CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY - Epiphany Catholic School

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October 29, 2017 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

MASSES Monday-Friday Saturday

6:30 & 8:00 AM 8:00 AM

Saturday Vigil

5:30 PM


8:00, 9:30, & 11:00 AM 12:30* & 6:00 PM (*Spanish)

EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday-Friday 7:00-8:00 AM & 8:30-9:30 AM Thursdays

Monsignor Jude O’Doherty, Pastor Father Alex Rivera, Associate Pastor Father Ireneusz Ekiert, in Residence

10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Deacon Don Livingstone ROSARY Daily

Deacon Norman Ruíz-Castañeda

7:40 AM

Deacon Thomas V. Eagan Deacon Marcos Pérez


Deacon Eduardo Smith

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Call the Parish Office two months in advance. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Call the Parish Office one year in advance.

CHURCH ADDRESS 8235 S.W. 57 Avenue Miami, Florida 33143 RECTORY/MAILING ADDRESS 8081 S.W. 54 Court Miami, Florida 33143 Telephone: 305.667.4911 Fax: 305.667.8067 [email protected]

MINISTRY OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & PASTORAL SERVICES Mrs. Isabel Prellezo, Director Telephone: 305.665.0037 MINISTRY OF MUSIC Mr. Thomas Schuster, Organist Mr. Georgi Danchev, Choirmaster Mr. Eddie Valdéz, Cantor Telephone: 305.667.4911





SCHOOL Sister Margaret Fagan, IHM, Principal Ms. Ana Oliva, Vice Principal 5557 S.W. 84 Street Miami, Florida 33143 Telephone: 305.667.5251 Fax: 305.667.6828 CONVENT Sister Carmen Teresa, IHM, Superior Telephone: 305.667.2144


two commandments." The image is of a very large

There is a story that tells of a nun in New York who was assigned to a hospital. One particular day, she was trying to bathe a combative and abusive patient. She was observed by someone who remarked in a stage whisper, "I wouldn't do that for all the gold in Fort Knox." The nun, hearing the comment, looked at the person, and said, "Neither

weight being suspended on two ropes. Both are necessary to support the weight. If one breaks, the other will as well. In this Gospel reading, Jesus connected two Scripture passages, the first from Deuteronomy, and the second from Leviticus. Both would have been familiar to every Jew, but Jesus put them together. In doing so, Jesus does not cancel out the Old Testament for us. Rather, what we now have is a Christian way of reading the Old Testament. Our whole religion can now be seen in the context of loving God and loving our neighbor. Everything we do and say should somehow be connected to fulfilling these two commands.

would I." The rabbinical writings said that there were 613 precepts in the Torah: 248 of them positive "You shall..." - and 365 of them negative "You shall not.” Keeping up with these precepts would have been hard for a rabbi let alone a poor farmer. With so many, people were bound to wonder, "Are they all important, or can I let some


Why must we love our neighbor? Why must we be compassionate? How are loving God and loving neighbor connected? Simply put, we are made in the image and likeness of God. The scriptural sense is that God made a mold of Himself and we are cast from it. To love the image of God is to love God himself. The motivation of the nun was never money, prestige or ambition. It was to love God. Even in the abusive patient, she was able to see God.

The early teachers of Judaism had to make learning and keeping the precepts of the Torah as easy as could be. Some distinctions were drawn between some of the precepts, but still, they all came from God and therefore, they were all important. The reward or punishment for keeping or breaking a serious precept was exactly the same as for a lesser precept. There is an almost unanswerable question asked of Jesus today: Which is the greatest commandment? If Jesus were to single out any one commandment, He would violate the belief that, since God gave them all, they all had equal importance.

Clearly, we want to think that we love God. What we may have to do is look to our human relationships, judge their quality and then ask again, "Do I love God?" How do I respond to those in need? How do I treat my co-workers? How do I treat my estranged family member?

Jesus responded, not with a commandment as such, but with a summary statement. He quoted the Scriptures, but not necessarily a law. He quoted a prayer that every religious Jew recited several times during the day.

Seeing God in everyone we encounter is easier said than done. What we should not forget is that Jesus was quoting a prayer when He responded to the Pharisee. Maybe praying for our neighbors is the first step toward seeing God in them.

