Holy Ghost Catholic Church December 31, 2017

Dec 31, 2017 ... Week Day Mass: Morning prayer (Lauds): 6 AM. Mass: 6:30 AM and 8 AM. ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL. Mass: 8 AM on school days. Eucharistic Adorat...

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Holy Ghost Catholic Church 1041 North Central Street Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 Rectory and Mailing Address 111 Hinton Avenue Knoxville, TN 37917 Phone: 865-522-2205 Fax: 865-525-6051 email: [email protected] web: holyghostknoxville.org PARISH OFFICE: Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:00PM SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Mass in English: 8 AM, 10 AM, and 5 PM Mass in Latin (Extraordinary Form): 12 noon Mass in Spanish: 7 PM(Note: no Saturday vigil Mass) Week Day Mass: Morning prayer (Lauds): 6 AM Mass: 6:30 AM and 8 AM

December 31, 2017 THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH Most Reverend Richard F. Stika, D.D. Bishop of Knoxville 865-584-3307

MUSIC MINISTRY Charles Walden Director & Organist 865-523-4344

ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL Mass: 8 AM on school days Eucharistic Adoration: 7 – 7:50 AM SATURDAY Mass: 8 AM ROSARY: Saturday after 8:00AM Mass for world peace and an end to abortion.

Confessions: William Lovelace Director of Sunday 5 PM Mass Choir Sunday: 45 minutes before each Mass 1st Saturday: 7:15 – 7:45 AM; 8:35 Reverend Michael Hendershott, Mary Weaver AM – until finished S.T.L. Director, Pope Benedict XVI Schola Mon – Fri: 7 – 7:45 AM Associate Pastor Mary Garner RCIA: Sunday 6:15 PM Deacon Michael Gouge Latin Mass Choir Director Sessions held mid-Sept. to May. [email protected] 865-966-9504 Contact Deacon Gordon Lowery Ericka McCarty Deacon Gordon Lowery CCD: Grades K-5, Sunday, Latin Mass Organist 423-312-3185 9 - 9:50 AM. Grades 6-12, Adoration of the Blessed Deacon Scott Maentz Wednesdays: 7 - 8:30 PM 865-310-6649 Sacrament Monday - Friday 7 - 7:45 AM CCW: (woman's group) Mary Dotti Morris, Parish Secretary Wilson 865 803-7529 First Friday: Eucharistic Elizabeth Bunker, DRE Exposition Holy Hour, and BAPTISM: Benediction 8:30 - 9:45 AM John Hitt, Grand Knight Call the Church Office Holy Ghost Knights of Columbus Liturgy of the Hours: Council 16523 MARRIAGE: Contact Church at least Monday-Friday: 865-963-5260 4 months in advance. Morning Prayer 6 AM [email protected] Reverend John R. Dowling Pastor

Holy Ghost Catholic Church The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph • December 31, 2017



31 – J


8 AM

† Donald Kopp


7, 2018

10 AM

People of Holy Ghost

12 PM

David Ford & family

5 PM

S I Ray & Flo Bates

7 PM

Hispanic Community


† Catherine Howerton by family Susan Russo by Deacon Gordy & Fran

10 AM 6 PM Tues 6:30 AM 8 AM Wed 6:30 AM 8 AM Thur 6:30 AM 8 AM

S I Kathy De Wine by Gouge family NO MASS S I OCDS Community of the Transfiguration Phil & Arlene Trunzo S I Ray & Flo Bates Zoraida Ballew


8 AM


8 AM

People of Holy Ghost Church

10 AM

† Margaret Thew by Gouge family

5 PM 7 PM

† Msgr Philip Thoni LuAnn Ballew † Helen Sullivan and John Heirigs by family

Brian Ford & family John & Elizabeth Bunker † Dora Arroyo

*Sunday 12noon Mass in Latin

† Indicates Deceased

If you are a new parishioner you are invited to stop by or telephone the Rectory Office to register and let us know how we may be of service to you. If you have not received weekly offering envelopes, please call the Church office 522-2205. Have you ever thought about becoming a Catholic or are you an adult Catholic who has never received the sacrament of confirmation? Adults who participate in RCIA learn about the Catholic faith as they continue to grow in their own spiritual life. Newcomers are always welcome. Call Deacon Gordy Lowery, 423-312-3185 or Elizabeth Bunker, 584-2513 for more information.



