Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church

Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church 40 Spring Mount Road Schwenksville, PA 19473-1739 Phone 610-287-8156 Fax 610-287-4226

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Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church 40 Spring Mount Road Schwenksville, PA 19473-1739

Phone 610-287-8156  Fax 610-287-4226 January 28, 2018 Saint Mary Parish is a community of Catholics, striving to be an open and caring people, living our faith, spreading God's word, and serving as Jesus' disciples to our families, our parish and our surrounding communities. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month immediately following the Noon Mass. Contact the Parish Office Center to schedule. Sacrament of Marriage: Parishioners must contact the Parish Office Center at least six months prior to the wedding date. Pre-Cana session is required. Sponsor Certificates of Eligibility: Are available at the Parish Office Center. Please request no later than 1 month before sacrament date. Pastoral Care of the Sick: If you know of anyone who is sick, elderly or homebound, please notify the Parish Office Center for arrangements. Adoration: All day, every day in our Chapel. Rosary: The Rosary will be prayed daily before the 9:00 a.m. Mass and on Sundays before the 7:30 a.m. Mass. Divine Mercy Chaplet: Daily after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Divine Mercy Holy Hour: The Thursday before the first Friday of the month from 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Miraculous Medal Novena: Mondays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass New Parishioners: If you have recently moved into our community, welcome! Please call the Parish Office Center to register. Evangelization Resource Center: Saturday before and after 4PM Mass and Sunday 8AM - Noon. Scrip Room Hours: 1st & 3rd Sundays: 8:15AM - Noon; 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays: 9:45AM - Noon.

Parish Staff and Schedule Rev. Louis P. Bellopede Pastor [email protected] Rev. Charles J. McElroy Pastor Emeritus Rev. Brian M. Kean In Residence Deacon Donald O. Nichols Permanent Deacon [email protected] Mrs. Mary Beth O’Connor Business Manager/ [email protected] Director of Operations Mrs. Kathleen Wasniewski Bookkeeping & Purchasing [email protected] Mrs. Sandra Olzinski Administrative Asst to Pastor; [email protected] Parish Secretary Mrs. Anamaria Hazel Coordinator, Religious Education; [email protected] Principal of PREP Mr. Kevin Conwell Principal, Saint Mary School [email protected]

Sunday Mass Schedule Vigil (Saturday evening)  4:00 p.m. Sunday Morning  7:30 a.m. † 9:00 a.m. † 10:30 a.m. † 12:00 p.m.

Weekday Mass Schedule Monday through Saturday  9:00 a.m.

Confession Schedule Saturday  9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. † 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. Parish Office Center Hours Saint Mary School School Office Summer Hours Saint Mary School Website Religious Education (PREP) PREP Classes (Sept. - May) Youth Group (Sept. - May) Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 610-287-7757 Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 610-287-8156 (Day) † 610-287-4517 (Evening) 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Monday or Tuesday Lifeteen: Monday 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Edge: Tuesday 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. Sunday 10:30 a.m. (October - May)

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Monday 9:00 a.m. Tuesday 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Thursday 9:00 a.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.

January 27 James Golie Jr. - Amy & Chris Golie January 28 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Margaret Slane - Ruth Grimes Kathleen Finnegan - Mike Finnegan Living & Deceased Members Saint Mary Parish All Those Enrolled in the Memorial Fund January 29 Weekday The Atonement of Sins - Milagros Baumer January 30 Weekday Elanor S. Godshall - Pat & Jerry Godshall January 31 Saint John Bosco Intentions of Jessica Belkowski - Mary & John McGee February 1 Weekday Intentions of Ronald Shofran’s 70th Birthday Mary Shofran February 2 The Presentation of the Lord Nick Deger - Erica Fox February 3 Saint Blaise and Saint Ansgar Mary Cornely - Pat McMahon John Carter - Bernadette & Jack Walsh February 4 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time Anna Mae Leidy - Michael Parshall Frederic Kehs - Conte Family Carisa Koziol - Bob & Rita Hrynko Living & Deceased Members Saint Mary Parish




