Ballineaspaig Parish Bulletin - Dennehy's Cross Parish

Weekend Choir Website: Psalm: PARISH BULLETIN The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on the Parish Website: or can be...

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Ballineaspaig Parish Bulletin Parish Office: (021) 4344452 Parish E-Mail: [email protected] Parish Web Site: MASS TIMES


Sunday 9.00, 10.30, 12.15 Saturday Vigil 6.15pm Weekdays 9.30am Eve of Holydays 7.30pm Holydays 9.00, 10.30 & 7.30pm

21/01/2018 - 3rdSunday Ordinary time

CONTACT DETAILS Fr. Bertie O’Mahony, P.P. (021) 4346940 Fr. Tom Clancy (021) 4347616 Parish Office (021) 4344452 Emergency Number: 087-251 9940 God’s Word Readings for Sunday 28th January 2018 First Reading: Deut 18:15-20 Psalm: 94 Second Reading: 1 Cor 7: 32-35 Gospel: Mk 1: 21-28 PARISH BULLETIN

The Parish Bulletin is available weekly on the Parish Website: or can be e-mailed by forwarding your e-mail address to the Parish Office.

Bulletin no: 1358

Diocesan Needs: The quarterly collection for Diocesan Needs will take place at all Masses this weekend, 20th/21st January, 2018. Your generosity would be appreciated. Recycling Workshop Reminder !!!: A free Recycling Workshop will be held in the Crypt on Tuesday, 23rd January, 2018 from 7.30pm to 8.00pm. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to get your recycling bin sorted! The Lough Flower and Garden Club: The AGM will be held on Tuesday next, 23rd January, 2018 at 8.00pm in the S.M.A. Centre, Wilton. Following the meeting, Virginia Cantillon DC Msc will give a very interesting talk on nutrition. Confined to members. “Come and See”: A Vocations afternoon “Come and See” will take place on Saturday, February 10th from 2.00pm to 4.30pm at the Poor Clare Monastery, College Road, Cork. “Life in the Spirit Seminars” Discover a personal relationship with the Lord at Knockavilla Community Centre each Friday at 7.30pm from the 2nd February to the 23rd March, 2018. For further information contact (086) 0875625. Bishopstown ICA: The weekly meetings take place on Thursday nights at 8.00pm in the SMA Community Hall, Wilton. We look forward to welcoming new members. World Missions: The amount of €82,518 was collected from the Diocese of Cork and Ross for Mission Sunday. Your generosity was much appreciated. Cork Regional Pioneer Council: Next meeting Wed. 24th Jan. at 8pm in Wilton Parish Centre. All pioneers are welcome.

Weekend Psalm:

Lourdes 2018 Young Adult Helpers. The Diocese of Cork and Ross invites Young Adults 18-25 year olds to come to Lourdes as helpers from 11th to 16th June. As helpers you will assist with the sick and be involved in the full pilgrimage programme as well as time for prayer, for making new friends and sharing in the story of Lourdes. Limited number of places. Closing date for applicants is 28th February 2018. For further details contact Fr. Charlie Kiely 021 -4537603, Pastoral Development Office, Parochial House, Ballyphehane, Cork or email: [email protected]

Winter Sessions in Spirituality

The Story of Our Universe:

Through the lens of theology and science let us be awed by how the Divine is intimately and intrinsically involved in the evolving processes of nature, conscience, culture and our social systems. Nano Nagle Place Four Tuesdays, Jan. 31 – Feb. 27, 2018 (no session on Feb. 13) 7:30 – 8:30p.m. Registration is required email [email protected] or call (021) 4193580 before 28th January. Facilitators: Sisters Mary Dinneen and Emma Rooney A donation will be greatly appreciated. Enter through Evergreen Street entrance.

Choir Website: