MA - Sacred Heart Catholic Church

Deficit/Credit $ nla . STEWARDSHIP: SHARING TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE "The community ofbelievers was ofone heart and mind and no one claimed that any ...

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SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JANUARY 14,2018 John was standing with two of his disciples, and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. - Jn 1:35-37

Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 7:30AM 10:00AM Monday, 7:30AM Tuesday, 7:00PM Wednesday, 7:30AM Thursday, 0:00 Friday, 0:00 Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 7:30AM 10:00AM

January 13 Lee Parrella, 1st Anniversary Memorial, requested by her family January 14 For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church Lionel Brutus, 2nd Anniversary Memorial, requested by his wife & children January 15 Martin Luther King Day For the Souls in Purgatory, requested by Tony & Emily Mangini January 16 Ronald Moniz, requested by family January 17 Jeanine O'Connor, Anniversary Memorial, requested by her family January 18 NO MASS January 19 NO MASS January 20 Frances lannuzzo, Anniversary Memorial, requested by her family January 21 For Parishioners of Sacred Herni Church Adriano Fei, Anniversary Memorial, requested family

MEMORIALS The Stained Glass Window will be lit as a Birthday Memorial for Rose Olivo, requested by her family The Blessed Mother Flowers for the week is a Birthday Memori­ al for Alice N. Cooke, requested by her daughters, Noreen & Patricia


Please Pray For...

Paul Caissie, Bud Leaman, Jaxon Za­ more, Sr. Christine McManus, OP, Alfred Bourgeois, Rose Di Salvatore, Sandra Castoldi, Lawrence Beaton, Paul, Jackie Gray, Adam Diorio, Doris Richard, Vanessa Pellegrini, Dianna M, Ro­ sanne Taddeo, Kathleen Lussier, Richard Dacey, June Williams Peterson, Maria Cimino, Father John Sassani, Connie Kennedy, Victoria Huff, Susan Taddeo Murgo, Steve DeBarros, Dema Sweeney, Robert Johnson, Rita LeBlanc, M. LeBlanc, Kevin 8., R.B. & P.B., Michael Weekley, V. H., Connie Kennedy, Erin Brideau, Valerie Hemmer, Lucas Taddeo, Ill, Nicole Bycinia, R.B., John O'Connor, 4th, Marie Woodside, Freda Gautreau, Janice, Shirley, Kyle Shirley, Kiera McMaron, Marlena Cerullo, Maria Mills, Marge Vezeau, A. Dalton, V. Palazzo, Billy T, Kathy W, Linda Ryan, Carol MacKenzie, Philip W. Natale, Jr., Sr. Michelle Sherliza, OP, Marie Consoimagno, Diane Farrell, M.L. O'Brien, Paul Pen-y, Rose Ballo, Ruth Mulligan and all those who are ill or undergoing medical treatment. Additionally, we pray for all those in military service, including Ryan McDonald who is serving abroad. Please keep in your prayers the families of Linda Cole Petros ian, Mm-y Helena Teixeira, Theresa M. (LeBlanc) Poir­ ier and aJl families who are grieving the loss of a loved one.

Readings for the Week of January 14,2018 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-l0, 19/Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9,10 [8a, 9aJ/l Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/Jn 1:35-42 Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21 and 23 123bJIMk 2:18-22 1 Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20, 21-22, 27-28 [21a]/ Tuesday: Mk 2:23-28 1 Sm 17:32-33,37, 40-511Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10 Wednesday: [I]/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Ps 56:2-3, 9-10a, 10b­ 11, 12-13 [5b]/Mk 3:7-12 1 Sm 24:3-21IPs 57:2,3-4,6 and 11 [2aJ/Mk Friday: 3:13-19 2 Sm 1:1-4,11-12,19, 23-27/Ps 80:2-3, 5-71 Saturday: Mk3:20-21 Next Sunday: Jon 3: 1-5, 10IPs 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9 [4aJ/l Cor 7:29-31fMk 1:14-20

Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure The Second Collection this weekend is for Catholic Charities BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASSES Are you a new or expectant parent who desires baptism for the child? Would you like to know more about your future role as a Catholic parent such as: the baptism ceremony and what it means in the life of your child, choosing godparents, handing on the faith to your child and coming to Mass and other aspects of Catholic parenting. We invite you to call and plan to attend a baptism prep­ aration class. For additional information please call Bernadette Scalese at 78] -893-846] .


