1.3: Weekly Time Card - Hitchens - Home

Adapted for Education purposes from Glencoe Mathematics with Business Applications. 2015 1.3: Weekly Time Card Objective: SWBAT calculate the total ho...

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1.3: Weekly Time Card Objective: SWBAT calculate the total hours on a weekly time card. At your job at the cinema, you’re required to keep track of your hours on a weekly time card. This shows the time you reported for work and the time you departed each day of the week. Each day you compute the hours worked. The daily hours are added to give you the total number of hours worked that week. Round to the nearest quarter hour if you don’t work an entire hour. Remember that: Total Hours = Sum of Daily Hours Warm Up: Why is it important to accurately record your time?

Adapted for Education purposes from Glencoe Mathematics with Business Applications. 2015

Example 1: Gail Stough is required to keep a weekly time card. What are her daily hours for September 18? What are her total hours for the week?

Step 1: Find the hours worked on September 18. A. Time between 8:15 A.M. and 1:45 P.M. (This is before lunch.) When the start time is prior to 1:00 and the end time is 1:00 or later, change to military time before beginning. (1:45 + 12:00) – 8:15 13:45 – 8:15 = 5h:30min B. Time between 2:15 P.M. and 4:59 P.M. (After lunch.) 4:59 – 2:15 = 2h:44min 5h:30min + 2h:44min = 7h:74 min (Round to the nearest quarter hour) = 8.25 hours Step 2: Find the total hours for the week. Sum of daily hours 8 + 8.25 + 7.5 + 8.25 + 8 = 40 total hours Self Check Answers: 1. 6.5 hours 2. 8.25 hours