MB Soldier "T - NYS Historic Newspapers

The WAYNE M1DDLETON. AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. . iX'W.of North Babylon is spon- soring a Moonlight Sail on August. 22nd. The boa t "CAPTREE...

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returning such siel "m good co/i- . tliat" the r egister prep afeu pui ' dition within thii^y days after the vsuant io Section 2014 of the " .* iCon tiriti iul iroin I ' ci^C U>) . ' bid "opening will.be refunded his Educa tion -Law Shall be filed in the (Xfice of 4he . Cle*rk of the deposit and any noil-bidder upon . NOTICE PURSt'AN'l TO ' districCahd will be open for inso .returning such set will be • R L T:E316('P I ;K -> ~ spection by any qualified voter of refundecLonehalf his deposi t . . TO - . ¦ 'J O S E P H M. KOBERtS. if L u c i l l e W i l l ox M O h a w k 9-55L3 tne district during the hojur_s__ oi The Village Boafd reserv estheliving b| il dead , the heirs at Jaw . right to accept or rejec t any or all ' 9:00 o ' clock A.M. to 3:00 o ' clock " iu-'xt t)l kin. distributee s . personal , bids it deems necessary in the P.M. prevailing time, on August The W A Y N E M 1DDLETO N spendmg two we#ks at Indian •representatives , successors and best i n t e r e s t ' of the V i l l a g e « AMERI CAN LEGION POST NO . Lake jn the Adirondack Moun22, 23, Z5, 26 and 27. ol JOSEPH " ./.. assigns . " " ¦" HEREBY ALSO . ; Taxpayers NOTICE IS . i X'W . of North Baby lon is spon- tains . . 1 .1 . ,' , - KOBER TS . deceased: -Whose Wedding congratula tions to By order of the- GIVEN th at pursuant to Section soring a Moonligh t Sail on Augus t names and places ol- residence the , BLASKOPF son of MR. of the Education Law BILL ViJlage Board 2014 22nd. The boa t " C A P T R E E are unknown to plairrti. il'- and WILLARD MRS, Inc . Village of Lindenhurst Board of Registration of said . MIST" will depart from Captree A N D cannot w i l h due diligence be Lane, Pickwick meet during of will George H. Moor , School District Basin at 8.00 P M *. Donation $5,00 BLASKOPF - . ascertained. . . . , ¦ ¦. . * • ¦ • ¦ ¦ • " ' of INZEKILLO tjie place •- Village Clerk the. Special Meeting at, per person - Food and music in- and FRANCES The f o r g o i n g suppl e m e n t al Dated / August 13, I%9 "where such Specia l Meeting is cluded. Tickets are available by West Baby lon who were married ",. summons is served upon -you . by* 8/14 held on August 28tl. "1969, for the telephoning MO 7-2j:Ml" or MO !»- on Sa turday AUGUST 2ND! art the LB9-229 publication pur/suajrt to an order. pur-pose of preparing a register tM:n. Everyone cordially invited United Methodist Church in : of "" HON. ARTHUR M. ;; / ;- • ' ' ¦: '"' - "TV held JBabylpn . .;;; ¦-> .>;• ¦. to a ttend. " NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL for- meetings ISlelections CROMARTY * a Justice . .of ' -the DISTRICT ' MEETING OF more than thirty days subsequent B i rt h d a y wishes to MRS . Gel well wishes to JERRY Supre me Cour t• of* the State .. .of JJNLO N FREE SCHOOL to such 4 Special Meeting. HARTZ of LIBERTY MARY AVENUE of LIBERTY HARTZ —-Nxrw-V'ork . datcti-the fi lst-day"^ ^iSTmCTTfOtlOF THETTOWH T5ATF^5rBtbyl07rrNew-York¦-¦ "who uiTderweiilsui gei y Jthii past 7UTSNtJE^^w i'elehra t^d-Jbexi ¦ * • July. mw. : ' ¦* SUFFOLK / August 11, 4969 . " OF BABYLON, week a t G ood S am a r i t a n birthday on August 9th. The object ol this action is to "COUNTY , NEW YORK By Order Of of SHARP SHERYL Hospi ta l . : ' I orecjose'a.'-fi r'sI nt)ftgage lien held- ^Notice is hereby given tha t THE BOARD 0F has "to LAKE ERDELL HITH birthday wishes Belated *1)V . (he p laint ill on the "prop erty there will be submitted to the EDUCATION OF GEORGE DAVIDSON of HIN- returned home after spending described below and Ji) ..^cJuiJe_ qualified voters of UNION FRE E . . UNION FREE SCHOOL TON A V E N U E who celebra ted last week in Shelter Island. a vested ; SCHOOL DISTRICT NO 1, - .you ¦•uKlj oach of you Irora DISTRICT NO. 1, his 13th . birthda y on;Augus t 1st , Happy birthday to THOMAS " . or (¦piiligenl- in*eresi r in or lien Of TOWN OF BABYLON , SUF-* TOWN OF BABYLON, To celebra te the "occasion GINO.CCHip MILLER ^ oh _ ,,, upon. . !ne s4ic/cilic real property; FOLK COU-NTY , NEW YOR K, NEW YORK . who celebra ted his ; GEORGE enterj ained several of A v E N U E ¦ v August 28, 1969 at the Memorial , ,'-. ;.,., iHore jKirl i c u i a r j .