1 Contact centre: 0861 843 384 • CUSTOMER VERIFICATION FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Version 2.4 1. What is Customer Verification...

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What is Customer Verification Customer Verification is a process whereby customers of CIPRO will be verified by an outside service provider on behalf of CIPRO, before being allowed to transact with CIPRO using certain services. To verify is a process that ensures that the customer is who he/she claims to be. During this process a customer will be physically validated against his/her identity book (face-to-face authentication) and biometrics will be taken by way of a finger vein scan. This process makes use of the principles of know-your-client.


What is the purpose of Customer verification at CIPRO? There are numerous reasons for the implementation of Customer Verification at CIPRO. Some of these reasons are: • CIPRO wish to verify with whom it is doing business; • To ensure that a customer has only one set of detail with CIPRO that is regularly updated and valid. • To reduce the amount of fraud being committed by customers by holding customers accountable for transactions conducted with CIPRO; • To ensure that customers do not share their customer information with each other that may lead to the unauthorised use of customer codes and passwords; • To protect the integrity of its data.


Who must be authenticated? Each customer that wishes to utilise the electronic lodgement facility for companies (CM29, CM31, CM27A and CM22). It should be noted that if the customer code and password is assigned to a business, each employee that uses the customer code and password must be authenticated.

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How regularly must I be authenticated? A customer only needs to be verified once every year. The card that is issued is only valid for a year.


What if my contact details change or my cell phone is lost or stolen? Do I have to be authenticated again? The customer must update his/her new details with a COO (Commissioner of Oaths). This update is free. A customer’s cell phone is a critical component of the security measures build in the authentication process and therefore, the customer must go back to a COO to change the information.


Who can authenticate me and where? Only Commissioners of Oaths that are regulated by the service provider may verify customers. A list of COO’s is available on the website


Costs of authentication? It costs R295 (including Vat) per card / per customer / year. The customer does not pay for the sms when the one-day-password is forwarded to his/her cell phone.


How can an interested party become a COO with the service provider? The customer may contact [email protected].


How long does the verification process takes? The verification of the customer takes approximately 30 minutes and the issuing of the card 48 hours.


Where can I make a booking to see my nearest COO and for payment? All bookings can be made by visiting the following web site, Once on the Your Identity web site click on

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the BOOKING menu option on the left hand side. You will be able to view where you’re nearest COO in your area and make a booking via EFT or Credit card. If you are going into CIPRO offices for your Customer Due Diligence it is a “Walk- In” center, so payment would be made at the POSTNET across the road in Esselen Street, across from the DTI Building, any other booking will be done online via Credit Card or EFT via the Bookings link on the website. 11.

Can I change my Client Due Diligence (CDD) appointment to a different date? Dates can availability.








What should one bring with when going through the Client Due Diligence process?     



Original Green Bar-Coded ID Documents. Original proof of residence (Not older than 3 months – this is important to note the date of issue). Your cell phone (IMEI information to be captured). Photos will be taken at the COO desk, so there is no need to bring photos. Copies will be made at the COO desk, and commissioned when seeing the original. How do I activate my card? Once you have received your card, you are required to activate your card by calling the following number: 083913 3422 and following the IVR voice prompts. When activating the card, you are required to make the call from the registered cell phone number registered on the system.


Can the Customer verification support team activate a card? No, all card activations can only be done by the registered card holders.


Will my card expire? Yes, the card will expire annually.

Once the card has expired, the

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customer will need to make an appointment to see their nearest COO to update their personal information. 16.

How long will it take to receive my card? All cards are printed and posted off within 2-3 working days and posted using normal post.


Is it possible to lodge electronic lodgment on the CIPRO website even though my card is not active? Yes, it is possible to lodge electronic lodgments on the CIPRO website provided you are pre-registered and have gone through the customer due diligence. To do this you are able to login and receive the one day pin by using your ID number instead of your card number.


What is an ODP (One Day Pin)? ODP is a pin number that is valid for only the current day and it will expire at midnight. An ODP pin is sent to all CIPRO verified customers who have gone through the CDD and Pre-Registration processes. Further, an ODP will only be sent to the registered cell number of the person requesting to do electronic lodgments.


I have changed my cell phone number. How can I change my details, so I am able to receive my ODP? If your cell phone number has changed, you will need to make an appointment to see your nearest COO to update your details.


The company I work for are registered CIPRO customers, who will need to go through the Client Due Diligence process? The person lodging the electronic lodgment will need to go through the CDD process. The CDD can only be done in an Individuals Capacity, however the CIPRO customer is registered with CIPRO as a customer.


I currently rent my home and the proof of residence is not in my name, what will I need to bring along to complete my Client Due Diligence process? As long as you have a current lease agreement, you will be able to bring this along as proof of residence.

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I do not have any proof of residence as all municipal accounts are in my spouse’s name. What will I need to do? In the case where all municipal accounts are in a spouse’s name a cohabitation affidavit will need to be filled out by the respective spouse. The co-habitation affidavit and the proof of residence will need to be taken with when going through the CDD process.


