curriculum vitae of Klaus-Martin Schulte page 1 of 5

curriculum vitae of Klaus-Martin Schulte page 2 of 5 2 May 2004 until 2010: honorary senior lecturer at the Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Ger...

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curriculum vitae of Klaus-Martin Schulte

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curriculum vitae of Professor Dr Klaus-Martin Schulte, FRCS September 2010 th

born as son of Armin und Margrit Schulte in Bochum, Germany


marriage with Dr Stefanie Schulte, PhD, artist

July 26 1964 Dec 12 2003 th

April 20 2007

birth of daughter Maxima


August 6 2008 birth of son Ventura 1983

Graduation from High-School Helmholtz-Gymnasium Essen, Germany


Medical studies at the University of Essen, Germany; intercalated abroad studies accounting for 3 years (France, U.S.A., Spain)


Studies of medicine, history and languages at the Faculté Broussais, Paris


Electives of two month at the university hospital of Sevilla, Spain


12 month of electives in the final year of medical studies Surgery: Hôtel-Dieu, Paris, France (Prof. DiMaria) Pediatrics and Molecular Genetics: Baylor College, Houston, Texas, USA (Prof. A. Beaudet und Prof. T. Caskey) Internal medicine: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Prof. J.T. Potts)


Doctoral thesis in the Dept. of Physiological Chemistry, Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. H. Schriefers on the topic „The metabolism of 5α-dihydrotestosterone and it's sexual differentiation in liver slices of genetically obese Zucker rats“ University of Essen, Germany, with subsequent Degree as a Doctor of Medicine (magna cum laude)



Passed the American Medical Examination "ECFMG" part I and II (>90 percentile), and English language assessment tests (TOEFL)


Research fellow and resident at the Dept. of Nephrology at Professor B. Weil at the university hospital Henri Mondor, Université Paris XII, Créteil, Paris, France


Resident of surgery at the Clinic of General Surgery and Trauma Surgery at the Alfried-KruppKrankenhaus Essen, Germany


Surgery fellow and research fellow in the team of Professor H.-D. Röher, M.D. at the Dept. of General Surgery at the Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany


Board Certification as General Surgeon


Research fellow at the Dept. of General Surgery at the Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany


Consultant of General Surgery in the Clinic of Professor H.-D. Röher, M.D., Dept. of General and Trauma Surgery at the Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany


Head of the Laboratory of the Clinic of General Surgery and Trauma Surgery at the HeinrichHeine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany,


Board Certification as Visceral Surgeon and Consultant on Visceral and Endocrine Surgery in the Clinic of General Surgery at the University Clinics of Düsseldorf (Chief: Professor H.-D. st

Röher, M.D, 1987 until August 31 2003) May 2001

to date: Habilitation as "Privatdozent" (corresponds to the old degree of a Doctor of Science plus the position of a Senior Lecturer of Surgery and full voting member of the Faculty of Medicine)

May 2004

to date: Consultant of Endocrine and General Surgery at King’s College Hospital (KCH) London, permanent position


curriculum vitae of Klaus-Martin Schulte

May 2004

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until 2010: honorary senior lecturer at the Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf, Germany with regular participation in the curriculum and teaching of year 3-6 medical students, now continued as apl Professor with ongoing teaching commitment

July 2005

to date: Fellow ad eundem of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

July 2004

to date: Member of core working groups and committees of the hospital concerned with consent (consent working group), audit and risk management, ICT Risk group; weekly engagement about 6 hours

July 2005

until 1/2010: Lead of Audit and Clinical Effectiveness in Surgery at KCH

August 2005

to date: Firm Head of 3 Year Medical Students in Surgery, teaching activity about 10-15 hours


per week August 2005

until July 2009: Chair of the KCH/SELCN Thyroid Cancer MDT, London, which serves as network MDT for a catchment area of about 1.8 m

October 2006

award of the title of an honorary senior lecturer of surgery at King’s College London

March 2007

to date: Peer Reviewer for Cancer in the National Cancer Network

April 2007

to date: Lead Clinician for Emergency General and Trauma Surgery at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, the South London Level I Trauma Centre

October 2008

to date: Hon Research Fellow, Division of Gene and Cell Based Therapy, King’s College London

Sept 2010

ongoing: Professor at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Düsseldorf, Germany

Special commitments in science during the last 10 years: -

From 1996 until 2004: head of a research group on thyroid tumorigenesis


From 2000 until 2004: head of the research laboratory of the Dept of General Surgery of the University of Düsseldorf, Germany. This lab had 5-8 post-graduate co-workers and 2 technical assistants.