LETTER FROM THE PASTOR Dear Parish Family, A WARM WELCOME TO ALL OF OUR PARISHIONERS AND ALL WHO ARE VISITING WITH US TODAY! Please know we are very happy you have decided to worship with us today. You are most welcomed and loved at this special place! If you need any type of service or ministry please do not hesitate to call me or any member of our staff. We are most happy to serve you! 2018 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK: Beginning Sunday, January 28 through February 3 we celebrate our Annual Catholic Schools Week with the theme: LEARN-SERVELEAD-SUCCEED. We are blessed to have our own Saint Mary Catholic School founded in 1961 by the Glen Riddle Franciscans Sisters and now staffed by a dedicated lay faculty. Join us in celebrating Catholic Schools Week here at Saint Mary Catholic School. ASH WEDNESDAY 2018: Ash Wednesday this year falls on Wednesday, February 14 (Valentine's Day). Masses will be offered at 9:00AM, 12:05PM and 7:00PM. Please join us for Holy Mass as we begin this sacred time of the year. Perhaps you would like to join us for our Mardi Gras Night at the Races and Casino on Saturday, February 10, 2018 from 6pm until 11pm. ALL BEFORE LENT! MARDI GRAS NIGHT at the RACES and CASINO: I personally invite every member of our parish family to go to our Parish website and Sponsor several horses, a Race and perhaps the Event. I also invite and encourage you to print out some Sponsor Forms and share them with your friends. This is going to be such a great night. Having Winter Blues? Come to our Mardi Gras Night at the Races and Casino on Saturday, February 10, 2018 from 6pm until 11pm in our Parish Hall. Dinner New Orleans style will be served at 6pm until 7pm. Races and Casino will run from 7pm until 11pm. Bring your friends or take your sweetheart (your Valentine get away) to this fun event as well celebrate Mardi Gras - Saint Mary Style! Tables of 8 or 10 are available! Believe it or not they are going quickly. Please go to our website and get a table and SPONSOR THIS FUN EVENT. OFFERTORY 2018: Happy New Year, everyone! Sad to say, we are falling behind in our weekly collection. May I kindly ask you to increase your sacrificial giving to whatever amount you can afford? Perhaps a $2.00 or $5.00 increase? If you cannot at this time, I understand and I thank you for your weekly sacrifice. If you donate by Electronic Giving, can you please make the proper increase adjustment? Thank you! Please always encourage others to attend Mass with you. Your presence and the presence of others are the greatest Gift to God. SHOE DRIVE: Our parish community is sponsoring a SHOE DRIVE. Saint Basil the Great once said: "The shoes in your closet that you are not wearing belong to someone else". There are so many people without the necessities of daily living. Perhaps you can help these brothers and sisters of ours by providing them a pair of new or lightly used shoes from your closet. Help someone else WALK by providing them foot wear for the journey. Drop of your new or lightly used FOOTWEAR at the ENTRANCE of our CHURCH. Thank you! ANNUAL CENSUS AND PARISH APPEAL: It is not too late to drop off your Annual Census and Parish Appeal at the Parish Office Center (formerly known as The Parish House). Thank you very much!

Margaret Addario, Rowen Aldridge, Kimberly DiPietro Alexander, Kevin Arrell, Barbara Augustine, W. Neil Bauer, Pat Beauchamp, Christina Berkheiser, Michael Boettcher, Marie Bono, Helen Brown, Margaret Bukey, Marge Burghart, Patricia Burkett, Richard Close, John Cooper, Randy Cornell, Peggy Cox, Mary Ann Daly, Leslie DeFrancesco, Marianne DeMartinis, Joseph DePalma, David DiPietro, Jeffrey DiPietro, Tim Dippolito, Louis DiTanna, Loretta Dulin, Beverly Elamma, Faith Embree, Betty Erwin, John P. Fitzpatrick, Donald Friedman, Bill Fries, Kevin Gallagher, Patrick Gardenier, Len Geary, Mary Geary, David Gentner, Mark Giambrone, Mary Rose Giambrone, Michelle Gormley, George Griffin, Stephanie Gulya, Jean Hallman, Fred Hammer, Amy Herkins, Jack Holland, Richard Hood, Carol Hrobak, Joe Jaconski, Catherine Kegelman, Jack Kelly, Ann Kerr, Robert Kindermann, Stephanos P. Kyriakodis, Frank Larkins, Matthew Laverty, Maryann Lepone, Cindy Litzenberger, Doris Marsh, Anthony Martin, Baby Jay Mason, Steve Mason, Joe McGann, Nancy McGoldrick, Joan Mooney, Jay Moyer, Shawn Nolan, Dan & Annamae O’Callaghan, James Penston, Ann Petty, Helene Pileggi, Dottie Pitchelman, Dot Plower, Paul Roy, Dennis Schwartz, Jeff Sernak, Melanie Sevcik, Donna Sharpless, Helen Shekalis, Nick Simeo, Christina Smith, Mary Smyth, Alex Stadtlemaier, Maureen Steinmetz, Donna M. Thompson, Marie Tressler, Katherine M. Veneziano, Bob Wahlgren, Baby Garrett Walker, Jessalynn Walsh, Tricia Warwick, Robert Wilby, Patrick Zampetti If you would like to add someone or remove someone from Have a nice week, everyone! the sick prayer list please contact the Parish Office Center. If you are in need of urgent or emergency prayers for situations that arise unexpectedly, please contact Saint Mary Prayer Warriors at [email protected].

