Logging into MUNIS Employee Self Service

Page 1 of 14 Employee Self Service (ESS) is a web-based application that allows employees to view payroll and Human Resources information. This applic...

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Employee Self Service – Human Resources & Payroll Employee Self Service (ESS) is a web-based application that allows employees to view payroll and Human Resources information. This application serves as a 24/7 resource for all employees to access at their convenience from any computer with Internet access. To access, from any Internet browser go to the following address:

You can also access this from KatyNET by selecting the Employee Self Service icon.

Logging into MUNIS Employee Self Service Click on Log In at the top right corner of the MUNIS Employee Self Service page:

User name: Initial of your first name and your full last name followed by the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). For Example: John Smith with a SSN of 111-11-1111 would have a user name of jsmith1111

Password: Default password is the last 4 digits of your SSN. You will be forced to change your password upon your first login.

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Once logged in, you will see the following menu on the right hand side:

In order to see your menu options, you will need to click on Employee Self Service. You will then see the following: The Employee Self Service Main Page

Personal Information- View Profile The Employee Profile page displays general and demographic information, such as hire date and date of birth, as well as race and ethnicity information. To view, under Personal information, just click on View Profile. Here you can update information regarding your marital status and privacy settings.

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To return to the ESS homepage, click here.

You are able to change the values of the fields under Demographic information.

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Menu Access to your Personal Information You can view personal information, pay/tax information, and accrual information. Some employees will also have a tab for certification. If you are looking for information on how to submit an Expense Report, please see the document titled “ESS – Filing an Expense Reimbursement” on the Knowledge Base from KatyNET. The file is located under Administrative Apps, Munis, ESS.

Personal Information The Personal Information page displays your contact information and emergency contacts. You can make changes to your mailing address, e-mail address and how you would like your Form W-2 delivered to you, once that form is available in January of each year. You can have your W-2 mailed, emailed or both mailed and emailed. You can also maintain your telephone numbers and emergency contacts.

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In order to change your address or email address, select “change”. Update your address/ email address accordingly and then select UPDATE for the changes to save to your Employee Master record. Please note, when changing your email address, your direct deposit advices will be emailed to the field called E-Mail Address. It cannot also be emailed to the field titled Alternate E-Mail Address.

In order to update/ add a telephone number, from the Personal Information screen, select Add Telephone Number or Change, depending up on which action you need to perform.

In order to update/ add/ delete an Emergency Contact, from the Personal Information screen, select Add Emergency Contact or Change/ Delete, depending on which action you need to perform. To add, type in the appropriate information and then click Update:

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To change, type in the corrected information and then click update.

To delete, select delete and then confirm the deletion.

Pay/Tax Information The Pay/Tax Information is NOT available to view on ESS until the date of the check. For example, if you get your direct deposit or live check on April 14th but the check date is the6Pay Information in ESS until April 15th. actually April 15th, you cannot view Page of 14

Paychecks: This is a section on the bottom of the main ESS page.

The Paychecks panel displays information for the most recent pay periods where you received pay. You can view the Paycheck Simulator, previous year’s Form W-2’s, or W-4 Information. The blurred image represents your last paycheck and year-to-date earnings. It displays initially as blurred for security purposes. Click Show Paycheck Amounts to convert the image to the dollar amount; click Hide Paycheck Amounts to return to the blurred image. You can select View Details to view specific information for each check. You can also access this same data via the menu on the right side entitled Pay/Tax Information. You can view prior year’s data, but keep in mind, this only goes back to when MUNIS went live (May 1, 2010 for semi-monthly and May 7, 2010 for bi-weekly).

When you click Details, the program displays the Check Detail page which contains pay stub information for the check. From here, if you click on View paycheck image, you can view a PDF of your advice or check.

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This is the same PDF version you receive via email.

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The Year-to-Date Information page contains a cumulative view of Payroll figures for a specific year.

The W-2 page displays information regarding federal taxes and withholdings. W-2 Information will only be available for 2010 and beyond.

If you click on View W-2 image, you can view the PDF of your W-2. This will bring up the document you were mailed or emailed and this form can be used to file your taxes.

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The W-4 information page displays information related to your W-4. It is possible to change your W-4 values by selecting Edit W-4 Values.

To edit, type in the corrected information and then click Submit. This will be sent to the Payroll department for review.

In order to continue, you must agree to the statement listed. Once that is checked, you can click continue. Once this information is received by the payroll department, they will process this change and you will receive an email when the payroll department has approved your change. When this change is submitted, it could take up to a week for the payroll department to approve the change.

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The Paycheck Simulator page allows you to simulate adjustments to your pay, tax, or deductions in order to see how the changes would affect your net pay. The program does not permanently alter your pay or deduction records.

The Salary Notification page displays information about your current salary and any stipends you might have. These notifications are generally made available to employees within a month of the school year start. After that, any actions resulting in a change in salary (changes of assignment, degree changes, changes in years of experience, etc.) will require that a new notification be generated. This is not an automatic process. Please contact Human Resources to have a new salary notification created, if desired. Once a new notification has been posted, including moving from one school year to the next, the prior notification will no longer be available through ESS. Please print a copy for your records.

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The Time Off page will allow you to see your current accrual values. Please keep in mind these are only as current as your absences included in your last paycheck. Absences taken since your last paycheck will not be reflected in the accrual numbers. Please see the section under the deductions to see which dates are included in each paycheck.

Once finished working in the system, don’t forget to Log Out. To do this, please click on your name in the upper right hand corner, then select log off.

If you have any technical problems related to Employee Self Service, or problems logging on or you forgot your password, please contact the Technology Support Center at 281-237-4357 or online at http://techsupport.katyisd.org.

This document was published by the Katy ISD Payroll Department. Version 10.3 Page 14 of 14