January 14, 2018 EVENING WORSHIP (6:30) Prelude

We extend our sympathies to a number of Carmel Church families; Raelee and Austin, and Jody and LaDonna Franken chicken are needed for the Soup Supper...

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February 11, 2018 MORNING WORSHIP (9:30) Prelude

EVENING WORSHIP (6:30) Prelude Welcome *Hymn of Praise: #86

“The Love of God”



*Christian Greeting

Call to Worship

*Song Leaders:

Ministry in Music: Tory and Kaylee Van Voorst

“Because He Lives” (page 256) “This I Believe (The Creed)”


Congregational Prayer *Hymn: #687 Scripture:

*Christian Greeting Ministry in Music: Cherub Choir Sacrament of Baptism: Nora Jean Heitritter Congregational Prayer

“Standing on the Promises”

1 Samuel 15:1-35

Message: “Rejecting God’s Holy Word” (Part 2) *Hymn: #91

“Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord”

*Benediction Postlude

(*Please stand if you are able)

Offertory (Offering for the General Fund) (Please pass the Guest Registers at this time) *Hymn: #461

“Open My Eyes, That I May See”

Scripture: 1 Samuel 15:1-35 Message: “Rejecting God’s Holy Word” (Part 1) Hymn: #494 “Follow On” (Offering for Mission Projects)

*Benediction Postlude Song sheets for those who are unable to see the screen for the praise team are on the bulletin tables or ask an usher for one.

God told the disciples: “This is my Son. … Listen to him” (Mark 9:7). Welcome to worship, where we pause intentionally to listen to Jesus. Please join us for refreshments in the Fellowship Hall after the morning worship service. Guest Register: During the first offering this morning, please sign and pass the “Guest” Register down the row. Once it reaches the end and members and guests have signed, pass it back to the center. This morning we will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with Nora Jean, daughter of Joe and Kendra Heitritter. May God bless this family richly. Special thanks to the Cherub Choir for their ministry in music this morning; and to Tory and Kaylee Van Voorst for their ministry in music this evening.

TODAY 8:30 a.m.—Praise Service in the chapel. 10:50 a.m.—Sunday School. Mission offering today. Pastor Mike will offer a sermon discussion class in the chapel today. 6:30 p.m.—Jr. RCYF. 6:30 p.m.—Sr. RCYF. Nursery Attendants: Kayla VanWyhe, Alicia Wolfswinkel, Sadie Sandbulte, Brendan Downs (am); Allison Leusink, Elyse Zwart (pm). Greeters: Arlyn Keizer & Shirley Van Voorst, Glenn Lange (am); Nate Maassen (pm). Ushers: Adam N. (M); Pete V. (NE); Chris V.E. (SW). Door Attendant: Wayne. Audio: Russ (am); Warren (pm). Video: Warren (am); Dan (pm). Refreshments: Tom Zwart, Hans Smolders. After Service Greeters: Randy & Dan (M); Pastor Mike (NE); Wally (SW).

Vonk, Nora Bohl, Hannah Smolders. Special Music: Jo Overman (am); Trevor Pieper (pm). Special Offering: Brian and Donna Renes. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Uphold in Prayer Paul McAlpine son of David and Amy is in the Sioux Center Hospital with pneumonia. Rodney Sandbulte returned home from the Sioux Center Hospital. Trish Sandbulte receiving Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer. Scott De Jong receiving Immunotherapy for Melanoma. Praying for our local congregations: This week please be in prayer for God’s blessing for the Bethel Christian Reformed Congregation and Pastor John Lee.


Please help us to help you: When you have an illness, accident, upcoming surgery, birth or death in the family, or other needs, please notify one of the elders or the church office.

Monday, February 12 6:30 p.m.—Elder’s Meeting. Anyone desiring to make profession of their faith may meet with us at 7:00. 8:00 pm.—Consistory Meeting.

Next Sunday, by the grace of God, we will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Any shut-ins or those in the nursing home who would like communion served to them please contact an elder or the church office.

Wednesday, February 14 7:00 p.m.—K-8th LFC 7:00 p.m.—9th & 10th Bible Study 7:00 p.m.—11th & 12th D-Group 7:00 p.m.—“Knowing God” Study

Happy Anniversary to Clarence & Carol Van Voorst who will celebrate their 57th Wedding Anniversary Tuesday, Feb. 13.

NEXT SUNDAY, February 18 Communion. Nursery Attendants: Carol Sandbulte, Caitlynn Fedders, Gabi Luevano, Grace Van Roekel (am); Breena Leusink, Ben Haverhals (pm). Greeters: Nellie Keizer and Marcella Langstraat, John Kleyer (am); Tony Madsen (pm). Ushers: Brad Beukelman (M); Brad Oostra (NE); Matt Smolders (SW). Door Attendant: Evan Van Meeteren. Audio: Gary Sandbulte (am & pm). Video: Laura Van Ravenswaay (am); Warren Vonk (pm). Power Point: Dan Fedders. Refreshments: Adam Nibbelink, Jerry Renes. Cookies: Cheryl Lange, Rachel Van Roekel, Sandi

“Thank you to our Carmel Church family for the cards and prayers for Jackson’s broken collar bone. His healing is coming slowly but surely and we appreciate all the love and prayers!” ~ Rebecca, Delanie and Jackson Roland It’s time to update our phone directory. Please fill out the sheet in your mailbox and help us keep the phone directory up to date. If your information has not changed, please write your name and NO CHANGE on the sheet. Place your filled out sheet in the church office mailbox. Please do so by February 20. If you are a regular attender but not yet a member and would like to be included in our phone directory, please pick up a sheet from the coffee station and fill it out with your information and place it in the church office mailbox.

Pastor Mike will offer a sermon discussion class in the chapel today during the Sunday School hour. The Jr. & Sr. RCYF will be attending Ben Glenn, The Chalk Guy, on Wednesday, February 21, 7:30 p.m. at Western Christian High School in Hull. 7th and 8th grade GEMS and Cadets will not be meeting on that evening. We will meet at Western, but please let Judy Hooyer know if your child needs a ride home. It’s not too early to start thinking about Summer Camp at Inspiration Hills. Registration opened February 1 and some camps fill up fast. Pick up a brochure from the stand by the mailboxes or go to the website: www.inspirationhills.org and check out all the different camps. Remember Carmel Church pays for 1/2 of the registration fee for one camp, per student, per year. Call the church office if you have any questions.

ORDER EASTER LILIES Would you like to donate an Easter Lily/Lilies “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone to help decorate the church for Easter? Stop by the coffee station in the fellowship hall. Fill out a slip and put it, along with $15 per Lily, in an envelope and place it in the box. Make checks payable to Carmel Women’s Ministries. Deadline to order Lilies is FEBRUARY 19.

SPUD NIGHT Wednesday, February 28 Serving from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. The Sr. RCYF will have a Spud Night Fundraiser. They will be serving baked potatoes with all the fixings. A kids meal will also be offered for the little ones. Freewill donation appreciated. Invite your family and friends.

The SHARE group for widows and widowers will meet on Thursday, February 15th at noon at Homestead Commons in Hull. We will enjoy a baked potato bar for lunch. Following our meal, we will watch a deeply impactful Louie Giglio passion talk. Please call Pastor Aaron Deutsch (605-742-4469) or Deanna Tiedeman (712-439-2229) with any questions. The Memory Loss Support Group will be meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 1:00 p.m. at Whispering Heights. This support group is open to anyone who lives with or cares for someone affected by dementia of any kind. For more information, please contact Melinda at 712-476-8214. New members always welcome. Rock Valley MOPS will meet on Wednesday, February 14 from 9-11 a.m. at Trinity CRC Agape Room. Please join us for a time to connect with other moms, faith, encouraging topics, fun crafts, and brunch. Childcare is provided. MOPS is for ALL mothers of children birth through kindergarten. Inspiration Hills Ministry Vision Dinner. February 20, 6:00 p.m. Learn more about the place you love! It is a night of worship, prayer, and vision as we tell ministry stories and seek the wisdom and direction of the Holy Spirit for this year and beyond. Please plan to join us for the FREE event. RSVP by February 13 by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling the office at 712-986-5193 with your name and the number of people attending with you! Boyden First Reformed Church will be a host-site on Friday, February 23, for “Work as Worship”, a one-day retreat made possible through RightNow Media. You can join thousands of business leaders across the country to hear from experts, be encouraged, and discuss how to connect your faith and work. Some of the featured speakers include Patrick Lencioni, NY Times bestselling author; Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor of the Village Church of Dallas, TX; Joel Manby, President and CEO of SeaWorld; Anne Beiler, author and founder of Auntie Annie’s; Phil Vischer, Creator of VeggieTales and many more. For a full list of the speakers you can visit www.workasworshipretreat.org. For more information about this opportunity contact Pastor David Poppen at 507-920-6588 or email him at [email protected].