Love and prayers, Father Bellopede









4:00 PM

Fr. Kean

Falconero Lees

F. Freed, Gdonski, Hinson, Matthews, Moyer, Thorp

Lees, J. & T. Wade



7:30 AM

Fr. Kean

Dyer Fox

M. McGeeney, Zandier, Bradbury, Chalmers, Coneghen, Dewees

Szumiloski, Timlin, Vu



9:00 AM

Fr. Kean

E. Robinson W. Robinson

Smart, Kunz, Bakey, Bickel, Dyson, Ford

Reitter, JM & P. Vince

Spirit Choir


10:30 AM

Fr. Bellopede

Busedu Camilleri

Rodzewich, Klisch, Brady, Cornely, Donaghy, Gentner

Ardizzi, L. Barzousky, McElroy

Children’s Choir


12:00 PM

Fr. Bellopede

Black Hazel

Lugo, Plonski, Schnaubelt, Watt, Glackin, Godshall

Wright, B. & TJ Yaglenski










4:00 PM

Fr. Bellopede

Masington McCurdy

S. Freed, Bushey, Gdonski, Grossbauer, Hinson, Matthews

Caiola, F. & L Figg

Youth Choir


7:30 AM

Fr. Bellopede

Paolucci Shollenberger

B. McGeeney, Filippini, Kelly, Kirby, McCloskey, Whitehead

C. & J. Allwein, George



9:00 AM

Fr. Bellopede

Sobel Valvo

O’Donnell, Longua, Bakey, Bickel, Dyson, Forsyth

Antosh, Erwin, Roberge

Folk Music Ministry


10:30 AM

Fr. Kean

Goldberg Martino

Gibson, Pirrall, Rodzewich, Brady, Cornely, Donaghy

J. & N. Bakey, Behrens



12:00 PM

Fr. Kean

John LaGuardia

Klisch, Lugo, Plonski, Schnaubelt, Smart, Watt

Bickel, Cahill, Goetz





CHURCH: The Rose For Life by the statue of Saint Therese is in memory of Mary Smerecki at the request of Joseph Smerecki. The Rose for Resurrection by the statue of Padre Pio is in memory of Mary Smerecki at the request of Joseph Smerecki. The Sanctuary Lamp burning next to our tabernacle is in memory of James Conwell at the request of Karen Cwalina. The Altar Candles burning on the Altar this week are in memory of Agnes Bernardyn at the request of Sharon Bernardyn & Family. The Altar Bread and Wine donated this week is in memory of _____ at the request of _____. The Altar Flowers donated this week are in memory of _____ at the request of _____. CHAPEL: The Vigil Light burning next to an image of our Blessed Mother is in honor of Jacob Hopkins at the request of Susan & Carl Rodzewich. The Sanctuary Lamp burning next to our tabernacle is in memory of Charles & Marie Hussock at the request of the Mudalel Family. The Altar Candles burning on the Altar this week are in memory of James Conwell at the request of Bob & Donna Forsyth. If you are interested in having Memorials in memory or honor of a loved one, please contact the Parish Office Center. Memorials are for one week. Donations: Rose for Life, Rose for Resurrection, Vigil Light are $5, Sanctuary Lamps are $10, Altar Candles are $20, Bread and Wine is $50, Altar Flowers are $175

PRAY FOR THOSE SERVING OUR COUNTRY Albert Joseph Augustine Matthew Bulen David Casas Brian Dunn Blaise Fountaine Tom Gutherman Eric Himmel Matthew Kearney Charles J. Maloney III Jacob McLendon Tim Murray Jackie Perrie William Schweitzer David Sinnk John Walsh Dominic D. Zottoli

Bridgette Augustine Matthew P. Burns Wayne Cherry, Jr. Thomas Fisher Eric Funk Collin Hamel William Ian Holdsworth Alexander Klobusicky Jordan Mares Jonathan Minkler Ryan Nolan Gerard Pettine Lauren Shaw Sharon Hyland Sisbarro John Weaver

Madeline Augustine David Capobianchi Matthew Dager Tim Fitzgerald David Gentner Nick Harris Kyle Houchins Brett R. Karkheck Keith E. Mason Meghan Morton Shawn O’Connor Michael Regan Angela M. Sills Owen Sisbarro Kathleen Winters

