Spanish 201 -

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Syllabus - Spanish 121 Pierce College-Puyallup Fall 2014 Class Meets: Profesora: E-mail: Phone: Office Hours:

Dr. Sonia G. Morales Osegueda [email protected] 425-890-1901 Mondays & Wednesdays: 2:00 – 2:45pm Or by appointment

Mondays & Wednesdays: 3:00 – 5:15 pm Location: LSC 233

Required Materials: 

Text: Panorama (4th Edition)-Blanco et al. Supersite Plus Code (Supersite & WebSAM & vText) You may buy the 3rd edition of the text to have in class, but the online access should be the 4th edition. Make sure the access code is for Supersite Plus (see above). This code may be purchased separately at Go to, click on Spanish programs, Panorama 4th ed., ISBN 978-161767-737-3

Spanish-English dictionary

Course Description Spanish 121 is a beginning Spanish series that includes instruction in the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

General Information Learning a language is a process that involves active, daily practice; you will get the most out of this course if you keep up with the homework and come to class every day. Students who succeed in Spanish devote time every day after class to studying and completing homework.


STUDENT OUTCOMES 1. Comprehend speech samples providing information

pertaining to course content 1. Vocabulary pertaining to meeting people for the first time, academic life, family, pastimes and vacation.

2. Comprehend written language samples providing

information pertaining to course content. 3. Construct basic sentences and paragraphs

2. Daily actions (present tense & present progressive). 4.

3. Nouns and articles, descriptive and possessive adjectives.


4. Ser and estar, and estar with adjectives of emotion.


5. Numbers, time, weather and date expressions .

7. 8.

appropriately. Vary basic information appropriately with modifiers (adjectival and adverbial). Request and provide information pertaining to course content in writing. Request and provide information pertaining to course content orally. Distinguish and demonstrate appropriate forms of address. Apply and comprehend case, person, number, gender, and tense appropriately within the scope of the content of this course as indicated in other outcomes.

Grading Policy

Class Participation


This grade is earned by demonstrating participation in Spanish. A major goal of the course is spontaneous, oral communication, which depends on daily exposure to the language and daily practice. Work in class will often go beyond the textbook. So, Arriving to class late or missing class will lower your participation grade. You can’t participate if you aren’t in here! As soon as class begins, you may only speak in Spanish in the classroom, unless you have been given permission by the instructor. Speaking in English at the wrong time will lower your participation grade. There will be frequent quizzes and dictations based on a given day’s class period. These quizzes will be frequent and unannounced. They can only be successfully completed by attending and being actively engaged in class. If you miss a quiz or dictation without a valid reason, you will get a zero in the grade book. There will also be quizzes based on vocabulary that we cover in class.

Quizzes & Exams

35% At the end of each lesson (1-4) there will be a comprehensive 50 minute exam. Quizzes and exams will closely reflect the activities that you do in and outside of class. There will be sections on oral comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural information. Quizzes and exams must be taken at the date and time scheduled- Only in the case of a documented emergency can a quiz or exam be rescheduled.



Daily online homework to be completed outside of class. This homework will be done online at the following website: This homework is designed to help you learn independently, so try to get a little bit ahead. Keeping up with homework will make class much more comprehensible, which will lead to greater acquisition of Spanish. There is a direct correlation to people who do the daily online homework and those that earn high marks in the class. Please ask me before or after class if you have any questions about VHL Central. You will also keep a handwritten journal of various readings that you complete throughout the quarter. For more information on this please look at the assignment page for the Reading Journal This will be presented with a classmate. I expect you will practice with your classmate in person and/or by phone at least once a week.

Dialogues ( 2)


Final Exam




Your presentation will take 1-3 minutes without any notes in hand. Write a script that you and your classmate will practice frequently at least 3 weeks prior to the due dates.

This is a written exam that will cover the vocabulary and grammar covered in this course (Lessons 1-5). Language tests are inherently cumulative - everything builds off previous concepts.

Grading Criteria 10 points= Superior. Excellent pronunciation, variety of vocabulary studied in class, correct and complete sentence structure, correct verb endings, fluent. 5 points= Average. Pronunciation and errors occasionally interfere with communication, vocabulary is limited, communicates with some hesitation, verb endings are not correct. 0 points= Inferior. Pronunciation and errors interfere with communication, student only speaks isolated words, is very hesitant, shows no preparation. Presentation is too short. Grade Matrix for this Course (percent to GPA equivalent) 0-64
































































I am available to talk to you in person about your overall grade during my office hours and by appointment. I do not discuss grades by e-mail or phone.