Sunday, 31 December 2017 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph - Feast Gn 15:1-6.21:1-3. / Ps 105(104):1b-2.3-4.5-6.8-9. / Heb. 11:8.11-12.17-19. / Lk 2:22-40. Monday, 01 January 2018 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God Numb6:22-27/ Ps 67(66):2- / Gal. 4:4-7. / Lk 2:16-21. Tuesday, 02 January 2018 Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 2:22-28. / Ps 98(97):1.2-3ab.3cd-4. / Jn 1:19-28. Wednesday, 03 January 2018 Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 2:29.3:1-6. / Ps 98(97):1.3cd-4.5-6. / Jn 1:29-34. The Epiphany of the Lord - Solemnity

*Sunday 7pm Mass in Spanish



Rich & Jean Brophy

6:30 AM

12 PM


S I Martin & Lynn Bates


8 AM


Thursday, 04 January 2018 Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 3:7-10. / Ps 98(97):1.7-8.9. / Jn 1:35-42.


Friday, 05 January 2018 Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 3:11-21. / Ps 100(99):1b- / Jn 1:43-51.

Stewardship figures for weekend of December 10, 2017 Offertory Parish Building Fund St Joseph School Special Fund Votive Candles

Saturday, 06 January 2018 Christmas Weekday 1 Jn 5:5-13. / Ps 147:12-13.14-15.19-20. / Lk 3:23-38. $7091.78 $3490.00 $411.00 $42.00

Sunday, 07 January 2018 Epiphany of the Lord Is 60:1-6. / Ps 72(71):1-2.7-8.10-11.12-13. / Ephes. 3:2-3a.5-6. / Mt 2:1-12.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph Christmas Flowers In Memory of

• December 31, 2017

Knights of Columbus Holy Ghost Council 16523

Joseph & Gladys Healy John & James Zakian Walter & Lori Uhrig Joseph A Healy Jr Msgr X Mankel Akerman & Cortese families Gorski & Demchik families Pearl Bush Arlie Clifford Bush James Leroy Smith Isabella Powell Letha Bush Gordon Wagner Verla Kelling Jean Kelling-Stenklyft Art & Catherine Howerton Ralph & Gerey Humphries Thomas & Kathryn Bentley George Handley Andrew Patrick Gang Art & Catherine Boyack Sr Art Boyack Jr Wm & Aileen Davenport Bro Carl Rose Mary & Steve Torie Victor E Pettit Anne & Victor F Pettit Eleanor & Jerry Pace Catherine & Martin Bartling William G Keimig Jim Greaney Aaron Knight Jack & Jerry Lady Mr & Mrs V B Budde Sr George, Nancy & Shirley Martin Dan & Christine Fritz Louis & Isa Barnes Art & Catherine Howerton Julia Ann Smith

Monday January 8, 2018 Business Meeting at 7pm. Thanks again to everyone who participated in the Black Tie Gala for Middle East Catholics. Tuesday January 9, the Second Annual Free Throw Shooting Contest at St. Joseph School from 1pm to 5pm. The Knights and their families would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!

Our Diocese is blessed with many couples happily married for over 50 years. These strong witnesses to the Sacrament of Matrimony should and need to be celebrated. With that in mind, the Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment is once again searching for the Longest Married couple in each parish and will send a Certificate of Recognition to the winner in each parish as a tie in to the National Marriage Week in February sponsored by the USCCB, World Marriage Day and Marriage Encounter’s eighth annual search for the Longest Married Couple in the United States. For the last two years the Diocese of Knoxville has had the Longest Married Couple in the State of Tennessee. If you would like to nominate a couple for this honor please submit the names, how long they have been married and what parish they belong to by January 7, 2018, to Marian Christiana at [email protected]

The annual revision of the telephone and regular email prayer line is done in the month of December of each year. If you would like to be added or have changes in your phone/email address or need to be removed from either of these prayer lines please contact Letha R. Lehman at 865-556-6280 or [email protected] The Flock Note Prayer line is updated on line only. Please notify me as soon as possible so I can provide the updated lists to participants early in January, 2018. Thank you!

In Honor of Barbara Handley Carol Grady Dr John Grady Natalie, Michael & Nathan Priests & Deacons at Holy Ghost Church

BIG thank you to Holy Ghost. We collected 378.5 pounds of non-perishables for Ladies of Charity. Please plan on doing this again on January 1st. -3-

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

• December 31, 2017

HOLY GHOST PARISH LATIN MASS NEWS 12 Noon each Sunday: Sung Latin High Mass with Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony

May the souls of all our beloved faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Sunday in the Octave of Christmas (December 31, 2017) St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal (page 37)


ANCIENT MEMORIES FOR THE NEW YEAR ANNO DOMINI 2018 “She [the Catholic Church] saw the commencement of all the governments and of all the ecclesiastical institutions that now exist in the world; and we feel no assurance that she is not destined to see the end of them all. She was great and respected before the Saxon had set foot in Britain, before the Frank had crossed the Rhine, when Grecian eloquence still flourished in Antioch, when idols were still worshipped in the temples of Mecca. And she may still exist in undiminished vigor when some traveler from New Zealand shall, in the midst of a vast solitude, take his stand on a broken arch of London Bridge to sketch the ruins of St Paul’s.” (Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1840)

For These We Pray.. Wayne Traffas.. Ron Kopp.. Chuck Williams.. We're revising the way we add names to the bulletin for the sick of the parish. Names will be placed on the list for one month. Please e-mail your prayer request to [email protected]

One project of our Martha and Mary Guild is to crochet or knit prayer shawls and lap robes for our sick and homebound parishioners to let them know they are being remembered in love and prayer. We also make baby blankets for the Ladies of Charity layette program. If you would like to help with these projects, please join us on Tuesday mornings in the JP II room. You can also help by donating yarn and/or making the items at home.

Quote and image from a splendid new book by Fr. William J. Slattery (Heroism and Genius, Ignatius Press) on the role of the Catholic Church as the fount and cradle of most all that’s good and beautiful in Western culture and civilization. From its Contents:

We also welcome anyone who would like to work on your own project with a faith-filled group. For further information, call Lorraine McWilliams 865-805-7316.

Chapter 6 Guardians of the Ancient Rite: The Traditional Mass and the Culture of Christendom

Those unable to attend Mass and who would like to receive the Blessed Sacrament, please contact Deacon Mike Gouge at 966-9504. Sunday is the most appropriate day for the Eucharist to be taken to those who cannot be part of the community’s celebration. It is most fitting that extraordinary ministers go directly from the Sunday or weekday Mass carrying Communion to the sick and homebound.

“By the reign of Pope Gregory the Great (590—604), the clergy had already designed the essential structure of the sublimely beautiful [traditional Latin] rite that would become over the following three hundred years in Western Europe the principal form of enacting the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.”

If you would like to participate in this valuable ministry as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, call Deacon Mike.


The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph

• December 31, 2017

Men’s Evening of Recollections will be held at the following dates and at the following locations: January 2nd 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at St. Joseph the Worker in Madisonville (Fr. John Orr) January 3rd 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Sts. Peter and Paul Basilica in Chattanooga (Fr. Carter) January 11th 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Diocese of Knoxville Chancery in Knoxville (Fr Pontian) January 26th 6:45 to 9:30 p.m. at St. Peter Chanel Catholic Church, 11330 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA 30075

St. Mary’s Legacy Clinic is looking for CDL drivers who would be willing to donate 1 or 2 weekdays a month to drive the mobile clinic out to the partnership sites. If you would like to know more about this opportunity please call our office at 865-212-5570. You can view the clinic’s travel schedule by visiting out website at www.stmaryclinic.org Follow us on Facebook to see updates and announcements from the mobile clinic. Thank you for your support!