This should have ended the conversation, but Jesus added more. He quoted again from the Scriptures. This time He said that we must love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus did not create a hierarchy - love self, love neighbor and then love God. Both were different commands of Jesus and were also of equal gravity. The Scriptures says:

"The whole law and the prophets depend on these







6:00 PM

Holy Mass of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00-9:00 PM Silent Adoration 9:00 PM Prayer of the Holy Rosary (Glorious Mysteries) 10:00-Midnight Silent Adoration

12:00-3:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00-6:30 AM 6:30 AM 7:00-7:30 AM 7:30 AM


8:00 AM 8:30 AM

12:00-3:00 AM 3:00 AM 4:00-6:30 AM 6:30 AM 7:00-7:30 AM 7:30 AM

Silent Adoration Divine Mercy Chaplet Silent Adoration Holy Mass Silent Adoration Prayer of the Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) 8:00 AM Holy Mass 8:30 AM Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal 9:00-10:00 AM Silent Adoration 10:00 AM Rezo del Santo Rosario (Misterios Gloriosos) 10:30-Noon Silent Adoration Noon Recitation of the Angelus 12:15-3:00 PM Silent Adoration 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet 4:00 PM Holy Rosary for Our Nation (Luminous Mysteries) 5:00-7:30 PM Silent Adoration 6:30 PM Confessions Begin 7:30-8:30 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet 8:30-9:30 PM Silent Adoration 9:30 PM Prayer of the Holy Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries) 10:00-Midnight Silent Adoration

9:00-10:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30-Noon Noon 1:00 PM 1:00-3:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM

5:30-7:00 PM 7:00 PM

Silent Adoration Divine Mercy Chaplet Silent Adoration Holy Mass Silent Adoration Prayer of the Holy Rosary (Sorrowful Mysteries) Holy Mass Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Silent Adoration Prayer of the Holy Rosary (Glorious Mysteries) Silent Adoration Recitation of the Angelus Prayer of the Holy Rosary (Joyful Mysteries) Silent Adoration Divine Mercy Chaplet Madres y Padres Orantes Rezo del Santo Rosario (Misterios Luminosos) Silent Adoration Closing Ceremony

While the Forty Hours Devotion nurtures the love of the faithful for our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, three special dimensions have also surrounded this devotion: the protection from evil and temptation; reparation for our own sins and for the poor souls in Purgatory; and deliverance from political, material or spiritual calamities. Here the faithful implore our Lord to pour forth His abundant graces not only for themselves, but their neighbors, not only for their own personal needs, but for those of the world.

The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended when it is exposed. We are counting on our parishioners to devote an hour of adoration.

Please visit our online sign-up sheet at







Saturday Sep. 28

5:30 PM

Sunday Oct. 29

8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 6:00 PM

Mass Intentions

Requested by

Elsa Garcia Fernando Miranda Patrick Battle, Jr.

Family Family Friends

Susan Noguez Daniel Villabona Thomas Giraldo Sarah Eva Goicoechea Cachita Acosta PEOPLE OF EPIPHANY Richard Lotharius Jonathan Vega Belkis Bustillos Zubin & Valerie Alemo Luly Machado Amadeo Lopez-Castro

Tony Friguls Family Family Martinez Family Ray Lopez Family


Rolando Ruiz Flores Eduardo & Hugo Rams Alvaro Luis Castillo Paola Yidi George Prendes

Maria Leonor Ruiz Pacheco Family Parents Yidi Family Wife & Children

+ + + +

Msgr. Noel Fogarty Theresa O’Halloran Angelo Pinasco Jim Blain

Family Family Grand Children Maria Leonor Ruiz Pacheco

+ + + +

Gutierrez de la Torre Family Members Patrick Hickey Msgr. Noel Fogarty Theresa O’Halloran PEOPLE OF EPIPHANY

Family Family Family Family

+ + + + + + + +

Monday Oct. 30

6:30 AM 8:00 AM

Tuesday Oct. 31

6:30 AM

Wednesday Nov. 01

6:30 AM

8:00 AM

8:00 AM 4:00 PM

+ + +

7:30 PM

Family Andreina Zambrano Family Penin Family Marianela Perez Family


Thursday Nov. 02

6:30 AM


For All the Faithful Departed

8:00 AM


For All the Faithful Departed

Friday Nov. 03

6:30 AM 8:00 AM

+ + + + +

Enrique Villamil Silvia de Sosa de Jorge Epiphany Parishioners Alex Carrion Betty Eber

Family Family

Saturday Nov. 04

8:00 AM

+ +

Richard Lotharius Frank Mackle

Maria Leonor Ruiz Pacheco Family

Saturday Nov. 04 (Sunday Vigil)

5:30 PM

+ + +

Isabel & Emilio Monte Lucia Ardavin Francesco Torres Covella

Pistorino Family Family Martha Villabona

Sunday Nov. 05

8:00 AM

+ + + + +

Peggy Ybarmea Mary Pannell Sante De Leo Laura L. Elliot Dinayre Hortal PEOPLE OF EPIPHANY Guillermina Cam Humberto Gonzalez, Jr. Johnathon Perez Barry Hanna Belarmino Gonzalez

Family Bouchard Family Family Bustamante Family Patricia Davit

9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:30 PM 6:00 PM

+ + + + +





Family Family

Wong Family Family Family Family Garcia Family


Sat 5:30 PM

Fr. Ekiert

Sun 8:00 AM

Fr. Ekiert

Sun 9:30 AM

Fr. Rivera

Sun 11:00 AM

Msgr. O'Doherty

Sun 12:30 PM

Fr. Massieu

Sun 6:00 PM

Fr. Rivera


Altar Servers

Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion

Eddie De Arcos Allie Pennie

CT Hernandez C Isom H Kanold C Lamas F Lorie O McClintock P Padron J Peredo

C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Luis Siman Isa Diaz Luis Siman Max Diaz Maria Iglesias Rosi Maza-Saez Sister Margaret Sister Carmen Teresa

T Valcarcel I Johnson

C 1 2 3 4 5

Frank Acosta Mariana O’Naghten Frank Acosta Chuck Broyard Juan O’Naghten Martha Osorio

Mike Herold Gabriela De Céspedes López

D Suarez V Wolff A Gonzalez M Arguello

C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Lucy Moas Lucy Moas Carlos Moas Pedro Toro Monica Perez Alfie Perez Annamaria Sacher Richard Sacher

Peter Avenarius Ileana Bravo-Gordon

C E Hoynack C Hoynack I Mestre L Molina A Okunski I Penin N Pentenero J Pracitto

C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Haydee Martinez Haydee Martinez Lina Reardon Diana Rodriguez Maria Renfrow Richard Renfrow Mirta Robelo Arnoldo Robelo Roland Martinez

C Delgado I Gurdian

C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Tere Molins Tere Molins Pedro Marrero Bernuil Marrero Ana Oyarzun Ramon Oyarzun Raul Rosell Titi Pujals-Rosell

D Aguilar J Martinez-Dubouchet A Negret E Ramirez R Rivera A Sanchez J Tong L Vizcaino

C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Amanda Patiño Amanda Patiño Julie Parlade Jaime Parlade Eileen Velikopoljski Gladys Patiño Diana Yidi William Yidi

John R. Steinbauer Emily Loos

Susana Agurto Marisol D. Henriquez

Julio Ramírez Jorge J. Pérez





ANNOUNCEMENTS Epiphany School Endowment Fund We wish to thank our parishioners who contributed to the Epiphany School Endowment last weekend. Your response in pledges amounted to $120,000.00. Those of you who may wish to participate can still do so by dropping your endowment envelope in the collection basket or mailing it to the Rectory office.

WE NEVER WALK ALONE To be a Christian is to realize that we are joined with one another on the way to Heaven. We belong to a Church family that helps us reach Heaven. This family consists of our parents, siblings, grandparents, relatives, priests, nuns, teachers, friends and neighbors.

What is the 40 Hours Devotion?

We do not walk alone as if sealed in a capsule on our road to Heaven. We help and need one another. Besides our Church family on earth, we belong to a larger family of God…those souls in Heaven and those in the state of Purgatory awaiting entrance into Heaven. We call this large Church family the Communion of Saints which is the union of all who share in the life of Christ, whether on earth or in the next world.

The Forty Hours Devotion is an opportunity to gather as a community before the Blessed Sacrament and to pray before the Lord in solemn adoration. The focus of this devotion is on the Holy Eucharist. As Catholics, the words of our Lord burn in our hearts: “I myself am the living bread come down from Heaven. If anyone eats this bread, He shall live forever; the bread I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.” (Jn 6:51).

During this week, we celebrate two special days in the life of the Church and the Communion of Saints. Both these days are steeped in meaning and spirituality. On Wednesday, November 1st, we celebrate the Feast of All Saints, and on Thursday, November 2, we celebrate the Feast of All Souls.

On November 5 we will begin The Forty Hours Devotion, starting with the Solemn Mass of Exposition and the procession of the Blessed Sacrament. The Blessed Sacrament will remain on the altar for the next 40 hours. The closing of the Forty Hours will take place on November 7, at 7:00 PM. For a detailed schedule, please refer to page 3 of the bulletin.

All Saints Day reminds us that we are called to holiness. That mandate was given to us the day we were baptized, and it is the mandate we must adhere to for the rest of our lives. How do we achieve holiness? By living our vocations to the best of our ability and doing all we can for the glory of God. If we live our lives in that manner, we will not sin, and we will achieve holiness.

During the 40 hours of exposition, we are counting on our parishioners to devote an hour of adoration. The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended when it is exposed. Please visit our online sign-up sheet at for your promise to devote an hour of your time.

All Souls Day reminds us of our deceased loved ones and friends. It is a day that also reminds us of our own mortality and encourages us to pray for the souls in Purgatory. The souls in Purgatory cannot help themselves, but you can help them…pray for them, have masses said for them and never forget them.

Our next game will be on Saturday, November 4 at 9:30 AM. For more information, please contact Carl Lowell at 305.546.4347.

Remember, we all want to get to Heaven---and it is a wonderful feeling to know that God and His Church is always with us and “We truly never walk alone.”



Contemplative Cenacle of the Divine Mercy There will be NO Cenacle during the month of November. Next Cenacle will take place on December 4. THE





Join us at the School Courtyard for a great night with fellow Epiphany parents and parishioners as we celebrate our Great Community.

Masses will be at: 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM (School Mass) 4:00 PM 7:30 PM

Doors Open at 7:30 PM $75 Registration Per Person after Oct 27 Limited Space Available (Last day to register October 31)


Open Bar, Heavy Hors D'oeuvres Music & Entertainment

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2 is NOT a Holy Day of obligation.

For more information and to register, visit our website:

This is a day when we should make a special effort to attend Mass to pray for our deceased relatives and friends.

Parish Pilgrim Virgin Ministry

Masses will be at: 6:30 AM 8:00 AM

During the week of October 29, the Parish Pilgrim Virgin will be in the home of:

33 Days to Morning Glory

Jose and Nuri Gaston Martin and Camille Thiry

“A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration”

305.667.6004 305.661.7990

To schedule your visit, please call Luis & Patricia Siman at 305.498.5936

Looking to deepen and enrich your devotion to our Blessed Mother? Consider joining a group of your fellow parishioners in completing the Consecration to the Mary in the tradition of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort. What does it involve? Beginning November 5 and ending on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8, a daily reading and meditation is offered. Once a week, on Saturdays at 9:00 AM, participants are invited to a sharing of graces at the parish hall. Finally, the Marian Consecration will take place after the 7:30 PM Mass on December 8.

PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL: Ulises Alonso; Rosa Maria Alvarez; Corina Basulto; Patrick Battle, Jr.; Pat Clarke; Jeannette Conner; Betty Delacluyse; Ana Alicia Fernandez; Robert Germroth; Andres Gutierrez; Stephen Hohauser; Patsy Kamercia; Paige Klekner; Jose Lara; Daniel Manichello; Luis Perez; Carlos Rice Jr.; Janel Sierra; Eleanor Stritter; Sandra Albornoz Scharzkopf; Esther Suarez; Paulina Tawil; Teodula Wong; Alice Wood.

What materials do I need? You can order a copy of the book 33 Days to Morning Glory by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC (available on Amazon in English and Spanish) OR you can receive the daily readings and meditations in audio files via WhatsApp.

PRAY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE DIED: Alfonso Alejo; Thomas Brennan; Betty Eber; Max Gruver; Rina Izquierdo; Monica Johnson; Carmen Lauterbach; Mary Romeo; Elaine Schwartz; Dan Wick.

How do I sign up? Contact Marcela Thomas 786.521.2223 or Mariví Hudson 786.393.0667 ¡Los materiales están disponibles en español! CHURCH




The Church provides us with the Commemoration All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) on November 2 in order that we may remember in a special way those who have gone before us marked with the sign of Faith.

IN MEMORY OF ALL SOULS The following members of our Parish Community, family members and friends have been called home during the past twelve months. Please keep them in your prayers, especially during the month of November, the Month of Holy Souls.

George Abraham Alfonso Alejo Gromelia Amador Ricardo Avello Father Noel Bennett Brian Brodeur Thomas Brennan Manolo Bustillo Tere Castro Pepin Casal Rayda Cabanillas Clara Cols Fernandez Michelle Cruz Susan Connell Farah Crespi Eduardo Cutillas, Sr. Jorge De Arcos Rafael Diaz-Gamba Raymond Domit Raymond Albert Duran Betty Eber Marie Ferraro Andrzej Findeisen Max Gruver Linda Howard Rina Izquierdo Monica Johnson

Teresa Kilmer Susan Marie Klock Kairalla Sister Maria Laetitia, I.H.M Luis Rogelio Largaespada, Sr. Carmen Lauterbach Maria May Ramon Maranges Julio Cesar Martinez Esther MacInnes Robert Keith McDaniel Cailynn McKeon Esther Mena Freddie M. Melero Adelaida Miranda Angela Monroy Gladys Oses Carlos Otalvaro Jorge Eduardo Parr Jose Luis Pelleya Francisco Pereda Elena Perkins

And all the deceased of Epiphany Parish.





Ana Pinedo Jorge Prendes Tom Rainey Robert Regan Georgina de los Reyes Jose Rivera Elina Rodriguez Dominic Romeo Mary Romeo Maria Rudd Rosalina Sackstein Jorge Salazar Jim Schulte Elaine Schwartz Sylvia South Jorge Sosa Cardenas Ana Rosa Souto Sebastian Tamindzija Janina Tyszka Wanda Vargas Tim Watkins Bonnie Wade Dale Whiting Dan Wick Margaret Ybarmea Jose Luis Zarraluqui Pilar Zamora