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AE4170: Rekayasa Perawatan Pesawat Udara (Aircraft Maintenance Engineering) Dr. Edy Suwondo E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] Mobile/WA: 081 22 000 785 Aircraft Design, Operation and Maintenance Research Group Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Institute Technology Bandung

Peraturan Kuliah Sistem kuliah: Ceramah dan PR/Tugas Evaluasi: Kuis 10 kali PG(?), dijadwal, dipakai semua (90%) PR (3 buah) 10% (jika terlambat -20%/minggu) Tidak ada toleransi terhadap kecurangan dalam kuis. Tidak ada kuis susulan, UTS, UAS atau Rev. A>84, 84≥AB>77, 77≥B>70, 70≥BC>62, C≥54, 54>E HP SILENT!!

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Course Description Short Description: Overview on aviation safety and operating costs, review on probability theory and models, failure density functions, discussion on maintenance concept, Reliability-Centred Maintenance, MSG-3, Regulations and Organisation, and Reliability Program. Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU): Kuliah ini memberikan pemahaman tentang latar belakang perlunya perawatan, pemodelan keandalan, konsep perawatan, metode pembuatan program perawatan, peraturan yang berlaku dan metode pemantauan dan evaluasi program perawatan yang sedang berjalan. Mahasiswa diharapkan mampu menerapkan pemahaman tersebut pada studi kasus di pesawat udara.

Related Courses and References Related Courses: 1. AE2201: Statistika (Pre-requisit?) 2. AE3180: Aircraft Systems (Co-requisit?) References/Bibliography: 1. John Moubray, “Reliability-centred Maintenance”, ButterworthHeinemann, 2nd ed., 1997 2. F. Stanley Nowlan and Howard F. Heap, “Reliability-Centered Maintenance”, United Airlines, 1978 3. ATA MSG-3, SAE JA 1011 4. Diktat kuliah: Manajemen Perawatan Pesawat, oleh Edy Suwondo, 2001 5. Reliability Eng. Handbook, Dimitri Kececioglu, vol1, 2002 6. AC 120-17A: Maint. Control by Reliability Method, FAA, 1978 7. Aircraft Maintenance Management, C.H. Friend., 1992

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Pilih jawaban yang benar (bisa beberapa atau tidak ada,  tulis nomor soal dan jawaban saja). 1. Probabilitas sebuah sistem untuk TIDAK memenuhi fungsinya pada waktu dan kondisi operasi tertentu dinyatakan dengan fungsi: a. Keandalan b. Laju kegagalan c. Densitas kegagalan d. Denstitas kegagalan kumulatif 2. Bathtub curve (kurva bak mandi) merupakan kurva antara umur item dengan a. Keandalan b. Probabilitas densitas kegagalan c. Probabilitas kegagalan kondisional d. Denstitas kegagalan kumulatif 3. Pernyataan hubungan berikut ini yang BENAR adalah: a. Fungsi densitas sama dengan negatif turunan pertama keandalan. b. Laju kegagalan sama dengan fungsi densitas dibagi keandalan. c. Keandalan sama dengan exponensial pangkat negatif integral laju kegagalan terhadap waktu. d. Probabilitas kegagalan kondisional sama dengan exponensial pangkat negatif integral keandalan terhadap waktu. 4. Yang BUKAN syarat dapat diterapkannya tugas perawatan On Condtion (OC) adalah:  a. Kegagalan potensial dapat didefinisikan b. Laju kegagalan meningkat dengan tajam setelah umur tertentu. c. Mudah untuk mendeteksi kegagalan potensial d. P‐F interval konsisten dan panjang. 5. Jika P‐F interval 6 bulan, sedangkan Nett PF 1 bulan, maka interval inspeksi adalah: a. 2 bulan b. 2,5 bulan c. 1 bulan d. 5 bulan.

