: Nugroho, Taufan Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#387. 617.710 76 Kan t Test yourself atlas in ophthalmology, 3rd Ed. Oleh: Kanski, Jack J. London : Butterworth Heinemann, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#388. 617.710 76 Kan c Clinical ophthalmology a test yourself atlas Oleh: Kanski, Jack J. New York : Butterworth Heinemann, 2002 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#389. 617.710 75 Ner r Rapid diagnosis in phthalmology oculoplastic and reconstructive surgery Oleh: Nerad, Jeffrey A. China : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#390. 617.710 206 0 Sym Symposium on plastic surgery in the orbital region, Vol.12 Oleh: London : The C.V. Mosby Company, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 158 of 269

#391. 617.707 602 Van o Ophtalmology secrets in color : questions you will be asked Oleh: Vander, James F. Philadelpia : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#392. 617.707 545 Mac r Rapid diagnosis in ophthalmology anterior segment Oleh: Macsai, Marian S. Philadelpia : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#393. 617.707 205 Opt Ophthalmic research : animal models in vision research Oleh: London : Karger, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#394. 617.706 1 Val d Drugs and the eye Oleh: Vale, Janet London : Butterworth, 1985 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#395. 617.705 Yea The year book of ophthalmology 1971 Oleh: Chicago : Year Book Medical, 1971 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#396. 617.702 Cur Curbside consultation in neuro-ophthalmology : 49 clinical questions Oleh: Editor Andrew G. Lee New Jersey : Slack incorporated, 2009 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#397. 617.702 31 Epi o Ophthalmic clinical procedures : a multimedia guide Oleh: Eperjesi, Frank London : Butterwoth Heinemann Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#398. 617.702 23 Ily a Atlas ilmu penyakit mata Oleh: Ilyas, Sidarta Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2010 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#399. 617.702 23 Bas c Clinical ophthalmology atlas Oleh: Basak, Samar K India : McGraw-Hill, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#400. 617.700 222 Atl Atlas of clinical opthalmology Oleh: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#401. 617.6 Zah g Gebiss-system und kaufunktion Oleh: Zahnarztetag, Bayerischer Herausgeber : Bayerische Landeszahnaztekammer, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#402. 617.6 Whe t A Textbook of dental anatomy and physiology Oleh: Wheeler, Russell C. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders : , 1962 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#403. 617.6 Whe a An Atlas of tooth form Oleh: Wheeler, Russell C. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1969 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#404. 617.6 Uni u Usulan program doktor (S3) ilmu kedokteran, program magister (S2) biomedik ilmu kedokteran dasar dan program studi ilmu kedokteran gigi dasar Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan : Program Pasca Sarjana USU, 1996 16 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 159 of 269

#405. 617.6 Uni k Kumpulan diktat kuliah ilmu kesehatan masyarakat Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1984 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#412. 617.6 Sla d Dental public health : an introduction to community dentistry Oleh: Slack, Geoffrey L. Bristol : John Wright, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#406. 617.6 Tyl t Theory and practice of crown and bridge prosthesis Oleh: Tylman, Stanley D. St.Louis : C.V. Mosby, 1947 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#413. 617.6 Ski s The Science of dental materials Oleh: Skinner, Eugene W Philadelphia : W.B Saunders, 1962 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#407. 617.6 Tor w Workbook accompany : modern dental assisting. Ed. 3 Oleh: Torros, Hazel O. Philadelphia : W. B. SAunders, 1985 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#414. 617.6 Ski s The science of dental materials Oleh: Skinner, Eugene W. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1960 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#408. 617.6 Swe c Complete dentures Oleh: Swensen, Merrill G. St.Louis : Mosby, 1947 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#415. 617.6 Sim Simposium : memasyarakatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi Oleh: Ujung Pandang : Departemen Kedokteran Gigi Hasanuddin, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#409. 617.6 Sum d Diktat : Basic technik : untuk tingkat II (khusus FKGUSU) Oleh: S.Sumadhi Medan : Fakultas kedokteran Gigi USU, 0000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#416. 617.6 Scu m Medical problems in dentistry, Ed.5 Oleh: Scully, Crispian New Delhi : Churchill Livingstone, 2005 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#410. 617.6 Stu Strurdevant's art and science of operative dentistry, Ed.5 Oleh: St Louis : Mosbyb Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#417. 617.6 Scu m Medical problems in dentistry, Ed.6 Oleh: Scully, Crispian London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#411. 617.6 Str d Dentistry, dental practice, and the community. Ed. 3 Oleh: Striffler, David F. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#418. 617.6 Rob o Oral and dental trauma in children and adolescents Oleh: Roberts, Graham Oxford : Oxford University, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 160 of 269

#419. 617.6 Pri Principles of operative dentistry Oleh: United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2005 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#426. 617.6 Pan e Etiologi karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal Oleh: Panjaitan, Monang Medan : USU Press, 0000 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#420. 617.6 Pra Praktikum prostodonsia: rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#427. 617.6 Ora Oral Medicine Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#421. 617.6 Pic p Panduan pergigian operatif Oleh: Pickard, H.M Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#428. 617.6 Ope Operative dentistry : kumpulan bacaan mahasiswa Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#422. 617.6 Pat p Periodontal instrumentation Oleh: Pattison, Anna Matsuishi London : Prentice-Hall International, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#429. 617.6 Nic f Fundamentals of dental hygiene instrumentation Oleh: Nield, Jill Shiffer Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#423. 617.6 Par m Memahami pertumbuhan dan kelainan gigi anak Oleh: Paramita, Pradnya Jakarta : Trubus Agriwidya, 2000 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#430. 617.6 Neu Neuro ophthalmology Oleh: Singapure : American Academiy of Ophthalmology, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#424. 617.6 Pan i Ilmu pencegahan karies gigi Oleh: Panjaitan, Monang Medan : USU Press, 1995 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#425. 617.6 Pan i Ilmu pencegahan karies gigi Oleh: Panjaitan, Monang Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara, 1995 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#431. 617.6 Mur t Teeth are our organs : teeth are closely connected with our lives because they affect brain & central nervous system Oleh: Muratsu, Kazumasa Japan : KOS (Institute for Oral Health Science Kyusyu), 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#432. 617.6 Mit k Kedokteran gigi klinik : semua bidang kedokteran gigi, ed.5 Oleh: Michell, Laura Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#439. 617.6 Mac e Emergencies in dental practice : Prevention and treatment. Ed. 3 Oleh: McCarthy, Frank M. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1979 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#433. 617.6 Mil i Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental team, Ed.4 Oleh: Miller, Chris H. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#440. 617.6 Mac e Clinical dental roentgenolgy : technic interpretation Oleh: McCall, John Oppie Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1962 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#434. 617.6 Meo a Aspek klinikal pergigian kanak-kanak Oleh: Meon, Rusmah Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#441. 617.6 Luk i Buku ajar ilmu kedokteran gigi forensik 2 Oleh: Lukman, Djohansyah Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2006 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#435. 617.6 McE h Handbook of oral diagnosis and treatment planning Oleh: McElroy, Donald L. Baltimore : The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1969 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#442. 617.6 Luk i Buku ajar ilmu kedokteran gigi forensik 1 Oleh: Lukman, Djohansyah Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2006 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#436. 617.6 Mcd d Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent Oleh: McDonald, Ralph E ; Avery David R [et.al] America : Mosby, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#443. 617.6 Luk d Dasar-dasar radiologi dalam ilmu kedokteran gigi Oleh: Lukman, D. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#437. 617.6 Mal m Medical emergencies in the dental office, Ed.6 Oleh: Malamed, Stanley F. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#444. 617.6 Lie d Dasar-dasar anatomi kedokteran gigi Oleh: Liebgott, Bernard Jakarta : EGC, 1994 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#438. 617.6 Mac t A Textbook of operative dentistry Oleh: McGehee, William H. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1956 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#445. 617.6 Lie a The anatomical basis of dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: Liebgott, Bernard Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


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#446. 617.6 Lec Lecture notes on clinical medicine and surgery for dental students Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1986 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#453. 617.6 Kes k Kesehatan gigi masyarakat : Kumpulan bacaan wajib Oleh: Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat Medan : FKG-USU, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#447. 617.6 Law p Patologi : buku pintar untuk kedokteran gigi Oleh: Lawler, William Jakarta : EGC, 1992 18 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#454. 617.6 Ken p Pengelolaan Tingkah Laku Pasien Pada Praktik Dokter Gigi = The Psychology Of Dental Care Oleh: Kent, G.G ; Blinkhorn A.S Jakarta : EGC, 2005 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#448. 617.6 Lan p Principles of dental imaging Oleh: Langland, Olaf E. Philadelphia : Lippncott Williams & Wilkins, 2002 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#455. 617.6 Kad p Panduan Kaedah Epidemiologi Oleh: Kadir, Rahimah Abdul Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#449. 617.6 Lam d Diagnostic picture tests in dentistry Oleh: Lamey, P-J London : Wolfe Medical, 1989 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#456. 617.6 Kad i Ilmu pergigian pencegahan : panduan untuk penuntut dan pengamal pergigian Oleh: Kadir, Rahimah Abdul Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#450. 617.6 Kum Kumpulan naskah ilmiah : peringatan 60 tahun pendidikan dokter gigi di Surabaya (1928-1988) Oleh: Surabaya : [s.n], 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#451. 617.6 Kri p Perubahan morfologi oklusal dan insisal gigi permanen sebagai gejala diagnosis Oleh: Krisnowati Surabaya : Airlangga University press, 1995 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#452. 617.6 Koe t Tumbuh Kembang Kraniodentofasial Oleh: Koesoemahardja, Hamilah D ; Indrawati, Ary and Jenie, Isnani Jakarta : fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Trisakti, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#457. 617.6 Jun k Kedaruratan dalam praktik dokter gigi : diognosis dan penatalaksanaan Oleh: Juniper, Richard P. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1996 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#458. 617.6 Ist Istilah Pergigian Oleh: Selangor : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1988 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#459. 617.6 Ilm Ilmu geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan : buku ajar = Removable partial prosthodontics Oleh: Jakarta : Hipokrates, 0000 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 163 of 269

#460. 617.6 Ilm Ilmu kesehatan gigi masyarakat I Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#467. 617.6 Hav a Applied pharmacology for the dental hygienist, 5th ed Oleh: Haveles, Elena Bablenis St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#461. 617.6 Ilm Ilmu kesehatan gigi anak Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#468. 617.6 Hav a Applied pharmacology for the dental hygienist, 6th ed Oleh: Haveles, Elena Bablenis St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#462. 617.6 Hyp Hypodontia : a team approach to management Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#469. 617.6 Har o Odontologi forensik dan identifikasi gigi Oleh: Harmaini, Nezli Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara Press, 2001 18 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#463. 617.6 Hun d Dental care for handicapped patiens Oleh: Hunter, Bruce Bristol : Wright, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#470. 617.6 Hac e Evidence-based dentistry an introduction Oleh: Hackshaw, Allan K. United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#464. 617.6 How c Carnahan's the dentist and the law Oleh: Howard, William W. Saint Louis : C. V. Mosby, 1965 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#471. 617.6 Gro o Oklusi dalam kedokteran gigi restoratif : teknik dan teori Oleh: Gross, Martin D. Surabaya : Airlangga University, 1982 58 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#465. 617.6 Hol b Basic guide to dental procedures Oleh: Hollins, Carole United Ki ngdom : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#466. 617.6 Hes l Lehrbuch der konservierenden zahnheilkunde Oleh: Hess, Walter Leipag : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#472. 617.6 Gar d Dental examination review Oleh: Gardner, Alvin F. New Delhi : CBS, 1988 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#473. 617.6 Fro l Leitfaden der zahnarztlichen chirurgie Oleh: Frohlich, Eugen Munchen : Verband Deutscher Dentisten, 1952 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#474. 617.6 Fre p The psychology of dental patient care-a commonsense approach Oleh: Freman, Ruth London : British Dental Association, 2000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#475. 617.6 Fre p The psychology of dental patient care - a commonsense approach Oleh: Freeman, Ruth London : British Dental, 2000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#476. 617.6 Fra o Oral Surgery : with 1307 figures, mostly in color and 11 tables Oleh: Fragiskos, Fragiskos D Germany : Springer, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#477. 617.6 Fra g Geriatric dentistry Oleh: Franks, A.S.T. London : Blackwell Scientific, 1973 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#478. 617.6 For Forum ilmiah 1984 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti Oleh: Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#479. 617.6 Fea The fearful dental patient : a guide understanding and managing Oleh: United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#480. 617.6 Eul k Die karies-antiologie Oleh: Euler, Herman Munchen : Carl Hanser-Verlag, 1948 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#481. 617.6 Ecc k Konservasi gigi = the conservation of teeth Oleh: Eccles, J.D. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#482. 617.6 Dun p Principles of dental public health Oleh: Dunning, James Morse Cambridge : Harvard University, 1979 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#483. 617.6 Djo a Antropologi untuk mahasiswa kedokteran gigi Oleh: Djoeana K, Hamilah Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti Indonesia, 2005 21 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#484. 617.6 Den Dental care for the elderly Oleh: London : William Heinemann, 1986 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#485. 617.6 Den Dentistry for children Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#486. 617.6 Den The Dental specialities in general practice Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#487. 617.6 Den Dentistryfor children Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#494. 617.6 DCr l Legal aspects of general dental practice Oleh: D'Cruz, Len London : Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#488. 617.6 Den The Dentition and dental care Oleh: Oxford : Heinemann Medical Books, 1990 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#495. 617.6 Cur Current treatment in dental practice Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1986 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#489. 617.6 Den Dental material I: rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1994 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#496. 617.6 Cot p Practical infection control in dentistry Oleh: Cottone, James A. Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#490. 617.6 Den Dental examination review book Oleh: New York : Medical Examination, 1974 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#497. 617.6 Com n Nota Bahan Pergigian Oleh: Combe, E.C Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#491. 617.6 Den Dental public health and community dentistry Oleh: London : The C.V.Mosby Company, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#498. 617.6 Com A Companion to dental studies Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#492. 617.6 Den Dental Research In The United States and Canada Fiscal Year 1971 Oleh: Canada : Department Of Health, Education and Welfare, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#499. 617.6 Com A Companion to dental studies Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1981 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#493. 617.6 Den The dental annual 1985 Oleh: England : University Press, 1985 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#500. 617.6 Com A Comprehensive review of dentistry : all types of MCQs Oleh: Delhi : AITBS Publisher, 2001 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#501. 617.6 Col i Internal medicine in dental practice Oleh: Collins, Leon H. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1960 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#508. 617.6 Bur d Dentistry, dental practice, and the community Oleh: Burt, Brian A. London : W.B. Saunders, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#502. 617.6 Cli Clinical operative dentistry Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B.Saunders, 1961 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#509. 617.6 Buk Buku kumpulan makalah ilmiah kongres nasional PDGI XVII, Ujung Pandang 19 s/d 21 Januari 1989 Oleh: Ujung Pandang : PGDI, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#503. 617.6 Cli Clinical dentistry Oleh: Philadelphia : Harper & Row, 1995 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#504. 617.6 Cli Clinical dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone, 2007 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#505. 617.6 Chi m Mahkota keramik suatu prosedur klinis dan estetik (essentials of dental ceramics, an artistic approach) Oleh: Chiche, Gerard J. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#506. 617.6 Chi m Mahkota keramik : Suatu prosedur klinis dan estetik Oleh: Chiche, Gerard J. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#507. 617.6 Bur o Oral medicine : diagnosis and treatment Oleh: Burket, Lester W. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1961 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#510. 617.6 Bre c Crowns : Preparation of the teeth and constrution of the varous types of full Coverage Restorations Oleh: Brecker, S Charles London : W.B.Saunders, 1961 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#511. 617.6 Bir m Modern dental assisting, 10th ed Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Elsevier Saunders, 2012 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#512. 617.6 Bau b Buku ajar ilmu konservasi gigi Oleh: Baum, Lloyd Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#513. 617.6 Ban f Fraktur sepertiga tengah skeleton fasial menurut Killey : buku pengangan bagi dokter gigi Oleh: Banks, Peter Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1992 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#514. 617.6 Art The Art and science of operative dentistry Oleh: Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 167 of 269

#515. 617.6 App Appleton and Lange's review for dental hygiene examination, Ed.3 Oleh: California : Appleton and Lange, 1987 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#516. 617.6 Anu p Phillips buku ajar ilmu bahan kedokteran gigi, Ed.10 Oleh: Anusavice, Kenneth J. Jakarta : EGC, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#517. 617.6 Adv Advanced dental nuring, 2nd ed Oleh: United KIngdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#518. 617.6 Adv Advanced operative denstistry : a practical approach Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#519. 617.69 Tar i Ilmu gigi tiruan cekat Oleh: Tarigan, Slamat Medan : Departemen Prostodonsia FKG USU, 2006 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#520. 617.69 Sum p Perubahan dimensi hasil cetakan gigi dan mulut Oleh: Sumadhi S. Medan : USU Press, 2010 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#521. 617.69 Sum a Anestesia lokal dalam perawatan konservasi gigi Oleh: Sumawinata, Narlan Jakarta : EGC, 2013 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#522. 617.69 Soe r Regenerasi dan penyembuhan untuk kedokteran gigi Oleh: Soepribadi, Istiati Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2013 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#523. 617.69 Shi a Asas prostodontik tetap Oleh: Shillingburg, Herbert T Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#524. 617.69 Sha c Complete denture prosthodontics Oleh: Sharry, John J. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1974 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#525. 617.69 Res Restorative dentistry, Ed.2 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#526. 617.69 Pro Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients : complete dentures and implant-supported prostheses. -- 12 ed Oleh: India : Thomson Press, 2004 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#527. 617.69 Pro Prostodontik : kasus klinis Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#528. 617.69 Mul p Pengendalian infeksi silang di klinik gigi Oleh: Mulyanti, Sri Jakarta : EGC, 2011 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 168 of 269

#529. 617.69 Mcg m McCraken's removable partial prosthodontics Oleh: McGivney, Glen P. New Delhi : CBS, 1989 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#536. 617.69 Est Estetik dan prostetik mutakhir kedokteran gigi Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1992 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#530. 617.69 McC c A clinical guide to complete denture prosthetics Oleh: McCord, J Fraser British : British Dental Assosiation, 2003 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#537. 617.69 Cli Clinical cases in prosthodontics Oleh: United States of America : Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#531. 617.69 Mar t Teori dan praktek ilmu mahkota & jembatan Oleh: Martanto Bandung : Alumni, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#538. 617.69 Buk Buku ajar prostodonti untuk pasien tak bergigi menurut Boucher ( Boucher's Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1994 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#532. 617.69 Kaz c Complete mouth rehabilitation through crown and bridge prosthodontics Oleh: Kazis, Harry Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1956 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#533. 617.69 Jac r Restorative dentistry : an integrated approach, Ed.2 Oleh: Jacobsen, Peter United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#534. 617.69 Hic b Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients Oleh: Hickey, Judson C. Delhi : CBS, 1990 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#535. 617.69 Fun Fundamental prostodontik cekat, Ed.4 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2015 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#539. 617.69 Bas p Perawatan prostodontik bagi pasien tak bergigi (Prosthetic treatment of the edentulous patient) Oleh: Basker, R.M. Jakarta : , 1996 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#540. 617.69 Ahm p Protocols for predictable aesthetic dental restorations Oleh: Ahmad, Irfan United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#541. 617.695 Tar c Clinical cases in restorative & reconstructive dentistry Oleh: Tarantola, Gregory J. United States of America : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#542. 617.695 Sta t Toxity testing of dental materials Oleh: Stanley, Harold R. Gaines Ville : CRC Press Florida, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 169 of 269

#543. 617.695 Ski s Skinner's science of dental materials Oleh: Skinner, Eugene William Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1981 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#550. 617.695 Fra d Dental materials at a glance Oleh: Fraunhofer, J.A. von United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#544. 617.695 Pow d Dental materials properties and manipulation Oleh: Powers, John M. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#551. 617.695 Fer m Materials in dentistry : principles and application Oleh: Ferracane, Jack L Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#545. 617.695 Pas r Resin komposit dan bahan silane sebagai bahan preventif karies di kedokteran gigi Oleh: Pasaribu, Arichi Walmer Medan : FKG USU, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#552. 617.695 Den Dental material II Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#546. 617.695 Noo i Introduction to dental materials Oleh: Noort, Richard Van London : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#547. 617.695 McC a Applied dental materials Oleh: McCabe, John F. United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#548. 617.695 Man b Basic dental materials Oleh: Manappallil, John J New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 1998 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#549. 617.695 Les s Syneresis dan imbibisi pada bahan cetak hidrokoloid alginat Oleh: Lestari, Nila Medan : FKG USU, 2003 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#553. 617.695 Cra d Dental materials : properties and manipulations Oleh: Craig, Robert G. Missouri : Harcourt Private, 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#554. 617.695 Cra Craig's restorative dental materials, Ed.20 Oleh: St Luois : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#555. 617.695 Bas Basics of dental technology : a step by step approach Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#556. 617.695 Anu p Phillips science of dental materials, Ed.11 Oleh: Anusavice, Kenneth J. St Louis : Sauder Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 170 of 269

#557. 617.695 And a Anderson's applied dental materials Oleh: Anderson, John N. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1985 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#564. 617.693 Dra i Implant restorations : a step-by-step guide Oleh: Drago, Carl Australia : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#558. 617.695 And a Applied dental materials Oleh: Anderson, John N. London : Blackwell Scientific, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#565. 617.693 Den Dental implant complications : the art and science, 2nd ed Oleh: Maryland : Saunders Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#559. 617.695 07 Sch b Basic gudie to dental materials Oleh: Scheller-Sheridan, Carmen United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#566. 617.693 Cli A Clinical guide to implants in dentistry Oleh: London : British Dental Association, 2000 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#560. 617.695 076 Hat d Dental materials : clinical applications for dental assistants and dental hygienists, Ed.2 Oleh: Hatrick, Carol Dixon St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#567. 617.693 Blo c Color atlas of dental implant surgery, 3rd ed Oleh: Block, Michael S. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#561. 617.695 02 Res Restorative dentistry : treatment procedures and procedures and future prospects Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#568. 617.693 Bed i Implant treatment planning for the edentulous patient : a graftless approach to immediate loading Oleh: Bedrossian, Edmond St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#562. 617.693 Oss Osseointegration and dental implants Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#569. 617.693 07 Ted b Buku ajar implantologi mulut : teori dan praktik Oleh: Tedyasihto, Bastian Jakarta : EGC, 2011 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#563. 617.693 Gar i Implant dentistry : a practical approach, Ed.2 Oleh: Garg, Arun K. Maryland : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#570. 617.693 076 Dar i Implantlaboratory procedures : a step-by-step guide Oleh: Drago, Carl Singapore : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 171 of 269

#571. 617.693 02 Den Dental implant complications : etiology, prevention, and treatment Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#572. 617.693 023 Mil i Implant dental nursing Oleh: Miller, Mary Oxford : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#573. 617.692 Wat p Penentuan desain : geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan (designing partial dentures) Oleh: Watt, David M. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#574. 617.692 Wat m Membuat desain : gigi tiruan lengkap Oleh: Watt, David M. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#575. 617.692 Uta d Desain & Teknik Mencetak : pada pembuatan geligi tiruan lengkap Oleh: Utari, Rita I ; Handajani, Widyana Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#576. 617.692 Pra i Ilmu geligi tiruan jembatan pengetahuan dasar dan rancangan pembuatan Oleh: Prajitno, H.R. Jakarta : EGC, 1991 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#577. 617.692 Nei c Complete denture prosthetics: a clinical and laboratory manual Oleh: Neill, D.J. Bristol : Wright, 1983 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#578. 617.692 Nei b Buku pintar geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan Oleh: Neill, D. J. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 21 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#579. 617.692 Mar g Gigitiruan tumpang : konsep dan filisofi baru rehabilitasi oral dengan ilustrasi kasus-kasus rehabilitasi oral Oleh: Margo, Anton Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2008 18 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#580. 617.692 Lub p Pengaruh pemakaian gigi tiruan lepas terhadap terjadinya kadidiasis mulut Oleh: Lubis, Sjuaibah Medan : FKG, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#581. 617.692 Kra p Partial removable prosthodontics Oleh: Kratochvil, F. James Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1988 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#582. 617.692 Jon r Removable partial dentures : a clinician's guide Oleh: Jones, John D. Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#583. 617.692 Jag c Complete dentures-problem solving Oleh: Jagger, D London : British Dental Association, 1999 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#584. 617.692 Inl Inlays, crowns and bridges: a clinical handbook Oleh: Bristol : Wright, 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 172 of 269

