01 - Introducing the MicroStation CONNECT Edition

Practice Workbook This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy. The explanations and demonstrations ar...

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Practice Workbook This workbook is designed for use in Live instructor-led training and for OnDemand selfstudy. The explanations and demonstrations are provided by the instructor in the classroom, or in the OnDemand eLectures of this course available on the Bentley LEARN Server (learn.bentley.com). This practice workbook is formatted for on-screen viewing using a PDF reader. It is also available as a PDF document in the dataset for this course.

Introducing The MicroStation CONNECT Edition This workbook contains exercises that are used to become familiar with the interface changes introduced in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Note: The exercises are meant to be worked on either in the order of the exercises in the Practice Workbook. While you can work them as individual standalone exercises, later exercises are meant to build upon the history created in earlier exercises. TRNC01888-1/0001 DO NOT DISTRIBUTE - Printing for student use is permitted

Description and Objectives

Course Description The MicroStation CONNECT Edition features many updates to the user interface. These updates include the introduction of a ribbon-style graphical user interface (GUI), a relocation of the workspace settings such as Preferences and Configuration, and more. This workbook contains a set of exercises that are used to become familiar with the ribbon style interface found in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition.

Skills Taught 

The Welcome page

WorkSpaces and WorkSets

Branding a design file

Navigating the ribbon interface

A Word About the WorkSpace... Note that the exercises contained in this workbook are designed to use a custom WorkSpace, BentleyCONNECTTraining, and several example WorkSets from this WorkSpace. The default installation folder for this dataset is: C:\BentleyCONNECTTraining\WorkSets\

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The Welcome Page Staying current and being productive are both critical components to sustaining a successful implementation with an application. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition offers several features to assist you in this endeavor. In this lesson we will launch the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, view the Welcome page, and access the WorkSpaces/WorkSets. The skills learned in this lesson will include: 

Starting MicroStation CONNECT Edition

Understanding the Welcome page

Accessing WorkSpaces/WorkSets in the Work Page


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. Upon activation for the first time you will be taken to the Welcome page.

The Welcome page is only presented the first time MicroStation CONNECT is started. Each subsequent time MicroStation is started, you will be taken directly into MicroStation and the Work Page.

Note: It is always possible to return to the Welcome page using the arrow seen along the side of the application window. The CONNECT Edition requires users to be “logged in” in order to run MicroStation. This login is used for various purposes such as tailoring the content of the Welcome page to the individual user as well as for CONNECTED Projects. 2.

On the right side of the Welcome page you will find VIEW EXAMPLES. VIEW EXAMPLES is a set of links to example files for various projects.


In the middle of the Welcome page you will find LEARNING. This area contains links to the latest training offerings hosted on the Bentley Learn Server that may be accessed to improve your skills with personalized learning. You can scroll up and down through the offerings shown or click the More Training button. Clicking either will open a web browser taking you to the Learn Server login where you can enter your Bentley Learn login credentials.


On the right side of the Welcome page you will see NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. This area contains RSS feeds. An RSS, or Rich Site Summary, is used to publish frequently updated information from news headlines, audio and video feeds, blog entries, and more.

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Here you will find feeds from various Bentley sites. The RSS feeds allow you to stay current with product news and innovations that improve productivity. Clicking a link will open a window containing the link title, the publish date, and a hyper-link to open the page.

You may also use the arrows found on either the right or left sides of the window to scroll through the RSS feeds. Clicking a hyper-link will open a web browser displaying the content of the RSS feed. 5.

In the lower right corner of the Welcome page you will find a set of buttons for the various Bentley social media pages. Included are: 



The Bentley Communities



These buttons, when clicked, will open a browser taking you to the desired social media page or the Bentley Communities. Copyright © 2015 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

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To begin working in MicroStation, place your cursor over the arrow on the right side of the application window. The arrow will expand. Click Start a work session.

You will see the Welcome page slide to the right, displaying the new MicroStation CONNECT Edition Work Page that contains the WorkSpaces and WorkSets.

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It is possible to return to the Welcome page at any time. Place your cursor over the arrow on the left side of the window, this will expand displaying Back to Welcome. Click Back to Welcome and the application window will roll back to the Welcome page.

Return to WorkSpaces. 8.

You can access help at any time by clicking the Question Mark ? in the upper right corner of the page.