What will I need to lodge a CM29, CM31, CM22 or CM27A? The customer must have access to the internet and a cell phone. The cell phone number used during the verification process must be used when requesting access to the electronic lodgement facilities for companies.


How safe is my personal information? The electronic storage and accessibility of the personal information meets strict security requirements and not accessibility for any person. A customer’s personal information may only be viewed if authorized by the customer him/herself. CIPRO will be updated of the latest customer information every time the customer requests access to the electronic lodgement facility for companies. Limited employees of CIPRO will have access to complete customer’s information as collected and stored by the service provider during the authentication process. Access to such information is strictly regulated and will only be viewed, accessed and requested in extreme cases. Example, where the customer is suspected of lodging fraudulent documentation with CIPRO and such information is required for further investigations and possible legal action.


What is biometrics: The measurement and recording of the physical characteristics of an individual for use in personal identification. These characteristics are usually unique to a person like, finger prints or iris.

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What is the process that I must follow?

Existing customers: Step 1: Customer pre registration

Step 2: Customer Authentication at Commissioner of Oath (COO)

Step 3: Receipt and Activation of card by customer

Step 1: Existing customers will be required to pre register via the CIPRO website in order for CIPRO to gather the latest pertinent information of the customer.

Step 2: The customer must go to his/ her nearest COO in order to be authenticated. The customer must provide the following documents that will be electronically scanned: 1. His/her original identity document; and 2. Proof of residence not older than 3 month. The customer will be face-to-face and biometrically authenticated.

Step 3: The customer’s information will be “washed” through various external databases in order to validate the information provided. If successful, the customer will receive a card that must be activated by phoning the service provider call centre.

Step 4: Log on to CIPRO website with customer code and password

Step 4: The customer will log on the standard CIPRO website by providing his/her customer code and password.

Step 5: Log in by card number/identity number and pin

Step 5: If the customer wish to log on the electronic lodgement facility for companies, he/she must provide his/her card number / identity number and pin. The information will then be forwarded to the service provider for verification and if successful the service provider will sms a one-day-password to the cell phone number of the customer. The ODP is valid for 24 hours and expires at midnight.

Step 6: Lodge application form

Step 6: The customer must capture the one-day-password that will once again be validated. If successful the customer may proceed in lodging the applicable company form.

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New Customers: Step 1: Standard Customer registration and pre registration

Step 2: Customer Authentication at Commissioner of Oath (COO)

Step 3: Receipt and Activation of card by customer

Step 4: Log on to CIPRO website with customer code and password

Step 1: The new customer will be required to register as a customer and pre register via the CIPRO website in order for CIPRO to gather the latest pertinent information of the customer. Step 2: The customer must go to his/ her nearest COO in order to be authenticated. The customer must provide the following documents that will be electronically scanned: 1. His/her original identity document; and 2. Proof of residence not older than 3 month. The customer will be face-to-face and biometrically authenticated. Step 3: The customer’s information will be “washed” through various external databases in order to validate the information provided. If successful, the customer will receive a card that must be activated by phoning a call centre.

Step 4: The customer will log on the standard CIPRO website by providing his/her customer code and password.

Step 5: Log in by card number/identity number and pin

Step 5: If the customer wish to log on the electronic lodgement facility for companies, he/she must provide his/her card number / identity number and pin. The information will then be forwarded to the service provider for verification and if successful the service provider will sms a one-day-password to the cell phone number of the customer. The ODP is valid for 24 hours and expires at midnight.

Step 6: Lodge application form

Step 6: The customer must capture the one-day-password that will once again be validated. If successful the customer may proceed in lodging the applicable company form.

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What does a finger vein scan entail: It is a non intrusive scan that records a person’s finger vein pattern using near infrared rays. You will be required to place your finger on the scanner in order to record it.


What is Pre-Registration: Pre-Registration allows CIPRO to identify its customer loading electronic lodgements. This is linked to the card number and ID number in the CDD database. Pre-registration may only be done once on the CIPRO Web site.


What is a Commissioner of Oaths (COO): A COO is the person that implements the CDD process with regards to the Your Identity Solution.


What is Client Due Diligence (CDD): CDD is the Face To Face verification between the COO and Customer who is being verified. The CDD can only be done in an Individuals Capacity; however the CIPRO customer must be registered with CIPRO as a CUSTOMER.


What is Identity Verification: Identity Verification is the face to face confirmation of a person’s identity by checking the green bar coded Identity Document, Passport or Drivers license.


What is an Intergraded Voice response (IVR): IVR is a voice prompted service which enables all CIPRO verified customers to activate their cards, get more information and breakout to call-center support agents.

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What is an IMEI number: "IMEI" stands for "International Mobile Equipment Identity" and is used for equipment identification. The IMEI number is 15 digits long and is unique to each cellular phone. The IMEI number can be found printed on the inside back of the cellular phone and usually forms part of the Manufacturers label. It can also be found printed on the outside of the box.

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