Class withdrawal: If you must drop this class, you must do it officially before the end of the 7 th week; otherwise, your final grade will be “0”. No Incompletes will be granted in this class, unless you have a lifethreatening situation at the end of the quarter, and you have been passing this course. Disruption and obstruction of teaching: For definitions and consequences refer to the Pierce College Chapter 132K-126 WAC–STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT. Extra Credit Occasionally there may be opportunities to earn extra credit throughout the quarter. However, it won’t be enough to compensate for not doing other work. If you need help, don’t wait. Come see me right away with specific questions during my office hours or make an appointment. Plagiarism and Cheating Please note that any work done outside of the class is expected to be your own work, without the help of others. Refer to the Pierce College student manual on Plagiarism. When you turn in a paper with your name on it, the name serves as a contractual agreement with me (the instructor) that it is your own work and not that of another person or entity.

Consequences of dishonesty (Plagiarism and cheating) If you are caught cheating on a quiz, you will receive a “0” for that quiz, and will not be allowed to continue taking this class. EVACUATION PROCEDURES 1. Take all personal belongings with you and stay as far as possible from any buildings. 2. Do not re-enter the buildings until the all-clear signal has been given. 3. If you hear an intermittent alarm (life-threatening situation), we may remain outside for at least an hour. Absence Policy Being in class is absolutely critical for your success in the course. Due to the intensive nature of the course, anytime you miss a class you will fall behind. Once that happens, it is almost impossible to catch up. If you have an unexcused absence, you will lose your participation points as well as any quiz points from that day. If you miss three or more classes for any reason (including excused absences), your final grade will be docked an additional 10 percent. Vacations, work conflicts, etc. are not excuses for missing class. ACCESS AND DISABILITY SERVICES If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability; if you have emergency medical information to share with your instructor; or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated, please provide the instructor with the approved accommodations (green sheet) from the Disability Services (ADS) manager at your earliest convenience. If you have not yet established services through ADS, please contact them ADS at 253-964-6526 (Fort Steilacoom) or 253-840-8335 (Puyallup).



Septiembre Lunes 22 (Monday)

Presentaciones Syllabus or contract Learn basic greetings


Re-read our contract/syllabus thoroughly. Register on the Panorama 4th ed. Supersite ( Listen to, repeat, and write the vocabulary of lesson 1 every day. Click on “contextos” and “vocabulario”.

Miércoles 24 (Wednesday)

Lección 1. Hola, ¿qué tal? Contextos Greetings, Introductions, Courtesy & Expressions

Click on L. 1 “contextos”, Workbook and Lab Manual

Repaso de Vocabulario Fotonovela- Bienvenida, Marissa

L. 1 “Fotonovela” Practice the script of the fotonovela. Refer to your textbook or vText. Study estructura 1.1 before coming to class

Estructura 1.1 - Nouns & Articles

Estructura 1.1 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 1.2 before coming to class. Start writing and practicing the script of the 1st dialogue.

Estructuras Estructuras 1.2 y 2.4 (numbers 0-100) “Workbook” and “Lab Numbers 0-100 Manual”. 1.2 – Number 0-30 2.4–Numbers 31 and higher Study estructura 1.3 before coming to class. Lunes 29 Estructura 1.3 -Present Tense of “Ser” Estructura Te 1.4 - Telling Time Panorama cultural Estados Unidos: el país en cifras

Estructura 1.3 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 1.4 before coming to class. Estructura 1.4 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”.

Memorize 5 short sentences in Spanish that express the influence of Spanish-speaking people in the U.S.A. Refer to the textbook or vText.

Octubre Miércoles 1

Prueba I Lección I

Listen to, repeat, and write the vocabulary of lesson 2 every day. Click on “contextos” and “vocabulario”. Practice the script of the 1st dialogue with your classmate.

Lunes 6

Miércoles 8

Lunes 13

Lección 2. Contextos En la Universidad Repaso de Vocabulario Fotonovela-Qué estudias?

