Title Transfer Course Equivalents SCSU Equivalent Credit

Transfer Course Equivalents Course Title SCSU Equivalent Credit HIS 101 Western Civilization I H 250 3 HIS 102 Western Civilization II History Electiv...

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Course ACC 101 ACC 102 ANT 101 ART 101 ART 105 AST 101 AST 102 BIO 101 BIO 102 BIO 210 BIO 211 BIO 225 ENG 236 CHM 110 CHM 111 CHM 112 CHM 211 CHM 212 CPT 101 ECO 210 ECO 211 ENG 101 ENG 102 ENG 201 ENG 202 ENG 203 ENG 205 ENG 206 ENG 208 ENG 209 ENG 214 ENG 218 ENG 222 ENG 230 ENG 236 ENG 260 FRE 101 FRE 102 FRE 201 FRE 202 GEO 101 GEO 102 GER 101 GER 102

Transfer Course Equivalents Title SCSU Equivalent Accounting Principles I ACCT 207 Accounting Principles II ACCT 208 General Anthropology Elective History and Appreciation of Art ARTS 250 Film as Art Elective Solar Systems Astronomy PSC 203 Stellar Astronomy PSC 203 Biological Science I BSC 150 & 151 Biological Science II BSC 152 & 153 Anatomy & Physiology I B 207 Anatomy & Physiology II B 208 or 209 Microbiology Biology Elective African American Literature Elective College Chemistry I C 150 & 151 College Chemistry II C 152 & 153 College Chemistry II Elective Organic Chemistry I C 306 Organic Chemistry II C 307 Intro to Computers Elective Macroeconomics ECON 250 Microeconomics ECON 260 English Composition I E 150 English Composition II E 151 American Literature I E 317 American Literature II E 318 American Literature Survey English Elective English Literature I E 201 English Literature II E 202 World Literature I E 250 World Literature II E 251 Fiction English Elective Drama Elective Poetry English Elective Women in Literature English Elective African American Literature Elective Adv. Technical Communication ET 250 Elementary French I F 101 Elementary French II F 102 Intermediate French I F 201 Intermediate French II F 202 Introduction to Geography GEO 204 World Geography GEO 305 Elementary German I G 101 Elementary German II G 102

Credit 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Course HIS 101 HIS 102 HIS 201 HIS 202 MAT 110 MAT 111 MAT 120 MAT 122

Transfer Course Equivalents Title SCSU Equivalent Western Civilization I H 250 Western Civilization II History Elective American History I H 103 American History II H 104 College Algebra M 151 College Trigonometry M 152 Probability & Statistics M 208 Finite College Math M 210

Credit 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

MAT 130 MAT 140 MAT 141 MAT 240 MAT 242 MUS 105

Elementary Calculus Ana Geom & Calculus I Ana Geom/Calculus II Ana Geom/Calculus III Differential Equations Music Appreciation

M 153 M 153 M 163 M 237 M 403 MU 250

PHI 101 PHI 105 PHI 106 PHI 110 PHI 115 PHY 201 PHY 202 PHY 221 PHY 222 PHY 223 PSC 201 PSC 215 PSY 201 PSY 203 PSY 208 PSY 212 SOC 101

Intro to Philosophy Intro to Logic Logic II Ethics

Introduction to Sociology

PHIL 301 Elective Elective Elective Elective P 250 & 251 P 252 & 253 P 250 & 251 P 252 & 253 Department Approval PS 201 PS 205 PSY 250 EPSY 250 CD 306 PSY 204 SOC 250

SOC 102 SOC 205 SOC 206 SOC 210

Marriage & Family Social Problems Social Psychology Juvenile Delinquency

SOC 202 SOC 308 Elective SOC 401/CRJ 302

3 3 3 3

SOC 220 SOC 235

Sociology & the Family Thanatology

SOC 202 Elective

3 3

SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201

Elementary Spanish I Elementary Spanish II Intermediate Spanish I Intermediate Spanish II

SPAN 101 SPAN 102 SPAN 201

3 3 3

SPAN 202 S 150/S 250 Elective D 254

3 3 3 3

SPA 202 SPC 205 SPC 210 THE 101

Contemporary Moral Issues

Physics I Physics II University Physics I University Physics II University Physics III American Government State and Local Government

Introduction to Psychology Human & Growth Development

Human Sexuality Abnormal Psychology

Public Speaking Oral Interpretation of Literature

Intro to Theatre

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3