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fourth sunday of advent, december 24, 2017 our lady of peace prayer network: please pray for all who have asked to be especially listed on our parish ...

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FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, DECEMBER 24, 2017 OUR LADY OF PEACE PRAYER NETWORK: PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL WHO HAVE ASKED TO BE ESPECIALLY LISTED ON OUR PARISH PRAYER LIST: Carmy Acciola, Mary Acheson, Jane Acton, Gary Adcock, Michael Albano, Domenica Aliberti, Sr. Dorothy Alolisio FMIHM, Rita Arnold, Chris Bakey Sr, (Fr. Chris’s father), Jerome Barberio, Loretta Iannacone Barnes, Jesse Bass, Bill & Peggy Bass, James Battista, Judy Baugh, Mary Bent, Marie Bianculli, Mary Borza, Braydon Bowen, Barbara Brown, Barbara Bruno, Betty Burgeton, Carmen Busuttil, Janet Campellone, Edith Capizola, Regina Carter, Stacy Casio, Patricia Cassano, Mary Chiodo, Kathy Christy, Ralph Clapp Sr. & Jr, Josephine Cosenza, Jovenita Coronado, Mary J. Corsoe, DD, Dolores Davy, Sam DeBlase, Debbie DeFelice, Mauro Defeo, Renee DeMatteo-Franks, Maria Estrella DiHayco, Paula DiNapoli, Regina DiVirgilio, Denise, Anna Diorio, Robert Dolbolsky, Greg Ducati Jr, Robert Durant, Marie Eagan, Aiden Eberhardt, Isabel Farally, Florence Fay, Louis Ferroni, Baby Figueroa, Fr. Ed Flanagan, Nancy Fleck, Keith Forsythe, Robert Frazer, Dorothy Fredirici, Jamie Fuhervert, Anne G., Regina Gacta, Linda BigwoodGaillard, Doris Galetto, Xavier Greway, Lawrence Greenwieg, Susan Gonzalo, Janet Gatton, Patricia Gavin, Floss Gerding, Al Glass, Gloria Gonzalez, Marian Grello, Todd Griffith, Baby H, Zechariah Hardy, Peg Hoffman, Michelle Hoffman, Jack Hogan, Kathleen Hogan, Baby Ronnie Hoos, James Howery, Paul Hummel, Riley Ingelsby, Baby Juliet Jaffe, Diane Jones, Mildred Jones, Fr. Overton Jones, Betty Lou & Jack Kalogridis, Brianna & Oliva Karge, Thomas Kohnow, Michael Kostic, Bobby Kraus, James & Jennie Kuhar, Grace Lash, Sr. Leona Kotula, Athena LaPenna, Rich Lash, Grace Lash, Bridget Leary, Jimmy Leary Jr, Nancy Leso, Florence Liccketto, Josephine Lobascio, Arlene Loveland, Judy Luby, Mary Lynch, Rich M, Clare McDermott, John McCloskey, Susan McGowan, Mike Maciejewski, Maggie Malloy, Manero Family, Milana Marino, Scott Martin, Steve Martin, Betty Mason, Jamie Mesiano, Vincent James Mesiano, Charles Mielke, James Moorehead, Jack Mohr, Jacqueline Moore, Nancy Moran, Margaret Neidig, P.G, Ann Pelosi, William Peterson, John Pirollo Jr, John Pflugfelder, Terry Pluta, Rose Price, Thomas Priddy, Emmaline Pugliese, John Raia, Carol Randall, Joey Randazzo, Mildred Raymond, Paul Rein, Marie Rein, Kathie Restuccio, Kimmy Restuccio, Margaret Riggio, Joe Rivera, Doreen Rizzo, Vince Rizzo, Nova Robinson, Michael Rock,Victor Romano, Bob Rossiter, Jack Rush, Pat Rush, Doug Ruth, Frances Ruth, Rose Ryan, Marie Saiia, Doreen Salimena, Barbara Salvatore, Judy Sassano, Clifford Scheifele, Ellen Scheifele, Ronald Segel, Kelly Ann Shearer, Susan Sink, Rose Specka, Gilda Stabile, Peter Staffieri, Catherine Stahl, Tom Stewart, Betty Sullivan, John & Dolores Sweeney, T.A, Faith Taraskus, Becky Todd, Ray & Marianne Trombetta, Marie Tyre, Sal V, Mary Valentino, Baby Anthony Vanderzee, Jessica Vile, Frank Vitale, Dylan Vittucci, Joey Vogt, Judith Walker, Linda Waterhouse, Gary Weber, Warren Wisdom, Carol Wisniewski, Richard Zacamy, Beverly Zdon, Dan Ziegler. ____________________________________________________