PARISH NEWS, Continued



Week Ending January 5, 2018 $ 4134.00 Weekly Offeltory On Line Giving (WeShare) $ 1570.27 $ 124.00 Additional Parish Income $ 5828.27 Total Income $ nla Bills paid $ nla Deficit/Credit

PARISH NEWS, Continued


Sacred Heart Church will host a "Pre-Lenten Mission of Renew­ al". The Mission will take place over the course of three days with four performances by Hollywood actor Frank Runyeon. Among his many television performances, Frank Runyeon is best known for his long-running role of Steve Andropoulos opposite STEWARDSHIP: SHARING TIME, TALENT AND

Meg Ryan on CBS "As the World Turns". His acting credits also TREASURE

include; Santa Barbara, General Hospital, Falcon Crest, Melrose "The community ofbelievers was ofone heart and mind and no

Place, All my Children and LA Law. A graduate o/Princeton Uni­ one claimed that any ofhis possessions was his own. " - Acts 4: 32

versity with a degree in religion and masters degree from the All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of

your family, your friends, your talents and abilities - these are all General Theological Seminary, Mr. Runyeon coupled his acting skills with his knowledge ofscripture and love ofthe Lord to cre­ gifts from God. We aren't really owners of anything;

ate his faith inspiring one-man performances that bring scripture we are merely "stewards" of the gifts God has blessed us with.

to life. The four performances will begin on Sunday, February 11, 2018 with a Children 's Performance at 4:00PM and a perfor­ mancefor adults and teens at 7:00PM There will be a third per­ STEWARDSHIP AND THE SUNDAY READINGS formance on Monday, February 12''' at 7:00PM and a final per­ "Speak, for your servant is listening." With those few words Sam­ formance entitled "Faith vs Hollywood ", an informal sharing of uel humbles himself and declares his loyalty and obedience to stories of faith and his personal witness to how the Lord has God. There are perhaps for many of us challenges in those words. worked in his !!fe. Each performance will be uniquely different, Initially Samuel responds "Here I am," but thinks it was Eli who inspiring us in various ways to deepen our faith as we enter the called him . The idea of being a servant and the willingness to season of Lent. There is no cost to attend, however, free-will of­ serve are what may be trials for us in terms of how we live. Samu­ f erings will be gratefitlly accepted at the close ofthe performance. el does not recognize the voice of the Lord. That, too, may be a All are welcome, bring the family and spread the word! Stay problem for us. First we need to be listening. Are we, or are we tuned to the parish bulletin for additional details. merely going through the motions? Responding to God with "Here I am" is a magnificent way to react to God. It is not that God does not know where we are, but saying that can serve as a BRISTOL LODGE MONTHLY DINNER The next Bristol Lodge Dinner will take place on Wednesday reminder to us that we are stewards, servants to Him and it im­ February 3rd at 5:00PM. Please check the sign-up book on the' plies we are prepared to hear what He wants us to do . ':Here 1 am" table at the parking lot entrance of the church for his month's is said numerous times by those in the Old Testament including e~tree. Meal donations may also include salad, vegetables of any Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Isaiah, and by Ananias in the New Testa­ ment. When Jesus says, "Come follow me," as He does to us, do ~md, bread/r.olls, gallons of milk and desserts. Suggested quanti­ we hear Him, and even more important do we respond and do we ties .are servmgs to feed 10-15 people. Suggested quantities are follow? In order to do that properly we have to be prepared to servmgs to feed 10- 15 people. Meal contributions may be serve Him and others. Thus, like Samuel, we need to listen, and dropped off either here at the parish hall kitchen by 4:30PM or directly to the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen at Immanuel Method­ th~n . we need to serve. At a recent papal audience, Pope Francis ist Church, corners of Moody and Cherry Streets by meal time at said , "Love and charity are service, helping others, serving others. 5:00PM. When you forget yourself and think of others, this is love! "

MASS BOOK FOR 2018 MASS ETIQUETTE: LEAVING MASS BEFORE THE FINAL BLESSING The cun'ent Code of Canon Law (No. 1247) says simply, "On Sundays and other Holy Days of Obligation, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass. " (Note that it doesn 't say "part" or "certain parts" of the Mass.) Those who leave Mass before the final blessing not only deprive themselves of the celebrant's bless­ ing, but also disregard the presence of their fellow communicants. Acknowledging the presence of those with whom you have shared in the Celebration Eucharist via a thoughtful greeting, a few kind words or even just a friendly smile can be just the kind of affirma­ tion that can make their day! But even more importantly leaving Mass. early t~kes away the oppOltunity to thank God properly for the gift of hiS son. Many of us were taught that "the priest is the last to enter church and the first to leave." This is still a valid rule of thumb for all the assembly to follow.