Yaphet Blair Brianna Carroll Fr. David A. Daigle Jennifer Foley Jim Gotlewski Tim Harris Michael E. Ingram Gabriel Leone Bobby McCall Danielle Murdoch Kevin K. O’Malley Frank P. Roth Ashley L. Sills Brian Smith Molly Winters

Michael Boehret Kayla Carroll Ryan Decker Matthew Foley Richard Granozio Aaron Hart Kyle Kearney George Lockbaum Timothy R. McGinnis Brian Murray Geoff Ostrowkski Elizabeth Schnaubelt Brian Sinclair David Stoner Joseph Wolf

PARISH NEWS PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION St. Elizabeth Seton received great solace by bringing her sorrows to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and speaking heart to heart with Him there: "How sweet, the presence of Jesus to the longing and harassed soul! He is instant peace and balm to every wound." Open hours: Tues @ 2:00AM & 11:00PM, Wed @ 5:00AM, and Fri @ 2:00AM. Send MaryKatherine an email to [email protected] or call 610-476-4490.

LENTEN WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY Jesus, the Suffering Servant: Part One – Mark 1-8 By: Stephen J. Binz

Mark wrote his Gospel for the persecuted church in Rome. This first half of the Gospel focuses on the question for all disciples, “Who do you say I am?” In his fast-paced gospel, Mark highlights those parts of the tradition that will help the church understand Jesus better and follow him more faithfully. As participants in this study, you will learn that following Jesus requires radical conversion, deep faith in Him, and constant readiness for the coming of God’s kingdom. Please consider joining us for this 8-week study. Two sessions will be offered on Thursdays from 10-11:30 A.M. or 7-8:30 P.M. beginning February 22, 2018. Please contact Linda Nichols at 215-256-4941 or [email protected] by February 15th to register. There will be a nominal fee for the study guide.

CONDOLENCES…. The Saint Mary Parish Community extends prayerful condolences to the family and friends of Margaret Carfagno whose Funeral Mass was celebrated by Father Louis P. Bellopede on Saturday, January 27th at 11:00am

FORMED.ORG - A VALUABLE CATHOLIC RESOURCE! The bustle of the Christmas season is past and most likely New Year’s resolutions are forgotten. Resolve again to make this year different; take time for quiet in your life to better hear God’s voice. Restless Heart Find it in WATCH: Movies/Saints of History The Power of Silence: Against the Dictatorship of Noise. Find it in READ: Non-fiction/Current Topics Registering is easy - just go to and complete the registration information. Questions on how to use this service? Contact Anamaria at 610-287-8156. We hope you enjoy this free subscription!

$80K $60K $40K $20K

ANNUAL APPEAL Saint Mary Annual Appeal is used OUR GOAL for Parish needs that are not $100,000 covered in our operating budget. This year’s appeal goal is $100,000 and will be used for ANNUAL campus paving and the feasibility APPEAL study for the repair of our church PROGRESS roof and structure. Please help us $59,328.23 reach our goal by returning your census form and appeal donation to the Parish Office Center. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

MARDI GRAS NIGHT AT THE RACES & CASINO Our big Mardi Gras Night at the Races and Casino event will be here before you know it and we need your help in order to make this event a success! Do you own a business or know someone who does? There are many sponsorship and underwriting opportunities available with advertising during and after the event. Purchase your own horse and if it wins, you receive $50 real cash. Deadline to have your information in the event program is January 26th. Please go to our parish website and click on the Night at the Races icon to see all the different ways you can help. Questions? Contact Matt & Corinne Dougherty at [email protected].

SCHOOL NEWS CELEBRATING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK 2018 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Sun., Jan. 28th: Opening Mass 10:30am Open House 11:30am-2:00pm Mon., Jan. 29th: Parent Career Presentations Tue., Jan. 30th: Color Dress Down Day Bus Driver Appreciation Student Council Bingo Wed., Jan. 31st: Pajama Dress Down Day Movie Day Thur., Feb. 1st: Spirit Dress Down Day Religion Bee Fri., Feb. 2nd: Closing Mass 9:00am with Student of the month award Talent Show 1:45pm and 7:00pm PROSPECTIVE FAMILY OPEN HOUSE We invite all families who may be interested in our Agnus Dei Academy (PreK 3 & 4 Division) or Saint Mary Catholic School (K-8 Division) to our Open House on Sunday, January 28th from 11:30am to 2:00pm. “Come and See” all that Saint Mary has to offer! 4-004

Saint Vincent de Paul Grocery List

FINANCIAL FACTS Collection for January 21, 2018 Week 30 Weekend Collection (Weekly Offering Envelopes) Target Needed for the 17-18 Fiscal Year…….. $1,000,500.00 Weekly Target Needed for 17-18 Fiscal Year….. $19,240.00 Collection for Weekend of January 21.......….. $18,348.41 Electronic Funds Transfer (Parish Giving)……... $3,141.49 Over (Under) Target............................................. $2,249.90

Shopping this week? Can you pick up a few items from the list below and donate them to Saint Vincent de Paul? They can be dropped off during the week in any vestibule of the Church or on the first Sunday of the month in the Hall!

Hands Together Capital Campaign (Blue Envelope) Target Needed for the 17-18 Fiscal Year…….. $96,512.00 Weekly Target Needed ………………………… $1,856.00 Collection for Weekend of January 21............. $2,187.58 Over (Under) Target............................................. $331.58 Catholic Education Center Mortgage: Balance as of November 30, 2017.....…….…... $1,561,199.43 December Principal Payment….......…...…….. $7,768.95 Balance as of December 30, 2017…….....…… $1,553,430.48 Next Monthly Principal Due January 30, 2018

Cereal, Grain, Snacks

Canned Food, Soups

Whole Grain Pasta

Tomato Sauce

Instant Potatoes/Rice

Hearty Soups


Canned Fruits

Snacks/Dessert Mixes

Pudding cups

Paper, Cleaning



Body Wash

Bathroom/Toilet Cleaners


Dish Soap/Clorox


All Purpose Cleaners

Toothbrush, Toothpaste

Special Need

Total Collected To Date...................................... $509,679.73 Total Envelopes Mailed........................................ 939 Total Envelopes Used........................................... 290

We have several families in need of a car, van or SUV, inspected and in good running condition. For more information, or if you or someone you know are able to help, please call Mary Cosgrove at 610-287-6552.

Parish Debt (Gold Envelope) Debt……………………………………………... $742,871.15 Debt Reduction (Gold Envelope)……………….. $309.00 New Debt Total…………………………………. $742,562.15

Client Needs

All of our parishioners are invited to use our new option of electronic funds transfer by logging onto our website and clicking ‘PARISH GIVING’.

PLANNED GIVING: All parishioners and friends of Saint Mary Church are kindly asked to include Saint Mary Parish in their will and estate planning. We kindly thank you in advance for remembering this great community of faith in your will so its mission and ministry may continue in the years ahead.

NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS METANOIA FOR YOUNG ADULTS Metanoia is an active community of Catholic young adults in their 20s and 30s who are looking to deepen their faith and meet fellow Catholics in the area. Our ministry includes: Theology on Tap, faith based meetings, community service, retreats, and outdoor events. Our upcoming events are: Friday, February 2: Movie Night (Wr eck It Ralph) @ Mar y, Mother of the Redeemer Parish, North Wales; 7:30 pm Tuesday, February 13: Bible Study @ St. Rose of Lima, North Wales @ 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 20: Theology on Tap @ Appalachian Brewing Co., Collegeville; Doors open at 7:00pm, Speaker: Megan Mastroianni Tuesday, February 27: Holy Hour @ Mar y, Mother of the Redeemer Parish, North Wales; 7:30pm



Adult Female Diapers, size large.

Metal bed frame & slats for #157 twin size bed

#173 Hoodie, size adult medium

Goodnites pull ups, size s/m #181 for girl, Protein drinks

#187 Girl’s clothes; size 10-12

Diapers, sizes Newborn, 1, 5 and 6

The monies collected in the poor boxes throughout Saint Mary Church go directly to the Saint Vincent de Paul Society to assist their clients who are in need.

LIFE MINISTRIES Saint Mary Parish is committed to the promotion and sanctity of all Human Life from the first moment of conception until natural death. Let us together as a parish community stand up and speak boldly for every person born and unborn. Rachel’s Vineyard: 1-800-395-HELP(4357) Helpline for Abortion Recovery: 1-866-482-LIFE(5433) Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 Domestic Abuse: 1-866-Safe-014 Pregnancy Hotline: 1 (800) 712-HELP

Don’t let sexual violence silence you. Healing can start with a call. Visit or call 1-888-800-8780. SENSATIONAL SOUL CRUISERS LIVE IN CONCERT! Our Lady of Peace Parish presents the "SENSATIONAL SOUL CRUISERS", coming APRIL 28th, 2018. Dance down memory lane with your family and friends. The concert takes place at Nelson Hall, Notre Dame de Lourdes School, 990 Fairview Road, Swarthmore, from 7:00 to 11:00 pm. Tables can be reserved. Tickets are $35 per person. Call the OLP Rectory 610-328-9330 or Debbie Hanna 215-520-2097 for tickets.