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED OF OUR PARISH: Mary Hagemeyer, Walter Palafieski, Peter McLaughlin

2018 CHURCH CALENDARS Pleased pick up your 2018 Church Calendar at the entrances of the Church and Gym.

OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH FAMILY STEWARDSHSHIP: Please make your checks payable to: “Our Lady of Peace Parish” “Thank You for Your Generosity” Collection 12/17/2017……………………………$ 17,226.29 Egiving……………………………………………$ 1,600.00 Weekly Total……………………………………..$ 18,826.29 Collection 12/18/2016………………………….....$ 18,162.94 Egiving……………………………………………$ 1,395.00 Weekly Total…………………………………...... $19,557.94

_____________________________________________ CHRISTMAS DAY MASS OBLIGATION Question: Is it obligatory to go to Mass on Christmas Day, which this year falls on a Monday, if someone has gone Dec. 24 (Sunday) in the morning? Answer: Yes, there are two Mass obligations, the Sunday obligation and the Christmas obligation. A person cannot fulfill both obligations with one Mass. In order to fulfill a Mass obligation, we must attend either on the day of the feast or on the evening preceding (Code of Canon Law 1248). Therefore, a Sunday morning Mass could not possibly qualify as satisfying the Mass obligation the following day, since it is in the morning. In order to satisfy the Sunday obligation, a Catholic could attend the Saturday evening Mass or Sunday morning Masses. In order to satisfy the Christmas obligation, a Catholic could attend Mass on Sunday at the Christmas Eve Vigil or Christmas Day. NEW YEAR’S DAY The holy day obligation for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, on January 1 is not binding this year because it will fall on Monday: "Whenever January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, or August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption, or November 1, the solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Saturday or on a Monday, the precept to attend Mass is not binding” Catholic Answers Press (http://catholicanswerspress.com) Also, referenced Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service


Holy Souls in Purgatory Req: Charlie & Marian Dillin Angelo Solorio, Jr. Req: Wife, Connie

SUN 12/24 7:30 AM

John Gallagher Req: Paul, Tommy & Marie 9:00 AM Perpetual Remembrance/People of Parish Req: Fr. Mazz & Our Lady of Peace Parish 10:30 AM Irene Rein Req: Rein & Kacy Families 12:00 P M Richard Montiero Req: Wife, Carmen Christmas Eve 4:00 PM (AH) For the People of the Parish 4:30 PM (CH) For the People of the Parish 5:45 PM (AH) For the People of the Parish 6:15 PM (CH) For the People of the Parish 8:00 PM (CH) For the People of the Parish 11:00 PM (CH) For the People of the Parish

MON 12/25 Christmas Day 7:30 AM (CH) For the People of the Parish 9:00 AM (CH) For the People of the Parish 10:30 AM (CH) For the People of the Parish 12:00 PM (CH) For the People of the Parish TUES 12/26 8:00 AM WED 12/27 8:00 AM THURS 12/28 8:00 AM FRI 12/29 8:00 AM SAT 12/30 8:00 AM 4:00 PM SUN 12/31 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 P M 6:00 PM

