The regular monthly meeting of the Bibb County Board of Commissioners ... relating to the Tractor Supply Company ... Claver Catholic School on its 100...

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The regular monthly meeting of the Bibb County Board of Commissioners was held on November 6, 2012 in the Commissioners’ Boardroom at the Bibb County Courthouse at 6:00 p.m. Board Members Present: Chairman Samuel F. Hart, Sr. Commissioner Bert Bivins, III

Vice Chairman Elmo A. Richardson, Jr. Commissioner Lonzy Edwards

Board Members Absent: Commissioner Joe O. Allen Staff Present: Steve Layson, Chief Administrative Officer Shelia Thurmond, Clerk of the Board Doug Furney, Director of Lake Tobesofkee Robbie Ryals, Asst. Dir., Buildings & Properties William Simpson, Information Technology Sarah Tenon, Director of Animal Welfare Janice S. Ross, Executive Assistant

Virgil Adams, County Attorney Kevin Barrere, Public Affairs Officer Robbie Belew, Custodial Services Tom Buttram, Director, Inspection & Fees Ken Sheets, County Engineer Deborah Martin, Finance Director

News Media: Harold Goodridge, The Telegraph

INVOCATION – The invocation was rendered by Rev. Cameron Pennybacker, The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited. ANNOUNCEMENTS – Chairman Hart reminded everyone that today was Election Day and if they hadn’t already voted, there was still time. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On motion of Commissioner Richardson, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried, the Minutes of the Regular meeting on October 16, 2012 were approved as written.

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RECOGNITION OF VISITORS AND/OR SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: Chairman Hart recognized and welcomed the following persons for public comment: -

Cooper Martin, Boy Scout Troop #10 and his father Ms. Cherry Horton Mr. John Ricketson

REFERRALS: The following item was referred to the Engineering Committee: 1. Letter from Nathan Cumbie, Jr., First Street Properties, LLC, requesting that the County provide an exception that allows their sign for The Hemlock Pain Center on New Forsyth Road to remain in its current location. The following item was referred to the Committee of the Whole: 1. Intergovernmental Agreement relating to the Tractor Supply Company Facility.


ACTION 1. Ratification of approval of the agreement between the City and County to (not) renegotiate Distribution of Local Sales & Use Tax (LOST) Proceeds. On motion of Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Richardson and carried, the before mentioned item was ratified. 2. Ratification of the following Resolutions of the Board of Commissioners: -

Congratulating St. Matthew Baptist Church on its 59th Church Anniversary-celebrated on October 28, 2012; Congratulating New Hope Missionary Baptist Church on its 125th Church Anniversarycelebrated on October 28, 2012; Congratulating St. Peter Claver Catholic School on its 100th year celebration; and Recognizing Mrs. Juliette “Letty” Dooley on her retirement from Bibb County after 15 years and seven (7) months of service

On motion of Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Richardson and carried, the before mentioned resolutions were ratified.

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3. Ratification of the appointment of Ms. Nancy Terrill to the Bibb County Civil Service Board. (Note: Her nomination was advertised in the legal section of The Telegraph on October 23, 2012 in accordance with local law, Section 7-51). On motion of Commissioner Richardson, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried, the before mentioned item was ratified. CALL FOR VOTE TO DISCUSS: On motion of Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Richardson and carried, the following item was added to the Agenda: 4. Chairman’s recommendation for Recreation Master Planner for SPLOST Recreation Projects. Chairman Hart recommended the hiring of ZT3 Placemaker Studio, Inc. for the purpose of refining the scope of services for the Bibb County Recreation Master Plan and negotiating their fees. On motion of Commissioner Richardson, seconded by Commissioner Edwards and carried, ZT3 was approved as the Recreation Master Planner for SPLOST Recreation Projects.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE – In the absence of Committee Chairman Allen, Committee Member Richardson reported the following: 1. The Committee accepts the renewal of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Plan Contract as recommended by the consultant from Gallagher Benefits Services and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract after it is reviewed by the County Attorney. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.

TOBESOFKEE COMMITTEE – In the absence of Committee Chairman Allen, Committee Member Edwards reported the following: 1. The Committee recommends approval of a new lease agreement with Jeff Neisler of Central Marina, subject to changes by the County Attorney On motion of Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.

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2. The Committee voted to direct County employees to make needed repairs to the three (3) boat docks located at the Flintrock boat ramp area. The Committee further recommends that the contract with the Water’s Edge Homeowners Association be re-negotiated. On motion of Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.


ENGINEERING COMMITTEE – Committee Chairman Edwards reported the following: 1. The Committee recommends the request of the Traffic Engineering Office to remove Tidwell

Road from U. S. 80 west, to Bethel Church Road, 3.43 miles, 45 MPH, from the Sheriff’s Department’s list of roads submitted to the Department of Public Safety for the purpose of radar use be approved. On motion of Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 2. The Committee recommends the Chairman be authorized to sign the Letter of Confirmation

from Georgia Power Company concerning the utility relocation cost for Forest Hill Road Phase II Project. On motion of Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 3. The Committee recommends the LMIG Resurfacing List be approved and submitted to

GDOT. On motion of Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 4. The Committee recommends the request of Mr. Don Spradlin, 5943 Gamble Road, to be removed from Paving Assessment be respectfully denied. On motion of Commissioner Edwards and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.



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ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE – Committee Chairman Bivins reported the following: 1. The Committee recommends approving the resolution urging the United States Congress and the President to Find a Solution to Sequestration and for Other Purposes and to send the signed resolution to the local Delegation. On motion of Commissioner Bivins and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.




FINANCE, TAX AND REVENUE COMMITTEE – Committee Chairman Richardson reported the following: 1. The Committee recommends approval of authorization to fill the position of a Programmer Analyst III in the Information and Technology Department. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 2. The Committee recommends approval of authorization to fill the position of a Senior Animal Shelter Attendant. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 3. The Committee recommends approval of authorization to fill the position of a Civilian Radio Operator. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 4. The Committee recommends approval of authorization to fill the position of an Office Assistant in the Civil Court Magistrate Office. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.

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5. The Committee recommends approval of a supplemental appropriation to the FY 2013 General Fund budget in the amount of $16,250 to cover costs associated with the Macon Bibb Consolidation Transition Task Force. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 6. The Committee recommends awarding the contract for Tax Billing Software to Manatron, Inc. in the amount of $128,750.00. The Committee further recommends awarding Dell Marketing L.P. the order for Servers and SQL Server software license in the amount of $67,764.69 and $54,774.00 respectively. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 7. The Committee recommends extending the term contract with Sizemore, Inc. for Security Guard Services for the term of January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013 at the same unit prices. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 8. The Committee recommends awarding the bid for Vehicles as follows: Item No. 1 2(a) and 5(b) 5(a) and 6 2(b), 2(c), 3 and 4 Total Award

Vendor Akins Dodge Youman’s Chevrolet Riverside Ford Carl Gregory Dodge

Amount $251,625.00 57,081.51 43,395.48 135,890.00 $487,991.99

The Committee further recommends a supplemental appropriation to the SPLOST Fund in the amount of $29,508.75. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 9. The Committee recommends awarding the bid for a Driving Simulator to Simulator Systems International in the amount of $135,340.00. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. 10. The Committee recommends approval of authorization to fill the position of a Solicitor Assistant I in the State Court Solicitor’s Office. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented.

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LICENSE & TAX COMMITTEE – Committee Chairman Richardson reported the following: 1. The Committee recommends approving the new 2012 alcoholic beverage license for Down Home Country Kitchen located at 5615 Houston Road. On motion of Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned recommendation was approved as presented. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE – No Report


PENSION BOARD – Chairman Hart reported the following: 1. Ratification of the action of the Pension Board approving the Amendment to the Bibb County Pension Plan of 1968. On motion of Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Richardson and carried unanimously, the before mentioned action was ratified.


NEW BUSINESS – Chairman Hart invited Cooper Martin, Boy Scout Troop #10, to come back to the next meeting (November 20th) and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Kevin Barrere, Public Affairs Officer, addressed the recently published brochures on Animal Cruelty and advised the Commissioners on plans to distribute them throughout the community. There being no further business and on motion duly made and seconded, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.

_____________________________ Shelia Thurmond, CCC Clerk of the Board

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