From 2000 until 2004: gene safety supervisor (Gentechnikrecht) in behalf of the Federal Government at various laboratories at the University of Düsseldorf, Germany


From 2000: lead of the Berlin Trauma Hospital Multiple Trauma study group (post shared with RA Laun, Consultant Senior Trauma Surgeon)


active research restarted in 2008 after establishing the service of Endocrine Surgery since 2004

Clinical commitments during the last 8 years: -

From 2000 until 2004: first consultant of endocrine surgery and responsible of the section "Endocrine Surgery" in the Clinic of General Surgery, University of Duesseldorf, Germany. The volume of this Dept was a round 700-900 endocrine operations per year with ~ 300-500 thyroid operations, whereof ~100 cancers and >50











hyperparathyroidisms, 30 adrenals, 15-25 neuroendocrine tumours of the pancreas, and varying numbers of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia type I and II. The dept. was integral part of the Dept of General st

and Trauma Surgery (chief: Professor H.-D. Röher, M.D. until August 31

2003) and has functioned as

national and international referral centre for surgery of endocrine disease. -

From 2001 until 2004: consultant in pancreatic surgery in the Dept of General Surgery, University of Duesseldorf, Germany


From 2000 until 2004: daily organisation of the operation schedule of the Dept. of General Surgery and Trauma Surgery at the University Clinics of Düsseldorf (6 operating theatres with ~6000 operations per year)


From 2001 until 2004: organisation and presentation of the weekly "interdisciplinary tumour board conference" of the University Clinics of Düsseldorf (1500 hospital beds + 10 affiliated teaching hospitals) including oncology experts from all sections of internal medicine, radiology, nuclear medicine, pathology,


curriculum vitae of Klaus-Martin Schulte

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cytopathology, and other surgical disciplines (urology, gynaecology, ENT, etc.). This tumour board is the equivalent of a Trust-wide Cancer MDT for highly selected patients -

From 2001 until 2004: organisation and presentation of the weekly "interdisciplinary endocrinology conference" including endocrinologists, endocrine surgeons, nuclear medicine, radiology


From 1998 until 2004: expert witness in lawsuit matters at various organs of jurisdiction and the High Court


From May 2004: Consultant of Endocrine Surgery at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust London, a 900 bed university teaching hospital in London effecting about 500 Endocrine and General Surgery Procedures yearly, whereof ~100 major complex operations.


From May 2005: Chair of the SELCN Thyroid Cancer Multidisciplinary Team Meeting MDT


From May 2005 until December 2009: Lead for Audit and Clinical Effectiveness for General Surgery


From April 2007: Lead Clinician for Emergency General and Trauma Surgery

Scientific interest, resulting in more than 40 basic science original papers with a total of about 140 impact factor points: -

molecular and cellular basis of endocrine tumour diseases, with particular regard to the thyroid and the adrenal gland


metabolism in acute illness and stress, actually realised by a large prospective study in polytrauma patients


the genetic basis of the stress response to trauma, inflammatory bowel disease and bone marrow transplantation


author of multiple scientific articles and book chapters on topics of General and Endocrine Surgery

Teaching commitments: -


From 1995 until 1998: bedside teaching "Clinical examination" ( 3

year students, 4 hrs a week) at the th

Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf; From 1995 until 2004: bedside teaching "General surgery" (4 year students, 4 hours a week) at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf -

From 1995 until 2004: personal tutor in the scientific education and mentoring of 21 students in their doctoral thesis in experimental settings in the laboratory of Surgery at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf


From 2001 until today: member of the faculty of medicine with full participation at the Heinrich-HeineUniversity of Duesseldorf


From 2000 until today: main responsible and lecturer on "Endocrine Tumorigenesis" at the Heinrich-Heinerd


University of Duesseldorf (3 -6 year students, a block teaching amounting to 1 hour a week per year) -

From 2001 until today: main responsible and lecturer on "Molecular mechanisms of endocrine disease" at the rd


Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf (3 -6 year students, a block teaching amounting to 1 hour a week per year) -

2000 to 2004: senior lecturer in the daily main lecture session of General and Trauma Surgery on topics of endocrine surgery at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf; main responsible and lecturer on nd

"Introduction to Medicine" (2 -

year students, 3 hours a week) at the Heinrich-Heine-University

From 2004: multiple teaching functions at King’s College London. This was formally recognised from 2006 on with the position of a “honorary senior lecturer of Surgery” at King’s College London.


From 2004 ongoing: teaching of Medical students and Educational Supervisor of post-graduate junior doctors at King’s College Hospital London.


From 2004 ongoing: Firm Head of Year 3 medical students (8 students per firm) with a teaching commitment of 10-15 hours per week, participation in ICE examinations, student grand rounds etc.


From 2006-2009: plenary teaching of year five medical students (~200 per session) on the topics “Control of Surgical Infection”, “Haemorrhage”, “Management of the acute abdomen”. This amounts to one hour per week in the yearly curriculum.