Eric Adams Req: Ronnie & Family Rev. Robert Davis Req: Jeannette Simmermon

CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 24TH ASSUMPTION HALL- 4PM CHURCH- 4:30 PM ASSUMPTION HALL-5:45 PM CHURCH-6:15 PM CHURCH-8:00 PM CHURCH-11:00 PM MONDAY, DECEMBER 25TH CHURCH – 7:30 AM CHURCH – 9:00 AM CHURCH -10:30 AM CHURCH-12 NOON “No Evening Mass on Christmas Day ****************************************** NEW YEAR’S EVE MASS SCHEDULE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31ST : 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12 Noon, & 6:00 PM MONDAY, JANUARY 1, 2018: 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM

There will be only one daily Morning Mass during Christmas week Tuesday, December 26 Wednesday, December 27 Thursday, December 28 Friday, December 29 Saturday, December 30 @ 8AM

Frank Bulei Req: Anita Bulei Michael Rebecca Req: McGlynn Family Dec’d Minieri & Keller Family Members Req: Judy Keller Dec’d Cardillo & Scola Family Members Req: Soloria Family Francis Gonski Req: Wife, Cheryl and Family John Rusko Req: Dave & Maureen Sullivan Joseph Fallon Req: GCSSS District Staff Patricia Bakey Req: Family Robert Keller Req: Wife, July


For the week of: December 23, 2017 In Memory of: Madge Fiore Requested by: Dot Iannacone ******************************************* The Sanctuary Light will burn in St. John Neumann Adoration Chapel For the week of: December 23, 2017

In Memory of: Louise Priddy Requested by: Husband, Tom _____________________________________________

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, DECEMBER 24, 2017 MINISTRY CORNER SUNDAY DECEMBER 24, 2017 (Christmas Eve) 4:00 PM (Assumption Hall) Celebrant: Fr. Quan Deacon: John Kacy Lectors: Julianne Gaunt, Jackie Greer EMC: Joseph Janocha, Michael Kushner, Patricia Smith Altar Servers: Kristian Foley, Madeline Grant, Maximillan Judge, Jacob Lenhardt, Shannon Simcox 4:30 PM (Church) Celebrant: Fr. Mazz Deacon : Mike McDonaugh Lectors: Eve Peaco, Mark Diienno EMC: Kenneth Acton, Jane De Ritis-Acton, Patty Hughes Altar Servers: JoAnna Andrews, Savannah Graffeo, Connor Hill, John Hill, Lee Hughes 5:45 PM (Assumption Hall) Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Lectors: Ainsley Benders, John Tomchick EMC: Joseph Bochanski, Charles Dillin, Marian Dillin Altar Servers: Jacob Engel, Anthony Gregorio, Robert Gregorio, Not Filled, Not Filled 6:15 PM (Church) Celebrant: Fr. Tom Donio Deacon: Mike McDonaugh Lectors: Matthew Simon, Joseph Camaioni EMC: Dolores Carney, Sally Kingston, Ana Sales Altar Servers: Emily Simon, Joshua Vennell, Ryan Vennell, Not Filled, Not Filled 8:00 PM (Church) Celebrant: Fr. Chris Bakey Deacon: Jim Hallman Lectors: Anthony Vece, Marge Mohr EMC: Marita Marcionese, Lisa Petrie, Ryan Petrie Altar Servers: Addison LaGamba, Luke Plunkett, Not Filled, Not Filled, Not Filled 11:00 PM (Church) Celebrant: Fr. Chris Bakey All Deacons Lectors: Sarah Creel, Aydee Moran EMC: Priests and Deacons Altar Servers: Olivia Mancuso, Seamus Murphy, Not Filled, Not Filled, Not Filled MONDAY DECEMBER 25, 2017 7:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Tom Donio Deacon: John Kady Lectors: Mary Joseph, Stephen Joseph EMC: William Hanson, Irene Kacy, Clorinda Scarfo, Philip Scarfo Altar Servers: Altar Servers needed 9:00 AM Celebrant: Fr. Mazz Deacon: Jim Hallman Lectors: Helen Cesare, Samuel Miles EMC: Steve Baker, Teresa Iannaco, Margaret Karbiwnyk, Joseph Sheridan Altar Servers: Daniel Vecchio, Joseph Vecchio, Not Filled, Not Filled, Not Filled 10:30 AM Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Deacon: Al LaMonaca Lectors: Karen Glass, Janet Schaefer EMC: Chris Cugini, Donna LaMonaca, Jo-Marie Tritschler, Gail Vita Altar Servers: Tyler Gerst, Janelle Kern, Jade Kern, Chandler Slazak, Camryn Slazak