There are a few Masses remaining in the Mass Book for 2018. ~hose interested in reserving a Mass intention or liturgical memo­ f1als; flowers, altar bread/wine, candles, church lights or bells should contact the parish office 781-899-0469 during business hours 9AM-3PM Monday-Thursday


The Third Order of Mary meets on the 3 rd Sunday of every month from October through May. Marists are people called to do the work of Mary in Her name and with Her spirit. We are a family of many branches; priests, brothers, sisters, and lay people. Since Vatican II there has been a rediscovery of the role of the laity as evangelizers. The elements of the Marist vocation are' a convic­ tion of a sense of belonging to Mary, a sense of the n~eds of the Church, a sense of the needs of people. If you feel you feel that oW' Mother Mary is calling you , and you might be interested in becoming a member in the Third Order of Mary (a Marist Lay Order) please contact Ed Leblanc at 781-899-6251.

JANUARY 14,2018

PARISH NEWS, Continued

PARISH NEWS, Continued



As we head into the flu season we ask everyone to help us keep one-another healthy by taking the following precautions when coming to worship. - When ill stay at home until fully recovered. Prudence dictates the Sunday Mass obligation, to prevent the possible spread of ill­ ness. - Use verbal greetings/gestured at the "Sign of Peace" during Mass. Appropriate gestures such as a simple bow, nod, wave of the hand etc. are equally respectful while helping to avoid the spread germs and viruses. - Receive the Body of Christ in hand rather than on the tongue. Refrain from taking Communion from the cup when you know/ suspect you are ill. Remember also that you can be contagious before symptoms present themselves. - When coughing or sneezing please follow the recommendations of the CDC by covering your nose/mouth into the fold of your arm. Do not leave your tissues in the pews to avoid subjecting others to germs. - Finally, although the Friars are always happy to greet each one of you after Mass, however, since cold and flu viruses are largely transmitted by hand to hand contact, we kindly ask that you refrain from shaking hands. Let's do our part to keep our Friars and our fellow paJishioners healthy this winter.

We are in need of blankets for the Project Linus Program. If you are interested in knitting or crocheting for Project Linus, please consider this important ministry. Our knitting ministry continues throughout the year, but winter is a great time to hone in on your skills by creating these cuddly security blankets for children. It's also a great way to utilize those half skeins of yam! Blankets dis­ tributed through Project Linus provide support, outreach and care to children who have experienced trauma or who are ill or under­ going medical treatment. For free blanket pattems and information log on to www.Project/ For those who wish to help by making baby caps the Newbom Baby Cap Ministry which pro­ vides caps for infants at Newton Wellesley Hospital. Free patterns for caps can be found at For additional infor­ mation please contact the Knitting Ministry Coordinator, Annma­ rie DeMeo at [email protected].

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY If you enjoy crocheting or knitting, we hope you'll consider be­ coming part of the Prayer Shawl ministry. Prayer Shawls are sim­ ple patters for warm wraps designed for those who are undergoing medical treatment, those who are homebound , and for expectant mothers. Prayer Shawl Ministry mission and pattems can be found at:



Please staJt saving any items you find in your home that you are willing to part with for our spring Rummage Sale extravaganza! Remember we feature a clothing boutique (designer items) and an extensive jewelry line at bargain prices. Please plan on DONAT­ ING and COMING to our April Rummage Sale! We will keep you posted for donation days. If you'd like to volunteer or have any questions -please email: Susan Parrella: [email protected], Kathy Hines: [email protected]

Those who suffer severe gluten allergies significant enough to require special Eucharistic hosts for Mass are reminded that there is a process in which we register those affected by Celiac disease and other severe gluten allergies with the Archdiocese. Once reg­ istered, those in need of the special communion hosts will be con­ tacted by one of the friars and may begin receiving their low­ gluten host on a regular basis. Also, once registered , you will re­ ceive a certificate which you can present when attending liturgical celebrations in churches outside of your home parish on special occasions. To learn more log on to the Archdiocesan web site Bos­ and go to the Office for Worship to read the Pasto­ ral Guidelines for Low-Gluten Hosts.

KEEPING UP WITH PARISH NEWS Following the holidays many parishioners head south for the win­ ter. We are more than happy to mail a copy of the weekly bulletin right to your door! Remember that you can access the parish bulle­ tin online via our web site [email protected]. If you do not have intemet access, we'll be happy to mail you a weekly bulletin upon request. Simply send us your mailing address or self­ addressed business size envelopes and we will be sure to send them to you each week each week.