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WorkSpaces and WorkSets Bentley has long provided WorkSpaces to help configure MicroStation to meet the needs of your organization. A WorkSpace consisted of 5 levels of configuration including System, Application, Site, Project and User, with User and Project being selectable by the operator of the software. User, however was rarely used to represent a true user, and instead was typically employed as a filter for any variety of uses. It was also not uncommon for an organization to make use of multiple WorkSpaces. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition is based upon the concept of WorkSpaces and WorkSets. This replaces the User and Project from earlier editions of MicroStation. A WorkSpaces may be used to represent a Client, Facility, Department, Owner, or whatever you would like it to be based upon your organizational needs. The WorkSpace then acts as a container for grouping WorkSets. In this lesson we will... 

The Start page

Choose a WorkSpace/WorkSet

Open a design files and model within a WorkSet


Start the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. You are taken to the Start page. Here you will have access to WorkSpaces and WorkSets, browse files, and open Help. The Start page is built around the concept of WorkSpaces and WorkSets. A WorkSpace is a container that is used to group WorkSets and may be used to represent any variety of things such as your client, your department, or a specific asset such as a plant or building. A WorkSet is the replacement for the Projects found in previous versions of MicroStation and can be used to represent a specific project within the WorkSpace.

Note: If this is the first Upon activation for the first time you will be taken to the Welcome page. Clicking the arrow on the right side of the Welcome page will take you to the Start page. 2.

It is possible to open or create a new DGN without associating it to a WorkSpace/WorkSet.

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On the left side of the Start page, pick No WorkSet, and click Browse to open the file browser.

Navigate to the folder C:\BentleyCONNECTTraining\WorkSets\UI\DGN and open Coordinates.dgn. The file is opened without being associated with a WorkSpace/WorkSet. 3.

Click the File tab. You will be taken to the Backstage. Observe that the Recent Files list is being displayed for No WorkSet.

This is the list of recent files that have been opened without being associated with a WorkSpace/WorkSet.

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Close the active file.


Set the active WorkSpace to BentleyCONNECTTraining. To open/change WorkSpaces, place the cursor over No WorkSpace, and click to open a window that will let you create a new WorkSpace or open an existing WorkSpace.

In the window, pick BentleyCONNECTTraining to select the BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace.

This will then make available the list of WorkSets that are associated with the BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace.

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From WorkSets, click the drop‐down arrow to view the WorkSets.

From here you can create a new WorkSet or choose an existing WorkSet. 7.

Pick the Example ‐ Plant WorkSet. You can now browse the available files associated with the Example - Plant WorkSet.


Click Browse.


In the list of files, open BSI700‐D1100‐Equipment Details.dgn. The Equipment Details design is opened and the default model is displayed. Note that this model does not contain any data. We wish to view the content of the model D-1101-001.

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10. Click the File tab and you will be taken to the backstage. From here it is possible to select the desired model within the design file. Pick Model and from the listing, select D‐1101‐001.

To open the model, click the file name.

The model D-1101-001 is displayed.

Note: There are a number of ways to switch models. Selecting the model from Open is a new capability in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition. There are additional new features found in Open that will be explored later. 11. We wish to view several additional drawings within the same WorkSet. Pick the File tab.

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12. From Open, click the Browse button.

When browsing, several useful features may be found in the Browse dialog:

These include file and folder history as well as WorkSpace/WorkSet selection.

Note: You can change the WorkSpace and/or WorkSet without closing the active file. This allows you to switch the active WorkSpace/WorkSets on the fly!

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Continue by opening each of the following models in turn: File Name





Unloading Platform Piping

BSI700-S0501-Steel Details.dgn


Unloading Platform Steel Details

13. Click the File tab. You are taken to the Backstage. Observe the history that was created in the Recent Files list for the Plant WorkSet as the models were opened.

The list makes it easy to access files that you are actively working on within this WorkSet. Take note of the Model that is listed for each one of these design files. This is the model that will be opened when the design file is opened, not the last model accessed within the file. While you can choose the model to open from the drop-down menu, it may be more productive to set a specific model to make it easier to open with a single click. To set the desired model for opening, you may do the following: 1. Open the file 2. Make the desired model the active model 3. Save Settings

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14. In the Backstage, change the display from details to thumbnails by clicking the Show Thumbnails icon.

This can make it easier to view the content of a file when browsing. 15. Change the display back to Details. 16. Close the active design file.

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Working with Multiple WorkSets A WorkSpace is used to group WorkSets. It is common practice to have multiple WorkSets within a WorkSpace. Examples of a WorkSet can be a specific project, asset, or floor in a building. In this lesson we will learn to: 

Work with multiple WorkSets

Pinning a WorkSet

Open folder location

WorkSet properties


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, observe the Work Page.

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In the previous exercise we began by accessing a file without applying a WorkSpace. We went on to select the BentleyCONNECTTraining WorkSpace and opened several files in the Example - Plant WorkSet. This is illustrated by what is seen on the left side of the Start page.

All listings under Recent WorkSets show the WorkSet name and the associated WorkSpace. 3.

Change the current WorkSet to Example ‐ Civil.

We are going to open and view several models from the Civil WorkSet. Click Browse and open BSI400-W01-Survey.dgn. The survey data is displayed. 4.

Access the Backstage by clicking the File tab, click Browse, and open BSI400‐W01‐Terrain.dgn.

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The terrain is displayed. 5.

Browse and open BSI400‐W01‐Design.dgn. The Civil design geometry is displayed. All three of the recently opened files belonged to the Civil WorkSet. It is possible to open a file from another WorkSet by changing the active WorkSet from the Open dialog. We now wish to view the site data that is part of the Building WorkSet.


Pick the File tab. When the Backstage is displayed, click the Browse button to open the File Open dialog.


In File Open, set the WorkSpace to Example ‐ Building, and open the design file BSI300C‐9‐Site.dgn. The building site is now displayed. This file is part of a different WorkSet. To help us easily locate and open this file we changed the active WorkSpace/WorkSet on the fly without having to close the active DGN! This WorkSet will now appear in the Recent WorkSets list.


Close the active file, returning to the Start page. Notice the three different WorkSets now listed.

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The WorkSet list is ordered based upon use, with the most currently accessed at the top of the list. Clicking any of these WorkSets will display the Recent Files list associated with the WorkSet:

(Recent Files listing for Plant WorkSet)


From Recent WorkSets, pick the Example ‐ Civil WorkSet. In the List of Recent Files, open BSI400‐W01‐Survey.dgn.

10. Close BSI400‐W01‐Survey.dgn, returning to the Start page.

Observe that the Civil WorkSet is now listed at the top of the Recent WorkSets list. 11. Click the push pin next to the Example - Civil WorkSet.

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WorkSets that are frequently used may be pinned making them always appear at the top of the list. When a WorkSet is pinned, it will stay at the top of the list regardless of what other WorkSets are accessed.

(A WorkSet pinned to the recent WorkSets list)

WorkSets may also be unpinned in the same manner. Lines separate the list for Pinned WorkSets, Recent WorkSets and No WorkSet. 12. When working with multiple WorkSets, it is possible to filter the list by entering characters that you wish to filter with. In Open, click to Change the Current WorkSet:

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13. When the listing of WorkSets appears, type ge in the search field:

The list will be dynamically filtered, returning the WorkSets that contain characters matching those in the search field

Note: Both WorkSpaces and WorkSets support filtering. 14. From the Start page you can also edit the properties of a WorkSet. To edit a WorkSet, click Properties followed by Advanced Properties. button:

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This will allow you to edit the Description or add a custom property to the WorkSet.

Possible uses for a Custom Property may include an Owner, Asset #, Project Name, Project #, etc. These can then be used in notes and labels, text fields, and reports.

Note: You may also right-click on the WorkSet name in the Recent WorkSets list to edit a WorkSet. 15. From the Recent WorkSets list, right‐click on the Example - Civil WorkSet.

From the right-click menu, pick Open Folder in File Explorer. This will open the WorkSet location in Windows Explorer. 16. Close Windows Explorer.

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Working with Design Files in MicroStation CONNECT The MicroStation CONNECT Edition offers several additional file operations that are available from the Start page. These include features such as a file preview and pining a DGN to the Recent Files list. In this lesson we will: 

Preview a file

Pin a DGN

Remove a DGN from Recent Files list


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, observe the Start page.

The Start page is used to access the WorkSpaces and WorkSets, various file operations, etc. Copyright © 2015 Bentley Systems, Incorporated

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Select Example ‐ Civil as the active WorkSet. You can see the list of recently accessed files for the Example - Civil WorkSet. The design file BSI400-W01-Terrain.dgn was opened previously. As such, it appears in the recent file in the Recent Files list.


In the Recent Files list right-click on BSI400‐W01‐Terrain.dgn and pick Remove from list.

Observe that the file has been removed from the Recent Files list for the Example - Civil WorkSet.

Note: This action removes the file from the Recent Files list, but does not delete the DGN file. 4.

In Recent Files, observe BSI400‐W01‐Design.dgn. This file contains 3 models.

We wish to preview the content of this file.

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From the Recent Files list right-click on BSI400‐W01‐Design.dgn and pick Preview.

The Preview is displayed. There is a model selection to let you set the preview for any of the models in the file. Tools are included for viewing that allow panning, rotating, zooming and fitting. You may also open the file/model from here using the folder. Close the preview. 6.

Files may also be opened in a read-only to prevent them from being altered. From the Recent Files list right-click on the design file BSI400‐W01‐Survey.dgn and pick Open as read only.

Close the file. 7.

Frequently accessed files within a WorkSet may be pinned to the Recent Files. This is list similar to pinning a WorkSet.

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From the Recent Files list right-click on the design file BSI400‐W01‐Survey.dgn and pick Pin to list.

The file is pinned to the Recent Files list.

As was seen earlier when pinning a WorkSet to the Recent WorkSets list, a line divides the pinned files from the remaining files in the Recent Files list. Files may be unpinned by clicking the push pin or by right-clicking on the file and selecting Unpin from List.

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When working with project data, other file operations are often necessary. To view the content of your project in Windows Explorer, in the Recent Files list right-click over one of your files and pick Open Folder in File Explorer.

Windows Explorer will be opened displaying the content of the folder in the location of the file you right-clicked over.

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It is also easy to see the folder location in the address bar. Clicking in the address bar will display the full path to the design files in this location:


In addition to what we have seen, there are other features available from the right-click menu. Also available are Open, Remove from list, and Options.

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Branding a Design File In the past, design files (DGN’s) had no idea what WorkSpace they were associated with. This could allow a DGN to unknowingly be opened in the wrong working environment and cause the wrong standards to be applied. The MicroStation CONNECT Edition allows a DGN file to be branded to a WorkSet, with the WorkSet being linked to its WorkSpace. In this exercise we will: 

Brand a design file


Continuing in the MicroStation CONNECT Edition, make the active WorkSet Example ‐ Civil. We can see the list of Recent Files that have been opened in this WorkSet.

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From the list of Recent Files, pick the design file BSI400‐W01‐Survey.dgn. When picked, the file opens directly into MicroStation with the ribbon interface for the CONNECT Edition displayed. We are ready to work in the model.


Click the File tab. You are taken to the Backstage and Open is displayed.


From the list of Recent Files, pick the design file BSI400‐W01‐Terrain.dgn. Again, the file is opens directly into MicroStation.


Click the File tab. From Open in the Backstage, click the Browse button:

Navigate to the folder C:\BentleyCONNECTTraining\WorkSets\UI\DGN and pick Coordinates.dgn. You are presented with the following:

This file has either not been opened in the CONNECT Edition or was opened with No WorkSpace. The previous two files did not display this message because they had already been associated with Civil WorkSet.

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Open the file with active WorkSpace/WorkSet:

This design file has now been branded with the “Example - Civil WorkSet”. If an attempt is made to open this file with a different WorkSet, the operator will be prompted accordingly. We will see this in just a few moments. 7.

Close the active file.


From the Work page, pick Example ‐ Plant as the active WorkSet.


Open BSI700‐S0501‐Steel Details.dgn from the Recent Files list (or browse and pick a file from within this WorkSet). Observe that the file opens directly in MicroStation without a WorkSet alert. This file is associated to the “Example - Plant” WorkSet.

10. From the View Groups toolbox, click Previous Model.

MicroStation attempts to open the file/model, but recognizes that the active WorkSet has changed from the WorkSet this file was branded with. You may either activate and open it within the WorkSet it was branded with, or brand it with the currently active WorkSet.

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11. Pick Use and activate WorkSet Example - Civil and click Open.

The Civil WorkSet was been made the active WorkSet when the file opened. As can be seen during this exercise, the MicroStation CONNECT Edition has the ability to brand the DGN file with the WorkSet setting, and switch WorkSpaces on the fly.

Note: This capability can help prevent a file from being opened in the wrong WorkSpace. For MicroStation users that do work for more than one customer, this can be very useful. 12. Close the active design file.

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