TEMPS ET CULTURE - Facultatea de Filosofie

TIME AND CULTURE / TEMPS ET CULTURE Preliminary Program/ Programme Preliminaire MONDAY ... Marija Benić Penava Croatia Time and tourism...

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Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History (ISCH)

University of Bucharest, Romania, 7-10 September 2015


Preliminary Program/ Programme Preliminaire MONDAY – SEPTEMBER 7 8.30-10.00 – Re gistration of participants 9.30 – 10.15. – OPENING SESSION, Amf. Mirce a Florian (M.F.) 10.15.-11.00 – keynote speaker: Ioan Pânzaru "Ode ur du te mps. Senteurs e t saveurs mé diévales dans l'exégèse d'Aristote". Chair: Zoe Pe tre (Romania) 11.00-11.30 – Coffe e break 11.30-13.00 – Pane l Se ssions:

TIME AND HISTORY Chair: Nino Chikovani (Georgia) – S. 8 Vale ria Soroştine anu


Juhana Saarelainen


Me rvi Löfgre n Mohame d El Mansour

Finland Morocco

The re fle ction of time in the Transylvanian Romanian historiography (18th ce ntury) Trave lling back and forth in time . Diale ctics of nostalgia and utopia in the first half of nine te e nth-century Finland Criticizing Past: Inte rpretations of the De cent Man History for all: the e xpe rience of a Moroccan historical magazine

SYNCHRONISATION: CULTURAL AND MATERIAL TECHNIQUES Chair: Oana Șerban (Romania) - S.6. Archae ology of the alarm: te chnical, pe rceptual, and cultural aspects Tomáš Dvořák Cze ch Re p. of te mporal cue s Bre aking down the body and putting it back: structuring and Ale xandra Ion Romania synchronising knowle dge in an anthropological archive Oana Mateescu Romania Comme nsuration as synchronisation: the rule of thre e in the fore st Kimi Kärki


Time lapse ! Analysing the powe r-relations and te mporalitie s of the Compute r Game GTA V


Bogdan-Pe tru Male on


Ion Lihaciu


Hans-Christian Maner

Ge rmany

Tre ason, punishme nt and forgiveness. The image of the Rule r in historical writings in Moldavia during the 17th – 18th ce nturie s Cze rnowitz in the culture of me mory (1775-1918) Re ligion and de nomination in the culture of me mory in Romania in the late mode rn pe riod

13.00-14.00 – LUNCH 14.00-16.00 – PANEL SESSIONS TIME AND HERITAGE Chari: Alexandra Lițu (Romania) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) De re tour a Cucute ni - sur la manie re dont se forme un Alina Trif Romania/Be lgium he ritage national Anton C. van A time to live , a time to die and a time to be re surrected: A South Africa Volle nhove n pe culiar case study of he ritage graves on Ze erust, South Africa Le onie Marais-Botes South Africa Doornbult - the place whe re time stood still Romania/ Sonia Catrina Managing Je wish urban he ritage assets in Buchare st Switze rland

SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Palvi Rantala (Finland) – S.8. Ionut-Vale ntin Cucu


Time as a Forgotten De ity: the Re discovery of Zurvan and its role in the Re ligious Culture of the Parsi

Evy Johanne Håland

Norway/Gre e ce

Time , History and Me mory in Gre e ce

Ale xis McCrossen


De mocratic Te mporal Rite s in the Unite d State s: A History of Ne w Ye ar’s Observances

TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Gabriella Valera (Italy) - Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) “Le Te mps du roi” dans la pe nsé e chinoise aux origine s de l’é poque Danie la Zaharia Romania impé riale Fatima Harrak


‘Umran and the Diale ctic of Social Change in Ibn Khaldun’s Thought

Étie nne Bourdon Danie l Poitras

France France

Mare k Tamm


Le s te mps du monde dans le s cosmographies de la Re naissance Ré gime d’historicité et lie u d’atte nte au dé but de s années 1960 Past Pre sences: A Ne w We stern Chronotope and Challe nges for History Writing

TIME AND CULTURAL IMAGINARY Chair: Mihaela Pop (Romania) – S.6. Anca Filipovici Kristin Hildur Sae tran Ale ksandra Milovanović & Biljana Mitrović Valé rie Nahon Monica Adriana Ione scu

Romania Ice land Se rbia Be lgium Romania

Re me mbering the old time s: refle ctive nostalgia in the autobiographical works of Gre gor von Re zzori Time is. Time in the nove l Hawksmoor by Pe te r Ackroyd Time and Ongoing Narrative s: Postmodern and Ne obaroque Strate gie s in Se rial Narration Le « mook », un journalisme à contretemps ? Me mory and Time in Aure lius Augustinus and Marce l Proust or the Luxuriant Grass of Fertile Works

16.00-16.30 – COFFEE BREAK 16.30 – 18.00 - PANEL SESSIONS TIME OF OTHERS Chair: Christopher Heath (UK) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) Adina Ruiu Canada/France Institutional and subje ctive te mporalitie s in the missionary

Saloua El Oufir


Me lina Rokai

Se rbia

Gboye ga Tokunbo & Balogun Te mitope

Nige ria

traje ctories of the French Jesuits in the 17th-18th ce nturie s Le te mps de l’autre e t le te mps de soi dans le s récits de s voyageurs marocains e n Europe Time and Te mporality in Accounts of the Nine te en Ce ntury British Trave lle rs on Women of the Balkans Time pe rce ption in Nige ria: le ssons from Russia's cultural pe rce ption of time

TIME AND CULTURAL IMAGINARY Chair: Diana Ghinea (Romania)- S.8. Danie l Gicu


Pie rre -François Pe irano Hannu Salmi

France Finland

Luiza-Maria Filimon


Dime nsions and re presentation of time in a Romanian compilation from The Thousand and One Nights (Halima) Time and myth in Jame s Fenimore Cooper’s Leatherstocking Tales Trave l in Time 1895 Inte rnational Re lations unde r the Tropic of Time . Analysing Immine nce in the Age of Chronopolitics

A TIME FOR MYTHS Chair: Evy Johanne Håland (Norway) –S. 6. Diana Ele na Crăciun Óscar Alfre do Ruiz Fe rnández

Romania Romania

Iva Dimovska


Ele na Lore dana Jumară


“The Golde n Age ”: from Classical Gre ek Mythology to Mode rn Historical and Political Myth Ancie nt He roe s in Mode rn Europe an History. Powe r, Symbolism, Propaganda and Myths Que e ring Time through the Myth of the Fall in Jame s Joyce’s Finne gans Wake and Marcel Proust’s Sodom and Gomorrah The story of a witch: from individual me mory to cultural imaginary

TIME AND HISTORY Chair: Anton C. van Vollenhoven (South Africa) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru ( CRM) Ana B. N. Martins


What is the place of time ? A te mporality of sociological the ory

Hirschfe ld Na`Aman

Ge rmany

Myth and the Te mporality of Pre history

Marja Tuomine n


”The past live s within us”

19.30 – WELCOME COCKTAIL : Casa Universitarilor, Dionisie Lupu 46 TUESDAY – SEPTEMBER 8 9.00-11.00 – PANEL SESSIONS RETHINKING CLUES Chair: Fredrik Nilsson and Laris-Eric Jönsson (Sweden) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) Microhistory goe s public: from Ginzburg’s paradigma indiziario Andre j Slaìvik Swe de n to We izman’s forensic tur Me mory, me thod, me aning. A biographical turn in cultural Brigitta Sve nsson Swe de n history? Unrave ling the ide a of cottage industry – clue s as a tool of Finland Eliza Kraatari distinction Lars-Eric Jönsson

Swe de n

Talk, monge ring and gossip in te xts

Liv Egholm

De nmark

Me ssy Re lationships. Tracing Ne tworks of Conce pts and Practice s in Philanthropic Gift-Giving

TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Marek Tamm (Estonia) – S.8. Ale ksande r Miłosz Some te rminological clarifications re garding the ontology of Switze rland Zie liński time Crina Galiță Romania Re pré sentations conceptuelle s du te mps dans le s Épîtres de s

Rache l Elizabe th Ashcroft Re naud Quille t

UK France

Frè re s de la Pure té (Rasā’il 'Iḫwān aṣ-Ṣafā') The subje ct-agent proble m in Montaigne and Bruno: How do we master time ? Notre te mps : accélération e xponentielle ou pré sent sans fin ? Esquisse s de diagnostic e t d’inte lligibilité

OUBLI DU TEMPS ET TEMPS DES OUBLIS DANS LES RECITS DE L’HISTOIRE NATIONALE MEXICAINE Chair : Mianda Cioba (Romania) – S.6. Le trou noir de la conque ̂te de Me xico comme mangeur de Guy Rozat Dupe yron Me xico te mps Rosa María Spinoso Le Te mps du futur: la sixiè me prophé tie dans l’imaginaire de Me xico Arcocha la Conque ̂te du Me xique L’inve ntion d’une tradition: une arme pé dagogique Fe rnanda Núñe z Be ce rra Me xico supplé me ntaire contre le s fe mmes Le s rhé toriques inte rculture lle s au Me xique : une e xpre ssion Miriam He rnánde z Re yna France conte mporaine de s figure s archétypales de l’indigè ne TIMES ARE CHANGING Chair: Anca Filipovici (Romania)- Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) Romania/Fra La nation: ancie nne ou mode rne ? Une re lecture critique de s Vladimir Cre țule scu nce pe rspe ctives thé oriques sur l’é te ndue te mporelle de s nations The Sovie t Time in Post-Soviet Me mory: How the Ne w Me mory has Nino Chikovani Ge orgia be e n constructed in Ge orgia The Time of Radical Changes: Post-Soviet Ge orgian Nationalism at Irakli Chkhaidze Ge orgia the Dawn of Inde pe ndence Re cognizing UNESCO`s Prioritie s for the XXI Ce ntury: Six Minute s Lana Pavlovic Ale ksic Se rbia on You Tube André s Novoa Gonzále s, CENTER AND TIME: The multidime nsional school and N. Pais Alvare z, V. Spain globalization of the bases. Quinte ro Le on

11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.30 – PANEL SESSIONS

SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Chair: Daniel Gicu (Romania) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) Re ading the past, te lling the future . Popular political Fe de rico Barbie rato Italy discussion, pre vision and the dissemination of ne ws in Early Mode rn Italy He bdomadal Form: Diarie s, Ne ws, and We ekly Rhythms in David He nkin USA Nine te e nth-Century Ame rica A Cale ndar on the Air: The Broadcast Radio as a Time Paavo Oinone n Finland Organize r La nuit, un e space-temps alternatif é tudié au prisme de Marine Be ccarelli France l'unive rs mé diatique particulie r de la radio nocturne Jonathan Martine au Canada Capitalist Marke ts and Time : A Sociohistorical Pe rspective

TIME AND CULTURAL IDENTITY Chair: Sophie Jacotot (France) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) Past, Pre sent and Future – Time Re gimes in the Ge rman Caroline Rothauge Ge rmany Kaise rreich and the Unite d States of Ame rica around 1900

Corina Iosif


Ivane Tsereteli

Ge orgia

Virginia Alle n-Te rry She rman


TIME AND POWER Chair: Heta Aali (Finland) - S.8. Ale xandra Lițu Romania Ana-Maria Răducan


Grigol Ge ge lia


Cathle en Sarti

Ge rmany

Quand „la tradition” de vie nt historie : la dynamique de s „traditions” comme domaine de l’ide ntité nationale : le cas roumain Time Change , Identity Building Narrative s and Me mory in Ge orgia Re de fining time -bound family historie s through time le ss culinary traditions – an analysis of contemporary food me moirs

The tragic me mory in words of de mocracy in Athe ns Type s of audie nce in Saint Symeon the Ne w The ologian's Works Time and Powe r in the Thought of Niccoló Machiave lli Trying to Forge t. The Influe nce of a suppre ssed time in Re storation England

13.30-14.30 – LUNCH 14.30-16.00 – General Session – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru 14.30 – 15.30 - keynote speaker: Ovidiu Cristea: History and memory: the rule of Stephen the Great of Moldavia as a model for his first succesors (1504-1538) Chair: Ecaterina Lung 15.30 – 16.00 – Presentation: The Institute for Cultural History, Kimi Kärki 16.00-16.30 – Coffe e break 16.30 – 17.30 – ISCH General Assembly 19.00 – Gala Dinner : Restaurant Caru’ cu bere, Stavropoleos 5 WEDNESDAY – SEPTEMBER 9 9.00-11.00 – PANEL SESSIONS TIME, ARTS AND ESTHETICS Chair: Anaïs Flechet (France) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) Anne Brædde r

De nmark

Sophie Jacotot


Mihae la Grancea Marina-Cristiana Rotaru

Romania Romania

TIME AND HERITAGE Chair: Sabine Stach (Germany/Poland) –S.8. Marija Be nić Pe nava Croatia Marina Be rgström


Fré dé ric Armao


Ousmanou Zourmba

Came roon

The body as a me dium to the past – re -e nacting the Second World War Re créer une œuvre chorégraphique du passé ou comment faire face au passage du te mps : l'e xe mple du Sacre du printemps de Vaslav Nijinsky La re constitution historique de la « Be lle Epoque » du film d’action roumain du te mps du national-communisme (1971-1989) Portraits of Que en Elizabe th II – Royal Re presentations in the Public Imagination Through Time

Time and tourism. Pe rception of time in the Croatian coastal area The time of slow trave l in 20th ce ntury Finland The “Time of Ire land”: an Interpretation of the four Ye arly Irish fe stivals Ve stiges alle mands e t tourisme au Cameroun : une analyse de l’utilisation de la mé moire coloniale

SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Chair: Alesandro Archangeli (Italy) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) Nicole ta Bădilă Romania Conve ntional behavior and time in courte sy books Time management and autonomous subjectivity: Catherine Talbot, Soile Ylivuori Finland se lf-discipline , and polite ne ss as a practice of the self Le te mps dans la litté rature libe rtine : pe rsonnages et politique à la Luisa Me ssina Italy fin de l’Ancie n Ré gime Marjo Kaartine n


Bore dom and Ennui in Eighte e nth-Century English Culture

Pälvi Rantala


Who owns my time ? Napping as a ne gotiated act in e ve ryday life

11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK 11.30-13.30 – PANEL SESSIONS

SOCIAL TIME-PERSONAL TIME Chair: Federico Barbierato (Italy) - Amf. Mircea Florian (MF) Time in Pove rty – Local Unde rstanding of an Unive rsal Frame of Me lina Cassandra Kalfe lis Ge rmany Existe nce Political culture and ge ne rational change in Easte rn Europe after Tobias Spöri Austria 1989 - Exploring e ffe cts of the transition on political participation. Annastiina Mäkilä Finland Te mporality of the de pre ssion before and after DSM III De lia Doina Mihalache Romania The dystopian time as an e schatological dime nsion

TIME AND POWER Chair: Andra Jugănaru (Romania) –Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) The Ancie nts re count an absurd tale ’: Time , Myth and the Origins Christophe r He ath UK of the Lombards La chronologie e t son rôle dans le s oeuvres historiques de Ecate rina Lung Romania l’Antiquité Tardive e t du dé but du Moye n Âge Le s che valie rs du roi dans le Livre de l’Ordre de la Bande : mé moire, Mianda Cioba Romania autorité e t ré gle mentation de s statuts dans la Castille du XIVè me siè cle He ta Aali Finland Time and sources in nine te enth-century France

NI VRAI, NI FAUX : LE TEMPS REVISITE, MEMOIRES VIVES EN RECONSTRUCTION Chair : Corina Iosif (Romania) –S.8 La musique « mode rne » e n Grè ce dans l’e ntre-deux-guerres : une Panagiota Anagnostou France mé moire à re configurer ? La France , illusoire bastion de la mode rnité musicale populaire Didie r Francfort France e n Europe dans l’e ntre -deux-guerres Le bage l à la re cherche du te mps pe rdu. De s pe tits pains de s De nis Saillard France ghe ttos polonais au produit mondialisé

TIME, ARTS AND ESTHETICS Chair: Maria Buleu (Romania) - S. 6. Mihne a Ale xandru Romania

Past, Pre sent, Future and the Places of the Afte rlife in Ce ntral


Rogé ria de Ipanema


Carme n Burcea


Roxana Coman


Eva Re me


Europe an Re presentations of the Last Judgment. 14th-15th Ce nturie s Political ide ology in the dime nsions of time : seeing and looking the circularity of prints cabine ts at the D. João VI Muse um Goya-Dise nchanter of War The past in the pre sent: the case of nine teenth century Romanian historical painting Visualizing time , history and me morie s

13.30 – 14.30 – LUNCH 14.30-17.00 – PANEL SESSIONS

SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MATERIAL CULTURE OF TIME Chair: Helena Wangefelt Ström (Sweden) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) Cale ndrical Calculations, Cultural Pe rspectives, and Tyard’s Donald Gilman USA Discours du temps Le conce pt du te mps cycle, liné aire et é ternel e t son impact sur la O'bwe ng-Okwe ss Kizobo DR Congo connaissance de s pratiques culture lles de s Pe uples du Congo Dé mocratique Microte chnologies in motion. Mate rial e ntanglements of the Mikke l The lle De nmark Cope nhagen Tramways 1863-1911. A bottom-up approach Ana-Maria Le păr Romania The Sun Clock from Me tropolitanate Hill of Buchare st La disparition du te mps : le passage au système horaire Paul Dumont France inte rnational e n Turquie (1925)

A GENDERED PERCEPTION OF TIME Chair: Evy Johanne Håland (Norway) – S. 8. Anu Korhone n Mauricio Sánche zMe nche ro

Finland Me xico

Anna-Le e na Pe rämäki


Monica Fioravanzo


Wome n wasting time : Early modern time management from a ge nde r pe rspective Pe ne lope ’s Weaving and Unraveling. The Passage of Time and Wome n’s Corresponde nce Diarie s, Holocaust and Time : Re lationship to Time in the Diarie s of Hé lè ne Be rr and Anne Frank Le te mps de la fe mme aux années '70 e n Europe : un re gard comparé

TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Daniela Zaharia (Romania) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (CRM) Explaining the Be ginning of Time . Gre gory of Nyssa’s Apology in Andra Jugănaru Hungary Hexaemeron Frie drich von Pe te rsdorff Ge rmany Distance and proximity of the past Archival Mate riality ve rsus Te mporal Ephe merality? A historical Sina Ste glich Ge rmany Approach to Conce pts of (mode rn) Te mporality Time and culture . Spacialization of time and te mporalization of Gabrie lla Vale ra Italy space be tween grand and small narratives Mihai Laure ntiu Fuiore a Romania Foucault e t Marx: te mps de vie , te mps de travail


Chair: Vladimir Crețulescu (Romania) – S.6. Mihae la Pop


Oana Şerban


Rodica Ivan-Haintz Raluca Oancea Maria Bule u

Romania Romania Romania

Time and Art in the 20th ce ntury He te rotopias of time through spaces of re presentations and diffe re nces: Foucault's Museum The significance of the historical de finition of art in our culture Time re gime s: from the sacred and re ligious to contemporary art Fin de sie cle and Moral Re sponsibility of the Artist.