PRAYER CORNER AND BOOK OF INTENTIONS Do you know someone in need of prayers? The prayer comer of our bulletin gives an opportunity for all the faithful to place those in need of prayer at the center of their hearts and minds and in their ongoing prayer and for those being prayed for to experience the connectedness and comfOJt of the community. To submit the name of a friend, family member or yourself to the prayer corner, please e-mail [email protected]. Please seek approval of the person, whose name you wish to submit prior to submission. Additionally, there is a book of intentions where requests may be entered for intercessory prayer at the Tuesday Novena. The book is located on the table at the parking lot entrance of the church. Please keep aU those requesting prayers in your mind and in your hearts.

FOOD PANTRY NEEDS When doing your weekly grocery shopping please consider adding an item or two each week to help keep our pantry shelves stocked. Most needed items; Cereal, Peanut Butter, Jelly/Jam, canned tuna or chicken, canned meats such as ham or spam, tomato sauce, pas­ ta, rice mixes, instant potatoes, canned meals such as beef stew and soups with added protein of chicken or beef, canned beans or vegetables, Macaroni and Cheese, fruit juices, non-perishable milk products.

AMORIS LAETITA- POPE FRANCIS Chapter Seven: Preparing Couples for Marriage Christian marriage, as a reflection of the union between Christ and his Church, is fully realized in the lmion between a man and a woman who give themselves to each other in a free, faithful and exclusive love, who belong to each other until death and are open to the transmission of life, and are consecrated by the sacrament, which grants them the grace to become a domestic church and a leaven of new life for society. Some forms of union radically contradict this ideal, while others realize it in at least a partial and analogous way . The Synod Fathers stated that the Church does not disregard the constructive elements in those situations which do not yet or no longer correspond to her teaching on malTiage.

JANUARY 14,2018

PARISH NEWS. Continued AMORIS LAETITA- POPE FRANCIS Chapter Seven: Preparing Couples/or Marriage Christian maniage, as a reflection of the union between ChIist and his Church, is fully realized in the union between a man and a woman who give themselves to each other in a free, faithful and exclusive love, who belong to each other until death and are open to the transmission of life, and are consecrated by the sacra­ ment, which grants them the grace to become a domestic church and a leaven of new life for society. Some forms of union radi­ cally contradict this ideal, while others realize it in at least a par­ tial and analogous way. The Synod Fathers stated that the Church does not disregard the constructive elements in those situations which do not yet or no longer correspond to her teach­ ing on marriage.

SOCIETY OF ST. CLARE SOCIETY OF SAINT CLARE The Society of Saint Clare, the women's group of Sacred Heart Parish meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM from September through June. The members of the Society of St. Clare are a fun loving and sociable group of woman with a com­ mon love of Christ and desire to serve their church. The Society of Saint Clare gatherings include friendly conversation and light refreshments while planning upcoming events and enjoying op­ portunities to pray and grow in faith. All women are welcome to attend and bring a friend. For more info, you are welcome to con­ tact Patrice McGregor at 781-373-1371 or: [email protected]



RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHEDULING NOTES Parents of Religious Education students, please mark your calen­ dars with the following important dates pertaining to the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. CONFIRMATION RETREAT Grade 10: Saturday, Jan. 13 th 8:00AM-Sunday, Jan. 14th 8:00PM, (Mandatory Retreat) Sacrament of Confirmation, Saturday, May 5 th at 11 :OOAM First Holy Communion, Saturday, May 1i h at 11 :OOAM

WINTER STORM CANCELLATIONS With winter weather just around the corner we remind you that when in question regarding parish events please stay tuned to lo­ cal networks for the latest storm cancellation updates. Log on to the following websites listed below. WCVB ChannelS closingssignup/index.html WHDH Channel 7 - then click on "Snow Day Alert" WBZ Channel 4 - http://newsletters.cbsboston.comlto sign up for weather alerts Daily Mass attendees are reminded that on days when public schools are closed due to inclement weather, there will be no Mass as well. On Sundays, if weather warrants cancellation of Religious Ed Classes, we caution Mass goers to consider their safety and well-being before going out on snowy or icy roads. When weather doesn't permit safe travel please note that Mass is celebrated Sundays and daily on CatholicTV.



The Knights of Columbus will sponsor a restaurant fundraiser to

benefit the various charities supported by the Knights of Colum­

bus. The fundraiser will take place at Jake and Joes SpOlts Grille

70 Market Place Drive, Waltham on Tuesday, January 23 rd.

11 :30Am until close. Simply present the coupon (available at the

entrances of the church and as an insert on next weekends bulle­

tin) and 20% of your food and beverage order will go toward the

K of C Charities. This offer is good for dine in and take out or­

ders, (not applicable on delivery orders).

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: BE PART OF SOME­ THING SPECIAL! The Knights of Columbus is a brotherhood of Catholic men who, each day, playa part in improving the world around them, one community at a time. They stand together in faith, dedicated to uphold the principals they cherish while lending their support and strength to their parish, home, and one another. The St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council supports a wide variety of programs within the parish as well as throughout the city and the state. Meetings are held on the third Monday of the month at 7:00PM. Membership information and application forms are available at the entrances to the church or contact us at: [email protected].

Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast with Cardinal Sean O'Mal­ ley - Sponsored by Black Catholic MinistTies and St. Katharine Drexel Parish. The gathering will take place at St. Katharine Drexel Parish hall in Dorchester on Monday , Jan. 15 from 9:00AM - 12:00PM. The morning features guest speaker Mimi Jones and the music of the Boston Black Catholic Choir. Tickets are $15.00. For tickets and information contact Phyllis DaSilva Pearson at 617-416-0130 or Damaris Johnson at 617-792-7238.

WITNESS TO LIFE RALLY Thursday, Jan. 18, 7:00PM - 9:00PM at St. Stephen Parish, Fram­ ingham. All are invited to the Witness to Life Rally with Bishop Mark O'Connell, the Catholic band Delmore, prayer and adora­ tion, plus two dynamic pro-life speakers: Sarah Mary Toce (Director of the New England Life and Leadership Project) and Dr. Paul Gondreau, Professor of theology at Providence College, and father of Dominic Gondreau, the young boy with cerebral palsy who was embraced by Pope Francis on Easter Sunday, 2013. For more infonnation on this free event, contact Margaret Wake lee at [email protected].

FIAT Have you ever wondered if God is calling you to be a religious sister? If so, Fiat is for you. Fiat is a discernment group for single women considering a vocation to religious life in the Catholic Church. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 3 J, 20]8 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. at St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine, 1105 Boylston St., Boston. If you are interested in attending, please respond to Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, Delegate for Reli­ gious, [email protected] or call 617-746-5637.

JANUARY 14,2018

AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE, Continued PROJECT RACHEL RETREATS Project Rachel is the post-abortion ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston which offers hope and healing for women suffering from the pain of a past abortion. Project Rachel offers confidential sup­ port, retreats and referrals for Sacramental Reconciliation (Confession). Spring 2018 retreat dates will be March 10, May 5 and June 2. For more information, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3 100 or [email protected].

MARRIA GE AND FAMILY LIFE NEWS CONYALIDATION FOR MARRIED COUPLES Did you know that in many instances when a couple was NOT married in the Catholic Church, their marriage can be blessed and validated in the Catholic Church? Perhaps you had a destination wedding and were married civilly or were married in the church of another Christian denomination. Depending on the circum­ stances, having your marriage convalidated in the Catholic Church can be a relatively simple process with minimal cost. Our Pastor and Pastoral team would be happy to assist you in explor­ ing the process of convalidation. They may also be able to help resolve any underlying circumstances that might have prevented couples from convalidating their marriage in the past. Marriage in the Catholic Church is desirable, not only because of its meaning­ ful rituals and faith traditions , but because of its impact on your life, your family and long-term happiness that comes with a mutu­ al sharing of God ' s love in the context of Catholic Man·iage. Those who are interested may contact Father Dennis at the parish office 781-899-0469.

COMMUNITY NEWS SAINT JUDE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Saint Jude School is dedicated to helping children from Pre-K to Grade 8 become creative thinkers, innovative problem solvers, effective communicators, and emerging leaders - all while guided by the Catholic faith. Visit classrooms and learn about our curric­ ulum at our Open House events: January 28 th from 1 :00-3:00PM, January 30 th from 6:30-7:30PM and on January 31 st from 9:00­ 10:00AM. Saint Jude School is located at 175 Main Street in Wal­ tham . Log on to for additional information. NEIGHBORS WHO CARE Looking for a way to make a difference in someone's life? Neigh­ bors Who Care guarantees that you'll not only brighten someone's day, but you will also make a new friend at the same time! Consider becoming a " Visiting Volunteer" who can assist in a variety of ways including; a friendly visit, assist with grocery shopping, help to schedule appointments or just share conversa­ tion over a cup of coffee. Or you might consider " Driving Ms. (or Mr.) Daisy where volunteers might give someone a ride to a scheduled medical appointment. Not only will you be helping them to stay healthy but you'll also help them to remain engaged and active as you share stories along the way! We also offer activ­ ities such as teas, ice cream socials, and holiday parties for all the clients and their volunteers. If you would like to be part of this wonderful organization phone us today at 781-893-1860 or E­ mail us at

