Graphing Rational Functions.ks-ia2 - Kuta Software LLC

Graphing Rational Functions Date_____ Period____ Identify the ... E U rMJazdke 9 dwFiotCh6 wIVn ufri Ynzi8tGe i WAUlDgmekb mr6aO 02 2.W Worksheet by K...

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Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2


Graphing Rational Functions

Date________________ Period____

Identify the points of discontinuity, holes, vertical asymptotes, x-intercepts, and horizontal asymptote of each. 1) f ( x) =

  x  x

2) f ( x) =

x x

3) f ( x) =

x   x   x  x   x

4) f ( x) =

x   x  x   x

Identify the points of discontinuity, holes, vertical asymptotes, and horizontal asymptote of each. Then sketch the graph. 5) f ( x) = 

 x  x 




6) f ( x) =

x  x



 x




 







 x

 x


8) f ( x) =

x  x  x  x 



x  x 




7) f ( x) =


 x













©3 M2H011n2G tKfu7tUaM jSZoafStgwza4rGe8 4L9LWCo.o w mAblXlS 5rMi4gQhUthsa VrReas3e2revreBdU.a P BMBahdAeH iw2iJtLhf lI9nJfciZnXiVtJeX qABlRgme4bXrsaM k2K.w



Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

  x   x 9) f ( x) =  x  x 




x   x 10) f ( x) =  x   x



 x







12) f ( x) =


 


 x













 

 

 x













©n E2O0B1b2T 4Kyu7tlaO US9o5fVtvwyaXrneb 3LWLhCL.N 7 VAWlhlB erMiNgzhktXsr VrheRsYemrJv1eHdJ.z t jMRakd7ea zwJiftwhY gIOnifzidnOiDtUel zAplegMeXburoaT J2f.u


 x

 x

 x

 x





14) f ( x) =

x  x




 x   x 13) f ( x) = x   x







x   x 11) f ( x) =  x





Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

 

Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2


Graphing Rational Functions

Date________________ Period____

Identify the points of discontinuity, holes, vertical asymptotes, x-intercepts, and horizontal asymptote of each.   x  x

x Discontinuities: ,  2) f ( x) = Discontinuities:  x Vertical Asym.: x, x Vertical Asym.: x Holes: None Holes: None Horz. Asym.: y Horz. Asym.: y X-intercepts: None X-intercepts:  x   x   x x   x 3) f ( x) = Discontinuities: ,  4) f ( x) = Discontinuities: ,   x   x Vertical Asym.: x, x  x   x Vertical Asym.: x 1) f ( x) =

Holes: None Horz. Asym.: None X-intercepts: , , 

Holes: x Horz. Asym.: y

 

X-intercepts:  Identify the points of discontinuity, holes, vertical asymptotes, and horizontal asymptote of each. Then sketch the graph. 5) f ( x) = 

 x  x

6) f ( x) =


Discontinuities: ,  Vertical Asym.: x, x Holes: None Horz. Asym.: y




x  x 

 

 x




 





8) f ( x) = y

x  x  x  x 


Discontinuities: ,  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: x Horz. Asym.: None

 

 

 x

Discontinuities:  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: None  Horz. Asym.: y 




x  x 




7) f ( x) =

Discontinuities:  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: None  Horz. Asym.: y 



 

 x













©0 E2i0E1S2v xKJultdam GSOovfItKwJa2reeR hLXLLC4.p W tA0lelK jrvitgRh2tOs9 mrEeZsoeUrGvLead0.H n MMLaRdce6 awliptphJ jIbnlfmiCn4i8tje7 NA3lkgOeFb4rWan e2Z.q


 x

Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

 

 x   x 9) f ( x) =  x  x 

x   x 10) f ( x) =  x   x


Discontinuities: ,  Vertical Asym.: x, x Holes: None Horz. Asym.: y





 x







12) f ( x) =


Discontinuities:  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: None Horz. Asym.: None

 

 x










14) f ( x) =

 

 x


Discontinuities:  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: None Horz. Asym.: y

 x

Discontinuities: ,  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: x Horz. Asym.: y

Discontinuities:  Vertical Asym.: x Holes: None  Horz. Asym.: y 

 


 x






x  x


Discontinuities: ,  Vertical Asym.: x, x Holes: None Horz. Asym.: None





 x   x 13) f ( x) = x   x








x   x 11) f ( x) =  x


 x













 x

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©6 m2F0y1T23 wKoujtUan zSVonfxtqwfaJrwex DLuL1Cz.x N XAclQlu 5rRi5gmh8tRsC urielsAesrTvweHdv.E U rMJazdke9 dwFiotCh6 wIVnufriYnzi8tGei WAUlDgmekbmr6aO 022.W


Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC