Greek Alphabet Charts -

Greek Alphabet Charts alpha a father beta b big gamma g God / = ng (angle) / = nk (ankle)...

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Greek Alphabet Charts                         Diphthongs        

                       

ai ei oi uee ow oo e+u ē+u

alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu (moo) nu (noo) xi (ksee) omicron pi (pee) rho sigma tau upsilon phi (phee) chi (khee) psi (psee) omega

aisle neighbor oil queen cow food met+rude (~feud) obey+rude

Punctuation Comma, period: Same as in English Raised dot () = Colon or Semicolon Semicolon () in Greek = Question mark Syllables Ultima Penult Antepenult

last next to last third from last

a b g d e z ē th i k l m n x o p r, rh s t u, y ph ch/kh ps ō

father big God /  = ng (angle) /  = nk (ankle) door met zeal or kudzu obey thing pit or police keep law mother number fox not [Note: o-micron = small o] poor rod, rhythm save [the form  occurs only at end of word] time French u or German ü phone German ich tipsy vote [Note: o-mega = big o] Breathing Marks  smooth  rough (h)

 = a;  = ĕn  = ha;  = hĕn

Accents  ῀ or  

acute circumflex grave

Combinations of Accents & Breathings , or ἆ,  /  or ἇ  / Ἂ Ἆ Ἃ Iota Subscript Only with 3 vowels:    Has no effect on pronunciation Diaeresis (dee-eye-re-sis) Keeps 2 vowels separate () Examples: =  (Isaiah)  =  (Cain) Elision — apostrophe () marks an omitted letter