#585. 617.692 Inl Inlays, crowns and bridges: a clinical handbook Oleh: Bristol : Wright, 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#586. 617.692 Hob c Complete dentures Oleh: Hobkirk, J.A. Bristol : Wright, 1986 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#587. 617.692 Har g Geligi tiruan lengkap lepas Oleh: Harshanur, Itjingningsih Wangidjaja Jakarta : EGC, 1991 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#588. 617.692 Ham p Pelapisan gigitiruan = denture lining Oleh: Hamada, Taizo Surabaya : Airlangga, 2003 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#589. 617.692 Gra i An Introduction to removable denture prosthetics Oleh: Grant, Alan A. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1983 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#590. 617.692 Gig Gigi tiruan sebagian : titik tolak pada diagnosa dan perawatan dari gigi-geligi yang rusak (de partiele prothese, uitgangspunten... Oleh: Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#591. 617.692 Cli A clinical guide to crowns and other extra-coronal restorations : the authoritative reference for dental practitioners and students Oleh: London : British Dental Association, 2003 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#592. 617.692 Cli A Clinical guide to removable partial dentures : the assessment and treatment of patients requiring RPDs Oleh: London : British Dental Association, 2000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#593. 617.692 Car m McCcracken's removable partial prosthodontics, Ed.11 Oleh: Carr, Alan B. St Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#594. 617.692 Car m McCracken removable partial prosthodontics, Ed.12 Oleh: Carr, Alan B. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#595. 617.692 Bat r Removable denture construction Oleh: Bates, John F. London : Wright, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#596. 617.692 All c Crown and bridge prosthodontics: an illustrated handbook Oleh: Allan, D.N. Bristol : Wright, 1986 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#597. 617.692 023 02 Buk Buku ajar ilmu geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan 2 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#598. 617.690 2 Too Toothwear : the abc of the worn dentition Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 173 of 269

#599. 617.690 28 Den Dental technology and materials for students. Ed. 8 Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#606. 617.67 Mur f Fluorides in caries prevention Oleh: Murray, J. J. Oxford, Boston : Butterworth Heinemann, 1991 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#600. 617.67 Tar k Karies gigi, Ed.2 Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 2014 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#607. 617.67 Kid e Essentials of dental caries : the diseases and its management Oleh: Kidd, Edwina A.M Bristol : Wright, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#601. 617.67 Tar k Karies gigi Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1993 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#608. 617.67 Kid d Dasar-dasar karies penyakit dan penanggulangannya (essentials of dental caries) Oleh: Kidd, Edwina A.M. Jakarta : EGC, 1991 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#602. 617.67 Suw p Pemberian tablet fluor untuk pencegahan karies gigi Oleh: Suwelo, Ismu Suharsono Jakarta : EGC, 0000 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#609. 617.67 Den Dental caries Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby Company, 1948 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#603. 617.67 Suw k Karies gigi pada anak dengan pelbagai faktor etiologi Oleh: Suwelo, Ismu Suharsono Jakarta : EGC, 1992 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#604. 617.67 Sen p Cara praktis : penatalaksanaan kegawat-daruratan medik akibat tindakan kedokteran gigi Oleh: Seno, Sri Hananto Jakarta : Prima Tekno Utama, 2007 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#605. 617.67 Ped Pedoman perawatan restoratif atraumatik pendekatan penanggulangan karies gigi Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1999 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#610. 617.678 Irm p Penyakit gigi, mulut dan THT Oleh: Irma Z, Indah Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#611. 617.676 342 67 Ach b Buku saku karies dan perawatan pulpa pada gigi anak Oleh: Achmad, Muh. Harun Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2015 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#612. 617.676 103 1 Mum e 45 masalah & solusi penyakit gigi & mulut Oleh: Mumpuni, Yekti Yogyakarta : Rapha, 2015 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 174 of 269

#613. 617.675 Tar t Tambalan inlay Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 1989 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#620. 617.672 Hob c A Colour atlas of complete dentures Oleh: Hobkirk, J. A. London : Wolfe Medical, 1985 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#614. 617.675 Tam Tambalan amalgam berbahaya untuk kesehatan? Oleh: Jakarta : EGG, 1999 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#621. 617.672 Don a Adhesi komposit resin dengan tehnik aetsa asam untuk restorasi kerusakan gigi Oleh: Donosepoetro, Marsetio Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#615. 617.675 Gai s Silver amalgam in clinical practice Oleh: Gainsford, I. D. Oxford : Wright, 1992 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#616. 617.675 Deu t Tooth-coloured filling materials in clinic practice Oleh: Deubert, L.W. Bristol : Wright, 1982 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#617. 617.675 Ban p Pickard manual konservasi restoratif, Ed.9 Oleh: Banerjee, Avijit Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#618. 617.672 Lud b Braket self-ligating pada ortodontik : konsep & teknik terbaru Oleh: Ludwig, Bjoern Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#619. 617.672 Kay g Geligi yang rusak dan perawatannya dengan cara mahkota dan jembatan Oleh: Kayser, A. F. Jakarta : Bina Cipta, 1980 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#622. 617.672 068 Den Dental caries : the disease and its clinical management Oleh: : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#623. 617.66 Tet p Pencabutan gigi bongsu : secara pembedahan Oleh: Tetsch, Peter Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1993 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#624. 617.66 Tet p Pencabutan gigi molar ketiga Oleh: Tetsch, Peter Jakarta : EGC, 1992 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#625. 617.66 How p Pencabutan gigi geligi Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#626. 617.66 How p Pencabutan gigi geligi = the extraction of teeth Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#627. 617.66 How e The extraction of teeth Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. London : John Wright & Sons, 1980 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#634. 617.64 Mil o Orthodontics & paediatric dentistry, 2nd ed Oleh: Millett, Declan London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#628. 617.66 Hal p Perawatan diskolorisasi gigi dengan teknik bleaching Oleh: Halim, Herry Sofiandy Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2006 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#635. 617.645 Wri c Child management in dentistry Oleh: Wright, Gerald Z. Bristol : Wright, 1987 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#629. 617.660 7 Cha b Buku petunjuk praktis pencabutan gigi Oleh: Chandha, M. Hendra Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#636. 617.645 Ped Pediatric dentistry : infacy trough adolescence Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1988 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#630. 617.660 2 Ora Oral microbiology and immunology Oleh: Washington D.C : ASM Press, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#637. 617.645 Ped Pedodontics: A systematic approach Oleh: Denmark : Munksgaard, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#631. 617.660 2 Ora Oral microbiology and immunology Oleh: Washington D.C : ASM Press, 2006 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#638. 617.645 Ped Pediatric dentistry : infacy trough adolescence, 4th ed Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 2005 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#632. 617.659 812 110 7 And p Perbandingan canting dentoalveolar pada maloklusi klas I, II dan III dengan menggunakan radiografi panoramik Oleh: Andres Medan : Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis Ortodont, 2017 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#639. 617.645 Par n Notes on paediatric dentistry Oleh: Parkin, Stanley F. London : Wright, 1991 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#633. 617.657 207 Dja t Teknik biokimia kedokteran gigi Oleh: Djamil, Melanie Sadono Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2007 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#640. 617.645 Mat f Fundamentals of pediatric dentistry, 3rd ed Oleh: Morrison, Jack T. Chicago : Quintessence, 1995 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#641. 617.645 Mas Master dentistry : restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, Vo. 2, Ed.2 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#648. 617.645 Chu m Merawat gigi bayi: cara menjaga kesehatan gigi dan gusi anak Oleh: Chumbley, Jane Jakarta : Erlangga, 2010 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#642. 617.645 Ken p Paediatric operative dentistry : dental practitioner handbook No.21 Oleh: Kennedy, D.B. Bristol : Wright, 1986 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#649. 617.645 And m A Manual of pedodontics Oleh: Andlaw, R. J. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#643. 617.645 ken k konservasi gigi anak Oleh: kennedy : , 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#650. 617.643 Win s Studi profil fasial skelet Indonesia di Surabaya, Jawa Timur dengan pendekatan sefalometrik Oleh: Winoto, Nini S. Surabaya : Airlangga University, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#644. 617.645 Han Handbook of pediatric dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: London : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#651. 617.643 Win m Makalah kursus singkat orthodonti Oleh: Winoto, Nini S Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#645. 617.645 Ear Early childhood oral health Oleh: New Delhi : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#652. 617.643 Twe c Clinical orthodontics Oleh: Tweed, Charles H. Saint Louis : The CV Mosby Company, 1966 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#646. 617.645 Dea m McDonald and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent, Ed.9 Oleh: Dean, Jeffrey A. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#653. 617.643 Tri Triming model dan pembuatan komponen-komponen retensi pesawat lepas dalam perawatan ortodonti Oleh: Medan : USU Press, 1991 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#647. 617.645 Dav a An atlas of pedodontics Oleh: David, John M. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1980 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#654. 617.643 Tho o Occlusion in clinical practice Oleh: Thomson, Hamish Bristol : Wright, 1981 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 177 of 269

#655. 617.643 Tho o Occlusion Oleh: Thomson, Hamish London : Wright, 1990 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#662. 617.643 Sal o Orthodontics : practice and technics Oleh: Salzmann, J. A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1957 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#656. 617.643 Ter p Physical evaluation in dental practice Oleh: Terezhalmy, Geza T. United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#663. 617.643 Sal o Orthodontics: principles and prevention Oleh: Salzmann, J. A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1957 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#657. 617.643 Sun v Viva in orthodontics Oleh: Sundaram, Soma Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#664. 617.643 Rog b Basic guide to dental sedation nursing Oleh: Rogers, Nicola United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#658. 617.643 Sud g Gangguan tumbuh kembang dentokraniofasial Oleh: Sudiono, Janti Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#665. 617.643 Rah d Diagnosis ortodontik Oleh: Rahardjo, Pambudi Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2008 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#659. 617.643 Str t A textbook of orthodontia Oleh: Strang, Robert H. W. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1958 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#666. 617.643 Pro c Contemporary orthodontics Oleh: Proffit, William R. St Louis : MOsby Elsevier, 2007 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#660. 617.643 San o Occlusion : principles and concepts Oleh: Santos, Jose dos India : A.I.T.B.S., 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#667. 617.643 Pri b Biomekanik pergerakan gigi Oleh: Prijatmoko, Dwi Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#661. 617.643 Sal p Practice of orthodontics Oleh: Salzmann, J. A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1966 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#668. 617.643 Pra Praktikum ortodonsia Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1994 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#669. 617.643 Ort Ortodonti I Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#676. 617.643 Lam a Appearance and aesthetics indenture practice Oleh: Lamb, D.J. Bristol : Wright, 1987 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#670. 617.643 Ort Ortodonti III Oleh: Medan : FKG, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#677. 617.643 Jmn d Die gegossene partielle prothese (Planned Partials) Oleh: J. M. Ney New-Isenburgh : Degussa, 1957 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#671. 617.643 Ort Orthodontics : current principle and techniques principles and techniques, 5th ed Oleh: Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#678. 617.643 Jar t Technique and treatment with-wire appliances Oleh: Jarabak, Joseph R. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1972 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#672. 617.643 Mul b Biomekanik pergerakan gigi Oleh: Mulyani Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#679. 617.643 Hua c Evidence-based orthodontics Oleh: Huang, Greg J. United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#673. 617.643 Min p Peran gigi geligi pada rongga mulut Oleh: Minasari Medan : USU Press, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#680. 617.643 Hou t Teks ortodontik Oleh: Houston, W.J.B Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#674. 617.643 Mal p Perbandingan pengaruh larutan dan gel klorheksidin terhadap kekuatan geser perlekatan breket logam penelitian in Vitro Oleh: Malayati Medan : FKG USU Departemen Ortodonti, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#681. 617.643 Hou t A Textbook of orthodontics Oleh: Houston, W.J.B. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#675. 617.643 Mac a Applied orthodontics Oleh: McCoy, James David Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1956 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#682. 617.643 Hou o Ortodonti walther = Walther's orthodontics notes Oleh: Houston, W. J. B. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1990 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#683. 617.643 Hor n The nature of orthodontic diagnosis Oleh: Horowitz, Sidney L. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1966 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#690. 617.643 Fis c Clinical orthodontics : a guide to the sectional method Oleh: Fischer, Bercu Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1957 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#684. 617.643 Har a The activator in interceptive orthodontics Oleh: Harvold, Egil P. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1974 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#691. 617.643 Dav c Clinical guide to occlusion Oleh: Davies, S J Lowestoft : British Dental Journal, 2002 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#685. 617.643 Gri b Basic guide to orthodontic dental nursing Oleh: Grist, Fiona United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#692. 617.643 Cob h Handbook orthodontics Oleh: Cobourne, Martyn T. London : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#686. 617.643 Gil o Orthodontics at a glance Oleh: Gill, Daljit S. United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#693. 617.643 Ber e Enhancement orthodontics : theory and practice Oleh: Bernard, Marc Germany : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#687. 617.643 Gil o Ortodonsia : at a glance Oleh: Gill, Daljit S. Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#694. 617.643 Bec c Comprehensive occlusal concepts in clinical practice Oleh: Becker, Irwin M. United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#688. 617.643 Fos b Buku ajar ortodonsi : a text book of ortodontics Oleh: Foster, T. D. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#695. 617.643 Art a Antropologi dental Oleh: Artaria, Myrtati Dyah Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2009 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#689. 617.643 Fos a A Textbook of orthodontics Oleh: Foster, T. D. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#696. 617.643 All p Petunjuk bergambar mahkota dan jembatan Oleh: Allan, D.N. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#697. 617.643 All p Petunjuk bergambar mahkota & jembatan (crown and bridge prosthodontics : an illustrated handbook) Oleh: Allan, D.N. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#698. 617.643 Ale t Teknik Alexander : konsep dan filosofi kontemporer Oleh: Alexander, R.G Wick Jakarta : EGC, 2001 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#699. 617.643 Ale t Teknik Alexander : konsep dan filosofi kontemporer Oleh: Alexander, R.G. Wick Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#704. 617.643 07 Ack e Enhancement orthodontics : theory and practice Oleh: Ackerman, Marc Bernard Australia : Blackwell Publishing Company, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#705. 617.643 075 Sta e Essentials of orthodontics : diagnosis and treatment Oleh: Staley, Robert N. United Kingdom : Wiley-Balckwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#706. 617.643 02 Eng m Mosby's orthodontic review Oleh: English, Jerryl D. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#700. 617.643 Ada d The Design, construction and use of removable... Oleh: Adams, C. Philip London : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#707. 617.643 02 Eli s Self-ligation in orthodontics : an evidence-based approach to biomechanics and treatment Oleh: Eliades, Theodore USA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#701. 617.643 083 Buk Buku saku maloklusi pada anak dan penanganannya Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#708. 617.643 002 8 Isa i An Introduction to fixed applicances Oleh: Isaacson, K.G. Bristol : Wright, 1984 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#702. 617.643 07 Pen Penuntun praktikum patologi klinik kedokteran gigi Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2013 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#709. 617.643 002 8 Hou o Orthodontic treatment with removable appliances Oleh: Houston, W.J.B. Bristol : Wright, 1980 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#703. 617.643 07 Ala Alat-alat ortodonsi cekat L prinsip & praktik Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1998 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#710. 617.643 002 8 Ada d Desain, konstruksi dan kegunaan pesawat ortodonti lepas Oleh: Adams, C. Philip Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1991 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 181 of 269

#711. 617.63 Red d Das ATR-system Oleh: Redtenbacher, Kurt Berlin : Verlag Die Quintessenz, 1968 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#718. 617.634 Nas m Morfologi gigi desidui dan gigi permanen Oleh: Nasution, Minasari Imran Medan : USU Press, 2009 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#712. 617.63 Lip Lippincott's handbook of dental practice Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1958 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#719. 617.634 Jal t Tisu lembut pergigian Oleh: Jalalludin, Raja Latifah Raja Kuala Lumpur : Universiti Malaya, 1987 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#713. 617.63 Gre t Textbook of human disease in dentistry Oleh: Greenwood, Mark Unted Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#720. 617.634 Har e Endodontik klinis = Endodontics in clinical practice Oleh: Harty, F. J. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#714. 617.63 Far s Stones oral and dental diseases : aetiology, histopathology, clinical features and treatment Oleh: Farmer, E. Desmond London : The English Language Book Society & Livingston, 1966 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#715. 617.63 Cot m Mengendalikan Penyebaran Infeksi Pada Praktik Dokter Gigi = Practical Infection Control In Dentistry Oleh: Cottone, James A ; Terezhalmy, Geza T ; Molinari, John A Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1998 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#716. 617.63 Caw a Atlas bantu kedokteran gigi patologi (colour aids in dentistry oral pathology) Oleh: Cawson, R.A. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#717. 617.634 Too Tooth enamel II Oleh: Bristol : John Wright 7 Sons, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#721. 617.634 Gro e Endodontic practice Oleh: Grossman, Louis I. Phaladelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1960 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#722. 617.634 Bee p Pocket Atlas Of Endodontics Oleh: Beer, Rudolf ; Baumann, Michael A and Kielbassa, Andrej M New York : Thieme, 2006 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#723. 617.634 Alb t Tooth-Colored Restoratives : principles and techniques Oleh: Albers, Harry F Hamilton : BC Decker Inc, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#724. 617.634 2 Wal p Prinsip dan praktik ilmu endodonsia, Ed.3 Oleh: Walton, Richard E. Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#725. 617.634 2 Wal p Prinsip dan praktik ilmu endodonsi Oleh: Walton, Richard E. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#732. 617.634 2 Rho a Advanced endodontics Oleh: Rhodes, John S Inggris : Taylor and Francis, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#726. 617.634 2 Tor e Endodontics : principles and practice, Ed.4 Oleh: Torabinejad, Mahmoud St Louis : Sauder Elsevier, 2002 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#733. 617.634 2 Pit Pitt5 ford's problem-based learning in endodontology Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#727. 617.634 2 Tex Textbook of endodontology, Ed.2 Oleh: United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#734. 617.634 2 Pat Pathways of the pulp, Ed.9 Oleh: St Louis : Mosvy Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#728. 617.634 2 Tec Techniques in clinical endodontics Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#735. 617.634 2 Pat Pathways of the pulp, Ed.8 Oleh: St Louis : Mosvy Elsevier, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#729. 617.634 2 Tar p Perawatan pulpa gigi (endodonti). Ed. 2 rev. Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 2004 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#736. 617.634 2 Ing e Endodontics, 5th ed Oleh: Ingle, John I Canada : Elsevier, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#730. 617.634 2 Tar p Perawatan pulpa gigi (endodonti), Ed.3 Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 2002 14 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#737. 617.634 2 Har p Perawatan saluran akar (pulpectomy) Oleh: Hartono, Toetiasih Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1984 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#731. 617.634 2 Som c Clinical endodontics : a manual of sientific endodontics Oleh: Sommer, Ralph Fredrick Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1962 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#738. 617.634 2 Har e Endodonti klinis (endodontics in clinical practice) Oleh: Harty, F.J. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 183 of 269

#739. 617.634 2 Har Harty's endodotics in clinical practice, 6th ed Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#746. 617.634 2 Bud p Perawatan endodontik pada anak Oleh: Budiyanti, E. Arlia Jakarta : EGC, 2006 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#740. 617.634 2 Gro i Ilmu endodontik dalam praktek. Ed. 11 Oleh: Grossman, Louis I. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#747. 617.634 2 Bra d Dentin and pulp in restorative dentistry Oleh: Brannstrom, Martin London : Wolfe Medical Publ., 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#741. 617.634 2 Got e Edodontia Oleh: Gottlieb, Bernhard St. Louis : Mosby, 1950 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#748. 617.634 2 Ben b Buku pedoman endodontik klinik Oleh: Bence, Richard Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia, 1990 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#742. 617.634 2 End Endodonti Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#749. 617.634 2 Bee a Atlas saku endodontik Oleh: Beer, Rudolf Jakarta : EGC, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#743. 617.634 2 End Endodontic microbiology Oleh: New York : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#750. 617.634 2 Bar s Surgical endodontics : colour manual Oleh: Barnes, I. E. London : Wright, 1991 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#744. 617.634 2 Coh Cohen's pathways of the pulp, 10th ed Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#751. 617.634 2 Bar p Petunjuk bergambar : endodontik bedah (Surgical endodontics : colour manual) Oleh: Barnes, I. E. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 2000 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#752. 617.634 2 Akb p Pengaruh pembuangan jaringan pulpa dan jaringan periapikal yang terinfeksi pada kesembuhan biologik perawatan endodontik konvensional Oleh: Akbar, Siti Mardewi Soerono Surabaya : Unair, 1987 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#745. 617.634 2 Cli Clinical and surgical endodontics : concepts in practice Oleh: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#753. 617.634 2 Akb p Perawatan endodontik konvensional & proses penyembuhannya Oleh: Akbar, S. M. Soerono Jakarta : Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1989 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#754. 617.634 208 3 Dug a At a glance kedokteran gigi anak Oleh: Duggal, Monty Jakarta : Erlannga, 2014 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#755. 617.634 207 Lum p Practical clinical endodontics Oleh: Lumley, Philip Edinburgh : Elsevier, 2006 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#756. 617.634 207 Gut p Problem solving in endododntics : prevention, identification, and management, Ed.4 Oleh: Gutmann, James L. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#757. 617.634 207 Gut p Problem solving in endodontics : prevention, identification, and management, 5th Ed. Oleh: Gutmann, James L. Marylan : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#758. 617.634 207 1 Tar r Rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar endodonti Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran USU, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#759. 617.634 206 Wei e Endodontics therapy, 6th ed Oleh: Weine, Franklin S. St Louis : Mosby, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#760. 617.634 202 Pri Prinsip endodontik, Ed.2 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#761. 617.634 202 Pit Pitt ford problem-based learning dalam endodontologi Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#762. 617.632 Zub j Jaringan periodonsium anatomis, klinis & histologis Oleh: Zubardiah, Lies Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2011 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#763. 617.632 Ram p Periodontology and periodontics : modern theory and practice Oleh: Ramfjord, Sigurd P. Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2000 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#764. 617.632 Put i Ilmu pencegahan penyakit jaringan keras dan jaringan pendukung gigi Oleh: Putri, Megananda Hiranya Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#765. 617.632 Pra p Periodontologi Klinik Fondasi Kedokteran Gigi Masa Depan Oleh: Prayitno, Siti Wuryan Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#766. 617.632 Per p Periodontology for the dental hygienist, Ed.3 Oleh: Perry, Dorothy A. St. Louis, Missouri : Saunders, 2007 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 185 of 269

#767. 617.632 Per Periodontal diseases in children and adolescents : state of the art Oleh: Nashville, Tennesse : Mehharry Medical Colledge, 1979 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#774. 617.632 Gli c Clinical periodontology : prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease in the practice of general dentistry Oleh: Glicman, Irving Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#768. 617. 632 Oer p Pengaruh Suhu Penyimpanan terhadap Kekuatan Perlekatan Bahan Adhesi Untuk Perawatan Ortodonti Dengan Teknik "Direct Bonding" Oleh: Oeripto, Amalia Surabaya : Universitas Airlangga, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#769. 617.632 Nur p Peran stres terhadap kesehatan jaringan periodonsium Oleh: Nurul, Dewi Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#775. 617.632 Fed s Silabus Periodonti Oleh: Fedi, Peter F ; Vernino, Arthur R [et.al] Jakarta : EGC, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#770. 617.632 Nie f Foundations of periodontics for the dental hygienist Oleh: Nield-Gehrig, Jill S Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#771. 617.632 New c Carranza's clinical periodontology,k 11th ed Oleh: Newman, Michael G. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#772. 617.632 Min b Bakteri-bakteri dan pengaruh lingkungan terhadap jaringan periopdontal Oleh: Minasari Medan : Fakultas Kedoteran Gigi USU, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#773. 617.632 Gli g Glickman's clinical periodontology Oleh: Glickman, Irving Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1984 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#776. 617.632 Dib p Practical periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning Oleh: Dibart, Serge Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#777. 617.632 Dib p Practical advanced periodontal surgery Oleh: Dibart, Serge Oxford : Blackwell, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#778. 617.632 Coh a Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery Oleh: Cohen, Edward S Hamilton : Decker Inc, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#779. 617.632 Cle p Periodontology at a glance Oleh: Clerehugh, Valerie United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#780. 617.632 Car c Clinical periodontology for the dental hygienists Oleh: Carranza, Fermin A. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 186 of 269

#781. 617.632 008 Mau k Kiat merawat gigi anak Oleh: Maulani, Chaerita ; Enterprise, Jubilee Jakarta : Elex Media Kompetindo, 2005 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#788. 617.609 2 Tar p Kumpulan tulisan tentang Prof. Dr. rasinta Tarigan, drg., Sp.KG (K) Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Medan : IT &B Campus Press, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#782. 617.630 7 Pat Patologi gigi-geligi : kelainan-kelainan jaringan keras gigi Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005 33 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#789. 617.609 2 Spr e Essential human disease for dentists Oleh: Sproat, Chris London : Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#783. 617.630 7 Pat Patologi gigi-geligi: kelainan-kelainan jaringan keras gigi Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1992 38 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#790. 617.609 202 Man Manual of minor oral surgery for the general dentist Oleh: United States of America : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#784. 617.623 Man b Buku ajar periodonti = outline of periodontics Oleh: Manson, J.D. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1993 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#791. 617.609 202 Hum Human disease for dentists Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell, 2004 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#792. 617.608 Mil The milbank memorial fund quarterly toward a sociology of dentistry Oleh: New York : Department of Behavioral Science, 1971 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#793. 617.608 3 Sja s Space maintainer pada anak Oleh: Sjahruddin, F. Loes Djimahit Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#794. 617.607 Sto d Dental health education for dental health education in school and community dental health programs with special consideration for the education of adults during dental treatment Oleh: Stoll, Frances A. Philadelphya : Lea & Febiger, 1957 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#785. 617.623 Ele p Periodontics. Ed. 6 Oleh: Eley, B.M. London : Wright, 2004 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#786. 617.623 Ele p Periodontic, Ed.6 Oleh: Eley, B. M London : Saunders Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#787. 617.609 Sim d Dentistry In The 21st Century A Global Perspective Oleh: Simonsen, Richard J Germany : Quintessence Books, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 187 of 269

#795. 617.607 Den Dental microbiology Oleh: Philadelphia : Harper & Row, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#802. 617.607 57 Fro r Radiology for dental auxiliaries, 7th ed Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St Louis : Mosby, 2001 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#796. 617.607 Bau b Buku ajar ilmu konservasi gigi, Ed.3 Oleh: Baum, Lloyd Jakarta : EGC, 1997 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#803. 617.607 572 Whi o Oral radiology : principles and interpretation Oleh: White, Stuart C India : Mosby, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#797. 617.607 6 Ste f first aid for the NBDE part 1 : a student to student guide Oleh: Steinbacher, Derek M. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#804. 617.607 572 Whi o Oral radiology : principles and interpretation, Ed.6 Oleh: White, Stuart C. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#798. 617.607 6 Pan m MCQs in dentistry : clinical science ( pg entrance examination ) Oleh: Panda, U N India : A.I.T.B.S. Publisher, 2003 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#799. 617.607 6 Mos Mosby's review for the NBDE part I Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#800. 617.607 6 Mos Mosby's review for the NBDE part II Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#801. 617.607 6 Bir s Modern dental assisting : studnt workbook, 10th ed Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#805. 617.607 572 Wha r Radiography and radiology for dental professional, Ed.2 Oleh: Whaites, Eric London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2005 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#806. 617.607 572 Wha e Essentials of dental radiography and radiology, Ed.4 Oleh: Whaites, Eric London : Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#807. 617.607 572 Wha a Esentials of dental radiography and radiology. Ed. 4 Oleh: Whaltes, Eric London : Elsevier, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#808. 617.607 572 Smi d Dental radiography Oleh: Smith, N. D. J. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1988 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#809. 617.607 572 Sit r Radiografi periapikal Oleh: Sitam, Suhardjo Jakarta : EGC, 2013 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#810. 617.607 572 Obr d Dental radiography : an introduction for dental hygienists and assistants. Ed. 4 Oleh: O'Brient, Richard C. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#811. 617.607 572 Kas b Basic principles of oral radiography Oleh: Kasle, Myron J. Philadhelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1981 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#812. 617.607 572 Fro s Study guide for radiology for the dental professional, Ed.9 Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#813. 617.607 572 Fro r Radiology for the dental professional, 8th ed Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#814. 617.607 572 Fro r Radiology for the dental professional, 9th ed Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H St. Louise : Elsevier Mosby, 2011 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#815. 617.607 572 Boe d Dental radiografi : prinsip dan teknik Oleh: Boel, Trelia Medan : USU Press, 2009 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#816. 617.607 572 Bar d Dental radiology : pertinent basic concepts and their applications in clinical practice Oleh: Barr, John H. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1980 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#817. 617.607 2 Fra r Research writing in dentistry Oleh: Fraunhofer, J. Anthony Von United Kingdom : WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#818. 617.607 2 Bud m Metodologi penelitan kesehatan dengan contoh bidang ilmu kesehatan gigi Oleh: Budiharto Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#819. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis-garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi I Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#820. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis-garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi II Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#821. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis-garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi III Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#822. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi bagian IKGP - IKGM, Pedodonsia, Periodonsia Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 189 of 269

#823. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi bagian Ortodonsia, Konservasi, Prostodonsia Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#824. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Bagian Penyakit Mulut dan Bedah Mulut Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#825. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Bagian Ilmu Material dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#826. 617.607 1 Ram h Health behavior change in the dental practice Oleh: Ramseier, Christoph A. New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#827. 617.607 1 Her p Pendidikan kesehatan gigi Oleh: Herijulianti, Eliza Jakarta : EGC, 2001 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#828. 617.606 8 Ste t Treatment planning in dentistry, Ed.2 Oleh: Stefanac, Stephen J. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#829. 617.606 8 Hup d Dental clinical advisor Oleh: Hupp, James R. St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#830. 617.606 8 Gay a The administrative dental assistant, Ed.2 Oleh: Gaylor, Linda J. St. Louis, Missouri : Saunders Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#831. 617.606 8 Fin p Practice management for the dental team Oleh: Finkbeiner, Betty Ladley St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#832. 617.606 8 Fin p Practice management for the dental team, 7th ed Oleh: Finkbeiner, Betty Ladley St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#833. 617.606 8 Dum d Dental practice transition : a practical guide to management Oleh: Dunning, David G. Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#834. 617.606 8 Den Dental management of the medically compromised patient, 7th Ed Oleh: : St Louis, 2008 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#835. 617.606 8 Den Dental management of the medically compromised patient, 8th Ed Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 190 of 269

#836. 617.606 8 Bri d Dental reception and practice management Oleh: Bridges, Glenys United Kingdom : Blacksgaard, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#843. 617.605 Pri Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 6th ed Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Balckwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#837. 617.606 884 98 Att d Dental management of sleep disorders Oleh: Attanasio, Ronald United Stated od America : Wiley - Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#844. 617.605 Pen Penelitian mengenai M3 impacted yang dihubungkan dengan faktor suku pada 500 orang yang berumur 17 25 tahun Oleh: Medan : Proyek P3T-USU, 1982 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#838. 617.606 807 76 Fin s Student workbook for practice management for the dental team Oleh: Finkebeiner, Betty Ladley St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#839. 617.606 002 Pro Proceedings of the 15th scientific meeting & refresher course in dentistry Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2009 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#840. 617.605 Tui o Osteotomi rahang Oleh: Tuinzing, D.B. Bandung : Binacipta, 0000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#845. 617.605 Mes o Operative dental surgery Oleh: Messing, J.J. London : Macmillan, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#846. 617.605 Kum Kumpulan makalah ilmiah. -Oleh: Kongres Nasional Ke V PABMI (Medan, 3 - 4 Desember) 1987. Medan : PABMI, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#847. 617.605 Kid p Pickard's manual of operative dentistry Oleh: Kidd, E. A. M. Oxford : Oxford University, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#841. 617.605 Scu o Oral and maxillofacial medicine : the basis of diagnosis and treatment, Ed.2 Oleh: Scully, Crispian London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#848. 617.605 Ilm Ilmu bedah mulut I Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#842. 617.605 Ran v Viva in dental surgery Oleh: Rangarajan Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1998 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#849. 617.605 Her o Operative dental surgery Oleh: Herbert, W.E. London : Edward Arnord, 1962 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 191 of 269

#850. 617.605 Den The dental annual 1985 Oleh: Great Britain : Wright, 1985 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#857. 617.605 9 Den d The Dental facelift Oleh: Denholtz, Melvin New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#851. 617.605 Den The dental annual 1986 Oleh: Great Britain : Wright, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#858. 617.605 9 Bau t Texbook of operative dentistry Oleh: Baum, Lioyd Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#852. 617.605 Den The dental annual 1987 Oleh: Great Britain : Wright, 1986 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#859. 617.605 9 Bau t Textbook of operative dentistry Oleh: Baum, Lloyd Philadelpia : W. B. Saunders, 1995 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#853. 617.605 Bek b Bedah Krio Dalam Rongga Mulut = sebuah studi klinik Oleh: Bekke, J.P.H : Binacipta, 1977 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#860. 617.605 1 Tra Traumatic dental injuries : a manual, 3rd ed Oleh: United Kin gdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#854. 617.605 Bed Bedah mulut Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#861. 617.605 07 Ria t Teori dan praktik eksodonsia Oleh: Riawan, Lucky Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#855. 617.605 Abu o Oral and maxillifacial surgery secrets Oleh: Abubaker, A. Omar St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#862. 617.603 Pai a A-Z of dental nursing Oleh: Paintin, Wendy United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#856. 617.605.9 Wai a Atlas berwarna bedah periodontal = a colour atlas of periodontal surgery Oleh: Waite, I. M Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1989 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#863. 617.603 Mos Mosby's dental dictionary, Ed.2 Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#864. 617.603 Fed l A lexicon of English dental terms Oleh: Holland : A. Sijthoff, 1966 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#865. 617.602 Ked Kedaruratan dental Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#866. 617.602 Est Esthetic dentistry in clinical practice Oleh: Singapore : Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#867. 617.602 Cli Clinical problem solving in dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#868. 617.602 8 Sch b Basic guide to dental instruments Oleh: Scheller, Carmen United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#869. 617.602 84 Boy d Dental instruments : a pocket guide, Ed.3 Oleh: Boyd, Linda R. Bartolomucci St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#870. 617.602 84 Boy d Dental instruments : a pocket guide, 4th ed Oleh: Boyd, Linda R. Bartolomucci California : Elsevier Saunders, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#871. 617.602 5 Jev b Basic guide to medical emergencies in the dental practice Oleh: Jevon, Phil United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#872. 617.602 3 Cha d Dental communication Oleh: Chambers, David W. Connecticut : Appleton Century-Crofts, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#873. 617.602 33 Tor m Modern dental assisting, Ed.9 Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#874. 617.602 33 Tor m Modern dental assisting Oleh: Torres, Hazel O. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#875. 617.602 33 Hol n National vocational qualification (Nvqs) for dental nurses, 2nd Ed. Oleh: Hollins, Carole United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#876. 617.602 33 Hol l Levison's textbook for dental nurses, Ed.10 Oleh: Hollins, Carole United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#877. 617.602 33 Bon h Handbook for dental nurses Oleh: Bonehill, Jane United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#878. 617.602 33 Bas p Prosthetic treatment of the edentulous patient Oleh: Basker, R.M United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#879. 617.602 330 76 Tor m Modern dental assisting : student workbook, Ed.9 Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#885. 617.602 32 Gan d Dentist's guide to medical conditions complications Oleh: Ganda, Kanchan M. State Avenue : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#886. 617.601 Wor o Oral health surveys : Basic methods.-- 4th ed Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : World Health Organization, 1997 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#880. 617.602 330 76 Mos Mosby review questions and answers for dental assisting Oleh: USA : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#887. 617.601 Wor o Oral health surveys : basic methods. -- 4th ed Oleh: World Health Organization Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#881. 617.602 330 76 Hol q Questions and answers for dental nurses, 2nd Ed. Oleh: Hollins, Carole Oxford : Blackwell, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#888. 617.601 Tyl c A colour atlas of oral medicine Oleh: Tyldesley, William R. London : Wolfe Medical, 1978 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#882. 617.602 330 76 Gay a The administrative dental assistant : workbook, Ed.2 Oleh: Gaylor, Linda J. St Louis : Sauder Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#889. 617.601 Tex A Textbook of preventive dentistry Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. SAunders, 1982 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#883. 617.602 32 Sta Standar pendidikan profesi dokter spesialis Oleh: Jakarta : Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#890. 617.601 Tar p Perawatan Pulpa Gigi = Endodonti Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#884. 617.602 32 Nor n Netter's head and neck anatomy for dentistry Oleh: Norton, Neil S. Philadelphia : Sauder Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#891. 617.601 Tar p Perawatan pulpa gigi(endodonti) Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 194 of 269

#892. 617.601 Suw p Petunjuk praktis sistem merawat gigi anak di klinik : cara melakukan pemeriksaan lengkap... Oleh: Suwelo, Ismu Suharsono Jakarta : EGC, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#893. 617.601 Sur m Memperbaiki dan memperindah posisi gigi anak Oleh: Suryanegara, Rina J. Jakarta : Trubus Agriwidya, 2000 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#894. 617.601 Sun v Viva in dental pathology Oleh: Sundaram, Soma Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1998 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#895. 617.601 Sun s Serba-serbi ilmu konservasi gigi Oleh: Sundoro, Edi Hartini Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia (UI Press), 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#896. 617.601 Sri p Panduan Singkat Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut : buku ini membantu anda bagaimana mangambil langkah bijak merawat gigi dan kesehatan mulut Oleh: Srigupta, Aziz Ahmad Jakarta : Prestasi Pustaka, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#897. 617.601 Rob e Essentials of dental assiting Oleh: Robinson, Debbie S. St Louis : Saunders Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#898. 617.601 Raz f Fluorida dan kesehatan pergigian Oleh: Razak, Ishak Abdul ; Jaafar , Nasruddin Kuala Lumpur : Jabatan Penerbitan Universiti Malaya, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#899. 617.601 Pri Primary preventive dentistry Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton & Lange, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#900. 617.601 Pin m Menuju gigi & mulut sehat : pencegahan dan pemeliharaan Oleh: Pintauli, Sondang Medan : USU Press, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#901. 617.601 Pin m Menuju gigi & mulut sehat : pencegahan dan pemeliharaan Oleh: Pintauli, Sondang Medan : USU Press, 2015 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#902. 617.601 Nut Nutrition in preventive medicine Oleh: Geneva : World Health Organization, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#903. 617.601 Niz n Nutrition in preventive dentistry : science and practice Oleh: Nizel, Abraham E. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1980 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#904. 617.601 Nie f Fundamentals of dental hygiene instrumentation Oleh: Nield, Jill Shiffer Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#905. 617.601 Nal p Panduan perubatan mulut Oleh: Nally, Fergal F Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 195 of 269

#906. 617.601 Mos Mosby's dental hygiene : concepts, cases, and competencies, Ed.2 Oleh: St Luois : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#907. 617.601 Moe p Pemeliharaan gigi dimulai sejak dari kandungan sang ibu Oleh: Moestopo Jakarta : Ghalia, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#908. 617.601 Mey z Die zahn-mund-und kieferheilkunde Oleh: Meyer, Wilhelm Berlin : Verlag Von Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1955 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#909. 617.601 Mas Master dentistry : oral biology, Vol.3 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#910. 617.601 Man c Clinical oral diagnosis Oleh: Manhold, John H. New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1965 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#911. 617.601 Kus v Visualisasi objektif perawatan = (Visual treatment objective - VTO) Oleh: Kusnoto, Hendro Jakarta : EGC, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#912. 617.601 Kon p Prevensi dalam kedokteran gigi dan dasar ilmiahnya Oleh: Konig, K. G. Jakarta : Indonesian Dental Industries, 1982 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#913. 617.601 Ilm Ilmu kedokteran gigi pencegahan Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1993 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#914. 617.601 For r Restorasi gigi = The Restoration of teeth Oleh: Ford, T. R. Pitt Jakarta : EGC, 1993 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#915. 617.601 For p Pencegahan penyakit mulut Oleh: Forrest, J.O. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1989 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#916. 617.601 Flu Fluorosis = Dental fluorosis Oleh: Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1991 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#917. 617.601 Ehr n Nutrition and dental health Oleh: Ehrlich, Ann Canada : Delmar, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#918. 617.601 Dar m Mosby's comprehensive review of dental hygiene Oleh: Darby, Michele L. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#919. 617.601 Dan m Mosby's dental hygiene : concepts, cases, and competenciesm Ed.2 Oleh: Daniel, Susan J. St Louis : Mosby elsevier, 2008 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#920. 617.601 Com n Nota Bahan Pergigihan Oleh: Combe, E.C Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#927. 617.601 Bha s Synopsis of oral pathology Oleh: Bhaskar, S.N. St.Louis : Mosby, 1977 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#921. 617.601 Col h A Handbook for dental hygienists Oleh: Collins, W. J. N. Boston : Wright, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#928. 617.601 Bes m Mengenal Gigi Anda : petunjuk bagi orangtua Oleh: Besford, John Jakarta : Arcan, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#922. 617.601 Col h A Handbook for dental hygienists Oleh: Collins, W.J.N. England : Wright, 1986 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#929. 617.601 Ast t Total Quality Management Dalam Keehatan Gigi Di Sekolah Oleh: Astoeti, Tri Erri Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#923. 617.601 Cli Clinical textbook of dental hygiene and therapy Oleh: United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#924. 617.601 Bud t Trauma oral & maksilofasial Oleh: Budihardja, Andi Setiawan Jakarta : EGC, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#925. 617.601 Bud p Pengantar ilmu perilaku kesehatan dan pendidikan kesehatan gigi Oleh: Budiharto jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#926. 617.601 Boe p Pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi keluarga Oleh: Boedihardjo Surabaya : Airlangga Uneversity Press, 1985 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#930. 617.601 And p Perawatan gigi anak (A manual paedodontics) Oleh: Andlaw, R.J. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1992 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#931. 617.601 9 Pan b Basic guide to infection prevention and control in dentistry Oleh: Pankhurst, Caroline L United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#932. 617.601 966 Log l Local anesthesia for the dental hygienist Oleh: Logothesis, Demetra Daskalos St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#933. 617.601 902 Beh Behavioral dentistry Oleh: Canada : Blackwell Publishing Company, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 197 of 269

#934. 617.601 084 6 Ora Oral healtcare and the frail elder : a clinical perspective Oleh: Canada : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#935. 617.601 07 Ora Oral & maxillofacial pathology Oleh: Philadelphia : Saunders, 2002 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#936. 617.601 076 Rob e Essentials of dental assisting : workbook, Ed.4 Oleh: Robinson, Debbie S. St Louis : Saunders, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#937. 617.601 076 Feh s Sauders review of dental hygiene, Ed.2 Oleh: Fehrenbach, Margaret J. St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#938. 617.601 075 Bir d Diagnosis kelainan dalam mulut : petunjuk bagi klinisi Oleh: Birnbaum, Warren Jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#939. 617.601 072 Cli Clinical research in oral health Oleh: USA : Wiley Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#940. 617.601 070 6 Dar d Dental hygiene : theory and practice Oleh: Darby, Michele Leonardi St Louis : Saunders Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#941. 617.601 060 Reg Regional dental meeting and exhibition -III program book & abstracts theme : enhancing the quality of dental health services the era of globalization Oleh: Medan : Faculty of Dentistry University of Sumatera Utara, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#942. 617.601 02 Cap p Prevention in clinical oral health care Oleh: Cappelli, David P. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#943. 617.601 02 Bee e Ethics and law in dental hygiene Oleh: Beemsterboer, Phyllis L Beewmsterboer, Phyllis L : Saunders Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#944. 617.601 02 Adv Advanced dental nursing, 2nd Ed Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#945. 617.601 028 7 Bon m Managing health and safety in the dental practice Oleh: Bonehill, Jane United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#946. 617.601 007 2 Pak l Laporan penelitian prevelensi pertumbuhan rahang pada penderita gondok di daerah Sleman Oleh: Pakakusuma, Wisnubronto Yogyakarta : FKG UGM, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#947. 617.600 92 Sta Standar kompetensi dokter gigi Oleh: Jakarta : Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 198 of 269

#948. 617.600 68 Meg d Dental practice management Oleh: McGehee, William H.O. Chicago : Year Book, 1944 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#955. 617.600 19 Ken p The psychology of dental care, 2nd ed Oleh: Kent, G.G. Bristol : Wright, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#949. 617.600 68 Gas p A primer on dental practice management Oleh: Gaskins, Leslie E. Virginia : Reston, 1985 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#956. 617.600 19 Ken p The psychology of dental care Oleh: Kent, G.G. Bristol : Wright, 1984 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#950. 617. 600 3 Spa Spanish terminology for the dental team : terminologia en espanol para el equipo dental, 2nd ed Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#957. 617.600 16 Ing b Behavioral aspects in dentistry Oleh: Ingersoll, Barbara D. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#951. 617.600 3 Ill Illustrated dental terminology Oleh: London : J. B. Lippincott, 1985 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#952. 617.600 28 Phi e Elements of dental materials for dental hygienists and assistans Oleh: Phillips, Ralph W. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#953. 617.600 246 1 Den The dental assistant Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1960 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#954. 617.600 246 1 And d The Dental assistant Oleh: Anderson, Pauline C. New York : Delmar, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#958. 617.5 Rec Reconstruction of the child's hand Oleh: Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#959. 617.5 Rad Radiographic interpretation in orafacial disease Oleh: Oxford : Oxford University, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#960. 617.5 Ope Operation techniques in shoulder surgery Oleh: : , 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#961. 617.5 Moy a Atlas of cutaneous facial flaps and grafts : a differential diagnosis of wound closures Oleh: Moy, Ronald L. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#962. 617.5 Dou a Akses vena sentral : perawatan dan tata laksana Oleh: Dougherty, Lisa Jakarta : Erlangga, 2010 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#969. 617.56 Kum Kumpulan naskah lengkap simposium : back pain Oleh: Medan : Kumpulan naskah lengkap simposium, 1990 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#963. 617.5 Cyr t Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine Oleh: Cyriax, James New York : A. I. T. B. S, 2001 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#970. 617.564 Por m management of back pain Oleh: Porter, Richard New York : Churchill Livingstone, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#964. 617.592 5 Kum c Cleft palate and craniofacial anomalies : effects on speech and resonance, Ed.2` Oleh: Kummer, Ann W. Australia : Thomson, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#971. 617.564 Cai l Low back pain syndrome, Ed.3 Oleh: Cailliet, Rene Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, 1984 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#965. 617.585 Foo The foot and its disorders Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1976 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#972. 617.564 Bac Back pain in the workplace : management of disability in nonspecific conditions Oleh: Seattle : IASP Press, 1995 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#966. 617.582 075 72 Pay a Atlas of knee menisci : an arthrographic pahologic correlation Oleh: Pavlov, Helene Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#973. 617.560 59 Kon Konsensus nasional penanganan trauma kapitis dan trauma spinal Oleh: Jakarta : Pardossi, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#967. 617.582 059 Sav t Total knee replacement Oleh: Savastano, A. A. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1980 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#974. 617.55 Bac s Surgical anatomy of the colon, retum and anal canal Oleh: Bacon, Harry E. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1962 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#968. 617.56 Sei l Low back pain : clinical diagnosis and management Oleh: Seimon, Leonard P. Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#975. 617.559 Wat h Hernia : anatomy, etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, differential... Oleh: Watson, Leigh F. St. Louis : Mosby, 1948 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 200 of 269