MINISTRY CORNER (Continued) 12:00 NOON Celebrant: Fr. Quan Tran Deacon: Al LaMonaca Lectors: John Luby, Gloriajean Perri EMC: David Bartlewski, William Kane, George Raia Kathy Restuccio Altar Servers: Natalie DiNunzio, Anthony Otlowski, Paul Pontano, Alexandria Pontano, Not Filled _______________________________________________

Classroom Highlight

3rd Grade (3B) -- Mrs. Mary Audio SHARE THE JOURNEY When Pope Francis launched the campaign from Saint Peter’s Square on September 27th to invite everyone around the world to “Share the Journey” with refugees and immigrants, I wanted to have my students in 3B participate in this campaign by becoming aware of their cultural backgrounds. I thought that if each of my students could find out what country their ancestors came from, they could appreciate the diversity we have in our country. I felt that this was an opportunity for all of us to share something of ourselves and to be part of the ‘journey’ which is the vision of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. I sent home a world map with each student so they could get their parents to mark a spot on the map to show where their Great Grandparents, Grandparents and perhaps other family members were born. Students looked up on the computer some different facts about their ancestor’s country including food and customs. They then designed a family shield to display all of this information. We discussed the different countries in class and marked the world map with a pin. Thank you to our 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Audio for all she does for our students. Please keep her and her students in your prayers this week. _______________________________________________________

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, DECEMBER 24, 2017 St. Mary School Holds Academic Assembly

SMS 100 Club

St. Mary School recently held their quarterly Academic Assembly where our students were honored for Student of the Month and House Point winners as well as in the area of academics. Special recognition of student performance is enabled by our Honor Roll system which is open to students in grades 5 to 8.

First Honors ... Students must achieve a 93 and above in all subjects with Satisfactory or above grades in all minor subjects as well as conduct and effort.

St. Mary School would like to invite Our Lady of Peace parishioners, as well as family and friends, who are business owners to participate in our SMS 100 Club. This program enables local businesses to donate a taxdeductible gift of $100 to the St. Mary School Annual Fund. Your business' generosity will be acknowledged on our website, in our Annual Report, and in a variety of written communications to our families during the 20162017 school year. Your business name will be seen by close to 400 school families as well as the hundreds of visitors to our website and recipients of our Annual Report. We welcome our local businesses to take part in this initiative which greatly supports our school. Our goal is to have at least 100 businesses participate in our program.

Second Honors ... Students must achieve an 85 and above in all subject areas with Satisfactory or above grades in all minor subjects as well as conduct and effort. For the first quarter, St. Mary School honored 16 students Principal’s Award, 59 students with First Honors and 82 students with Second Honors.

For more information and the required SMS 100 club application, please visit our website at www.smarys.org. Forms may also be found in the information racks at the entrance of the Church. You may mail in your payment and application to St. Mary School, 32A Carroll Ave., Williamstown, NJ 08094 or drop it off during regular school hours.

Principal's Award ... Students must obtain above a 97 to 100 in each subject with Satisfactory or above grades in all minor subjects as well as conduct and effort.

_________________________________________ Register for St. Mary School! St. Mary School is still accepting registration for students entering Kindergarten through 7th grade and 3 and 4 year old preschool for the 2017-2018 school year. Please contact Jackie Kern in the Advancement Office to schedule a tour and register for St. Mary School. She can be reached by email at [email protected] or by calling 856-629-6190 ext. 34. Please visit our website at www.smarys.org to learn more about St. Mary School. Tuition assistance is available to those who qualify. St. Mary School Holds Upcoming Open Houses for the 2018-2019 School Year St. Mary School will also be holding Open Houses for those interested in enrolling for the 2018-2019 school year for grades Kindergarten through 7th grade and 3 and 4 year old preschool. Upcoming Open Houses: Wednesday, January 10, 2018, Thursday, January 25, 2018 All Open Houses are from 7 to 8:30 pm. Please feel free to bring your child along. To register for the Open House, please call Jackie Kern in the Advancement Office at 856-629-6190 ext. 34 or by email at [email protected].