Estructura 2.1- Present Tense of “AR” Verbs Estructura 2.2 -Formando preguntas en español (Forming questions in Spanish)

L. 2 “Fotonovela” ¿Qué estudias? Practice the script of the fotonovela. Refer to your textbook or vText. Study estructura 2.1 before coming to class Estructura 2.1 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 2.2 before coming to class. Estructura 2.2 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 2.3 before coming to class.

Estructura Estructura 2.3 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. 2.3-Present Tense of “Estar” Study estructura 2.4 before coming to class. (FYI: estructura 5.3) – “Ser & Estar” Estructura Estructura 2.4 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. 2.4-Numbers 31 and higher Panorama cultural

Miércoles 15

L. 2 “contextos”, Workbook and Lab Manual

Prueba II Lección II

Memorize 5 facts about “España” from textbook and/or “vtext” (pp. 66-67). Listen to, repeat, and write the vocabulary of lesson 3 every day. Click on “contextos” and “vocabulario”. Bring a photo of your family to class on Monday. Habla en español.

Lunes 20

Lección 3. Contextos La Familia

L. 3 “Contextos”, Workbook and Lab manual

Repaso de Vocabulario Fotonovela – Un domingo en familia

L. 3 “Fotonovela”

Miércoles 22

Estructuras 3.1 - Descriptive Adjectives 3.2 - Possessive Adjectives

Study estructura 3.1 before coming to class. Start writing and practicing the script of the 2nd dialogue. Estructuras 3.1 y 3.2 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 3.3 before coming to class.

Lunes 27

Estructura 3.3 Present Tense of “ER” and “IR” Verbs

Estructura 3.3 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 3.4 before coming to class.

Dialogues (#1)

Miércoles 29

Estructura 3.4 Present Tense of “Tener” and “Venir”

Estructura 3.4 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”.

Panorama cultural Ecuador: El país en cifras

Memorize 5 facts about “Ecuador” from textbook and/or “vtext”, pp. 104-5.

Lectura adicional Noviembre Lunes 3

Miércoles 5

Lunes 10 Miércoles 12

Prueba III Lección 3

Listen to, repeat, and write the vocabulary of lesson 4 every day. Click on “contextos” and “vocabulario”.

Lección 4. Contextos Los Pasatiempos

L. 4 “contextos”, Workbook and Lab Manual

Repaso de Vocabulario Fotonovela (fútbol, cenotes y mole)

L. 4 “Fotonovela” Practice the script of the fotonovela. Refer to your textbook or vText. Study estructura 4.1 before coming to class

Estructura 4.1 Present Tense of “IR” NO HAY CLASES Estructuras: * 4.2 –Stem-changing Verbs: e-ie, o-ue

Estructura 4.1 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructuras 4.2 y 4.3 before coming to class.

4.3 – Stem-changing verbs: e-i

Estructuras 4.2 y 4.3 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. Study estructura 4.4 before coming to class.

Lunes 17

Estructura 4.4 Verbs with Irregular “YO” Forms

Estructura 4.4 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”.

Panorama Cultural México: El país de cifras

Memorize 5 facts about “México” from textbook and/or “vtext”, pp. 136-137.

Lectura adicional Miércoles 19

Lunes 24

Prueba IV Lección IV

Listen to, repeat, and write the vocabulary of lesson 5 every day. Click on “contextos” and “vocabulario”.

Lección 5. Contextos Las Vacaciones

L. 5 “contextos”, Workbook and Lab Manual Learn by singing the months of the year: tiles/uno_de_enero.htm

Repaso de Vocabulario L. 5 “Fotonovela”- Vamos a la playa! Estructura Estructura 5.1 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. 5.1-Estar with Conditions Study estructura 5.2 before coming to class. and Emotions PUERTO RICO Estructura Estructura 5.2 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”. 5.2-The Present Progressive Memorize 5 facts about “Puerto Rico” from textbook and/or Estructura “vtext”. 5.3 – Ser and Estar 5.4 – Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns

Estructura 5.4 “Workbook” and “Lab Manual”.

Miércoles 26 NO HAY CLASES Diciembre Lunes 1

5.4 – Direct Object Nouns and Pronouns (…Continuation) Dialogues (#2)

Miércoles 3


Lunes 8

Prueba V

Felices Vacaciones!