O luce di quest'anima - lirybox.com

O luce di quest'anima, O light of this-soul, delizia, amore e vita, delight, love and life, la nostra sorte unita, the our fate united, in terra, in c...

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O luce di quest'anima Gaetano Donizetti (1797 - 1848) | Gaetano Rossi (1774 - 1855)

Ah! tardai troppo, e al nostro

English translation

Ah! I-delayed too-long, and at our

Ah! Too long I have waited; And yet I have not found at our favorite place, my beloved Carlo. And who can tell What he has suffered! But not as much as I have! As a symbol of his love He left me this bouquet! What a tender heart! And for that heart I do cherish him It is the greatest treasure he has! We are both but poor, Living only on thoughts of love If he be an unknown painter, He will shine with his genius! And I will be his wife. Oh, what happiness!

favorito convegno io non trovai favorite meeting-place I don’t find

il mio diletto Carlo; e chi sa mai the my beloved Carlo; and who knows ever

quanto egli’avrà sofferto! how-much-he will-have suffered!

Ma non al par di me! Pegno d'amore But not as much as me! Token of-love

questi fior mi lasciò! tenero core! these flowers for-me he-left! Tender heart!

E per quel core io l'amo, And for that heart I love-him,

Oh, you are the sparkle of my soul, Delightful life and love; On earth and in paradise, We will be together. Come, my beloved And find quiet in my yearning heart That sighs for your love, Of which mine is for you alone.

unico di lui bene. only of him wealth.

Poveri entrambi siamo, Poor both we-are,

viviam d'amor, di speme; we-live on-love, on hope;

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O luce di quest'anima Gaetano Donizetti (1797 - 1848) | Gaetano Rossi (1774 - 1855)

pittore ignoto ancora painter unknown as-yet

egli s'innalzerà coi suoi talenti! He will-lift-himself-up with his talents

Sarà mio sposo allora. He-will-be my husband then.

Oh noi contenti! Oh we contented-ones!

O luce di quest'anima, O light of this-soul,

delizia, amore e vita, delight, love and life,

la nostra sorte unita, the our fate united,

in terra, in ciel sarà. On earth, in heaven will-be.

Deh, vieni a me, riposati Ah, come to me, rest-yourself

su questo cor che t'ama, upon this heart that loves-you,

che te sospira e brama, that for-you longs and desires,

che per te sol vivrà. That for you only will-live.

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