For further information, please contact Jackie Kern in the Advancement Office at [email protected] or at 856-629-6190 ext. 34 _____________________________________________

Our Lady of Peace Parish Religious Education Program ATTENTION CONFIRMATION STUDENTS All Sponsorship Certificates are now past due!! Letters of Eligibility are obtained by the sponsor from their parish of registration – on that parish’s letterhead. **********

Substitute teachers are always welcome. Please contact [email protected] to find out how you can help bring the faith to our students. ___________________________________________________________


+he ROCK WHS Meets after school on January 22nd in D214 until 3pm. Sr. High School JP2 Youth Group, 9-12th grade High school Guys and girls Spiritual Guidance Groups Join us every Thursday, from 5-7pm for Separate guys and girls faith sharing of the good & the bad, and how to grow closer to God through it all! (No meeting on 12/28) Meet in the Youth Offices in the Parish Office. Enter through St. Joseph’s room back entrance.

+he ROCK WMS Meets after school on January 23rd in C112 until 3:45pm Jesus' Fish Guppies 3rd-5th grade

January 9th: Mini Youth Group Olympics and Faith talk: Come out for a night of crazy games, relay races and a talk about our Catholic Faith. Please wear sneakers. This meeting is from 6-7:30pm in Assumption Hall (SMS Gym).

Jesus' Fish Jr. Youth Group 6-8th grade

January 14th: Youth Group Dodgeball Tournament. Jesus’ Fish vs. JP2! Wear Sneakers. 7-9pm in Assumption Hall. JP2 St. Youth Group 9-12th grade January 7th: NO Meeting due to Kari & TJ being away at the ACTS retreat this weekend. Please keep them in your prayers. Instead we will have an extra meeting next Sunday and Monday. ACTS Young Adult Group ages 18-28 years old January 5-7th: Retreat weekend at St. Mary’s of Providence in Elverson, PA. Details are on the back of this schedule. January 8th: Location TBD Night out to eat from 7-9pm then basketball after from 9-11pm in the gym lead by TJ.

_________________________________________ Zechariah Hardy was severely burnt. We are asking if you could kindly offer up for his healing and recovery the following: communion, rosaries, penances, and daily prayers during the Advent Season.


Stewardship Faith “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – LUKE 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. Take time in silence and thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s mercy and forgiveness. We can’t give Stewardship we don’t live. We need to receive God’s mercy and forgiveness first before we can give it to others. _____________________________________________

LAZARUS MINISTRY: Lazarus Ministry is designed to support families who have lost a loved one. This ministry helps families prepare for the Mass of Resurrection (Funeral Mass) with the readings and symbols that proclaim our faith in the promises of Jesus. They are looking for help!! If you feel you can help with this Ministry, please contact Sally Kingston @ 856-417-1702.

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, DECEMBER 24, 2017 RESPECT LIFE January 17th (Wednesday evening; 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.): There will be a Holy Hour (Adoration and Benediction) in our Church as we pray for an end to abortion. January 31st (Wednesday evening; 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.; Marian Hall): Dr. Gerald Burke, MD, will be here to discuss: "Infertility Care in a Secular World: What is a Catholic Couple to Do"? One in six couples have difficulties conceiving. A large and lucrative industry has arisen to address these difficulties. Unfortunately, this industry is dedicated to employing only the most expensive fertility technologies, many of which are not needed and pose conflicts for Catholic couples who wish to lead their lives in accordance with our Catholic Faith. What is a practicing Catholic to do? Dr. Burke, a fellowship trained reproductive and infertility specialist (from Cherry Hill, NJ), with 32 years of clinical experience helping couples achieve pregnancies employing techniques that conform to the Catholic Faith, will present the spectrum of fertility evaluation and treatment methods available today with emphasis not just on indications and success rates - he will also speak about the conformance of these treatments to the teachings of our Catholic Faith. This presentation is not just for couples who are having difficulty conceiving. Parents and grandparents of these couples will also benefit from the information shared by Dr. Burke.