An Evening of Recollection consists of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Benediction, examination of conscience, the sacrament of reconciliation, personal prayer, and a meditation based on the writings of St. Josemaría to help men practice their faith in the ordinary circumstances of their lives. A short talk on virtue and light refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Hall.

The diocesan Stewardship Office is in need of part-time, temporary help for the Bishop’s Appeal 2018. We are looking for a Part-Time Gifts Administrator who would lead the coordination of monthly mailings, open and code incoming donations and assist in processing charitable donations, as needed. This position would require 5 days a week during the months of January-March and then become a more flexible schedule of a few days each week on a temporary basis. We are also looking for Seasonal Office Support from January to March of 2018 to scan pledge cards and donor communications as well as assist with mailing year-end giving statements. For more information, or to submit a resume, please email [email protected].

For details, please contact: (Chattanooga) Dan Fisher 423-803-0257 - [email protected] (Madisonville) Greg English 865-741-7786 - [email protected] (Chancery) Garrick Henderson 865-809-0063 [email protected] St. John Neumann Family & Parish Life is partnering with the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation & Enrichment to offer Divorce Support. Divorce & Beyond is a support group for Catholic men and women who have experienced or are experiencing divorce. You will find a safe environment to explore the myriad of feelings that divorce brings. Join us as you experience hope and healing simply by listening and sharing experiences and insights with others. Divorce & Beyond support helps you to understand what you are going through and learn from others who have gone through the same things. Divorce and Beyond will help to make divorce a growth experience. We invite each one of you with a need for healing and help to move beyond the hurt and to participate in this 9-week Catholic -based program beginning Sunday, January 7 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. Meetings will be held at St. John Neumann parish. Cost for supplies is $15.00. For more information, contact your facilitator, Mary Coffey at 865-966-3237 or [email protected] Registration deadline is Sunday, December 31, 2017. Contact Marilyn Derbyshire, Family & Parish Life Ministry Coordinator, at 865-777-4312 or [email protected].

Catholic Charities of East Tennessee has immediate job openings in the East Tennessee area including Columbus Home Case Manager & Shift Lead (Knoxville), Maintenance Technician (Knoxville), Bi-lingual Counselor (Chattanooga), and Residential Living Assistants at Samaritan Place (Knoxville). For more information, please visit the CCETN website at: www.ccetn.org under the “Jobs” tab.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University classes will be held at All Saints Catholic Church, beginning at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 8. Cost of this nine-week course is $130 per family. Register online at www.daveramsey.com. Contact G. Alan Sieve, 865-405-0273, [email protected], for more information. -5-

LA SANTA FAMILIA DE JESÚS, MARÍA Y JOSÉ • 31 de diciembre de 2017 Párroco: Padre John R. Dowling Vicario: Padre Joseph M. Hammond Caballeros de Colón Consejo 16523

Misa en español todos los domingos a la 7 PM Les damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan por primera vez y los que nos visitan de otras ciudades, condados, estados y/o países. También a todos aquellos que se ingresan como nuevos miembros de nuestra Iglesia. Les recordamos que para ser miembros de la Iglesia deben registrarse como tal. Por favor comuníquense con algún miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto para más informes. Se les recuerda apagar todo aparato electrónico antes de entrar a la Iglesia.

Lunes 8 de enero de 2018 Reunión de negocios a las 7 p.m. Gracias de nuevo a todos los que participaron en la Gala para los católicos de Medio Oriente. El 9 de enero, el segundo concurso de Tiro Libre anual será en St. Joseph School de las 1PM - 5PM ¡¡Habrá mucha diversión!! Los Caballeros y sus familias les gustaría desearles a todos un Muy Feliz Ano Nuevo!!

Clases pre-bautismales: Primer y segundo sábados de enero, abril, julio y octubre. Se imparten de 6PM8PM. Se requiere la presencia de los padres y los padrinos a menos que sean miembros de otra Iglesia Católica y esta les de la constancia de cumplimiento con las clases. Preguntas se pueden dirigir a Oswaldo Cárdenas al 865-742-4519 Actividades mensuales: Preparación de Matrimonio: Preguntas se pueden dirigir a Francisco Ruiz al 865-208-2758 Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento: Primer domingo del mes a las 6:15 PM Confesiones: 6:15-6:45 (Antes de misa) Reunión de San Juan XXIII: Todos los domingos a las 7PM Reunión de la Renovación Carismática: Todos los domingos de 2:30PM-5PM Junta de Pastoral Conjunto: Primer viernes del mes.