#976. 617.557 059 Bro s Surgery of the pancreas Oleh: Brooks, John R. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#983. 617.550 597 Fal b Basic, advanced, and robotic laparoscopic surgery Oleh: Falcone, Tommaso Philadelphia : Sauders Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#977. 617.556 Maj d Diagnostik dan pengobatan infeksi saluran empedu Oleh: Majid, Abdul Medan : FK USU, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#984. 617.54 Tho Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton-Century, 1983 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#978. 617.554 7 Cor c Colon and rectal surgery Oleh: Corman, Marvin L. London : J.B. Lippincott, 1984 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#985. 617.54 Hin d Diseases of the chest Oleh: Hinshaw, H. Corwin London : W. B. Saunders, 1963 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#979. 617.553 Sur Surgery of the stomach and duodenum by 77 authors Oleh: : J & A. Churchill, 1969 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#986. 617.54 Bor m Management of emergencies in thoracic surgery Oleh: Borrie, John New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1972 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#980. 617.550 754 5 Bec c Color Atlas of Laparoscopy Oleh: Beck, Kurt Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#981. 617.550 59 Tra Trauma management Oleh: New York : Thieme-Stratton, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#982. 617.550 59 Had l Laparoskopi operatif : pidato pengukuhan jabatan guru besar tetap dalam bidang ilmu kebidanan dan penyakit kandungan pada fakultas kedokteran, diucapkan di hadapan rapat terbuka Universitas Sumatera utara Oleh: Hadibroto, Budi R. Medan : USU Press, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#987. 617.548 Pos s Surgery of the esophagus Oleh: Postlethwait, R. W. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1979 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#988. 617.542 Sur The surfactant system of the lung : prevention and treatment of neonatal and adult respiratory distress syndrome Oleh: London : Macmillan, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#989. 617.540.757 Ell e Exercises in chest x-ray diagnosis Oleh: Elliot, John A. Lonodon : Butter Worth, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 201 of 269

#990. 617.540 717 2 Rub d Diseases ofthe chest : with emphasis on X-ray diangnosis Oleh: Rubin, Eli H. Philadelphia : W.B.Saunders, 1947 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#997. 617.523 Mey s Secondary and functional rhinoplasty the difficult nose Oleh: Meyer, Rodolphe New York : Grune & Stratton, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#991. 617.540 717 2 Bal c Chest diseases case studies Oleh: Balchum, Oscar J. New York : Medical Examination, 1973 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#998. 617.523 076 02 Rhi Rhinoplasty problems and controversies : a discussion with the experts Oleh: Missouri : The C.V. Mosby Company, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#992. 617.540 26 Bor m Management of thoratic emergencies Oleh: Borrie, John New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1980 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#999. 617.523 059 2 Bur a Aesthetic reconstruction of the nose Oleh: Burget, Gary C. St. Louis : Mosby, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#993. 617.53 Rah i Infeksi leher dalam Oleh: Rahardjo, Sutji Pratiwi Yogyakarta : Graha ILmu, 2013 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1000. 617.523 020 60 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : symposium on reconstruction of the nose, Vol. 8 No. 3 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#994. 617.539 05 Thy Thyroid and parathyroid surgery : new and emerging concepts Oleh: London : Karger, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#995. 617.533 Hwa f Fiberoptic quided Tracheal Intubation : a Pratical Approach Oleh: Hwang, N.C. Singapore : McGraw-Hill, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#996. 617.52 Kli c Craniomandibular disorders and orofacial pain : diagnosis and management Oleh: Klineberg, Iven Oxford : Wright, 1991 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1001. 617.522 Yad s Short questions and answers in oral medicine and oral pathology Oleh: Yadav N.S. India : Virender Kumar Arya, 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1002. 617.522 Wri m Manual of temporomandibular disorders Oleh: Wright, Edward F. Unites Staste America : Blackwell Munkgaard, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1003. 617.522 Wri m Manual of temporomandibular disorders, 2nd ed Oleh: Wright, Edward F. United States of America : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 202 of 269

#1004. 617.522 Wei o Oral Implant Surgical Seminars : advance seminar basic seminar and participation clinic in oral implantology Oleh: Weiss, Charles M Singapore : Cam Services, 1981 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1005. 617.522 Top o Oral and maxillofacial infections Oleh: Topazian, Ricahrd G Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1987 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1011. 617.522 Ped b Buku ajar praktis bedah mulut Oleh: Pedersen, Gordon W. Jakarta : EGC, 1996 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1012. 617.522 Ora Oral Diseases in the Tropics Oleh: New York : Oxford University, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1006. 617.522 Spi m Mukosis akibat radiasi : pencegahan dan pengobatan Oleh: Spijkervet, Frederik K.L. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1996 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1013. 617.522 Ora Oral and maxillofacial surgery, radiology, pathology and oral medicine 1, Ed.2 Oleh: London : Chrurchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1007. 617.522 Spi m Mukositis akibat radiasi : pencegahan dan pengobatan Oleh: Spijkervet, Frederik K.L. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1996 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1014. 617.522 Ora Oral medicine and pathology at a glance Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1008. 617.522 Sha t A Textbook of oral pathology Oleh: Shafer, William G. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1015. 617.522 Oke m Management of temporomandibular disorders and occlusion, Ed.6 Oleh: Okeson, Jeffrey P. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1009. 617.522 Reg o Oral pathology : clinical - pathologic correlations Oleh: Regezi, Joseph A. Philadelphia : W.B.Saunders, 1989 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1010. 617.522 Reg o Oral pathology : clinical - pathologic correlations, Ed.5 Oleh: Regezi, Joseph A. Philadelphia : W.B.Saunders, 2008 14 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1016. 617.522 Ogu g Gangguan sendi temporo mandibula Oleh: Ogus, Hugh D. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1990 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1017. 617.522 Ogu c Common disorders of the temporomandibular joint Oleh: Ogus, Hugh D. Bristol : Wright, 1986 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 203 of 269

#1018. 617.522 Mar t Tehnik pembedahan celah bibir dan langit-langit Oleh: marzoeki, Djohansjah Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2002 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1025. 617.522 Gan o Oral medicine Oleh: Gandolfo, Sergio London : Chrurchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1019. 617.522 Mac c Clinical and oral microbiology Oleh: McCracken, Alexander W. New York : McGraw Hill, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1026. 617.522 Dan o Odontektomio metode split technique pada gigi molar ketiga Oleh: Danudiningrat, Coen Pramono Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2006 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1020. 617.522 Lam o Oral microbiology at a glance Oleh: Lamont, Richard J. United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1021. 617.522 Ish c Color atlas of oral pathology Oleh: Ishikawa, Goro America : Ishiyaku EuroAmerica , 1999 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1022. 617.522 Ibs o Oral pathology for the dental hygienist Oleh: Ibsen, Olga A.C. China : Saunders Elsevier, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1023. 617.522 Gra c A clinical guide to temporomandibular disorders Oleh: Gray, R.J.M London : British Dental Association, 2003 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1024. 617.522 Geu c Community oral health practice, 3rd ed Oleh: Geurink, Kathy Voigt St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1027. 617.522 Caw o Oral pathology Oleh: Cawson, R. A. London : Churchill Livingstone, 1987 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1028. 617.522 Bur b Berket's oral medicine : diagnosis and treatment Oleh: Burket's, Lester W. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1029. 617.522 Bur b Burket's oral medicine : diagnosis abd treatment Oleh: Burket, Lester William Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1984 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1030. 617.522 Bel s Surgical correction of dentofacial daformities : new concepts Oleh: Bell, William H. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1031. 617.522 Bay s Systematic disease for dental students Oleh: Bayley, T. J. Bristol : Wright, 1984 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 204 of 269

#1032. 617.522 Adv Advances in the management of cleft palate Oleh: Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1980 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1039. 617.522 070 222 Col c Colby, Kerr and Robinson's color atlas of oral pathology Oleh: Colby, Robert A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1983 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1033. 617.522 6 Cow c Cawson's essentials of oral pathology and oral medicine, Ed.8 Oleh: Cawson, R.A. London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevbier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1040. 617.522 059 Las o Oral and maxillofacial surgery Oleh: Laskin, Daniel M. Delhi : A.I.T.B.S, 2000 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1034. 617.522 502 Man Management of cleft lip and palate in the developing world Oleh: England : John Wiley & Sons, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1041. 617.522 059 Cou m Master dentistry:Oral and maxillofacial surgery, radiology,pathology and oral oral medicine Oleh: Coulth, Paul London : Churchill Livingstone, 2003 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1035. 617.522 075 7 Sta s Stafne's oral radiographic diagnosis Oleh: Stafne, Edward C. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1042. 617.522 059 Con Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery Oleh: St Luis : Mosby, 2003 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1036. 617.522 075 7 Luk r Radiografi ekstra oral Oleh: Lukman, D. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1991 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1043. 617.522 059 Con Contempary oral and maxillofacial surgery, Ed.5 Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1037. 617.522 073 7 Sta s Stafne's oral radiographic diagnosis Oleh: Stafne, Edward C. Philadelphia : , 0000 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1044. 617.522 059 But t Treatment of facial clefft deformities : an illustrated guide Oleh: Butow, Kurt W India : A.I.T.B.S. Publisher, 1996 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1038. 617.522 071 Soe o Oral medicine : rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar Oleh: Soegiarti P. Medan : USU, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1045. 617.522 059 Bag c Current therapy in oral and maxillifacial surgery Oleh: Bagheri, Shahrokh C. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 205 of 269

#1046. 617.522 059 026 0 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : symposium om maxillofacial surgery, Vol. 9 No. 4 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1982 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1053. 617.520 59 Ows a Aesthetic facial surgery Oleh: Owsley, John Q. Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1047. 617.522 059 023 Buk Buku saku bedah mulut & maksilofasial Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1054. 617.520 592 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : aesthetic surgery of the face, Vol. 19 No. 2 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1048. 617.522 02 Bag c Clinical review of oral and maxillofacial surgery Oleh: Bagheri, Shahrokh C. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1055. 617.520 590 75 Nai f Facial aesthetics : concepts & clinical diagnosis Oleh: Naini, Farhad B. United Kingdom : Wiley-Balckwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1049. 617.522 022 3 Sin a Atlas oral implantology, 3rd ed Oleh: Singh, Pankaj P. Maryland : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1056. 617.520 590 754 Thr Three-dimensional imaging for orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1050. 617.522 022 2 Hop a Atlas berwarna bedah mulut preprotetik = a colour atlas of preprosthetic oral surgery Oleh: Hopkins, Russell Jakarta : EGC, 1989 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1051. 617.522 021 Han Handbook of experimental stomatology Oleh: Boca raton, Florida : CRC Press, 1981 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1052. 617.520 59 Pri The primary care of facial injuries Oleh: Zook, Elvin G. America : PSG publishing, 1980 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1057. 617.520 590 2 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : aesthetic surgery of the face, Vol. 19 No. 2 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1058. 617.51 Tur l Logan Turner's diseases of the nose, throat, and ear Oleh: Turner, Logan Bristol : John Wright & Sons, 1952 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1059. 617.51 Tha d Diagram diagnostik penyakit telinga hidung dan tenggorokan Oleh: Thaler, Seth R. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 206 of 269

#1060. 617.51 Tek Teknik pemeriksaan telinga, hidung & tenggorok Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1061. 617.51 Soo a Aspek klinikal hidung Oleh: Soong, Stephen Lee Teck Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1062. 617.51 Pen Penatalaksanaan penyakit dan kelainan telingahidung-tenggorok Oleh: Jakarta : FKUI, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1063. 617.51 Moo s Segi praktis ilmu penyakit telinga-hidung-tenggorok Oleh: Moore-Gillon, Victoria Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara, 1991 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1064. 617.51 May m May's manual of the diseases of the eye Oleh: May New York : The Williams& Wilkins, 1961 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1065. 617.51 Maq t Textbook of ear, nose and throat diseases Oleh: Maqbool, Mohammad New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1066. 617.51 Maq s Syndromes in otorhinolaryngology (ear, nose & throat diseases) Oleh: Maqbool, Mohammad New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 2000 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1067. 617.51 Lud p Petunjuk penting pada penyakit telinga, hidung, tenggorokan Oleh: Ludman MB, Harold Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1068. 617.51 Lud p Petunjuk penting pada penyakit telinga hidung tenggorokan (ABC of ear nose and throat) Oleh: Ludman, Harold Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1996 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1069. 617.51 Lik d Diseases of the ear, nose and throat Oleh: Likhachov, A. Moskow : Mir publisher, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1070. 617.51 Hal d Diseases of the nose, throat and ear Oleh: Hall, I. Simson Edinburg : Livingstone, 1987 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1071. 617.51 Ess Essential otolaryngology : head & neck surgery, Ed.8 Oleh: New York : Mcgraw-Hill, 2003 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1072. 617.51 Dol b Basic otolaryngology Oleh: Dolowitz, David A. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1964 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1073. 617.51 Cum Cummings otolaryngology head & neck surgery, Vol III Oleh: Philadelpia : Mosby Elsevier, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 207 of 269

#1074. 617.51 Cum Cummings otolaryngology head & neck surgery, Vol II Oleh: Philadelpia : Mosby Elsevier, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1075. 617.51 Cum Cummings otolaryngology head & neck surgery, Vol IV Oleh: Philadelpia : Mosby Elsevier, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1076. 617.51 Cum Cummings otolaryngology head & neck surgery, Vol I Oleh: Philadelpia : Mosby Elsevier, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1077. 617.51 Cli Clinical management of head, neck and TMJ pain and dysfunction gelb : a multi disiplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. SAunders, 1985 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1078. 617.51 Bul l Lecture notes diseases of the ear, nose and throat, 10th ed Oleh: Bull, Peter Australia : Blackwell, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1079. 617.51 Buk Buku ajar ilmu kesehatan telinga-hidung-tenggorok kepala leher, Ed.5 Oleh: Jakarta : FK UI Universitas Indonesia, 2003 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1080. 617.51 Buk Buku ajar ilmu kesehatan telinga hidung tenggorok kepala & leher, Ed.6 Oleh: Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2007 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1081. 617.51 Bro b Buku saku ilmu kesehatan tenggorok, hidung, dan telinga, Ed.12 Oleh: Broek, P. Van den Jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1082. 617.51 Bin s Synopsis of operative ent surgery Oleh: Bingham, Brian J.G. Oxford : Butterworth & Heinemann, 1992 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1083. 617.51 Bha s A Short textbook of E.N.T. Diseases for students and practitioners Oleh: Bhargava, Krishnakant B. Mumbai : Usha, 2002 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1084. 617.51 Bed Bedah rekonstruksi telinga bagian tengah Oleh: Jakarta : Literata Lintas Media, 2009 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1085. 617.51 Ada b Boies : buku ajar penyakit THT = Boies fundamentals of otolaryngology Oleh: Adams, George L. Jakarta : EGC, 1994 13 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1086. 617.514 Mcn k Kelainan Kraniomandibula : pedoman bagi evaluasi, diagnosis dan penatalaksana Oleh: Mcneill, Charles Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1993 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1087. 617.510 7 Nagd Dasar-dasar ilmu THT, Ed.2 Oleh: Nagel, Patrick Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1088. 617.510 7 Buk Buku ajar ilmu kesehatan telinga hidung tenggorok kepala & leher, Ed.7 Oleh: Jakarta : FK UI, 2016 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1089. 617.510 76 Oto Otolaryngology head & neck surgery review Oleh: St Louis : Mosby, 1998 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1090. 617.510 76 Oto Otolaryngology : basic science and clinical review Oleh: New York : Thieme, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1091. 617.510 75 Hea Head and neck manifestations of systemic disease Oleh: New York : Informa, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1092. 617.510 75 Cur Current diagnosis & treatment otolaryngology head and neck surgery Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill Medical, 2008 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1093. 617.510 5 Oto ORL journal for oto-rhino-laryngology, head and neck surgery : the rule of virus in inner ear disorders a controversial issue Oleh: Switzerland : Karger, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1094. 617.510 5 Oto ORL journal for oto-rhino-laryngology, head and neck surgery Oleh: London : Karger, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1095. 617.510 530 59 Sha c Color atlas of operative techniques in head and neck surgery : face, skull and neck Oleh: Shah, Jatin P England : Harccurt Brace Javonovich, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1096. 617.510 530 59 Lor a An atlas of head and neck surgery Oleh: Lore, M John London : W.B Saunders Company, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1097. 617.510 2 Rec Recent advances in otolaryngology Oleh: London : Royal Society of Medicine Press, 2008 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1098. 617.510 2 Ess Enssential otolaryngology : head & neck surgery, Ed.9 Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1099. 617.510 23 Tex Textbook of ear, nose and throat diseases, 12th Ed Oleh: New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers Medical, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1100. 617.510 23 Ari c Cedera kepala : teori dan penanganan Oleh: Arifin, M.Z. Bandung : Sagung Seto, 2013 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 209 of 269

#1101. 617.510 231 Het a Asuhan keperawatan gangguan THT (telinga, hidung dan tenggorokan) Oleh: Hetharia, Rospa Jakarta : Trans Info Media, 2011 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1102. 617.510 223 Tha d Diagram diagnostik penyakit telinga, hidung dan tenggorokan Oleh: Thaller, Seth R. Jakarta : EGC, 1989 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1103. 617.4 Wel h The history of endocrine surgery Oleh: Welbourn, R. B. New York : Praeger, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1104. 617.4 Sur Surgical endocrinology : clinical syndromes Oleh: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1105. 617.48 Pro Progress in neurological surgery Oleh: Basel : S. Karger, 1969 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1112. 617.47 She g Gowned and gloved orthopaedics : introduction to common procedures Oleh: Sheth, Neil P. Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1106. 617.48 Mem Memahami gambaran mikroanatomi pada operasi bedah saraf Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2012 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1122. 617.477 Per s Skin grafting Oleh: Perdanakusuma, David Sontani Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1998 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1123. 617.477 Cos Cosmetic surgery of the skin : principles and techniques Oleh: Philadelphia : B.C.Decker, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1117. 617.47 Cur Current diagnosis & treatment in orthopedics, 2nd ed Oleh: New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2000 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1124. 617.477 072 Pad s Skin grafting from a personal and experimental viewpoint Oleh: Padgett, Earl Calvin Maryland : Charles C Thomas, 1942 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1120. 617.47 Cha a Atlas of hand surgery Oleh: Chase, Robert A. California : W.B. Saunders Company, 1973 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1127. 617.470 7 Hel b Buku ajar gangguan muskuloskeletal Oleh: Helmi, Zairin Noor Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2013 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1121. 617.477 Pri Principles of dermatologic plastic surgery Oleh: New York : PMA Publishing Corp, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1129. 617.463 Pra s Sirkumsisi yang aman & efisien Oleh: Pranata, Yoga Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2008 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1136. 617.461 059 Amb Ambulatory peritoneal dialysis Oleh: New York : Plenum Press, 1990 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1137. 617.460 44 Gue u Urologic injuries Oleh: Guerriero, W. Graham Norwalk : Appleton-Century -Crofts, 1984 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1131. 617.463 Bac s Siskumsisi Oleh: Bachsinar, Bob Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1990 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1132. 617.463 023 Her t Teknik operasi sirkumsisi : panduan lengkap, sistematism dan praktis untuk dokter dan mahasiswa kedokteran Oleh: Hermana, Asep Jakarta : Agung Seto, 2010 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1133. 617.461 Smi r Robotics in urologic surgery Oleh: Smith, Joseph A. Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2008 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1134. 617.461 059 Pen Penyakit ginjal dan analisis Oleh: Medan : USU Press, 2013 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1135. 617.461 059 Cah h Hemodialisis (cuci darah) : panduan praktis perawatan gagal ginjal Oleh: Cahyaningsih, Niken D. Jogjakarta : Mitra Cendikia, 2009 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1138. 617.445 37 Imm Immunotheraphy and bone marrow transplantation Oleh: New York : Futura, 1995 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1139. 617.441 Ant m Manual of stem cell and bone marrow transplantation Oleh: Antin, Joseph H. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1140. 617.43 Cur Current diagnosis & treatment in vascular surgery Oleh: London : Prentice - Hall International, 1995 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1141. 617.430 720 5 Obe Obesity facts the European journal of obesity : progress in surgery for obesity and metabolic disorders Oleh: London : Karger, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1142. 617.41 Pur b Buku ajar primer ilmu bedah toraks, kardiak, dan vaskular Oleh: Puruhito Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 212 of 269

#1143. 617.414 Woo v The veins : normal and abnormal function Oleh: Wood, J. Edwin Boston : Little, Brown, 1965 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1144. 617.413 Vli p PTCA (percutaneous transluminal angioplasty) Oleh: Vlietstra, Ronald E. New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 1988 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1150. 617.413 Ken g Gender and recovery from coronary artery bypass surgery : a psychological perspective Oleh: Kendel, Friederike Berlin : Steinkoff Verlag, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#1145. 617.413 Vas Vascular surgery : a comprehensive review Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1146. 617.413 Vas Vascular surgery : current quetions Oleh: Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1147. 617.413 Sur Surgical treatment of peripheral vascular disease Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1962 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1155. 617.413 Adv Advances in vascular surgery Oleh: Philadelphia : Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1164. 617.3 Sch t Tierkunde Oleh: Schmeil, Otto Heidelberg : Verlag Quelle & Meyer, 1951 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1165. 617.3 Ren p Pediatric orthopedics Oleh: Renshaw, Thomas S. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1166. 617.3 Ped Pediatric orthopaedics. Ed. 2 Oleh: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincotts, 1985 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1167. 617.3 Nas i Ilmu bedah orthopaedi dan implementasinya dalam era pembangunan Indonesia Oleh: Nasution, Nagar Rasyid Bandung : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjadjaran, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1168. 617.3 Lav t Tanya jawab buku ajar ortopedi dan fraktur sistem apley Oleh: Lavy, C. B. D. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1997 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1162. 617.3 Wul l Lehrbuch der chirurgie Oleh: Wullstein, L. Germany : Arbeitsgemeinschaft Medizinisher Veriage, 1951 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1169. 617.3 Kay c A Colour atlas of oro-facial diseases Oleh: Kay, L. W. London : Wolfe medical books, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1163. 617.3 Soe p Pengantar ilmu bedah orthopaedi Oleh: Soeharso, R. Jogyakarta : Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1977 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1170. 617.3 Jul b Belajar merawat di bangsal ortopedi Oleh: Julien, Danielle Jakarta : EGC, 1994 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 214 of 269

#1171. 617.3 How t A Textbook of orthopedics : with asection on neurology in orthopedics Oleh: Howort, M. Beckett Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1952 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1172. 617.3 Cyr c Cyriax's illustrated manual of orthopaedic medicine, 2nd ed Oleh: Cyriax, J.H. London : Butterworth Heinemann, 1993 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1173. 617.3 Col p Principles of othopaedic suegery Oleh: Colonna, Paul C. Boston : Little Brown, 1960 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1174. 617.3 Ast k Kapita selekta traumatologik dan ortopedik Orthopaedics and traumatology Oleh: Aston, J. N. Jakarta : EGC, 1983 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1175. 617.3 Apl b Buku ajar ortopedi dan franktur sistem apley Oleh: Apley, A. Graham Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1176. 617.3 Aeg o Orthopedic diseases : physiology-pathology-radiology Oleh: Aegerter, Ernest Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1958 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1177. 617.3 Ada o Outline of orthopaedics Oleh: Adams, John Crawford London : The English Language Book Society, 1971 14 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#1178. 617.37 Tui o Osteotomi rahang Oleh: Tuinzing, D. B. Bandung : Binacipta, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1179. 617.359 Gun o Orthopaedic surgery in South and East Asia Oleh: Gunn, D. R. Kuala Lumpur : Universitas of Malaya, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1180. 617.310 2 Ins Instant clinical diagnosis in ophthalmology anterior segment diseases Oleh: New Delhi : McGraw-Hill, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1181. 617.302 2 Kes a A Colour atlas of clinical orthopaedics Oleh: Kessel, Lipmann London : Wolfe Medical, 1980 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1182. 617.2 Pri Primary surgery Oleh: Kuala Lumpur : Oxford, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1183. 617.2 Bry a Acute & chronic wounds : current management concepts Oleh: Bryant, Ruth A. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1184. 617.22 Wor m The management of acute respiratory infections inchildren : prectical guidelines for outpatient care Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 215 of 269