-v' described By PATRICIA RESKY his " friends and relatives at a 21sL birthday on AUSTJST5TH.; to , '¦ -" "- .Sc-hoolDistric'tClerk . _. - - / hereinhelow Grade School gym ,, Park Avehiie; ' •". - v ^ was -party at his "c elebrate the occasion TOMj barbecue ^and pool ° the ¦ ¦ Babylon, New York , between . ~ . The preiiiises allected by Hi is 814-21 9-233* v • taken out to dinner :at THE home. - ac l gu) arc known and' described-1 hours of 12:00 o 'clock noon and CAPTAIN S QUARTERS by his to MRS. Get well wishes "9:00 o'clock P.Ml . , "the following more [iarlicularl y as I olio ws: MRS, NOTICE OF AND MR. A D E L I N E HIRT to Hsfven Place pa rents ¦; A l t , those c e r t a i n lot , pieces or . , .propositions ' *: . ZONE his CHANGE OF egNOCCHIO and AUGUST who is confined to her home with . . *F PROBOSiTION NO. 1 parcels of land , situate ", l y ing and Q brothers and sisters. > VILLAGE a broken leg. ~- I w i n p in V i l l 'i' .*»e i'lt l i n d t > n h ii rsl ; . LINDENHURST M R . A N D MRS 7 F R A N K ~MR . AND MRS; WILLIAM : ( ounty oJ Shall the following resolution ' Town of - Baby lon .- New PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY BEST and children have returned DEVEGLip and children have York , I be adopted , to wit: . -. ¦".; Suj toik;.tmil^l-atb^C GIVEN tha t on the 5th day of home to CANTERBURY LANE r e t u r n e d home " to: - .- IN"' ¦' kfibwit aS desfgnatetil as lots »:}. Ki> JtESOLVED , that the revised '-August, " -T969 - the Lindenhurst a f t e r spending two weeks bEPEN DENCE AVENUE after ¦ »• *afrd '.p-ai'l -ot lot #7. «>'s; sJ'iown "on,abudget of Union Free School . Vil lage Board resolved to change -vacationing in4herr' trailerM n the motoring .ou t to WESTMONT,. • ' • ' c1*rfiu»i Jti a p. entitled .; "Ma p" of District No. rbf the Town of the . zoning, of the. following ADIRONDACK ILLINOIS where they spent eight -MOUNTAINS Baby Ion , Suff ollx¦"'* Coun ty, Babylon Park , Seel ion No.. 2 ', filed from premises ^described days visiting at the home of MRS. NOR-TFI Welcome back to New York , for the fiscal yea r . ui Ihe OH'ix -e ol tile-Clerk of the " -Residential ' -fi" to Business and BABYLON and DEVEGLiO'S to \ WILL ¦•¦* ¦ a^d¦•¦" ' her ¦ "'sister as proposed "by ,lhJ71€ of - tint! .part .- * of- lot . . .. w hen' lakeii of Lindenhurst b'e amended in home after spending a nrphth in < former AUDREY PEDERSEN ) * IngetHer &re - bounded a nd the E^ucationLaw of the . . accordance therewith ; ¦Europe .. Where they, visited and son CHRISTOPHER have -. ,' .:' . State of New York and as -described as follows : relatives and did a lot of ..sight: peen guests' this past week at the amended, shall be appr oved liEGINN -JNG a-t a -poin l : on- the Therj e premises being those seeing and fishing. They visited home of Mrs. Lango 's parents - easterly side, of I faisey Street and a tax levied therefor parts of the follow ihg ¦ . HAROLD . relatives in NORWAY, and while MR. AND MRS upon the taxable property of ""w'h u' h. s a i d p.oi.ni . is d i-stan.1 ' parcels that are described . there visited the LANDr CBf^tHE PEDERSEN of Pickwick Lane, said Schobi District. souliierl y (i2..r)0 feet from Ihe not already* zoned Business. ': * ¦. M I D N I G H T SUN. They also Mrs . Langos resides in Illinois PROPSOiTION NO 2 corner formed by t h e intersection Parcel No. 1-Lote 7 & 8. > SWEDEN, DENMARK and came here fro visit her visited of the srtu l heriy side of .KnoQ - ALL tha t certain plot, piece parents and also to attend her and ENGLAND: Shall.-the "following resolution -Stree t w'i 'l-h" Ihe easterly side of or parcel of land, with the, cousins Bill Blaskppfs wedding Happy birthday to KAREN " be adopted , to wit: . . 1 lalsey Streetviind from said point ¦ and improvements buUdings ¦ _ MR, took-place which m.AiigltslJJnd.... --• REGULA-daughter-Of — : AND :-—'; •: RES^LVEDr that, -~in adr n ^mning" ? 