MEMORY CAFE-MAIN STREET JF&CS Memory Cafe offers a welcoming place for people living with memory changes due to Alzheimer ' s, vascular disease, Park­ inson's, or other related conditions. Attendees requiring personal care assistance must bring a care partner with them. There are many new memory cafes in other regions of Massachu­ setts. Please see www .jfcsbostoll. orglMemoryCafeD ir ct rv for a full list. For more infonnation, please contact Beth Soltzberg at bso ltzberg((V, or 781-693-5628. We are located at 1430 Main Street, Waltham.!

WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER " God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that every­ one who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life." Let God amplify and elucidate the love in your marriage by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. The next WWME Weekend is January 19-21 South Kingstown Rl. For more information, call Stephen & Michelle O'Leary at 800-710­ 9963 or visit us at https:llwwmema.orgl.

RETROUV AILLE SUPPORT FOR TROUBLED MARRIAGES Is your marriage tearing you apart? If there is little or no mean­ ingful communication in your marriage, if you are considering separation or divorce, we believe Retrouvaille can help. You are NOT alone! Our peer ministry is led by couples who have lived through the honeymoon phase often followed by deep disillusion­ ment before finally finding reswTection in their maJTiages using the tools taught in this program. Rediscover a loving marriage with a RetrouvailJe weekend. For more information contact John e-mail at and Christine Non·is at (508) 271-7155 or via reh·[email protected]

JANUARY No Religious Education, MLK holiday weekend 18th

311 Club 7:00PM Parish Hall Grade 5 Assist with lOAM Mass RE Classes, Grades Pre-K-5 and High School 9 & 10 Knights of Columbus fund raiser


Franciscan Friars 311 River Street Waltham, MA. 02453 Friar Dennis J. Wheatley O.F.M., Pastor Friar Damian J. Johnson, O.F.M., Pastoral Assistant 1J1t~..,.tl

hether you are introduc ' yourself to u ."

Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:00PM

Sunday: 7:30 & 10:00AM, 6:00PM

Daily: Monday & Wednesday 7:30AM

Tuesday 7:00PM

Parish Secretary, Nannette Dube

Director of Faith Formation, Bernadette Scalese

Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Laura Peterson

Coordinator of Children's Choir, Buddy Bergeron

Coordinator Of Adult Choir,

Lisa Custodinho

Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-3:00PM

Closed on Fridays

Parish Office

Phone: (781) 899-0469 Fax (781) 899-0081

Parish E-Mail: [email protected]

Parish Web Site:

Religious EducationlYouth Ministry Office

Phone: (781) 893-8461 Fax: (781) 893-6276

Religious Education: [email protected]

LIFE TEEN: [email protected]

Food Pantry Hours: Thursday 4:00PM-5:00PM

Parish Council and Finance Council Knights of Columbus St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council #14091 E-Mail: [email protected] Third Order of Mary Third Sunday of the month, October-May in the Blessed Mother Chapel. 311 Club Monthly Drawings: Third Thursdays at 7:30PM

Pastoral care to those who are ill or homebound may be arranged by contacting the parish office. Saturdays 3:00-3:30PM or by appointment

Baptisms take place on the Second Sunday of the

month. Parents are required to attend baptism

preparation class prior to the baptism.

Please make arrangements at least two months in advance Couples planning marriage are asked to contact the parish office and meet with the priest one year prior to the intended wedding and to attend the required marriage preparation program.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

is an ongoing process. Those interested in

exploring the Catholic faith through the RCIA

should contact the religious education office.

Saint Anthony Devotion takes place on Tuesday

evenings immediately following the 7:00PM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration takes pl'ace on First Fridays from 8:00AM-12:00 Noon from October-May If you are a newcomer to the parish we welcome you and invite you to introduce yourself to the Friars. To register please contact the parish office. Deadline for bu/letin announcements is Tuesday at noon.