_________________________________________ ST. JOSEPH'S MEN - TAKE COURAGE, BE A MAN! Saint Joseph's Men are dedicated to helping Catholic men become the men God created them to be. We meet on the 1st & 3rd Saturdays after the 8:00 AM Mass to share a small meal, pray the Rosary and discuss practical ways to enhance our character and increase our spiritual growth through the sharing of our experiences and common goals. The St. Josephs Men’s Group is studying the first chapter of Father Larry Richard’s Book, “Becoming the Man God Created You To Be”. We strive to be open to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is speaking, are you listening? Are you up to the challenge and responsibility of being a Catholic man? We meet in Marian Hall ________________________________________________

Week 4 Fourth Sunday of Advent

Prayer for the Advent Wreath “Almighty, eternal, just and merciful God, give us miserable ones the grace to do for You alone what we know you want us to do and always to desire what pleases You. Inwardly cleansed, interiorly enlightened and inflamed by the fire of the Holy Spirit, may we be able to follow in the footsteps of Your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and by Your grace alone, may we make our way to You, Most High, Who live and rule in perfect Trinity and simple Unity, and are glorified God almighty, forever and ever. Amen.” _____________________________________________

TAKE NOTE OF NEW CHURCH ENVELOPE DELIVERY We are beginning a new offertory envelope program. Envelopes will be mailed to each residence bi-monthly. You should receive the January-February envelopes around Christmas Week to your home. ANOINTING OF THE SICK

If you have a Loved One who is seriously ill, or if you are going in for surgery, please call the Parish Center for arrangement for a priest to anoint you. The homebound, elderly, infirm or recuperating parishioners should make arrangements through the Parish Center, 856-629-6142. ________________________________________ ARE YOU DIVORCED? DO YOU NEED AN ANNULMENT? DO YOU KNOW THE TYPES OF ANNULMENTS? WANT ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS? NEED HELP GETTING STARTED? CALL CONFIDENTIALLY DEACON AL 856-629-6142 EX 27.

FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT, DECEMBER 24, 2017 Christmas Flower Offering In memory of: Requested by: Thomas Bent Mary Bent Dec’d Loves Ones John & Mary Sanger Joseph Petsch, Sr. Karen Petsch Michael Petsch Josephine Lehman Steve & Cecilia Orbones Ed Lehman Lisa Young Frank & Mae Watts Helen & Cornelius Donovan Andrew Meritt Ada & Elio Leone Tiz & Joe DiMauro & Fam. Teresa R. Dramesi Len Dramesi Rosemary Janet Scaramuzza Vincent Scaramuzza Pasquale & Amelia Scaramuzza Carmen & Clementine Del La Loggia Dominic & Joyce Del La Loggia Harry & Mary Haworth Harry & Stephanie Haworth Rose Osepchuk & Stanly Davis Elizabeth Claus & Mary Elizabeth Haworth Vincent & Mary Scaramuzza Pasquale Scaramuzza Catherine Francis Booker Susan Booker Robert Graham, Sr. Rose Graham & Fam. Dec’d members of the Graham & Nessel Families Bertha Faulkner Tom & Eileen Brown Helen Brown Carl Goodwin John Fleming, Sr Louis Fleming Francis Fleming, Sr Nickolas Kalogridis Betty Lou Kalogridis Our Family Sgt. & Mrs William C. Strang, Jr. Karen Owen Sharon Spector Maslowski Family Mr & Mrs C. Maslowski Randazzo Family Markowski Family Bobbi Auletto Joanna & Frank Vecchio Anthony S. Vecchio Cicala Family A. Delisi Maria & Dominador Arce Tabano Family Felisa & Izauro Tabamo Juan & Johnny Tabamo Richard & Emma Taylor Joyce & Tom Hyndman William & Florence Hyndman Carol Hyndman Susan Vece Anthony Vece M/M James McBride Katherine Finnigan M/M Joseph Finnigan Joseph Finnigan