'i thereon erected , situate , MRS. KENNETH REGULA of YOUR REPORTER and son dition lo Propsoi tion No. 1 the K U N N I N C ; THENCE North 74 lying and being in the Th- v S H I P M A N CHRIS and A V E N U E who MOLE of PAVj lD -_ide44r-aesliJ Mi\RuXu^ U~mmtif t&r^ ^SiinijQL$36J00 00 he raised b y! ^w - por^ted^VHtege—of-fctn-—- "cifleDT^te^erTouruYtnr^ a tax upon the , taxable East . MRUMH eet ; THENCE South denhurst, town of Babylon, 42 proper ty of the School -SW-s inutes —I^j -degrees eeonds-m ~ County of Suffolk and State of ^ Augusr 4thr Karen entertained Wednesday-August 13thr in 4>tew— several of her friends a t a bi r- York were they viewed the ticker Dist ric.t for . transports tion East , (J2.5() -lpel ; THENCE South" - rllew .York , known . and t hday party at her home; tape pa rade for our three and field trips. 74 degrees 17 minutes lb seconds designa ted as Lots 7 and 8 in MRS. CATHERINE DILLON A s t r o n a u t s MIKE COLLINS. . ' PROPOSITION NO. 3 West ¦loo .oo feet to the easterly Block 3, Sheet 1 on a certain of Edmuhton Drive has returned NEIL ARMSTRONG and EDWIN side of Halsey Slrc-e l'V-THBNCE . map • entitled "Mai p of home after spending a week ALDRIN . - Even though the ¦ Property at Welwood, Long Shall the following resolution - ahing (he easterly side pf-Halsey visiting former North Baby lon crowds were very large, it was be adopted , to wit: Slre(>l North 15 ' "degrees 42 Island , on South Side residents MR. AND MRS. VAN wonderful to see in person these RESOLVED, ihatr— rn^-ath minutes 50 seconds West b2.50 ' Kairroad, made by : J - PELT/ ' in ' Rochester , New YUlk. tin ee gi eat men. w ' —^~-_— . ' . ,dition to Proposition No I , feet to the point or place of Sammis, Surveyor , in 1869" MR AND MRS. FINN KORANYONE PLANNING A the sum of $20,600.00 , -be - » ItEG I N N I N G oh file in the Suffolk County . and children have CONVENTION? Be sure to check SB ERG . raised by a tax upon the " Dated : Mincola .. Clerk's Office, also know n as returned home to CAN- the D E E R P A R K TR A V E L t ax a b l e property o f . the New York .. by same lot . bhiek and arid TER Y B U R Y L A NE a ft e r AGENCY'S ad in: this paper for _ School -¦ ----, AugUSt -4-, - 1%»- - ' - - - ----:-• .,.S.cMQj;DiM"MXwJbe -Map of . ^.licfel^jumbe-rs -onspecia l xonv^tton/rates ati*the " District cafeterias and lunch " A EDWARD MAdOK 6 in Block 3, Sheet i; and on City of . B res la u. m a de by HOTEL BRICKMAN in program. -Attorney lor JMami .iil . "Map of Property at R.B. Wheeler. Surveyor , in FALLSBURG. PROPOSITION NO 4 NEW YORK . A Office and p. Welwood, L.I., on South Side 1879 " and filed in Ihe Suffolk . I\ beautiful place to hold a conAddress of Railroa d , and filed in. the County Clerk s Office as Map vention. Shall the following resolution U4 Old Country Road Suffolk County Clerk's Of^ No. 155. be adopted , to wit: * "; . New York fice, also being known by the BEGINNING at the corner ^ Mineoht RESOLVED, that, in ad: 11501 same lot , block arid sheet ~ the intersection of . ',"' formed by dition to Proposition rio. 1, ' 5K5-74 1-7H47 numbers on "Map of City of the northerly side of W. Ihe sum of $33,907.00 be LB 9-2:J2 H14-21-28 9*4 with the Breslau ",- filed in the Suffolk Hoffman Avenue raised by a . tax- upon the County Clerk' s Office as map westerly side* of N. Fifth SL Warrant Officer Bernardino -F. taxable property of the Notice to Bidders number 155. Ave.) ITilden Ave. Schleier •Genchi, 23. of 9 Anderson Avenue. School District for an inPursuant to resolution adopted BEGINNING at a point on running thence along the ^ was , killed in North Babylon t e r s c h o l a s t i c s p o r t s by the Village Board , sealed bids the northerly of W. Hoffman northerly side side of West . ^ Vietnam last Tuesday when .a program. . invited by the Village of LinAve., South 68 degrees 46 Hoffman Avenue 50.28 feet helicopter he was "p i l o t i n g NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY denhurst, will be received, by the minutes West 50.28 feet to the westerly from the corner tha t the revised annual crashed GIVEN , and burned. He was Village Clerk in the Village Hall , division line between Lots 6 formed by the intersection of