
I nota that bo n Q nluto1' of tho Dutch ol:01 ... ,olo" ,.' ctu ant" co)o OJ: nll 't ... Dineo 1940 thnt thoy havo caooontl'tltod on ooi m \'101'1: 1n...

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14th Octobcr. 1955

t A . roIlS • • ;to1 'Do ,1tto Cruz". IE

Dr . V!OCCl"t ooft lit D ,assod on to co tho rooord of tho tontil ony of Do. or1clto in tho outll cot Africa ellS.., . ! lInv 190 hnd tho opo>or.unity to loole at Dr. Vlosor't Jlooft ' s ovm co cnte on tho tcs itlony , "nh hleh I fully concur . As fl1l' S I coneornod . ,,!lol'o nre ono or two ints t Illtould 111:0 to 0 about t itl t stillony :j>, ,.o n £t 'v1donco ivon concorninG Dc . 0 lcko ' s qunl1dcationn to tcsti~y on tho mttorll 01'01'0 tho Court on tho ,olioy of llpo.rthc1d em i t attoctn t 0 vnri us ..;NU,O X' X' fJ nt d in South rica . I nota that bo n Q nluto1' of tho Dutch ol:01'Ood Churcb £0X' :n 'II uro, 19 ot II:hich l'Ioro oJ.lont ut tollonbosch, Cho.irmtlll of tho 01 n 11 .. ho Univorsity at Stello,obooch, lJioc-::hai= of tl1Q Cn", 0 ..;, urc~h tom d ynod, 11 11 mbol' ot tho 2101 1 .101;i ne Conn1, oion of ~" D • • ",,,urch tor 2C1 yoaro , 11 oob r of t..ho odoral Council of Dutct> "mod Church &, 0. ChilL 01' tho 'tudo,nt Chrlotion ooi;,olo" ,.' ctu ant" co)o OJ: nll 't 011, l!l bel' of B te .

In rry viell thls t10lUlG .;!\Iit he hall opent Iloot of bio lifo in t.he l'Ovlnce , an re 17h1ch io inhabited, os !'uX' (1.t: non- Itoo concorned. lnly by socallod Colourod peoplo ot' uth Africa . Indeed, .>art ot tho Ill'OOont policy of' tho GeVol:'nrlont of ..outh Africl!. .is to ronovo the Dantu free the eetarn ';apo to tho &,)C 110d hoaolonds in othor rt6 oi' tho oount11l . Al thoUOl ho c l D.1ma to havo I d ix'olluont eont~t \;lith Ilntu t.nd Colourod oin1otQro and othor l oadors of the Cantu and Colourod popul ation 'rou , havi ro rd to tho sooia1 111tance botl7oan llonhoro of biG Church and tho antu. poopl ot Couth /l1'1'1ca, who eonD~i tuto "ho najori ty ot tho popula.tion , I shoul d o~ thnt hin I:n0111 d:;'O 01: tho po11oy at apart aid , 1nzo1'a1' 0.0 it nf£octc til ,nntu, is vor,{ lbitod. is c onto about tho ranDl:e1 for oXUllple D ,Olil to oy nd that ho 10 not tloll llC'luu1rttod 171 th tblo ar nod cOl'talnly canuot be rocnrded ao I'n o!tport UfJ far Oll 1 .. 1.£1 concolnoi . ~ctorn

~~"" l~l

ouch is !!ludo of tho

10citlnnry actiVit:! of tho Dutch


d its momborohil' aoonr, ... ho nen- hUoo . noro Ilc;tdn tho crontoI' pnrt of the non rcblp of t~o .. ~, urcu conclBta of Colourod people whaoG he 0 10llu"Un", 10 til OotL IlCl th
AfrllcsOlls .