#1185. 617.22 Wor c Control of foodborne trematode infections Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : WHO, 1995 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1192. 617.22 Per Perinatologi tahun 2000 penanganan terpadu infeksi perinatal Oleh: Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1996 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1186. 617.22 Suh f Fungal infections of the skin, hair and nails Oleh: Suhonen, Raimo E. London : Martin Dunitz, 1999 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1187. 617.22 Soe t Tokosoplasmosis : mencegah dan mengatasi penyakit melindungi ibu dan anak Oleh: Soedarto Jakarta : CV Sagung Seto, 2012 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1188. 617.22 Soe i Imunologik penyakit infeksi Oleh: Soemardji, Andreanus A. Medan : Medan: FK USU, 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1189. 617.22 Sim a Attenuated infection : the gern contemporary perspective Oleh: Simon, Harold J. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1960 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1190. 617.22 Ram p Penyakit infeksi tropik pada anak, Ed.2 Oleh: Rampengan, T.H. Jakarta : EGC, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1191. 617.22 Ram p Penyakit infeksi tropik pada anak Oleh: Rampengan, T.H. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1193. 617.22 Oem i Infeksi strongyloides stercoralis di Djakarta Oleh: Oemijati, Sri [s.n] : [s.l], 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1194. 617.22 Nas m Masalah infeksi dalam pembedahan : suatu rangkaian penelitian tentang populasi kuman penyebab infeksi pasca bedah di RS Dr. Pirngadi Medan Oleh: Nasution, Effendy Medan : FK USU, 1988 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1195. 617.22 Nas Naskah lengkap up-date ilmu penyakit infeksi 1994 Oleh: Jakarta : FK UI, 1994 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


in #1196. 617.22 Mon v Viral infections of the human fetus Oleh: Monif, Gilles R. G. London : MacMillian, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1197. 617.22 Kon Konsensus FKUI tentang peta kuman dan pilihan antimikroba. -- Cet.1 Oleh: Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1198. 617.22 Kas p Perubahan pola penyakit infeksi di bidang ilmu kesehatan anak Oleh: Kaspan, Mochamad Faried Surabaya : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga, 1992 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1199. 617.22 Jap i Infeksi parasit dan jamur pada susunan saraf pusat Oleh: Japardi, Iskandar Medan : FK USU, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1200. 617.22 Int Intrauterine infections Oleh: New York : Elsevier, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1201. 617.22 Das Dasar biologis & klinis penyakit infeksi Oleh: Yokyakarta : Gadjah Mada Universitas, 1994 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1202. 617.22 Con a Antibiotic prophylaxis in surgei Oleh: Conte, John E. London : J. B. Lippincott, 1984 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1203. 617.22 Cel Cellular metabolism and infections Oleh: New York : Academic, 1954 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1204. 617.22 Bun Bunga rampai penyakit infeksi Oleh: Jakarta : FK UI, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1205. 617.22 Ari p Panduan praktis pemilihan balutan loka kronik Oleh: Arisanty, Irma Puspita Jakarta : Mitra Wacana Medika, 2012 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1206. 617.22 Ame r Report of the committee on infectious diseases Oleh: American Academy of Pediatrics Elk Grove Village, Illinois : American Academy of Pediatrics, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1207. 617.226 169 883 02 Buk Buku divisi infeksi dan penyakit tropis Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2012 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1208. 617.226 169 883 02 Buk Buku ajar divisi infeksi dan penyakit tropis Oleh: Garna, Herry Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2012 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1209. 617.225 980 2 Pen Penyakit infeksi di Indonesia : solusi kini & mendatang Oleh: Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2007 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1210. 617.220 2 Uve Uveitis and immunological disorders : progress III Oleh: Germany : Springer, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1211. 617.220 2 Bio Biologi molekuler penyakit infeksi : institute of tropical disease airlangga university Oleh: Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2008 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 217 of 269

#1212. 617.21 Loc p A programmed surgery and management of shock and its major complications Oleh: Locicero, Joseph New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1213. 617.208 3 Moe l Luka bakar pediatrik Oleh: Moenadjat, Yefta Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2016 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1214. 617.1 Wou Wound healing : a symposium based upon the lister centenary scientific meeting Oleh: Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 1966 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1215. 617.1 Wil d Diagnosis picture tests in injuri in sport 1 Oleh: Williams, J.G.P. Switzerland : Roche, 1988 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1216. 617.1 Wil a Accident and emergency handbook Oleh: Wilson, David H. London : Butterworths, 1985 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1217. 617.1 Wal p Perawatan luka dan penderita perlukaan ganda = Wound care... Oleh: Walton, Robert L. Jakarta : EGC, 1990 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1218. 617.1 Sur p Perawatan Luka Oleh: Suriadi Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1219. 617.1 Sur p Pengkajian luka & penanganannya, ed.1 Oleh: Suriadi Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2015 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1220. 617.1 Per Perineal and anal sphincter trauma Oleh: London : Springer Verlag, 2007 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1221. 617.1 Pea w Wound repair, 2nd ed Oleh: Peacock, Erle E. London : W.B. Saunders Company, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1222. 617.1 Mor m Manajemen Luka = a colour guide to the nursing management of wounds Oleh: Morison, Moya J. Jakarta : EGC, 2003 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1223. 617.1 Mar p Perawatan luka modern (modern woundcare) terkini dan terlengkap : sebagai bentuk tindakan keperawatan mandiri Oleh: Maryunani, Anik Yogyakarta : In Media, 2015 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1224. 617.1 Man The Management of trauma Oleh: London : W.B. Saunders, 1968 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1225. 617.1 Kum Kumpulan naskah seminar trauma I Batu Malang 14 Nopember 1981 Oleh: Malang : Fakultas Kodokteran UNBRA dan IDI cabang Malang dan PT. CIBA-Geigy Pharma Indonesia, 1981 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 218 of 269

#1226. 617.1 Gui Guidelines for the assessment of general damages in personal injury cases Oleh: London : Black Stone, 1992 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1227. 617.1 Ear Early care of the injured patient. -- 2nd. Ed Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1228. 617.1 Car Care for the injured child: the surgical staff, the hospital for sick children, Toronto, Canada Oleh: Baltimore : The Williams & Wilkins, 1975 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1229. 617.1 Boy p Pemulihan luka : seri praktik kebidanan = wound healing in midwifery Oleh: Boyle, Maureen Jakarta : EGC, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1230. 617.17 Ban f Fraktur pada mandibula menurut Killey : buku pegangan bagi dokter gigi Oleh: Banks, Peter Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1992 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1231. 617.16 Mus Musculoskeletal resumes Oleh: [s.l] : [s.n], 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1232. 617.15 Pat f Fratures and orthopaedics Oleh: Paton, David F. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1988 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1233. 617.15 Han Handbook of fractures Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2000 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1234. 617.15 Ham a Adams's outline of fractures : including joint injuries Oleh: Hamblen, David L. Toronto : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1235. 617.15 Fra Fractures and dislocations Oleh: London : Butterworths, 1966 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1236. 617.158 Fra Fractures of the upper extremity Oleh: New York : Marcel Dekker, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1237. 617.156 Kil k Killey's fractures of the mandible Oleh: Killey, H. C. Oxford : Wright, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1238. 617.156 Ban k Kiley's fractures of the middle third of the facial skeleton Oleh: Banks, Peter London : Wright, 1987 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1239. 617.156 Ban f Fraktur mandibula = Killey's fractures of the mandible Oleh: Banks, Peter Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1990 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 219 of 269

#1240. 617.150 23 Sar t Teknik mengeluarkan gigi fraktur dengan mudah & cepat Oleh: Sariningsih, Endang Jakarta : EGC, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1241. 617.14 Wou Wound healding : a symposium based upon the lister centenary scientific meeting Oleh: Boston : Little Brown, 1966 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1242. 617.14 Mar l Luka dan perawatannya asepsis/antisepsis disinfektan Oleh: Marzoeki, Djohansjah Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1991 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1243. 617.14 Lon a The Anatomy of injury and its surgical implications Oleh: London, P. S. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1244. 617.140 83 Mar p Perawatan luka modern pada anak : disertai dengan berbagai macam studi kasus luka pada anak Oleh: Maryunani, Anik Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2016 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1245. 617.11 Pen Penanganan luka bakar Oleh: Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2006 20 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1246. 617.11 Eff p Perawatan pasien luka bakar Oleh: Effendi, Christantie Jakarta : EGC, 1999 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1247. 617.107 Mag k Keterampilan dasar perawatan luka bagi pemula Oleh: Maghfuri, Ns. Ali Jakarta : TIM, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1248. 617.107 Ari k Konsep dasar manajemen perawatan luka Oleh: Arisanty, Irma P. Jakarta : EGC, 2013 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1249. 617.107 206 0 Adv Advances in wound care and hbo update 2010 Oleh: Columbus : Medical Center, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1250. 617.106 8 Pus m Manajemen trauma Oleh: Wijaya, Aksin Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2015 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1251. 617.103 Dem w Work hardening : a practical approach Oleh: Demers, Linda M. Boston : Andover Medical, 1992 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1252. 617.103 7 Sut s Sehat & bugar melalui meditasi dalam gerak Oleh: Sutardhio, Hendra Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2002 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1253. 617.102 Tre Treatment of traumatized adults and children : clinician's guide to evidence-based pratice series Oleh: Canada : John Wiley & Sons, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 220 of 269

#1254. 617.102 7 Spo Sports medicine Oleh: New York : Academic Press, 1974 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1261. 617.09 Whi h History of surgery Oleh: Whipplei, Allen O. [s.l] : [s.n], 0000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1255. 617.102 7 Spo Sports medicine Oleh: London : Edward Arnold, 1976 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1262. 617.097 Uni s The surgical clinics of north America : surgical physiology (vol. 47-number 6 December, 1967) Oleh: University of Minnesota Number London : W.B. Saunders, 1967 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1256. 617.102 7 Pre r Rehabilitation techniques for sports medicine and athletic training, 4th ed Oleh: Prentice, William E. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1257. 617.102 7 Net Netter's sports medicine Oleh: Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1258. 617.102 7 Kus o Olah raga untuk orang sehat dan penderita penyakit jantung Oleh: Kusmana, Dede Jakarta : FKUI, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1259. 617.102 65 Bas Basic first aid Oleh: Boston Burr Ridge : McGraw-Hill, 2005 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1260. 617.102 060 Cli Clinics in plastic surgery an international quarterly : symposium on war injuries, Vol. 2 No. 4 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1975 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1263. 617.097 Sur The surgical clinics of North America : the biologic foundations of surgery Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1965 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1264. 617.097 Sur The surgical clinics of North America : Symposium on surgical infections andcantibiotics Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1975 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1265. 617.097 Sur The surgical clinics of North America vol. 58, no. 6 December 1978 Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1978 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1266. 617.092 Tra Transactions of the international society of plastic surgens Oleh: Edinburgh : E. & S. Livingstone, 1960 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1267. 617.092 73 Sch g Gifted Hands : America's most significant contributions to surgery Oleh: Schwartz, Seymour I. New York : Prometheus Books, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 221 of 269

#1268. 617.07 Wal c A colour atlas of general surgical diagnosis Oleh: Walker, William F. London : Wolfe Medical Publications, 1976 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1275. 617.076 Mas Master medicine surgery, Ed.3 Oleh: New York : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1269. 617.07 Ill t A Textbook of surgical pathology Oleh: Illingworth, Charles London : The English Language Book Society and J. A. Churchill, 1968 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1276. 617.076 Laf f First aid for the absite : a resident to resident guide Oleh: LaFemina, Jennifer Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2008 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1270. 617.07 Col A colour atlas of surgical pathology Oleh: Guthrie, W. Netherlands : Royal Smeets Offset, 1982 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1277. 617.076 Kao p Pre test surgery : pre test self-assessment and review, Ed.12 Oleh: Kao, Lilian S. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1271. 617.076 Sin m MCQs in dentistry (Basic science) Oleh: Singh, Vijay Pratap Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2000 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1278. 617.076 Gra a Anatomy, descriptive and surgical Oleh: Gray, Henry New York : Gramercy Books, 1977 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1272. 617.076 Rev Review for surgery : scentific principles and pratice Oleh: Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1279. 617.076 Ble g General surgery board and absite revie Ed. 4 Oleh: Blecha, Matthew J. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1273. 617.076 Pan m MCQs in dentistry : basic sciences (PG entrance examination) Oleh: Panda, U N Delhi : A.I.T.B.S, 2003 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1280. 617.076 Bla s Surgical recall, Ed.5 Oleh: Blackbourne, Lorne H. philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1274. 617.076 Mcq MCQs in dentistry (clinical sciences) Oleh: Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2002 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1281. 617.076 App Appleton & lange review surgery Oleh: New York : McGraw Hill, 2003 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 222 of 269

#1282. 617.076 All a Appleton & lange review for the surgical technology Ed. 5 Oleh: Allmers, Nancy M Boston Burr Ridge : McGraw-Hill, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1289. 617.075 72 Fro s Study guide to accompany radiology for the dental professional, Ed.8 Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1283. 617.076 02 Abe s Surgical secrets Oleh: Abernathy, Charles M Philadelphia : Hanley & Belfus Inc, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1290. 617.075 707 602 Pre r Radiology secrets plus, 3rd ed Oleh: Pretorius, E. Scott Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1284. 617.075 Dun p Pemeriksaan fisik bedah Oleh: Dunphy-Bostford Yogyakarta : Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1977 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1291. 617.075 4 Swa b Buku ajar diagnostik fisik = textbook of physical diagnosis Oleh: Swartz, Mark H. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1285. 617.075 Dun p Pemeriksaan fisik bedah Oleh: Dunphy, J. Englebert Yogyakarta : Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1993 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1286. 617.075 Doh c Current essentials of surgery Oleh: Doherty, Gerard M Singapore : Mc Graw-Hill, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1287. 617.075 Cur Current surgical diagnosis & treatment Oleh: New York : Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1288. 617.075 Bai h Hamilton Bailey's demonstrations of physical signs in clinical surgey Oleh: Bailey's, Hamilton Bristol : John Wright & Sons, 1973 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1292. 617.075 4 Cur Current surgical diagnosis & treatment Oleh: California : Lange Medical, 1981 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1293. 617.075 4 Bai d Demonstrations of physical signs in clinical surgery Oleh: Bailey, Hamilton Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1946 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1294. 617.06 And b Boyd's pathology for the surgeon Oleh: Anderson, William Bombay : Kothari Book, 1969 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1295. 617.068 Sur surgery : diagnosis and management, Ed.4 Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 223 of 269

#1296. 617.05 Lap Laparoscopic surgery for gynecologic oncology Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1303. 617.02 Med Medicine & surgery : an integrated textbook Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1297. 617.059 Osw b Bedah dan perawatannya Oleh: Oswari, E Jakarta : Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1993 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1304. 617.02 Man s Surgery : a competency-based companion Oleh: Mann, Barry D. Philadephia : Saunder Elsevier, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1298. 617.058 Lan u Understanding cosmetic laser surgery Oleh: Langdon, Robert United States of America : University Press of Mississippi, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1305. 617.02 Int Intisari prinsip - prinsip ilmu bedah = (Principles of surgery) Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2000 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1299. 617.058 07 Con p Principles and practice of laser dentistry Oleh: Convissar, Robert A. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1306. 617.02 Int Intisari prinsip-prinsip ilmu bedah Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2000 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1300. 617.02 Was The washington manual of surgery, 5th ed Oleh: Philadelphia : Lippincott William & Wilkins, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1307. 617.027 Mee f Free ileal autograft as asubstitute for the thoracic oesophagus Oleh: Meeuwis, Jan Dirk [s.l] : [s,n], 0000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1301. 617.02 Sci Scientific foundations of surgery, 2nd ed Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders Company, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1302. 617.02 Pri Principles & practice of surgery Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1308. 617.026 Ham Hamilton bailey ilmu bedah gawat darurat Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1992 30 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1309. 617 026 02 Ind k Kedaruratan non bedah dan bedah Oleh: Indonesia. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia Jakarta : FK UI, 2002 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 224 of 269

#1310. 617.024 Sch o Outpatient surgery Oleh: Schultz, Richard Carlton Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1979 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1317. 617.024 Bro b Bedah minor : buku ajar dan atlas Oleh: Brown, John Stuart Jakarta : EGC, 1995 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1311. 617.024 Kla i Ikhtisar bedah minor : pegangan untuk unit bedah rawat jalan/Puskesmas Oleh: Klaue, Peter Jakarta : Hipokrates, 0000 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1318. 617.024 068 Mer m Medical management of the surgical patient, Ed.3 Oleh: Merli, Geno J. Philadelphia : Saunder Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1312. 617.024 Gen General surgery outpatient decisions, Ed.2 Oleh: Oxford : Radcliffe Publishing, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1319. 617.023 Nic k Kedokteran perioperatif (Perioperative medicine) : manajemen pasien bedah dengan kelainan medis Oleh: Nicholls, Anthony Jakarta : Farmedia, 2001 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1313. 617.024 Fry c Colour atlas minor surgery in general practice Oleh: Fry, John Decdrecht, Boston : Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1320. 617.023 3 Sei c Chirurgie des koptes und halses fur zahnarzte Oleh: Seifert, Ernst Munchen : J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, 1922 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1314. 617.024 Dun p Physical examination of the surgical patient Oleh: Dunphy, J. Englebert Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1959 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1321. 617.023 3 Ped Pedoman teknik operasi "OPTEK" Oleh: Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1993 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1315. 617.024 Chr m Minor surgery Oleh: Christopher, Frederick Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1951 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1322. 617.023 1 Som a Asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan gangguan sistem pernapasan : keperawatan medikal bedah Oleh: Somantri, Irman Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2008 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1316. 617.024 Chr Christopher's minor surgery Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1960 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1323. 617.023 1 Rot p Perencanaan asuhan keperawatan perioperatif Oleh: Rothrock, Jane C. Jakarta : EGC, 2000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 225 of 269

#1324. 617.023 1 Nur p Prosedur keperawatan medikal-bedah : buku saku Oleh: Nurachmah, Elly Jakarta : EGC, 1999 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1325. 617.023 1 Man Manual prosedur tindakan klinis yang umum dilakukan di bangsal Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1326. 617.023 1 Hin b Brunner and suddarth's textbook of medical - surgical nursing Oleh: Hinkle, Janice L. Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, 2014 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1327. 617.023 1 Gru k Buku ajar keperawatan perioperatif Oleh: Gruendemann, Barbara Jakarta : EGC, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1328. 617.023 1 Gru b Buku ajar keperawatan perioperatif 2 Oleh: Gruendemann, Barbara J. Jakarta : EGC, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1329. 617.023 1 Dig k Keperawatan medikal bedah Oleh: Digiulio, Mary Yogyakarta : Rapha, 2017 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1330. 617.023 1 Bri k Kisi-kisi menembus masalah bedah Oleh: Britto, J.A. Jakarta : EGC, 2005 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1331. 617.023 133 Mut g Gangguan gastrointestinal: aplikasi keperawatan medical bedah Oleh: Muttaqin, Arif Jakarta : Salemba Medika, 2011 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#1332. 617.023 107 Wij k Keperawatan medikal bedah (keperawatan dewasa) 1 Oleh: Wijaya, Ns. Andra Saferi Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1333. 617.023 107 Wij k Keperawatan medikal bedah (keperawatan dewasa) 2 Oleh: Wijaya, Ns. Andra Saferi Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1334. 617.023 107 Sme b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal-bedah Brunner & suddarth 1, Ed.8 Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanne C. Jakarta : EGG, 2002 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1335. 617.023 107 Sme b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal-bedah Brunner & suddarth 2, Ed.8 Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanne C. Jakarta : EGG, 2002 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1336. 617.023 107 Sme b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal-bedah Brunner & suddarth, Vol.3, Ed.8 Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanne C. Jakarta : EGG, 2001 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1337. 617.023 107 Sme b Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 1, 9th ed Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanne C Philadelphia : Lippincott, 2000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 226 of 269

#1338. 617.023 107 Sme b Brunner and Suddarth's textbook of medical surgical nursing 2, 9th ed Oleh: Smeltzer, Suzanne C. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1344. 617.023 107 Lem b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal bedah : gangguan integumen, gangguan endokrin dan gangguan gastrointestinal vol.2 Oleh: Lemone, Priscilla Jakarta : EGC, 2016 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1339. 617.023 107 Rob b Buku ajar visual nursing (medikal-bedah) : sebuah panduan diagnosis penyakit, keterampilan, serta asuhan keperawatan, Jil.2 Oleh: Robinson, Joan M. Jakarta : Binarupa Aksara, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1345. 617.023 107 Har b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal bedah 1 : dengan diagnosis nanda international Oleh: Hariyanto, Awan Yogyakarta : Ar-Ruzz Media, 2015 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1340. 617.023 107 LeM b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal bedah : gangguan eliminasi gangguan kardiovaskular, Vol.3, Ed.5 Oleh: LeMone, Priscilla Jakarta : EGC, 2015 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1346. 617.023 107 Boy s Study guide for Brunner & Suddarth's textbook of medical-surgical nursing 1, 12th Ed. Oleh: Boyer, Mary Jo : Wolters Kluwer, 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1341. 617.023 107 LeM b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal bedah, Vol.4, Ed.5 Oleh: LeMone, Priscilla Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1347. 617.023 107 6 Med Medical surgical nursing certification examination review Oleh: Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1342. 617.023 107 Lem b Buku ajar keperawatan medikal bedah : dimensi keperawatan medikal bedah, gangguan pola kesehatan dan patofisiologi dan pola kesehatan vol. 1, Ed.5 Oleh: Lemone, Priscilla Jakarta : EGC, 2015 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1343. 617.023 107 Lem b Buku ajar : keperawatan medical bedah Vol.2 Oleh: Lemone, Priscilla Jakarta : EGC, 2015 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1348. 617.021 6 Ind k Katalog program studi ilmu bedah 1978 Oleh: Indonesia. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Jakarta : Depdikbud, 1978 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1349. 617.020 76 Jac f First exposure general surgery Oleh: Jacobs, Danny O. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1350. 617.01 Sur Surgical infections diseases Oleh: New York : Appleton Cenury Crofts, 1982 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1357. 617.007 6 Sno p Pre test surgery Oleh: Snow, Norman J. Boston : McGraw Hill, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1351. 617.01 Ska a Anatomical complications in general surgery Oleh: Skandalakis, John E. New York : McGraw HillBook, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1358. 617.007 6 Lan Lange Q & A surgery, 5th ed Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1352. 617.01 Nic d Decision making in surgical spesis Oleh: Nichols, Ronald Lee Philadelphia : B. C. Decker, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1359. 617.007 6 Joh The John hopkisn absite review manual Oleh: Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1353. 617.007 Ess Essentials of experimental surgery Oleh: London : Butterworths, 1990 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1360. 617.007 6 Har a Abernathy's surgical secrets Oleh: Harken, Alden H. Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1354. 617.007 7 Pri Principles of surgery : pre test self assessment and review Oleh: New York : McGraw Hill, 1984 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1361. 617.005 Sur Surgery annual, 1991 vol. 23 part 1 Oleh: East Norwalk : Appleton & Lange, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1355. 617.007 6 Wil s Self-assessment of current knowledge in general surgery : 250 multiple choice questions and referenced answers Oleh: Williams, Lester F. Flushing, N.Y. : Medical Examination, 1974 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1356. 617.007 6 Sur Surgery, Ed.5 Oleh: Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2008 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#1362. 617.005 Deb Debates in clinical surgery vo. 2 Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby Year Book, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1363. 617.005 Adv Advances in surgery vo. 24 Oleh: Chicago : Mosby Year Book, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#1364. 617.003 Wil o Operating department practice A-Z Oleh: Williams, Tom New York : Cambridge University press, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1365. 617.002 Kui k Kapita selekta pemeriksaan bedah onderzoek) Oleh: Kuijjer, P. J. Jakarta : EGC, 1984 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#1366. 617.002 8 Reh Rehabilitation surgey for deformities due poliomyelitis : techniques for the district hospital Oleh: Geneva : WHO, 1993 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#1367. 617.002 02 Man s Surgery : a competebcy-based companion Oleh: Mann, Barry D. Philadelphia : Suander Elsevier, 2009 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#1368. 617.001 Winningham and preusser's critical thinking in medical - surgical settings, Ed.3 Oleh: Preusser, Barbara A. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2005 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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Dental Disease