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Commitment in Leadership/Management since 2004 (all at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, London): -

Since May 2004: involvement with managerial and governance tasks at KCH through membership in the following multidisciplinary committees:


Since 2005 Clinical Risk Management Group CRMG (trust-wide, 900 beds, 200.000 outpatient appt.) ended 2009


Since 2005 Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Committee CEAC (Care group wide, 27.000 operations per year) – ended 2009


Since 2005 Lead for Audit and Effectiveness in Surgery – ended 2009


Since 2004 member of the Consent Committee (trust-wide)


Since 2004, retaken in 2008 Theatre management board , main theatre


Since 2006, member of the Cancer Committee


Since 2007, member of the ICT risk group


Since 2007 Lead Clinician for Emergency General and Trauma Surgery at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust


Since 2009 member of various steering groups in creation of the Endocrine/Diabetes CAG

Research funding information for work as principal investigator: -

1998-2000: full personal research grant from the German National Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Schu 1270/1-1), 60.000 US $


1998-2000: research grant for research on basic mechanisms in the development of goiter and thyroid cancer from the German National Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG Schu 1270/1-2), 150.000 US $


1999-2003: research grant for research on metabolic consequences of trauma, Hans and Gerti Fischer Foundation, 200.000 US $


1997-1999: research grant „MEN I gene mutations in adrenal tumours“, University of Düsseldorf, 40.000 US $


2001-2003: research grant „Molecular mechanisms for development of follicular thyroid nodules“, University of Düsseldorf, 100.000 US $

Major Cooperations: Claudia Schulte MD, University of Essen, Stan Sidhu PhD and Leigh Delbridge, Royal North Shore Hospital and Kolling Institute of University of Sydney, Axel Ekkernkamp, MD, Director of the Trauma Hospital Berlin, Reinhold Laun MD, Director of the Trauma Unit, Hospital Neukölln, Berlin, University of Greifswald, Karl Köhrer, PhD, University of Düsseldorf, Stefan Bornstein MD PhD, University of Düsseldorf (now Dresden), Monika Ehrhart PhD, University of Düsseldorf (now Dresden) Abroad studies and working periods 1987

studies of medicine Faculté Broussais and universal studies at the Collège de France, 22 months, Paris, France; 2months electives in Internal Medicine, 2 months, Sevilla, Spain


Final year medical student Surgery, 4 month: Hôtel-Dieu, Faculté Broussais, Paris, France (Prof. DiMaria) Pediatrics and Molecular Genetics 4 months: Baylor College, Houston, Texas, USA (Prof. A. Beaudet and Prof. T. Caskey) Internal Medicine, 3 months: Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA (Prof. J.T. Potts, Prof. A. Warshaw)


Intern and scientific co-worker of Professor Dr. B. Weil at the Dept of Nephrology, 12 months, University clinics Henri Mondor, University Paris XII, Créteil, Paris, France


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Guest of Dr. R. Udelsman, Prof. of Endocrine Surgery, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore


Guest of Dr. L. Delbridge, Professor of Endocrine Surgery, University of Sidney, Australia


Guest of Drs. Jon van Heerden and Clive Grant, Mayo Clinic, 2 months, Rochester, MN, USA

Membership since 1996

Member of the German Society of Surgery

since 2000

Member of the German Society of Scientists and Physicians (GDNÄ)

since 2001

Member of the International Society of Surgery (ISS) and the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES)

since 2002

Member of the National Trust of England

since 2002

Member of the German Society of Surgery DGCh and DGVC

since 2003

Member of the French Association of Endocrine Surgeons AFCE

since 2004

Member of the European Association of Endocrine Surgeons

since 2004

Member of the British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid Surgeons

since 2004

Fellow ad eundem of the Royal College of Surgeons of England

since 2006

Member of the Osler Club, London

since 2008

Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine

Grants and awards 1985-1990

Full personal study grant from the German National Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)


Full personal grant of the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Foundation


Full personal research grant (Habilitationsstipendium) financing two entire years of research of the German National Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)


Oberdisse Award of the NRW Society of Endocrinology (DM 10.000) for research on "Thyroid growth regulation"


Dr. Günther Wille Award for research on "Adrenal tumorigenesis" (DM 10.000)


Von Langenbeck Award of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (highest award of the German Society of Surgery) (Euro 10.500) for basic research in thyroid tumorigenesis


Present in multiple Whos'Whos since 2002


Clinical excellence award at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, London


Clinical Excellence award at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, London


Clinical Excellence award at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, London


Clinical Excellence award at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, London


Clinical Excellence award at King’s College Hospital Foundation Trust, London


Professor (apl), at the Heinrich-Heine-University of Duesseldorf, Germany

September 2010

Klaus-Martin Schulte, MD, FRCS