19.30 – Buchare st guide d tour (optional) THURSDAY – SEPTEMBER 10 9.00-11.00 – PANEL SESSIONS LES SAISONS CULTURELLES : TEMPS ET RYTHMES SOCIAUX DE L’ART ET DES SPECTACLES Chair : Didier Francfort (France) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F) Je an-Claude Yon France La saison thé âtrale. La te mporalité de s spectacles au XIXe siècle Du Salon à la Foire : que lle s dynamiques de saisonnalité dans le s arts Julie Ve rlaine France plastique s ? Je an-Yves Mollie r France La re ntré e litté raire Anaïs Flé che t France Fe stivals e t saisons musicales « Crise du thé âtre » e n France : une approche politique e t culture lle du Pascale Goetschel France te mps (fin XIXe siè cle-années 1930) MEMORY AND PROPAGANDA Chair: Carmen Burcea (Romania) – S. 8 Cé cile Vallée Marianne Junila & Tiina Kinnune n Olga Gradinaru


Re me mbering the past, glorifying the pre sent, pre paring the future : J.B Prie stle y's obsession with time in the 1940 Sunday Postscripts Time in Shaping Me morie s: Shifting Images of the Winter War in the Finnish Me mory Culture

Finland Romania

The Image of the Ene my in the Sovie t Prose on World War II

TIME REGIMES AND REGIMES OF HISTORICITY Chair: Roxana Coman (Romania) – S. 6. Cătălin Se căreanu Romania Pe rce ption of Time : What is an Eve nt? Filip Vostal Cze ch Re p. Toward a Critique of Social Slowne ss Yve s Monte nay France Le te mps e t le dé veloppement : une illustration historique Sous le poids du te mps -l'homme moderne face à l'écoule ment du Pote c Emil Romania te mps. Une approche phé nomenologique

MEMORY AND PROPAGANDA Chair: Maria Cristina Rotaru (Romania) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (C.R.M) Re je cting the past, controlling the pre sent. The generation’s Constantin Dragoș Sdrobiș Romania de bate in inte rwar Romania Annarita Gori


Giorgio Lucaroni


Jan Ne lis

Be lgium

De aling with the past... Italian Fascism and the Construction of History: Gerarchia 1922– 1943 ‘Whe n in Rome ’: Time as a cornerstone of Italian ide ntity in the mid-twe ntie th ce ntury

Francisco Aze vedo Me ndes & Rui Cunha Martins


Proce ssing historical time in conte mporary Portugue se e xpe rie nce: the conceptual grammars of transition

11.00-11.30 – COFFEE BREAK 11.30 – 12.30 – General Session, Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) Keynote speaker : Christophe Prochasson : L’historien face au temps : François Furet et l’utopie Chair: Florin Țurcanu (Romania)

12.30 – 13.30 – LUNCH 13.30-15.30 – PANEL SESSIONS MEMORY AND PROPAGANDA Chair: Constantin Dragoș Sdrobiș (Romania) – Amf. Mircea Florian (M.F.) Appropriating a Cultural Mome nt: Commemoration of 1857 in the Sonakshi Goyle India De lhi Durbars, 1877, 1903 and 1911 Maria Cristina Álvare z “The re turn of the ne w”: Polish opposition inte lle ctuals’ re flections Spain Gonzále z on the course of time (1976-1991) History and me mory through time : a case study of Macedonian Dragica Popovska Mace donia socie ty, before and after inde pe ndence (1991) Time unde r transformation? How re search on the future in postLukas Be cht Ge rmany communist Poland made sense of the changing re alitie s after 1989

TIME AND HERITAGE Chair: Rodica Ivan-Haintz (Romania) – Amf. Constantin Radulescu-Motru (C.R.M) Yiran Zhe ng China/US The Past Made Pre sent: Thre e Holocaust Me morials in Be rlin Time le ss objects: Good mode rnity and its e vil othe r in (We st) Natalie Scholz Ne the rlands Ge rmany (1930s-1950s) Sabine Stach Ge rmany/Poland Making of the Past – State Socialism in He ritage Tourism The e mbodie d politics of time in postconflict Garikoitz Góme z UK De rry/Londonde rry (N.Ire land) and Portbou (Spain). Alfaro Nostalgia, affe ct and the political live s of historical tourism 15.30-16.00 – COFFEE BREAK 16.00-17.00 – CLOSING SESSION FRIDAY, 11 SEPTEMBER Excursion finding Dracula (optional)