Ada 555 judul dari rekapitulasi buku : No Klas : 617.6 Subyek : Semua Jenis : Buku Bahasa : Semua Tahun Terbit : #1. 617.6 Zah g Gebiss-system und kaufunktion Oleh: Zahnarztetag, Bayerischer Herausgeber : Bayerische Landeszahnaztekammer, 1976 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#2. 617.6 Whe t A Textbook of dental anatomy and physiology Oleh: Wheeler, Russell C. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders : , 1962 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#3. 617.6 Whe a An Atlas of tooth form Oleh: Wheeler, Russell C. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1969 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#4. 617.6 Uni u Usulan program doktor (S3) ilmu kedokteran, program magister (S2) biomedik ilmu kedokteran dasar dan program studi ilmu kedokteran gigi dasar Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan : Program Pasca Sarjana USU, 1996 16 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#5. 617.6 Uni k Kumpulan diktat kuliah ilmu kesehatan gigi masyarakat Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1984 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#6. 617.6 Tyl t Theory and practice of crown and bridge prosthesis Oleh: Tylman, Stanley D. St.Louis : C.V. Mosby, 1947 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#7. 617.6 Tor w Workbook accompany : modern dental assisting. Ed. 3 Oleh: Torros, Hazel O. Philadelphia : W. B. SAunders, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#8. 617.6 Swe c Complete dentures Oleh: Swensen, Merrill G. St.Louis : Mosby, 1947 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#9. 617.6 Sum d Diktat : Basic technik : untuk tingkat II (khusus FKGUSU) Oleh: S.Sumadhi Medan : Fakultas kedokteran Gigi USU, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#10. 617.6 Stu Strurdevant's art and science of operative dentistry, Ed.5 Oleh: St Louis : Mosbyb Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#11. 617.6 Str d Dentistry, dental practice, and the community. Ed. 3 Oleh: Striffler, David F. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#12. 617.6 Sla d Dental public health : an introduction to community dentistry Oleh: Slack, Geoffrey L. Bristol : John Wright, 1981 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#13. 617.6 Ski s The Science of dental materials Oleh: Skinner, Eugene W Philadelphia : W.B Saunders, 1962 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 230 of 269

#14. 617.6 Ski s The science of dental materials Oleh: Skinner, Eugene W. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1960 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#21. 617.6 Pic p Panduan pergigian operatif Oleh: Pickard, H.M Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#15. 617.6 Sim Simposium : memasyarakatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi Oleh: Ujung Pandang : Departemen Kedokteran Gigi Hasanuddin, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#22. 617.6 Pat p Periodontal instrumentation Oleh: Pattison, Anna Matsuishi London : Prentice-Hall International, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#16. 617.6 Scu m Medical problems in dentistry, Ed.5 Oleh: Scully, Crispian New Delhi : Churchill Livingstone, 2005 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#17. 617.6 Scu m Medical problems in dentistry, Ed.6 Oleh: Scully, Crispian London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#18. 617.6 Rob o Oral and dental trauma in children and adolescents Oleh: Roberts, Graham Oxford : Oxford University, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#19. 617.6 Pri Principles of operative dentistry Oleh: United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#20. 617.6 Pra Praktikum prostodonsia: rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#23. 617.6 Par m Memahami pertumbuhan dan kelainan gigi anak Oleh: Paramita, Pradnya Jakarta : Trubus Agriwidya, 2000 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#24. 617.6 Pan i Ilmu pencegahan karies gigi Oleh: Panjaitan, Monang Medan : USU Press, 1995 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#25. 617.6 Pan i Ilmu pencegahan karies gigi Oleh: Panjaitan, Monang Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara, 1995 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#26. 617.6 Pan e Etiologi karies gigi dan penyakit periodontal Oleh: Panjaitan, Monang Medan : USU Press, 0000 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#27. 617.6 Ora Oral Medicine Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#28. 617.6 Ope Operative dentistry : kumpulan bacaan mahasiswa Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#29. 617.6 Nic f Fundamentals of dental hygiene instrumentation Oleh: Nield, Jill Shiffer Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#30. 617.6 Neu Neuro ophthalmology Oleh: Singapure : American Academiy of Ophthalmology, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#31. 617.6 Mur t Teeth are our organs : teeth are closely connected with our lives because they affect brain & central nervous system Oleh: Muratsu, Kazumasa Japan : KOS (Institute for Oral Health Science Kyusyu), 2009 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#32. 617.6 Mit k Kedokteran gigi klinik : semua bidang kedokteran gigi, ed.5 Oleh: Michell, Laura Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#33. 617.6 Mil i Infection control and management of hazardous materials for the dental team, Ed.4 Oleh: Miller, Chris H. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#34. 617.6 Meo a Aspek klinikal pergigian kanak-kanak Oleh: Meon, Rusmah Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#35. 617.6 McE h Handbook of oral diagnosis and treatment planning Oleh: McElroy, Donald L. Baltimore : The Williams & Wilkins Company, 1969 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#36. 617.6 Mcd d Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent Oleh: McDonald, Ralph E ; Avery David R [et.al] America : Mosby, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#37. 617.6 Mal m Medical emergencies in the dental office, Ed.6 Oleh: Malamed, Stanley F. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#38. 617.6 Mac t A Textbook of operative dentistry Oleh: McGehee, William H. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1956 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#39. 617.6 Mac e Emergencies in dental practice : Prevention and treatment. Ed. 3 Oleh: McCarthy, Frank M. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1979 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#40. 617.6 Mac e Clinical dental roentgenolgy : technic interpretation Oleh: McCall, John Oppie Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1962 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


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#41. 617.6 Luk i Buku ajar ilmu kedokteran gigi forensik 2 Oleh: Lukman, Djohansyah Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2006 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#48. 617.6 Lan p Principles of dental imaging Oleh: Langland, Olaf E. Philadelphia : Lippncott Williams & Wilkins, 2002 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#42. 617.6 Luk i Buku ajar ilmu kedokteran gigi forensik 1 Oleh: Lukman, Djohansyah Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2006 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#49. 617.6 Lam d Diagnostic picture tests in dentistry Oleh: Lamey, P-J London : Wolfe Medical, 1989 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#43. 617.6 Luk d Dasar-dasar radiologi dalam ilmu kedokteran gigi Oleh: Lukman, D. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#50. 617.6 Kum Kumpulan naskah ilmiah : peringatan 60 tahun pendidikan dokter gigi di Surabaya (1928-1988) Oleh: Surabaya : [s.n], 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#44. 617.6 Lie d Dasar-dasar anatomi kedokteran gigi Oleh: Liebgott, Bernard Jakarta : EGC, 1994 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#45. 617.6 Lie a The anatomical basis of dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: Liebgott, Bernard Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#46. 617.6 Lec Lecture notes on clinical medicine and surgery for dental students Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#47. 617.6 Law p Patologi : buku pintar untuk kedokteran gigi Oleh: Lawler, William Jakarta : EGC, 1992 18 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#51. 617.6 Kri p Perubahan morfologi oklusal dan insisal gigi permanen sebagai gejala diagnosis Oleh: Krisnowati Surabaya : Airlangga University press, 1995 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#52. 617.6 Koe t Tumbuh Kembang Kraniodentofasial Oleh: Koesoemahardja, Hamilah D ; Indrawati, Ary and Jenie, Isnani Jakarta : fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Trisakti, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#53. 617.6 Kes k Kesehatan gigi masyarakat : Kumpulan bacaan wajib Oleh: Kesehatan Gigi Masyarakat Medan : FKG-USU, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#54. 617.6 Ken p Pengelolaan Tingkah Laku Pasien Pada Praktik Dokter Gigi = The Psychology Of Dental Care Oleh: Kent, G.G ; Blinkhorn A.S Jakarta : EGC, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 233 of 269

#55. 617.6 Kad p Panduan Kaedah Epidemiologi Oleh: Kadir, Rahimah Abdul Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#62. 617.6 Hyp Hypodontia : a team approach to management Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#56. 617.6 Kad i Ilmu pergigian pencegahan : panduan untuk penuntut dan pengamal pergigian Oleh: Kadir, Rahimah Abdul Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#63. 617.6 Hun d Dental care for handicapped patiens Oleh: Hunter, Bruce Bristol : Wright, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#57. 617.6 Jun k Kedaruratan dalam praktik dokter gigi : diognosis dan penatalaksanaan Oleh: Juniper, Richard P. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1996 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#58. 617.6 Ist Istilah Pergigian Oleh: Selangor : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1988 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#59. 617.6 Ilm Ilmu geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan : buku ajar = Removable partial prosthodontics Oleh: Jakarta : Hipokrates, 0000 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#60. 617.6 Ilm Ilmu kesehatan gigi masyarakat I Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#61. 617.6 Ilm Ilmu kesehatan gigi anak Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#64. 617.6 How c Carnahan's the dentist and the law Oleh: Howard, William W. Saint Louis : C. V. Mosby, 1965 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#65. 617.6 Hol b Basic guide to dental procedures Oleh: Hollins, Carole United Ki ngdom : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#66. 617.6 Hes l Lehrbuch der konservierenden zahnheilkunde Oleh: Hess, Walter Leipag : Johann Ambrosius Barth, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#67. 617.6 Hav a Applied pharmacology for the dental hygienist, 5th ed Oleh: Haveles, Elena Bablenis St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#68. 617.6 Hav a Applied pharmacology for the dental hygienist, 6th ed Oleh: Haveles, Elena Bablenis St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#69. 617.6 Har o Odontologi forensik dan identifikasi gigi Oleh: Harmaini, Nezli Medan : Universitas Sumatera Utara Press, 2001 18 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#70. 617.6 Hac e Evidence-based dentistry an introduction Oleh: Hackshaw, Allan K. United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#71. 617.6 Gro o Oklusi dalam kedokteran gigi restoratif : teknik dan teori Oleh: Gross, Martin D. Surabaya : Airlangga University, 1982 58 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#72. 617.6 Gar d Dental examination review Oleh: Gardner, Alvin F. New Delhi : CBS, 1988 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#73. 617.6 Fro l Leitfaden der zahnarztlichen chirurgie Oleh: Frohlich, Eugen Munchen : Verband Deutscher Dentisten, 1952 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#74. 617.6 Fre p The psychology of dental patient care-a commonsense approach Oleh: Freman, Ruth London : British Dental Association, 2000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#75. 617.6 Fre p The psychology of dental patient care - a commonsense approach Oleh: Freeman, Ruth London : British Dental, 2000 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#76. 617.6 Fra o Oral Surgery : with 1307 figures, mostly in color and 11 tables Oleh: Fragiskos, Fragiskos D Germany : Springer, 2007 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#77. 617.6 Fra g Geriatric dentistry Oleh: Franks, A.S.T. London : Blackwell Scientific, 1973 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#78. 617.6 For Forum ilmiah 1984 Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti Oleh: Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Trisakti, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#79. 617.6 Fea The fearful dental patient : a guide understanding and managing Oleh: United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#80. 617.6 Eul k Die karies-antiologie Oleh: Euler, Herman Munchen : Carl Hanser-Verlag, 1948 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#81. 617.6 Ecc k Konservasi gigi = the conservation of teeth Oleh: Eccles, J.D. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#82. 617.6 Dun p Principles of dental public health Oleh: Dunning, James Morse Cambridge : Harvard University, 1979 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 235 of 269

#83. 617.6 Djo a Antropologi untuk mahasiswa kedokteran gigi Oleh: Djoeana K, Hamilah Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti Indonesia, 2005 21 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#90. 617.6 Den Dental examination review book Oleh: New York : Medical Examination, 1974 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#84. 617.6 Den Dental care for the elderly Oleh: London : William Heinemann, 1986 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#91. 617.6 Den Dental public health and community dentistry Oleh: London : The C.V.Mosby Company, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#85. 617.6 Den Dentistry for children Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#92. 617.6 Den Dental Research In The United States and Canada Fiscal Year 1971 Oleh: Canada : Department Of Health, Education and Welfare, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#86. 617.6 Den The Dental specialities in general practice Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1983 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#87. 617.6 Den Dentistryfor children Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#88. 617.6 Den The Dentition and dental care Oleh: Oxford : Heinemann Medical Books, 1990 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#89. 617.6 Den Dental material I: rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1994 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#93. 617.6 Den The dental annual 1985 Oleh: England : University Press, 1985 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#94. 617.6 DCr l Legal aspects of general dental practice Oleh: D'Cruz, Len London : Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#95. 617.6 Cur Current treatment in dental practice Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1986 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#96. 617.6 Cot p Practical infection control in dentistry Oleh: Cottone, James A. Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 236 of 269

#97. 617.6 Com n Nota Bahan Pergigian Oleh: Combe, E.C Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#104. 617.6 Cli Clinical dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone, 2007 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#98. 617.6 Com A Companion to dental studies Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#105. 617.6 Chi m Mahkota keramik suatu prosedur klinis dan estetik (essentials of dental ceramics, an artistic approach) Oleh: Chiche, Gerard J. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#99. 617.6 Com A Companion to dental studies Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1981 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#106. 617.6 Chi m Mahkota keramik : Suatu prosedur klinis dan estetik Oleh: Chiche, Gerard J. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1995 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#100. 617.6 Com A Comprehensive review of dentistry : all types of MCQs Oleh: Delhi : AITBS Publisher, 2001 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#107. 617.6 Bur o Oral medicine : diagnosis and treatment Oleh: Burket, Lester W. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1961 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#101. 617.6 Col i Internal medicine in dental practice Oleh: Collins, Leon H. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1960 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#108. 617.6 Bur d Dentistry, dental practice, and the community Oleh: Burt, Brian A. London : W.B. Saunders, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#102. 617.6 Cli Clinical operative dentistry Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B.Saunders, 1961 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#109. 617.6 Buk Buku kumpulan makalah ilmiah kongres nasional PDGI XVII, Ujung Pandang 19 s/d 21 Januari 1989 Oleh: Ujung Pandang : PGDI, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#103. 617.6 Cli Clinical dentistry Oleh: Philadelphia : Harper & Row, 1995 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#110. 617.6 Bre c Crowns : Preparation of the teeth and constrution of the varous types of full Coverage Restorations Oleh: Brecker, S Charles London : W.B.Saunders, 1961 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 237 of 269

#111. 617.6 Bir m Modern dental assisting, 10th ed Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Elsevier Saunders, 2012 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#118. 617.6 Adv Advanced operative denstistry : a practical approach Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#112. 617.6 Bau b Buku ajar ilmu konservasi gigi Oleh: Baum, Lloyd Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#119. 617.69 Tar i Ilmu gigi tiruan cekat Oleh: Tarigan, Slamat Medan : Departemen Prostodonsia FKG USU, 2006 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#113. 617.6 Ban f Fraktur sepertiga tengah skeleton fasial menurut Killey : buku pengangan bagi dokter gigi Oleh: Banks, Peter Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1992 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#120. 617.69 Sum p Perubahan dimensi hasil cetakan gigi dan mulut Oleh: Sumadhi S. Medan : USU Press, 2010 14 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#114. 617.6 Art The Art and science of operative dentistry Oleh: Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#115. 617.6 App Appleton and Lange's review for dental hygiene examination, Ed.3 Oleh: California : Appleton and Lange, 1987 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#116. 617.6 Anu p Phillips buku ajar ilmu bahan kedokteran gigi, Ed.10 Oleh: Anusavice, Kenneth J. Jakarta : EGC, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#117. 617.6 Adv Advanced dental nuring, 2nd ed Oleh: United KIngdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#121. 617.69 Sum a Anestesia lokal dalam perawatan konservasi gigi Oleh: Sumawinata, Narlan Jakarta : EGC, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#122. 617.69 Soe r Regenerasi dan penyembuhan untuk kedokteran gigi Oleh: Soepribadi, Istiati Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2013 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#123. 617.69 Shi a Asas prostodontik tetap Oleh: Shillingburg, Herbert T Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#124. 617.69 Sha c Complete denture prosthodontics Oleh: Sharry, John J. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1974 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#125. 617.69 Res Restorative dentistry, Ed.2 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#126. 617.69 Pro Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients : complete dentures and implant-supported prostheses. -- 12 ed Oleh: India : Thomson Press, 2004 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#127. 617.69 Pro Prostodontik : kasus klinis Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#128. 617.69 Mul p Pengendalian infeksi silang di klinik gigi Oleh: Mulyanti, Sri Jakarta : EGC, 2011 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#129. 617.69 Mcg m McCraken's removable partial prosthodontics Oleh: McGivney, Glen P. New Delhi : CBS, 1989 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#130. 617.69 McC c A clinical guide to complete denture prosthetics Oleh: McCord, J Fraser British : British Dental Assosiation, 2003 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#131. 617.69 Mar t Teori dan praktek ilmu mahkota & jembatan Oleh: Martanto Bandung : Alumni, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#132. 617.69 Kaz c Complete mouth rehabilitation through crown and bridge prosthodontics Oleh: Kazis, Harry Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1956 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#133. 617.69 Jac r Restorative dentistry : an integrated approach, Ed.2 Oleh: Jacobsen, Peter United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#134. 617.69 Hic b Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients Oleh: Hickey, Judson C. Delhi : CBS, 1990 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#135. 617.69 Fun Fundamental prostodontik cekat, Ed.4 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2015 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#136. 617.69 Est Estetik dan prostetik mutakhir kedokteran gigi Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1992 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#137. 617.69 Cli Clinical cases in prosthodontics Oleh: United States of America : Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#138. 617.69 Buk Buku ajar prostodonti untuk pasien tak bergigi menurut Boucher ( Boucher's Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1994 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 239 of 269

#139. 617.69 Bas p Perawatan prostodontik bagi pasien tak bergigi (Prosthetic treatment of the edentulous patient) Oleh: Basker, R.M. Jakarta : , 1996 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#140. 617.69 Ahm p Protocols for predictable aesthetic dental restorations Oleh: Ahmad, Irfan United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#141. 617.695 Tar c Clinical cases in restorative & reconstructive dentistry Oleh: Tarantola, Gregory J. United States of America : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#146. 617.695 Noo i Introduction to dental materials Oleh: Noort, Richard Van London : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#147. 617.695 McC a Applied dental materials Oleh: McCabe, John F. United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#148. 617.695 Man b Basic dental materials Oleh: Manappallil, John J New Delhi : Jaypee Brothers, 1998 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#142. 617.695 Sta t Toxity testing of dental materials Oleh: Stanley, Harold R. Gaines Ville : CRC Press Florida, 1985 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#149. 617.695 Les s Syneresis dan imbibisi pada bahan cetak hidrokoloid alginat Oleh: Lestari, Nila Medan : FKG USU, 2003 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#143. 617.695 Ski s Skinner's science of dental materials Oleh: Skinner, Eugene William Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1981 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#150. 617.695 Fra d Dental materials at a glance Oleh: Fraunhofer, J.A. von United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#144. 617.695 Pow d Dental materials properties and manipulation Oleh: Powers, John M. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#151. 617.695 Fer m Materials in dentistry : principles and application Oleh: Ferracane, Jack L Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#145. 617.695 Pas r Resin komposit dan bahan silane sebagai bahan preventif karies di kedokteran gigi Oleh: Pasaribu, Arichi Walmer Medan : FKG USU, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#152. 617.695 Den Dental material II Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#153. 617.695 Cra d Dental materials : properties and manipulations Oleh: Craig, Robert G. Missouri : Harcourt Private, 2001 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#154. 617.695 Cra Craig's restorative dental materials, Ed.20 Oleh: St Luois : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#155. 617.695 Bas Basics of dental technology : a step by step approach Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#156. 617.695 Anu p Phillips science of dental materials, Ed.11 Oleh: Anusavice, Kenneth J. St Louis : Sauder Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#157. 617.695 And a Anderson's applied dental materials Oleh: Anderson, John N. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1985 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#158. 617.695 And a Applied dental materials Oleh: Anderson, John N. London : Blackwell Scientific, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#159. 617.695 07 Sch b Basic gudie to dental materials Oleh: Scheller-Sheridan, Carmen United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#160. 617.695 076 Hat d Dental materials : clinical applications for dental assistants and dental hygienists, Ed.2 Oleh: Hatrick, Carol Dixon St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#161. 617.695 02 Res Restorative dentistry : treatment procedures and procedures and future prospects Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#162. 617.693 Oss Osseointegration and dental implants Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#163. 617.693 Gar i Implant dentistry : a practical approach, Ed.2 Oleh: Garg, Arun K. Maryland : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#164. 617.693 Dra i Implant restorations : a step-by-step guide Oleh: Drago, Carl Australia : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#165. 617.693 Den Dental implant complications : the art and science, 2nd ed Oleh: Maryland : Saunders Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#166. 617.693 Cli A Clinical guide to implants in dentistry Oleh: London : British Dental Association, 2000 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 241 of 269

#167. 617.693 Blo c Color atlas of dental implant surgery, 3rd ed Oleh: Block, Michael S. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#174. 617.692 Wat m Membuat desain : gigi tiruan lengkap Oleh: Watt, David M. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#168. 617.693 Bed i Implant treatment planning for the edentulous patient : a graftless approach to immediate loading Oleh: Bedrossian, Edmond St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#175. 617.692 Uta d Desain & Teknik Mencetak : pada pembuatan geligi tiruan lengkap Oleh: Utari, Rita I ; Handajani, Widyana Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#169. 617.693 07 Ted b Buku ajar implantologi mulut : teori dan praktik Oleh: Tedyasihto, Bastian Jakarta : EGC, 2011 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#176. 617.692 Pra i Ilmu geligi tiruan jembatan pengetahuan dasar dan rancangan pembuatan Oleh: Prajitno, H.R. Jakarta : EGC, 1991 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#170. 617.693 076 Dar i Implantlaboratory procedures : a step-by-step guide Oleh: Drago, Carl Singapore : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#171. 617.693 02 Den Dental implant complications : etiology, prevention, and treatment Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#172. 617.693 023 Mil i Implant dental nursing Oleh: Miller, Mary Oxford : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#173. 617.692 Wat p Penentuan desain : geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan (designing partial dentures) Oleh: Watt, David M. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#177. 617.692 Nei c Complete denture prosthetics: a clinical and laboratory manual Oleh: Neill, D.J. Bristol : Wright, 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#178. 617.692 Nei b Buku pintar geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan Oleh: Neill, D. J. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 21 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#179. 617.692 Mar g Gigitiruan tumpang : konsep dan filisofi baru rehabilitasi oral dengan ilustrasi kasus-kasus rehabilitasi oral Oleh: Margo, Anton Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2008 18 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#180. 617.692 Lub p Pengaruh pemakaian gigi tiruan lepas terhadap terjadinya kadidiasis mulut Oleh: Lubis, Sjuaibah Medan : FKG, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 242 of 269

#181. 617.692 Kra p Partial removable prosthodontics Oleh: Kratochvil, F. James Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1988 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#182. 617.692 Jon r Removable partial dentures : a clinician's guide Oleh: Jones, John D. Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#183. 617.692 Jag c Complete dentures-problem solving Oleh: Jagger, D London : British Dental Association, 1999 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#184. 617.692 Inl Inlays, crowns and bridges: a clinical handbook Oleh: Bristol : Wright, 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#185. 617.692 Inl Inlays, crowns and bridges: a clinical handbook Oleh: Bristol : Wright, 1983 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#186. 617.692 Hob c Complete dentures Oleh: Hobkirk, J.A. Bristol : Wright, 1986 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#187. 617.692 Har g Geligi tiruan lengkap lepas Oleh: Harshanur, Itjingningsih Wangidjaja Jakarta : EGC, 1991 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#188. 617.692 Ham p Pelapisan gigitiruan = denture lining Oleh: Hamada, Taizo Surabaya : Airlangga, 2003 12 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#189. 617.692 Gra i An Introduction to removable denture prosthetics Oleh: Grant, Alan A. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1983 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#190. 617.692 Gig Gigi tiruan sebagian : titik tolak pada diagnosa dan perawatan dari gigi-geligi yang rusak (de partiele prothese, uitgangspunten... Oleh: Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1996 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#191. 617.692 Cli A clinical guide to crowns and other extra-coronal restorations : the authoritative reference for dental practitioners and students Oleh: London : British Dental Association, 2003 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#192. 617.692 Cli A Clinical guide to removable partial dentures : the assessment and treatment of patients requiring RPDs Oleh: London : British Dental Association, 2000 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#193. 617.692 Car m McCcracken's removable partial prosthodontics, Ed.11 Oleh: Carr, Alan B. St Louis : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#194. 617.692 Car m McCracken removable partial prosthodontics, Ed.12 Oleh: Carr, Alan B. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 243 of 269

#195. 617.692 Bat r Removable denture construction Oleh: Bates, John F. London : Wright, 1991 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#202. 617.67 Suw p Pemberian tablet fluor untuk pencegahan karies gigi Oleh: Suwelo, Ismu Suharsono Jakarta : EGC, 0000 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#196. 617.692 All c Crown and bridge prosthodontics: an illustrated handbook Oleh: Allan, D.N. Bristol : Wright, 1986 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#203. 617.67 Suw k Karies gigi pada anak dengan pelbagai faktor etiologi Oleh: Suwelo, Ismu Suharsono Jakarta : EGC, 1992 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#197. 617.692 023 02 Buk Buku ajar ilmu geligi tiruan sebagian lepasan 2 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#198. 617.690 2 Too Toothwear : the abc of the worn dentition Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#199. 617.690 28 Den Dental technology and materials for students. Ed. 8 Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#200. 617.67 Tar k Karies gigi, Ed.2 Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 2014 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#201. 617.67 Tar k Karies gigi Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1993 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#204. 617.67 Sen p Cara praktis : penatalaksanaan kegawat-daruratan medik akibat tindakan kedokteran gigi Oleh: Seno, Sri Hananto Jakarta : Prima Tekno Utama, 2007 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#205. 617.67 Ped Pedoman perawatan restoratif atraumatik pendekatan penanggulangan karies gigi Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University, 1999 16 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#206. 617.67 Mur f Fluorides in caries prevention Oleh: Murray, J. J. Oxford, Boston : Butterworth Heinemann, 1991 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#207. 617.67 Kid e Essentials of dental caries : the diseases and its management Oleh: Kidd, Edwina A.M Bristol : Wright, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#208. 617.67 Kid d Dasar-dasar karies penyakit dan penanggulangannya (essentials of dental caries) Oleh: Kidd, Edwina A.M. Jakarta : EGC, 1991 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 244 of 269

#209. 617.67 Den Dental caries Oleh: St. Louis : Mosby Company, 1948 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#216. 617.675 Deu t Tooth-coloured filling materials in clinic practice Oleh: Deubert, L.W. Bristol : Wright, 1982 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#210. 617.678 Irm p Penyakit gigi, mulut dan THT Oleh: Irma Z, Indah Yogyakarta : Nuha Medika, 2013 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#217. 617.675 Ban p Pickard manual konservasi restoratif, Ed.9 Oleh: Banerjee, Avijit Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#211. 617.676 342 67 Ach b Buku saku karies dan perawatan pulpa pada gigi anak Oleh: Achmad, Muh. Harun Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2015 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#218. 617.672 Lud b Braket self-ligating pada ortodontik : konsep & teknik terbaru Oleh: Ludwig, Bjoern Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#212. 617.676 103 1 Mum e 45 masalah & solusi penyakit gigi & mulut Oleh: Mumpuni, Yekti Yogyakarta : Rapha, 2015 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#213. 617.675 Tar t Tambalan inlay Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 1989 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#214. 617.675 Tam Tambalan amalgam berbahaya untuk kesehatan? Oleh: Jakarta : EGG, 1999 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#215. 617.675 Gai s Silver amalgam in clinical practice Oleh: Gainsford, I. D. Oxford : Wright, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#219. 617.672 Kay g Geligi yang rusak dan perawatannya dengan cara mahkota dan jembatan Oleh: Kayser, A. F. Jakarta : Bina Cipta, 1980 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#220. 617.672 Hob c A Colour atlas of complete dentures Oleh: Hobkirk, J. A. London : Wolfe Medical, 1985 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#221. 617.672 Don a Adhesi komposit resin dengan tehnik aetsa asam untuk restorasi kerusakan gigi Oleh: Donosepoetro, Marsetio Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1980 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#222. 617.672 068 Den Dental caries : the disease and its clinical management Oleh: : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2003 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 245 of 269

#223. 617.66 Tet p Pencabutan gigi bongsu : secara pembedahan Oleh: Tetsch, Peter Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1993 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#230. 617.660 2 Ora Oral microbiology and immunology Oleh: Washington D.C : ASM Press, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#224. 617.66 Tet p Pencabutan gigi molar ketiga Oleh: Tetsch, Peter Jakarta : EGC, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#231. 617.660 2 Ora Oral microbiology and immunology Oleh: Washington D.C : ASM Press, 2006 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#225. 617.66 How p Pencabutan gigi geligi Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#232. 617.659 812 110 7 And p Perbandingan canting dentoalveolar pada maloklusi klas I, II dan III dengan menggunakan radiografi panoramik Oleh: Andres Medan : Program Pendidikan Dokter Gigi Spesialis Ortodont, 2017 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#226. 617.66 How p Pencabutan gigi geligi = the extraction of teeth Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#227. 617.66 How e The extraction of teeth Oleh: Howe, Geoffrey L. London : John Wright & Sons, 1980 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#228. 617.66 Hal p Perawatan diskolorisasi gigi dengan teknik bleaching Oleh: Halim, Herry Sofiandy Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2006 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#229. 617.660 7 Cha b Buku petunjuk praktis pencabutan gigi Oleh: Chandha, M. Hendra Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#233. 617.657 207 Dja t Teknik biokimia kedokteran gigi Oleh: Djamil, Melanie Sadono Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2007 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#234. 617.64 Mil o Orthodontics & paediatric dentistry, 2nd ed Oleh: Millett, Declan London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#235. 617.645 Wri c Child management in dentistry Oleh: Wright, Gerald Z. Bristol : Wright, 1987 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#236. 617.645 Ped Pediatric dentistry : infacy trough adolescence Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1988 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 246 of 269

#237. 617.645 Ped Pedodontics: A systematic approach Oleh: Denmark : Munksgaard, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#244. 617.645 Han Handbook of pediatric dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: London : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#238. 617.645 Ped Pediatric dentistry : infacy trough adolescence, 4th ed Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 2005 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#245. 617.645 Ear Early childhood oral health Oleh: New Delhi : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#239. 617.645 Par n Notes on paediatric dentistry Oleh: Parkin, Stanley F. London : Wright, 1991 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#246. 617.645 Dea m McDonald and Avery's dentistry for the child and adolescent, Ed.9 Oleh: Dean, Jeffrey A. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#240. 617.645 Mat f Fundamentals of pediatric dentistry, 3rd ed Oleh: Morrison, Jack T. Chicago : Quintessence, 1995 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#241. 617.645 Mas Master dentistry : restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry and orthodontics, Vo. 2, Ed.2 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#242. 617.645 Ken p Paediatric operative dentistry : dental practitioner handbook No.21 Oleh: Kennedy, D.B. Bristol : Wright, 1986 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#243. 617.645 ken k konservasi gigi anak Oleh: kennedy : , 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#247. 617.645 Dav a An atlas of pedodontics Oleh: David, John M. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1980 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#248. 617.645 Chu m Merawat gigi bayi: cara menjaga kesehatan gigi dan gusi anak Oleh: Chumbley, Jane Jakarta : Erlangga, 2010 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#249. 617.645 And m A Manual of pedodontics Oleh: Andlaw, R. J. Edinburgh : Churchill Livingstone, 1987 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#250. 617.643 Win s Studi profil fasial skelet Indonesia di Surabaya, Jawa Timur dengan pendekatan sefalometrik Oleh: Winoto, Nini S. Surabaya : Airlangga University, 1981 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 247 of 269

#251. 617.643 Win m Makalah kursus singkat orthodonti Oleh: Winoto, Nini S Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#258. 617.643 Sud g Gangguan tumbuh kembang dentokraniofasial Oleh: Sudiono, Janti Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#252. 617.643 Twe c Clinical orthodontics Oleh: Tweed, Charles H. Saint Louis : The CV Mosby Company, 1966 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#259. 617.643 Str t A textbook of orthodontia Oleh: Strang, Robert H. W. Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1958 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#253. 617.643 Tri Triming model dan pembuatan komponen-komponen retensi pesawat lepas dalam perawatan ortodonti Oleh: Medan : USU Press, 1991 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#260. 617.643 San o Occlusion : principles and concepts Oleh: Santos, Jose dos India : A.I.T.B.S., 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#254. 617.643 Tho o Occlusion in clinical practice Oleh: Thomson, Hamish Bristol : Wright, 1981 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#255. 617.643 Tho o Occlusion Oleh: Thomson, Hamish London : Wright, 1990 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#256. 617.643 Ter p Physical evaluation in dental practice Oleh: Terezhalmy, Geza T. United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#257. 617.643 Sun v Viva in orthodontics Oleh: Sundaram, Soma Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#261. 617.643 Sal p Practice of orthodontics Oleh: Salzmann, J. A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1966 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#262. 617.643 Sal o Orthodontics : practice and technics Oleh: Salzmann, J. A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1957 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#263. 617.643 Sal o Orthodontics: principles and prevention Oleh: Salzmann, J. A. Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1957 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#264. 617.643 Rog b Basic guide to dental sedation nursing Oleh: Rogers, Nicola United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#265. 617.643 Rah d Diagnosis ortodontik Oleh: Rahardjo, Pambudi Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 2008 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#272. 617.643 Mul b Biomekanik pergerakan gigi Oleh: Mulyani Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#266. 617.643 Pro c Contemporary orthodontics Oleh: Proffit, William R. St Louis : MOsby Elsevier, 2007 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#273. 617.643 Min p Peran gigi geligi pada rongga mulut Oleh: Minasari Medan : USU Press, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#267. 617.643 Pri b Biomekanik pergerakan gigi Oleh: Prijatmoko, Dwi Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2014 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#274. 617.643 Mal p Perbandingan pengaruh larutan dan gel klorheksidin terhadap kekuatan geser perlekatan breket logam penelitian in Vitro Oleh: Malayati Medan : FKG USU Departemen Ortodonti, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#268. 617.643 Pra Praktikum ortodonsia Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1994 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#269. 617.643 Ort Ortodonti I Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#270. 617.643 Ort Ortodonti III Oleh: Medan : FKG, 1990 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#271. 617.643 Ort Orthodontics : current principle and techniques principles and techniques, 5th ed Oleh: Philadelphia : Mosby Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#275. 617.643 Mac a Applied orthodontics Oleh: McCoy, James David Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1956 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#276. 617.643 Lam a Appearance and aesthetics indenture practice Oleh: Lamb, D.J. Bristol : Wright, 1987 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#277. 617.643 Jmn d Die gegossene partielle prothese (Planned Partials) Oleh: J. M. Ney New-Isenburgh : Degussa, 1957 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#278. 617.643 Jar t Technique and treatment with-wire appliances Oleh: Jarabak, Joseph R. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1972 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


Page 249 of 269

#279. 617.643 Hua c Evidence-based orthodontics Oleh: Huang, Greg J. United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#286. 617.643 Gil o Orthodontics at a glance Oleh: Gill, Daljit S. United Kingdom : Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#280. 617.643 Hou t Teks ortodontik Oleh: Houston, W.J.B Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#287. 617.643 Gil o Ortodonsia : at a glance Oleh: Gill, Daljit S. Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#281. 617.643 Hou t A Textbook of orthodontics Oleh: Houston, W.J.B. Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#288. 617.643 Fos b Buku ajar ortodonsi : a text book of ortodontics Oleh: Foster, T. D. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#282. 617.643 Hou o Ortodonti walther = Walther's orthodontics notes Oleh: Houston, W. J. B. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1990 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#289. 617.643 Fos a A Textbook of orthodontics Oleh: Foster, T. D. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#283. 617.643 Hor n The nature of orthodontic diagnosis Oleh: Horowitz, Sidney L. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1966 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#290. 617.643 Fis c Clinical orthodontics : a guide to the sectional method Oleh: Fischer, Bercu Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1957 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#284. 617.643 Har a The activator in interceptive orthodontics Oleh: Harvold, Egil P. Saint Louis : Mosby, 1974 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#291. 617.643 Dav c Clinical guide to occlusion Oleh: Davies, S J Lowestoft : British Dental Journal, 2002 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#285. 617.643 Gri b Basic guide to orthodontic dental nursing Oleh: Grist, Fiona United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#292. 617.643 Cob h Handbook orthodontics Oleh: Cobourne, Martyn T. London : Mosby Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#293. 617.643 Ber e Enhancement orthodontics : theory and practice Oleh: Bernard, Marc Germany : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#300. 617.643 Ada d The Design, construction and use of removable... Oleh: Adams, C. Philip London : Butterworth-Heinemann, 1990 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#294. 617.643 Bec c Comprehensive occlusal concepts in clinical practice Oleh: Becker, Irwin M. United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#301. 617.643 083 Buk Buku saku maloklusi pada anak dan penanganannya Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#295. 617.643 Art a Antropologi dental Oleh: Artaria, Myrtati Dyah Yogyakarta : Graha Ilmu, 2009 15 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#302. 617.643 07 Pen Penuntun praktikum patologi klinik kedokteran gigi Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2013 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#296. 617.643 All p Petunjuk bergambar mahkota dan jembatan Oleh: Allan, D.N. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#303. 617.643 07 Ala Alat-alat ortodonsi cekat L prinsip & praktik Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 1998 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#297. 617.643 All p Petunjuk bergambar mahkota & jembatan (crown and bridge prosthodontics : an illustrated handbook) Oleh: Allan, D.N. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#304. 617.643 07 Ack e Enhancement orthodontics : theory and practice Oleh: Ackerman, Marc Bernard Australia : Blackwell Publishing Company, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#298. 617.643 Ale t Teknik Alexander : konsep dan filosofi kontemporer Oleh: Alexander, R.G Wick Jakarta : EGC, 2001 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#299. 617.643 Ale t Teknik Alexander : konsep dan filosofi kontemporer Oleh: Alexander, R.G. Wick Jakarta : EGC, 2012 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#305. 617.643 075 Sta e Essentials of orthodontics : diagnosis and treatment Oleh: Staley, Robert N. United Kingdom : Wiley-Balckwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#306. 617.643 02 Eng m Mosby's orthodontic review Oleh: English, Jerryl D. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#307. 617.643 02 Eli s Self-ligation in orthodontics : an evidence-based approach to biomechanics and treatment Oleh: Eliades, Theodore USA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#308. 617.643 002 8 Isa i An Introduction to fixed applicances Oleh: Isaacson, K.G. Bristol : Wright, 1984 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#309. 617.643 002 8 Hou o Orthodontic treatment with removable appliances Oleh: Houston, W.J.B. Bristol : Wright, 1980 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#310. 617.643 002 8 Ada d Desain, konstruksi dan kegunaan pesawat ortodonti lepas Oleh: Adams, C. Philip Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1991 8 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#311. 617.63 Red d Das ATR-system Oleh: Redtenbacher, Kurt Berlin : Verlag Die Quintessenz, 1968 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#312. 617.63 Lip Lippincott's handbook of dental practice Oleh: Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott, 1958 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#313. 617.63 Gre t Textbook of human disease in dentistry Oleh: Greenwood, Mark Unted Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#314. 617.63 Far s Stones oral and dental diseases : aetiology, histopathology, clinical features and treatment Oleh: Farmer, E. Desmond London : The English Language Book Society & Livingston, 1966 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#315. 617.63 Cot m Mengendalikan Penyebaran Infeksi Pada Praktik Dokter Gigi = Practical Infection Control In Dentistry Oleh: Cottone, James A ; Terezhalmy, Geza T ; Molinari, John A Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1998 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#316. 617.63 Caw a Atlas bantu kedokteran gigi patologi (colour aids in dentistry oral pathology) Oleh: Cawson, R.A. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1994 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#317. 617.634 Too Tooth enamel II Oleh: Bristol : John Wright 7 Sons, 1971 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#318. 617.634 Nas m Morfologi gigi desidui dan gigi permanen Oleh: Nasution, Minasari Imran Medan : USU Press, 2009 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#319. 617.634 Jal t Tisu lembut pergigian Oleh: Jalalludin, Raja Latifah Raja Kuala Lumpur : Universiti Malaya, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#320. 617.634 Har e Endodontik klinis = Endodontics in clinical practice Oleh: Harty, F. J. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 252 of 269

#321. 617.634 Gro e Endodontic practice Oleh: Grossman, Louis I. Phaladelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1960 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#328. 617.634 2 Tec Techniques in clinical endodontics Oleh: Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#322. 617.634 Bee p Pocket Atlas Of Endodontics Oleh: Beer, Rudolf ; Baumann, Michael A and Kielbassa, Andrej M New York : Thieme, 2006 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#329. 617.634 2 Tar p Perawatan pulpa gigi (endodonti). Ed. 2 rev. Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 2004 9 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#323. 617.634 Alb t Tooth-Colored Restoratives : principles and techniques Oleh: Albers, Harry F Hamilton : BC Decker Inc, 2002 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#324. 617.634 2 Wal p Prinsip dan praktik ilmu endodonsia, Ed.3 Oleh: Walton, Richard E. Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#325. 617.634 2 Wal p Prinsip dan praktik ilmu endodonsi Oleh: Walton, Richard E. Jakarta : EGC, 1997 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#326. 617.634 2 Tor e Endodontics : principles and practice, Ed.4 Oleh: Torabinejad, Mahmoud St Louis : Sauder Elsevier, 2002 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#327. 617.634 2 Tex Textbook of endodontology, Ed.2 Oleh: United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#330. 617.634 2 Tar p Perawatan pulpa gigi (endodonti), Ed.3 Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : EGC, 2002 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#331. 617.634 2 Som c Clinical endodontics : a manual of sientific endodontics Oleh: Sommer, Ralph Fredrick Philadelphia : W.B. Saunders, 1962 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#332. 617.634 2 Rho a Advanced endodontics Oleh: Rhodes, John S Inggris : Taylor and Francis, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#333. 617.634 2 Pit Pitt5 ford's problem-based learning in endodontology Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#334. 617.634 2 Pat Pathways of the pulp, Ed.9 Oleh: St Louis : Mosvy Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#335. 617.634 2 Pat Pathways of the pulp, Ed.8 Oleh: St Louis : Mosvy Elsevier, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#342. 617.634 2 End Endodonti Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#336. 617.634 2 Ing e Endodontics, 5th ed Oleh: Ingle, John I Canada : Elsevier, 2002 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#343. 617.634 2 End Endodontic microbiology Oleh: New York : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#337. 617.634 2 Har p Perawatan saluran akar (pulpectomy) Oleh: Hartono, Toetiasih Surabaya : Airlangga University Press, 1984 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#344. 617.634 2 Coh Cohen's pathways of the pulp, 10th ed Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#338. 617.634 2 Har e Endodonti klinis (endodontics in clinical practice) Oleh: Harty, F.J. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1992 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#345. 617.634 2 Cli Clinical and surgical endodontics : concepts in practice Oleh: Philadelphia : J. B. Lippincott, 1983 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#339. 617.634 2 Har Harty's endodotics in clinical practice, 6th ed Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#346. 617.634 2 Bud p Perawatan endodontik pada anak Oleh: Budiyanti, E. Arlia Jakarta : EGC, 2006 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#340. 617.634 2 Gro i Ilmu endodontik dalam praktek. Ed. 11 Oleh: Grossman, Louis I. Jakarta : EGC, 1995 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#347. 617.634 2 Bra d Dentin and pulp in restorative dentistry Oleh: Brannstrom, Martin London : Wolfe Medical Publ., 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#341. 617.634 2 Got e Edodontia Oleh: Gottlieb, Bernhard St. Louis : Mosby, 1950 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#348. 617.634 2 Ben b Buku pedoman endodontik klinik Oleh: Bence, Richard Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia, 1990 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

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#349. 617.634 2 Bee a Atlas saku endodontik Oleh: Beer, Rudolf Jakarta : EGC, 2006 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#350. 617.634 2 Bar s Surgical endodontics : colour manual Oleh: Barnes, I. E. London : Wright, 1991 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#351. 617.634 2 Bar p Petunjuk bergambar : endodontik bedah (Surgical endodontics : colour manual) Oleh: Barnes, I. E. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 2000 6 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#352. 617.634 2 Akb p Pengaruh pembuangan jaringan pulpa dan jaringan periapikal yang terinfeksi pada kesembuhan biologik perawatan endodontik konvensional Oleh: Akbar, Siti Mardewi Soerono Surabaya : Unair, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#353. 617.634 2 Akb p Perawatan endodontik konvensional & proses penyembuhannya Oleh: Akbar, S. M. Soerono Jakarta : Lembaga Penerbit Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, 1989 14 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#354. 617.634 208 3 Dug a At a glance kedokteran gigi anak Oleh: Duggal, Monty Jakarta : Erlannga, 2014 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#355. 617.634 207 Lum p Practical clinical endodontics Oleh: Lumley, Philip Edinburgh : Elsevier, 2006 6 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#356. 617.634 207 Gut p Problem solving in endododntics : prevention, identification, and management, Ed.4 Oleh: Gutmann, James L. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#357. 617.634 207 Gut p Problem solving in endodontics : identification, and management, 5th Ed. Oleh: Gutmann, James L. Marylan : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#358. 617.634 207 1 Tar r Rancangan kegiatan belajar mengajar endodonti Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran USU, 1992 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#359. 617.634 206 Wei e Endodontics therapy, 6th ed Oleh: Weine, Franklin S. St Louis : Mosby, 2004 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#360. 617.634 202 Pri Prinsip endodontik, Ed.2 Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#361. 617.634 202 Pit Pitt ford problem-based learning dalam endodontologi Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2013 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#362. 617.632 Zub j Jaringan periodonsium anatomis, klinis & histologis Oleh: Zubardiah, Lies Jakarta : Universitas Trisakti, 2011 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 255 of 269

#363. 617.632 Ram p Periodontology and periodontics : modern theory and practice Oleh: Ramfjord, Sigurd P. Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 2000 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#364. 617.632 Put i Ilmu pencegahan penyakit jaringan keras dan jaringan pendukung gigi Oleh: Putri, Megananda Hiranya Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#365. 617.632 Pra p Periodontologi Klinik Fondasi Kedokteran Gigi Masa Depan Oleh: Prayitno, Siti Wuryan Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#366. 617.632 Per p Periodontology for the dental hygienist, Ed.3 Oleh: Perry, Dorothy A. St. Louis, Missouri : Saunders, 2007 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#367. 617.632 Per Periodontal diseases in children and adolescents : state of the art Oleh: Nashville, Tennesse : Mehharry Medical Colledge, 1979 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#368. 617.632 Nur p Peran stres terhadap kesehatan jaringan periodonsium Oleh: Nurul, Dewi Jakarta : EGC, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#369. 617.632 Nie f Foundations of periodontics for the dental hygienist Oleh: Nield-Gehrig, Jill S Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#370. 617.632 New c Carranza's clinical periodontology,k 11th ed Oleh: Newman, Michael G. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#371. 617.632 Min b Bakteri-bakteri dan pengaruh lingkungan terhadap jaringan periopdontal Oleh: Minasari Medan : Fakultas Kedoteran Gigi USU, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#372. 617.632 Gli g Glickman's clinical periodontology Oleh: Glickman, Irving Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1984 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#373. 617.632 Gli c Clinical periodontology : prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease in the practice of general dentistry Oleh: Glicman, Irving Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1972 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#374. 617.632 Fed s Silabus Periodonti Oleh: Fedi, Peter F ; Vernino, Arthur R [et.al] Jakarta : EGC, 2004 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#375. 617.632 Dib p Practical periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning Oleh: Dibart, Serge Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 256 of 269