Christmas Flower Offering In memory of: Requested by: Lamona Oma Jaconia Rich & Terry Fratanduono Bill Dougherty M/M Robert Dougherty Annette Janocha Julianne & Darren Gaunt Theresa Malloy Mr. James Malloy Anthony R. Stout, Sr. Tony Stout Agnes Korbach Irene Korbach Robert Verna James & Gloria Battista Hollman Family Family Miller Family Reath Family Burtis Family Lourdes G. Viado M/M Edgardo Rin Fidencio, Sr. Clarita Rin Aquilino & Virginia Cagaoan Everiest Anyanwu Emmanuela Nkemneme Marie & Peggy Fetter Robert Fetter Ted Woodward Millie & Melanie _________________________________________ We wish to Thank all who have given to the Giving Tree. There were over 75 Happy Families that have received your gifts. May God Bless you all and may you have a very Happy and Blessed New Year _________________________________________

DID YOU KNOW? The birthplace of Jesus-Bethlehem – means “house of bread.” Many ancient commentators interpreted this as prefiguring the Eucharist. Jesus came to earth in the “house of bread” and comes to us in the form of Living Bread every time we receive Him in the Blessed Sacrament.


OUR LADY OF PEACE PARISH MINISTRIES There are many activities, programs and opportunities offered at Our Lady of Peace to support members of all ages and stages of life on their faith journey. We strive, as well, to reach out beyond our parish boundaries to help others and do our part to make our world a reflection of Christ’s presence. There are many needs and opportunities. We need you and want you to both give and receive as you enter into the life of Our Lady of Peace. Adopt a Shrine Ministry Deacon John & Irene Kacy Altar Servers Loren Laughlin Athletic Activities Rob Logan Bereavement Support Grp. Wendy/Glenn Harris Betania X Prayer Grp. Carmela Valeno Bible Study Stan Pesotski Catholic Daughters Kathie Restuccio Catholic Divorce Ministry Debbie Wolk Catholic Sports Ministry Bob Gilkin Children’s Liturgy Gloria Battista Elizabeth Ministry Karen Grant Evangelization Donna LaMonaca Extraordinary Minister of Communion Deacon Al LaMonaca Filipino Ministry Yolanda Ramirez FOCCUS (Pre Marriage Communication) Deacon Mike Knights of Columbus Frank Guenther Lazarus Ministry (Funeral Mass) Sally Kingston Lectors Jackie Greer Legion of Mary Donna Honrychs Liturgical Committee Jon Agresta Marriage Prep (PreCana) John/Monica Erhard Ministers of Hospitality Ushers Joe Bochanski Music Ministry (Music Director) Jon Agresta  Choir Jon Agresta  Folk Group Toni McCann Nursing Ministry Donna Callaghan Pastoral Care Ministry Deacon Al/Sr. Rita  Juniper Assisted Living Joan Schnatterer  Meadow View Nursing Home Charles Dillin  Carino Park Peg Hoffman Prayer Network Betty Smith Prayer Shawl Ministry Inez Troiano Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Deacon John Kacy Rite of Christian Initiation of Teens (RCIT) Kari Janisse Religious Education Deacon Frank Campisi Respect Life Tom McDonald Retreats Barbara Bailey Scouting Mark Candidi Senior Social Club Toni Donnelly Singles & Singles Anew Barbara Hoover Social Concerns Rose Otto Social Life Donna Ordille St. John Neumann Eucharistic Adoration George Creel St. Joseph Men Chris Cugini St. Mary School Jackie Kern Wedding Rehearsal Linda Guenther Youth and Young Adult Kari Janisse