school budget will be available scheduled to return to Ihe Sta tes th Wellwood Avenue, ^30 Sou the westerly side, of North and 7, in said block ; running upon request , to taxpayers within the first week in September. Lindenhurst, New York,' on or Fifth Street and the northerly thence along said division Genchi had undergone training before 8:00 P.M., prevailing the district at each schoolhouse side of West Hoffman line North 16 degrees 36 al Fi. Wolters . Texas and Ft. time, on August 21, 1969, at which within the district between the West Avenue, thence along Ihe minutes 20 seconds ' Jiours of 9:00 o clock A.M., and Hunter . Ga. before going io time they will be publicly opened division line between Lots 6 119.49 feet to the southerly ' 4:00 o clock P.M. on August 19, Vietnam in September as a and read , and the contract and 7 North 16 degrees 36 side of Lot 9 in said block; ". 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, and 27 as weu as helicopter pilot. awarded as soon thereafter as ^along said minutes 20 seconds West running thence He was a 1964 graduateoi Islip practicable for the : 1969 Curb and at the Special Meeting on August 119.49 feet to the southerly southerly side of Lot 9 North ¦ 1969. 287 "* A ; High School , and attended the ' , - *Sidewalk Program side of Lot 9; thence running 73 degrees 23 minutes 40 NOTICE IS ALSO H£RE BV State Agricultural and Technical East John Street South 73 degrees 23 minutes seconds East 50.12 feet to the GIVEN tha t the Board of College Curb, Sidewalk and 40 seconds West 50.12 feet to westerly side of N. Fifth St. ^ at F a r m i ng d a l e for Registra tion will meet at the almos " t two years . He enlisted in Miscellaneous Improvements ) ; the northwes terly corner of (Tilden Ave., Schleier Ave. ' the Army s helicopter Information for Bidders , Memorial^ Grade School lobby, program in running thence along the Lot 5, running thence Southv* Jul y . 1967. - Itemized Proposal , Contract Park Ifveniie , Babylon, New westerly side of N. Fifth St. 16 degrees 36 minutes 20 He is survived by his widow Agreement, Specifications and York on August 25, 1%9, between degrees 36 minutes South 16 seconds East along the Eileen Plans can fee examined at the the hours of 12:00 o'clock noon ., a daughter . Dina Marie . westerly side of Lot 5, 123.54 20 seconds East 115.43-feet to l:> , his pa rents , a sister months Village Hall between August 13, and 9:00 o'clock P.M., prevailing the northerly side of W. feet to the northerl y side of , Diana 1969 and August 21, 1969 or copies lime, to prepare the register of and a bro t her . Alfred. Hoffman Ave. at the point or West H o f fm a n A"venue; of the same may be obtained the School District and any thence along the northerl y place of BEGINNING. person shall be entitled to have there. Parcel II-Lots 5 & 6 side of West Hoffman Avenue Pursuant to Chapter 751 of the his name placed upon such ALL tha t certain plot , piece North 68 degrees 46 minutes "The W a y n e M iddleton Laws of the State of New Y ork , register, provided that at such or parcel of land , with the East 50.28 feet to the point or American Legion Post No. 1965 all .bids must be ac- meeting of tlje boa rd of buildings and improvements place of beginning. 1839 of registration, North he is known „ or Babylon is companied by a sta tement thereon erected , situate , Dated : August 5, 1969. sponsoring proven to the satisfaction of such a Moonlight Sail on subscribed and affirmed by the lying and being in the Village Village Board A u gu s t registration, board of to be then 22nd. The boa t bidder as set forth in said law. of L i n d e n h u r s t , Town -of . Village of Lindenhurs t ' or thereafer ' Captree entitled to vote at the . Mist" will depart A deposit of $10.00 will be Babylon, County of Suffolk , George H. Moor from Captree Basin at 8:00 ' , required for each copy of the school meeting or election for Sta te of New York , know n as Village Clerk P .M. D o n a t i o n . $5.00 per which such register is prepared ; contract documents . Any bidder and by the lot numbers 5 and L B 9-227 K ,, . person . ..







~ " T'" MB Soldier RiiieH v.- m ACBIOH