#376. 617.632 Dib p Practical advanced periodontal surgery Oleh: Dibart, Serge Oxford : Blackwell, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#383. 617.623 Man b Buku ajar periodonti = outline of periodontics Oleh: Manson, J.D. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1993 7 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#377. 617.632 Coh a Atlas of cosmetic and reconstructive periodontal surgery Oleh: Cohen, Edward S Hamilton : Decker Inc, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#384. 617.623 Ele p Periodontics. Ed. 6 Oleh: Eley, B.M. London : Wright, 2004 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#378. 617.632 Cle p Periodontology at a glance Oleh: Clerehugh, Valerie United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#379. 617.632 Car c Clinical periodontology for the dental hygienists Oleh: Carranza, Fermin A. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#380. 617.632 008 Mau k Kiat merawat gigi anak Oleh: Maulani, Chaerita ; Enterprise, Jubilee Jakarta : Elex Media Kompetindo, 2005 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#381. 617.630 7 Pat Patologi gigi-geligi : kelainan-kelainan jaringan keras gigi Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 2005 33 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#382. 617.630 7 Pat Patologi gigi-geligi: kelainan-kelainan jaringan keras gigi Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1992 38 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#385. 617.623 Ele p Periodontic, Ed.6 Oleh: Eley, B. M London : Saunders Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#386. 617.609 Sim d Dentistry In The 21st Century A Global Perspective Oleh: Simonsen, Richard J Germany : Quintessence Books, 1991 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#387. 617.609 2 Tar p Kumpulan tulisan tentang Prof. Dr. rasinta Tarigan, drg., Sp.KG (K) Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Medan : IT &B Campus Press, 2011 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#388. 617.609 2 Spr e Essential human disease for dentists Oleh: Sproat, Chris London : Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#389. 617.609 202 Man Manual of minor oral surgery for the general dentist Oleh: United States of America : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 257 of 269

#390. 617.609 202 Hum Human disease for dentists Oleh: Oxford : Blackwell, 2004 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#397. 617.607 6 Pan m MCQs in dentistry : clinical science ( pg entrance examination ) Oleh: Panda, U N India : A.I.T.B.S. Publisher, 2003 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#391. 617.608 Mil The milbank memorial fund quarterly toward a sociology of dentistry Oleh: New York : Department of Behavioral Science, 1971 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#398. 617.607 6 Mos Mosby's review for the NBDE part I Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#392. 617.608 3 Sja s Space maintainer pada anak Oleh: Sjahruddin, F. Loes Djimahit Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#399. 617.607 6 Mos Mosby's review for the NBDE part II Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#393. 617.607 Sto d Dental health education for dental health education in school and community dental health programs with special consideration for the education of adults during dental treatment Oleh: Stoll, Frances A. Philadelphya : Lea & Febiger, 1957 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#400. 617.607 6 Bir s Modern dental assisting : studnt workbook, 10th ed Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#394. 617.607 Den Dental microbiology Oleh: Philadelphia : Harper & Row, 1982 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#395. 617.607 Bau b Buku ajar ilmu konservasi gigi, Ed.3 Oleh: Baum, Lloyd Jakarta : EGC, 1997 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#396. 617.607 6 Ste f first aid for the NBDE part 1 : a student to student guide Oleh: Steinbacher, Derek M. Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#401. 617.607 57 Fro r Radiology for dental auxiliaries, 7th ed Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St Louis : Mosby, 2001 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#402. 617.607 572 Whi o Oral radiology : principles and interpretation Oleh: White, Stuart C India : Mosby, 2004 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#403. 617.607 572 Whi o Oral radiology : principles and interpretation, Ed.6 Oleh: White, Stuart C. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 12 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 258 of 269

#404. 617.607 572 Wha r Radiography and radiology for dental professional, Ed.2 Oleh: Whaites, Eric London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2005 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


#411. 617.607 572 Fro s Study guide for radiology for the dental professional, Ed.9 Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#405. 617.607 572 Wha e Essentials of dental radiography and radiology, Ed.4 Oleh: Whaites, Eric London : Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#412. 617.607 572 Fro r Radiology for the dental professional, 8th ed Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier Mosby, 2005 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#406. 617.607 572 Wha a Esentials of dental radiography and radiology. Ed. 4 Oleh: Whaltes, Eric London : Elsevier, 2007 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#413. 617.607 572 Fro r Radiology for the dental professional, 9th ed Oleh: Frommer, Herbert H St. Louise : Elsevier Mosby, 2011 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#407. 617.607 572 Smi d Dental radiography Oleh: Smith, N. D. J. Oxford : Blackwell Scientific, 1988 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#414. 617.607 572 Boe d Dental radiografi : prinsip dan teknik Oleh: Boel, Trelia Medan : USU Press, 2009 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#408. 617.607 572 Sit r Radiografi periapikal Oleh: Sitam, Suhardjo Jakarta : EGC, 2013 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#415. 617.607 572 Bar d Dental radiology : pertinent basic concepts and their applications in clinical practice Oleh: Barr, John H. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1980 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#409. 617.607 572 Obr d Dental radiography : an introduction for dental hygienists and assistants. Ed. 4 Oleh: O'Brient, Richard C. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#410. 617.607 572 Kas b Basic principles of oral radiography Oleh: Kasle, Myron J. Philadhelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1981 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#416. 617.607 2 Fra r Research writing in dentistry Oleh: Fraunhofer, J. Anthony Von United Kingdom : WILEY-BLACKWELL, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#417. 617.607 2 Bud m Metodologi penelitan kesehatan dengan contoh bidang ilmu kesehatan gigi Oleh: Budiharto Jakarta : EGC, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 259 of 269

#418. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis-garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi I Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#419. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis-garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi II Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#420. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis-garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi III Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#421. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi bagian IKGP - IKGM, Pedodonsia, Periodonsia Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#422. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi bagian Ortodonsia, Konservasi, Prostodonsia Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi USU, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#423. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Bagian Penyakit Mulut dan Bedah Mulut Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1997 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#424. 617.607 1 Uni g Garis - garis besar program pengajaran (GBPP) Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Bagian Ilmu Material dan Teknologi Kedokteran Gigi Oleh: Universitas Sumatera Utara. Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1997 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#425. 617.607 1 Ram h Health behavior change in the dental practice Oleh: Ramseier, Christoph A. New Jersey : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#426. 617.607 1 Her p Pendidikan kesehatan gigi Oleh: Herijulianti, Eliza Jakarta : EGC, 2001 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#427. 617.606 8 Ste t Treatment planning in dentistry, Ed.2 Oleh: Stefanac, Stephen J. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 10 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#428. 617.606 8 Hup d Dental clinical advisor Oleh: Hupp, James R. St. Louis, Missouri : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#429. 617.606 8 Gay a The administrative dental assistant, Ed.2 Oleh: Gaylor, Linda J. St. Louis, Missouri : Saunders Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#430. 617.606 8 Fin p Practice management for the dental team Oleh: Finkbeiner, Betty Ladley St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 260 of 269

#431. 617.606 8 Fin p Practice management for the dental team, 7th ed Oleh: Finkbeiner, Betty Ladley St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#432. 617.606 8 Dum d Dental practice transition : a practical guide to management Oleh: Dunning, David G. Singapore : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#433. 617.606 8 Den Dental management of the medically compromised patient, 7th Ed Oleh: : St Louis, 2008 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#434. 617.606 8 Den Dental management of the medically compromised patient, 8th Ed Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2013 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#435. 617.606 8 Bri d Dental reception and practice management Oleh: Bridges, Glenys United Kingdom : Blacksgaard, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#436. 617.606 884 98 Att d Dental management of sleep disorders Oleh: Attanasio, Ronald United Stated od America : Wiley - Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#437. 617.606 807 76 Fin s Student workbook for practice management for the dental team Oleh: Finkebeiner, Betty Ladley St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#438. 617.606 002 Pro Proceedings of the 15th scientific meeting & refresher course in dentistry Oleh: Jakarta : Sagung Seto, 2009 7 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#439. 617.605 Tui o Osteotomi rahang Oleh: Tuinzing, D.B. Bandung : Binacipta, 0000 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#440. 617.605 Scu o Oral and maxillofacial medicine : the basis of diagnosis and treatment, Ed.2 Oleh: Scully, Crispian London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#441. 617.605 Ran v Viva in dental surgery Oleh: Rangarajan Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1998 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#442. 617.605 Pri Principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery, 6th ed Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Balckwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#443. 617.605 Pen Penelitian mengenai M3 impacted yang dihubungkan dengan faktor suku pada 500 orang yang berumur 17 25 tahun Oleh: Medan : Proyek P3T-USU, 1982 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#444. 617.605 Mes o Operative dental surgery Oleh: Messing, J.J. London : Macmillan, 1982 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 261 of 269

#445. 617.605 Kum Kumpulan makalah ilmiah. -Oleh: Kongres Nasional Ke V PABMI (Medan, 3 - 4 Desember) 1987. Medan : PABMI, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#446. 617.605 Kid p Pickard's manual of operative dentistry Oleh: Kidd, E. A. M. Oxford : Oxford University, 1996 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#447. 617.605 Ilm Ilmu bedah mulut I Oleh: Medan : FKG USU, 1992 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#452. 617.605 Bek b Bedah Krio Dalam Rongga Mulut = sebuah studi klinik Oleh: Bekke, J.P.H : Binacipta, 1977 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#453. 617.605 Bed Bedah mulut Oleh: Medan : Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#454. 617.605 Abu o Oral and maxillifacial surgery secrets Oleh: Abubaker, A. Omar St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#448. 617.605 Her o Operative dental surgery Oleh: Herbert, W.E. London : Edward Arnord, 1962 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#455. 617.605.9 Wai a Atlas berwarna bedah periodontal = a colour atlas of periodontal surgery Oleh: Waite, I. M Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1989 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#449. 617.605 Den The dental annual 1985 Oleh: Great Britain : Wright, 1985 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#456. 617.605 9 Den d The Dental facelift Oleh: Denholtz, Melvin New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1981 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#450. 617.605 Den The dental annual 1986 Oleh: Great Britain : Wright, 1986 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#457. 617.605 9 Bau t Texbook of operative dentistry Oleh: Baum, Lioyd Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#451. 617.605 Den The dental annual 1987 Oleh: Great Britain : Wright, 1986 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#458. 617.605 9 Bau t Textbook of operative dentistry Oleh: Baum, Lloyd Philadelpia : W. B. Saunders, 1995 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 262 of 269

#459. 617.605 1 Tra Traumatic dental injuries : a manual, 3rd ed Oleh: United Kin gdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#466. 617.602 Cli Clinical problem solving in dentistry, Ed.3 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#460. 617.605 07 Ria t Teori dan praktik eksodonsia Oleh: Riawan, Lucky Jakarta : EGC, 2016 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#467. 617.602 8 Sch b Basic guide to dental instruments Oleh: Scheller, Carmen United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#461. 617.603 Pai a A-Z of dental nursing Oleh: Paintin, Wendy United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#468. 617.602 84 Boy d Dental instruments : a pocket guide, Ed.3 Oleh: Boyd, Linda R. Bartolomucci St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#462. 617.603 Mos Mosby's dental dictionary, Ed.2 Oleh: St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#469. 617.602 84 Boy d Dental instruments : a pocket guide, 4th ed Oleh: Boyd, Linda R. Bartolomucci California : Elsevier Saunders, 2012 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#463. 617.603 Fed l A lexicon of English dental terms Oleh: Holland : A. Sijthoff, 1966 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#470. 617.602 5 Jev b Basic guide to medical emergencies in the dental practice Oleh: Jevon, Phil United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#464. 617.602 Ked Kedaruratan dental Oleh: Jakarta : EGC, 2014 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#465. 617.602 Est Esthetic dentistry in clinical practice Oleh: Singapore : Blackwell, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#471. 617.602 3 Cha d Dental communication Oleh: Chambers, David W. Connecticut : Appleton Century-Crofts, 1986 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#472. 617.602 33 Tor m Modern dental assisting, Ed.9 Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

Page 263 of 269

#473. 617.602 33 Tor m Modern dental assisting Oleh: Torres, Hazel O. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1985 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#480. 617.602 330 76 Hol q Questions and answers for dental nurses, 2nd Ed. Oleh: Hollins, Carole Oxford : Blackwell, 2006 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#474. 617.602 33 Hol n National vocational qualification (Nvqs) for dental nurses, 2nd Ed. Oleh: Hollins, Carole United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#481. 617.602 330 76 Gay a The administrative dental assistant : workbook, Ed.2 Oleh: Gaylor, Linda J. St Louis : Sauder Elsevier, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#475. 617.602 33 Hol l Levison's textbook for dental nurses, Ed.10 Oleh: Hollins, Carole United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#476. 617.602 33 Bon h Handbook for dental nurses Oleh: Bonehill, Jane United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#482. 617.602 32 Sta Standar pendidikan profesi dokter spesialis Oleh: Jakarta : Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#483. 617.602 32 Nor n Netter's head and neck anatomy for dentistry Oleh: Norton, Neil S. Philadelphia : Sauder Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#477. 617.602 33 Bas p Prosthetic treatment of the edentulous patient Oleh: Basker, R.M United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#484. 617.602 32 Gan d Dentist's guide to medical conditions complications Oleh: Ganda, Kanchan M. State Avenue : Wiley-Blackwell, 2008 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#478. 617.602 330 76 Tor m Modern dental assisting : student workbook, Ed.9 Oleh: Bird, Doni L. St Louis : Saunder Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#485. 617.601 Wor o Oral health surveys : Basic methods.-- 4th ed Oleh: World Health Organization Geneva : World Health Organization, 1997 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#479. 617.602 330 76 Mos Mosby review questions and answers for dental assisting Oleh: USA : Mosby Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#486. 617.601 Wor o Oral health surveys : basic methods. -- 4th ed Oleh: World Health Organization Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1999 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


Page 264 of 269

#487. 617.601 Tyl c A colour atlas of oral medicine Oleh: Tyldesley, William R. London : Wolfe Medical, 1978 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#494. 617.601 Sun s Serba-serbi ilmu konservasi gigi Oleh: Sundoro, Edi Hartini Jakarta : Universitas Indonesia (UI Press), 2005 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#488. 617.601 Tex A Textbook of preventive dentistry Oleh: Philadelphia : W. B. SAunders, 1982 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#495. 617.601 Sri p Panduan Singkat Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut : buku ini membantu anda bagaimana mangambil langkah bijak merawat gigi dan kesehatan mulut Oleh: Srigupta, Aziz Ahmad Jakarta : Prestasi Pustaka, 2004 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#489. 617.601 Tar p Perawatan Pulpa Gigi = Endodonti Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#490. 617.601 Tar p Perawatan pulpa gigi(endodonti) Oleh: Tarigan, Rasinta Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1994 15 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#491. 617.601 Suw p Petunjuk praktis sistem merawat gigi anak di klinik : cara melakukan pemeriksaan lengkap... Oleh: Suwelo, Ismu Suharsono Jakarta : EGC, 1991 3 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#492. 617.601 Sur m Memperbaiki dan memperindah posisi gigi anak Oleh: Suryanegara, Rina J. Jakarta : Trubus Agriwidya, 2000 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#493. 617.601 Sun v Viva in dental pathology Oleh: Sundaram, Soma Delhi : A.I.T.B.S., 1998 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#496. 617.601 Rob e Essentials of dental assiting Oleh: Robinson, Debbie S. St Louis : Saunders Elsevier, 2007 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#497. 617.601 Raz f Fluorida dan kesehatan pergigian Oleh: Razak, Ishak Abdul ; Jaafar , Nasruddin Kuala Lumpur : Jabatan Penerbitan Universiti Malaya, 1988 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#498. 617.601 Pri Primary preventive dentistry Oleh: Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton & Lange, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#499. 617.601 Pin m Menuju gigi & mulut sehat : pencegahan dan pemeliharaan Oleh: Pintauli, Sondang Medan : USU Press, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#500. 617.601 Pin m Menuju gigi & mulut sehat : pencegahan dan pemeliharaan Oleh: Pintauli, Sondang Medan : USU Press, 2015 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 265 of 269

#501. 617.601 Nut Nutrition in preventive medicine Oleh: Geneva : World Health Organization, 1976 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#508. 617.601 Mas Master dentistry : oral biology, Vol.3 Oleh: London : Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2011 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#502. 617.601 Niz n Nutrition in preventive dentistry : science and practice Oleh: Nizel, Abraham E. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1980 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#509. 617.601 Man c Clinical oral diagnosis Oleh: Manhold, John H. New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1965 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#503. 617.601 Nie f Fundamentals of dental hygiene instrumentation Oleh: Nield, Jill Shiffer Philadelphia : Lea & Febiger, 1988 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#510. 617.601 Kus v Visualisasi objektif perawatan = (Visual treatment objective - VTO) Oleh: Kusnoto, Hendro Jakarta : EGC, 1996 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#504. 617.601 Nal p Panduan perubatan mulut Oleh: Nally, Fergal F Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1985 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#505. 617.601 Mos Mosby's dental hygiene : concepts, cases, and competencies, Ed.2 Oleh: St Luois : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#506. 617.601 Moe p Pemeliharaan gigi dimulai sejak dari kandungan sang ibu Oleh: Moestopo Jakarta : Ghalia, 1987 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#507. 617.601 Mey z Die zahn-mund-und kieferheilkunde Oleh: Meyer, Wilhelm Berlin : Verlag Von Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1955 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#511. 617.601 Kon p Prevensi dalam kedokteran gigi dan dasar ilmiahnya Oleh: Konig, K. G. Jakarta : Indonesian Dental Industries, 1982 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#512. 617.601 Ilm Ilmu kedokteran gigi pencegahan Oleh: Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press, 1993 9 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#513. 617.601 For r Restorasi gigi = The Restoration of teeth Oleh: Ford, T. R. Pitt Jakarta : EGC, 1993 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#514. 617.601 For p Pencegahan penyakit mulut Oleh: Forrest, J.O. Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1989 11 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 266 of 269

#515. 617.601 Flu Fluorosis = Dental fluorosis Oleh: Jakarta : Hipokrates, 1991 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#522. 617.601 Cli Clinical textbook of dental hygiene and therapy Oleh: United Kingdom : Blackwell Munksgaard, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#516. 617.601 Ehr n Nutrition and dental health Oleh: Ehrlich, Ann Canada : Delmar, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#523. 617.601 Bud t Trauma oral & maksilofasial Oleh: Budihardja, Andi Setiawan Jakarta : EGC, 2011 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#517. 617.601 Dar m Mosby's comprehensive review of dental hygiene Oleh: Darby, Michele L. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2006 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#524. 617.601 Bud p Pengantar ilmu perilaku kesehatan dan pendidikan kesehatan gigi Oleh: Budiharto jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#518. 617.601 Dan m Mosby's dental hygiene : concepts, cases, and competenciesm Ed.2 Oleh: Daniel, Susan J. St Louis : Mosby elsevier, 2008 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#525. 617.601 Boe p Pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi keluarga Oleh: Boedihardjo Surabaya : Airlangga Uneversity Press, 1985 11 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#519. 617.601 Com n Nota Bahan Pergigihan Oleh: Combe, E.C Kuala Lumpur : Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 1989 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#526. 617.601 Bha s Synopsis of oral pathology Oleh: Bhaskar, S.N. St.Louis : Mosby, 1977 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#520. 617.601 Col h A Handbook for dental hygienists Oleh: Collins, W. J. N. Boston : Wright, 1992 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#527. 617.601 Bes m Mengenal Gigi Anda : petunjuk bagi orangtua Oleh: Besford, John Jakarta : Arcan, 1996 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#521. 617.601 Col h A Handbook for dental hygienists Oleh: Collins, W.J.N. England : Wright, 1986 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#528. 617.601 Ast t Total Quality Management Dalam Keehatan Gigi Di Sekolah Oleh: Astoeti, Tri Erri Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


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#529. 617.601 And p Perawatan gigi anak (A manual paedodontics) Oleh: Andlaw, R.J. Jakarta : Widya Medika, 1992 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#536. 617.601 076 Feh s Sauders review of dental hygiene, Ed.2 Oleh: Fehrenbach, Margaret J. St Louis : Sauders Elsevier, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#530. 617.601 9 Pan b Basic guide to infection prevention and control in dentistry Oleh: Pankhurst, Caroline L United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#537. 617.601 075 Bir d Diagnosis kelainan dalam mulut : petunjuk bagi klinisi Oleh: Birnbaum, Warren Jakarta : EGC, 2009 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#531. 617.601 966 Log l Local anesthesia for the dental hygienist Oleh: Logothesis, Demetra Daskalos St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#532. 617.601 902 Beh Behavioral dentistry Oleh: Canada : Blackwell Publishing Company, 2006 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#533. 617.601 084 6 Ora Oral healtcare and the frail elder : a clinical perspective Oleh: Canada : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#534. 617.601 07 Ora Oral & maxillofacial pathology Oleh: Philadelphia : Saunders, 2002 4 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#535. 617.601 076 Rob e Essentials of dental assisting : workbook, Ed.4 Oleh: Robinson, Debbie S. St Louis : Saunders, 2007 5 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#538. 617.601 072 Cli Clinical research in oral health Oleh: USA : Wiley Blackwell, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#539. 617.601 070 6 Dar d Dental hygiene : theory and practice Oleh: Darby, Michele Leonardi St Louis : Saunders Elsevier, 2010 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#540. 617.601 060 Reg Regional dental meeting and exhibition -III program book & abstracts theme : enhancing the quality of dental health services the era of globalization Oleh: Medan : Faculty of Dentistry University of Sumatera Utara, 2006 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#541. 617.601 02 Cap p Prevention in clinical oral health care Oleh: Cappelli, David P. St Louis : Mosby Elsevier, 2008 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#542. 617.601 02 Bee e Ethics and law in dental hygiene Oleh: Beemsterboer, Phyllis L Beewmsterboer, Phyllis L : Saunders Elsevier, 2010 5 eks. -----------------------------------------------------Page 268 of 269

#543. 617.601 02 Adv Advanced dental nursing, 2nd Ed Oleh: United Kingdom : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 1 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#544. 617.601 028 7 Bon m Managing health and safety in the dental practice Oleh: Bonehill, Jane United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, 2010 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#550. 617.600 28 Phi e Elements of dental materials for dental hygienists and assistans Oleh: Phillips, Ralph W. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1984 2 eks. -----------------------------------------------------#551. 617.600 246 1 Den The dental assistant Oleh: New York : McGraw-Hill Book, 1960 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#545. 617.601 007 2 Pak l Laporan penelitian prevelensi pertumbuhan rahang pada penderita gondok di daerah Sleman Oleh: Pakakusuma, Wisnubronto Yogyakarta : FKG UGM, 1982 2 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#552. 617.600 246 1 And d The Dental assistant Oleh: Anderson, Pauline C. New York : Delmar, 1987 4 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#546. 617.600 92 Sta Standar kompetensi dokter gigi Oleh: Jakarta : Konsil Kedokteran Indonesia, 2006 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#553. 617.600 19 Ken p The psychology of dental care, 2nd ed Oleh: Kent, G.G. Bristol : Wright, 1991 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#547. 617.600 68 Meg d Dental practice management Oleh: McGehee, William H.O. Chicago : Year Book, 1944 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#554. 617.600 19 Ken p The psychology of dental care Oleh: Kent, G.G. Bristol : Wright, 1984 10 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#548. 617.600 68 Gas p A primer on dental practice management Oleh: Gaskins, Leslie E. Virginia : Reston, 1985 1 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#555. 617.600 16 Ing b Behavioral aspects in dentistry Oleh: Ingersoll, Barbara D. New York : Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1982 3 eks. ------------------------------------------------------

#549. 617.600 3 Ill Illustrated dental terminology Oleh: London : J. B. Lippincott, 1985 8 eks. ------------------------------------------------------


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