Course Program Wk


Sub Topik




Overview on aviation safety and operating costs

Accidents and incidents which may be prevented by maintenance

Peserta dapat mengidentifikasi penting-nya perawatan bagi keselamatan penerbangan dan pengurangan biaya perawatan total, serta potensi bisnis MRO

K, T

2& 3

Review on Bath tub curve, probability theory Failure data plotting, and models distribusi eksponensial, normal, dan Weibull

Peserta dapat menentukan fungsi distribusi dari sekumpulan data kegagalan, menurunkan hubungan fungsi-fungsi yang digunakan, serta menjelaskan karakteristik laju kegagalan



Maintenance concept

Model degradasi prestasi dan bentuk distribusi pada strategi perawatan

Peserta dapat menjelaskan strategi perawatan yg sesuai berdasarkan bentuk degradasi prestasi dan distribusi kegagalan

Q1, K

4, RCM 5&6

Tujuh pertanyaan RCM, Fungsi, kegagalan fungsi, efek dan dampak kegagalan

Peserta dapat menjelaskan fungsi dan kegagalan fungsi, serta klasifikasi konsekuensi kegagalan dan kriteria efektivitas tugas perawatan

Q2, K



Metode penentuan tugas perawatan

Peserta dapat memilih tugas perawatan yang 'applicable', efektif dan efisien.

Q3, K



Tindakan standar

Peserta dapat menentukan tindakan standar yang sesuai untuk tiap kategori konsekuensi kegagalan


(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Course Program (cont’d) Wk


Sub Topik





Contoh penerapan pada sistem dan mesin

Peserta dapat mengaplikasikan RCM untuk sistem mesin pesawat.

Q5, K, PR



RCM untuk structure pesawat dan contoh penerapannya

Peserta dapat menentukan penyebab kegagalan struktur dan ratingnya.

Q6, K

11& 12


MSG-3 untuk Systems and Power Plant, and Structure

Peserta dapat menjelaskan perbedaan MSG-3 dengan RCM dan logika khusus MSG-3 untuk struktur

Q7, K


Regulasi dan Organisasi.

FAR 25 dan 135 Advisory Circullar's

Peserta dapat menjelaskan regulasi yang berkaitan dengan perawatan dan dampaknya pada organisasi dan proses pembuatan dokumen perawatan pesawat.

Q8, K


Reliability Program

Proses dan data yang diperlukan.

Peserta dapat menjelaskan proses pemantauan prestasi program perawatan.



Reliability Program

Bentuk-bentuk evaluasi

Evaluasi dan tindakan perbaikan

K, Q10

What is Maintenance? All activities subjected to technical systems to keep the condition (Preventive) or to bring to the condition (Corrective) which is required to fulfill specified functions

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Performance level/condition/ ‘resistance to failure’

What is Maintenance? Modification

Initial Condition

Maintenance Potential failure condition Functional failure condition


Defect available state

unavailable state

Aircraft Maintenance Overview Objectives (ver. MSG3-2002): ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

To ensure realization of inherent safety To achieve the targeted availability and reliability (Mengindentifikasi adanya kebutuhan modifikasi) To minimize total maintenance cost

9Maintenance Organization should achieve the goal in a efficient way. 9Maintenance also contributes to Airline’s profit by minimizing its cost and maximizing aircraft availability

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Definisi Airplane Accident (Boeing, ICAO, NTSB): An occurence associated with the operation of an airplane that takes place between the time any person boards the airplane with the intention of flight and such time as all such persons disembarked, in which: • the airplane sustains substantial damage, or • the airplane is missing or is completely inaccessible, or • death or serious injury results from being in the airplane, or direct contact with the airplane or anything attached thereto, or direct exposure to jet blast. Exluding fatal and nonfatal injuries from natural causes, and fatal and nonfatal self-inflicted injuries or injuries inflicted by other person, and nonfatal injuries resulting from atmospheric turbulence, normal maneuvre, loose object, boarding, disembarking, evacuation, maintenance and servicing. Not considered as accident: result of experiment test flight, sabotage, hijack, terrorism, and military action.

Terminologi Destroyed: the estimated or likely cost of repair would have exceeded 50% of the new value of the airplane had it still been in production at the time of accident (NTSB: not economically repairable; Hull Loss = totally destroyed) Fatal injury: any injury that results in death within 30 days of the accident Major accident: an accident in which any of the thee conditions is met: - the airplane was destroyed, or - there were multiple fatalities, or - there was one fatality and the airplane was substantially damaged Serious injury: an injury that is sustained by a person in an accident and that requires hospitalization > 48 hrs, commencing within 7 days after injury, or results in a fracture of any bone (except simple fracture of fingers, toes, nose). etc. Substantial Damage: damage of failure which adversely affects the structural strength, performance, or flight characteristics of the airplane, which normally require major repair.