629-3510 629-6142 419-2779 215-917-9206 863-1926 243-2472 629-8547 881-4133 863-2271 218-1195 262-3002 629-4852 629-6142 201-850-3854 629-6142 875-8987 629-0479 728-4103 629-2294 589-3228 629-7612 243-5471 589-3228 589-3228 728-1294 875-7511 629-6142 728-2317 875-7225 629-6023 629-6142 875-9509 629-6142 973-534-8960 629-6142 371-2343 904-6786 728-8861 629-0248 417-4887 629-6142 x39 262-4768 856-333-1076 418-3630 629-6190 x34 875-8987 973-534-8960

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Comunidad Hispana Iglesia Católica San Judas

Horario de Misas

Horario de Oficina

Miércoles: 7:00pm Sábado: 6:00 pm Domingo: 11:30am

Lunes: 1:00pm - 5:00pm Martes a Jueves: 10:00am – 5:00pm Viernes: 10:00am – 1:00pm

402 S. Black Horse Pike, Blackwood NJ 08012

4to Domingo de Adviento Domingo Diciembre 24, 2017

Tel. (856) 228-1571 Ext. 101 Fax (856) 232-5649

Misa de Noche Buena, Víspera de Navidad 24 de Diciembre, 2017 El programa será el siguiente:

La Navidad Es la celebración del nacimiento del Niño Dios, es tiempo de amor y de paz, donde hay que olvidar rencores y perdonar. Pero Navidad es Navidad. Cada uno celebra y vive a su manera y hoy en día más que un acontecimiento espiritual, se ha considerado un hecho comercial. Por eso la Navidad nos recuerda que Dios no está lejos de nosotros, sino muy cerca; celebramos al Niño Jesús que es Hijo de Dios, en Él, Dios nos mostró su rostro humano, para salvarnos y amarnos. Educación Religiosa No habrá Educación Religiosa durante la Navidad, Diciembre 26, 2017. Regresamos en Enero 9, 2018. Bautizos Si usted quiere bautizar durante el mes de Enero con el padre René Canales, los unicos dias disponibles son: sábado 27 y domingo 28 debido a que el padre viaja al Salvador durante el mes de Enero. Próxima clase pre-bautismal será el miércoles 10 de Enero, 2018 después de la misa de las 7pm. Oficina Cerrada La Oficina en San Judas Cierra desde el 21 al 26 de Diciembre. Regresaremos el 27 de Diciembre de 10am a 5pm.

9:00pm Posadas con Rosario 10:00pm Pastorela 11:00pm Misa Esperamos la presencia de la comunidad de San Judas para celebrar la venida del Niño Jesús. Encenderemos la estrella del nacimiento y de los árboles de navidad a las 12am. Eventos durante la semana en San Judas Domingo Diciembre 24, 2017 10:00am: Rosario—Iglesia 11:30am: Misa—Bautizos 9:00pm: Posada 10:00pm: Pastorela 11:00pm: Misa

Lunes Diciembre 25, 2017 Oficina Cerrada 11:30am: Misa

Martes Diciembre 26, 2017 Oficina Cerrada

Miércoles Diciembre 27, 2017 7:00pm: Misa 8:00pm: Exposición del Santísimo

Jueves Diciembre 28, 2017 Viernes Diciembre 29, 2017 6:00pm: Grupo de jóvenes—8 a 12 grado 7:00pm: Practica – Coro Sábado Diciembre 30, 2017 4:00pm: Legión de María—Capilla 6:00pm: Misa 7:30pm: Grupo de Oración – Jesús el Buen Pastor Domingo Diciembre 31, 2017 10:00am: Rosario—Iglesia 11:30am: Misa Reflexión Espiritual En preparación del Domingo Diciembre 31, 2017 Primera lectura: Génesis 15, 1-6; 2, 1-3 Segunda lectura: Hebreos 11, 8. 11-12. 17-19 Evangelio: Lucas 2, 22-40

Oración de la Semana “Padre y Dios nuestro, te rogamos que al celebrar con alegría y amor la Natividad de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo, llevemos una vida digna para gozar siempre de su divina presencia.”