Nuestra Diócesis ha sido bendecida con muchas parejas felizmente casadas por más de 50 años. Estos fuertes testigos del sacramento de el matrimonio debe y necesita ser celebrado. Con eso en mente, la Oficina de Preparación Matrimonial Enriquecimiento está una vez más en busca de la Pareja que tiene el tiempo mas largo de casados en cada parroquia y enviará un certificado de Reconocimiento al ganador en cada parroquia como un lazo a la Semana Nacional del Matrimonio en febrero patrocinado por la USCCB, el Día Mundial del Matrimonio y la búsqueda anual del Encuentro Matrimonial para la Pareja de Casados que tanga mas tiempo de casadosdel en los Estados Unidos. Durante los últimos dos años, la Diócesis de Knoxville ha tenido la Pareja que tiene el tiempo mas largo de casados en el Estado de Tennessee. Si desea nominar a una pareja para este honor, envíe los nombres, cuánto tiempo estuvieron casados y a qué parroquia pertenecen antes del 7 de enero de 2018, a Marian Christiana al [email protected]

Después de la reciente misión de la Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, muchos feligreses han celebrado la Entronización de Jesús como parientes y amigo de su familia! Es un testimonio hermoso de amor y misericordia y tantos resultados de bendiciones!

La Clínica Móvil del Legado de Santa María (St. Mary’s Legacy) está necesitando voluntarios bilingües para que ayuden a interpretar en algunas de nuestras visitas. Si usted tiene la habilidad de hablar el inglés y el español a cabalidad y está interesado en ayudar, llame a nuestra oficina al 865-212-5570 para obtener más información. ¡Gracias!

Para aprender más o para inscribirse para la Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús en su hogar contacte al diácono Gordy y Fran Lowery al 423-312-4934 o 423-312-3185. -6-

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph • December 31, 2017



7, 2017

SUNDAY 9-9:50 AM CCD - (September– May) 2:30-5 PM - Hispanic Community 6:15pm RCIA - In Parish Life Center Contact Deacon Gordy Lowery, 423-312-3185 or Elizabeth Bunker (584-2513). MONDAY 7-9 PM Special Schola Practice



8 AM

TUESDAY 10 AM Women’s Guild – JPII Rm, for more info call Lorraine McWilliams (805-7316 ).

10 AM

6 PM Parish Pastoral Council - 2nd Tuesday - JP II Room

5 PM

William Edward Lovelace Jacob Hensley, Piper Quintois Emma Browning

7-9 PM - San Juan XXIII WEDNESDAY After school Junior Presidium - When school is in session. 6 PM Legion of Mary- (adult group) Fr. Henkel Hall, JPII Room 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal - St. Cecilia Room CCD, Grades 6-12 - 7-8:30 PM (September-May) THURSDAY 7-8:30 PM Pope Benedict XVI Schola

R 8 AM - Stan Pickering 10 AM - Pat & Jimmy Gang 5 PM - Sid Plemons G

FRIDAY 9 AM Rosary for Life – Held every Friday in front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic on Cherry St., Knoxville.

8 AM

Regina and William Lovelace, Robert and Ellen Hunter

Every Friday - Hispanic Leadership Meeting (7-9 PM in Church)

10 AM Jeanette Clem-Willis, Tom and Jean Simpson

SATURDAY 8:30 AM Rosary for Peace – Following 8am Mass.


5 PM

Holy Ghost Church — Prayer Requests Requests may be submitted in the following ways: For the Church Bulletin, call Dotti Morris 865-522-2205 2. For the telephone prayer line, call Letha R. Lehman 865-556-6280 (cell) 3. For Flock Note or regular email, send notice to [email protected]

Lost items can be found in the Narthex by the front doors. Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Ladies of Charity. -7-

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