PwC’s Academy Talent Series

Student2Entrepreneur Challenge Presence and Presentation Workshop Young Corporate Governance Challenge PwC’s Academy Talent Series Opportunity knocks,...

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PwC’s Academy Talent Series Opportunity knocks, will you answer?

Student2Entrepreneur Challenge

Presence and Presentation Workshop

Young Corporate Governance Challenge

What is PwC’s Academy Talent Series? The Academy Talent Series is a series of corporate challenges for young individuals from schools and universities in UAE to showcase their entrepreneurial and leadership talents in various organisational contexts. The Talent Series has been designed to provide a taste of the work life outside of Academics in a controlled environment.

Contact us

Payal Ailawadhi Customer Experience Manager T: +971 4 304 3137 E: [email protected]


LinkedIn: PWC’s Academy MiddleEast

Twitter: @PWCAcademy

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