, - 2 -

i>r . Ernc.;t


14th Oc abel', 1965

i!:oionury activity bY tho utch o1'ortlod Church ithin tho ",public n.:; tho antu is of V01"7{ rocoot ol'irr1n . lost 01' .. h01r llIlssion work. until l'O(;On 1y , wtm dono ;Ln tho lIlain ol1tnido :""uth 1'dc itself in countrieo like lIYlUlo.11U1 , l!orthern :hollo in, otc . It:l.!l p1'1")£11'11y Dineo 1940 thnt thoy havo caooontl'tltod on ooi m \'101'1: 1n the 1 public 1 tnolf, oopoci'llly on ho farns w,onu thoir f m 1....oouroro . It is 01\ 0,0 tho cotlPln1nts of tho ot.hor Churchos that since 1940 thllY luwo .·ot had 0 1'1'00 llCCOSS for tnisoion tJork. D.tlono to.m 1 be ll'ers ns tho U, • .hurch has hnd • ... he fol'tlation 01 Gocallod dau tor- churchos with a fuir OuTOO of llut1)noQY WlClIC tho J • • Churoh adherents is (l1eo a vory roccnt dovolo ont, .hOro£Ul so of t1." ot. r C urch D, ouch Il!l tho Church of llcot1and, fo .lod Conu1n01y uuton 1"WJ t;hurchos . such as 'the 'Bantu .PrGsbytorinn hurch, CUl 10lle Ilu -o LIS 1923. ~o Cantu Presbytorian Church ot tho Church of cotlo.lld ~onaiDta of bot.b te lll1d laclt and in that ChUl"Ch all offices nrc a on to h1te and Dlllck Ilm'l on number or oo;:;a"iono tho t.odorntor Qf tho !Ilontu Pr ~ITJtol'1a.n Church hruI n on i'ricon , Jxero1sln;.. uthorUy t)v r both liite and 0 - it l!IOI!loors of tho Church . I doubt 11' thoro oro any J) . • dau ter-..hurcheD. 1n anotoru:o in 1923.

oforoncc is rlndo to tho 4lllpointllont oi' ,. '. .oth l!oldt1lai ac; .. ho >firat Af1'lca.n l'onidcnt of "h ethodint 'Cllurch , ''It for tlrulY yOOl'll prior to thio, Ai'ne .. vo hold lli:;;h office in tho i;uthodiot Church and have ttondcd lIothocUot Colifercnco!J ' full dolo;;ntoc , both eloric 1 d l~ , In mUlti-racial conferenoos of tho ~hurch . 'fho 9i. tllOGa 0100 1'01'01'0 to tho in(;l'oQ.So in he nlll:lb l' of hOllblita10 buUt bY the Dutch o1'llled C ureh nnd roforo p;:Irticular to tho Wildi of 16 honpito10 in tbe ranske1 alon . IIDr acain it 10 only l' irly l'OOontly with tho :onerous !Support they lUlve rocoiv d from tho t nt1onul1st Covorllr.loot that thoy have onterod tho fiold of medic 1 services 1n tho 'I'l'QllSkei . lor mo....y yeurs in thAt or 11 th maoion hosp;l.t 10 ill existonco belon;:;od to o.her dEll onlnutiono l,IJl!l not to the D. n . ehurch . 'rho C!\IIJO applies to pritilo.r:r emd soeondary education . It ,ould havo givon u f iror icturo of tho situation i f tho Vlitnooo hud boon ble to £rivo information nbout tho activity of tho Dutch oi'omod Church in thOBO f101dn, GO::; ,r10r to 192G and dnco 19411 . nCEI 28

In civin... tho numbor of oomboro of the Dutch oformed Churcl: , tho bot~oon actual membors and ailllornto • • h10 io , to try ind, vor:r loportllnt d1otlnction btlcllo.sO i f you t~l. tho oltunt1on ,n tho f8.1'Ilu. :for o=?le, = y of tho Africnno 1'1110 attc.'ld oorvicoo hold by.' • • ';hurch ovanCOlillto on tho fa 0, con hardly be ro(;lU'dod o.s UlOl:ltora . oforollOuth Africa", publinbod y tho IllGtitute -of 1l:1co 1 tion3 i. l'JV4" 111101'0 on '0 21 it oto.too wi ,.t a !lido discroponcy thero is batr:oon C .ttl'cll momboro and adhoronts . lhio dlst1nction pplios to all churchoo but I think that .han ment10n 's "11, 0 of 'tho GToi!lth of a Churc!. , thiD uistinction ou t to bo cloarly r.laUo.

witnooo doos not soom to diotlnwuioh

v,.. .



- 3 14th Octobcr, 1965

a;, 25 ith recru' to tho policy of into ...'Tntion vhi::h np_JOa,t'o to bo annthomo. to tho \Jitnoos on tho Cl"Ound Qf' tho socnllod 'friction and. t Mion::' f/hich i t tli~ht CllunO, tho witnoss dooo not seao. to ox:>ltun w~ vhio friction and tension dooo not tako pluco in ;hito hoooe , in tho \!hole of' tho I'Ihito ooonocy whoro Black lllld hito arc in daily contact ith ono anotbur , ucopt that thoir relations are sbot throu;:;/l and throuGh with diood,l3ination up Jliod by tho hitoo ar,ni!lot tho non- hitos , not bocauoo of ;friction but bocauso 0' colour projuaico . PQ~



reforenco io Dado in this toctinony to '£r1ct10n

tmd tonsiono' which tilly ru"illO in oul t!-l'ocio.l . IU'ticlpation in .6orv1000

or in tho Dat:la Church . Tho witnooo docs not ;1vo a s!..nClo oXlllllp10 of such f:;'iction and tOlllJion , clther in any D•• Church or in on)! othor Church in outh Afric,J.. rndoed, i'rict1,>u "Ul" ton:::' n have occurrod .0 n creator o.rtont in tUli-ruoilll Churchos '«:1"111 J.fr1conc but it oon bo quo~tionod ns to why moro contact producoo bot tor Dutual undorotandinG lon pooples onywhel'o elso Qxcopt in South A rioa.. a ,e ;Is> I dou.t ~hothQr it in oO%'.'CCt to so;y tMt thoro ;Iro oartain jobo in tho l'rlll'lnkoi 'I'1hioh oro l'OSOl..,od for lo.cl~n and aro not open to bit os as a justlfic, tion to.' job 'roGoI'V'
1ho witness elains that ho is not a political export . Tbio is clear frem tho lack of knol'11edc;a tlhicl! ho showlis o.OOut the) PO;Y in l7hieb non~ hitoo huvo atrucr;1od to obto.in politlco.l dr;hta ainco tho foruntion of Union in 1910. Ho doos not soem to bo QI'/IlI'O of the o.ttOOlpto that havo bGon tllado in tho courao of South African hiotory to adopt vo.riouo lOll'islativo dovicos to oxcludo Africans and othor non- 'bitoa from tho exorciso 01' >olit.1cul riGhto. FlcGirulin(;: with tho outh African Act of 1909, coin throu:;.h tho liatj,vG A1'i'a1rs Act 0: 1920 l7ith ita Il tivG Coni'oroncoc and cndlnG up ul.th tho lIo.Uvo "0l,lrcscnto.tion Act of 1936 filth its tl tlvo oprosontativo Council . Throu;)l all these Acta IUl o.ttotlpt baa boon redo to find Il f'omula by which Afl'1cnno r.11 'I1t be t,ivan a G~ in th<.. ':overnincr of thoil' own countl"'J i thout prejudicinG tho pooition 01' tho 'bUoll .




" -4 Dr.



14th Octob r, 19Ci5


OCllnS into po or of the ctn11y lI1nco 1!)4-6 IltLS until thoy h v 0 nonin wh1ch thoy x1et in t Dutch 0 Church


on cuch as tnt 1. t


~"t .

w 11 t·. _ they tI11.1

lutton, as r1 ltS



'l.'o h1ch



:real! do ot kno uth oot !fric V1nC l i lid thoro oot 01' r:ra lifo and of tlo riC peoplo in v taus cta of tbolr oxtent to hich tho opubl1c nrcu u t t h t i.e

outh ric ! irly orYe n l"Opr ntatlv u 11c lifo . 0 tbo ad for tb non- hlto in outh Af c is cood for th non- it in outh .ost Afric , I dioacroo lith tho vi!lW tl t uJlnrth.id Il!I u pliod in utb Africn c COOd for ~outh .ost !fric • I



Youro cincoro1y ,

• .• 001

.. .

• '1::, c, II . Mic heli

Dr. lfol da fir. Booth




thOt1 -.I

or Africu