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


What is Maintenance ƒ Any means or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection, replacement, or defect rectification of an aircraft and or aircraft components ƒ The alteration of an aircraft and or aircraft component in conformity with an approved standard Airframe Engine Component

29% 46% 25%

ƒ Line ƒ A-C Checks ƒ Higher Checks

8% 7% 14%

ƒ Repairables ƒ Rotables ƒ Consumables

Aviation Safety Statistics USA Passenger fatalities per billion passenger miles 2000–2009 [Ian Savage, in The Economics of Transportation Safety, July 2013] Riding a motorcycle Driving or passenger in a car or light truck Passenger on a local ferryboat Passenger on commuter rail and Amtrak a Passenger on urban mass transit rail (2002–2009) Passenger on a bus (holding more than 10 passengers – transit, inter-city, school, charter) Passenger on commercial aviation a While

212.57 7.28 3.17 0.43 0.24 0.11 0.07

onboard a train including assault and violent acts.

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


SOME A/C ACCIDENTS: Beech BE-1900D (RIGGING) Tupolev TU-154 (NUT) A310, braking system failure

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo

Database accidents:


AirDisaster.Com Airbus A310-324, Sibir Airlines, 09 July 2006, on a scheduled passenger flight from Moscow, veered off runway 30 after reportedly carrying out a normal landing, smashed through several buildings, and exploded in flames, at Irkutsk, Russia.

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Aircraft Maintenance Overview Maintenance Strategy How an Airline perform its aircraft maintenance ƒ Contract Maintenance ƒ Partly done in-house, the rest outsourcing Garuda (in terms of cost): 30% in house, 70% outsource

Outsourcing ƒ Pooling (Component & Engine): charge based on Flight Hours (Power By the Hour) ƒ Individual Repair/Overhaul: time and material basis (Cost +)

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Innovative Cooperative Actions of R&D in EUROCONTROL Programme CARE INO III, Dynamic Cost Indexing

MRO Industry The Amount of Usage or Demand for Aircraft Operations The level of maintenance is directly related to the amount of usage in that it is the operation of aircraft which creates the wear on equipment.

Government Policy ƒ Government policy sets the basic ground rules under which the industry operates ƒ In many ways it creates the open market for maintenance, for example RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minima) modification, ACAS 2 (Airborne Collision Avoidance System) modification mandated by the government authority.

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


MRO Industry The Big Players Airframe Maintenance Tramco/BF Goodrich Lufthansa Technick SR Technick KLM FLS Aerospace HAECO Air France Timco Boeing Aerospace Team AER Lingus Air Canada American Airlines British Airways Delta Airlines Finair

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo

Engine Maintenance Lufthansa Technick General Electric General Electric Strother Pratt & Whitney Rolls Royce SR Technick Greenwich Volvo KLM Air France Air New Zealand Aviall GE Caledonian MTU Snecma Services

Component Maintenance SAS Components Tramco/BF Goodrich Lufthansa Technick Allied Signal SR Technick Air France Honeywell Nordam Group Rockwell Collins British Airways IAI / Bedek Boeing Aerospace Celcius Aviocom FLS Ltd Qantas


(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Opportunity of Cooperation - Engineers/Technicians

New technicians by region 2014–2033 Region Asia Pacific Europe North America Middle East Latin America CIS Africa Total

Technicians 238,000 101,000 113,000 66,000 47,000 22,000 22,000 609,000

4% 4% 7%

10% 39%

609,000 19%

More than   17% Source: Boeing Pilot & Technician Outlook 2014, GMF 2015

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo


Three Phases of RCM-Based Maint Program [Neil B. Bloom, “RCM implementation made simple, 2006]

ƒ Phase 1: Identification of important items for safety, operation, or asset protection. ƒ Phase 2: Specification of the required tasks for the items above. ƒ Phase 3: Properly executing the tasks above.

Tugas 1 (3% NA, 25 Agustus 2015) Cari (di mana saja) dua makalah/laporan/publikasi aplikasi perawatan untuk mencegah kecelakaan pada alat transportasi (bebas). Deskripsi harus teknis. Paling lama publikasi tahun 2013. Ketentuan: 1. Sertakan print out (fotocopy) makalah (halaman pertama saja, non-cover) 2. Buat ringkasan ½ halaman A4 per makalah (boleh terjemah abstrak) tulis tangan 3. Buat ulasan/analisis dan rekomendasi maksimum 1 halaman A4 tulis tangan rapi/terbaca (yang diketik nilai dikurangi 30%) 4. Diekerjakan sendiri2, yang nyontek, nilai dibagi bersama 5. Dikumpulkan Sebelum Kuliah minggu berikutnya (Selasa, 1 Sept. 2015).

(c) 2015 by Edy Suwondo